BolshevismCapitalismFranceGPUHitlerIV InternationalImperialismLeninSocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSWorkers MovementWorking ClassWorld War

MINNEAPOLIS, Minn demand for mili to see any measurable difference between the tary training under the control of the trade Maloney amendment and the Burke Wadsworth capitalist class would permit under no circumstances.
unions is the working class answer to the Burke bill. Both would place the workers and the youth Write to us lell us what going on in your part of the Wadsworth bill that is given by The Northwest under the heel of the reactionary military clique.
The Mexico City press estiOrganizer, official organ of the Minneapolis Outside, the building is draped on our movement?
labor movement what are the workers thinking about? tell Whether you get recruits by compulsion or by a Strength mates as between 60, 000 and us what the bosses are up to and the men and the local copsTeamsters Joint Council (central body of ten high pressured propaganda campaign is a se in black and red. Banners stretch comrades! We ll meet all the Hell 100. 000 to be the number of those and the Stalinists send us that story the capitalist press didn teamsters locals. condary matter.
print and that story they buried or distorted our pages are open The demand, voiced in a big front page edi The pacifist opposition to conseription is even we mourn the loss of our com: to the last ounce of our strength. spects to Trotsky last Wednesmore contemptible. Your run of the mill pacifist The whole points for the populace ing for us let us lesser men not the casket during the period the to you. Letters must carry name and address, but indicate if you torial in the teamsters weekly of August 22, dedo not want your name printed.
nounces the Maloney amendment as no better is a featherbrain who will accept all the horrors a damning finger at the Stalinists be afraid to die. We must weld body was lying in state.
than the Burke Wadsworth bill, and deelares its of capitalism except this final and greatest hor national headquarters, half a block our ranks into the sharpest and Mexican custom provides a We warmly appreciate the irreconcilable hostility to corralling the workers many letters we have received. brush that blocks down mowing user inte en ros honorinding Dear Comrades, into the regular army, where they will be treated balks. He hesitates to take the final step. At progress for the Memorial Mass the man dead taking turns in standing on the death of Trotsky. We hardly know how to start this like cattle by the military clique and by the the last moment he usually endorses the war, Meeting another issue of the kind from the path of progress! guard at the casket. Peasants, welcome all letters and will letter, as this is the saddest day Plattsburg trained employers and lawyers. These telling his deluded followers the war represents Appent is under way; and grimly. Let us hope that not yet not workers, women of the people, publish them during the forth in all my life, the death of our officers have no more regard for the lives of the some holy cause, some high sounding and fake and solemnly, the work of the yet. will Trotsky pass away in bearing credentials (of organiza coming weeks as soon as space party goes forward.
comrade and brother Leon Trot workers in the army than in the factory.
to the ranks of our deathless tions) or spontaneously, gathered permits Editors.
sky. Stalin GPU will not stop It Big Business insists that the masses be Pacifism is a bankrupt philosophy in our momartyrs. Their ranks are full yesterday at the funeral agency deeper thanks than we can enough: we want him alive and where the casket was, in order at Trotsky death but will keer taught the military arts, we propose that the dern world. Any union man who has ever been express was earned by the branch with us who still breathe life! to stand guard before the cofLetter from on the trail of every revolutionary fighter there is under the sun.
trade union movement be given control of the through a strike can tell you this. There isn a es which chose last week to pay If he dies it will be one more fin, reports LA PRENSA of Class War Prisoner The black hand of the GPU hangs military training of the workers.
union that could last one year if it adopted a heavily on their accounts. If, in light passing away from ts, leav Mexico City.
Entitled Some Plain Words on Conscription. pacifist attitude towards the finks and thugs and the face of events this extraordiing our too dark sphere of earth (A full account of the funAs the years went by the num. over the heads of every Trotskyite, the text of the Northwest Organizer editorial on strike breakers sent against it by the employers. narily good work went unhailed, still darker. It will take years! eral in Mexico City, which folber of victims of Stalin CPU but with 15 years of schooling un Your typical pacifist is always hyper critical of it did succeed in making the and decades of striking the flint lowed on Thursday, will appear mounted. Some were merely shot der the teaching of comrade Trot military training reads as follows: out of hand in the dark dungeons sky we will know how to take The American Federation of Labor, the Con the use of force by a union in defense of the lives paper virtually self supporting for in our movement to produce in next week APPEAL. One of his prisons.
Others met the care of ourselves and build the gress of Industrial Organizations, the indepen and living standards of its members; he is willing the week. In the crucial hours another.
account of the funeral, a dis.
movement, same fate after a show of legal revolutionary and dent railroad brotherhoods, the Farmers Union to look the other way while the employers or sum previously car marked for the patch from Mexico to THE ty. and st:ll others were just bring Socialism to power.
ganize their force against the workers.
BOSTON, Aug. 22 The new DAY, appears on page of and many unemployed organizations have united Appeal subsidy, helping toward of the Old Man death was a ter.
murdered by his gang of agents this issue: Trotsky Last Fortunately pacifism has almost no followers expenses in Coyoacan, San Franrible blow to all the comrades March. in opposing the Burke Wadsworth bill which throughout the world. There reJOHN BOULDS mained Trotsky, the one man the would compel workers to join the army. With few in the United States today, a very good augur clsco, Boston, Detroit, Flint here. Every comrade was in Kremlin tycoon feared above all Aug. 22nd, 1940, exceptions, the toilers of this nation have indi for the realism and the future of the American every one of the many dollars the same state of mind and one of us must and will work else. Attempts were made again Pientywood, Mont.
cated their opposition to compulsory military people. Too many people recall how the pacifist sent in counted for ten in our couidn talk. But we must go ten times harder than in the past and again on the life of him. They conscription under a war machine dominated by crowd in the First World War turned yellow and hands when most needed.
forward, as the Old Man said. for the victory for the Fourth Inall failed.
anti labor interests.
sold out their followers to the War for DeOver our bleaching bones the ternational.
TO NATALIA TROTSKY: Now, finally, the bloody hands The letters received in this of truth will conquer.
If we understand labor objection to the mocracy waged under President Woodrow fice day after day reflected the We, the pressers of Locat 60. Burke Wadsworth bill and we believe we un.
of the GPU have reached their Wilson The determination of the party victim and stilled forever the International Ladies Garment derstand it very clearly it is based on several feeling throughout the party: HUTCHINSON, Kansas, Aug, was best evidenced in the special Labor Answer To Conscription CLEVELAND, Aug. 21 24 The fever of apprehension orders for the memorial edition voice and the pen of Trotsky. Workers Union, grieve with you Stalin has finally crowned his at the brutal burder of your be considerations.
What answer CAN organized labor give to Caught in the middle of a busi the sickening feeling that the both of the Appeal. 20, 000 papers career with this foul murder. In loved Leon Trotsky by Stalin Military Training Not The Issue the insistence of Big Business that the inan ness letter, this literature agent tom has dropped out of everything reached the public during the deed his pact with Hitler is now GPU agents. We mourn the loss It is not the idea of military training itself power of this nation be conscripted for the war strength to finish this letter. My that the Old Man is gone well in the lead. The current issue cemented in blood.
of a great man, a great workers machine?
father has just barged into my it been tough going. Just that will probably reach an equal num. am in prison. am subject leader, a man who inspired the that is objectionable to labor. No worker would Pacifism is no answer.
room with the paper with the short message which the National ber of workers, from early indito rules and regulations. can hearts of downtrodden and exploit be opposed to understanding the furthest reachThe Maloney amendment is a meaningless headline telling of this latest at Office sent us concerning contem cations in branch letters. This not say or write as please. Hence od men and women throughout the es of the military art.
It is partly the idea of taking this training and cynical gesture. cannot express myself adequa. world. Although we did not see tack on Leon Trotsky this time plated arrangements for the mem Lime the torch seems to be passtely on anything. can only eye to eye with Trotsky on many under the heel of a notoriously anti democratic frank recognition of the truth reveals that with an ax. Is this the beginning orial helped a lot. It holstered ing to the Middle West and the state my hopes that some day a questions, we were always consci and anti union military clique that labor obat present organized labor is neither strongly of a terrible Hell breaking loose the feeling that each and every West Coast.
way will be found to unite the ous of his genius, honesty and jects to.
enough organized nor of a mind to abolish or revolutionary movement through working class sincerity. May his Millions of toilers further sense that the war stop the war machine. But American lal por IS When that day frent spirit and monumental work for which they will be trained to fight will be a well enough organized to protect the interests comes Stalin, and all that wateh be a source of consolation to you, war that is definitely not in their interests, a cf the worker in the army, just as we protect he represents, his gang of mer. Mrs. Trotsky, in the moment of the workers in their jobs.
cenary killers, his machine of your great sorrow, We know only war that is not fought for any higher ideal than We oppose corralling the workers into the ruthless repression, it will all be too well that when the name of the that of profiting Big Business and the munition regular army, where they will be treated like swept away. Let us hearken to murderer of the Kremlin will be makers.
the voices of his countless victime forgotten, Trotsky name will be Further, every worker of draft age has an cattle by the military clique and by the Plattscalling from the dismal dungeons revered and honored.
active dislike of being forced in the army to burg trained employers and lawyers. These of of the living dead; let us remem.
MEMBERS OF DRESS work for 30 a month, leaving his family to the ficers have no more regard for the lives of the ber those whose voice he stilled By FARRELL DOBBS workers in the army than in the factory.
trade mion program. Their pro but relies instead upon the Was PRESSERS UNION not at all tender mercies of the relief authorities.
lay murder, and let us strive for If Big Business insists that the masses be There is general agreement posal is for a national conference ner Act to maintain the best posthe day of unity.
LOCAL 60, Beware Pacifist Illusions!
taught the military arts, we propose that the among the officers and members of leaders of government indussible somblance of collective bars Fraternally yours, New York, It might be pleasant to assure our readers, trade union movement be given control of the Committee that a vigorous organ The workers would be glad to ange congmt gees in these plants gaining. There are union grievJOHN SODERBERG Sent by the group of workers that with Washington confronting the solid opmilitary training of the workers, ization drive is needed. The big find a solution to their pressing which are given some de facto Sing Sing Prison who were in the union hall when position of organized labor, the uñeroployed and We want to see union men trained in the mili question is, how shall it be con problems without being forced recognition by the management.
Ossining, the news of Trotsky death came) a large section of the farmers, there is little tary arts, not in the bosses way, not for the deducted. Many in the ranks con into strike action. Strikes are they get what they can by negochance that Congress will pass the Burke Wads fense of the interests of American imperialism, tend that an immediate fight for not a pleasant thing. However, tiations, and in some cases, il worth bill.
but in the union way, for the defense of the the hour day at hour pay the steel workers will fight if the company agrees, by arbitraBut this is a time for plain speaking, and we workers homes and lives and jobs against enes necessary to show the unor necessary, and fight hard. The tion. The workers are told hy JUST OUT!
cannot allow our readers to harbor any illusions. mies at home and abroad. We want to see the canized steel workers that the question is, what price peace? the union leaders that the NLRB Despite the mass opposition to the Burke workers trained in the military arts under their swoc means business. The lead. They are not for peace at any is thetr big stick.
Wadsworth bill, it must be clear to all but a own union officials, whom they can control and the union can effectively fight This, in general, is not a very The SWOC leadership has aban impressive state of affairs. Dehandful of pacifist blockheads that some sort of trust, at government expense.
for this demand until it is more doned to all practical intents and spite these shortcomings the By FELIX MORROW compulsory military training is going to be in We believe that just as the unions serve to completely organized purposes idea of strike strug. SwoC has made gains for it sisted upon by Big Business. To protect and ex protect the workers in peaceful times, so they The leadership understands, ele since the defeat in Little Steel members. The union has saved 16 PAGES Cents per Copy tend their profits and their foreign markets, the cannot shirk the responsibility of aiming to pro nevertheless, that it must show Strike action has been used since the jobs of many workers and financial and industrial rulers of the United tect their members in times of war.
some fight if the union is to make that time in few cases: then only it can he said that the presence Just the pamphlet you want to give to workers to States are demanding and will obtain from a ser Some of our readers may believe it is their any gains whatever. This is evt for very limited purposes and of the swOC in the industry has explain what wrong with the Burke Wadsworth vile Congress compulsory conscription. Because patriotic duty to join the army and fight when just launched with considerable Labor Relations Board has become steel worker, whether or not he bill, what wrong with the AFL CIO answer to the denced by the official campaien gingerly handled. The National resulted in some benefits for every industry is preparing for military aggression in and where and for whatever they are told to fanfare agaiost the Bethlehem the white hope of the union. Rell is a member of the union.
bill, and what kind of military training the labor the near future on a world scale.
Nevmovement should fight for training program fight for. Others may believe that the war will Steel Corporation.
ance on the government to the erthless, the situation of the steel Big Business needs compulsory military trainThe announcement last week almost complete exclusion of trade workers is not good.
under the control of the trade unions.
not be in the interests of the common people.
ing, if not to implement a policy of immediate Some of us may oppose, others applaud, the by Bethlehem Steel Corporation union action has been the off Technological change continues intervention in the present war in Europe, to aid the Burke Wadsworth bill. All such differences that it was raising wages to a cial policy for the past, three to take its toll among them. The their plans to organize the Western Hemisphere can be discussed within the trade union move62. cents hour minimum is an years. The results of this pro revolution in production methods The first order for the pamphlet is from the Newark under the domination of Wall Street and to ad ment.
encouraging sign that a vigorous gram are not very impressive. in steel is creating an entirely branch five thousand copies! How many will your vance their interests in the Far East.
But as union men in the brotherhood of labor this company into line. Undoubt the United States Steel corpora worker. Three years of expert union campaign would soon push The union has contracts with new set of problems for the steel branch take?
We have scant sympathy for either the paci we can certainly all agree that it is infinitely edly the corporation made this antion and quite a number of small ence have already shown that BUNDLE ORDERS fist opposition or the Congressional opposition better for our own unions to control military nouncement to offset the union companies. The national leader neither the National Labor Rela 50 per hundred 10. 50 per thousand to the Burke Wadsworth bill.
training, at government expense, than it is to drive launched just previously ship is very cautious about creations Board for general unemOrder from The opposition in Congress revolves around place ourselves at the mercy of the reactionary The announced objectives in ing strained relations with anyployment conferences can be rethe Maloney amendment which proposes that army staff.
this drive are: of these companies. They are lied upon to meet the needs of PIONEER PUBLISHERS voluntary enlistment be tried until January 1, Confronted with the certain prospect of uni(1) Recognition of the right wensy about the possible out the day.
116 University Place 1941; if enough volunteers fail to appear, Ma versal compulsory military training within a to organize. 2) The daily come. Grievances are pressed by The steel workers must depend loney and his friends are quite prepared to plunk very short period, any sensible worker will much of basic hourly rates: Bonus loent lodge leaders, but the na as the primary weapon in their minimum wage. 3) Guarantee the un on membership and the upon their own organized strength New York, for compulsory enlistment.
prefer to take such training under the direction system reform. 5) Elimination tional officers frequently put on struggle against the corporations.
If ever there was a swindle, this is it. We fail of his own union.
of staggered work week. 6) the brakes, mination of the so called learn They must be well organized to There are no contracts with the win this fight. The swOC must 22 er rate. 7) written, signed Little Steel corporations. Exist conduct a campaign to bring the contract governmental To win these demands would principally the Walsh Healey Act, union ranks.
legislation unorganized workers into the Abstract arguments mean to bring considerable gains is used by the SwOC as the base won do this job. It is necessary FLINT, Mich. The General New Speedup Trick hired in at the AC plant, had of sit downs.
defense blarney, and by govern to the Bethlehem workers. It in these companies for minimum to show them union in action.
Motors Corporation, taking its In the AC Spark Plug plant here, been working under such a This campaign to force double men. jobs and appointments.
be noted, however, that conditions as to wages and hours. Three years of dependence upon It has been announced that the the program 18 very vague as to The union does not have direct substitutes for trade union action the St. Louis convention of the talyerfective means in achieving clambered up on top of it in an ers is only the beginning, a taste. Ac Spark Plug plant will in all the objectives regarding hours of recognition by these corporations, is enough and more than enough.
VAW CIO, has begun a speed up a break neck speed up. Several hun effort to repair it. to keep the of what is coming. Wart me prod. probability manufacture hundreds work. It is, in essence, a move campaign in the name of pat. Cred new men have been hired line going. to get out produc uction has not yet begun in auto of thousands of machine guns, calculated to bring this openly riotism which, however, threat in the last three weeks. These tion. His coordination was none They are only making preliminary that Bulek is already busy on ant union company up to the app ens to blow the lid off the seeth are not hired from among the un too good, and he slipped. His tests. educational orders for tanks. proximate level of condit! ons in ing discontent in the plants.
employed former auto workers.
youthful body dropped into a tub And the UAW Leaders? Other plants also will begin to those steel concerns where the SWOC has greater strength.
BOOKS and PAMPHLETS In the Buick division in Flint, They are hired through a local of cyanide, The first thought on his mind What will the UAW leadership work full blast on war soods.
PROGRAM DOESN SOLVE eral Motors, relentless step placing its young graduates, 18 was not his own danger, but his down the workingen standard trouble will inevitably break ont WORKERS MAIN PROBLEMS By LEON TROTSKY ping up of the production lines is and 19 years old, in jobs.
job, the first he had had for Every day pressure on the unfon in Flint. When it does it will The Stalinist School of Falsification 50 326 pages resulting in stormy plant and de: These youngsters, with no ex. years. He climbed out of the cya: tops is increased. both from have to be in spite of the UAW towards direct trade unton action The Third International After Lenin 50 partment meetings angry de perience in a plant with no nide his body burning, and the side of the house, and from leaders, and will of necessity bring to force a solution of the grave problems of unemployment and Lessons of October cloth. 75 125 pages the of rod first aidcrying out Will that they paper Demands Are Clear. 50 mean lose my job? It wasn countenance no strikes, will allow which are confronting the steel Whither France cloth leadership is trying its best to send, are easy marks for the com 75 160 pages placate and quiet the member pany speed up artists.
my fault. Will lose my job? proluction step ups for national an abolition of the speed up, and still hoping against hope that a These new leaders will demand workers. The union leaders are paper ship, but above all doing nothing Many Accidents Result In a few minutes he died.
In Defense of the Soviet Union. 10 defense. The workers want ae the employment of the tens of way can be found to avoid an to bring matters to a head. The moment these high school speed up, the young high school fight against the corporation will workers it an increase in prod. They look to the government to In addition to this suic. daltfon settling of the grievances, a thousands of unemployed auto open fight with the corporation War and the Fourth International Foremen rush up and down the kids hit the belt line they are Stake My Life 24 pages lines, under orders from higher siven to understand that if the GM wase, 65 cents an hour. no the Frankensteens listen to the mand strict observation of senfor. union action.
kids are put to work at the lowest these leaders, the Reuthers and uction is needed. They will de give them a substitute for trade Stalinism and Bolshevism 32 pages ups driving the men: Put it up don get out production they will matter what work they are doing workers, whom they are supposed ity, which is now being ignored Forty six local lodges introduc Leon Sedov (In memory of his son). 10 32 pages a few notches men. show your be fired summarily They work patriotism! It is easily imagined their heads off. every day the Trouble Brewing In Combination. All for 00 ORDER FROM: whose last ounce of energy is taut, arms ache, backs are break experiences under. The speed. us hired modhine podre playing by for the 30 hour week at 40 hours vention proposing tonight for the pay, for strict classification of hour day at hour pay. The sweated out over the machines, ing. Under this strain. inexperi said, You can see trouble brew. The auto workers are learning jobs and pay: for more efficient officials answered that they were PIONEER PUBLISHERS 116 UNIVERSITY PLACE while the billionaire corporation enced workers are especially open ing. you can see it on the faces their first lessons. They will soon safety devices; and, in a word, pressing for a broad national proNEW YORK, owners in auto refuse government to slips, accidents and mangling of ihe men, you can sense it in have to search for new leadership for a policy of struggle to defend gram to solve the problem of orders until they are assured suf by the maxe of machines. the air. One of these days there for militants, who are not fooled the working conditions and living technological unemployment. They clently juicy profits.
This week a youngster, just is going to be a regular epidemic and bought out by the national standards of the auto workers. did not mean a broad national Labor Answer To Conscription General Motors Speed Up Is Patriotism ing 357 pages 50 40 pages 34 pages. 10. 05. 10