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Will Stalin Try To Seize the Dardanelles?
Negro Question by Robert Birchman THE NEW LEADER INVENTS SOME FACTS TO FIT ITS THEORY OF DEMOCRACY FRENCH PEOPLE STALINISTS IN ALIBI HUNT FOR TROTSKY ATTACK (6 During the unfolding of the Oran naval battle 18 short as complete story of the French capossible. It explains that event By ALBERT GOLDMAN Conditions of Florida Negro Drivers pitulation, the New Leader, organ We Feared You More Than We Feared Hitler as being the result of a fascist Will Stalin try to seize the Dardanelles. The Negro taxi drivers of Jacksonville, Florida, of the Social Democratic Federacabinet putsch. The mythology The answer is: do not know but think it have formed a Transport Workers Union. The tion, has provided us each week of bourgeois democracy needs, highly probable.
175 drivers work for the Lincoln and New Deal with an astonishing example of with each passing event, addiThis question, which is discussed by everyone companies, the only ones that provide taxi ser sheer desperation in politics. How tional myths to sustain the verbal and on every occasion, affords an opportunity to vice for Negroes.
explain the surrender? How exstructure. Apparently the New The union has made survey of the living and plain it, that is to say, in terms Leader intends to invent whatrepeat in concise form the propositions which best explain Stalin foreign polley beginning with working conditions of the men. The survey shows of the mythology, to which the ever myths that will require.
the Hitler Stalin pact.
that the men work 12 hours daily, seven days a New Leader subscribes, that the Fortunately, the meaning of week with no time off for holidays. Their average Second Imperialist World War is Stalin main object is to avoid getting inthe French events cannot be so wage is 10 a week or approximately 12 cents for an ideological war between demvolved in a major conflict.
easily distorted and perverted, each hour they work, ocracy and fascism?
The widespread understanding of His secondary objective is to take advantage The Negro taxi driver pays a daily rental of The first explanation offered by these events is indicated by Fitzof the imperialist war to bring as much ter 50 for the use of a cab, and he must buy his the New Leader, before the main patrick monumental cartoon in ritory as he possibly can under his influence gasoline from the company at a price of 19 circumstances of the surrender the St. Louis Post Dispatch, dein order to strengthen his defensive position cents gallon. In contrast to this the white became known and at a time picting the French bourgeoisie 88 and to increase the prestige, power and revedrivers rent their cabs for 35 a day and pay 18 when it could still plausibly speak fearing the French masses more nue of the bureaucracy of which he is the cents for gasoline. Drivers of both races use leading figure of the French defeat as mainly a than they did Hitler. That taxis of the same type, offer the same service and matter of overwhelming technical patrick, a great artist with much Every step that he has taken since he entered charge the same for their services, 10 cents per superiority of the Nazis, was that social insight, but ideologically into a pact with Hitler and the pact itself can be passenger.
it was the fault of the 40 hour little more than a democrat, best explained by taking the foregoing two basic The union reports that two thirds of its mem week and other social concessions should see the French events so propositions as a guide.
bers are married men with an average family of of the Popular Front governclearly, is a heartening fact, tes Does his war against Finland conflict with this five. The average rent paid for an apartment is ments. Incredible as it may seem, tifying that many who are not theory? Not at all. When his demands on Fin a week. Because of the heavy demands on this socialist paper devoted its Marxists have understood the land were refused by the Finnish government, their small salaries, the men have little to spend leading article (by Willy plain import of what has happen Stalin prestige was at stake. Thinking that the on proper food for their children, medical care, Schlamm, graduate of Muenzened. That the St. Louis Post Dis Red Army could settle with Finland in quick clothing and recreation.
berg Stalinist school of corruppatch printed the cartoon is a order, he took a chance on military action. The If a driver fails to report for work on account tion and hence an obvious choice happy accident! The active editor peace with Finland can be explained only by the of illness or some other reason, he must pay the for leader writer of a Social Demis a naive bourgeois. It would fact that to continue the war would have risked company 50 for each day he misses.
ocratic paper) to such an internever have been published had he being involved in a conflict with the Allied pow.
The union aims to transform these conditions. pretation. Anything rather than been a Social Democrat!
ers. In addition Hitler, anxious to make his coup This is one more incident of the growth of to question the nature of bourF. in Norway, was impatient at the slowness of unionism among the Negro workers in the South. geois democracy!
the Red Army which made possible Allied interBut in order to really succeed, this union now That interpretation was too vention, and probably exerted pressure on Stalin independent must seek affiliation with the or much for even the trained stomto make peace.
ganized drivers on a national scale and bring ach of New Leader columnist Against whom was Stalin, in the early stages about solidarity between the Negro and white Charles Yale Harrison (he has drivers in order to solve the common problems of the war, preparing his defensive positions. that face both. Only on the basis of such unity help betray a people into the not yet had the opportunity to Obviously against all possible enemies. He is not so foolish as to trust Hitler and he understood and with the support of organized labor nation hands of fascism, like Schlamm, that the Allies would not feel very kindly towards ally can they hope to successfully secure better and is therefore not as hardened. him after he had double crossed them.
wages and working conditions.
Harrison wrote a protesting column. During that week moreover Negro Paper on Africa Stalin Fears New Stage of War came the first details of the cirThe July Chicago Defender in an edit ria!
cumstances of the French capituBut a new factor entered into the situation Africa Changes Hands states in part: lation. Schlamm interpretation after Hitler made his spectacular drive west(Continued from Page Yes, Africa is the spoil of the imperialist rob was therefore dropped by the ward and fucceeded in laying low the NetherNew Leader though without reSerrano, whereas they would be bers, whether they be French, German, Italian or lands, Belgium and France pudiating it. Then came new the focal point of a defense English. Now it goes to Italy. After the last war That was as unexpected for Stalin as it was for the loot went to France and England.
interpretation, even more ascampaign if it were feasible.
everybody else and far more uncomfortable. For tounding. Td realize how astound3. Revival of the self assault Are there black men who cannot yet see that there looms before him a Hitler completely doming, one must first summarize the theory, that Trotsky arranged inating Europe and having a common frontier a free Africa will come only with the defeat of facts which have now emerged, the attack.
with the Soviet Union.
all the imperialists? Is this not now clear?
assess their meaning and then Fantastic as this may seem Stalin calculations when he signed the pact The Negro people the world over can only hope read the New Leader.
with Hitler were not fulfilled one hundred perfor the defeat of both imperialist groups. There Fitspatrick in the Louis Post Dispatch it was attempted yesterday in cent. The pact saved him from war but enabled is no choice between them. Both are bad.
WEYGANDYS ARGUMENT FOR Hitler to gain complete hegemony over Europe.
SURRENDER WAS POLITICAL court by Pavon Flores, attorney Whereas Stalin expected either that England and Republicans and the Negro Weygand, appointed by the temps, and to ensure a majority The French National Commit unlikely for the soldiers to revolt for Serrano and Martinez.
France would not go war over Poland or if The plant in the Republican platform on the Iberal Reynaud government to in the Chamber by rousing all tec in London cannot claim the at this moment either in the colo Trotsky In Court they did it would be a prolonged and exhausting Negro is but a mere jumble of words promising had scarcely concluded reorganiz: rouse all France that meant to tive figure of the bourgeoisie! Sel was the final consequence of na war.
It was in the course of an inFrom now on fear of an attack by Hitler will much but not telling in the least how the Negro ling the army before he demand rouse the French proletariat, to dom, indeed, has any class been tional unity for the sake of the terrogation of Leon Trotsky byl be another basic factor added to the above menpeople can secure a square deal in the economic and political life of the nation.
ed of the cabinet, June 15, an end join with the workers against the as united as is the French bour war for democracy against fas the Stalinists defense attorney tioned two that will dictate Stalin policies.
The Pittsburgh Courier (July 6) comments on to the war. His argument was powerful and authoritative sec geoisie today in its new regroup cism: worker sailors and soldiers (Mexican law provides for such of witnesses prior When he sent additional troops into Latvia, Esthe plank: primarily not military but politic tion of the bourgeoisie for which ment around the Petain Laval obeying a fascist ortented govern interrogations thonia, and Lithuania, he was not afraid of the Allies. There was nothing to be afraid of as far It is axiomatic that political party platforms of the French bourgeoisie. The de that meant to precipitate precise and for collaboration with Hitler.
The attorney had asked a series as they were concerned. That move can be exare traditionally honored in the breach and that feats had engendered unrest ly that great and decisive strugCLASSICAL EXAMPLE OF of questions concerning the pos plained only as motivated by fear of Hitler.
after election day they are promptly forgotten in among the French masses, and gle between bourgeoisie and pro ORAN MIRROR OF TRANSITION TO FASCISM sibility of the assailants having the general scramble for political spoils.
All the facts are clear. Indeed, been hidden in the cellar of It is true that from the very beginning of the the developing situation was letariat which Weygand was THE FRENCH EVENTS It is stated that discrimination in government likened by Weygand to the situa seeking to avoid by surrendering That dramatic clash at Oran seldom has a great historical Trotsky house Harte had tola once belonged to the Soviet Union and seized by departments must cease, but not that it SHALL tion in Russia in 1917: military to Hitler and getting Nazi bey deserves closer glance. The event been less complicated by whether Sheldon so then askeal war Stalin had his eye on Bessarabia. Having cease, which is something quite different: the defeats and unrest eventually cul onets to help hold down the armed forces are always a reflec cross currents and side eddies. Trotsky, the day before the 18 Rumania it was most natural that it should be taken back whenever there was an opportunity.
former being a statement of conviction; the lat minating in proletarian revolt. French workers. Faced therefore tion of the class relations exlating The capitulation of French dem sault, that an attack was to take ter a statement of intention. It must not come to that, Wey with only two alternatives either in a country. The officer caste is ocracy will go down in history as place that night.
Stalin seizure of northern Bukovina, however, When Trotsky saw the drift of en his defensive position against Hitler.
stands, a mere platitude which even Negrophobes naturally, by surrendering to a resigning without convening the body, clauss conscious to the core. ity with which bourgeois democ the gestiones me turned to the might accept in principle.
Roy Wilkins in his column Watchtower in stead surrender to Hitler, and the formation of a government of cure the carrying out of the or fascism, when the bourgeoisie judge and said: After the ma. Stalinophobes Invent the Amsterdam News (July comments: thereby (with Hitler blessing) capitulation headed by Petain.
save the remaining French armies these orders were recognized as revealed the absurdity of the attempting a moral assault! And Fantastic Theories The theory advanced by some people who see Itcan party will do anything to improve the lot the country. Does the platform promise that the Repub to maintain order and quiet in LAPITULATION MEANT NOT truly authoritative by the feet phrase, fifth column, with all its then, turning on the attorney, hel PEACE, BUT CHANGING the class struggle only as struggle against of the Negro? What does the vague phrase ecoSIDES: afficer body and because these or operatic implications of secret said, in vibrant words which Stalin, to the effect that the march of the Red Weygand argument was one ders corresponded with their conspiracy in the dark of the stirred the audience: nomic and political life mean? Are the RepubArmy into Bessarabia was dictated by Hitler Once the regroupment of the deepest convictions concerning moon. What happened in France It seems you are trying to because the latter wante Stalin to guard the licans, who have controlled vast enterprises, now Werich the cabinete understood bourgeoisie around the Petain the needs of French bourgeois pol was the reorientation and re revive the corpse of the theory Rumanian oil wells for him, has absolutely no pledging their party to see that the Negro gets employment and opportunity to rise without resense whatever. Against whom must the oil wells tion of struggle between the pleted, the full implications of the sibly have agreed to enter a bat geoiste. It becomes a screaming ter to try to revive the corpse striction as to color? Of course they are not. The workers and the capitalists. a capitulation became clear. It was tle in which many of them died, absurdity henceforth to talk of of my friend, Robert Sheldon be guarded by Stalin. Against France which has Big Business men of this country, many thouslogan very useful to the bour not to be the retirement of and which they could have avoid any bourgeoisie going to war for Harte!
already capitulated? Against England, after Rusands of whom are to be found in the Republican geoisie in arranging, through France from the war; by no ed to the plaudits of the British democracy.
mania has switched to Hitler and after Turkey party, have kept the doors of employment tightly to chain the workers to the war of France from the side of Bri And the rank and file of the not? Yes, to anyone who will put traitors like Blum and Jouhaux, means. It was to be the switching and American bourgeoisie On Serrano, Trotsky said: has moved away from England. All this is clear, enough, is it shut in the faces of Negro workers. Among the accused Stalin Why should Hitler ask Stalin to guard the oil wells now when they need no guarding. Suffrage? Wasn it a Republican President machine. But the bourgeoisie ittain to the side of Hitler.
self never practices civil peace; it fleet, thousand of whom died together the simple facts record ists, said Trotsky, are men and who spoke at Elizabethton, Tenn. and told the uses wars as the occasion to inHow could those who had been in the battle? They certainly did ed in the press during the last women who are more or less And should Stalin attempt to seize the DardanSouth that there was an inescapable difference tensify its struggle against the fighting this war, as the New not share the outlook of the of few weeks. And here we return to honest, but demoralized victims alles, that seizure also will be explained by the between the races, and by this statement said in workers at home in the name of Leader had assured us, for the cer caste. On the contrary, they the gentlemen of the New Leader of the GPU such as the two wo two propositions first mentioned and the addieffect that the GOP would let the South handle tional one of fear of Hitler. national defense the French sake of democracy against fas were either class conscious work and their truly astonishing dem men who were spies. There are the Negro as it saw fit?
bourgeoisie, first through the cism, now join Hitler? For that ers opposed to all the imperialists onstration of sheer desperation in others, like Rosendo Gomez Lor While the question whether Stalin present The Republican platform has in every election cabinet Daladier, then through is what they did. If it had become in this war. if not, they were politics.
The facts about France enzo or David Serrano, whose atmoves are made with the knowledge and consent year from 1920 on had a plank in its platform that of Reynaud, had outlawed impossible for the French democ workers who had accepted the destroy the mythology of the war titude denotes them to be agents either urging or recommending the passage of an the biggest of the workers par racy to continue the fight withio democratic mythology and did for democracy? Then they must of the GPU. That is my convic Srestler is an interesting one, it is absolutely tion; but do not yet make the anti lynch bill but at no time have they fought or ties, dissolved hundreds of trade the borders of France, there was not want to turn the ships over to change the facts. That is what accusation because do not have ither today were in a position to stop Stalin making those moves. That would be relevant only the adoption of such legislation.
if unions, arrested thousands of nothing to prevent the French Hitler dominated French ports the New Leader has been doing Wilkins continues: Except for the Negro dyed workers militants, wiped out ev democracy from keeping the navy Why could they not prevent the these last two weeks. Believe it the concrete data: merely exand failed to do so.
in the wool Republicans or those on the party ery vestige of trade union control and the colonies in the war it officers from carrying out the or not, in the June 29 issue, un press at this time my opinion.
It is important here to emphasize the point Petain Laval orders?
payroll, Willkie and the GOP are going to have a of hours and wages. And now was fighting for democracy.
hard time convincing the brother.
that further consequences of the It could have been easily arBecause for years the big work nard, its foreign editor, you can is one of the most dangerous that we have stressed since Stalin began sending the Red Army outside of the Soviet Union. We But the Democrats who meet in Chicago in war itself might revive working ranged. If necessary the govern ers parties had mis educated them read that the Petain Laval gov agents of the GPU, even though defend the Soviet Union not because we think we have the correct explanation for Stalin moves a few days have not got the brother hogtied class activity, the bourgeoisiement could have formally abided into the impotence of this terrible ernment was established by a prominent member of the CP either. although we do think so. but because nationthe balance sheet will show that the preferred to abandon the war, to by the armistice provisions, or moment. From 1985 on the Stal fascist putsch e. an armed ov of Mexico he may not have New Deal, while improving the Negroes lot in surrender to the foreign invader dered the navy to return to inist party had preached nation erthrow of the democratic gove taken a personal part in the asalized property still exists in the Soviet Union and so long as it will exist we shall defend many respects has not done as well as it could. sions to the workers at home. Aighting, while privately arrang officers and when the party had had vainly attempted to intern The GPU has its authorized regardless of Stalin policies. It would seem that a high school boy could write a better platform than that of the Repub and always has been the slogan governments to join the British its belated reversal was complete ea. And in the July New Lead ties. Not even the members of the The main enemy is at home is ing for the navy and the colonial somersaulted after the war began. why he couldn is not explain representatives within the parlicans, but the Democrats may fool us and write worse one, especially the plank on the Negro.
of the bourgeoiste toward the continuing the war. It could y compromised by Stalin pro er, in a short comment on the executive committees know who these representatives are, even workers.
The record of both the Republican and DemoFrench bourgeoisie had been ists of course preached obedience DO YOU WANT TO HELP YOUR FELLOWthough they may be able to guess WORKERS UNDERSTAND THE WORLD cratic parties, is one of mere lip service as far WHY REYNAUD AGREED TO fighting for democracy, as the to law and order, consequently to it from the exceptional power New Leader assures us.
GIVE WAY TO PETAIN as the interests of the Negro people and the officers, for aye and forever. For SITUATION TODAY? YES!
WHERE TO BUY APPEAL that these men have. The GPU workers of the country are concerned. It could Weygand argument therefore But nothing of the sort hap five years the two big workers IN PITTSBURGH always retains in these executive be nothing else, since they are the political rep won a majority in the cabinet. pened. Instead we have witnessed parties had thus joined hands to Hirsch Book Store, 1623 Cencommittees one or two direct representatives of capitalism America Sixty FaNor did the minority, of Reynaud a demonstration of the complete extirpate all thought of sailors resentatives. Serrano is a resident ter Avenue Buy a bundle of milies.
and his associates, carry the ar solidarity of the French bour committees, of proletarian revolt.
of the GPU in Mexico, within the The only way for the Negro people to end gument any further. Had Rey geoisie. The colonial governments The result came THE IMPERIALIST WAR at Oran when Rose Book Shop, 1332. 5th central committee of the party.
Avenue jim crowism, lynching, job discrimination, etc. is naud thought the issue sufficient to a man have obeyed the cabinet in the face of all their beliefs, the He did not take part in the actual and the to join hands with the working class in building ly important his course was clear at Vichy. The navy obeyed, going sailors nevertheless obeyed their You can read the Appeal at: execution of the attack, but in its their own party a party that will have as its ly indicated to denounce the to the length of fighting a great officers. And this was in the navy, Barber Shop preparation. am convinced that Proletarian World Revolution aim the abolition of the capitalist system, which is the cause of all the economic, social and politiccapitulators as traitors to France, naval battle with the British at where it is manned by trained neither the CP or its central com426 Ohio St. North Side to refuse to yield to them, to con Oran, Algeria, rather than accept workers primarily the specific mittee officially took part; for and distribute it among them.
al problems of the Negro people. Only such a vene the Chamber of Deputies the alternatives of joining the weight of the proletariat is far International Labor Lyceum that would be completely con805 James St. North Side party will secure full economic, political and and appeal to it for a majority British, being interned in British higher than in the army. All the trary to all the rules of the social equality for the Negro.
against Weygand. Petain. Chau ports or scuttling their ships. more certain, therefore, was it GPU. See advertisement on Page 2)