BourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismInvasionItalyLeninMarxMarxismMussoliniSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

SOCIALIST JULY 20, 1940 APPEAL LABOR WITH WHITE SKIN CANNOT EMANCIPATE ITSELF SKIN IS BRANDED. KARL MARX The Negro Question by Robert Birchman Democrats Offer Four More Years of Crisis Social Democrats Try Hard to Blur sa Will Workers Vote For Roosevelt? Lesson of France (Continued from Page 1) lessly labeled as a friend of Hitsighted businessmen who saw eye ler foes; a man starting with a policy.
in the preliminary rounds of the The maximum of support must coming world battles.
be arranged as quickly as pos Whatever their particular reaWill the great majority of the for friends of labor like Gover orientation of the Farmer Labor Is Ethiopian Revolt Growing. sible for France and England, sons, all the authoritative spokes workers vote for Roosevelt? At nor Davey who broke the little party, a new program of bold deBy FELIX MORROW America fortresses in Europe, men for big business now agree first glance this may seem to be steel strike shortly afterward mands on behalf of the unemIf you read the labor and liberal press, you have dispatch from London to the Chicago De Wall Street agreed, and continu on this: they have a freedom of a simple question. There is no La with the use of the National ployed and the farmers, could win been reading three basically differing stories fender of July 13 gives details of Ethiopian strug ity of Roosevelt in office was a choice about the presidency to bor Party, thanks to the trade Guard. This tiine the exhortations the election.
about the events in France. 1) the bourgeoisgle against Italian armies which, if true, are a Benson brain trust rejected minor price to pay for continu day that they did not have on union bureaucracy. To vote for fell on deaf ears.
democratic and social democratic these two tell ity and acceleration of his for June 10. Hitler first successes Norman Thomas cannot but seem They could only have been these proposals. They took the essentially the same story. 2) that told by the gle for freedom. Ordinarily such lar dispatch: eign policy. On June 10, the day made Roosevelt indispensable; pointless even to militant work, brought out to the primaries de labor movement for granted, as stalinists: 139 the story which we, the revolu date lined from London, would have to be taken Roosevelt made his Charlottes. Hitler further successes, wiping ers; for the Socialist party of they were being asked to support something they had in their pocktionary Marxists, tell.
with a grain of salt, for the British naturally are ville speech, pledging the mater Europe out of American calcula Thomas offers them neither a mil bona fide labor candidates. and et.
The differences between our account of the interested in painting picture of Italy in dif ial resources of this nation to tions, make Roosevelt quite distant program of immediate tasks that could only mean a Labor So the Farmer Laborites conficulties. But this particular dispatch cannot be French debacle and those of the Stalinists and the aid of England and France, pensable!
nor a revolutionary way out; its Party. Anything less than that, centrated their attention on the social democrats are not merely one of inter dismissed as British propaganda, for it is written he unquestionably had the backmiddle class gentilly makes it even a union card holding Demo more prosperous farmers, the by George Padmore, West Indian Negro, who is Roosevelt Recognizes Change alien to the workers. As for vot crat, wasn enough to bring main group they were worried ing of the most powerful sections pretation. Facts, as Lenin used to say, are stuban irreconcilable defender of colonial peoples of the capitalist class. Had the The changed perspective for ing for Browder, the realization them out.
born things; some facts, if true, make impossible against British imperialism. Padmore during the situation remained as it was that foreign policy had to be recog. that the Communist party is not FARMER LABOR DEFEAT a given interpretation of the events. Hence no Stassen won the election by a same week end sent a dispatch to the Pittsburgh day, the November elections nized by Roosevelt himself, before a free agent for workers action, SHOULD TROUBLE one can, with a wave of his hand about differing whopping majority. The more Courier which reports that the Senegalese solwould have been a walk away.
the convention opened. His July but an obedient tool of the Krem DEMOCRATS prosperous farmers voted for him interpretations, avoid the task of determining what the facts are; he must then accept only that diers evacuated from Dunkirk to England have 10 message to Congress contained lin, used for reactionary ends, has New Foreign Perspective refused to join the British sponsored French Minnesota trade unionists can despite all the efforts of Benson.
that lawyer formula: we will pervaded the militant workers. offer testimony which can only The neglected workers and poor: interpretation which flows from those facts.
the situation quickly not send our men to take part in Too many of them have seen the add to the fears of the Demo all or, particularly in the rural Legion under General de Gaulle and have chosen But In the coming weeks shall deal with the er farmers either did not vote at changed. the to return to Africa. Dispatches like that are not the possibility of Britain holding examination, it is meaningless as in the trade unions Stalinists. Here wish to add a few comments sent by British propagandists!
to what said last week about the falsification nomic crisis, Governor Olson led out became slight. In that event a commitment against sending Faced, then, by little more than the Farmer Labor Party to one Mussolini, despite all reports to the contrary, of the facts about France by the social demowrites Padmore, is faced with serious and everWhat is more, an analysis of crats. To its previous lies the latest New Leader, uality, the American capitalist soldiers overseashe could still a choice between Roosevelt and victory after another. After his solid working class wards in Minclass had to drop the perspective send them for American wars! For Roosevelt? Even if the dis. death his successor in the party. neapolis showed that good union new distortions.
increasing trouble in Ethiopia. Since his declaraorgan of the Social Democratic Federation, adds tion of war, Ethiopian patriots have increased of immediate aid to Germany it would never have been their offensive against Italian garrisons in various opponents. For without Britain by Roosevelt had the situation not tinction between the two steht score an enormous electoral ma voted for Stassen. Men who New Alibi Governor Benson, was able to men, militants, had in many cases parts of Ethiopia.
to speech exactly a better and disorganized rabble that Italian propaganda of a war and of a different time Barkley speeches followed suit. else is there for the workers to publican machine in 1938 the field, men who were ready to go na Theormene dere brom being the discouraged had to think of a different kind month before. Barkhead and they are given credit for what election against the Stassen Reunion decision in the economic For French Democracy makes them out to be, are a disciplined guerilla perspective.
The New Leader, apparently recovering somewhat from the hysteria induced by the transUnable to offer the masses force, capable of swift movement and deadly atformation into fascists of its idols of yesterday, tacking power on lines of communications. Instead of preoccupying itself more than a continuation of their so it might seem. But we ven an easy victory. Didn they have notice, had voted against the un Most of them are armed with modern wea with providing arms for France present plight, and shorn of their ture to say that at least some of the support of the labor move ions appeals. Why? It is hard to no longer repeats such obviously fantastie lies as put it in a few words. They were the shrewder analysts in the ment and the farmers. the one about a fascist putsch. which was its pons, the greater part of which they themselves previous explanation for the transformation of ism must think now first of tight tional emergency no wonder the Democratic machine are not so leaders in Minneapolis knew bet disloyalty toward the unions, dishave seized from Italian columns and convoys raided at night.
ly organizing the entire Western delegates at Chicago were none sure.
French democracy into totalitarianism. Its July Hemisphere as its base of opera too enthusiastic. What is significant is that there are many LESSONS OF THE 13 issue attempts a more subtle apology for the Labor politicians, but the latter friend of labor. That Stassen French bourgeoisie.
Italians operating with the Ethiopian guerillas.
tions. Instead of the problem of OHIO PRIMARIES Best None Too Good sending to England and France Here are typical paragraphs: Although native forces are mainly officered by as many airplanes and munitions The recent primaries in the tated contempt. The Socialist well understand. But faced with their own fellow countrymen, they have an ever This week, to a world mourning defeat They drafted Roosevelt because heavily industrialized state of Workers Party of Minnesota is a choice between the two, they as could be manufactured within growing number of Italians with them and, acafter defeat of democratic forces, came the was still their best candidate: Ohio have given these analysts sued an Open Letter to Gover got even with the o who had heartening news that Leon Blum, Paul Reycording to my informant, there is much disthe next few months, the exclu who else could they put up? But food for thought. In the chief nor Benson warning that the already been the governor. naud swathed content sion of England and France from they had the distinct feeling that proletarian centers of that state, workers and farmers were not in the coles.
bandages, and scores of other the ranks of Italian unemployed The atmosphere around the American calculations meant that their best was none too good in labor indorsed men French democratie leaders were in Vichy fightuniformly going to assure the election. We Democratic campaign today is There are also thousands of Italian native the war problem becomes one of the new situation. Twice Roose failed to win the primaries. Des pointed out that the watered reminiscent of Benson 1932 ing to keep alive the French tradition of Liber ty. Equality, Fraternity.
soldiers, especially Somalis, deserters from the a longer view, of organizing velt had provided the best pospite the backing of the cio and down program of the Farmer La campaign. The alert analysts of The attempt to force upon the country a America as the direct challenger sible fig leaf for their party AFL (in som fascist forces, now fighting shoulder to shoulder cases of both. bor Party by that time it was the Democratic party will be losof German imperialism.
with the Ethiopians.
fascist constitution with the consent of a rump that incredible bloc of Southern they were defeated by openly re little more than a left wing of the ing many a night sleep worry parliament met its first resistance from a group If Padmore has accurately sifted his informa Roosevelt Now Dispensable poll tax Bourbons, corrupt big actionary candidates. They could Democrats, working with them ing about this problema probcity machines and workers votes. easily have been elected by the nationally in return for tion, this resurgence of Ethiopian struggle is a of deputies and senators headed by Herriot, state lem which is insoluble for any That changed perspective toppresident of the Chamber, who succeeded in serious threat to Italy.
pled Roosevelt from his pedestal But all they could offer the masses of workers who were reg support was not going to inspire capitalist party or, for that matforcing the government to submit the constias the man of the hour. That working masses, now, was main istered in previous elections as the workers and farmers to turn ter, for any party committed to tution to a plebiscite. This in itself may save out for Benson. Only a radical re the existing system.
Roosevelt Branded Jim Crow changed perspective transformed tenance of the status quo. That Democrats.
the Third Republic, but it is symptomatic of The difference between the laPerhaps nothing makes clearer the difference the Republican convention from isn much. And the more farthe coming political battles in France, the conbetween the special problems of the Negro workthe gloom of its preliminaries to seeing of the delegates under bor indorsed candidates and their sequences of which may be profound.
ers and those of the white workers than their a new born hope of success by stood it well enough. Even if the opponents was not sufficiently Herriot also took the lead in repelling the The the time willkie was nominated workers don have a real alter inspiring to galvanize the workshameful plan of the counter revolutionary govrespective relations to the army and navy. The lavish praise heaped upon native Labor Party they can ers to go and vote for the men class conscious white worker has already adernment to throw a sop to Berlin and Rome by vanced to the point where he should be fighting Roosevelt by Wall Street spokes still vote with their feet. It their union leaders designated as trying Daladier, Mandel and other political for universal military training under control of leaders for alleged responsibility for the war.
the trade unions, for workers officers, and against June was turned off like a fau be elected. That very real pos elections, notably in 1936, they Leeon Blum, one of the men upon whom the conscription and enlistment under, government cet: after all, if they were going sibility haunted the Democratic had heeded the exhortations of hatred of the reaction is centered, appeared convention.
control. The advanced Negro worker, on the other to have a little time to prepare their union leaders and votedchallengingly at Vichy, ready to face the music hand, still has the task of fighting for the right for the struggle for world supreand give battle.
of Negroes to enlist in the army and navy a macy, these big businessmen It is easy enough to show that this stuff is right which the advanced white worker will, of would prefer to have one of their compounded of untruths and half truths. For excourse, support own men in the White House and ample: Herriot leadership against fascism acThe half turn taken by the attack of enemies from withnot a fidgety agent who, moreA bitter attack on Roosevelt as a jim crow tually consisted of (1) complete silence on his Stalinista, publicly recorded at over, was losing his mass appeal.
out and against betrayal from president appears in the July 13 issue of the part as he presided at the Chamber of Deputies Furthermore, the new perspecthe American Youth Congress within, as in France. We are Pittsburgh Courier, It says in part: session which ratified the totalitarian proposals; tive involves the need for peace British Maneuver to Stave Off Japanese sessions at Lake Geneva, Wiscon The Editor of the Pittsburgh Courier requests ful maneuvers with Hitlerized prepared to support whatever (2) at the subsequent joint session of the Chamsin, July 7, was reported in last measures may be necessary for ber and the Senate, Herriot was so r evoluan appointment for the purpose of discussing the Europe; Roosevelt is too hopeAction Before German Assault week Appeal. Some further desuch defense of our nation and Jim crow system in the armed forces of the natails now available may help to tionary as. to register his abstention on the our inalienable rights and liber vote. 3) if it was so wonderful for Herriot to tion that relegates colored citizens to the cateby GEORGE STERN indicate the exact significance of ties to which we are entitled defend Daladier, then Laval is also wonderful, gory servants and laborers.
this latest Stalinist move.
On the eve of the German at shipment of arms and war under the Declaration of Inde for according to a July 10 report Laval de But the President secretary replies that the The new Stalinist orientation pendence, the Constitution, and fended Daladier and other absentees, and comChief Executive is too busy tack on the British Isles, Britain supplies through Burma would permit appointOn plained that they had been prevented from paris maneuvering in a hasty and stop for a period of three was significant not only for what the Bill of Rights.
ment, and insults the intelligence of the Editor the Sunlit Shores of desperate effort to ward off Jap months.
it said, but also for what it did In any war in which our ticipating by the armistice commission refusal and the millions for whom he speaks by pretendanese blows on its wholly unpronot say. The Stalinist fraction country may be engaged, we to provide transportation from North Africa.
What the British want is to Declaration of the American the youth will be the first to ing that the vicious jim crow system exists be CLOVE LAKE tected Asiatic flank. Last week But untruths about this individual or that is cause there is such a small turnover in existing the Japanese, dazzled by the want first of all is an end to lense includes no specific pro blood, the first to die. Our the gain time. What the Japanese Youth Congress on National De suffer, the first to shed our not the main crime committed in the New Leader TASTE. the Proletarian jim crow military organizations that there is no accounts. The main crime is that these accounts prospects opened up for them by their bogged down war in China nouncement against economic aid room for more Negroes.
Meal of Tomorrow the disappearance of British pow. in order to be free to exploit the to the British. It makes no attack readiness to make every sacrideliberately seek to evoke, with references to No matter how busy colored people will be PLAY. the games of fice in a just cause gives us the Herriot, Blum, Reynaud, the impression that alnext year, they will have to help pay the billions today the heat on. Their first step was ing to them.
er from the East, began putting broad advantages they see open upowdefense program, and does called upon to make such sacthe tremendous ten billion right to insist that we shall be though defeated and with a few defections the that have recently been appropriated for the dollar to choke off the Burma supply democratic leaders of yesterday substantially LISTEN DANCE. to support of the national defense machine. To put route to China, just as they have remain also today. At all costs the New Leader The new situation places the not even mention Roosevelt rifice only in a just cause. It the music of yesterdays it mildly, they do not consider it a democratic Immortals already closed the rail and road Chinese government at Chung name where, formerly, he would gives us the right to insist that will not tell the simple fact that the same French procedure to take their money for the upkeep of links between French Indochina king on the sharp end of the be the focal point of attack as our needs and aspirations, our bourgeoisie which held power yesterday by leanan institution which they are scarcely permitted and the Chinese southwest.
SUNDAY, JULY 21 spike. The resistance of Chiang the leader of the pro war orienta aims and ideals be incorporated ing on the workers organizations, today holds to enter and in which they are prevented from Japanese forces began ring Kal shek and Co. to the Japan tion.
into the heart of any program power by leaning on Hitler and a French military exercising full opportunity.
MEET AT SOUTH FERRY ing the south China British ese has been based upon the In the midst of fears expressed elaborated for the defense of dictatorship but yesterday and today it is the They cannot reconcile the wholesale discour10:30 citadel of Hongkong. The Bri support of the and Bri about the danger of American inour country.
same French bourgeoisie. At all costs the Marxagement of Negro applicants for Army and Navy Take Bus No. to Clove tish authorities there, thrown tain. If that support defaults volvement in war, there suddenly There is the meat of the dec ists of the New Leader will not use the Marxian enlistment with the frantic drive for white Lake (near Silver Lake) into a real panie, started evac now as seemingly it must springs out of the document a categories of classes for them there is no bourrecruits.
uating their women and child Chlang will have to seek a new denunciation of proposals for laration: leaving the way open to geoisie, there are only democrats and fascists.
Auspices: East Side Branch principal.
ren. On July 13 the British They are unable to see why some of the new That yesterday democrats become today faiswarships which their money is helping to build yielded and announced that Munich at the expense of the peo present, capitalist government of cists that is something which the New Leader He need not at all turn at once ple of our own and other lands. the United States for which it cannot be manned by colored citizens in the face seeks to suppress as much as it can, for central in supplication to Japan. The tri That is, pure collective security 13 to die. Stalin and Rooseof so much talk about our people Navy.
angular situation involving Ger stuff of the 1936 1939 vintage!
velt or Roosevelt successor, to its ideology is the myth that there is an impenetrable wall between bourgeois democracy and They feel that the President should sit down many, Japan, and the Soviet UnThe key sections of the Deo when they agree on that just fascism.
and frankly discuss this matter with one who ion leaves him still with ample laration are best understood in cause, will dictate it to a willing represents them and has led the fight for them, room for maneuvering. Germany.
New Leader Method make some definite statement about it one way be it remembered, never entire the light of the circumstance in American Youth Congress.
or the other, and do something as commander inly severed its friendly connections which it was introduced.
MEANWHILE THE LINE COM As in other aspects of their degeneracy, the chief of the armed forces that would lead them with Chiang even after it entered The one specific peace activity BINES IRRECONCILABLES method employed in the above quotations by the to have confidence in his good intentions.
Buy Set of into its famous anti Comintern proposed for the American Youth Pending that Stalin Roosevelt social democrats is identical with that employed pact with Japan.
Congress, anti conscription, was But the President secretary writes that he is too busy.
Secondly, there is the con writing as though the Democratic Congress, like all other stalinist intern swore by Chiang Kal Shek in 1925 27; then Chiang ceased to lean on the Comintern, institutions, will continue to ped It is well to mention that eight years ago Mr.
tinuing source of supply from convention is going to take this dle a mixture of the post Hitler changing to leaning on the imperialists; wherethe Soviet Union. The JapanHoover was also too busy. In English)
proposal for its own. Joseph pact anti war line and broad upon Wang ching wel took Chiang place in the ese are not likely to succeed in Lash, spokesman for the pro hints of the coming new line.
plaudits of the Comintern; when Wang capitupinching off the last remaining Negro Printers Get Union Charter Made for the New York mass meeting road from the outside world inRoosevelt forces, was arguing lated to Chiang, the Comintern transferred its grotesque example provided that the anti conscription resoluThe North American Printing Pressmen and praise to the banner of the (bourgeois) Kuominto the unoccupied portions of celebrating the Tenth Anniversary of the Assistants Union (AFL) granted a charter to tion did not provide for emer by the Youth Congress in its resChina, the road from the Sovisome 20 Negro printers and pressmen of Atlanta, founding of the Fourth International et Turkestan frontier. Nor is gencies, such as invasion of the olution on the colonies. It achieves tang. In America the same business is taking the feat of combining Roosevelt place with Roosevelt and John Lewis.
Georgia last month and thereby partially bettered country.
Stalin likely to stop playing line of opposing transfer colo.
The same method is employed by the social a shameful situation created by the International Recorded on two 12 inch discs 78R along with Chiang a time STALINISTS MEET LASH nies from one power to another democrats. Yesterday they swore by Weygand Typographical Union. The ITU had refused to when renewal of Soviet Japan HALF WAY AND MORE (i. e. from Britain and France to and Petain; now these are traitors, and the praise grant these Negroes a charter or membership in goes to Herriot and Reynaud; if tomorrow these other locals; an appeal to the last national conSpecially Priced. 50 ese strife seems not far off. The It was then that Mac Weiss, Germany. with a demand for vention of the ITU to remove a jim crow clause fact that the Soviet Union and Young Communist League presi colonial Independence! It resolves capitulate, maybe General de Gaulle (whom nofrom its constitution was unsuccessful. For nearnot, some bourgeois democrat might still be flict despite their pact provides scription resolution be prefaced Congress stands opposed to the Full Proceeds to: ly two years this ugly situation lasted.
found: if not, there will always be Blum, as for the canny Chiang and Chung by the declaration on national transfer of colonies from one Finally the pressmen international came TROTSKY DEFENSE FUND king with a perfect set up for defense. That was more than power to another, and supports the Stalinists there are always the Browders.
through with a charter.
The method consists of avoiding like the plague.
keeping his own pot boiling satisfactory to Lash, for here are the fight of colonial peoples to all fundamental Marxist categories: bourgeois This is an important step in breaking down the two key paragraphs in the secure their independence. That No, Chungking is not likely to lily white unionism in the South. But we hope and proletarian, the nature of bourgeois democ and connects two absolutely in declaration. that another group of Negroes in another southplay along with the British racy, the nature of imperialism, the nature of We declare our readiness to compatible propositions! It is this epoch of the death agony of capitalism. Inern city starts pounding on the doors of the ITU. peace. Chiang Kai shek has contribute to the great task of therefore the fitting symbol of stead, Stalinism and social democracy are conThe next fight will, we hope, be conducted with 116 UNIVERSITY PLACE NEW YORK, too little to hope for now from defending our country and our the present stage of the Stalinist tent with two fundamental categories: good more publicity. The Atlanta group fought with a making terms with Tokyo. democratic rights against any line.
men and bad men.
little too much privacy.
Youth Congress Shows Stalinists Preparing to Drop Anti War Line Behind the Lines YOU CAN HELP!
Trotsky Historic Speech Pioneer Publishers