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AUGUST 10, 1940 SOCIALIST APPEAL David Lasser Batista, Aided By His Stalinist Lackeys Didn Know Gets Himself Elected Cuba President It Was Loaded Profit Demand.
Holds Up Arms Program has Appeasement Likely Until War Machine Is Ready HAVANA, Cuba. July 30 (by It is composed, first of all. of The Cuban Revolutionary Par. November, Batista understood custody various officials accused ma. In many years there have the Liberal Party, the old party Ly is without doubt the largest that he could now win only by of compulsion, did not receive the not been elections more scandal of the dictator Machado and headvarty in Cuba, tor the manu EC strong arm methods. Last Novem least respect.
With his big blue eyes slightly misty and a ous, more fraudulent and violented by the same accomplices of his tion of the workers and peasants ber was defeated by a slight In the face of this crude mas.
Our so called liberal press has apparently tear or two rolling down every once and so often than those of July 14 for prest dictatorship who had to flee from Pupport it. Despite the workers margin and that with nothing placed a taboo on an attempt to explain and unon his typewriter, little David Lasser is telling dent, vice president, senators, rep. Cuba in August. 1933.
element, however, it is a very like the popular interest that the querade, Grau San Martin and his derstand what happened in France.
associates have behaved cowardly his sad story (at so much per article) in the resentatives, governors and may Conse: The Democratic Party of ex. heterogenous party. Its leader present elections had.
and miserably. They have done The revelation of widespread corruption and New York Post and other newspapers.
president Menocal was in the op ship is typically petty bourgeois quently his preparatory campaign practically nothing. On the other salotage and treason in high places in that He was only an innocent boy away from home The elections of January, 1936. position until the elections for the and demagogic. Tts prosram is of violence, compulsion and fraud hand, among the people is to be country is passed off as something peculiarly and he didn see the man with the black mouswhen Miguel Gomez was elect. Constituent Assembly, when it a mixture of pseudo anti imperts commenced months before the noted a deep discontent, and we French and, as such, not fit for close examination ed president, and the Congres joined Batista because he offered alist reforms, with a chauvinistie July elections.
tache putting that powder in the beer.
can predict that Batista will not sional elections of March, 1938, Menocal the vice presidency and nationalism concretized in its Cuor, God forbid, for comparison with the situation Although Batista ostensibly re govern a happy and contented Anyway, little David swears he hadn the were purely masquerades of the a large number senatorships. Da for the Cubans slogan. Its tired from the army, he continued people. in the words of Blas here in the United States.
faintest idea what was happening. He looked out dictator Batista, which the publicit represents the interests of the popularity is due to the that to be its real chief. The army Roca, Stalinist leader.
Except, of course, for the stories that the on the doorstep and there was a wee little lamb did not participate in because the sugar industry and the landlords: the people identify the sains continues to be the armed party called the Communist Party. It looked so for opposition parties had decided on it is a new form of the old Con. made in the revolutionary period liat above all obey its chief in ROLE OF THE French workers were so greedily intent on their lorn. So he gently picked it up and took it into a boycott. On the other hand, servative Party. One of its chier with Grau San Martin govern the countryside, the little villager. COMMUNIST PARTY fight for a better standard of living that the the Workers Alliance, back in 1936. And do you in the July 14 elections, as in leaders, Elicio Arguelles, has been ment after Machado fall.
the sugar centers, days before the morale of the country was undermined. This is Gomer party represents no election the soldiers.
those of last November for the nersonal representative of Franco In this tragedy of the Cuban know what? He discovered after only four wit!
the kind of bunk that is being passed off as an years, but he quick that way that the wee Constituent Assembly, the public in Cuba and organizer of the more than his personal political threats, took away from the work people, the Stalinist party has a explanation of the unprecedentedly swift collittle lamb wasn a lamb at all. It was a viper, came out en masse to the polls. Spanish Falange in Havana. influence. The has been ers and pensants the personal prominent role as Batista agent lapse of France as a continental power, The difference between the two The other parties in the Batista the party of most definite fascist identification cards issued to each within the working class. With and it stung little David in such an embarassing candidates. Batista for the gov. bloc National Union, United Na tendency in Cuba, but in the last voter, without which the financial aid of Batista. of was im We have been getting some of the same kind place!
ernment parties and Ramon Grau tional Democratic, Popular Cuban years has made a turn toward possible for them to vote. Electuring Industries, and the many the big magnates of the manufac. of talk about conditions here. When workers. Now it all becomes lear him, says San Martin for the opposition and National Revolutionary rep democracy. In reality it has altion day the same soldiers prevstruck at the Kearny (New Jersey) Shipyards David. Things that he passed by before now parties so far as imperialist polresent nothing more than their ways represented the interests of ented large part of opposition thousands of pesos drawn from some weeks ago demanding wage increases corfit in place just like a jigsaw puzzle.
petty bourgeoiste ists from voting.
in some places the Cuban people during the Span responding in some small measure to the new ities goes, is not very deep. for leaders, simple lackeys in Bati. the reash business men they forced oppositionist membere Ish civil war, the Stalinists have Looking back over the last few years, 16 Batista is the tool of finance sta service.
and super profits of the ship builders, they were capital. Grau is not more than a writes the disillusioned little David in the New in commerce.
As for the Communist Party paid the costs of the most elaborof the polling boards to sign the howled down as traitors, saboteurs and fifthYork Post of August 7, it seems to me that the reformist democrat. servilely res its collaboration with Batista be on Bloe presents nothing worthy to leave the polling places. In Programmatically the Oppost election lists in blank and then ate and extraordinary propaganda in order deceive the people.
columnists. Roosevelt has openly declared that gan during the Popular Front Communist leaders always treated the Alliance pectful of the status quo.
workers shall not be allowed to strike in their Airplanes, radio broadcasts, periveriod, and although since then of mention: the same demagogic addition Batista used a great lodicals, pamphlets, leaflets, etc.
as a vehicle for propaganda rather than as a COMPOSITION OF own behalf in industries working for the rearmmass movement of the unemployed and that. THE BATISTA BLOC the democratie imperialists, its ertheless the triumph of this Bloc cation cards for his agents to vote canda have been used by the stal: theme it turn to attackinromises as its opponents. Ner number of forged election identifi all the media of modern propa ament program.
though they insisted on and obtained control, Batista the dictator launched Cuban politics has not changed.
would have signified a rise in the many times.
For our part, we have never ceased to hamthey furnished little organizational support. his presidential candidacy as the The program of this Democ level of the struggle of the masses, inists to convince the people that The Opposition Bloc expected Batista is the champion of de bringing the government into con mer away at the fact that for the bosses this had wanted to resign in January (from the champion of democracy. the ratic Socialist Coalition is the business of war and patriotism is business mational presidency) but delayed action because poetic title conferred on him by usual stute of those of bourgeois niet with them and oblicing the an att det der Polsistant ad op moerney.
It measured solely and exclusively in dollars and Despite all these services, they only thing they did was to ask cents. All the rest about national unity and that sincere efforts would be made to develop coalition of parties, more accura social justice. distribution of would have served to liquidate the guarantees of Col. Pedraza, nom have not been treated very well a leadership representative of the unemployed ported his candidacy, adopted the tely political gangs. defense of the homeland is so much eyewash.
that supland. etc.
The Opposition Bloc consists of he would have to prove with deeds inal chief of the army, showering by Batista. When he made his as a whole. The promises proved empty.
him with flattering entreaties. act with Menocal, the latter suc It took years after the last war for the public pompous name of Democratic So Grau San Martin Cuban Revolu. his real political position.
And now that little David has seen the light, Pedraza, assassin of hundreds of ressfully demanded that no sena finally to learn how the country had been taken cialist Coalition. One must ex. tionary Party: Republican Action BATISTA STRONG ARM workers, students and revolution orships be given to the Stalinista, for a whale of a ride by Morgan, Dupont, and Co.
he wants to make it up to the unemployed for amine the composition of this party, headed by ex president METHODS DESCRIBED aries! The orders of the Superior who wanted at least one for their all the time he missed out. He wants to build coalition in order to understand Gomez; and the Party of From the results of the Consti. Electoral Tribunal, asking the leader, Professor Marinello. Then French Events Repeated Here new unemployed movement which will be 100 its true significance.
Martinez Saenz and others. tuent Assembly elections last chief of the army to take into the Stalinists decided to run Ma rinello as their mayoralty candi Now, with the rearmament drive only just per cent American and free of isms.
date in Havana City, against Me.
beginning and billions already voted out of the Some Caps In Lasser Story nocal son and ex president Go. people pockets by Congress, we are getting a mez, the respective candidates of Little David story would be very touching; glimmer of the tremendous push and pull going the government and opposition on among the industrialists and financiers for if it were true.
tickets Menocal won by fraud, slices of this gigantic melon, for good places at Lasser is one of those intellectuals who, when employing it also against the Stal the sumptuous table set at the expense of the the depression made it impossible to find a place inists.
in the capitalist world, found his way quickly people.
In spite of all the violence, even enough onto a payroll in the labor movement. In the opposition parties increased In an unusually bold article in the New York connection with her foray into the unemployed their vote in relation to that ohPost on August 6, Edward Flynn, noted newsmovement, Mary Fox of the (Norman Thomas)
tained in November. But the paper reporter, declared flatly that: Strike of League for Industrial Democracy put him on The call for cooperation between the United States and the terms of a renewal of the Scan capitalists are raising the Communist Party lost 25 of the capital is blocking the national defense program.
salary to do un loyed wou It was Mary who Nazi Germany sounded by Charles Lindbergh, is the culmina agreement had been completed demand for lower labor costs here votes it had gotten in November Flynn went into some of the recent testimony saw to it that he became head of Socialist tion of a series of rapidly accumulating under cover. signs that and the American committee was to meet Nazi economic compet. This is a sympton that indicates before Congressional committees which did not Party controlled Workers Alliance; a drab mea small but growing and powerful section of American finance ers are therefore looking forward the beginning of its decline. In get much notice in the press. He also took a diocrity, he would have been elbowed aside by capitalism is tending in the direction of armed appeasement toward the payment of 40, 000, 000 therefore, intends first of all to supported for governor Guas InAmerican finance capitalism. Havana Province the Stalinists look at the actual performance as compared to any number of bona fide workers, except for of Nazi Germany.
that the Neal Government has attempt an economie war with clan, intimate adviser of Machado some of the recent talk emitting from various Mary control of the purse strings.
The call by Lindbergh, comes upon the hecls of a sensa promised to pay to the Wall Street Germany so far as the overseas who won the election. And in rearmament bodies in Washington. He concluded: Then the Stalinists began their turn towardtional revetation by the New York Herald Tribune, that the rethe Peoples Front. and hostened to get rid of sidence of Gerhardt Westrick, Hitler commercial emissary to countries and to cooperate Santiago de Cuba they supported The market in patriotism is extremely active, and the sale price is shooting up every day.
Actual signing of the renewal oth Nazi Germany as far as for mayor Justo Salas, a known the Unemployed Councils. They took Lasser up According to the Flynn article, the big paton a mountain top and showed him the glitterAmerican capitalists, was being converted into a busy road agreement, if not already signed, trade with the European continent Machado pistolero (sangster. who riotic industrialists are taking as their text these ing world he could have for a small price. Lasser house by a constant stream of American capitalists. The Tri is probably awaiting the death is concernent until it meets Ger had to flee from Cuba in 1983 knell of the British Empire. many in war. At the same time. There are typical examples of the days the famous 1917 statement of Pierre du was more than willing.
bune reports that the Nazi emissary is residing at the Knox as members of his cabinet. THE BRITISH FLEET Roosevelt nominated Stimson and WHY HITLER NEEDS American Imperialism is unload disastrous gambles of Stalinist Pont, who then wrote: we cannot assent to allowing upon the backs of the Amer politics.
Lasser Changes Paymasters beautiful Scarsdale estate of the Wall Street Journal, in one of ican workers the most stupendous Notwithstanding the fact that ing our own patriotism to interfere with our By the time the formal unification of the unduties as trustees (of stockholders. What is the fundamental strat armament expenditures in order in spite of their loyalty to Batista, employed movement took place in Washington among the frequent visitors is torirls, loudly demanded of the esy of the American bourgeoisie to build a gigantic two ocean navy they themselves were defrauded of Washington reported Flynn, is crowded early in 1936. Lasser was hand in glove with the Thorkeld Rieber. Callan is at Senate that they refuse to confirm. vis a vis Nazi imperlalism? The capable of meeting Nazi imper. votes in many places, the Stalin with lobbyists and high pressure salesmen and Stalinists. The Socialist Party delegates had no torney for the National City the nomination on the rouna well that the wealth of the Brittesy of American finance capital day that never has there been top executives of corporations trying to find out what they can do for their country, at what voice in any of the decisions: Lasser didn Bank, second largest bank in amounted on the site is calde e ish Empire lles not on the conti. sen attonithe present international en cuba elections more honorable trouble to consult them. And the Socialist Party America, Rieber is chairman of trance into the war.
nent situation.
price, and at what profit.
The rearmament orders all require consideraany steps to stop Lasser. Unity of the dele the Texas Company, a satellite At the annual convention of the in Asia, Africa and South Amer ble plant expansion. Our patriotic capitalista gation was preserved by letting Lasser do as he in the vast oil empire of the National Foreign Trade Council ica: that this colonial booty is Subscribe to the Join the Socialist want the people money planked down now in pleased.
Rockefellers. The Rockefellers held at San Francisco last week, now the main objective of Nazi single big chunks to cover the entire cost of that Already at that convention Lasser showed are also among the largest there was a long parade of imperialism. Hitler victory on Fourth International Workers Party expansion and to leave them free afterward to that he understood exactly what was required of stockholders in the National speakers, composed of bankers, the European continent merely industrialists, importers and ex broadens German imperialism dispose as they wish of the new facilities thus him. He fronted for the Stalinists in the main city Bank.
porters. Not one of them even base in the struggle for world presented to them on silver platters.
task preoccupying them to prevent the hated The National City Bank is not mentioned material aid to the markets and colonies.
These can Trotskyists from securing their rightful place Just another big bank. Its im Allies. or aid short of War. be secured only if he controls Holding out for this, the big companies, like Steel, are deliberately sabotaging on army in the united unemployed organization. The Na portance lies in the fact that it All of them, however, spoke of the seven seas to the same extent tional Unemployed League, Trotskyist led, was has more than 66 branches all the prospects of international that British imperialism did.
and navy orders or else refuse to accept conthe third organization in the fusion; it was far tracts. The steel companies (writes Flynn) reCome to the over the globe; no American bank trade after the War. That was If in the coming Battle of Brit more a real organization than the Work has even more than five branches the most oft repeated phrase fuse to contract to deliver armor plate. The aviaain, Hitler destroys the British Alliance. It had excellent leaders of proven By virtue of the fact that its busi after the War.
tion companies refuse to contract to deliver leet or scuttle it, planes. Flynn goes on to give instances, cited ability who were ready to go to work in the ness is so deeply intertwined with On July 1, Roosevelt shut down Nazi imperialism will not be able united organization. Lasser went the limit on the export and import trade of the supply to Britain of United to cash in on Britain vast col by official navy spokesmen before a House subbehalf of his Stalinist bosses in edging out the the entire country, it exercises States Army and Navy stocks. Wonial Empire: that requires Minneapolis Branch, Socialist Workers party committee, where money appropriated to pay Trotskyists.
a wide influence in every section for some of these orders was poured into the coffers of the contracting companies as pure, The Stalinists were much better paymasters It is often the direct actoren others fled to England and set the present combined British and Sunday, August 18, 1940. 10 to 10 in up a government there, they German naval forces. Merely than Mary Fox had ever been. They let Lasser unadulterated gravy in order to hasten proat the adoption of foreign policies. aid it with the avowed purpose operating from its own European stand in the spotlight, and he loved it. He threw The national City Bank is also of providing the United States base at its present naval strength overboard and it didn make a splash uch Important for another reason: 1t with a legal reason for not recos must inevitably result in cer.
COLUMBIA PARK, GROUNDS AND In one case, Admiral Furlong told a socialism as he had picked up in the is controlled by the very biggest nizing the Petain regime, and in many seeing at least half of 33rd AND CENTRAL AVE. MPLS. Senate group he had to pay 1, 700, 000. the He became a Peoples Fronter and therefore a of America Sixty Familles: its order to secure the assistance of British colonial loot falling into DUNNE will speak on full cost of new tools to the Bethlehem New Dealer, whooping it up for Roosevelt along biggest stockholders are the United States. But the Roos the hands of Yankee imperialism.
Giannini, Morgan and Co. evelt government has apparently Labor Program on Conscription and National Defense Steel Co. because that company had guit the lines dictated by the Daily Worker. He beand the Rockefellers. When, on recognized the Petain regime and negotiations with the Treasury for armor priate Hitler must know, as imcame personal friends with many of the New orders. Two companies which refused to do Dealers around the White House. It was all very one of those rare occasions, the has even agreed to accept as its perialism well knows, that in the National City, permits its spokes new ambassador an open sympa Western Hemisphere alone combusiness on armor plate under the terms of the pleasant, and to pay for it by obeying Herbert men to make a statement, the thizer of the Nazi regime, one bined Allied investments and colVinson Trammell Act limiting their profits to Benjamin orders to the letter was no burden statement is sure to reflect the Monsieur Haye. Ambassador onial possessions, gold excluded, percent, adds Flynn, were Steel and NOW OUT at all.
opinion of some of America big Bullit has publicly praised the amount to about fifteen billions Midvale.
Came the Stalin Hitler pact, and everything est multi millionaires.
Petain regime.
of dollars. These investments are changed. The going got tough. The Stalinists beyond the reach of Hitler. Amer.
These are just glimpses of the real picture June 18th was one of those rare NAZIS SEEK TO AUGUST broke with the New Deal Friends of yesterday ican investments in Europe do not behind the present preparations for war. The reamount to more than three bilsult is going to be a swift drive toward totalitarbegan to cut David on the street. Invitations to head of the bank overseas. APPEASE the right houses dropped off. David began tosion and its senior vice president. there has been an apparent eager On the part of the Nazi regime lions.
ianism, especially as the war peril draws steadily closer. The individual capitalist is going to be yell. Herbert Benjamin soothed him: this is only gave an exclusive interview to the put in time with the goose step for the great a temporary situation, the line will change, we ll World Telegram, which was ness not to offend imperial. STRATEGY Attempted Assassination of Trotsky good of the capitalist class as a whole. Under be friends of the democracies once again, and discretely relegated to the finan. ism at least at present. At a TOWARD GERMANY time when the Nazi coffers are cial page.
The grent danger to American an analysis by Joseph Hansen that set up the biggest of the capitalists in a the sun will shine again. David waited a few virtually depleted of all American imperialism rises out of the loss Roosevelt After Battle of France tight, small group, will reap greater super profits months, but the sun didn come through the FOR BUSINESS AS exchange, they continue to make of markets which would come in by William Warde than ever while the workers and the people clouds.
USUAL IN EUROPE payments on their government the wake of a Naxi dominated Eugenerally will be hammered down to lower and So, just as he dropped Mary Fox for a new Spain, Year After Franco Triumph During the course of the in bonds held by bankers. Thevrope: both in Europe itself and lower living levels.
paymaster, now he dropped Herbert Benjamin by Grandizo Munis terview, Mr. Durrell is reported even permitted Norway last week in South America. This is so to make payments on its outstand because Germany is a highly in.
for a better paymaster. He climbed on the band to have said: National Defense Hits Labor This is what we re in for unless the workers ing bonds wagon of the democracies. Now he is carry No matter who runs Europe of the fact that the Roosevelt the same finished products and the In spite austrialized country producing by Carl Shea take it all over. Then there will really be someing out one of the assignments for the democ the neert for American banking government has frozen many requiring the same raw materials Labor And The Elections thing for every man and woman to defend and racies expose of the Communist Party. Ta service will continue to exist millions which Norway has in as imperialism. Therein there will be the possibilty of doing without the make it plausible he opens his blue eyes like an there, and National City over this country.
by Farrell Dobbs lies the basis for sharp economic inner corruption which accompanies capitalism innocent little doll seas division will be there up Changes In The Pacific.
as inevitably as does war itself.
Most important of all the warfare leading to imperialist But some thousands of workers, who were plying that service. our) bus.
by George Stern sold down the river by the Stalinist Lasser gang, iness till go on whatever the re standstill agreement between war.
Germany and the American bank.
will understand what has happened. This is no The weapons in the hands of a The complete text of James Burnham letter of The same attitude is indicated ere has apparently been renewed Nazi dominated Europe in the Delete simile, Strong as the Rock of Gibralresignation from the Worker Party. etc.
case of a worker turning away from the corrupt although not yet signed.
in such powerful organs of high struggle for markets will be at tar. The arrival in England of approximately Communist Party out of loyalty to the working On June 1, officials of the New tremendous lowering of labor finance as the Wall Street Jour14c in bundles of 20c single copies.
class. This is just a case of a rat leaving a sink1000 women and children from Gibraltar and nal and the commercial and Fin York bankers, issued a statement standards and hourly increases in ing ship Malta was announced by a London AP dispatch.
ancial Chronicle. On the day that that discussions with Germany on the working day. Already AmerTWIN CITY READERS!
of the duction.
Fourth International