AnarchismBolshevismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismItalyRussian RevolutionSocialismStalinismStrikeSubversiveTerrorismWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

NEW YORK COPS It Wonderful CLUB PICKETS AT AIR KING Anti Alien Drive Revival of Palmer Raids Mpls. Labor Movement Fights War Drive MILITANT CAFETERIA WORKERS DEFEAT STALINIST CANDIDATE stated LABOR WITH WHITE SKIN CANNOT EMANCIPATE ITSELF The WHERE LABOR WITH BLACK SKIN IS BRANDED. KARL Negro Question Profits of leading corporations zoomed skyward even before the latest gigantic armament appropriations got under way.
Jumps ranging from 25 per cent to 2, 500 per cent are recorded by Robert Birchman for the 1st quarter of 1940, as compared to the same period of 1939. Some figures compiled by the CIO Economic Outlook. profits The strike at the Air King RaNegro Paper on Company 1st quarter 1939 1st quarter 1940 increase dio Corp. Brooklyn, conBy MATTHEW ROAN ducted by the United Electrical, The present government drive against aliens Commencement Day Steel.
660, 551 17, 113, 995 2500 Radio and Machine Workers Un2, 409, 059 brings to mind the similar attempts of the govBethlehem Steel.
10, 891, 139 850 The Chicago Defender (June 22) in an editorial ion (CIO. took on the aspects of ernment, after the last war, to break the solidarRepublle Steel.
582, 899 8, 111, 723 480 Diplomas For What, after mentioning that a battle to preserve the right to ity of the workers by creating a hysteria directed Studebaker.
56, 914 thousands of youth are now graduating from the 511, 503 800 organize and picket, as La Guaragainst our foreign born brothers.
General Motors. 53, 177, 928 67, 028, 461 26 schools and colleges states: The diploma saya dia police force fought several 15, 742, 388 Chrysler. 11, 688, 290 85 they are qualified. But life itself asks, Qualified With the spread of revolution in Europe and pitehed battles with the pickets Douglas Aircraft. 771, 562 1, 804, 877 130 the great strikes in coal and steel on this side of for what?
at the plant in Brooklyn last Fairchild Aircraft. 56, 254 209, 102 971 the ocean in 1919, the bankers and bosses began week. There are no jobs. The thousands who were Glenn Martin. 682, 496 2, 162, 670 218 to quake with fear. They raised the cry oť forCaptain Leahy, of Brooklyn graduated last year and the year before and for General Electric. 873, 481 11, 951, 450 62 eign born agitator in an attempt to break the Goth precinct, has been promising workers unions.
several years before that, are in the ranks of the Ever these figures don tell the whole story. For instance that if no mass picket line was unemployed. There are no jobs for youth unless the 26 Increase of General Motors profits is an increase over you are thinking of war. That is a big job. Youth Congress obligingly appropriated 2, 600, 000 to put around the plant, he would what was a world record for corporation profits!
allow mass picketing in case Attorney General Palmer, with instructions, as can trade the diploma for a gun. That is all that scabs tried to enter the plant.
the report of the Attorney General of the United is offered. No education of the kind youth has The workers took him at his word Preparing the war for democracy New York cops ruthlessly States expleitly declared, to give special attenjust completed is needed in Flanders field. There and abstained from mass picket clubbed pickets outside the Air King Radio Corporation plant in tion to the conl and steel disturbancs.
is no future there, among the dead.
ing until Lieberman, owner of the Brooklyn, last week. The striker stretched out above was Palmer called in as his chief assistant William Mothers may say, did not raise my boy to shop, took a large group of scabs one of 18 injured in the attack by hundreds of policemen. Flynn, head of a labor spy detective agency, to be a corpse upon a European battle field. But help in this government sponsored strike breakthere are no jobs. War can help ease the unemThe workers then tried to ing. He and Edgar Hoover who still runs the ployment situation. What? The mothers of Amerthrow a mass picket line around FBI did the job.
ica are against it, you say. Then them speak the plant. Whereupon Captain out, let them cry to the housetops. Tell WashLeahy declared, know why you They found one special excuse for attacking ington: Not war, but peace and the jobs of peace America organized workers when, on May 1, want a mass picket line. Now are on the order of the day. This is not our war.
that Italy is in the war the Ital1919, some two dozen bombs were found in the One of our weekly contemporaries is offering MINNEAPOLIS, June 21 The mail. The same thing happened on June 3rd of ians in your ranks want to tle up labor movement of this city, some American Industry. The capthe same year. Who sent those bombs was never graduating students for success stories. The of whose members are still serytain statement, providing a preclearly determined. The best guess points to govgraduate who gets a job is regarded as a real ing terms in the federal prison at Seniority Rights In story. But the story which should be printed is: text for breaking the picket line, The members of the Cafeteria as an agency of the bosses within ernment provocateurs. But Palmer and Flynn Sandstone because, in last sumthe press that they would get the BolWhy is it that millions of jobless youth can shows how anti alien moves Workers Union of New York, Lor the ranks of the workers. Remer WPA strike they violated New Union Contracts sheviks and Anarchists who were responsible.
get work? That America story. Why are there Roosevelt odlet that You can are really directed against labor. cal 302, dellvered a decisive de building the Bosses Association, no jobs. Protected In War feat to the Communist Party ma acceptance of an arbitration strike against the government.
Police Attack chine dominating the local when board and breaking down of job Typical Example of Those Will these boys and girls be called Afth colisn being taken in by the patriumnists if they demand that their government The police then attempted to William Kinckeloe, Progressive, security, signing of a two year Red Raids otie war drive MINNEAPOLIS, June 21 break the back of the strike in was elected president by a margin contract, and non enforcement of assume toward them a responsibilty equal to the The most outspoken voice of number of new contracts one of the most brutal attacks of 240 votes over his Stalinist op union conditions the shops On November 7, 1919, second anniversary of responsibility it assumes toward those who are the workers here is the Norththat has over been seen in Newponent. Almost 5, 000 workers were some of the crimes of the the Russian revolution, which Flynn considered receiving and are to receive billions for war sub west Organizer, weekly organ of ton Local 64 carry a new York City. Over 200 poltce of voted in the special by election, Stalinist administration, and their the psychological date on which to attack, raids sidies?
the Minneapolis Teamsters Joint clause, safeguarding seniority were made in the principal cities of the United cers, under the direction of Cap. held on Tuesday, June 25, after defeat was long overdue.
Council. In this week Issue a Shall we malign that youth whose years in rights against the contingency tain Leahy, with riot cars, the incumbent president had re In the election campaign, the States. The raids in, New York City are typical school were filled with the hope that by graduablistering editorial takes the of war time service in the motorcycles and a squad of police signed to assume his post as Ex Stalinists, seeing the handwriting of those which occurred throughout the country tion time we would have learned how to cure the measure of Roosevelt cry for army, on horseback drove against a ecutive Manager of the Local on the wall, resorted to the most in their brutality and terrorism. national defense. It says, in ills of unemployment in the midst of untold naunscrupulous nationalist demogoOne such clause, appearing group of 1, 000 unionists and their Joint Board.
On that night a gang of terrorists and hoodiums tural resources? We have failed them, not they part: in a contract signed this week friends who were trying to form a The election aroused tremen gy, appealing to the large Greek us. Why not tell them the story of our failure. National defense, for an immass picket line around the plant. dous interest among the cafeteria membership to vote for their descended on the Peoples House, a school and asbetween Local 641 and 28 ex: The police charged the line with workers and food workers gener candidate because he was a sembly hall operated by the Federation of Unions perialist nation, has never been of Russian Workers of the United States. Classes Commencement Day! Will it be the end of anything but slogan to justify follows: night sticks flying and beat ally, for Local 302, with a mem Greek. Kincheloe, the Progressive were in session and all was quiet, when suddenly hope? Negro youth faces the hardest future. If war, to make war appear as legitthere are a few jobs, it comes last. Black Amer imate and just.
erybody that they could reach bership of 10, 000 is the most im candidate, had the support of a Employees shall not suffer the government agents broke in. Swinging clubs fca is the most forgotten man.
any loss in their seniority mercilessly Young girls were portant in the Hotel and Restau coalition of opposition groups. To endorse the idea of nationstanding by reason of their enstruck on the head and face with rant Workers International Lo calling themselves the United and breaking heads, even though they met with no resistance, they arrested all the workers that Is it any wonder it questions the mental com al defense is to approve the war listment or induction into any sticks, and when they fell to the cal 802 had remained a Commun Orange Ticket. He also had the they found in the building and without even a petency of its elders? We have no cure, or have for which the machinery of naoranch of the military or naval er und bunternecientes they were slike Podesty strong bold attendect: support of problem. Mesevich, the we and are we afraid to fight for posterity. single warrant, threw them all in jail. They tional defense will be used to service of the In event carted away a truckload of subversive litera It would indeed be a bankrupt world if there endorse national defense is to aphorseback riding up onto the cal 325, and even after the Oppo with the Stalinist machine after of an official declaration of sidewalk chased young men and sition had broken through in the supporting it for three and oneture, including not a few mathematics textbooks.
were no jobs outside the ranks of armed men and prove all the repressive measures war by the United States.
At the prison they submitted the arrested workA similar clause appears in women down the street and regular elections Just December half years.
ers to a third degree. The packed cells were full swung sticks at their heads in a and elected Business Agents. The big task of the Progresgraduates! It demands! We have got to answer! Industry against organized labor a contract signed last week by of moaning victims of police brutality, Europe has no answer for our youth upon its under the guise of strengthening Local 514, St. Paul General manner reminiscent of a cavalry Now, for the first time, with a sives now is to prepare for the charge.
national defense such as the use majority turning against the elections in December, when the The same scenes were duplicated in all the battlefields.
Drivers Local 120 the two fillOf Gymen, against unions and ing station attendants locas. mersurfefed bad leg fracture the badership of the union in the swept out. The by inwes must be One of the girls, Kathleen Kra fthely complete slimination from Stalinist can be completely raids which occurred throughout the country.
Thousiende afrests were made Th January Negroes For Cannon Fodder strikers, the failing of non menthe Twin Ciuda nila eighteen 1920 further tatds were conducted in the search malor al companies operating conscious when several officers confidently looked forward to of the unton must be united into and was lying in the street un regular elections in December is democratize the two branches But last week, as Hitler legions forced the strikes, big slashes in wages, for weapons. 2, 500 were, imprisoned at this time. The total haul of weapons were four rifles, Allies back against the walls of the English chan lengthening of hours, the camOld timers remember how came over to her and beat her. In the four year domination of one, and the progressive program nel, the recruiting Officers were advised to scuttle paign against aliens. patriotic bosses around here with clubs and kicked her. Cap. the union by the Communist Par of the Opposition must be put about two hundred years old, which were used by an amateur theatrical group.
the war department no Negroes wanted re It is true that the average urged their employees to go tain Leahy, standing close by, dla ty, it has been completely exposed into effect.
frain for a theme which might induce approxi worker does not at all think of over there in 1917, promising rected this brutality. When In the series of raids 350 warrants were is.
mately 70 young Negroes of Kansas City to national defense in this way.
them their jobs when they male striker tried to assist his were to be sent to the local news sued for alleged deportable aliens; 3, 000 arrests answer the call to the colors. So ends an item When the worker or farmer came back and when the surfallen fellow worker he was bru favor of the resolution. Copies deported, so flimsy were and the were made. Of all of these only 271 were actually dated from Kansas City appearing in the Negro thinks about national defense, he against the chart tally beaten and knocked unconvivors came back they didn press last week end. This is but one indication is thinking about defense of his papers, and the union delegates scious. In the attack officer No.
get their jobs back. Minneapoto the AFL Central Labor Union them. 219 of these were of Russian of what will become more and more apparent as wife and children and relatives lis workers are perhaps more 7667 was especially brutal.
of this city were given permission government arranged that they were all to be the day for America entry into the war draws and friends, defense of his home anti war than anywhere else in One mounted cop even went so eleported at one time on the Buford, an old nearer. That when America Sixty Families need and neighborhood and the school to present it there.
the country, and if they re go far in the pursuit of his duty The text of the resolution fol unseaworthy crate. The refined cruelty of the Negro youth for cannon fodder to protect and where his kids go defense of ing to be dragged off to war that he rode on horseback into a government agents was shown once again at the lows: expand their interests, the color bar will be for these things from some vague in they re determined to have live poultry shop in pursuit of a WHEREAS, there is now in sailing. Not only were the deportees not permitgotten for cannon fodder.
vader, fom bombs, parachutists jobs to come back to.
girl and injured the proprietor, progress a war in Europe ted to take their families, but the families were and poisonous gas. At most he About 20 of the strikers were which threatens to engulf the not informed of the time of the sailing so they British Drop Colonial thinks of national defense as seriously injured and were arcould say good by. Those women and children whole world, and meaning the defense of the borrested. Paul Goldblatt and James TOLEDO, Ohio Bakery WorkWHEREAS the present war who managed to come to the pier were scattered Improvement der of the United States the two the opportunity to whipp Lustig were charged with disorers Local 302 of this city declared being fought is an imperialand driven away by soldiers.
The British Colonial Office anounced last week coasts and the Mexican and Can hysteria against those unions derly conduct: At the hearing at its solidarity with the anti war ist one, and Typical of many of the deported was a young that the colonial development plans that were emadian borders.
who oppose war, such as the nightcourt Lustig had the adds stand taken by its brother union, WHEREAS AS workers we can worker who was not a radical or a member of bodied in the recommendations of the Royal Com But when the industrialist vile Mooney Billings frame up tional charge of Inciting to riot the Ohio State Butchers and Meat have no common interests any radical organization. He had been attending mission on the West Indies and in a statement of and his general state, his newsat the Preparedness Parade in placed against him. Two other cutters, denouncing the present with the aims of those couna class in mathematics at the Peoples House the policy by the Colonial Office would not be carried papers, his educators, his news San Francisco in 1916; they workers who were engaged in a war now raging in Europe as im tries involved in the slaughter night it was raided and this was held sufficient out because of the intensity of the war in Europe. reel and radio commentators, mean dealing smashing blows routine stopping of trucks in perialistic and in the interests of the workers fighting their grounds for deportation.
The British Government previously had decided speak of national defense, they at organized labor of the type front of the plant were arrested only of the profits of the few wars for the prodits of the Attorney General Palmer made no bones about to appropriate the miserable sum of 1, 000, 000 that organized labor would not and a frame up charge of grand There were 150 present at the mean the seizure of colonies few, annually for a period of twenty years for the purand markets abroad. They tolerate in peacetime.
larceny was placed against them. meeting on Saturday, June 15. THEREFORE BE IT REhis strike breaking role in the great coal miners pose of initiating ablic health, housing, slum mean diverting funds from the That is the REAL meaning of But the strike goes on, the After a full discussion unani SOLVED that Locat 302, curb radicals and protect working miners, and clearance, social welfare and agricultural reforms unemployed to war, they mean national defense.
ranks firm.
Imous standing vote was taken in Bakery Workers of Toledo, throughout the West Indies. This sum amounted proceeded to secure a federal injunction prohibitsupport the Amalgamated ing the United Mine Workers Union from paying to an average of a penny per native annually.
Meat Cutters Butcher out strike benefits. The courts obliged, of course, British imperialism is forcing the exploited and for liceping us out of war. The Olson Banquet whom the workers Workmen (AFL) and go on only anti. Roosevelt, anti war could trust as a leader in the fight record as being unalterably Whereupon Palmer boasted: oppressed colonial peoples to bear greater and greater burdens of the war, in the form of inspech was made by former lib against war. Vince Day, John De opposed to the United States Na strike can go on without being directed, creased taxation, higher cost of living, longer eral, Cenator Wheeler. However, vaney, Dewey Johnson, John MC being involved in any such and If this injunction is obeyed this strike of the hours, and finally with their lives to guarantee evea his mild attacks on the war. Donough, and even John Boscoe, war, and that we shall oppose coal miners cannot continue, for this restraining that their enslavers will remain their masters.
mengers were wildly applauded the President of the Minneapolis by the workers who beard him. Central Labor Union, all swore any attempts to stampede or order acts to make it leaderless so far as the Involve us tu this catastroHis very timid hint at the end of their Ethiopians Distrust British Help allegiance to President phe. and national scope of it is concerned. New York his speech that a new and great Roosevelt, the flag and the coun BE FURTHER RESOLVED TEMES, November 1, 1919. dispatch from London appearing in the Chlliberal anti war party will be cre try for which it stands. Old line that we support the Ludlow cago Defender last week, reporting that the Ethiated unless they (the Republican Farmer. Laborites shook their Amendment for a referen They re Just Repeating 1919 opians are attacking the Italian troops, states: and Democratic parties) bind heads and said that they had dev dum vote on war. The Emperor, after four years of betrayal and Write to us tell us what going on in your part of the It must be said that the 1919 1921 wave of themsc ve in unmistakable terms er seen such a chauvinistic dislabor movement what are the workers thinking about. lell neglect by Britain, was suddenly invited to come to a program of keeping the play at a Farmer Labor gather anti alien and red persecutions largely to London from his modest home in Bath for a us what the bosses are up toward the men and the local coisout of the European war brought ing.
Subscribe to the achieved what the bosses wanted from it. Milconference with British government officials.
and the Stalinists. send us that story the capitalist press cida the meeting to its feet, It is very clear that the coalilions of foreign born workers were terrorized into print and that story they buried or distorted our pages are open It should be recorded that the tion ticket of Democrats and Fourth International While determined to utilize the present situaStalinist stooge, Elmer Benson, Farmer Laborites planed for this accepting wage cuts, and foreign born and native tion to press the armed struggle for Ethiopian to you. Letters must carry name and address, but indicate if you also criticized the Administra fall state election has already workers stood divided and therefore powerless to independence, the natives are reliably reported to do not want your name printed.
tion war position and pleaded wiped out the traditional anti war fight back against the wage cuts. Then things be highly suspicious of Britain intentions refor a stand by Farmer Laborites position of the Farmer Labor Perk up!
quieted down, it became fashionable to be garding Ethiopia, in the event of an Allied yicagainst the growing war hysteria movement, at least on the part of ashamed of the excesses of Palmer red raids, tory.
There is a First Effect of Minn. by the Railroad Brotherhoods, the Although his speech was roundly the present leaders of this moveFarmer. Labor Association, a applauded, very few Farmer La ment. Rank and file delegates PICNIC and the Assistant Secretary of Labor, Louis Recording of Song Insulting Bloc with Democrats large number of AFL and CIO borites, except the Stalinists, from the unions to the coming Post, wrote a book about it entitled The DeWE RE SAILING FOR and the Democratic Party. Two place any confidence in former State Convention of the Farmerportation Delirium.
WPA Workers Stopped by Union thousand workers attended the Governor Benson as a consistent Labor Party must try to write a CLOVE LAKE The Boston Guardian reports: that vulgar, But the bosses didn forget the bag of tricks Editor. Staten Island)
Minneapolis banquet and other anti war fighter. It is no secret bold, anti war, anti. Roosevelt they had learned. And now, with a reluctant barrel organ song about the WPA. Sleep while If any conscious Minnesota thousands of workers attended to Minnesota workers that Elmer platform. If this fails, Minnesota on you work, while you rest, while you play, lean on trade unionist was ever tempted similar banquets in other parts Benson is and was a Stalinist cap workers will turn away from the SUNDAY, JUNE 30 working class being pushed toward war, those to recommend a coalition be of the state.
tive. Before the recent change in Democratic. Farmer. Labor protricks are brought out again. And the same man, your shovel to pass time away. is no longer to tween the Democratic and Farm The Democratic program or the Communist Party line, he war ticket this fall. Advanced MEET AT SOUTH FERRY 10 AM Edgar Hoover, still heads the FBI, which is be recorded, owing to the decision of the New er Labor parties as a solution to lack of program prevailed in the wo whooping it up for collective workers must be on guard to keep York Local of the American Federation of MuTake Bus No. to Clove charged with the dirtiest work connected with the workers political problems, speeches made at the banquets, security and pleading with Roose this wave of anti war feeling of sicians to condemn it. For a long time this record he was certainly cured of this No proposal was made for a way velt to place an embargo on the disillusioned Farmer. Laborites Lake (near Silver Lake) the revival of Palmer red raids.
has insulted colored and white workers, whom temptation if he attended the Ol out for the workers from the dan aggressors, etc. etc. If the Stal away from the equally pro war Boating Tennis Games The bosses didn forget. The workers also unemployment, created by the depression, has son Memorial Banquet on June ger of involvement in another inists return to this position, Ben Republican Party and on the path Home Cooked Food must not forget. Defend the alien workers against compelled to work on the projects initiated in 17th. The Banquet held in honor bloody war. Rather, each speaker son will again make an emotion of independent working class ac Grand drawing of World the early years of the Roosevelt administration, of Minnesota famous Farmer. with the exception of Senator al demand for faith in our great tion.
Fair Souvenir Book the FBI and against all these anti alien laws!
to provide the jobs which private industry could Labor governor, Floyd Olson Burton Whecler emphasized leader, Grace Carlson For they are all in reality, directed against all Ausplees: West Side Br.
not furnish.
who died in 1936, was sponsored his faith in Roosevelt program No, there was no speaker at the St. Paul, Minn.