AnarchismAndrés NinBolshevik PartyBolshevismBujarinCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyFranceGPUIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarKamenevLeninLeninismMarxismSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinTrotskyTrotskyismURSSWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassZinoviev

AUGUST 24, 1940 SOCIALIST APPEAL Leon Trotsky Lives On In Our Program; Ours Is Now The Task To Fight Fight For Its For Its Realization Death Follows Farewell, Leon Trotsky Brutal Attack Stalin Murders Form Long Roll Now The Biography Of Trotsky Is Part Of World History There are no woords in which we can say our farewell to Leon Trot.
sky, man and revolutionist.
But we reproduce here the words Trotsky found to say on the Assassin Says They Had Threatened day he learned of the death of Lenin in 1924, a day of loss equalled in irreplaceability only by the day the terrible words: Trotsky is dead To Kill His Mother If He Failed crashed in their turn upon us.
The names of Lenin and Trotsky are inseparably associated in (Continued from Page 1)
the history of the great October Revolution. Today the words of fate.
After reporting Monrod first alibi, that the attack came well penned by the one are the words of our farewell to the other.
in the midst of a political quarrel. Nunez dismissed it by saying. He premeditated the attack on Trotsky, for he went to Lenin is no more. These words crashed rades? Shall we not wander now that Trotsky home with the pick concealed under his raincoat and upon our intelligence like a gigantic rock Lenin is no longer with us? No. Leninism also carrying a revolver and a poniard (dagger. falling into the sea. How can we believe remains. Lenin is immortal in his doctrine.
it, how can we admit it? The mind of the his work method, his example which Other Methods Failed workers of the whole world will refuse to live in us, which live in the party he creataccept this fact, for their enemies are ed, and in the first workers state of which Stalin GPU undoubtedly resorted to the desperate device powerful and dangerous, the road before he was the head and the helmsman.
of compelling cne of its creatures to kill Trotsky without much them long and painful, the task they have Our grief is as immense as our loss; chance of the assailant escaping, when it became clear that a reundertaken immense the greatest that but let us lend a thanks to history for alpetition of the May 24 attempt could not succeed. All weak history has ever known, and not yet com lowing us to be born as contemporaries of chinks in the fortifications of the house had been taken care of pleted. Lenin is necessary to the working Lenin and permitting us to work by his since May 24. Even an army could succeed only by laying long classes of the world as perhaps never in side and be his disciples. Our party is siege. Hence the method used by Monrod.
the history of humanity has a man been Leninism in action; our party is the colnecessary.
lective guide of the workers; everyone of Leon Trotsky and his lifelong comrade and companion, Natalia Sedov Trotsky The limitless power of the GPU over its creatures was inThe second phase of his illness, more us contains something in him of Lenin.
ditated when the assassin cried out, as the guards seized him serious than the first, had lasted for ten How shall we mareh forward in our path?
after the attack: months. In the bitter expression of the docWith the light of Leninism in our hand. They made me do it. Otherwise they would have killed my tors, the organs of circulation were play Shall we find the true road? By collective mother.
ing all the time. It was a terrible game, thought and the collective will we shall No amount of questioning afterward would get him to re with the life of Ilyich is plaything. We had find it.
veal the whereabouts of his mother. He had recovered his poise reason to expect an improvement, and even Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next and proceeded to act out the part assigned him by the GPU. complete restoration, as much as we could Week, in a month time, we shall still be a catastrophe. All of us were expecting re saying to ourselves that it is impossible With the murder of Trotsky.
of its best militants.
To justify Stalin crime, he had been instructed to say that covery, but it was the catastrophe which that Lenin is no more. Yes, his death will Joseph Stalin has completed his he broke with Trotsky when the latter asked him to go to The names of Berneri and Bar supervened. The nerve centers controlling for long still seem to us unbelievable, in program for the systematic exter bieri, anarchists, Andres Nin, of Russia to commit acts of sabotage. thoroughly preposterous his respiration refused to serve any longer admissable, monstrous, arbitrary, unnaturmination of the entire group of the POUM, Mare Rein, son of the alibi, for every person with the slightest understanding of Marxand extinguished the flame of that titanic al. Let the wound which opened in the heart leading figures, who, with and Second International leader Abraist politics knows that such methods are alien to Trotsky and thought.
of everyone of us, at the memory of the movich, Kurt Landau, Austrian around Lenin, stood at the head militant, adorn this roster. Mou.
of the Bolshevik Party at the time the Fourth International. But Stalin arsenal is reduced to such And now Ilyich is no more. The party great man who has disappeared, recall conlin, leader of the Spanish Fourth of the 1917 revolution in Russia.
flimsy arguments and to the assassin weapon.
is an orphan. The working class is an or stantly to us that our responsibility has Trotsky was the last survivor, Internationalists, was done away phan. That is what one feels before every.
been doubled, let us be worthy of him who except for Stalin, of the Central with in 1937. Irwin Wolf, formtaught us. In our mourning let us close our Was Long Prepared thing else, on learning of the death of him Committee of the Bolshevik Party er secretary to Trotsky, was kidranks and hearts for new combats. Com elected in the year of the revolu.
napped in Barcelona in Septemwho was our teacher and our guide. How Undoubtedly but one of many plots simultaneously being rades, Lenin is no longer with us. Fare. tion. All the others were either ber, that same year, and has can we go forward along our path, com well, Ilyich, Farewell, leader.
carried forward by the GPU against Trotsky life, this one had murdered or otherwise put out of never been heard from since.
the way by Stalin and the mons.
Reiss and Klement been even longer in preparation than the May 24 attempt. In trous the In 1937 Ignace Reiss, GPU the latter, participants confessed, direct preparations began some secret police upon which he built foreign agent, broke with Stalin, five months before the attempt. In the final attempt, preparations his power.
reaffirmed his devotion to the began as long as two years ago.
Murder Trials workers revolution, and solidar.
ized with the Fourth InternationIt was then that Jacques Monrod managed an introduction In a series of fantastic trials al. On Sept. 4, 1937, his bulletin Paris to some Americans visiting there who had connections staged in August 1936, January riddled body was thrown from a with the Trotskyist movement. He played the oldest game of The life of Leon Trotsky spilt in the Party, adhered to the ensky and indicted for reading 1987an March 1938, Stalin 18LEON SEDOV car near Lausanne, Switzerland.
all: pretended attachment to a girl. He followed her to the written into the history of nearly Mensheviks.
Swiss and French police later es United States, arriving here shortly after the outbreak of the 50 years filled with world trans revolution, in 1905, he advanced freed through pressure from the prominent of Lenin collabora and disappeared. Trotsky last tablished the guilt of known Even prior to the the insurrection. but was shortly satixed his murder of the most tors, among them Gregory Zino son, Leon Sedov, his friend and GPU assassins, one of whom, war. He himself was careful not to come in direct contact in the forming events. The story of his his own and today particularly Petersburg proletariat. After the life is part and parcel of the noteworthy theory United States with the organized Trotskyist movement. He rethe perma Petersburg Soviet went over to viev, Nikolai Bukharin. Ka coworker, died suddenly in a Rossi, later went to Mexico served all his chances of escaping detection for one try in Mexico. tions. In 1995 and 1917 and este ested this results are elly in August Klement, secretary of story of the three Russian revolu. nent revolution, in which he as the Bolsheviks, he was elected menev, Rykow Pyatakow. and Paris hospital on Feb. 15, 1988, Chairman and in this capacity Christian Rakovsky, Simultane under suspicious circumstances the Fourth International, was There, through his American wife, he secured the oppor tremendous events that have since tion of 1905 must pass directly details rarely made. his Standing tunity to become acquainted with the Trotsky household by oc taken place.
Around the life of this titanic the first of the national revolu member of the Central Committee publie, Stalin disposed of scores less and legless body was fshed casional visits, Undoubtedly the information he gathered made figure in the history of man stions; he defended his theory in of the Communist Party of the of thousands of the best militante sure, refused to investigate.
Trotsky himself was hounded from the Seine.
easier the work of the assassins band of May 24. When that struggle for liberation, Stalin and the newspaper Nachalo, the cen Soviet Union since 1917: member of the revolutionary generation of To this list Stalin in May this failed Monrod was compelled by his superiots in the GPU to his fournalistic and professional trat organ of the Menshevik cat se he Council noge poopia necomes the Bolshevik Party. In addition out of refuge in France and again do the job himself.
hacks tried with total lack of tion published during November, missars: Commissar of Foreign unknown thousands of his own out of Norway under the open year added the name of Sheldon success to weave web of lies and December, 1905, in Petersburg Affairs up to the signing of the added to the Hat of those struck lin on those two countries. Ini murdered at the time of the un minions whom he feared were and public pressure of the Krem Harte, the young guard brutally falsifications. The living Trotsky After the arrest of Khrustalov. Brest Treaty, then People Comeword. Toche entire general state Mexico, Stalin political hirelings successful assault on Trotsky Came With Weapons towerod ever far above his mis. Nussar, he was elected Chairman missar of War.
erable would be traducers.
of the Red Army and Navy, the tried to force his expulsion again home. And now, his crowning With his weapons concealed under his clothes, he went to Trotsky who has now entered into Workers Deputies. Arrested to organized and red the Red Aroky entire industrial and trade ad but failed. His summen there achievement, the name of Trotsky patio near the chicken yard, where he told Trotsky he had writ will tower shisher as the mittee on December 3, 1905, he 22. He formed the Lett Oppost the governments of the various in this year ea band of Stalin But all the blood shed by this ten an article on which he wished advice.
heavy pressure of events bring was sent into life exile toob. tion to fight Stalin in 1998He Soviet Republics, and literally cunmen stormed the Trotsky home super Mafia has not succeeded and thousands will not succeed in exorcising Trotsky then invited Jackson into his study but without home to greater and greater mass dorsk, but escaped en route and was expelled from the party by were swept into the darkness of machine gun bullets. He and his the specter that still haunts the es everywhere the revolutionary emigrated abroad.
Stalin in 1927 and exiled to Alma CPU dungeons, never again to companion Nathalia escaped as by Kremlin and the cowering dicta previously notifying his secretaries. The first indication of some lessons of which he was so great Joins Bolsheviks Ala in 1928 and to Turkey in emerge.
a miracle.
tor who lives there. He has done thing wrong was the sound of terrible cries and a violent struggle a teacher.
Lenin Summary Trotsky chose Vienna to live 1929. Then his odyssey led him Stalin had made the mistake Trotsky predicted a new attempt away with Trotsky, He cannot in Trotsky study. The two secretary guards who were closest immediately left their posts and rushed to the dining room next political biography appeared as a circulated in Russia. He broke in Mexico, in 1940, Stalin as to leave the country in 1928. the precautions it did come with succinct summary of Trotsky labor newspaper, Pravda, to be 1935, and to Mexico in 1936. And of permitting Trotsky himself would soon come and despite all do away with Trotskisin.
the fatal results we know. Only to Trotsky study, note to the first edition of Lenin with the Mensheviks and attempt sassin finally took his life. In the years before Stalin as Here they met Trotsky coming from his study with blood Collected Works, in Volume XIV, ed to form a group outside of all sassins finally reached the exited Nathalia is left now for Stalin DRAFTED MEN KEEP leader, Stalin satisfied his venge assassins to seek out.
SENIORITY UNDER streaming from his face. One of the guards Joe Hansen im part 2, pp. 181 483, published by factions; however, during the facTrotsky Last Work ful lust by hounding the memmediately overpowered the assassin, felling him with a blow. the State Publishing House in tional struggle abroad he made Other Murders NEW CONTRACT MANIFESTO OF THE bers of Trotsky family to their Stalin use of hired assassing The other, Harold Robbins, helped Trotsky to recline on the Moscow in 1921. Here in these a block with the Menshevike and deaths, one after another.
few itnes, edited under the sharp the Vyperod group against the floor of the dining room.
ST. PAUL, Minn Warehouse has not been by any means conFOURTH INTERNATIONAL gye of Lenin himself, were the block between Lenin and Plekha Family Destroyed on the fined to Trotsky alone. Outside Employees Union members will Apparently the assassin had hoped that Trotsky would drop answers to all the lies and falsi nov who fought the liquidators.
IMPERIALIST WAR Trotsky daughter, Nina, deni of the Soviet Union during the last retain their seniority standing unconscious under the first blow from behind with the pick axe. fications concocted in later years from the very beginning of the ed medical care, died of tubercu four years Stalin GPU has car and receive leaves of absence from and the losis in Moscow in June. 1928. ried out a whole series of political their jobs for the duration of their Instead Trotsky had struggled as he received repeated blows on by the usurpers and betrayers of imperialist war he took clear his head and throat.
cut internationalist positionpar PROLETARIAN REVOLUTION persecution of her father and her lutionary militants of the Fourth rider which the unton in Her sister Zinaida was driven by murders and kidnappings of revo military service, it was established Trotsky born 1881 ticipated in the publication of 48 pages cents per copyself to take her own life in Ber International and of other soc sisted on adding to the general Trotsky thought that first blow had been a bullet. As he (1879. active in the workers cir. Nashe Slovo, in Paris, and adherOrder from cles in the city of Nikolayev; ined to Zimmerwald.
lay on the floor he told Joe Hansen: Jackson shot me with a 1898 exiled to Siberia; soon after lin in January, 1933. Their broth. tions of the labor movement which contract just signed with the em. Deported from France, he PIONEER PUBLISHERS er Sergel, who shunned politics opposed the designs of Stalin. In ployers committee revolver. am seriously wounded. feel that this time it is the escaped abroad and participated went to the United States. On The union, an afiliate of the 116 University Place and contented himself with the Spain Stalin GPU gunmen fast end.
in the Iskra. Delegate from the his return from there after the Brotherhood of New York City life of a scientific worker. was ened themselves like leeches to International Siberian League at the Second Feoruary Revolution, he was ar arrested by Stalin in 1937, accused the struggling body of the Span Teamsters, recognized that during Joe Hansen tried to convince him that it was only a sur Congress of the Party. After the rested by the government of Kerof poisoning workers wholesale, ish revolution and drew the blood the last war the returning sol.
diers were thrown into the streets face wound and that it could not have been a revolver. Trotsky jobless, and this time they are would not be convinced. No, he told Joe. feel here (pointing determined that they will have to his heart) that this time they succeeded.
jobs when they get back.
The union has gone on record several times against the war, His Final Concern calling it commercial and economic one, and calling on the But not on that fact did Trotsky dwell in those last minutes workers everywhere to fight of consciousness left to him. Not on Stalin success in murderagainst the war because it does ing him, but on what must now be done by those whom he called not benefit the workery. By adding this rider to the contract, the upon to carry on the banner of the Fourth International.
union does not sanction the war.
At the hospital he asked Joe Hansen if he had a notebook It simply recognizes that the war may soon involve the American so that he could jot down precisely a declaration. Two things workers, and the workers should were in it. The indictment: am close to death from the blow be protected as best possible.
of a political assassin. And the conclusion: Please say to our friends am sure of the victory of the Fourth International.
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WANTED Living room. bed.
That was just before he lost consciousness. When he did. He room furniture. See Lerner, never regained it. Thereby his declaration became his last words. City oiftoe.
We can be sure that he would have wished it that way. If there were to be no more words, then let the last ones be the Join the Socialist words of a fighter exhorting those who come after to continue the fight. For that was Leon Trotsky, Trotsky with Lenin and Kamenev in the Days of the Civil War Trotsky addressing the Third Congress of the Comintern Workers Party FU