BourgeoisieCapitalismDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismInvasionLeninismMarxMarxismMussoliniNazismPrivate PropertySocialismSovietStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSWorking ClassWorld War

JULY 27, 1940 SOCIALIST APPEAL WITH LABOREMANCIPATERIN WitERE LABOR WITH BLACK BRANDED. KARL MARX The Negro Struggle by Robert Birchman Of The Baltic Step Forward Bourgeois Pacifists Argue They Are Better Defenders Of Capitalism, Workers Object to Bourgeois Conscription But Should Learn Military Arts.
Sidney Hook: Recruiting Sergeant vinism The New York Age in an editorial (July 20)
By ALBERT GOLDMAN France Becomes a Dictatorship. comments in it is imperative for every conscription recently issued by many other oppressive measures. will shatter many more such tra agriculture and higher education.
American worker to understand 240 educators, writers, religious Now it must like England, do the ditions, especially those connect Here is the real reason for the part as follows: When the Supreme Soviet of the at Unless Hitler can complete his invasion of what is involved in the drive leaders, professional and business same even before war is actually led with its pacifist past. The mil. anti conscription of this pack of its next meeting, will grant the petitions of the Parliaments of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia to England before the winter sets in he will be toward conscription, what are ment in the New York Times on position is based upon the illusion leave the past in safekeeping of it will disturb the normal ways be incorporated into the Soviet Union (and no faced with both famine and revolution in prac the real nature of the forces July 12th Norman Thomas that American imperialism will the pacifists while they control of doing business, including high doubt exists but that it will. it will once more tically all of the conquered territory under his engaged in the controversies Keep America Out of War Con not have to resort to conscription. the future policies of the country, er education, the business of the dominion. The French colonies in Africa, which Lest anyone misunderstand professional be evidence of the fact that the foundations of educators. Among around the question, and what ress repeated their arguments. They thereby deceive themselves had a measure of self rule and which had their attitude should be taken toward four arguments against peace The bourgeois pacifists advance and others.
their loyalty to capitalism, the the Iberties endangered by the the October Revolution are still operative in spite own representatives in the Chamber of Deputies, military training. The lives and elme military conseription. They time conscription is incompatible be that they are as ardently com. Thomas Committee singles out They argue secondly, that peace pacifists assure the powers that Burke. Wadsworth BIII. Norman of Stalin. The basic achievement of the October Revolution, the nationalization of private propmay not like the idea of dictatorship, and may take this opportunity to declare their indepenfutures of the workers and the first declare that compulsory mill with American democracy. Again cerned for the safety of our be free enterprise.
erty in the means of production, is extended to Like Liberty Leagters, these most important political prob tary service is anti democratic we are not concerned to deny this. loved Republfe as an advocate of dence. Other French possessions in other parts other territories and no class conscious worker of the world may do likewise.
lems of our time are bound to dictatorial, and threatens the it. But it is not incompatible with universal service can be. These rugged Individualists frankly can raise any objection to that.
erties of the people. We do not American capitalish and this pure patriots are simply having prefer the old methods of capitalist Hitler and Mussolini have declared their in gether in this issue.
dispute this fact. Capitalist con factor is decisive. Whenever the a family quarrel about the best defense. If the personnel need is The Sovietization of the Baltic states reminds tention of making a new Europe but in imposing Thus a movement of protest scription must be autocratic and interests of the capitalists and methods of detending capitalism. for higher trained permanent us of the controversy that raged in our party their will on other nations and peoples they have against conscription has arisen totalitarian.
the Institutions of democracy This is demonstrated by their forces. we contend that this before the minority, unwilling to remain a minundertaken a jos which may prove bigger than within the ranks of the capitalist The bourgeois pacifists would clash, democracy must yield. final argument which abandons need can best be met by voluntary ority and cocksure of the correctness of its fanthey can handle.
class itsell, especially among have us believe, however, that our Finding no support for their po the lofty grounds of individual enlistments under pay schedules tastic theories, decided to set up a little shop Liberty, like truth, crushed to the earth will those conservative and middle capitalist regime can preserve the sition in the future and little in freedom and glorious tradition for sufficiently attractive to induce of its own.
rise again, and it is our opinion that another class elements, who, despite their old democratie forms and institu. the present, the pacifists then ap a craes appeal to the material in the required number to enroll.
When Stalin first sent the Red Army into the French revolution is imminent and that once whole hearted devotion to Ameri tions, and yet prepare for the peal to the past. This is thetr terests of American business men. They prefer a small professional can capitalism, cannot yet bring coming war and conduct it in a third argument. Military con. They are against conscription be army to huge conscript armies for Baltic states and limited himself to stationing again the French people in their anger will rise theriselves to support all the non totalitarian manner. This is scription in peacetime, they say, cause it is bad for business! The precisely the same reasons that soldiers at important bases, the minority gleeand crush their oppressors and restore their most harsh dictatorial means it needs impossible. In the last war the is a radical departure from Amer military regimentation of the en business men want a small bu fully pointed out that Stalin was leaving capicherished possessions of liberty, equality and for its defense. The position of United States enacted conscrip: ican tradition. In the present tire manpower of our nation win reaucracy at Washington instead talist relations in those states intact. Which fraternity.
these bourgeois pacifists has been tion as soon as possible after the emergency, however, we may be inevitably result in widespread of a swollen one. It is cheaper would prove, according to the leaders of the The fact is that the dictatorship that the stated in the Declaration Against declaration of war together with sure that American imperialism dislocation in business, industry, and less burdensome.
minority, that Stalin was not interested in deWe have seved the Joker for French colonials will experience under the Fasthe last. These people state that stroying capitalism, a position which we never cist regime of Marshall Petain will differ only they are opposed to conscription contradicted.
in degree from that of democratie France. The only in peace time! They would What the leaders of the minority failed to French colonial peoples had but a very small presumably support it in war. Op see was that once Stalin for any reason whatmeasure of self government and that represented position to conscription during ever acquires control over territory where capinot the masses of the exploited natives but the wartime means treason to the talist property relations exist, the tendency must small elite of government employees and the capitalist state and this they THE PROFESSOR IS NEW, BUT TYPICAL CONVERT TO WAR native bourgeoisie and chiefs.
would never be guilty of be for him to incorporate such territory into the Yes, the French people will rise in a new reHere the fakery and futility of Soviet Union and, upon incorporation, capitalist volution but this time it can only be the socialist property relations must be destroyed and disthe bourgeois pacifist opposition is By FELIX MORROW circles than that of other socialtion of France? It is obvious that can make is to conduct the class exposed to full view. They have placed by nationalized property.
revolution. That is the only road open for the Sidney Hook has written in groups.
the French ruling class could have struggle. But that means strikes. only a superficial and fleeting dit.
masses of the French workers and the only way Stalin is not interested in extending the social that will free the colonial peoples from imperialarticle in the July 20 New Leader (2. This new, Nazi system of abandoned continental France and contlict with the government. that ference of opinion with the milit revolution. He is interested primarily in the rule watch formally records his tran property relations is fundament continued the war from the is, interference with the war. arists on this particular question ist rule.
sition to the camp of social chau ally hostile to the ideals out of French colonies. If democratic Hence if support of the war is of the bureaucracy which he represents. But The pacifists are more dangerThe appointment of Henry Lemery, Senator since Stalin heads a state based on nationalized This will surprise no which capitalism arose. Every ideals were a factor, they would necessary, that means no strikes, ous than the militarists whom from Martinique, as colonial minister in the new one who has watched him Join one of the ideals of the French have done that. Instead, they no resistance of the workers to they shield. The actions of the property any territory acquired by that state French cabinet, is an attempt to hold the loyalty the intellectuals in retreat from Revolution, with one possible ex preferred to remain in France, to the pressure of the bosses and the war makers are easier to observe cannot be left under capitalist property relations.
of the millions of blacks in the colonies. Fascism Marsism during the last five ception, is anathema to the Nazi make peace with Hitler, adapt government.
and to explain. But the pacifists The ruling clique in the Soviet Union cannot in its own interests drops at least for the moment years. Nevertheless, Hook first philosophy of life. The one pos themselves to him, turn the re Presumably when the govern. spread the worst illusions among open avowal of support of the sible exception is fanatical nationalme into a fascist one. Where. ment and the bosses capitulated to the workers, play upon their antiits color bar policy. Lemery, as is true of the afford to divide its power with an alien ruling democratic imperialists meant alism which did not emerge with then, is the Chinese Wall between Hitler, at that point Hook would war and anti imperialist senti class.
other Negrdes who in the past have served in tor me a moment of personal sad the French Revolution but with fascism and democracy?
high positions in the French government, is not Should Stalin permit capitalism to function ness. We had been friends for Napoleon, who arrested even as have advised the workers to resments, and divert them from the Hook reference to the intro ist, to take over control of France real struggle against war and the in any territory that had become part of the really a representative of the colonial peoples, but only a stooge for France 400 families.
Soviet Union it would mean that he was actually be aware of the statistics that a The Nazi critique of capitalism by Napoleon exposes Hook false against Hitler. But the workers the capitalist system. In the end.
many years. It is one thing to he consolidated some of its sains. auction of fanatical nationalism and to continue the struggle war makers the struggle against determi to bring capitalism back Lemery has in the past contributed next to noth good many girls become prosti was, and is, that (capitalism) method. Napoleon, let us recall, might then have said, to their as in England and in the last ing to the cause of the Negro peoples. His symSoviet Union.
tutes: it is something very dit abides by these ideals even in was the defender of the new prop advisor, Hook: World War, the pacifists will del pathies have always been with the rulers of ferent to see your own sister do it. their very imperfect forms. Hitler erty forms of the French Revolu. When we still had strength. Iver their followers to the milit France. We are sure that this move will fool but And how easily and with what is well aware of this, Democracy tion: he represented progress as you told us to subordinate our arista, leaving them disoriented few of the millions of exploited natives in the scorn the Hook of ten years ago, of the West today, he tells us against his feudal and semi feudal selves to the democratic govern and unprepared to defend themsel Theory of Soviet Imperialism colonies.
How grotesque and senseless the theory of only have to cater to threds hie which would Þe Inepncelvable for the fendal rehmains throughout against fascism.
We did as you warm the workers against the Soviet imperialism must appear to any one who today look justifies supporting Margaret Sanger, president of the National (3. It follows at once that Hook is really admitting the love tions ceased to have any power. WE ARE NOT PACIFISTS into which Stalin sent his armed forces and Birth Control Federation, bitterly assailed the the democracies against German every democrat and socialist must ly purity of the ideals of the Today, when we are, thanks to Let us make clear our own pouf. which has been incorporated into the Soviet Imperialism!
be an irreconcilable opponent of French Revolution were beginning your advice, at our lowest ebb, tion on this question. We are ab.
Catholic Church last week for its use of political The Hook of those days would Nazism. Insofar, then, as Naz to fade!
Union has been wrested from imperialism, the you tell us: Take power with solutely opposed to the measures power to force the cancellation of a birth control have demanded first of all that. tam wages war against the exist only kind of imperialism that Marxists know of Since then a century and a what, Professor Hook? With the of conscription which the Roosexhibit at the American Negro Exposition in when a man abandons concepts ing democracies, it is an elemen quarter have passed, in which cap. strength which the capitalists evelt regime intends to impose as existing at the present time, the expansionist Chicago. The exhibit had been arranged by the he has avowedly held for some tary duty of socialists not merely italism long ago reached its high took away from us during the upon the American people. They policy of finance capitalism.
Federation at the invitation of an official of the 23 year s, he should give an intel to join the fight against it but to est point, long ago entered its course of the war? With the mo are dictated by and will be used The resources of Latvia, Estonia and Lithua.
Negro Exposition; but the Federation was then lectual accounting of why he has lead in that fight. It may be decline, long ago began to drag rale which coxed out of us as not to defend the legitimate in nia are no longer open to imperialist exploitation notified that the exhibit could not be held be Hook avowed the international sole against Nuxism can be con capitalism by the logic of its dev. without answering by strikes but to abuse them in the interests dropped them. During these years true that the most effective strus humanity down with it. Long ago result of the blows we endured terests of the American people. unless they are taken away from the Soviet cause of changes in floor space. several offcialist position on Union.
cials of the exposition explained, however, that Liebknecht he said: The main government. But that is no rea came the enemy of every ideal of the war? Under the leadership of our opposition to capitalist conit was the pressure of the Catholic Church that enemy is in your own country. son for lagging in support its owh youth. The whole thing the thousands of militants who scription has nothing in common And superficial wiseacres will still contend threatened to use its influence to get the grants capitalisme Inevitable under of any government which 16 1s summed up in the fact that the wete jailed during the war and with that of the bourgeois pacl.
caused the cancellation. The Chtholic Church That wars are that there is no difference between the Soviet given by the Federal and the Illinois state gove markets, sources of raw materials foolish when we cannot have the only in the most wealthy, the most by political strikes which would While we are concerned with that the stakes are genuinely fighting Nazism. It is remnants of democracy now exist whom we could only have saved fists.
Union and Nazi Germany! But these people have ernment to the Exposition withdrawn if the birth and spheres for capital invest. best to choose the worst.
never yet explained why it is that Hitler has aristocratic capitalist states, those have interfered with the war? the defense of the interests of never called the Reichstag to proclaim the nacontrol exhibit remained.
ment and not the ideological fig tionalization of land, banking and industry in Margaret Sanger in a statement said: The Leafs proclaimed by either side: Hook cannot be aware of the gap dreds of millions of peoples in HOOK ONCE KNEW BETTER; pacifists are concerned with de time has come to determine whether the Catho committee of the ruling class, that the state is the executive ing laws in his logle: slavery in their colontes can there. BUT SOMETHING CHANGED fending capitalist interests. This any conquered territory.
lic Church or any other minority group shall be (1. If his functional defini fore still pay the overhead of whatever the difference in the Individual capitalists, especially Jewish capiWhat answer could Hook give is demonstrated by their support of a small professional army. This permitted to use political power to prevent the forms of rule of the contending tion of property were true, Britain some democratic forms in the me to these accusing questions? None talists, run away from Hitler rule. The capispread of knowledge which has become a re.
like Germany is no longer capital. tropolitan centers.
Like his colleagues of the New means of military defense is far talist class as such is expropriated under Stalin classes that the working class ist. British finance capitalists to It Is vile ile that Hook per render, he can only turn his back more anti democratic than mass cognized part of public health education and acrule.
conscript armies.
cepted medical practice.
war between the powers but in day take their orders from the vetrates when he propounds the on the French workers, ignore The officers NEGROES OPEN DOORS OF each country the working class government as much as German thesis that the American and Brit and distort the plain meaning and specially selected soldiers of We do not like bureaucratic socialization of shall take advantage of the war finance capitalists take their or ish empires today defend ngainst of the lessons of the French ex the small professional armles have constituted nests of reaction industry. We would much rather prefer socializaLILY WHITE UNION Hitler the ideals of the French perience, and call on the Ameriand the mainstay of dictatorship tion of industry coming as a result of a social ralers all this Hook had avowed. In both cases this apparent con: Revolution. For every country in can workers to repeat the misThe Negro workers in Seattle, Washington in every country, including the revolution than as a result of the conquest of have won a twelve weeks fight in an effort to Yet now he throws this overboard tradiction of the supremacy of whteh Hitler extirpated those takes of the French workers.
United States, silently, without explanation private property under capitalism ideals, there is another in which How can Hook be blind to these territory by the Red Army under Stalin. And it Unlike the pacists we do not force the Boeing Aircraft Co. to employ Negroes. From his article it would be im arises from the same cause the the American or the British rulers obvious facts? one may ask. The dentify bourgeois conscription is obvious that Stalin bureaucratic method carry On July 18 the Company issued a statement that extli ipated them. Look at South answer is that there are none so with universal military training only conquer small countries.
it would hire qualified Negrocs. The following ever believed these or, for that. The desperation was evidenced America, Africa and Asia! blind as those who will not see. Bourgeois conscription is one form day the company issued employment applications matter, that he had ever heard capitalist class which had to ex HOOK USED TO EXPOSE Hook is merely the latest of that of reactionary military service: But as against capitalism even burcaucratic to two Negroes.
socialization is a step forward and we shall supof these concepts!
pand or die and therefore accepted FALLACY OF LESSER EVIL who have succumbed to the presl other. But there is a third form numerous strata of intellectuals the small professional force is an port it as against all people who for any preBoeing officials said the company would hire HOOK THEORY FOR fascist centralization for the task. Because we are enemies sure of the democratie bour of universal military training text whatever will defend capitalism.
qualified Negroes who are members of the AeroSUPPORTING THE In Britain Imminent prospect of Nazism it does not at all fol geoisle. They have succumbed be that we advocate and support: nautical Mechanics Union No. 751, with which it DEMOCRACIES of defeat faces the British cap. low that we should join the ex. cause they were vulnerable to the military training of the has a contract. Concurrently with that announce Hook present position. He talists, and it accepts stato con inting democracles in their war bourgeois pressure. Their mental masses under the supervision ond Baltic Masses None Too Pleased ment the Union said it would take vigorous ac that of all the more dealistic tralization for the task of resis against Germany. That no more capacities, indubitable and poten control of their own leaders and That the working masses of the Baltic couns tion against a clause in the constitution of the supporters of the one imperialist tance Hook so called and follows than that, as socialist entially of such enormous value to organizations.
International Union limiting membership to tries are as enthusiastic about their incorporation In this warring world nothing into the Soviet Union as the Stalinist press whites only. The Union said the matter would on constructing a basic difference not really define forms of prop we should join the Nazis in their in the service of the democratic have to come before the International Association would want us to believe can be seriously doubtbetween the two. The New York erty. Both Germany and Britain war against the democracies. imperialists. And perverted be is so futile as pacifism. The work of Mechanics but pointed out that there is no Herald Tribune can call for war remain domains of private prop Hook once knew this well: he cause the alternativemostracism homes, their lives and their fobs ed. They live too close to the Soviet Union and discriminatory clause in the present agreement against Germany on the basis of erty, they therefore know too much about real condi This fact is made most obvious against the Stalinist Popular comfortable jobs was one they abroad. But they cannot leave at home or cold blooded references to Amer.
with the company.
tions there to be enthusiastic about the happy ica national interests. this by reference to France. Yester Front line and against its twin could not face.
BRITISH DEMOCRACY AT WORK life promised them under the leadership of the this task of self defense to the base metal must be transmuted day France was one of the de brother, the social democratic It won last. Hook laughed. bosses or the bosses state any Kremlin despot.
George Padmore, secretary of the Interna by the Hooks into holier stuff. moeracles. today it is a fascist theory of the lesser evil. Yet when he was first appointed chat more than they can entrust the tional African Service Bureau, writes us that Here is an outline of Hook regime, avowing itself explicitly now he tells us that It is foolish man of the Department of Philo defense of their economic InterBut the lot of the workers and peasants of theory. the editorial staff of the African Standard of opposed to the liberty, equality Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia under capitalism (1. Naziam is not what the fraternity of the French revolu. When we cannot have the best to Bophy of Washington Square Colest to the bosses or a company choose the worst.
Sierre Leone, West Africa George Thomas, lege, New University. How long union.
has been a miserable one at best. Probably hun Bailey and Boyle were arrested and The workers of the United dogma of all Leninist schools tion. Yet the same system of very well, then, we should like can a revolutionist hold such a dreds of thousands of them cannot picture anyTrotsky. Datt. Guerin. etc. property continues as before, and to see him apply his mealy mouth job? Then lator on there was States should demand the right thing worse than what they have experienced.
sent to jail for sedition because they reprinted to military training under their an article from the Socialist Appeal dealing with The class conscious workers of the Baltic finance capitalism. Functionally There is no Chinese Wall between ers should have supported the and said: You party men will own auspices. They should the case of their leader, Wallace Johnson. Due have their own training camps, countries, however, understand that capitalism to the censorship imposed by the British, we have capitalist. Power has been trans they are different forms of capit. French government in its war have to take the rap, but won Worker Plattsburghs, where throughout the world must be destroyed, that it been unable to secure any further information they could go and learn the offers nothing but fascism and war. These work.
or details regarding this action by the British therefore the basic instruments inction between the two systems Sports Hook once well un. can keep quiet when the war derstood means inevitably the comes. And now oh happy ac military arts and sciences. ers will support the nationalization of industry.
authorities in West Africa.
of production are owned by the falls to weakening of the working class. cident, oh fortunate coincidence They should organize their own And together with their class brothers in the The Appeal article referred to appeared in party bureaucracy. for Finance (2. It is true that Nazism is the capitalist class does not cease he has evolved a political position Union Guards to defend tthem Soviet Union they will continue the struggle capitalists insofar as there are fundamentally hostile to this column on March 23 and quoted in part the the its pressure upon the workers dur which in no way interferes with selves against attacks from against the Stalinist bureaucracy.
article for which Wallace Johnson, Secretary of any left in Germany today take ideals of the French Revolution. ing the war; striking blows at his chairmanship. The power of Fascist and reactionary quarttheir orders from the Nazi party But so is democratie capitalism. their unions, cutting wages, con the human mind is evidenced in ers. This is a matter of life The corruption of Stalinism must be destroyed the West African Youth League and the Sierra and not vice versa. Nor is there if the ideals of the French Revo ducting propaganda against work. the evolution of Sidney Hook. Or and death for the trade unions in order to make the Soviet Union the power Leone Trade Union Congress was convicted of any evidence that their counsel lution were any factor at all in ing class consciousness, etc. The to put it plainly, renegacy has its and for every American fully attractive force that it should be for the Bedition, has greater weight in Nazi party the war, how explain the capitula only real response the workers. explanation.
masses throughout the world.