BourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyGPUGermanySocialismSocialist PartySovietSpanish Civil WarStalinismStrikeSubversiveSyndicalismTrotskyViolenceWorkers MovementWorkers Party

SOCIALIST APPEAL JULY 27, 1940 TWORKERS Phil Murray, Steel Bosses, All Democrats FORUM. Whose Voice Does Their Party Listen To? put in Havana Is Opening Gun In Conquest of Americas Worst Repressions in 20 Yrs Says Civil Liberties Union By FARRELL DOBBS Among those to answer rol! call as a delegate to the Demo auction in man hours. The strip won an increase of fourteen and renomination Murray was pledgere concerned, they want to know Write to ns lell us what going on in your part of the cratic Convention was Phillip Murray, CIO vice president and mills are displacing 4, 770 men, one half million dollars in total ed, has been in the White House only one thing. When do they labor movement what are the workers thinking about tell Chairman of the Steel Workers Organizing Committee.
us what the bosses are up to and the men and the local cops presence at the Chicago gathering is of more than passing in disconnected from the industry. Swoc has been helpless to prev. the steel bosses were grinding the to be protected from losing their and the Stalinists send us that story the capitalist press did terest to the CIO workers. Why was he there? What berlefits did They are thrown out, not one by ent the steel industry from taking workers down under the heel of jobs everytime a newcontraption or a new Invention is discovered.
one, but a thousand to hiteen hun it away through technological im technological change.
print and that story they buried or distorted our pages are open he hope to bring to the workers by his participation? Did he dred at a time. In one case 000 provements.
to you. Letters must carry name and address, but indicate if you hope to find a broader solution to the problems of the steel workers were told to go hotnie ana The swoc Chairman told the When are their children, the Congressional Action Needed Monopoly Committee that there youth of this nation, who ate do not want your name printed.
workers wliose plight he so eloquently described in his recent not come back.
Pointing out that collective bar should be a national unemploy roaming the streets today, going testimony before the Monopoly Committee of Congress?
To answer these questions one thili displaces 100 workers. Where on a company wide basis, while ernment industry, labor and farm This is the big problet of today.
The continuous butt weld type gaining in the steel industry is ment conference of leaders of gov to get Joh? This is the question.
Bosses Are Training, seems to describe not only this must first summarizer baik telling in the tournaged the 1993 profits 136 men are required for an opete the problems of technological im. groups. The Democrats put it in FOR AN INDEPENDENT ation in the hand mills only 36 provement are industry wide and their platform. Platform prom. LABOR PARTY boy, but the seven million youth What About Us?
Growth of Monopoly are required in the continuous national in character. the cioises, however, are taken lightly by who have come of age since 1930. MURRAY STORY OF THE STEEL TRUST Factual investigations reveal mills, a reduction of 75.
He is one thousand percent cor.
He writes: spokemon concludes: Editor. Conse the Democrats and the Republion Last November and December that the trend in American in. Since 1923 tle number of man quently, in the absence of uni cans. The conference may never rect, but the workers won get looked for work in my line workers military training which all over Minneapolis and put my industrial production in the na dustry today is toward greater hours per ton of steel output hasversal collective bargaining. Con be held. If it is held it will wind action on this vital problem froin am enclosing the following notice shops, but things were very slow time peak in 1929, but with fewer is building a new monopoly workers can tuth out as much troduction of large technological down labor trouble in the inter. Nor will they get results through clipped from a local paper when and the relief department started workers. In the Pittsburgh in the steel Industry ishteen steel steel now as 10 could in 1923. Al changes is necessary. ests of national defense. and not a third party of employer loyal will indicate the extent of the sending the boys out to camp and dustral area production rose companies went out of business in most half of the decline has ocdefense activity in the small Mr. Atkins at the relief was al from August 1929 to November the 1980 through mergers and Curred since 1986 when laborals: POLITICAL ACTION NEEDED in any clear cut program to aid Senator Wheeler as John Lewis Elght other placement by strip mills began. BUT AGAINST THE BOSSES the unemployed and underpaid would have had the CIO membership believe towns. Similar official and unof ways asking when was goiny 1939. But during this period men consolidations Murray recognizes that the steel workers.
The acute problems of the steel throughout connecticuteina, hata kinds of work and there wasn 24 of the working population of formes two new companies 1939 technology reduced the name wntorn action with pointent action in only one thing: profit. As in workers whichi Philip Murray has ficial meetings are being held to work. He said there was all hours of work declined 19. merged but kept separate iden. From August 1936 to September sure, in most of the states in the any And then he held back my Union. It time the workers be rent for the last month. and Inst December, the point when in mergers. Fourteen plants or de produced from 18. to 14. man if they are to find a solution to the past so it will be in the fu so. eloquently described can no longan to wake up and realize how had to keep calling up to get dustrial production was higher partments are now on the steel hours per ton. This is a redue their problems. But why does he ture: the Democratic and Reput Rer be solved by trade union acindustry death list. 22, 950 work. tion of more than 21.
turn to the Democratic Party? Han politicians will do the b:ation alone. Unions the workers fast the drive for militarizing the that. So finally got tired of than in 1929.
The cry of industry and of govers employed in them will lose Steel Ghost Towns They will give llp service but they ding of the corporations. Murray must have. They are an indiscountry is proceeding, and to dis everything and started west for will not act.
Working The Democratic and all other labor leaders who pensable instrument.
cuss and decide what THEY must Seattle and did not have a centernment for almost eight years their jobs. Control of steel tro.
Strip mitts have reduced entire Party, just as the Republican Par: support them are very popular class political action is today do in this situation.
Fraternally. plenty tough going. But finally in the last three years in New the steel bosses, not of the steel cans just before elections. When the workers can depend upon or money when started. It was has been Give us greater product hands being recorde narate de ter communities to ruin Events dur ty. is a political organization of with the Democrats and Republi. equals indispensable.
Tower the production costs of our companies. Eighteen oma wand of 50, 000 people, are typical. 500 got here. It took me seven days, the election is over the bosses get no one except those of their own BRIDGEPORT, Conn.
that it is all over think made greater buying power and this will also will soon 59. They employ Hand mill workers have been pers at the convention was Mayor Kel. tion and the workers get a few solution of their problems must be was all tired out. And now workers One of Murray fellow delegates the benefit of political representa class. The next step toward the a mistake leaving Minneapolis.
afford the cure for all the unem. 23, 350 men.
manently displaced in this town. ly of Chicago whose police carried crumbs at best, sometimes tear the election of candidates to pollMachines Replace Men WARNING Although there is a lot of work ployment evils confronting the few years earlier 1, 200 Besse out the Memorial Day massacre gas and bullets.
tical office local, state and naout here, there is also a lot of nation. Productivity has been in Modern automatic hot strip mer workers were displaced of the strikers in Little Steel. In say to the leaders of indus tional from the workers own The Legal Voters and Taxpay men out of work that live here creased: and labor reward is a mills can handle most of the de: There have been a total of 5, 700 the On:o delegation sat the men try Murray told the Monopoly poli.
ers of the Town of Redding are was over to the Boeing airplane lower annual income, a shorter mand for Mat rolled produets. 126 victims of technology in Newcastle who called out the National Guard Committee keep your econom: tical party. An independent la hereby notified and warned that factory and men men in the automatic mills pro during the 1980 64 of the to help the steel bosses in the theories in text books. So far as bor party based on the trade at they have about ten thousand thrown out in the streets. Cor duce the same tonnage as 512 town population is elther on re same strike. Roosevelt, to whose the workers of this great nation unions must be formed.
held at the Hill School in said of them. There is a line up every poration profits, on the other men in the Hand m:1ls, a 97 relief or trying to get it. As the Town of Redding on Saturday, morning about two blocks long plight of Newcastle grew worse July 13, 1940 at 8:30 DST, don think there will be much WPA wages were reduced 00 for the following purpose: hiring done here until this tall month and the number of WPA (1) For the general purpose of and it was very hard getting by jobs cut more than 50.
discussing and formulating def. without a place to sleep or eat.
Unemployment Cancels Raises inite, sane, sound home defense So just a couple days ago Between August 1936 and Sepplans including but not limited to for leaving Seattle. was al!
tember 1939 hourly wage rates in the following: tired out from losing sleep and steel rose more than 27. or from (a) Home Guard missing a few meals, when walk66. to 85. cents per hour. The (b) Economic Defense (ined into a cafe and asked a woman cluding men, women, chil. for something to eat (Continued from Page 1) The natural inference which the amount of wages per ton of incota Repressions against working neapolis WPA prosecutions, the passport fraud and other prodren, machines, stock and what it was all about. So she tor economie situation of the hemt. capitalist press in the would produced in August 1986 and Ser men and women in the United Civil Liberties Union report says: secutions directed against the sphere.
have us draw, is that they would tomber 1939 was the same, 12, 50 States have become so intensified The (Civil Liberties) Union Communist Party. These, says land. Pered to help me out for my meals did not get into the case until the report, were not directly (e) Fingerprinting and a place to sleep for a few cu implication des te melline socalled this is far from the minds of the average hourly wages the total Civil Liberties Union, in its year.
within the field of civil liberties. d) Redding Day The Union says it found the And Thereupon to co or might find something cand after hemisphere poltey can only be American capitalists. They know wares per ton of inget produced by repont just out, declares that charges of violence on the pice had if we begin by dismissin very well that a great many of the result of a reduction of 21 in of its existence have the Civil ket line. It became evident, dinate our home defense that don tenow what. So that charge that political prejudice however, that these minor some of the myths which have Latin American exports are in and begin immediate co all the news have for now.
was in back of these prosecucharges did not justify a federoperation with the County, been deliberately tostered in recret competition with the roman hours per ton of ingots pro Liberties Union and other agentions to be unsupported.
cies engaged with protecting civil ent months by the capitalist press ducts made of grown in the Unit duced, al indictment for conspiracy The State and the United What would these gentlemen in the The first myth is ed States. As we have said, La The claim that increased wage rights been confronted with such States.
and the Union joined with want? An affidavit from the (2) And to Transact any other that of hemisphere unity. The tin American economy is not only rates are responsible for technolo an array of threatened measures others in urging the dismissal business right and proper to come western hemisphere is a geograph. a complementary one, but ato sical improvement is not valid of repression. Added to the feof the remaining indictments. judge swearing he was motivated Join the Socialist before said meeting.
ical unit as every school boy competitive, especially with the All automatic strip mille were deral measures are local enact In other words, mere indict the Union does concede that it Dated at Redding, Conn. this Workers Party knows. But under no circum. United States.
completed, under construction or ments and orders, mob violence, ments under trumped up charges found violations of civil rights 8th day of July, 1940.
stances can it be classified as an HAROLD SAMUELSON economic unit.
For example the United States fore the steel wage raise in 1936 committees dedicated to stamping would not alone have been enough excessive bail, unfair delays in competes in the world market and 1937.
On FRANK STOLLE contrary the western with Argentina and Brazil in the out subversive influences. to have the Civil Liberties Union bringing cases to trial, appeals JOSEPH HUYBER LONG ISLAND CITY hemisphere is a vast economic sale of wheat, cotton and meats, The latest report of the Civil say a word on behalf of the WPA to public prejudice, and unwarAn insignificant number of steel Selectmen of the Town of RedBRANCH conglomeration of both comple.
workers are employed a full five Liberties Union entitled In the prisoners!
ranted sentences. All this, note, The United States also competes day week for 50 weeks a year. Shadow of War. is in sharp FIGURE THIS ONE OUT, ding.
mentary and competitive econo with Latin America in the sale The average employed worker is contrast with the one issued last IF YOU CAN is incidental!
BEER and DANCE mies tied to the rest of the world of cotton, oll, linseed and corn idle 115 to 25 of the year. The year, praising the administration God help the labor movement at by trade and commerce. Any at to name only the important des bosses avoid hiring former hand to the skies. really ludicrous example of if our rights in the coming perA Letter From the Rainbow Ball Room tempt to isolate economically the Latin American countries from Crisis of Overproduction mill workers in the strip mille This smug, bourgeois commit this civil liberties mentality is iod were to depend on the aid of 10 21 47 Road the report comment on the these hair splitters!
Europe or Asia or to impose upon realize Locked Out Yonth Those employed are given work tee failed completely Long Island City To believe that American imas laborers or semi skilled work that the liberal Roosevelt adEditor. in New York)
only tend to the most frientrul duets of the Latin countries at to one third of their former daily preparing and enacting was hired by Siqueiros as his Here is a note received from SAT. AUG. 3, 1940 convulsions in the economico fair price and dispose them earnings. The new steel techno tion and empoweringbo federa!
personal chauffeur some time beun, destroy sigantic productive upon the already overloaded logy is not creating new fobs else agencies to hound the labor move fore the attempt to murder TrotHe lost two fingers of each hand CONTINUOUS DANCING sky.
in an Industrial accident. to make PROFESSIONAL ready battered living standards of culous. As matters stund now, the rectly eliminated in the steel in ready to admit that it is impos: Lopez Verifies Details up for it was given some machine ENTERTAINMENT the Latin American toilers. Roosevelt government is still pay dustry.
sible to foretell in a period of shop training. Somehow his note Some Simple Examples ing farmers to plow under theat Workers Bear Burden Lopez on Saturday told the Assailants such tension and change how far judge the detailed story of SiA ery simple illustration of the and cotton, and still hands but repression will go. But it seems dependency Queiros activities up to and inTechnological improvements certain that the drive for vast of Latin America millions to oil barons in order to upon the rest of the world is sup control the production on oll. have been very profitable to the national defence with the likelicluding the attack on Trotsky house. His story brought in Ana bosses and very costly to the work hood of military conscription will Plled by the 1, 000, 000, 000 worth The disease of over production, ers. The same labor cost of pro weaken the defences of demoLopez and Julia Barradas de Serof raw materials, which Latin especially in the field of agricul duction has been maintained de cracy and imperil not only MEXICO CITY, July 23 rano, the two women spies asrope and Asia. The aim of the America annually has sold to Euture and raw materials, arising spite an Increase of more than liberties of minorities but or strict watch is being kept by signed to corrupt the police Hull Berle cartel sebeme to end capitalist crisis, struck both La Fourteen million dollars have ON THE ONE HAND of the chaos created by the one fourth in hourly wage rates. citizens generally.
Mexican authorities over the guarding Trotsky house; every Soviet freighter, Severski, now these exports means utter ruinatin American and the United been eliminated from the tota! AND ON THE OTHER.
night at eight Siqueiros met them anchored in the Port of Manzato hear their report. Visits to the subscription to the Socialist Appeal French Jew. previously identi.
is so can be easily seen by an that the Latin American countries workers Production officiency civile nilice rbies Union makes me arrived pet that period Allame CPU in charge of planning the nillo. It is believed that the ship fied as the foreign agent of the valuable bound volume of back Appeals have on the major Latin American from the post war crisis, the crisis 000 workers have been displaced.
rather pathetic attempt to find queiros, his two brothers in law, assault; visits to the countries.
of 1929 made conditions in the Finished steel prices have increaspraise as well where Harte body was later At prices never before seen good foreign market for ex field of agriculture and raw med government and its agencies. Its other persons wanted by the found; and the story of the porting its oil spells the differ. terials especially severe there.
ence between existing poverty and The outbreak of the Second im. produces the same amount of steel which hestins to help liberal murder of this secretary, Robert bringing of the machine guns In other words, the industry annual report contains a Bal police for the attempted as a donning of police uniforms, the gathering of the assailants, their Civil Leon yr. Appeal sub, reg both for economic prostration for the Ven perialist War, unlike the last war with 30, 000 fewer workers. The 1938 bound volume, reg 00 ezttelán masses. Mexican economy which heavily increased Latin employed workers are receiving human breast, no doubt with a hopes spring eternal in the last analysis, depends upon American exports to the Allies at more than 26 higher wages per yr Appeal sub, reg. both for the export of oil, copper and sil. high prices, has still further un hour but they are idle oneath That contains 24 items. It is fol when authorities noted that there tion to the interrogating judge section entitled We commend. load metals for Vladivostock, but The ship ostensibly arrived to described in detail by Lopez, His makes the ninth declaraIst or 2nd half year 1939)
ver. World prices of copper set dermined the export trade of the to two fifths of the year. 30. 000 56 the living standards for Chile and Latin American countries, there. men have been displaced entirely lowed by We Condemn. con were no signs of activity aboard which names based in the at.
Peru. Petroleum export is the by further accentuating the al and are getting no wages at all. gret. four items. By this liberal ship was waiting to embark the tack. Three other chauffeurs used yr Appeal sub, reg taining 25 items. Then We Re: they became suspicious that the actually. all for source of most of Colombia in ready sharp crisis.
1939 complete in two vol. come. Meats, cotton and hides What, Unionism Did mathematics the government is GPU band. Siqueiros and his as that night, the two women spies, are the major raw Thus Argentina is preparing to umes, reg The SWOC Chairman supported not so bad, after all. 50 duced in Brazil and Argentina. burn 6, 000, 000 tons of corn, when this vivid description of conditions Leaving aside this absurdity, at various points, but have clad who was one of the assailants materials pro (Deduct 50c for any of the above with a her coffee would deprive Brazil of of the war. Uruguay is left hold table statistics and Instructive tremely useful as a picture of the Meanwhile the evidence against among those who have come months, instead of a year, sub. most of her foreign exchange. Ing one fourth of its wool crop. lustrations. He next turned to developing use of repressive the assassins is continuing to ac clean.
Wheat. corn, linseed, wool bides which it cannot dispose of Bra. the role of the SwOC.
ORDER IMMEDIATELY SUPPLY LIMITED It the measures by the War Deal. It is cumulate. The latest of those imand meats. produced mostly by zil stocks of coffee and cotton steel workers had not organized useful, however, only in those plicated who has given a declaraSocialist Appeal Urubuay and Argentina, are en are cramming the warehouses the situation would have been fields in which the government tion to the interrogating judge is 116 University Place tirely destined for foreign mar Germany. its best customer, has more serious. The swoc has quite openly assaults rights Jose Alvarez Lopez, a veteran Buy the APPEAL kets. Central America depends ceased to buy altorether on ae pretented, by increasing the hour which even capitalism has tradiNew York, New York of the Spanish civil war, who Chile ly wage rate, a reduction of total tionally conceded to be civil liberheavily on the export of bananas. count of the blockade IN MINNEAPOLIS Bill me for (check in each column. The so called central marketing exports of copper and nitrates monthly pay rolls by more than ties: the right of asylum, of at: agency for to put it more plainly, have materially decreased, as Ger. one fourth. It has also, by reduc minority parties in elections, etc.
Shinders News Co. 1938 volume capitalists) would have to many was one of its principal ing hours, prevented thus far the Where. however, the assault 6th St. Hennepin Av.
In AKRON, yr sub 1939 (Jan June)
bsorb, on the basis of 1938 statcustomers.
permanent elimination of 58. 000 against workers rights is camouMorris Kroman. mos sub 1939 (July Dec. istics 65. 000. 000 bushels of In the light of what has been steel workers from their jobs. 11 flaged as prosecution of violence the APPEAL may 4th St. Nicollet Av. 1939 complete wheat. 10, 000, 000 bags of coffee. said above it is easier to see what it were not for the swOC there in a strike, for example, the be obtained at: 25. 000 ton of meat, 1, 500, 000 it will mean to these Latin Amer. would today be 88. 00 of Civil Liverties Union does not dePioneer News Co. Name hales of cotton, 214, 000 tons of can countries if imperial 30. 000 steel workers thrown out fine that as a violation of civil NEWS EXCHANGE, 238 Second Av. South wool, 200, 000 tons of copper. about ism succeeds in foisting upon in the street.
51 Main st.
Address Peterson News Stand, 20. 000. 000 tons of oil to mention them the Hull Berle scheme to Murray recognizes that impor Thus the most outstanding PORTAGE CIGARS, Washington Av. way only Latin America major ex. Mrther reduce the already dim tant the union has been it has case of governmental nssault on cor, Howard City State ports!
inished export trade of these La fallen short of a complete solu. the right to strike and petition Labor Book store, West Market Where, however, would the protin countries, upon which their tion of the steel workers prob. for grievance that occurred in 919 Marquette Av.
ducts be sola? very existence depends.
lems. He goes on to say, Having the last year, the famous Minhata Soviet Ship Of Trotsky SENSATIONAL SUMMER OFFER. the Sheldon Harte.
bd volume, reg