BolshevismBourgeoisieCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFranceGPUGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarLeninismMussoliniNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

Fourth International Meets; Issues Anti War Manifesto. See Page Socialist Appeal BOSS PARTIES AGREE ON CONSCRIPTION Stalinists Confess Attempt to Kill Trotsky Mexican Police Announce Confessions From Band of GPU Assassins Enlistment Lag French Forces Compulsion Abandon Allies SHELDON HARTE Emergency Conference See Your Friends for the Is Held Twice a Week Appeal Official Weekly Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International The Emergency Conference of the Fourth International, attendod by mandated delegates of ten national sections has been suc Vol. IV, No. 26 cessfully concluded!
NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JUNE 29, 1940 107 FIVE (5) CENTS Called on the initiative of its United States, Mexican and Canadian sections, the Conference addressed the working class of the world in a resounding manifesto urging the toilers of all lands to make an end of the imperialist war by initiating the world socialIst revolution.
The mandated delegates to the Conference represented tions of the Fourth International in the United States, Germany, Belgium, Canada, Mexico, Spain, Cuba, the Argentine, Porto Rico, and Chile.
Fraternal delegates were seated from the Australian and Chinese section and from the editorial board of the Bulletin of the Russian Bolshevik Leninists Opposltion. Organizations affiliated with the Fourth International in England, France, China, Switzerland, and Bulgaria, unable to send representatives or mandates because of conditions of illegality and other adverse factors, sent declarations of solidarity. The ravages of war and of ruthless internal supBody of Sheldon Harte, Trotsky Secretary, pression made it impossible for Faced by the bald fact that voluntary enlistments are way the affiliates of the Fourth Inter Is Found, Spiking Stalinist Attempt THE SALUTES below schedule the recruiting sergeants got less than half national in Holland, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Scandinavia, PalTo Implicate Him As Accomplice Believing Britain Is the number they sought last month both the Republicans and estine, Lithuania, Rumania, Indoand Democrats have openly come out for compulsory conDoomed, They Take China, South Africa, and Brazil (Special to the Boolakat Appeal)
scription for military service.
to be contacted in time to obtain MEXICO CITY, June 25 The body of Robert Sheldon Hitler Peace representation That fact alone blows to smithereens their hypocrisy about The World Emergency ConferHarte, Leon Trotsky secretary guard who had been kidA STATEMENT BY THE NATIONAL COMMITTEE, ence met in strictest secrecy, due napped by the Stalinist GPU attackers when they attempted democracy! They ve got to force the unwilling young men to SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY By GEORGE STERN to the conditions engendered by to assassinate Trotsky, was found today. Friends positively undergo military training.
The military phase of the war the war, somewhere in the Westidentified the dead boy.
To the many thousands of devoted revolutionists slain ern Hemisphere on May 19 26.
The young men of this country are not pacifists. They are in continental Europe ended at by Stalin GPU must now be added Robert Sheldon Harte, not cowards. Most young men are interested in the military total capitulation of the French Gathering in the tense atmos The Stalinist slander that Bob had been in league with the secretary guard who was kidnapped by the GPU gang phere of the engulfing war, the them in the attack on Trotsky is now exposed as an attempt sters when they attempted to assassinate Leon Trotsky.
arts and would not be averse to learning them.
to Hitler.
Conference constituted the genuto discourage a search for the boy and thus to save the Robert Sheldon Harte was a member of the Socialist But the young men of this country don trust the gov. That the French ruling circles ine voice of proletarian internaWorkers Party. He came from a wealthy family, but his tionalism.
arrested GPU agents from being tried for his murder.
hatred of a world where cruelty, war, exploitation and ernment purpose in seeking to train them; they feel it would chose this road after the defeat Only We Speak Out hate reign supreme led him to search for a solution. He be training to be cannon fodder for Wall Street war and in had no hope whatever in Britain The Trotsky houschold sent following telegram to found the solution in the program of the Fourth InterNeither the decrepit Second In: Jesse Harte, father of the slain young man, in New no sense a war to defend their homes. That why they don ability to withstand the Nazi asnational, enlist and that why they will undoubtedly resent any con sault.
No sooner did he join the party than he threw himself Nothing prevented them from Third International, nor the inter York City: national federation of centrist scription law passed by this government. And they re right. abandoning France, setting up a My wife, my collaborators, bow In deep mourning before whole heartedly into its work. He was completely devoted squeezed lemons known as In the grief of the mother and father of our dear Bob. Only consolato the revolutionary movement, never hesitating to do even It not just an accident that the man who has already intro government. in. exile like their ternational Workers bront have tion in these bitter boars that the wild lander against Bob the mental tasks required.
duced the bill for conscription is Democratic Senator Burke, Heet and colonial rules cantinin made themselves heard by me through which the assassins tried to conceal the assassination is Robertio appearance ble modestyy all of his motion bespoke character of exoeptional sincerity and idealism. who came back from Germany in 1938 singing the praises of ing in the war.
much as a whisper in this gravest hour in the history of the now unmasked. As a hero, Bob perished for ideas he believed in. The agents of the GPU at first tried to cast suspicion Hitler.
Instead, to the angry dismay of Natalia and Leon Trotsky, Joe Hansen, Harold Robins, Charles (Continued on Page 7)
Cornell, Jake Cooper, Otto Schuessler, Walter Rourke.
upon Harte, Intimating that he was connected with the gang of assassins who made the assault on Trotsky. That That bill wasn written by Burke. It was written by the the British, the French rulers dewas only to throw the authorities of the track and to save Joint Army and Navy Selective Service Committee which was on the mercy of Hitler and his MEXICO CITY, June 20 Four themselves from a charge of murder.
established in 1926 for the purpose of drawing up a draft satellite in Rome, Mussolini.
of the Stalinists who participated Robert Sheldon Harte is not the first co worker of Leon in the May 24 attempt to assasact together with regulations to put it into effect when it. Hitler exploited his advantage Trotsky who was murdered by the GPU. The list includes sinate Leon Trotsky have admitbecomes law. The act and the regulations have since been in the reversal of historic roles.
Erwin Wolf, Rudolph Klement, Trotsky son, Ignace Reiss, ted their complicity.
Moulin and almost the entire cadres of the Fourth Inter on file, held for the time the entered war. Now the His choice of Compiegne, where About thirty implicated in the national in Spain and Russia.
Withdrawal of Fleet From Pacific act is taken out, adjusted for peacetime conscription, and the humiliated Germans signed attempt, most of them directly But Stalin and his GPU cannot murder the ideas of introduced by Burke in the Senate and by the Republican. the same railway car used by Heralds Abandonment of Asia connected with the Communist their revolutionary victims. Thousands of others, young as party, are under arrest; four oth Robert Sheldon Harte, idealistic and devoted as he, will Wadsworth, in the House.
Foch to receive the German emis.
by GEORGE STERN er Stalinists, identified by the enter our ranks. They will carry on the struggle in which What they don introduce and what the public doesn of the terms imposed upon the saries, and the extreme harshness our comrade has fallen.
On June 25 hostilities came to tain. No serious observer has confessions as the leaders of the know about, are the regulations for administering the bill if conquered adversary, formed the an end in France. But even more been willing to give British re armed band, are fugitives from it becomes law, which were drawn up with the bill by the mixture of a potion bitter indeed significant news that day was thesistance more than twelve Justice and are being sought tocasual, unexplained announce weeks. After Britain probably ors, agents of the GPU, who also gether with a number of foreignJoint Army and Navy Selective Service Committee. Those to But along with the crow they ment that units of the main comes Stalin turn.
that David Serrano, a Stalinist in Coyoacan, near the Trotsky regulations are NOT AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC, and have to eat, the French rutera fleet had begun to leave Hawaii, On the other side of the world took part.
have hopes of getting a few more heading apparently for the Pana Japan is already in motion to All the men Involved had been leader, had assigned him to get household, and the two women re for good and sufficient reasons!
ma Canal and the Atlantic.
edible morsels from the table of pick up the spoils left free for in the Stalinist armed forces in hold of some police uniforms. He ported to Pujol, to Camacho and Here is one example of those regulations. They set up a the new master of Europe. In the conceded that Serrano was un to David Alfaro Siqueiros, CamaAlmost as though they had grabbing by the development of Loyalist Spain.
been waiting for the full speed the European war in Europe.
the at cho paying them 25 pesos a day. Class II, of men considered irreplaceable in industry, agricul Hitlerite reorganization of Eure So complete was the case made doubtedly implicated ahead which sent the bat From the defeated French, Japan by the Mexican police, and so tempted assassination, but denied On a number of occasions they ture, commerce and government, and whose conscription is ope potent section of the reported to Siqueiros at the head therefore deferred. To enter a claim for occupational defer French capitalist class can hope tle wagons returning eastward, last week extracted an agree damning the admissions of the that the Communist party was mere which amounts to the vir live staiinists, that even El Pop responsible for the attempt. Maro quarters of the Stalinist con ment, a worker will have to submit two affidavits, one by his ordinate ones and brands of the other side of the Pacific be tual establishment of Japanese ular. Lombardo Toledanos par to be a man capable of any en in Mexico City.
added that he knew Serrano trolled Electrical Workers Union immediate superior, another by the executive head of the com countries, has no lack of venal gan the same day to put the protectorate over real heat ou the French and politicians ready to scramble for Julia made the direct state pany by which he is employed.
Japanese army, navy, and civil publish an account, covering most terprise of the type of the attack the crumbs of office.
officials are henceforth to super of page, which conceded that against Trotsky. The other lead ment that Siqueiros had told Just think how the bosses will use that! Militant trade unPart of the South China fleet vise the trade routes leading the perpetrators of the crime ers of the Communist party, DIWhat Price Patriotism!
of the Japanese Navy was or from Indo Ching into that section have been found. Toledano, head onisio Encinas, general secretary receiving was coming from the ionists will get sent off to war, or in peacetime to the training dered to Haiphong in French In of China ruled by the Kuomin of the CTM (Mexican Federation Inist organ, La Voz de Mexico, Communist party.
camp, by the simple device of the bosses refusing to sign ism is like a spigot, to be turbed To do China. Around Hongkong Jap tang. The Japanese navy is mov. of Workers. has been the front and Andres Garcia Salgado, had story of their work over nearly The women told the detailed their affidavits. Finks will be rewarded with affidavits. It on and off when needed. It called anese troops began a new drive ing in to observe the exercise of for the the Stalinist campaign left Mexico, said Martinez, on five months. They had succeeded the chance of a lifetime for union busting bosses. for patriotism from the masses it cichl British colony of entirely French have likewise given way terday, hande telem tly there eletined tempt on Trotsky, to take part in the small police guard stattoned government were forced to publish them, would be sufficient positively myopic disregard of the These secret regulations for applying the draft act, if the tered upon the conflict with herded to the slaughter. It engressive demands on Britain to milar supervision over the stop the traffic to China through Burma route have been filed with ican painter, a Stalinist for David Alfaro Siqueiros, Mex: Communist party of the and lice, also under arrest, admitted answer to the propaganda that universal military training is real relationship of armed had returned on June they had been intimate with the the democratic way of training an army. It no more demo thousands of workers paid with Burma were handed to the Bri the British and will no doubt be more than fifteen years, a tish ambassador. colonel in the Stalinist forces Plotter Attempts Suicide women. In this relationship the In other words, although duced, like France, to a defense he Union of Mexican ex suicide when arrested. Asked to tails about the routine and layout existed between the nobility and their serfs in medieval times. can save of its profits and its Spain and president Martinez attempted to commit women had been able to pump cratic than the army itself, with its rigid hierarchy which puts their lives for this series who from their friends complete de officers and men in about the same relation to each other as French bourgeoisie will be conU. diplomatie policy vis a vis less state.
cerned mainly in seeing what it Japan remains formally un When these two Chinese life Combatants in Spain, has been explain why, Martinez said he had of the Trotsky household. Among changed, in practice the com lines are choked off, the Japanese identified as the leader of the been depressed because his wife other things they had secured But make no mistake about it, our opposition is not that of wealth. By capitulating to Hitler plete reversal of war strategy has already begun to take China which it could not impose Siqueiros has fled together and would now find herself un stationed there, to be used by the crew of pacifists, who tell the workers never to use force and they waited until Hitler had was pregnantu anda mem health photograph of all the five police pacifists. We ve got nothing but contempt for the sniveling here they hope for more of place. Hitler victory in Eur in three years of relentless attack with his brother, Jesus, Juan Zu cared for ope his imminent victory ov. three years, incidentally, which niga Camacho and Antonio Pujol.
er Britain and the uncertainty come to a close on July At the These four, together with a num was told to get the uniforms, police.
At Serrano house when he men said that they had all the even condemn a militant picket line as incompatible with (Continued on Page 7)
as to the fate of the British same time the East Indies, Mala ber of foreign GPU agents, who Martinez said he met an engineer pacifism but these same pacifists practically always turn up fleet forces the to put ya, and in due course the Philip are also being sought have been named Graves, who was the one Night of the Attack yelling for the boys to enlist, when war starts.
its full weight in the Atlantic. pines, will await the plucking, No, we re not pacifists. We believe in the good strong arm FDR PICKED RIGHT described as the directors of the assigned to make the bombs for As far as Washington is con Between Japan and Germany attempted assassination of the attack.
cerned, the Western Pacific les the United States and be Trotsky.
cho instructed Julia to go to the of Labor and we want to see it used. We would like to see now is Japan s, to do with what tween Germany and Japan lles Story of the Attack the Soviet Union. The transforit will or what it can.
home and to stay there untilsk: 30 every worker become an expert in the use of arms so that he MAN FOR THE JOB Women Corrupted Police The story told by the four who Congress has put through bills mation of the general relationJulia Barradas de Serrano, for to make sure that the usual rou can best defend the interests of the working class.
authorizing the building of ship of forces is compelling re admitted their complicity pro mer Communist party employee, tine of the police and the Trotsky Our opposition to the Roosevelt and Burke drait pro Stacy May, assistant director of the Rockefeller Foundaping to form a two ocean fleet at scan and Soviet strategy. This tire plot to assassinate Trotsky. no, by whom she has a daughter so, reported afterward to Cama posals is a class opposition.
tion, has been appointed by the We would have no objection whatever for the trade unions Roosevelt to be head of the stronomic cost 4, 000 over the ore or less The declarations made to the named Sovietina, said she had cho, that everything was as usual, 000, 000. But it will take years to immediate horizon the possibil police by these four were given to been assigned by Juan Zunigo and at 4:00 am the attack was to undertake the military training of every member. In fact, statistics and economics dobuild and in those years events ity of parallel policies in partment of the National Dewill not stand still Washington and Moscow. Or fense Council.
Manuel Nunez, Chief of the Mex. Trotsky household. Ana Maria structed the women that, as soon we strongly advocate that method of military training.
Thus the process of forma the Soviet shift in this direc ican police, when he called report Lopez, formerly a stenographer as they heard the shots, they Meanwhile let workers remember this: when they are conMr. May was one of the tion of three great continental tion there have already been ers in to announce that the case in the Communist party district should leave the house and make scripted, let them not waste the period they spend in the army. thirty signers who issued a imperialist blocs begins to gain multiplying indications, or the had been solved.
headquarters, at the direction of their way to a hiding place, which they must learn everything there is to be learned about mili statement on June 10 favoring speed. Hitler has completed the American shift with respect to Louis Mateos Martinez, a 26 Antonio Pujol joined Julia in this they did.
the immediate declaration of crushing of France and stands Moscow signs will not be long year old teacher and member of work. They began this work in Yesterday the women were tary training, so that when the time comes, they can use that war against Germany.
poised for his assault on Bri lo forthcoming.
the Communist party, admitted January. Pujol got them a house (Continued on Page 8) training for the interests of the labor movement.
world Behind the Lines of bring