BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunardsDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarInvasionMarxismNazismSocialismSocialist PartyStrikeTrotskyWorkers PartyWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL AUGUST 3, 1940 War Deal Easy on the Rich; Difference Between Doesn Try to Draft Wealth Imperialisms? Yes, But Not Decisive Tetanha Place, New York, Act of March 3, 1879 wages Fight with the Socialist Workers Which Is the Crime?
Arming the Workers equality today in England, now that the Labor SOCIALIST APPEAL Party is in the government. Wealth is being conscripted, etc, etc. And British law, in its majestic VOL. IV, No. 31 Saturday, August 3, 1940 equality, permits both the rich and the poor to Publared Weekly by the send their children out of the country to a safe haven.
SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASS at 110 But the poor insist on keeping their children ALgonquin 8547 where bombs will rain down upon them, while the By wealth at twenty one dollars a shouldn the government take rich pursue the more intelligent course of purchasEasy on the rich and tough on month. But let see what hap over and operate all the arms inEditorial Board: ing expensive steamship tickets and paying all the poor. That the way the War pening to the arms manufacturers. dustries, as it already does in the FELIX MORROW ALBERT GOLDMAN other expenses necessary for transporting and Deal works. Under the Compul Eugene Grace, President of the case of certain shipyards? The sory Military Service Bill every Bethlehem Steel Corporation, government could begin this proGeneral Manager: maintaining their children in America or Canada man from 18 to 64, aliens includ made a report to his stockholders sram of nationalization by taking GEORGE CLARKE (and not forgetting to send along governesses and ed. is made liable to military last week. The first 10 percent over the three leading violators tutors. service and everyone from 21 to of the expansion program of the of the Walsh Healey Act among Subscriptions: 00 per year: 00 for six months Well, dash it, do you expect the British govern 45 may have to serve for at least Navy, Grace announced, the arms manufacturers, Bethle one year. At first the sponsors has increased the unfilled orders hem Steel, Douglas Air Craft, and Foreign. 00 per year, 60 for six months. Bundle ment, amid its preoccupations, to take time out to of conscription proposed to pay the of the corporation to nearly 500, Electric Boat Company orders: cents per copy in the United States: cente arrange for transporting the poor children out of conscripts five dollars a month 000, 000! Operations for July were MAKE THE RICH PAY per copy in all foreign countries. Single copies: cents.
the country? No, that not the task of British but now the government, to at 99 percent of full capacity, or FOR THEIR WAR. democracy. We agree. That not the kind of task avoid dissension between the pro ders booked during the month The War Dealers hope to make fessional soldiers and the draft have been at nearly 140 per cent the poor pay for the war prepara Reentered as second class matter December 1989, at the post om at New York, under the for which the Labor ministers were taken into the ces, is going to pay them equal of basic productive capacity, and tions by Imposing heavy hidden government. twenty one dollars a earnings of 07 a share were taxes upon the necessitles of life, month!
One might suppose, as a matter quarter of the year in the history thus boosting the cost of living: of equity, that capital would be of the company!
by driving down wage scales and doing away with union standards: called upon to make similar sac This is one of the corporations and drafting labor into govern.
Party for: rifices. If the government is going which continues to violate the ment service at coolie wages. The Dan Tracy has resigned as international to take millions of workers away provisions of the Walsh Heatey workers should not let the War JOB AND DECENT LIVING FOR EVERY president the International otherhood of from their jobs and draft them Act that prevailing union scales Dealers get away with this. They WORKER.
Electrical Workers (AFL) to accept the post of for military service, why not also should be paid on government OPEN THE IDLE FACTORIES. OPERATE THEM UNDER WORKERS CONTROL.
Second Assistant Secretary of Labor. The War billions of dollars? Far from work. And what is its reward ought to insist upon trade union drafting wealth and Imposing any Not only is it a principal bene defend the full freedom of the wages on all defense work and Deal has need of men like him. The capitalist class TWENTY. BILLION DOLLAR FEDERAL comparable sacrifices upon it. ficiary of the arms program but, unions to exercise their right to PUBLIC WORKS AND HOUSING PROGRAM.
found out nearly forty years ago (the French boss4. THIRTY THIRTY 80. WEEKLY MINIMUM es tried it first when they got the socialist Miller ministration are wooing the capt government is making additions strike. If necessary, to gain their and to sit in the same cabinet with General Gallitalists and making every possible to its plant. The Government al.
fet who had massacred the Communards of Paris concession to them, ready is paying for certain exton. 30 WEEKLY OLD. AGE AND DISABILITY after they surrendered) that a labor leader can On July 25th, for example, the sions of Bethlehem facilities and of conscripting capital as we are PENSION commit more crimes against labor than an ordinary Treasury has approved a method Mr. Grace said, declining to rev: bor. During the hearings on the EXPROPRIATE THE SIXTY FAMILIES.
bourgeois government official. As the workers re which corporations undertakal the nature of the additions. Conscription Bill, Senator Lee of ALL WAR FUNDS TO THE UNEMPLOYED. sist the anti labor consequences of the War Deal, ing defense contracts may, over according to the Times, would empower the President to PEOPLE REFERENDUM ON ANY AND more and more labor leaders of the stripe of Tracy a short period of time, charge off where the government made such draft the use of money according ALL WARS.
will be handed government portfolios.
to depreciation the cost of new additions in the last war, the cap to each individual ability to plant and equipment necessary for italists were able to buy them lend. This bill is not a real NO SECRET DIPLOMACY.
An ironical touch in connection with Tracy defense orders. While the work later at bankruptcy prices.
10. AN INDEPENDENT LABOR PARTY. Draft The Wealth measure it appointment is the fact that, as president of the ers are being coerced into millel on behalf of his stockholders would do no more than enable 11. WORKERS DEFENSE GUARDS AGAINST electrical workers, he was gathered in by Assistant tary service and asked to refrain Grace issued the following ultithe government to get money at VIGILANTE AND FASCIST ATTACKS.
Attorney General Thurman Arnold anti trust from making further demands or matum to the government. low interest rates.
12. FULL SOCIAL, POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC striking, the big armaments firms believe that where the facilities But the idea of drafting wealth dragnet, and was indicted along with other union EQUALITY FOR THE NEGRO PEOPLE.
are being relieved of taxes and to be created have no commercial is a good one.
leaders on December 18, 1939. That indictment, are extending their properties at value, we are not warranted in involving a jail sentence, still hangs over him. government expense.
The corporation owners, the spending our stockholders money coupon clippers and all the spokes Six months after it was handed down, however, the This is how a capitalist govern for the added plant. The Gov. men for America 60 Families government which indicted him finds him more ment prepares for an imperialist ernment must ether purchase and will doubtless howl to the heavens war. The workers are compelled own the facilities, or it must fin. against such terrible measures of useful to it in the government than in jail. British Miners Ask Arms was the head on a to sacrifice their material interance the construction of the new expropriations. But a government story which you may have missed, for it got into leader that he does not even have the dignity It is characteristic of this servile type of labor ests and risk their lives but the plant which is to be operated by that is getting ready to expropri administration protects the mat. private industry. or permit private millions of men from their only one paper that we saw, the New York Times, erial interests of the capitalista ate industry to create the facill Jobs and their lives, should at July 18, and there it got the smallest head type and his fellow unionists be quashed before he will by seeing that their investments ties needed to get sufficient busl least be forced to do the same in that the Times uses, and was buried away in an enter the government service.
take no risk. Money, you see, is ness and make sufficient profit to regard to capital. The National.
obscure corner.
The members of the electrical workers union It tells that a miners convention at Blackpool may well ask themselves: when did Tracy commit ised that no one is going to get Roosevelt has repeatedly prom these facilities.
Why should these labor sweat more valuable and their profits consider their property interests unanimously adopted a resolution asking that a crime? When, in maintaining union conditions, rich from the armaments boom. ing corporations amass wealth and more precious than human life, miners be armed to meet a possible invasion.
he incurred the wrath of the capitalist government?
Congress is making sure that increase their properties at the but the workers and their famiWe should like to see every union in this counthe draftees won be rolling in expense of the workers Why lies do not think so.
try adopt a similar resolution. The government Tracy anti labor role as an integral cog in the Or when he joined that capitalist government?
tells us that fascism, the mortal enemy of the labor government machine will, we confidently predict, movement, is threatening to ilivade our shores?
bring to the members of his union the realization Then let the government provide arms for the that union officials who enter the government can mortal enemies of fascism everywhere the trade thereby serve only the capitalist class and never unions. Let the government also provide technical the working class.
instructors to teach the unions the military arts. Continued from Page 1) it merely. an extension of Newtudes. The spokesmen for this Let the unions, on their part, see to it that every The matter of transferring Deal pump priming and not a section of the bourgeoisie have physically is British and French colonial pos source of profit.
suddenly discovered that the Lasessions located way up above tin countries south of the bulge Force Has Its Drawbacks the bulge could only be of seare not really democratic coununions.
The Quakers and other pacifist sects are singcondary importance to Argentina The Birmingham News, sums tries, that culturally and ethniIf this were to be done, we predict in advance ing the praises of the government because the and Brazil; the Falkland Islands it up: We can no longer expect cally they are far apart from that for every young worker who has enlisted in Burke Wadsworth conscription bill, with the conis the only British possession the profits and privileges of a North America.
the army or navy, a hundred will devote not only sent of administration spokesmen, contains a clause main reasons for the opposition think that military force, would Appeasement near Argentina. Thus one of the generation ago. Perhaps they Considered the time for military training required by their providing that conscientious objectors who for reBehind this plethora of decep union but will concentrate their spare time on beligious reasons wish to do so may be assigned to Argentina was fear of new de draw backs. glance at the map tive phrases there emerges the coming military experts. The master and servant non combatant work instead of military training.
signs of American imperialism will easily convince even one not real issue facing American imrelationship existing between officers and men in Stop and consider what a weird conception of with regard to British invest well versed in military and naval perialism immediately, with ever the armed forces, the anti democratic atmosphere ments. It was one of the main affairs that to protect the greater persistence in view of of the barracks, can inspire few, and least of all democratic rights these pacifists and civit libertar preoccupations of the conference, stretch of territory from the St. the fact that the countries south workers who, as union men, are accustomed to stand up as equals and better to their bosses, mentally anti democratic character of the army. a British representative was not most part of Patagonia would rezil, Chile, Uruguay) are really quire at least as much as the agrarian and raw material supthe utterly reactionary relationship between offi welcome at such a conference.
cost of the Hull Berle cartel plements to larger, competing But organize a program of military training cers and men, the fact that unions or any other Cartel lan Shelved scheme.
around the union hall and it will inspire every viparts of imperialist economy.
gorous young worker to become adept in the miliform of collective organization of the rank and file The Hull Berle cartel plan The posing of the problem in would it not be wiser for soldiers for protection of their rights is forbidden seems temporarily to have been this manner has prompted a imperialism temporarily to allow tary arts.
by army regulations as mutiny. They are not, shelved by the conference or at considerable section of the bour these southern countries of Latin And we can also predict in advance that, if the therefore, worried about the rights of the great least to have been relegated to a geoisie of the United States to America to trade with Nazi Gerorganized workers of this country were thus armed secondary position.
ask whether it is entirely in the many, while the and trained, what happened in France could never masses of workers and farmers who, willy nilly, Powerful sections of American interests of American imperial builds its two ocean navy? That happen here. No democratic government could are dragooned into the armed forces. All they re finance capitalism immediately ism to include within its orbit raises one of the most crucial worried about is that handful of conscientious ever turn fascist with impunity.
We propose that what the British miners are objectors who lay claim to a special dispensation Hull Berle scheme. They parti tection the southern countries diplomacy. In a word it is: Temfor themselves, regardless of what happens to the now asking should become a central demand upon millions who will go into the army.
dous capital outlay involved and gentina, Brazil, Chile and Uru diate aggressive resistance to a the American government by the trade union Being a conscientious objector. it has been questioned the feasibility of the guay and countries in their lati. Nazi dominated Europe.
movement of this country.
claimed, constitutes a form of resistance to war. increasing acuteness of imperial.
plan in the light of the everThat is false. Anyone who has read some of the ist contradictions raging in the proceedings of the conscientious objectors tribunagrarian countries south of the Rio Grande.
form of resistance; it is In the decades when capitalism Morgan Host to Refugees. was a frontwas progressive the United war.
States exported millions of compage headline in Monday issue of the New York Our British comrades, who have seen these con modities to Latin America and Post. In spite of our notorious bias against the scientious objectors tribunals at work, have adopt reaped huge profits from them.
Buy Set of banker, we were prepared to be touched. We have ed a strong resolution, categorically forbidding Later in the epoch of monopoly never been among those who found it irrelevant any member of our movement from appealing to capitalism (imperialism) the that a murderer was good to his mother. On the these tribunals, no matter what his purpose. So began to export capital (in the form of loans and machinery)
contrary, we have always been anxious to find a seriously do our British comrades view this ques and reaped (In English)
fabulous profits redeeming feature in anyone, even in a banker. tion, that they have suspended a branch in London through the super exploitation of Made for the New York mass meeting Our hopes were quickly dashed, however. It which refused to agree that no revolutionist shall the Latin American masses.
celebrating the Tenth Anniversary of the turned out that the refugees to whom Mr. Morgan appeal to the conscientious objectors tribunals.
Since the crisis of 1940, however, has opened his home are young Lord Primrose, We agree wholeheartedly with our British comsuccessive capital loans, private founding of the Fourth International son of the British magnate Lord Shrewsbury, and rades. No class conscious worker in America should investments in general, when as well as to governments, and Recorded on two 12 inch discs 78R two children of Hugh Vivian Smith, partner in attempt to utilize the provision for conscientious ever made to Latin America, Mr. Morgan London banking house of Morgan objectors, which the conscription law may contain have sunk like into a bottomless Grenfell. The refugees arrived accompanied by We are irreconcilably opposed to capitalist conwell, never to arise.
Specially Priced. 50 a tutor and a governess.
scription and capitalist war, as we are opposed Today, 8674, 000, 000 worth of South American bonds, representThey came on a boatload of such refugees. All to all that capitalism stands for. But we seek no Full Proceeds to: told there were 272 such refugees on the Cunard individual way out. The only way out that we ing 70 of the total bonded debt, is in default. Only Argentina, TROTSKY DEFENSE FUND liner Britannic. The passenger list consisted of a want is the way for all the workers and soldiers Haiti and the Dominican Repubhalf dozen pages from Burke Peerage. Other such. the way of the socialist revolution.
lic regularly meet their interest boatloads have come and still others are coming. Those are the real heroes of the struggle against payments. Hence the most powerIn many cases the parents come with the children. war, the nameless soldiers of socialism who, abful sections of American fianance These boatloads give us an insight into the horring war as only those can who understand the capitalism oppose the further pouring of millions of dollars inreal situation in Great Britain. To believe the de war, nevertheless take their place beside the to the economic pores of Latin 116 UNIVERSITY PLACE NEW YORK, mocratic and socialist press, there is utter masses who do not yet understand.
American economy. They see in Makes Hay at Havana By ALBERT GOLDMAN Practically up until the war started and, even for a while after that, many people who were on the fringe of the revolutionary camp recognized the truth that whatever differences there existed between capitalist democracy and faseism, those differences would not be involved in a war. Everyone who claimed to be revolutionary Marxist agreed that the struggle would be one for raw materials, for markets, for colonies. That is, it would be purely and simply an imperialist struggle.
The war came, and now many who formerly swore allegiance to the revolutionary phrase have begun to discover differences of such a nature between Hitler Germany and England as to justify a change in their attitude. Marxist analysis that holds good in time of peace does not seem to hold good in time of war when the pressure of the ruling group becomes really terrific.
In a series of articles written by Lovestone and in another series written by Herberg, the difference in the situation of the working class that would result from a victory of Hitler as against a victory of Great Britain is presented as the fundamental argument calling for a change in the position of the Independent Labor League (Lovestoneites) on the question of the war. Both Lovestone and Herberg now prefer the victory of British imperialism. And judging by their arguments they not only prefer the victory of British imperialism but are in favor of actively supporting it against Hitler.
It is true that they refuse to draw all the logical conclusions from their position. Somehow or other they stress the necessity of keeping this country out of the war as the primary consideration. To any intelligent worker who refuses to be bamboozled by sophistry it would seem that if a victory of the demoeratie imperialists would mean so much to him he would do his utmost to achieve that victory. The attitude of Herberg and Lovestone is the same as the sickening one of Norman Thomas semipacifist, semi isolationist and semi socialist.
Personally as between Thomas and open chauvinism, prefer the position of the Social Democrata who are at least logical. They want the victory of British imperialism and they do not beat around the bush, they openly state that the United States should do everything to assure that victory and they omit the short of war business that is Roosevelt stock in trade.
And why not? If a victory of British imperialism would further the cause of the working masses, as the Lovestoneites indicate, why not give wholehearted support to Great Britain? It is characteristic of the Norman Thomas type of socialist to say yes and now at the same time.
We must admit of course that there are differ ences between democratic British imperialism and fascist German imperialism. But only he who looks upon those differences as purely static and fails to see the underlying forces at work both in the so called democratic and in the fascist countries will determine his attitude on the basis of those differences.
No Differences in The Colonies Those differences cannot be of very great importance to the five hundred million slaving under the yoke of British imperialism in the colonies and it is hardly conceivable that they would willingly sacrifico their lives to preserve those differences. It must never be forgotten that any party supporting British imperialism therd y loses the support of a half billion colonial slaves.
But let us confine our consideration to the privi leged English workers and see whether the differences existing between British and German imperialism should determine the attitude of a revolutionary Marxist. It is in the first instance obvious that the difference between English democracy and German fascism becomes ever narrower as the war progresses. The British worker enjoys precious little democracy at the present moment. He will, however, regain all his rights after a British victory, insist those who advocate supporting British imperialism.
And here we come to the heart of the problemi.
Not that there is any use arguing as to whether the British worker will or will not regain his rights after the war. He undoubtedly will not, but that is not tha major point at issue. revolutionary party must consider as fundamental, in addition to the fact that it is impermissible to support one imperialism as against another, that we are living in the period of the decline of capitalism, when all tendencies favor the victory of fascism unless the victory of the socialist evolution intervenes. victory of the fascists will bring fascism, say Lovestone and Herberg and a victory of the democracies will still give us some lee way. Even granting that, the disadvantages for a revolutionary party resulting from support of an imperialist war outweigh by far the advantages of a problematical short period of very limited democratic rights that might be granted to the workers as a result of a victory of the democracies.
For ny supporting any imperialist government a revolutionary party is bound to lose the support of that section which is most exploited by the imperialist regime. In supporting an imperialist war a revolutionary party must inevitably make compromises on the home front, discouraging and demoralizing the workers and making impossible an effective struggle against fascism. Marxist party, ty preserve its revolutionary integrity, must under no circumstances assume a share in the responsibility for capitalist war or capitalist peace. In the period of the decline of capitalism it must show its bitter hostility to the capitalist order by an uncompromising struggle against its own capitalist enemy.
It must stress fundamental idea that to defeat fascism, foreign or domestic, it is necessary to destroy the capitalist system.
It dare not stress the fleeting differences, but only the essential identity between democratie and fascist exploiters.
in this militarymtraining under direction of the Conscientious Objector YOU CAN HELP!
Trotsky Historic Speech Pioneer Publishers