BourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarNazismSocialismSocialist PartyStalinStalinismStrikeVicente Lombardo ToledanoWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

SOCIALIST APPEAL JULY 13, 1940 Change Its Anti War Policy Press Org. Fund FORUM Editor: SCOREBOARD 90 100 Hitler!
WHAT SAILORS ARE THINKING ABOUT THE WAR 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Toledo.
25. 00 83 80 80 80 78 67 50 422. 00 35 34 10 0 0 Seattle 15. 00 00 For Anti Labor Laws MCKEESPORT, Pa. The city council has found the national defense emergency to be a good excuse for adopting (Continued from Page 1)
men from the government, e. the formation ten war time ordinances, anUnforeseen additional expenses of publication, and delay of gressive measures and concessions in his proof a government which would fight the war to the ti labor to the core, which the many branches in completing their quotas, have made it imposend. The manifesto was naturally adorned with council own city counsilor had sible to accumulate the necessary reserve fund to resume publicaWrite to us tell us what going on in your part of the gram. DAILY WORKER, June 24. tion of the twice a week Appeal as planned. In addition, a serious the usual radical embroidery to make the de advised were unconstitutional.
labor movement what are the workers thinking about tell Why should Foster recall this? For no other reason than to pave the way for again supporting mand sound revolutionary. nationalization of The council followed the ademergency arose requiring the party to turn its attention to the us what the bosses are up to and the Gmen and the local copsRoosevelt or his successor.
industry, etc. but that they are merely embroid vice of an American Legion solution of an unexpected problem requiring large expenditures.
and the Stalinists send us that story the capitalist press didn ery is indicated by the dispatches from London For these reasons the National Committee has been compelled spokesman who insisted that print and that story they buried or distorted our pages are open Browder Reprints subsequently published in the Daily Worker, reto abandon for the present the plan of publishing the Appeal the ordinances be adopted retwice week.
to you. Letters must corry name and address, but indicate if you Embargo Demand. porting resolutions adopted by the British unions gardless of the constitution.
do not want your name printed.
along the new line: all they ask for at bottom is Among the ordinances are: As things stand now, we will have to strain every nerve to Three days later came a really broad hint, in removal of the Chamberlain wing of the Con permits for public meetings to keep the weekly going and to carry through our organizational the form of the reprinting by the Daily Worker, servative party.
program. All branches and individual members are requested to be issued only if the Mayor June 27, of an article by Earl Browder dated collect and send in every penny of the outstanding pledges for Describe Workers In a word, the Comintern is now being sold to thinks they would not be det on the other when they fully October 11, 1938, e. when the Comintern had the organization press fund.
realize that the main enemy is at been on the peoples front line. The article inthe democracies again. Tomorrow the Stalinist rimental to the public interSentiment In Buffalo NATIONAL COMMITTEE spokesmen will be swearing that they have never ests. distributors of leaflets home, they will be an unstoppable cludes, among others, these significant paraforce changed. Tomorrow? Pardon me. Already today, must give police their fingergraphs: This is the picture as we see it. Oakley Johnson writing on the capitulation of prints and Bertillon measureThus the menace of fascism, hitherto con in Buffalo France, says: The Communists, on the contrary, ments; hotel and rooming If you can be sure of any gensidered by the as primarily a European eral opinion at all today it is that Buffalo, Members at Large problem, becomes world wide and directly fought like tigers to stop Hitler, as they have house owners must give the pobeen fighting to stop him for seven years. Thorez lice a short history of all nonthe vast majority of poor people strikes against the national interests of the in France like Browder in the like Thael residents of McKeesport who and against American democracy.
do war. Needmann in Germany before 1933 fought against femain in town more than 24 less to say, there are more poor Hitler has long been fighting against Amer.
Hitler, against Hitler appeasers, against Hitler hours.
ica influence in Latin America by means of Branch Pledged Paid than rich. How many men are Negro Is All Right, imitators. Sunday Worker, July And the economic and trade war. United States laws day after, Oakley Johnson and similar hirelings Chicago.
100. 00 110. 00 110 already provide weapons of economic self dewill swear that Stalin never made a pact with get hold of a gun and shoot the But Not Question 50. 00 Upstate New York 50. 00 dirty Germans. With all the fense against such aggression by means of Akron 10. 00 10. 00 100 raising customs duties or placing an embargo Rockville 00 unemployment, the poverty and 00 gray desolation that so many May make a few comments on trade with the offending nation. These laws Fight the New Betrayal. Texas. 00. 00 people have to endure, you think on the question concerning the have not been applied to Hitler Germany. St. Paul 200. 00 200. 00 manss demand for an embargo against Hitler In Europe, where the counter revolutionary Flint 105. 00 105. 00 a lot of them might fall for changing of the title of your colGermany must be raised, with motives of consequences of the Stalin Hitler pact and the the lies about the adventure in a umn, The Negro Question. Detroit 75. 00 75. 00 100 Comintern line it dictated were plain to see, the American self defense pressed equally with war or maybe they might de believe that there is an over exPortland best of the militant workers left the Stalinist 50 50 cide that joining the army would aggerated fear on the part of the those of solidarity with the victims of violent Lynn 50. 00 50. 00 parties. In America, however, it was mainly the be a good way to commit suicide Comrades who hesitate to call the aggression.
Buffalo 00 00 petty bourgeois elements who then broke with and get a dollar a day besides. Negro, Negro. believe that the Why is Browder demand for governmental acBoston 177. 00 169. 00 95 while they lived.
examples cited by those who ob tion against Germany reprinted now? Because the Communist party under the pressure of bour40. 00 33. 50 geois democratic opinion. On the other hand the 84 By LORD Yes, you would think this. Butject to the use of the term is but that will be the line shortly. Not merely for an Maritime Workers 780. 00 645. 00 they don enlist. The fact is the the exception that proves the embargo now that is already pointless but for militant workers in the party closed their eyes Having just been paid off after Baltimore 20. 00 to the pact and welcomed eagerly the anti war a coastwise voyage to the West fact.
rule. In the periodicals and press the only further governmental action possible aspects of the turn away from the democracies. Indies and up the east coast, Indianapolis 10. 00 00 lot of people don even think of the Negro the term Negro war.
100. 00 79. 70 At least, they thought, the American Communist found the comments of my fellow the is going to war. They heads the list in usage. You are the unfolding of the new Stalinist line has gone Los Angeles 100. 00 78. 50 party will fight against entry into the war. sailors and other seamen indicathink we of the SWP are agita correct in your latest column on, of course, not only here but in Latin America Minneapolis 300. 00 200. 00 Now these militants will have a rude awaken tive, not of the current war protors or well meaning trouble (June 22) in observing this fact. and Europe. As a matter of fact the very first Philadelphia 25. 00 13. 00 52 makers. Workers who are Repub. In Detroit recently the Neg hint of the new line came in Mexico, a month ing. They will now be called upon to abandon the paganda dished out by the RooseEast Chicago 50. 00 25. 00 licans or Democrats say that of roes held an exposition which was ago, when Lombardo Toledano, front for the Stal anti war line and adopt a line supporting velt war machine, but rather a New York City 950. 00 course they are opposed to going to portray the progress of the inista, suddenly made a pro Ally speech after six American imperialism. The bureaucrats will wel live expression of the anti war San Francisco 100. 00 35. 00 to war. But they are sure that Negro race. number of Negro months of preaching the Stalinist line against come the new line, for it will mean a halt to consentiments or the entire merchant New Haven.
55. 00 18. 50 their leaders will keep us out. celebrities directly participated in the democracies.
flict with the blurgeois democratic opinion. But marine.
National Office 550. 00 53. 20 They may not know just why its preparation. The Exposition the many militants in the Communist party have do not say that the seafaring Omaha. 25. 00 00 wars are fought, but nearly ev was run entirely by Negroes and British Stalinists Now Pro War no desire to end their conflict with bourgeois workers are unanimously against ery worker agrees that it is not the name they chose to advertise in England the new line is already much far democratic opinion; they joined the Communist the war (there are many jingoes Oakland 10. 00 00 right that men should fight and this affair to the world was: 75 ther advanced than here. On June 22 the British party precisely because they want to fight the among them. but rather that Lorain 00 00 die for cigarette money while a YEARS OF NEGRO PROGRESS Communist party issued a manifesto which the large majority of them, for bourgeoisie, few coupon clippers make mil. EXPOSITION. was fortunate dropped all mention of the stop the war now We must warn these workers in time of the different reasons and with differΤΟΤΑΙ. 3929. 50 2422. 90 62. lions. really unfortunate from the fin slogan which previously had been the chief slogan new betrayal which is being planned. We must ent degrees of intensity, feel that Not more than one worker in ancial point of view) to have a of both the French and British parties, and in help them stand firm against support of Ameri the United States entry into the war can only bring bad times to ten actually refuses the Appeal concession in this Exposition. stead raised the cry for ousting of all Munich can imperialism and its war policy.
the seafaring man.
once it is explained to him that spoke to innumerable Negroes On the particular vessel of the paper is against the govern and the term Negro was usedment against the government EXCLUSIVELY. To change this which speak, there were two exceptions to the general sentiwar against the compulsory ser term would be a mistake in my vice act (with the a month opinion. The use of the word ment on board, and significantly plan for single men) against dy question is quite another thing ensed personnel two blue riose ing for the millionaires for at should in my opinion be Nova Scotian officers.
workers army for real home de changed. To what? To The The following are individual fense for the working people, Negro Struggle. For that preYOUNGSTOWN, Ohio. For a striking illustration of comments, selected at random, of for the freedom of slave colonies cisely what it is, their STRUG from all the war makers, includ GLE. Their question is the ing the United States. say only same as the question as the en The following letter urging of warning the workers against military training, as these men members of the crew, and of the the need for a Labor Party, the political situation of Ohio licensed personnel: the trade unions to undertake the potential danger represented are doing?
presents a clear picture.
one worker in ten refuses. It is tire working class. But their military training is a proposal by these Legion controlled groups Here are big business men Bosun: If we go in, they ll hog The Republican state administration has earned the enmity true that not more than two or Struggle takes on different forms, with which we are fully in and at the same time preparing training themselves, with the state the sailors to the Maritime of all sections of the labor movement, not only because of three out of five actually pay for is more varied, reflecting their agreement. We welcome letters the paper. But of these some do particular status in the home nate more than a nickel.
country and in the colonies from workers commenting on against Fascist elements at home Department, to become officers in ions. The only way to stop that Governor Bricker refusal to help the starving workers of its proposals Editor. and abroad. Is there any reason their private training camps is to tie up all the ships on all Cleveland and other cities last winter but also because the The last two weeks of house to enjoy reading your column why local unions can take ad. These class conscious big shots the coasts when they try to spike legislative record of his administration has been one of conhouse and factory district cam very much. Keep up with the Editor: paigning, we have taken great good work.
Two weeks ago a Major from drive for this purpose? Why the workers about when they get Oller: England wants to fight tinuous efforts to emasculate previous legislation which had care to emphasize that we are Detroit, Mich. the War Department spoke be should organized workers leave them in the army just as they this war to the last American been favorable to the workers.
not only anti war but antifore the American Legion Post in the job of defending their lives boss them during peace time. Ord. Seaman: What this war On the other hand the Democratic primary last month government. Hardly anyone the town near here where live and their homes entirely to peo: Why should the workers allow about? see the Frogs and Lim. selected Martin Davey as candidate for Governor. His name is seems shocked at this. lot of people seem to know by now that Join the Socialist Guard to defend this locality to be hostile to labor in the past? How about some Workers other now. wil we end up bat etched in the blood of the steel workers shot down by his you couldn be really against Workers Party against potential enemies and in Why can local unions have Plattsburghs? The workers have tling the Limeys and Hitler? national guardsmen in the their war, without also being against own political machine vaders. According to this Army their own Home Defense Guards? the same right to officers train who gets the gravy. Little Steel strike of 1937. which will not only stand on a the government that makes the spokesman, the War Department Trade unions have as much legal ing ps as business and prowar. The main difference between ABE was in the last war Since that time any speaker at platform of immediate demands us and the average worker we veteran organizations all over have military training camps and ions and City Centrals ought to back to find my job missing. Ti a labor gathering had only to central rallying point of all the contact is his unbelief that the Buy the APPEAL rifle clubs as veterans organiza form their Defense Guards, so the we go into this won bite again, mention Davey to get a re anti war sentiment of the millions government that he trusts could IN MINNEAPOLIS This week another meeting is tions. The American Legion and state bodies and national unions This Hitler wrecked the Heinie sponse of boos and cat calls.
take him into a foreign war.
of American workers.
going to be held to launch the the Veterans of Foreign Wars should have officers training unions, but if we go to fight him Perhaps in other cities, where The workers see that it is organization of a Home Guard are not government bodies but in schools and camps where their they ll wreck the unions here. No, Not one candidate in either Davey and Governor Bricker and the labor movement is stronger, Shinders News Co. under the direction of the local dependent voluntary organiza members can learn how to handle sir. This war no good for the the Republican or Democratic the other politicians who have workers are more wary of this 6th St. Hennepin Av. Legion Post. One of the leading tions. Unions of workers ought to modern military and mechanized sailors. Democracy begins at parties who received the support fought the onward march of labor was, and more skeptical of the Legionnaires is acting as recruit the same privileges as equipment under the direction of home.
of labor won the nomination. Ev who today are urging national leaders including labor leaders. Morris Kroman, ing officer ions of veterans.
their own organizations. The War It must not be forgotten that 4th St. Nicollet Av This Home Guard has already It easy to see why the War Department notice has a British defeat Hitler at all costs candidate for the office of Lieuticians, tools of big business, the 1st Mate: We ve got to help the en William Whetro, a Democratic unity. To all these boss poliBuffalo has not gone through the Pioneer News Co. 1937 days that Detroit did. In 238 Second Av. South by for become the pet project of the Department deliberately places camps for mature men during your readers tag yn got head bud card in the machinists union and all the opportunity to scrap all Buffalo class lines are still hazy.
But the workers are no less inA. Peterson News Stand, Washington Av. way Most of the legion officers are much because these are veterans creates a very serious situation of the Legion Posts. It is not so unions take over some of them? creases. Don you want to help ported by the CIO and the AFL which in any way hindered their telligent here than elsewhere. realize that these suggestions England in her hour of need as wen as the Railroad Brother. desire to lower the living standAnd no less brave. And when Labor Book store, they fully realize that they are small business men who wote Re: piaces they are composed and an are offend the anti war feelings Every good American would give hoods, was defeated. While in ards of the workers. On the altar 919 Marquette Av.
publican, labor haters. Now these controlled by super patriotic re working people are going to get try. We must help England.
of many workers. know that the up something if he loved his coun Youngstown, Ralph Elser, the of national defense will be sacrion one side, and the bosses are men are organising an armed actionaries.
sheriff who deputized company ficed the gains of many years of group which is going to function an even worse deal in this rotten Instead of permitting the Le war than they got in the last, and 2nd Asst. Eng. The Heinies gunmen to shoot down the steel hard fought battles by the worklegally and openly in our miassionnaires to monopolize this des that they can expect anythine are no good. We ve got to wipe Strikers in 1937, won the Demo ers for a decent living. Already OUT TODAY!
and with public approval.
with government aid and blessing tense movement, the trade unions better from their bosses now. But out Hitler and the Dutchmen once cratic nomination for Sheriff before America has declared war In the last World War we had ought to take the initiative in this proposal is not pro warst and for all. Too bad we didn do against other candidates support we find that in every strike the a better job last time.
issue of interfering with nationManifesto of the Fourth International at Defense unit like this one here. their own auspices. They should we have to be realistic about Fireman: The Limeys will fight WORKERS BOYCOTT PRIMAal defense is raised, as in the drilled in a local hall, and re ask the government for the same the situation. Here are reaction to the last Ally (this in its vari RIES, WANT OWN PARTY shipyard workers strike, and in hearsed such emergency activities kind of aid as the Legion Posts aries organizing local forces, ous forms is a constant refrain. What the union leaders fail to workers with the negotiations of the auto 28 guarding railroad bridges, etc. tain arms and equipment, train training themselves for officers got the revolutionist position on of their membership is fed up executives No, the seaman hasn as yet realize is that the rank and Ale There is one act of treachery and the Like the other Home Guards, iting camps, drilling halls, and positions. The workers would be the war, but one sure thing is with both the old parties and are being prepared at the present ous defense work. But in many Department was never called on for any serio technical assistance from the War foolish to ignore these activities. that in the main, he against par showing this disgust by not tak time which when it becomes places, if you will remember, At least they can use them for ticipation in this war, and feels ing any particular interest in the known openly to the thousands of these local Defense groups were If any corporation should try their own benefit by training strongly in his opposition to it. primary elections. The workers union men in the state wil proinstrumental in organizing and to use the Legionnaires Home themselves for the inevitable con This in spite of the constant pro want no mere friends of labor. duce a real explosion.
It is reliA 48 page pamphlet onCAUSES OF THE PRESENT WAR and reds, and even lynched have reliable units of their own or for themselves the day after the radio and on shore. The sea labor candidates with no strings and are going to try to sell him to ized labor agitators, wobblies, strike situation, the unions would sght for their bosses tomorrow subjected to in his daily life, on of labor, running as independent and other top bureaucrats of the ROLE OF IMPERIALISM workers.
WHAT NAZI WAR SLOGANS REALLY MEAN to defend their rights. But in that they ll need the best military man wants no war.
RESPONSIBILITY OF 2nd 3rd INTERNATIONALS It impossible to prevent the case the bosses wouldn be 90 training.
of the Republican and Democratio their membership.
formation of these Home Guards likely to try it.
The workers ought to take a WHAT TO DO NOW!
state bosses.
As for the AFL, already Mike The forces behind the movement! This idea could be adopted on a tip from the big shots and the loNor would it be difficult to or State Federation of Labor, AFL, Lyden, President of the Ohio COMPLETE PROGRAM!
are too powerful and they are state and national scale. Last cal reactionaries, who are getting being sold to the people as purely week eight hundred men from ready for the coming war in their In AKRON, ganize such a movement. Local has appeared at pre primary elecА conferences followed by state tion rallies fór Davey for GoverCALL TO ACTION! defense bodies. The workers are this district went to Plattsburgh, own way and in their own intertaken in by this argument and New York, for a month of mill ests. The organized workers the APPEAL may vide gatherings sponsored by nor. Whether this double cross of be obtained at: 8c per copy to all branches of the progressive union leaders would the workers will succeed or not don always recognize what a tary training. There not a should do the same thing and not 5e per single copy threat to themselves these Home worker in the lot. In the first leave the defense of their inter NEWS EXCHANGE, in the AFL as well as the cho rank and Ale can make their profind a quick and ready response depends on how impressive the Published by the Guards may be. One veteran said place, the War Department has ests in the hands of their worst 51 Main St.
to me: wouldn go over there specifically designated Platts enemies.
and Railroad Brotherhoods.
tests. There is only one real way SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY again to fight, but what wrong burgh as the business men I like to know what you think PORTAGE CIGARS The very real threat of Amer that this protest can be made ef116 UNIVERSITY PLACE NEW YORK, with being ready to defend our camp. And in the second place. about these ideas.
cor. Howard ica entry into the robber war fective, that is that decisive steps selves here against the Fascists? what worker can afford to pay Fraternally.
West Market abroad makes it all the more ne be taken immediately to organizo There ought to be some way the government for a month Bridgeport, Conn.
cessary for the workers to create an independent labor party.
Need of Labor Party Trade Unions Urged To Start het en the. Seen in Ohio Military Training Under Its Control at: The Imperialist War Proletarian World Revolution