BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismEnglandFifth ColumnHitlerNazismSocialismSocialist PartyStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismWorkers Movement

SOCIALIST APPEAL AUGUST 3, 1940 New Jersey in the 1940 Elections FOOD WORKERS PAPER WARNS THE APPEAL THAT CRY OF FIFTH COLUMN labor legislation which sums up the views of the Hague IS PRELUDE TO UNION BUSTING By THOMAS MAYES as to huge profits, the workers benefit from it by getting a share; THE HAGUE TICKET but when the bosses can make high profits, workers have to suffer too. From this he concludes that labor legislation which United Proressive Group of the boomerats against them with re The Spotlight. organ of the ler, the fifth Colunm charge Frank Hague, boss of the Democratic Party of New Jeris not aimed at making more profits for the capitalists can Cafeteria Workers Union of New doubled force.
sey, went to Chicago to get a third term nomination for not help the workers, and that they are fools to fight for any York (Local 302. carries a SUMMER SLUMP. Roosevelt.
WILL READ the Appeal. When However justified the mem NEVER HEAR OF IT. cther kind!
strong warning in its current hership is in its condemnation of This was only natural: Hague needs someone popular, it is given to them they fold it Hague has on many occasions drawn support from work. arth column. po:nting out that policy of collaborat ne with the themereury began to mount into or at union meetings they bring someone with prestige as a friend of labor. to cover up the We were warned that summer up and put it in their pockets and ers by having his stooges in the Legislature at Trenton de the term is being used by the bosses against the Interests of the 90 But the thermometer it to their seats and read it. and rottenness and corruption of the machine he rules over. He needs the best he can get to take the nasty taste of his reclare for such things as anti injunction bills, because in most covernment and employers group the workers, we urge them alway!
years the Democrats have been in the minority in the Legis to divide the workers and weaken to bear in mind that the cry above for more than a week, and quent geeasion to note these gime out of the mouths of the people, if he is to have any chance at all against the high riding Republicans in the No lature. When they were in the majority, they just forgot unionism. Fifth Column is dangerou about it. When they had the chance in 1937 to pass it, they If the United Progressive Group weapon to use.
vember 5th elections.
we herewith instruct all calam same men discussing the conBut the job of the Hudson County Hitler will not be an didn and Hague supplied the reason: he didn want to had permitted itself to be oppor: We must not allow ourselves ity howlers to 80 stand in a tents of the paper, and on such tunistie, it would not have issued to be divided by differences couple of corners.
REPEATED occasions scare employers away from the state!
easy one. It will take more than a few smiling, hypocritical this sharp warning. For the chief nationality, race or place of birth Newark has increased its mark the phenomenon as UNspeeches from the White House this year to make workers HAGUE MACHINE IS AN ENEMY OF THE UN sufferers at this time from the We must remain firm and uniter bundle order to the sensational PRECEDENTED in America.
figure, for a local of its size, of EMPLOYED. In recent years, the Republican majority of epithet of oth column are the in our fight to build our union forget that Headlines and captions wordHAGUE CANDIDATES ARE OPEN WAR MONG1000 papers per week. Anding concretely some particular in The Spotlight ccrrently point the Legislature has steadily whittled away the appropriations vulnerable Stalinists, who as the for direct relief, while they have carried on maneuvers to 202 over a period of years have ressives in all trade untons. What corrupt administration of Local the road for anti Stalinist pror ERS: James Cromwell, candidate for Senator (appointsays to the last cent regularly, the workers struggle. Shipome Wednesdays. yard workers on strike.
ed Minister to Canada by Roosevelt early this year to make wipe out the unemployed unions by locking them out of the fought the progressives with over crimes against the union New York City has risen to contract a sell out to the bosses. a prominent figure. the first to come out the relief stations. Although Hague has fought with the Repub every dirty weapon they could the stalinists are guilty of, the he challenge of Minneapolis. etc. are extremely attractive to open with Roosevelt intention to follow the shipment of licans over control of the Racing Commission and the pat contrive.
must be punished by the un ond now Newark standing order the workers and circulate the ronage of the State House, he has never fought them over The progressives have, however, membership within the union arms to England with American soldiers, and the first to apof 1000 and has surged above papers the most effectively. And the thousand mark with a regu the clearer and more concrete prove this step. Charles Edison, canciidate for Governor, was questions of relief for the unemployed. While he has not had successfully fought the Stalinists and no progressive unionist wil lar weekly order of 1, 250. Des the content of worker news is, in direct charge of Roosevelt preparations to build a big control of relief, he has had complete rule over WPA and The very same issue of the Spot: alipt jingo assault upon the sur pite the terrific heat and humidi the greater do the workers seem enough Navy to lick the world for Wall Street profit, and as has run it with two main policies: build his machine through wht onets the election on Whimists.
ly, mind you. The city organiz. to respect the paper.
control of these federal funds, and prevent the organizing of liam Kincheloe, member of the Today the attack is levelled by er even talks confidently of Secretary of the Navy viciously attacked the strike of the The paper circulates well. We 000 papers weekly, by Labor sell more copies every week.
Kearny shipyards workers who had gone out on strike for a TIAGUE MACHINE DISCRIMINATES AGAINST resident of the union, in a spe iust because the Stalinists are Day. In Cleveland we use one de much needed improvement wages and hours.
New York is another center vice for selling the papers. After THE NEGRO PEOPLE. Hague knows how to gain votes that the Stalinist administration successful. tomorrow It will Both of them, like Roosevelt, are realistic men who know which pays on the line, as we we have covered a few consecuwhat necessary for themselves and their fellow millionaires, from the Negro people by throwing them a few crumbs of is now a lame duck. no longer extended to all unionists. For tho might add do Minneapolis, St. tive union meetings, we enclose and they show by their words and actions that they look on Paul, Los Angeles and Chicago. a leaflet in the next paper statrepresentation on campaign committees and the like. In the representing the membership, and reason, all trade unionists mus the resolution against war adopted at their convention as so Legislature, however, bill after bill of a mild and modest certain to be ousted at the Decem defend the Stalinists against the Boston and Detroit have fallen ing. This paper is a workers ber regular elections.
capitalist enemy.
a little behind, although their paper, supported by the workers.
nature intended to penalize discrimination in civil service and much paper.
Undoubtedly many workers, not public places died a quiet death with Hague underlings understanding the consentences.
HAGUE MACHINE STANDS FOR THE SUPPREScredit is still good with us. San. The paper needs workers supnever rising cnce to defend them. Hague tool in the State have been tempted to vent their Francisco is making a valiant port to keep going. We feel you SION OF WORKERS RIGHTS. Most sensational of all the effort to clear its name finan want to support the paper. The House, Governor Harry Moore, has on three or four oc hatred against the corrupt Stalin events in Hague career was his attack on the organization LONG ISLAND CITY cially with this office.
list price is be, but anything casions vetoed a bill appropriating a few thousand dollars ist bureaternshv denne BRANCH SMALLER BRANCHES drive of the CIO to unionize the sweat shops that Hague has from pennies to a nickel will buy JOIN IN DRIVE a paper. Socialist Workers Parbrought to New Jersey under his slogan of Everything for to set up and continue a Commission to investigate condi them as fifth columnists. The BEER and DANCE tions of the Negro people in New Jersey (not do anything Spotlight urticle is a timely ly, Cleveland, Ohio, etc.
The smaller branches are beIndustry (and nothing for labor. Even though Hague found We also plan to give short at it more expedient last year under the pressure of public opinabout them, just investigate. ginning to react enthusiastically sales talks at these union meetTronically enough, the article ion and because the bureaucrats of the CIO (including the to the large scale Appeal work ings after having introduced the noints out, the procent Stalinit Rainbow Ball Room being done by the bigger locals. paper at a few consecutive meetvictims of the fifth column It is only workers with short memories or a lot of in drive were the first to use that Stalinists) were willing to make a deal with him) to tone 10 21 17 Road Long Island down on his anti CIO drive, he is waiting only for the first difference to what happens to them, who will cast a vote for vicious phrase. City this office, the comrades of Readings. in New York)
REPORTING good opportunity to resume and extend this attack on the Hague ticket this year. Behind all the beautiful phrases and The phrase Fifth Column was Please send 100 extra copies ON SUBS organized labor movement.
promises there is this naked truth: Srst used in our union by the 8th Ave. Subway to Jackson of the August 3rd issue. These Only twenty two subs in the The war, Hague knows, will give him this opportunity, Ave Van Alft Sta. IRT to vote for Hague ticket will be a vote for war; a vote Krambers Clique to divide the for brutal suppression of workers rights to organize, strike nents. During the Spanish Civi!
oposition and defeat their opno Vernon Jackson Ave and workers can expect him to apply with pleasure, vigor and will be used for the Norman last two weeks an all time low Thomas picnic to be held August which we hope will be overefficiency the day provisions banning strikes and other and bargain collectively: a vote for oppression of the un war they called all their opponents SAT. AUG. 3, 1940 4th near Reading, shadowed by gains in weeks to labor activities. Comrade and have also come. Here the scoreboard: employed; a vote for continued discrimination against and Franco Fifth column. The CONTINUOUS DANCING planned to make a house to house Minneapolis HAGUE MACHINE FIGHTS AGAINST PROGRES segregation of the Negro people.
PROFESSIONAL canvas. Plans are slowly being Detroit SIVE LABOR LEGISLATION. Candidate Cromwell, in his second article on the New Jersey elections will appear Commun st Party. Now that they become a much used system of the ENTERTAINMENT developed which if properly sysOmaha book, In Defense of Capitalism. has given the theory on next week. tematized will result in a precipi Glen Ellyn master, Stalin, is allied with Hittate increase in our bundle or Chicago der.
Rochester Cleveland has presented us Newark with a valuable account of the St. Paul reaction of workers to the Appeal as experienced by the Cleveland comrades in their mass Appeal Bill Gives No Guarantees For Return Of Jobs; Rewards Finks Transference of the National ing civilians and thereby to ex. use in 1937 of the Guard to smash their forceful literature agent, Meet Your Comrades al work. Comrade Alex Morgan, Guard into active service as pand the potentially needed mill the Little Steel strike. Local writes: With Exemptions; Sets Up Strikebreaking Home Guards part of the regular armed forces, tary forces of the country for use police are usually too few in numscheduled shortly, is the clue to against external enemies. That ber to smash completely a bls Cleveland, as in the country at The proletarian population in an understanding of Governor where Mr. Citizen makes his mis strike, and the fact that they are large, is in a very confused state.
International Lehman plan, outlined by him take.
local men complicates the prob But unlike the petty bourgeois, The Senate Military Affairs Committee re been drawn up since 1926 by the Joint Army and Wednesday, July 24, to chiefs of Billiard The present system of National lem. National Guard regiment, leased its draft of the peacetime conscription Navy Selective Service Committee. To enter a police of 200 New York state com. Guard armories, built in quarters brought under governor orders whose minds leaps from one posibill last Saturday, July 27 only four days be claim for exemption, a worker will have to sub munities, providing for coordina of the city where they can act from another locality, is much hysteria, the worker mind when tion to another, and ends up in Academy fore debate on the bill was to take place in the mit two affidavits, one by his immediate super tion of 30, 000 police on a state as fortresses commanding indus more efficacious.
141 Third Ave. it meets with a crumbling of its Senate. Before the fall significance of the var ior, another by the executive head of the com wide scale.
trial quarters, and as points of If the Guard is now to join the lillusions develops a taciturn apa betw. 14th 15th Strees.
ious provisions of the bill could become clear to pany by which he is employed. Militant trade Under Lehman plan the 30, 000 vantage from which punitive exarmy in the field, something musthy. But one must remember!
the people, who first had a chance to see the in unionists will be gotten rid of by the simple de policemen in state, who or peditions can sally forth, date take its place as a weapon agains: that apathy is a result of convolved language of the text in their newspapers vise of their employers refusing to sign their af dinarily function under 1, 600 sep from the great railroad strikes of the labor movement. That is the fusion.
last week end, their representatives in the Sen fidavits, while finks will be rewarded with all under eight central commands. Great riots of 1871, the capital tion of police forces. What to rate commands, will be organized the 1870 Notably during the purpose of Lehman coordina Ladies Also Welcome markedly positive side of ate were taking a stand on the bill on Wednesday, davits. It the chance of a lifetime for union with state police captains as its found themselves relatively cal police cannot do will be done this state is that the workers The key points of the bill may be summar busting bosses. mobilization coordinators. this helpless against the strikers. They by police brought from other parte ized as follows: set up would provide ways and remedied that by creating the of the state.
SECTION sets up compulsory registration No Guarantees of Getting Jobs Back means for transporting any or all modern type of armory and Na Unlike the AFL and CIO leaders for all males between 18 and 64 in effect an SECTION ostensibly provides that upon the police to any part of the state tional Guard regiment. who have laid down for the dura internal passport system. It makes all men bet completion of their service men shall get their for action.
Since then scarcely a year hastion, the capitalists keep right on When requested by a (local) passed in which the National pressing relentlessly the class ween 21 and 45 available for service in the reguprevious jobs back without loss of seniority, BUT police official, the mobilization Guard did not play the role of struglse. For they re class consel lar army and navy; while all men between 18 and gives any boss enough loopholes to refuse to take coordinator shall, with the ap suppressor of strikers. The most ous as most labor leaders are 21 and 45 and 64 are made available for home his men back. Men shall get their jobs back un proval of the Governor, assemble important recent instance was the not. defense units of the army and navy the latter less the employer circumstances have sa suficient resources to assist the apparently similar to the home guards used changed as to make it impossible or unreasona authority requesting it. says the subscription to the Socialist Appeal against strikes during the last war.
ble to afford such re employment. The boss is plan.
SECTION authorizes the President to se the sole judge of that, since neither the Labor. The considerable scale on which valuable bound volume of back Appeals lect as many men as in his judgment are re Board nor any other body is named and em this apparatus is expected to oper powered by the bill to determine whether an tabulation which each coordinator ate is indicated by the elaborate quired for the armed forces. The War DepartAt prices never before seen ment has announced it will call, if the bill passes, employer refusal to re hire returning men is is required to make of all pos 1, 400. 000 men in the first fifteen months, but the or is not an unfair labor practice nor are any sibly serviceable men and equipYORKVILLE LOWER MANHATTAN: yr. Appeal sub, reg both for penalties of any kind provided against employment in his district. In addition bill contains no limitation of the number of men 85 St. Ave. Southeast.
1938 bound volume, reg University Place and 12 St. 00 who may be called. The men are to be in the ers refusing to rehire returning men. to a tabulation of all polica per armed forces for a period of twelve months BUT The weasel words of the bill on this point sonnel, he is required to tabulate store; Modern Bookshop. Univ. EAST BRONX yr Appeal sub, reg. Prospect Ave. 160 SI. Simp both for may be required to continue in service indefinite are best shown up by comparison with the clause all possible transportation facil. st. st. and Ave. north Ist or 2nd half year 1939)
ly if, during that year, the Congress shall de contained in numerous contracts recently signed ties, with a specification of the east: Ave. Christopher, son St.
Station Freeman St. Sta bd volume, reg 50 clare that the national Interest is imperiled.
Each man after completing his training period unions. The usual clause reads: Employees shall including patrol cars, motor cycles St. Ave. northeast: 14 st. Store: Allerton Ave. Station St. and 1 yr Appeal sub, reg all for WEST BRONX shall serve ten years in the reserves, during not suffer any loss in their seniority standing by wagons and prison vans, ambul. Ave. 11 St. and Univ. Pl: 14 st 1939 complete in two vol. 167 St. Jerome Ave. south which period he shall be subject to such addireason of their induction into any branch of the ances, trucks. sound cars, horses way; 14 St. and Ave. southeast: 170 St. Jerome Ave.
umes, reg 50 tional training as may now or hereafter be pre.
military or naval service of the That emergency vehicles and airplanes: east; 14 St. Ave. northeast scribed by law. Base pay for active service is means that if a man is No. 20 on the seniority similarly detailed tabulations of 14 St. Ave. southeast; 14 southeast Mt. Eden Ave. Jer (Deduct 50c for any of the above with a the regular army pay of 21 a month. months, instead of a year, sub. SECTION gives the president full authorby the company no matter how the employer and of all available rifles, shot Ave. southeast: 11 st. and St. Jerome, southeast. Tremon Ave, northwest: Rand School; near Davidson Ave, candy store circumstances have changed. In contrast to guns, machine guns, gas kuns and Burnside ORDER IMMEDIATELY SUPPLY LIMITED ity to induct as many men as he sees fit into the Socialist Appeal home fuard units.
this, the provision in the conscription bill is just thereas ammunition; detention 28 St. Ave. northwest: 23 st near southwest corner. Ave. southwest: 23 SL. Ave. Jerome southwest: Burn pious eyewash.
116 University Place SECTION provides that from 78 to 87 What is all this for? Lehman way. southeast: 23 St. side Ave. Jerome. southeast Mosholu Station Jerome; 3889 New York, New York calls it a state defense plan. Ave. northeast: 38 St. and Ave.
Sedgwick Ave. 17 Kings of the men to go into the active service provided STATE OF THE NATION Obviously, however, this specia) northwest: 42 St. Ave. southunder SECTION shall be between the ages of Bill me for (check in each column. The World Peace Car, a dilapidated 10 year Nazi parachutists, or invadere west: 42 St. Ave, southeast: set up isn going to be repelling west: 42 st. and Ave, south bridge Road.
BROWNSVILLE 21 31 and 10 to 15 shall be between 31 38. 1938 volume old vehicle, now lies in an Atlanta junkyard. from Canada.
42 St. opp. Stearns: 43 St. and Eastern Parkway Ulica; Sut( yr sub. 1939 (Jan June)
Exemption Weapon Against Unionists The explanation is the forth Ave. southwest; 12 St. Ave: ter 98 St. Strause Pitkin. nos sub. 1939 (July Dec. Says Seiberling, president of the Sei coming mobilization of the Na 389 10 St. Biedermans Ave, Ave. Rockaway Pitkin Ave. SECTION authorizes the president to ex berling Rubber company of Akron: The United tional Guard into regula service between 11 12 St. 10 St, and Ave. Rockaway and Livonia Aves. 1939 complete empt from immediate service those men whose civilian work at that time is found to justify States must protect the Dutch East Indies from the coordination of the police B: Ave SU: Ave St. Van Sinderen Sutter Aves.
Name seizure by Japan because if Japan is permitted forces is designed to create a Delancey and Essex. southeast. BORO PARK exemption. These exemptions are to be deter. to grab the East Indies our supply of rubber substitute for the previous func Delancey and Suffolk, northwest: Brighton Beach Ave. Ocean mined under such regulations as he may pres.
Address will be cut off. Why. Mr. Seiberling! We tions of the National Guard.
Knkerbocker Village Stationery.
Pkway: Brighton Beach Ave.
crte. says the bill.
thought wars were fought for ideals. We never simple citizen thinks of the Na.
What functions? The average HARLEM Brighton St. 1510 Kings HighCity Those regulations have actually, however, knew raw materials had anything to do with it! tional Guard as a means for train St. Lenox Ave. southwest.
Wigderson. 396 145 St. 116 way: 86 St. Bay Pkway: Ditmas St. McDonald Ave.
Analysis of Conscription Lehman Plans New Police System to Bill Shows Anti Labor Aims Replace Guard as Anti Labor Body SENSATIONAL SUMMER OFFER. Where You Can Buy The Appeal At New York City News Stands State