CapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismPopular FrontsSocialismSocialist PartySpainStalinStalinismTrotskyWorkers Party

Official Weekly Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International Vol. IV, No. 28 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JULY 13, 1940 267 FIVE (5) CENTS FRENCH DEMOCRATS TURN FASCIST Communist Int Preparing to Abandon Anti :War Policy: Only Workers Can We Must Fight Its Support of Wall Street Imperialism Protect Freedom LYNCH MOB LEADERS NAMED, as he went TERROR REIGNS Behind the Lines GOV TAKING Demand Decent Pay STALINISTS IN APPLICATIONS IN For Defense Jobs!
ALIBI HUNT FOR JOB TRAINING TROTSKY ATTACK By FELIX MORROW supported by the Kremlin. Kollowers of the Krem eign policy which had been introduced by the Three days later William Foster gave the Liberty, Equality, Fraternity Thrown Panic stricken by the consequences of the lin in 1935 1939 could still be deluded to believe Stalinist fraction and which the Youth Congress next hint. For seven months the Comintern press Stalin Hitler pact which so enormously facilitated that collective security was a peace policy. adopted (of course) by a vote of 384 to 19. in the democratic countries had been denounc Overboard Without a Splash, Teaching German imperialism conquest of Europe, the they can scarcely be persuaded to accept that at Instead of a resolution along the line of recent ing the idea of supporting the defense of a capiKremlin is embarking on a new orientation to this stage of the war! This difficulty imposes Stalinist agitation one which would declare un talist country. Foster himself had been writing Us Not to Trust Boss Politicians ward an alliance with the imperialist enemies of extreme caution on the Stalinist leadership in alterable opposition to any war engaged in by, a little homilies about the responsibility of all capiGerman imperialism, above all with the United putting over the new line.
capitalist government of the United States, a talisms for war and that socialism is the only States.
denunciation of Roosevelt national defense way out. Now, suddenly, Foster offered a proAs always in its bargaining with the imperial New Line Tried On the Youth program, etc. the Stalinist topis introduced gram of national defense as opposed to that of Republican France is now Fascist France.
ist powers, the Kremlin is offering the services of resolution which said: Roosevelt. The main point was the demand for a The stout defenders of democracy are the latest recruits the Communist International to those whom it The most explicit statement so far of the latest turn was made Saturday morning. July 6, at the We declare our readiness to contribute to peoples democratic government. Foster reto fascism.
woos. From 1935 until August, 1939, the Kremlin the maximum our energies, our services and called: The Communists always vote to furnish American Youth Congress, by Mac Weiss, head sold the Comintern to the democracies. then it of the Young Communist League. The perplexed IF NEED BE OUR LIVES to the great task hastily scrawled constitution was put through an assenarms to such democratic governments, as in the sold the Comintern to Hitler along with oil and delegates the vast majority of them young YCL of DEFENDING OUR COUNTRY and our cases of the first popular front government in bly of docile Deputies and Senators at Vichy on July manganese: and now it is offering the services of democratie rights against any attack of ene France, and the democratie people governments and CP members or sympathizers prepared in this corrupt prostitute to American imperialism.
By this simple act the Republic of Liberty, Equality, and their localities for the Congress along the isola mies from without and against any betrayal of Spain, China, Mexico, Chile and Cuba. Daily Fraternity was erased from the political map of the continent.
Each time the Comintern is offered up for tionist and pacifist line, suddenly heard Weiss from within, as in France.
Worker, June 20. sale to the imperialists by the Kremlin ambas declare: Although continuing a perfunctory opposition The men who have taken the lead in turning France into sadors, the private negotiations are accompanied The people of the must collaborate to compulsory military training, the resolution Foster Recalls Roosevelt Support a fascist country are the same who only a few weeks ago publicly by deliberately created atmosphere of with Russia stop Hitler. want to associate declared that youth would make the sacrifice re This was the first time in seven months that were among those hailed the world over as the Horatios at confusion, of mixing the old line with the new for myself with the great mass of American peo quired by war only in a just cause. Stalin and stalinist spokesman had recalled the awk the bridge of western civilization.
months, so that the Communist party rank and ple who feel that the conquests of Hitler repre Roosevelt, or Roosevelt sucessor, will naturally ward fact that the Stalinists had voted arms to file cannot see what is happening. The way for sent a serious menace to the United States. determine that just cause.
Daladier Blum. Four days later Foster recalled Petain was the soldier liero who came out of retirement the new line is paved by a series of hints which Non Stalinists immediately pressed Weiss for It is typical of the hypocritical and deceitful appear buried in the Stalinist press amid shoutanother fact unmentioned for seven months. He at his country call in the struggle for freedom and democan explanation of his change of line. All that Stalinist method of changing political lines that asked the question: Doesn Roosevelt pro war racy. Weygand was the miliing along the old line; there is no explicit anthe Stalinist short and casual report on the Weiss could lamely say was: If there is a nouncement of the new line as it is brought policy show that the Communist Party was wrong adoption of this resolution (Sunday Worker, July change of line, perhaps the explanation should in giving support to the New Deal? And he tary genius who all but bared more and more to the fore; finally step by step doce not quote the key paragraphs which we come from those who once favored a moral emanswered: his breast to the legions of the it replaces the old line altogether. Thus, step by bargo against Russia and now favor sending have quoted from the resolution. Our Party had back up such tendencies modern Attila. Pierre Laval step. the deceived rank and file of the party is maneuvered from one toul line to a new one.
Russia tools and machinery.
as the Roosevelt government was then showing was the man you remember This time the Stalinist leaders are certain to An extraordinary argument! The Kremlin First Hints of the New Line towards a policy of collective security and Moscow in foreign policy according to Weiss is in the hands The first hint of the new line came on June 16, be more cautious than ever in switching to the more democratic relations with the countries Latin he fact that This in spite 1935 and there made the hisnew line, for now they must get their followers of the White House! Roosevelt release of some when France asked for the armistice. Whereupon toric pact with Stalin which was tools and machinery previously ordered by Russia to leave an avowedly anti war line for a line of Roosevelt was then and is now a defender of Israel Amter, addressing the YCL convention that day, declared that the Kremlin occupation but held up, is enough to cause a reorientation of capitalism. He has today completely abandoned to insure western Europe against support of American imperialism foreign policy the menace of Fascism. and that policy, every child knows, is a war the Kremlin and of the Comintern.
his reform program and is promoting an imof the Baltic countries is also furthering the making policy whether that war policy is carried Weiss statement was perplexing, however, only interests of the workers of France and the rest perialist war policy. What our Party supported The National Association for was not Roosevelt capitalism, but the proNow They Tell to his own followers. Others had noted the beout by American imperialism and her capitalist of Europe by weakening Hitler position on his satellitea alone or whether that policy is alsoginnings of a new turn in the resolution on for castern front. Dally Worker, June 17. the Advancement of Colored leo. In our newspapers now we are (Continued on Page 2)
ple has placed before, President all reading long and detailed acRoosevelt and the Department of counts of what villains these meu Justice a list of the names of the really are. We are mobie whole drove the number that they are their resbeltatto derita prominent Negroes out of ably delivered France into the Brownsville, Tennessee, following hands of the enemy. They are the lynching of Elbert Williams, we now learn nothing but tral33 year old laundry fireman, tors and saboteurs.
Hints of Appeasement Begin to Come From Negro leader of a register and But only a few weeks ago the Roosevelt Horse Mouth vote drive.
same newspapers told us they The names of the mob leaders were heroes, mighty fighters unby GEORGE STERN include two bank officials, several der the banner of democracy, men Hearings of the Senate Military Affairs Committee on police officers, a state highway who were ready to give their all The main effects of Hitler saying he had failed to stress European victories on im another presidential point: that commissioner, and several mer to keep the dread iron heel of the compulsory military training bill introduced in the Locked Out perialist strategy are already all this had to be done coSenate by Democrat Burke and in the House by Republican Members Acted chants. Williams body was found fascism from crushing out the in a river near Brownsville on heritage of liberty in Europe.
quite plain. The rivalry with JapGeneration Flood an for domination of the Pacific operatively and not by meth Personally, says Sunday, June 28. There were two Wadsworth, have so far developed one difference of wounds in his chest, his head was Democracy Was Lle area has had to be abandoned, in ods of conquest. This did not Employment Stations opinion. Statement battered and beaten to twice its deed if not in word. The Atlantic, change very much and observBoth these versions are lies.
normal size, his arms and feet Politicians and generals are nothnot the Pacific, has become the ers here, as well as in Berlin The bill provides for paying conscripts a month for were tied with a rope and his ing but the servants of the class focus of war strategy. Finally, against the day when imand Tokyo, were fully entitled body was weighted down by a that rules. Up to yesterday the wonder just what Roosevelt to register here Monday for govOver 5, 000 workers attempted the eight months of training, and an array of big business MEXICO CITY, July Stalin heavy log tied around his neck. bosses of France were pleased to perialism will have to fight its men and militarists have insisted that this provision should sponsibility for the attempted us with bullets were found later, erty, Equality and Fraternity to ist strategy in disclaiming to Two other victims, both riddled use the fictional insignia of LiDrivals both in Asia and in Europe was actually thinking about ernment controlled training in for world domination, this coun and whether this new line of the skilled trades. All the unem stand.
sassination of Leon Trotsky and neither as yet identified.
conceal their naked power. Now try will have to play somehow for ployed were turned away and the murder of Trotsky secretime, for time enough to build policy is soon to replace the only those now working in ma Typical of these gentlemen is Julius Ochs Adler, owner tary, Robert Sheldon Harte, this it is reported that eight other things have changed. Having been defeated by a more powerful the monster two ocean fleet and present one, in form as well as chine shops were permitted to of the New York Times who, these days, is always reweek takes the following forms: Negrous are missing.
air force it needs to meet these practice.
Brownsville is the county seat rival they adapt themselves to register. That those found responsible of Haywood county and formidable rivals of tomorrow. Actually the incident would Courses in aut tion ferred to by the title of colonel. Colonel Adler was are (a) not members of the Comwho constitute three fourt Fea, him and their first method is to of change the form of their rule. It seem rather to reflect the very mechanics, welding, sheet metal Consequently we need not. share the astonishment and real confusion that must exist work, radio and pattern making shocked at the idea that anybody wouldn think a month are members of the Communist the county population, have not is bepy enough for them to erase both in Washington and in Wall were to start this week, as part consternation of the liberal was enough: patriotism, etc. etc.
party were in the attack purely voted since 1864.
from their political manuals.
Street about the course that has of the federal drive to train addias Individuals.
know nothings when hints of Sheriff Got Williams They were never anything but to be pursued right now in the tional skilled workers for war inappeasement begin to emanate Others, and it may be that the Army will take this posi This line of defense is formu The Investigation words to them.
lated in the latest official state shows that on the night of June Now we can see what a thin from the sacred portals of sphere of foreign policy. They dustries.
Roosevelt own private offices. know they have to discount the The entire project is part of tion when its representatives appear at the hearings, say ment of the Communist Party of 16 a group of white men, headed tissue of lying phrases forms the Last Saturday morning Steph defeat of Britain. They know they the program of the National De the conscripts should get the prevailing army pay of 21 a dare not move against Japan. fense Commission and is being month.
en Early, the presidential seclitical buro, in its organ, La Voz liams home. When Mrs. Williams racy so far as the capitalists are They know that they may have financed by a 1, 000, 000 federal de Mexico, June 30, follows: answered the door, Hunter told concerned! At one stroke they retary, threw a group of newsto compete with Hitler for Stal appropriation. The project is un paper correspondents into com David Alfaro Siquelros, who her to tell her husband to step to brush them away and the French So thats the difference of opinion among these gentle appears to be responsible for the door. Williams came to the capitalists, protected from the de in partnership before very long. der the formal supervision of the plete confusion when he relayed They also know that they need federal Bureau of Education, but men: or 21 a month for an eight month period of the assault, is not a member of door dressed in his pajamas. ceived and betrayed masses by what he said were some notions at the least two years. more is to be administered in the dil military service.
the Communist party of Mex: Hunter told him that he was the legions of Hitler, begin of the president about the Mon probably five to arm themselves Perent localities by the state, ico. Neither are Siqueiros wanted at the jall for question without all the mummery of parto rule roe Doctrine. The did not adequately enough for the big county and city Boards of Educaaides) Antonio Pujol, or Luis ing and led his prisoner to a laments and hot air about freeAt least one million skilled mechanics are going to be and Leopoldo Arenal.
want, he said, to interfere jobs they have set for themselves tion.
waiting automobile. One of the dom.
in the future. The declarations of those taken away from their civilian jobs and put to work in with territorial settlements in Daily newspapers carried misAt the same time they have leading stories that the bulk of under arrest establish clearly gang, upon leaving turned to Mrs.
the ground crews for the air force. In the case of these men The Great Lesson Asia and Europe arising out of Williams and informed her: This their personal responsibility is the last time you ll see that to face the fact that they may the trainees are to come from The lesson for workers everythe war. Let the countries of but not that of the Communist the government cannot even pretend that they are going we re goin kill im not have so much time, that the unemployed. According to the where and above all in the party.
Europe settle their territorial Fearful of her husband life United States. is once more they may not be able to die statements of the officials in to learn a trade during the conscription period. The men Defense of the innocence of the woman followed the automo not trust boss politicians and boss problems and the countries of tate the circumstances or the Porne however, the unemployed will be doing work along their usual line except that they Martinez, two of those arrested, then went to the town jall. She governments to assure us free Asia, theirs.
As the newspapers generally tempo of the rapidly unfolding will be the last group to be adwill get a month for it, or maybe 21 a month.
and two whom by no stretch of was told that Williams was not dom. Unless we act first to sepointed out the next day. this world struggle, that a decision mitted, and in the smallest profacts can the Communist party there but that he would likely cure and protect our own freedom seemed to be saying that Europe may be forced upon them one portion. The first group to be ad The government will be repeating here what it is already disclaim, for Serrano is a member turn up later. He did, dead, at and economic well being and seshould be left to Germany and way or another before they are of its Central Committee and the bottom of the river.
sent in machine shops. The nec coing with WPA workers. putting them to work at the of Asia to Japan, while this hemi meady for it.
curity, we leave the capitalists Martinez figure among the ond will be taken from other WPA coolie wages doing tasks which, under the regular teachers.
Hunter now claims that he took free at any time sphere would be left to the and everything would be smooth It must have been out of a shops which use power machinThe same issue of La Voz de the prisoner to jail where, after terest ao clap us into the chains three hours of questioning. Wil of Fascism.
and happy. This smacked like conversation along these lines ery. The third group are those civil service statutes and the Walsh Healey Act, would have Mexico carries a list of Stalinist lams was released. He started. The French workers were told Chamberlain. Daladier appease. that the Roosevelt Early remarks who are employed in any indus to be paid for at trade union wage scales.
controlled organizations which towards home; that all know, that revolution would open the ment projected on a far vaster emerged. They reflect the process try, and who have had previous way to Hitler. They let the bosses scale.
of change rather than any detin experience in one of the first two The government is behaving like the worst chiselling against imprisonment or Serrant the sherif claims.
and Martinez because there has stay in power. They got Hitler: Reign of Terror The presidential statement ite change that has already taken categories. The unemployed come boss.
place. The fact that Roosevelt, last.
not been established their par Negroes have been forbidden to him after they were rendered They got Fascism. And they got was at such variance with the upon returning to Washington In New York, which is the first Labor must answer: ticipation in the assault.
formal policy still expressed by from Hyde Park, called the com city to get the program under This part of the Stalinist even for church services, and the have got to understand and act gather in groups in Brownsville, helpless to resist. That is what we Hull, especially with respect to ander in chiet the fleet back way, registration takes place at All work on the defense program must be done at trade strategy may be in the process Rev. Buster Walker of the Bap. upon before it its too late.
the Far East (Indochina and from Hawaii and consulted with 131 Livingston Street, Brooklyn union wage scales and under trade union conditions!
of being abandoned, for the tist church was chased out of the Dutch East Indies) that the chief of staff of the armed Unemployed workers must regisJune 30 statement of the po town shortly after the lynchings.
forces in the Philippines, showed ter first with the State Employlitical buro does not even menEarly next day clouded over his Walker inourred the mob wrath that these problems are still be ment Service and will be notified 30 weekly minimum for all workers conscripted un tion by name Martinez and by speaking favorably of Negro SEE EDITORIAL Previous remarks a little bit by ing weighed from all angles. when they will be admitted. der the defense program. Continued on Page 8)
suffrage. Page 4)