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LABOR ANSWER TO CONSCRIPTION. New Pamphlet By FELIX MORROW (The following chapter is taken from a pamphlet which will be published this week, for mass distribution, to be sold at cents a copy. Socialist Appeal TRADE UNION WAGES ON DRAFT DEBATE IS SHAM!
وو Senatorial Opponents Are Yelling For New AW Executive Reflects Capitalist Army No Place For Lewis. Hillman Split in CIO Workers Military Training Why The Government Wants Conscription ALL DEFENSE WORK!
The light minded way in which the AFL and CIO offcialdom have agreed to support the conscription measure as Official Weekly Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International soon as enlistments don work shows that the trade union movement has failed to understand the fundamental meaning of the Burke Wadsworth conscription bill. If the workers did VOL. IV No. 33.
NEW YORK, SATURDAY, AUGUST 17, 1940 FIVE (5) CENTS understand, they would never permit their leaders under any circumstances to support conscription.
Why is the conscription bill introduced at this time, and with the backing of the government, the dominant sections of the two capitalist parties, and of the capitalist class generally? Neither Lewis nor Green attempt to answer this fundamental question.
About three years ago, the present chairman of the Senate Military Affairs Committee, then ambitiously aspiring to reach the post he now occupies, got a brilliant idea. Thought Senator Sheppard: why not enact into law some of the provisions of the Day plans? Forthwith, together with his friend Congress May, he drew and introduced the notorious Sheppard May Bill.
Senator Sheppard represents Texas, thanks to the help of a poll tax law and a Jim Crow system whereby the black and many white workers and farmers have no vote. He is therefore not very sensitive to the problem of not offending 66 the masses. But other Senators have that problem. Finally an informal committee took Sheppard aside and told him the facts of life. He and May were arousing opposition to the Day plans by their crude insistence on enacting them into law at that time. Why do that when laws like that are not OHIO UNIONS yet needed? Sheppard and May saw the light. They retired their bill into the background.
CLASH OVER The moral of this story is that the hard headed and coldwho have now united in advocating immediate executiontie AUTO PLANT the main Day plan, conscription, know just what they are ST. LOUIS, Mo. August As the fifth con ers in the union. Their numerous alliances and doing. They have thought this thing through with about as vention of the United Auto Workers closed here vote getting deals collapsed the day after the We Are For Military Training But Only much emotion as an adding machine. They need conscription Fight Between CIO tonight, it had become quite clear that the union signing of the Stalin Hitler pact.
Under the Control of the Trade Unions now and they therefore demand a law far more frightful than leadership has divided, taking sides in the sharp Today, they are bearing the full brunt of the that which they correctly called Sheppard and May fools for And AFL Pleases ening conflict developing between Sidney Hill pressure of capitalist propaganda inside the trying to get in 1937. Because then they didn need it and Toledo Bosses man and John Lewis.
union, but bearing also the hatred, mistrust and now they do.
Walter Reuther, Ex Stalinist fellow traveller.
The first days of Senate debate on the conscription bill have opposition of all genuine militants.
When a demagogue like Senator Wheeler calls the conex Socialist Party member, has now become the Isolated on the floor of the convention, with already demonstrated that if the workers depend on the antiscription proposal a product of war hysteria. he is lying, official spokesman inside the auto union for Hill out any real influence on the basic decisions of conscriptionists to save them from service in the army, they TOLEDO, Ohio Belated reperand he knows he is lying. He knows the gentlemen who have cussions of the old Homer Mar. man and his policies. He has in the past few union, they are today more isolated than ever might as well pack their bags and get ready to be called.
before on the International Executive Board.
tin fight in the Auto Workers months conferred many times with Millman in commanded the passage of conscription, and he knows they The anti conscriptionists have spent their time trying to are not hysterical; they are too calculating a crew for that.
Union, plus the tragic division in Washington, has been appropriately rewarded Their full Slown election campaign to put prove that by voluntary enlistment they can get as many men the American labor movement, with a post in the new Defense Council setup Travis on the Board as the Toledo Regional Di into the army as by conscription. And if enlistment doesn work.
When a hypocrite like Senator Vandenberg says that conhas bloomed into a minor civil and was the cheering squad captain for Hillmani rector failed miserably. Out of a total of 17 they are ready to support the conscription measure quickly scription is unnecessary. he is only throwing sand in the war here.
and for Roosevelt during the convention sessions, board members, the Stalinists are reduced to enough. All the anti conscriptionists are supporting the Maeyes of the masses. Unnecessary for the workers and farmers The AFL Central Labor Union, Grouped around Reuther are at least seven two supporters, Michner of the West Coast, and loney amendment, providing for automatic use of conscription who would be the victims of conscription? Of course! But a with the aid of the bosses or eight other board members, thịs giving Leo La Motte of Detroit, and rather chicken by January if enlistments prove insufficient by then.
desperate necessity for American capitalism and its political of the City Auto Stamp. Reuther the largest single bloc of votes, on the hearted supporters, at that. Both voted for the This same reactionary bilge is being spouted by John agents.
ing Co. and city officials, mo new Executive Board elected by the St. Louis Roosevelt resolution on the last Board. bilized hundreds of Building convention.
Lewis and William Green. An army of 1, 500, 000 can be raised Why We Oppose The Bill trades by the American way of en not make the government put up members armed with The Lewis men on the Executive Board are Intermediate Groupings Disappear Conscription, like the gigantic arms program already hammers and other improved krouped sound Richard Frankensteen After the The St. Tbilis evention further retented the doubt he ll be the most energement to enable the working class listment, swears Green, and no the necessary funds and equip weapons and prevented members Stalin Hitler pact; the Stalinist machine began voted, is called for at this time by the capitalist class because of the CIO UAW from entering crumbling. The unprincipled opportunistic vote mediato political groupings in the union. The tic recruiting sergeant to raise of this country to learn all there it is preparing for military aggression in the near future on the plant during a jurisdictional grabbing machine that the Communist Party had a world scale.
Lovestoneites are of course nowhere on the scene it. Likewise John Lewis calls is to know about military mato fight between the AFL and CIO organized got out of its creator control, until The question whether German imperialism, having conTheir smelly alliance with Homer Martin has for shorter enlistment terms ters? Why should a trade union quered Europe, can or cannot attack the United States has About 25 30 CIO workers have today it has come into the hands of a loose finished them forever in the Auto Union. The and increase the pay of the leader soe so solicitous about the just been laid off from the plant, grouping of Lewis men, with the Stalinists de Norman Thomas Socialists, who considered them army at least until it equals a lot of money?
fact that such training will cost nothing to do with the real issue. The very existence of one for a period of 30 days as a finitely pushed into the background.
selves a force a year ago, are now out of the that of the boys in the CCC great imperialist power in the modern world is an attack on measure of company intimida picture. All of their leading people have forgot camps 30 a month and NOT IN THEIR ARMY the others. The United States, as an imperialist power having tion, since the CIO has elected Differences Still Unclear ten about radicalism or Socialism or even plain then the necessary manpower fails to touch the real objection Lewis semi pacifist clap trap its foundations throughout the world, is attacked anywhere not to engage in what might Both the Reuther and Frankensteen groups militant trade unionism in their scramble for jobs will be forthcoming.
a rival power attempts to seize a market, a piece of territory, prove to be be a very bloody fight voted at the St. Louis convention to support and their seeking for respectability. Norman The imperialist role for which which is that it is a scheme to to the Burke Wadsworth bill.
between union men.
or a sphere of influence. The very existence of two imperialist Roosevelt for a third term. Both groups are in Thomas boys are all lined up Sehind Roosevelt. this army will be used and the put the young workers into the During the Homer Martin the favor of giving support to the Du Pont Morgan powers in this capitalist world means that they attack each tion fight in the UAW, the City National Defense Council. Both groups are Victor Reuther, the radient of the Reuther fact that this army will be run Straitjacket of a capitalist army, other and hence must settle the issue from time to time by Auto Stamping local entered the riding the bandwagon of the Wall Street war family, took the lead in opposing the fight for under the same viciously anti to deliver them into the hands the 30 Hour Week at 40 Hours Pay. Emil Muzey, labor set up as all capitalist of bourgeois officers who will war. That is why war is inevitable under the capitalist system. AFL. This was largely due to machine.
the reaction of these workers to The conscription measure is, therefore, a result of the President of the Briggs local didn do anything: armies are run of this nobody have the power of life and death the vicious policies of the Stalin They are divided merely in the kind of sup just kept his mouth shut, except to make a few in Congress or in the AFL and over them. Lewis enlistment pro very nature of American imperialism. John Lewis puts the ist wing of the UAW leadership port they wish to give to Roosevelt. The Lewis meaningless innocuous motions. He thought he CIN leadership says one word.
cart before the horse when he says (in his speech at the Auto posal would do just what the of that time.
men think that Hillman is selling too cheap, and would get on the Board that way, but Leo La tries to find some sympathizing On the contrary, John Lewis Burke Wadsworth bill does.
Union convention) that by that act (conscription) our Conthey go along with Lewis in trying to get an Motto beat him out. Joe Ditzel, Norman ears among prosperous taxpay. Burke Wadsworth bill, the AFC Instead of whining about the gress is planting the seeds of destruction of democracy and is Most Workers Indifferent extra few crumbs from the administration. On Thomas bright light of Toledo in former days. ers by whining that conscription and CIO leadership should be de paving the way for the rise of a new imperialistic nation with Since then the cio, now the all major issues in the Auto Union the two brought in as Chairman of the Resolutions Com means to train our millions of manding passage of a Labor bi dominant union in auto, has had in the confines of the No, Brother Lewis, the seeds groups have voted solidly together.
mittee the proposal to unconditionally support young men in the arts of war at to provide universal, compulsory the opportunity to regain the lo of destruction are already planted, they were planted before cal by demonstrating a fighting Thomas and George Addes were both Roosevelt for a Third Term. Nordstrom, Chair the public expense.
military training UNDER THE the last World War, when the United States was already an progressive policy in the interests reelected to their respective posts as President man of the Constitutional Committee, a former and Secretary Treasurer of the Union, by acWORKERS NEED TRAINING DIRECTION AND CONTROL imperialistic nation. Because they are imperialists by their of the workers. But the do nothWisconsin Socialist, brought in and pushed across lead ing, indifferent policy o What is wrong with training OF THE TRADE UNIONS.
very being, the American imperialists want conscription.
clamation at the convention. Both of them have the infamous subversive clause amendment to millions of young workers in the The AFL and CIO Teadership ership. a mere duplicate of that attempted to steer a middle course between the the union constitution.
Precisely for that reason the workers must fight against of the AFL officials, led the work. Hillman and Lewis groups in the CIO, as well arts of war? Nothing! We would weren worried about public exThings are thus clearing up in the Auto like nothing better than to see pense when they supported the conscription by the capitalists not only when it is unnecesers to apathy. Most of the work as in their own union, and to keep the friend sary but also when it is necessary. Because it is never neUnion. In place of the welter and confusion of every trade unionist in the coun huge armament program already ers in the plant are indifferent ship of both groups.
dozens of different groups and political tenden try become an expert in the mili voted by Congress. Let them cessary for the workers. Any war undertaken by the capitalto the outcome of the battle, seecies, there is arising a clear cut division. On the tary arts. In a world dominated now raise a demand that the ist government of the United States will be an imperialist ing no difference in the union Stalinists Decimated one side is the present union administration, try by militarism and war the work material be put into the hands of war, undeserving of the support of the working class.
program of both groups.
The Stalinists, who two years ago, and even ing to uphold the status quo. On the other side ing class must become adept in the labor movement to equip Because they fail to answer as we do the question why The local AFL reactionaries as late as the Cleveland Convention. were is a still small but determined group of union the arts of war unless it wants training camps to be run by the to be the slaves of those who trade unions. Military appropriathe capitalist class now seeks conscription, the clo and AFL are gloating over their costly vie major power in the UAW, are today on the de. militants who are fighting to lift the union out are skilled in military matters. tions? Yes Sut only for the es.
fail to put up a consistent, fundamental fight against the contory, costly to the workers them cline. Their machine is only a fraction of its of its stagnation.
And what, Brother Lewis. istablishment and cquipment of scription bill.
selves. They boast that the Build former self. They lost many rank and file memSee detailed auto convention story on wrong with training the workers such workers controlled military To our analysis, Lewis might retort: You are a Marxist, bers as well as a whole group of secondary leading Trades workers sacrificed page of this issue. at the public expense. Why camps!
a revolutionary socialist, interested in overthrowing capital over 250, 000 in lost pay to go AGAINST ALL ARMY BILLS ism. am not. Therefore we cannot agree on one approach on the jurisdictional picket line The reactionary consequences to conscription.
and goon squads. The prestige of of voting for armament bills proVery well, then, let us examine the conscription measure the UAW. CIO here has been viding equipment for the capitalist from a Simon pure trade union point of view. Even from struck a heavy blow as a result army was graphically that limited outlook Lewis and Green fail to criticise the brought out in the Senate debate of the capitulation of the leaders BUENOS AIRES, Argentina, commerce; this to establish what American peoples under the pre understanding them and, even when Senator Lucas mockingly Burke Wadsworth bill deeply enough.
to this attack. They could only Aug. (by airmail. The Roosevelt has called economic text of repressing subversive more, with indifference. They see asked the anti conscriptionisti pasa inane resolutions and full greatest conference in the his defense. fifth column activities.
Why Unionists Should Oppose The Bill them solely as reunions of gov. Senator Danaher: why had Sennale behind closed doors. tory of Pan Americanism ac3. Concerted measures to be Perhaps the most glaring example of the superficiality of Prudence made it advisable ernments governments which ator Danaher voted in favor of cording to the correspondents. planned and taken to destroy the that the military plans for con resolutions which are adopted cquipment for the army and now Bosses Victory are as distant from them as the billions of dollars for defense AFL and CIO criticism of the bill is their complete failure has just closed at Havana, hav. Nazi fifth cclumn. the instru tinental defense. which include to explain to their members the meaning of that provision in The bosses, of course, have woning been according to the same ment of penetration in Latin the ceding of air and naval stal appear abstract and far away. would not vote it the necessary the bill which empowers the president to exempt from imme. diate service those men whose work in industry is found to up this fatal division with the diplomatic victory in justify exemption. These exemptions are to be determined connivance of the AFL leaders. Hull career. To assure commercial imperialism to go on to take mili do not believe in the genuineness helpless have succeeded in smashing for As seen from Buenos Aires. and financial penetration by tary possession of Latin Ameri sf the friendship of the United there was no answer. He who under such regulations as he may prescribe.
have scarcely arrived at the tions for the army must.
Green and Lewis know exactly what that means. For the ly the results obtained at Inter American Bank, advance the conference point of penetrating into the sigly, vote also for the manpower in the plant, plus the fact that Havana: ment of credits by the Export But nevertheless one can annificance of the U. moves and that goes with the armament.
regulations in question are not a matter for future elaboration by Roosevelt: they have been in writing since 1926 when they have penalized the best union The road is prepared to and Import Bank, the purchase ticipate that this will be the trying to combat them.
The conscriptionists have all principal theme of the next conthese anti conscriptionists over fighters.
they were drawn up by the Joint Army and Navy Selective seize the European colonies in of surpluses, etc.
ference which we can expect. The main struggle here a barrel with that argument.
An appeal to the National la the Western Hemisphere; that is Creation of a regional unwill reveal still further progress tinues, each time more acute, betService Committee to await just such a moment as this.
That why the labor movement bor Relations Board is being made the purpose of the so called De: derstanding, virtually a League in the importance and audacity ween the pro English and Why weren they put in the conscription bill, in place of by the Cto. while the AFL lead. claration of Havana. which of American Nations, which pure: of the proposals which will be German camps of the hourgeoi endorsements of army armament the blanket power given to the president to prescribe the regusic. The atmosphere is propitious Wills by the AFL and CIO leader ers, who can find a dime for a lations? Because if those regulations were part of the bill, fight against the bosses, continue States Congress.
cent resolution of the United tary alliance that drags our made by the United States.
for Wall Street to continue its ship.
countries behind the United Workers Indifferent millions of workers wbo are now not thinking too much about moves calmly. Nothing is lacking to rook their membership for a The only military appropriathe bill one way or the otber, would be aroused to an underMeanwhile, the Argentine for it. The democratic press tions the labor movement should Elimination of the perspec States into the coming war with bigger and better war chest to tive of a renewal of German Germany and Japan.
standing of what a reactionary anti labor weapon it is.
working class, and believe that of the continent repeats endless vote for are those providing the destroy all unionism by thefr sur commerce in Latin America, Coordination of police meth could also be said for the South ly, the better to convince its pub trade unions with funds and The Joint Army and Navy Selective Service Committee cidal onslaught og industrial which (prior to the war) had be ods to repress the national li American workers in general. lic, that the United States is go: equipment to launch Labor owa (Continued on page 3)
come a serious adversary of beration movements of the Latin watch these conferences without ing to defend us from Nazism. military training camps!
US Imperialism Made Gains at Havana