BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEngelsEnglandFascismFifth ColumnFranceGPUGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismLeninMarxMarxismNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainSpanish Civil WarStalinStalinismStrikeSubversiveTrotskyURSSWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

murderers in one of two possible by Robert Birchman ways. One of the police whom Harte knew as assigned to guard AS GPU CHIEFTAIN the household and who was in league with the assailants may IN MEXICO By ANTOINETTE KONIKOW, Negro Paper on the War have persuaded Harte to open the Machinery in industry or the industrial era The California Eagle (Los Angeles, June 20) the policeman rushed in the asdoor on some pretext, and behind caused considerable change in the life of women.
has a two column editorial entitled The Stakes: MEXICO CITY, June 28 All agree that the home of today is not what it Africa, which follows in part: sailants. Or the assailants had The man with a French acused to be. The home is breaking up. people Today the great continent of Africa is the found a certain weakness in the say, and of course we socialists are blamed for it.
stake for which millions of men are dying on the surrounding wall which enabled a cent from whom Siqueiros (Continged from Page 1)
skillful attacker to get in and took orders, and whom SiquelThe passing of the present home with its drudgbattlefields of Europe. Empire and empire alone strike Harte from behind.
costs in other countries, ros introduced to one of his ery, worries and uncertainty of income would not is the guilding spirit of World War II.
amounted to not less than 10, hirelings as my chief, is grieve me. For such a home would shed no Differences of political structure between the The third possibility, which the 000.
identified as Leon Haikys, first tears; but neither would or any socialist accept Anies and the Italo German bloc are important, police had entertained and which The solving of the crimes of was bolstered by confessions of secretary of the Soviet Lega responsibility for undermining it. Incredible as it but are dwarfed beside the weight of motivating those who have been arrested, the GPU, because of this, preeconomic causes. What President Roosevelt, Sention in Mexico during the presmay appear, the very people who accuse us, the is now destroyed by the finding of sents tremendous difficulties. In idency of General Obregon, acbosses and their agents, they are the real culprits.
ator Pepper (of Florida, no less. Senator Pittno other country of the world, They did the job very effectively with their glhis body man and others have been pointing out for the cording to two articles not in France, not in Switzerpast few ing yesterday and today in gantic privately owned machinery and factories.
weeks namely that democracy is GPU Discouraged Search land, not in Spain, have any of Since his diplomatic post in threatened is only Incidentally true. The soMany young women today consider work in It must be said that the GPU the crimes of the GPU been Mexico some years ago, the the factory or office just a transitory, temporary called democratic nations, functioning on the and its friends had done their job brought to light with such articles say, Haikys has had stage for they are certain it will cease with marbasis of liberal federal governments, have reprewell. So successfully had they thoroughness as is being done no official mission riage. That is why it is often difficult to organize sented in the economic field a direct paradox to propagated the idea that young before us with this one, the as Excelsior, Mexico City daily women workers into the unions. But after martheir political systems. On the one hand theirs is Harte was an agent of the GPU sault of May 24 in Mexico. The Excelsior claims that one riage (and contrary to the movies they rarely federalize representative government on the who had now fled the country.
body of Bob Sheldon in all cer of its reporters has been able marry the boss or boss son) they often discover other, the most highly centralized and dictatorial that the police investigators were tainty will shed a supplement to ascertain that Haikys has that it may be better to work a little longer to administration. Britain parliament may be seeking some word of him in Guaary light on all the devices of been in Alexico for some time fortress of liberties, but her Bank of England is compensate for the small wages of the husband.
Then Illness occurs or the husband loses his fob, this complicated conspiracy temala or in the United States a battlement of despotism.
without an official mission.
and the wife work becomes a necessity. In many The editorial concludes: anywhere except the short disHaikys is also not listed as In two of its announcements, industries like textile goods, the whole family Economic development of the world retance from the Trotsky household serving anywhere today in the the Central Committee of the sources cannot be left in the hands of power mad where he was actually found.
must work to cover expenses; even statistics pre Communist Party has reSoviet diplomatic service.
That was precisely the purpose of sent us with a record of family wages instead dictators thriving on the theory of nationallsm During the Spanish civil war peated that the participation of the GPU spread slander against and incidentally, race superiority: of individual ones.
the Soviet ambassador in Loyan it be Sheldon casts a suspicious the boy to discourage any search left to the hit or miss capitalistic system that light on the assault. In reality alist Spain, Rosenberg, was refor his body.
called to Moscow and executed.
Women Changed By Industry we have known. The welfare of humanity it.
the penetration of an agent of It was not in search for it Stalin into my household could Haikys took his place at Va Yet all self depends upon the creation of an efficient had a compensating aspect. The that the body was found. It was have indicated solely that the lencia as Stalin spokesman world economic system. The day of status quo drudgery and monotony of domestic life kept a found while the police were GPU had succeeded in decely to Loyalist leaders, but reand balance of power must end. British victory woman isolated, ignorant of world realities. She searching for the police uniing my friends in New York, mained in the background, un was concerned mainly with her own narrow, fambased upon the old notion of Mighty Me would forms and arms used by the One of the Doors of Trotsky Bedroom, Riddled With the who recommended Bob Sheldon known publicly.
ily interests. Her work outside the home awakbe as harmful as a Nazi triumph. Economie pros. attackers.
Bullets of the Assassins Sent by the GPU.
perity cannot successfully exist in any part of me. Every informed person ened her to a new outlook. was not the kiss of the modern world, while there is poverty someThe 11. kept farmhouse in knows that the GPU floods its Prince Charming which stirred her slumber, it whose cellar Sheldon Harte was where else. The channels of trade are too dell found buried came under the the Arenal brothers, Luis and agents into all the workers orwas the whistle of the factory and the rumbling cately interlaced to permit it. When there is prosganizations and state instituof machinery. As she works and mingles with scrutiny of the police in two Leopoldo, lieutenants of Siqueirperity for all and it is not an impossible dream tions throughout the world. For others under modern industrial conditions her there will be peace for all, since the cause of ways. Neighbors reported seeing os, had dismissed him (Vazquez. very character is altered. At home she was bashthis it spends annually tens of some men living there for a few The design of Vazquez story was war will have been destroyed.
millions of dollars. But the ver.
ful, self conscious, lacked confidence in her own But what does the Eagle concretely propose day of the attack on Trotsky. Po as an accomplice of the attack UPENLY BALD days who had left May 24th, the to paint a picture of young Harte sion that Sheldon was an agent ability the so called clinging vine. She soon as a solution to the problem? Certainly not a the GPU is completely acquires a backbone, and begins to assert herself.
lice paid more attention to this ers, alive after the attack and streamlined capitalist system which would be crushed. His body is a convineShe learns to think and act Independently and fascism. The only way to solve the problem of report when they had gotten a killed presumably by the Arenal likes it ing argument. Bob perished benew hint of the ramifications of brothers. Why? Those who took the economic security, to build an economic system cause he placed himself How did this affect the home? Desperately wothat makes war impossible is for the Negroes and Herrera Vazquez. He was the ty propose such preposterous hythe conspiracy from Mariano Vazquez story seriously could onroad of the assassins. He died men try to combine work with married life. The the entire working class to join with the Socialist sweetheart of Ana Lopez Chavez, potheses as that Harte was then for the ideas in which he be. Continued from Page 1)
wife now has on her slender shoulders doublo (Continued from Page 1)
lleved. His memory is spotless other two chauffeurs ratified their Workers Party in organizing to overthrow the yoke: work in the office, factory, or profession the woman who with Julia Bar killed for the big sum of money capitalist system in both its fascist and demoradas de Serrano had had the he had been paid. But that could fairs. It is evident that the ma Qui Prodest asks the old declarations, which all had made and the care of he house and often children. When a woman comes home from work, she cleans cratic forms and build a socialist society.
task of corrupting the police only make sense if Harte had jority of delegates represented and wise maxim of Roman law. on June 23.
The chauffeurs declarations house, prepares supper and cares for the children.
Sharecroppers Called guarding the Trotsky household, been in the plot for the money the isolationist tendeney using who is interested in slandering stated that Siqueiros, whom they The young husband often wonders why the cheer The confessions made by the and he was the son of a very that term to designate those mod Bob Harte and leading the inknew well, had arranged with ful, peppy girl he married is now always tired Fifth lumn. two women, both Stalinists, were wealthy man, a boy who had est imperialists satisfied with vestigation astray! The anand depressed.
The Chicago Defender (June 29) reports edireported in detail in last week given up a life of ease and com control over the Western Hemi swer is clear: the GPU and its them for what, they insisted, was In Recent Social Trends, the report of the Appeal. torially that: From Oklahoma comes the report fort for the hard life of the revo sphere.
agents. The discovery of the presented to them as a task of lutionary movement.
It is clear that most of the source of the false declarations transporting police to Leon President Research Committee, 1932, it was revealed that in 1990 there were three million marthat Attorney General Holt of Arkansas in a GPU Rented All!
delegates, anxious to get votes in reference to Bob will certain Totsky house. The considerable statement to the press intimated that Negro ried women engaged in gainful occupation, also Vazquez minimized his own role GPU Guilt Established rather than to formulate correctly reveal one of the staffs in armament which the assailants sharecroppers fighting against eviction and mass that from 1900 to 1930 the total number of woin the affair. Through his sweetEight of those arrested have policies, were of the opinion that the plot.
carried, including machine guns, men employed doubled while the number of marstarvation and against open and spent mobbery heart the trad been hired, trst admitted their complicity. All of they. could carner lot wetes of of the by the. are Bob is not the first of those was described by the chauffeurs, ried women, engaged in work quadrupled. One fifth columnists and subversive elements.
to keep watch on a certain house these are members or closely if they would only come out of close to me who has fallen at who concluded that the commisthird of all women employed in gainful occupa in Coyoacan and then to live in a associated with the They the convention parading as a the hands of the mercenary assion the police were about to execute was an extremely perilous tions were married. These statistics are ten years very logic of things. To hide the robbery of black alongside of trots kyretana then armed wand David Altaro Siqueis the masses did not want to go to the members of my family, two one, but that did not cause them old but the trend has not changed.
Lately a movement has started to prevent marthe poll tax and the denial of their constitutional a care a heard the shots inside the patio ried women from working, hoping thus to allevirights, the spokesmen of the landlords will deand the assailants came out did taker Vazquez gave the police all figures known for many years publicans into power in the ex GPU. do not speak of the clare these loyal Americans to be fifth column their first realization of what aft as stalinists, men who were in pectation that the Republican thousands of my partisans exthey realize, the chauffeurs claim, ate unemployment. That is what happened to erward unfolded in an astonish the Stalinist apparatus in Loyal party would keep the country out posed to physical extermina that an attack had been made women in Germany. First Hitler ordered all mar ing picture that the GPU band ist Spain. The Stalinist party is of war.
tion in the USSR and other Race Equality in the Army and that the occupants of their ried women to stay at home and attend the three had rented practically every now engaged in frantically dis Wilkie a God send countries. limit myself solely cars were not real policemen. s. kinder, kuche, kirch, which means childThe Pittsburgh Courler reports that the Burke house which became empty in the but can not. In addition the facts vention consisted of the nominaThe dramatic phase of the con to my secretaries in various But the chauffeurs were paid ren, kitchen, and church. Then as men are needed Bil for conscription means that some 4, 000, 444 countries who have been led to splendidly. Chauffeur Castaneda in the army, he ordered them back into industry Negroes will have to register and at least 2, 300. house!
already known have implicated tion of a presidential candidate. suicide by persecution, who was hired personally by Siqueiros 000 would be liable to be called for military As this picture became clear, David Serrano and Luis Mateos The mediocre character of the have been shot or assassinated immediately afterward. He drove again!
the police proceeded to examine Martinez, well known mem available candidates among the by the agents of the GPU him, his brother, Siqueiros sweet Industrialism has created new conditions in Something over a million of our people be carefully every house in the area bers closely associated with the old line politicians was obvious seven persons: Glasman, heart and her two brothers, Luis woman life. Is this change altogether detritween the ages of 21 and 35 would be surely which might have been used by present leadership. Still fur and gave serious concern to the Butov, Blumkin, Ser and Leopoldo Arenal, about for mental to women? By no means! True, women called.
the attackers in their conspiracy. ther, clues are now pointing to capitalists who really run the muks, Poznasky, Klement, several days, finally taking them work harder, their health often suffers, their The Pittsburgh Courier is not opposed to con In the course of this systematic the higher ups from whom si hind the party were in a real (Bob) Sheldon Harte occuplice scription and military training. Their complaint work the farmhouse, not very far queiros and his men took their dilemma. They are all for Roose the eighth, but fear not the Wolf. In this list Robert to Guadalajara.
nerves go to pieces but in the schooling of this Ratifies Confession is: from Coyoacan, was examined new life they have gained in experience, self Now if we are to have conscription, if our Monday.
orders foreign officials of the velt pro war policy and could last place.
Nestor Sanchez Hernandez reliance, knowledge and if they are workers they colored men are to be called up by the million to In the cellar a close examina GPU.
not trust a second rate politician After this, the political who last week made a clean risk their lives in the defense of their country. tion discovered a spot where the learn to defend their rights and become class they must not be subjected to insult, discriminaFrom now on the investigation in the presidential chair at a agents of the GPU can speak of breast of his role as one of the earth had been recently disturbed. takes on darker hues. It is no will have to be made daily.
time when momentous decisions my persecution manla.
armed attackers, after police had conscious.
tion and segregation.
It was a likely place to hide arms found in his valise one of the poCoyoacan, On the other hand their hos No conscription law must be passed that does and the uniforms, thought the po longer the question of an atlice uniformis used and a pistol The Promised Land For Women June 25, 1940 not contain a specific provision that no citizen lice, and they began digging. Soon tempted assassination of Leon tility to Roosevelt for his social which Hernandez had taken from It is said that when Moses led the Israelites of the called for military service shall be excluded from they were assailed by the odor of Trotsky. Now, in addition, it is reformism is still smoldering.
police guarding service in any branch or division of the Army to the Promised Land, he took forty years wana decaying human corpse. Higher the story of how the GPU ruth They were in a panic lest the Trotsky house, today ratified his or Navy because of race, color, or creed: officials were hastily called, in lessly murdered Leon Trotsky would compel them to support nomination of a Dewey or a Taft Join the Socialist dering through the deserts because he wanted previous declaration in toto. Yes, let us have conscription, but without any It was published in last them to forget the slavery in Egypt so that they color line.
police, and Colonel Salazar, head secretary, Robert Sheldon Harte. Roosevelt for a third term. Workers Party week APPEAL.
would come to the Promised Land with a new We are opposed to fim crow policies in the of the secret service.
generation which had never known slavery. armed forces of the nation and everywhere else Clothes and a lock of hair from think we women should consider our tramping that it may rear its ugly head. We stand for full the disinterred body were brought economic, political and social equality for the through the jungles of capitalism in the same at 12:15 a. to the Trotsky Fourth International Conference Negro people.
household. These were immediateway. Despite its hardships, it has a progressive, We are for military training. But the question ly identified by two of Sheldon valuable aspect for women. Involved in the probis, for what? The military training that we want Harte co workers who showed is that undertaken by the organizations of the police in Sheldon belongings an clearly than can ever be learned from books the workers both Negro and white the trade un undershirt identical to one from ions. This training will be for the purpose of the body. His co workers were crying need of changing this capitalist world of defending the interests of the workers and of the then taken to see the body and (The following is one of the Burnham, ideological leader of ers Party, thus recognizing its The Emergency Conference of insecurity, suffering and struggle into a new exploited and oppressed Negro peoples. Not a war there could no longer be any resolutions adopted by the May the group, this attempt at revi authoritativeness and its validity. the Fourth International endorses world of socialism. Then the dream of real homefor democracy which neither the Negro nor doubt they knew him too weil 19 26 Emergency Conference of sionism was extended to complete Nevertheless they rejected the the action of the American building may be realized.
the working class of all races and colors have and his distinctive features, inthe Fourth International. rejection of the basic principles majority decisions and in flagrant section of the Fourth InternationWomen envisage a home not of monotonous had in either peace or war time. No. Our war is cluding his kinky red hair, were The recent split in the So of scientific socialism as first pro violation of democratic central al in suspending all those who vito secure the democratic rights that have been unmistakeable.
cialist Workers Party, official sec pounded by Marx and Engels and is launched an independent olated the decisions of its April work and worry but a place where their services denied us. To stop lynching, fim crowiem, segre But his father, Jesse Harte of tion of the Fourth International subsequently developed by Lenin press in order to appeal to the convention. The Conference sug as wife and mother will assume the status of gation and for Jobs and economic security. New York City, notified by wire in the United States, came as the and Trotsky.
public in its attack against the gests to the of the labor in the cooperative society and be valued as Only an army controlled by the workers, fight by his son friends, still hoped result of an attempt by petty The attempted revision of Fourth International that it set a definite time limit of all other services and paid for and regulated.
ing to defend and extend the interests of the that the body was not Sheldon fundamental program of the begun by the petty bourgeois op sion which was conducted with Conference decisions within which bourgeois minority to revise the our fundamental principles was In view of the previous discus one month after publication of workers, will eliminate jim crowism. That is the Will there be private homes under socialism?
Mr. Harte called Trotsky by longonly army that the Negroes should join and not distance telephone; would Trotsky Fourth International on uncondi position immediately after the the fullest democracy in accord the suspended members must sigAn interesting problem which will be solved best the army those fighting to protect and extend himself go see the body? Trotsky tional defense of the Soviet Union signing of the Hitler Stalin pact ance with the best tradition of nify their acceptance of the Con by trial and experience under the new system, their right to exploit and oppress the common agreed and went to the morgue and the refusal of this minority to and gained impetus with the out Bolshevism, and in view of the vention decisions under penalty of Some may prefer a form of cooperative home he had to tell the father, there abide by the decisions of the ma break of the second World War, guarantees for the minority to unconditional expulsion from the life and others will cherish their privacy even if The Chicago Defender in an editorial (April was no mistake.
jority in the convention called to thus clearly indicating that the continue its factional existence, party.
27) stated: Now in principle, we are not against decide the issues in dispute. force pushing the petty bourgeois to present its views to the party The Emergency Conference it may mean a little more work. Experience we the creation of Negro soldiers. The Negro should Another GPU Story know how to fight, he must know how to fight.
Up to the finding of the body program calling for unconditional sition to the Fourth International the convention adjourned, and to the struggle of the proletarian thrive best in private homes, not institutions how2. In attempting to revise our elements of the party into oppo: in an Internal Bulletin even after of the Fourth International views have at present seems to prove that children But the Negro must be a fighter for democracy; all that the police had been able defense of the Soviet Union with was the war pressure of the dem hold posts in all the leading bod majority in the Socialist Workers ever perfect, and need the personal interest and 1917 is not to be forgotten.
to get out of Vazquez, the care out at the same time relating the ocratic bourgeoisie. MO assuredly, we must learn to fight. Bu taker for rious house used proposed revision to the question Not only did the petty bour without penalty for their previous the program of the Fourth Inter love of their parenta.
by the GPU in the conspiracy, of the class character of the Sov geois opposition attempt to re infractions of party discipline, national from the heights of its No one can predict details or complete plans the victims we speak of have not been created by Europeans, workers and farmers in uniform. We were some of the addresses of iet Union, which the Fourth In vise the fundamental principles this rejection of the convention Marxist theory right down to its of our future homes. That will be an interesting France or England. They however, must deal ing taken to view the body, how alyzed as a degenerated workers Fourth International, they at sertion from the party can be in ples. The Emergency Conference socialist revolution. Only one thing we can state with the leaders who have dragged them into a ever, Vazquez suddenly became State, the petty bourgeois oppo tempted also to revise its Bol terpreted no other way than as calls upon all the sections of the with assurance however homes will be planned That is not our task. We must deal with those shared the farmhouse for a night al revision of the methodology of They participated in the April bourgeois character of the oppo themselves with the Socialist!
war which has nothing of democracy about it. voluble. He told a story of having sition was guilty of a fundament shevik organizational methods. additional evidence of the petty. Fourth International to solidarize and home life arranged, the basis will not be who deny democracy to us.
Workers Party in this struggle.
and day with Sheldon Harte until Marxism. On the part of James convention of the Socialist Work sition the exploitation of women.
men and women to silence their outery against another, ett in painting himselt ros, his brother Jesus, Antonio war and were wiling to give the daughters and two sons to ahe suspicious and the unten petery Resolution on Internal Struggle en el concerten en ondern people.