BourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGPUGermanyHitlerImperialismInvasionItalyLeninMarxMarxismNazismOpportunismPopular FrontsSocial DemocracySocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassZinoviev

JUNE 22, 1940 SOCIALIST APPEAL Fearing Hitler, Stalin Moves Into Baltic Countries The Negro Question His Opportunism Leads Lovestone to Pro Ally Camp STALINIST BAND ARRESTED FOR TROTSKY ATTACK Harrington Warns Arms Drive Won Help Cut Unemployment utter bankruptwhen the Nazis was that it war dia. come at nuen bere 3, 000, 000 43 age of about 112. For the next WPA slashing law, already password about the households esti LABOR WITH WHITE SKIN CANNOT EMANCIPATE ITSELF WHERE LABOR WITH BLACK SKIN 1S BRANDED. KARL MARX Fopular Front government of other labor movement left in the task. At every stage the interests Blum Daladier. That government world can Stalin turn with any of the world revolution, of the Swift German Victory in Western Europe and its successors, backed by the assurance of aid in this moment world working class, were suborStalinists, broke the back of the of terrible danger to the Soviet dinated, were sacrificed, to the Upsets Kremlin Calculations; Stalin French working class. Hounded Union. Millions upon millions of needs of the Soviet Union s0 by Robert Birchman and denuded of its gains and workers who before that were they said. And this is the result.
Reaping Fruits of His Pact With Nazis rights, the French workers could ready to defend the Soviet Union Tf Stalin remains at the helm scarcely be inspired by the would not turn a hand for it now, of the Soviet Union, he will bring Negro White Solidarity In Strike French bourgeoisie to huri back after the Hitler Stalin pact and it to destruction at the hands of When the Norman Thomas and Lovestond The month old strike of Negro and white laun(Continued from Page 1) the end result of Stalin foreign Hitler, the invasions of Poland and Fin the imperialists, we have predict groups voted for the American Labor Party bythe made impossible a German war policy. Lenin said the Soviet Un That same French Popular land. Our prediction that the deed. The truth is here now for all reaucrats pro Ally resolution on October 1, 1939, tertown, Mass. is an example of the solidarity against the Soviet Union; that ion must take advantage of the Front government of Blurn Stalin fensive positions gained by the to see. The masses of the Soviet but insisted they were voting for it merely as between workers that is necessary for either com advantage of the pact, Stalinists contradictions between the im refused to provide arms to the pact and the invasions would not Union, if they are to save theman anti Stalinist resolution, we wrote: As they ored or white workers to win better conditions had argued throughout the world. Pet himself be used, first by one Spanish Popular Front govern loss among the workers of their omy from imperialist assault, regime and its democratic allies, now they yield yielded previously to the pressure of the Stalinist The strike is for better working conditions and outweighed all its evil conse to the pressure of the democratic imperialists.
white workers are nine colored workers. The commonths after the pact, Stalin Lenin said the Soviet Union must broke the morale of the Spanish iet Union has been verified. That, struction of the Stalinist bureauc Can one imagine, for a moment, that these peoored workers immediately joined the white work could not admit that he was con take advantage of the contradic workers and peasants by forcing and the crushing of the European racy is an absolute necessity for pie will stand up under the pressure of the war ers when the strike was called a month ago by vulsively adding to his defenses tions between the imperialist them to dissolve their factory, labor movement by Hitler vic the Soviet Union. Only a revolu. mongers when the war comes here. Appeal, the Laundry Workers Union, No. 66.
to guard against that which the powers in order to advance the land and soldiers committees: tories, leave the Soviet Union be tionary. internationalist policy Nov. 3, 1939. The Lewandos Co. one of the largest cleaning pact with Hitler was to have world revolution, the only real forced them to limit their strug reft of all outer defenses.
and a revolutionary leadership Unfortunately our prediction is already coming companies in the Boston area, has had a policy made impossible.
safeguard of the Soviet Union; gle against Franco within the capable of inspiring the world true, even before America entry into the war.
of paying colored workers a smaller wage than Since the Stalin cult of infalli Stalin permitted himself to be impotent confines of bourgeois SOVIET NOW FACED BY working class to a new effort can The process of the Lovestoneltes in moving tothat paid white workers for similar work. During bility precluded telling the truth. powers to democracy. To achieve this foul UNITED CAPITALIST EUROPE save the Soviet Union.
sh, one af the strike the officials of the company have tried the occupation of the Baltic Europe.
ward an open pro Ally position was undignifiedly another, the labor end Stalin GPU assassinated the The Soviet Union could endure hastened when, without advance preparation in to create dissension among the workers by mak states had to be justified by preflower of the Spanish revolution as an isolated workers state in a their press, their leading trade union official, ing overtures to the white workers. It is reported posterous lies. The official Soviet HOW STALIN DESTROYED ists all this in Stalin vain at capitalist world for 23 years Charles Zimmerman of Dressmakers Local 22, that the company volunteered to restore the communiques solemnly declared EUROPE LABOR tempt to establish his respecta thanks only to the fact that Eurvoted 100 with the Dubinsky pro war line at strikers jobs provided the colored workers were that the Lilliputian states had MOVEMENT bility and to win the good will of ope was not a capitalist unity but the convention of the International Ladies Gare left out. When that failed the company sent out prepared an attack on the Soviet British imperialism. Instead the was divided by imperialist rivalment Workers. It is true that not all the Lovean ultimatum that they would take back only garrisons stationed there.
In 1936, in the name of the de British facilitated Franco vic ries. Now Hitler is in the process stoneites followed Zimmerman at the convention.
those who had been with the company for five The Baltic states could very vided by the Franco Soviet pact, ment was wiped off the map.
ſense of the Soviet Union pro tory and another labor move of unifying Europe on the most It is likewise true, however, that in every conflict years or more, automatically eliminating the col likely play the role of puppets of Stalin French lieutenants pre Having perpetrated all this evil Soviet Union is confronted by a reactionary basis imaginable. The between Zimmerman and other Lovestoneites, it ored workers. These offers of the company were a great power preparing an as vented the revolutionary June without adding a particle to the united capitalist Europe.
ends up with Zimmerman having his way. For he refused by the union. Continued from Page 1)
is the mass base of the Lovestoncites, and Jay, sault upon the Soviet Union. But strikes, from culminating in security of the Soviet Union, This is the end of Stalin road Lovestone has never in his motley career let prinA picket line is maintained, with both colored with the Allies cracking under and white workers doing their part. The length Hitler blows, the only great complete social revolution; in Stalin then sought protection in of socialism in one country. Mexico City to the New York ciples stand in the way of preserving the conof the strike has entailed great hardship on the stead they told the workers to be the pact with Hitler with what Stalin and the realists who ral Times, June 19, announced. nections of his group with the Local 22 payroll.
power which could be manipulat good French patriots, to surren results we have now seen.
strikers, but they intend to remain on strike until ing the Baltic puppets would be der the factories and to obey the Neither to the British workers the dream of world revolution and sought as the organizers of the tors announced, they would answer the following lied to him turned their back on Four others, all members of In the May 25 issue of Lovestone Workers the Communist party, were being Age appeared a pro Ally article which, the editheir demands are obtained. Last week the organ Germany and that Stalin could coalition with the bourgeoisie, the nor to the American nor to any concentrated on izer, Rose Norwood and another worker were ar practical not admit for it would condemn attempted assassination.
rested on a charge brought by a strikebreaker. It his entire policy. Hence his abGeneral Nunez announced that indicated. The next issue, however, announced: week. They would answer it to refute it, they was shown in court that the Lewandos Company surd lies, which convince no one the attack was financed by the questions on the war, published in the was backing the prosecution in its determination and which further discredit the Mexican Communist party, and to break down the morale and starve out the Soviet Union in the eyes of the that the organizers were Davia very soon. Technical reasons made it impossible last issue of this paper, will be discussed in full strikers. The judge ruled out the evidence of world workers.
Alfaro Siquerios, his brother Alintimidation by the Lewandos Co. as irrelevant; to deal with these questions in the present issue, he dismissed one defendant but postponed the STALIN BANKRUPT POLICY fredo, Antonio Pujol and Pedro as we had promised. The next issue after that Zuniga Camacho, Mexican StalENDANGERS THE organizer case.
inists who were in Spain during which appeared after Zimmerman performance was silent altogether. Then, in the June 15 issue, The Lewandos Co. refuses to submit its case to It does not require an admisthe civil war.
at the ILGWU convention, there is an announcethe Labor Board, and has refused all offers of sion from Stalin to establish the General Nunez also announced ment of a series of articles to appear in the next arbitration and consideration of proposals that of the Stalinthat Nestor Sanchez Hernandez, issue on The War and Socialist Policy. They have been termed very fair by the Labor Board. Hitler pact.
Testifying behind closed doors offset the decline in expenditures ic estimate of this index is an av. in whose possession was found will bring forward certain new approaches to somarched on Poland. Stalin count before a Senate subcommittee under the PWA program. About erage of 115 to 117.
one of the police uniforms used cialist policy on the war, the announcement says.
Chicago Negro Drivers Strike most likely aftermath. On the 1940 41 relief program, Colonel sors funds will be spent on PWA that the need for skilled workers that David Siqueiros was the ed on a second Munich as the considering appropriations for the 900, 000, 000 of Federal and spon Colonel Harrington testified he took part in the attack, and by the attackers, had confessed As usual with a dirty job, the author of the arFive hundred Negro taxi drivers on Chicago day the German troops marched, Harrington, Commissioner of projects this fiscal year but noin the arms industry would not leader or the attack who wore ticles will be Will Herberg, editor of Workers Southside went out on strike on Monday, June 10, Age. The new approaches, we can safely prein response to the call of Johnny Patrick, presidict, will be as old as Social Democracy betrayal dent of the Bronzeville Chauffeurs Club.
the Polish ambassador told him couragement to the hope that a for this purpose during the fiscal WPA because only 10 per cent of the uniform of a Mexican Army of socialism in 1914.
that France and England would vast defense program would at year 1941 and the carryover of WPA employees are skilled.
major The drivers are protesting high rental rates for fulfill their commitments to Pol least mean a partial solution of the existing program into next Therefore, he declared, only about saying that Robert Sheldon The direction the Lovestoneltes are moving was the cabs. The drivers pay from 70 to 70 Hernandez is also quoted as cautiously indicated by Jay Lovestone Some day for the cabs with another dollar added for unbelievingly. Neither Molotov Colonel Harrington said in this slight increase in industrial) could be absorbed even if they Harte, one of Trotsky guards.
Further Reflections (Workers Age, June and Saturday and Sunday. They are also required to Buried in the body of the article appeared nor his master had understood pay for gas and oil, which must be bought from that the European crisis had secret session leaked out and is production in the next fiscal year go up to 45, 50 and 55 year old was in league with the assailants, this: gone quoted in June 15 Uncensored: the cab owners, and are responsible for damage too far for a second Munich 1941 over 1940. There is, however, men, which industry isn doing but there is no confirmation of For Hitler and for the world as a whole, this done to the cabs. The rental increases, according The only other possibility which think it is certain that re industrial production for the fisBut despite this authoritative Trotsky household. As we go to war will spell for some time either total prestige to Patrick, is 50 cents for night and 25 cents for day drivers.
occurred to the Kremlin minds gardless of events abroad unem cal year 1940 will show an aver testimony the Senate passed the press we have received no direct or total ruin of fascism. Should he win, fascisna would win tremendously. Should he lose, there to number 8, 000, 000 to of PreLouisiana Solons Threaten are many reasons to believe that fascism will lose mate of the arrests.
cisely the Stalin Hitler pact, how. 9, 000, 000, 000. The expanded all, not only in Germany and Italy, but in an Negro Jobs countries. This is true despite the headway made Sever, wiping out the possible dan armament program will not man by totainditantsur even in the most democratio The reactionary legislators of the state of ger of a war on two fronts, en terially affect the volume of Louisiana are seeking to displace Negro workers countries.
abled Hitler to concentrate an employment or the pressing need To understand the full implications of this line, from their jobs through a bill introduced in the of German econor Fellet. In the first place, the the one must refer to the numerous articles recently state Senate last week. The bill would require war. Stalin intelligence service cannot be spent immediately. It appearing in the Workers Age favoring rerailroads operating within the state to employ undoubtedly acquainted him with will take time for those expendievaluation of Marxism. The chief exponent of only bona fide and qualified voters of the United the fact that Hitler military tures to get under way in importthis revisionism is Lewis Corey, a member of the States.
The writer of the following not know whether the ships con wegian troops had to cover the machine actually believed in the ant volume. There is no question Lovestone group. The revision involves abandonVarious methods are used by the reactionary reality of the blitzkrieg time that tens of thousands of workers article was in Oslo when the cerned were English or German. hurried retreat of the Allies, in ing of the Marxist theory of the state. What fole Early in the morning Dr. Brau the course of which they suffered lows? If the victory of fascism is worse than the state officials to keep Negroes from voting and table which Hitler was publicly will be re employed as a result of Gernians arrived and was an er, the German ambassador, de heavy losses.
the bill would only permit the employment of victory of the democracies, as Lovestone indienunciating with August 15 as these expenditures, but the tothose who have participated in the primaries and Meanwhile the Norwegian govthe outside date for successful potential re employment is Norwegian resistance. He man livered Hitler ultimatum; after cates, and if the road to socialism is through the present state growing into a socialist Order by general elections within the confines of any state completion of the European small in relation to the total num aged to escape shortly after negotiating senselessly with Hit ernment withdrew to the north ler messenger boy, the govern and took its place there as a modphases of the war; but Stalin dia ber of workers who need jobs. ward to another country. democratic e, non revolutionary processes, According to a report the Kansas City, Mo. not use this information to reor The national defense expenditures then there is no reason in the world for not supThe first day of the German leave the capital: without a pub of the Franco British imperial porting the democracies in the war.
Call, Negro paper, the bill has the backing of lily ganize his policy. He followed will be concentrated in a few key white labor unions. It threatens the jobs held by that policy out to its dead end. Industries, principally aircraft, landing of troops in Norway. Hic proclamation and without the 1sts. There is no question, even by And what a dead end! Never in Employment resulting from these siders had known long ago that people he the Norwegian impliention, of any independent Pretend To Forget class policy on the part of the Pacific, Texas Pacific, Illinois Central, Gulf Coast the worst days of the war of in expenditures will be heavily con the Norwegian sea and coastal At the very last moment, from Norwegian labor party. To emWhat Fascism is Lines, Louisiana and Nashville and Southern Railway systems operating within the state and For years the Lovestoneites, like everybody fant Soviet republic in a more centrated in specialized skilted defenses were a farce. To be sure, the railroad station, a mobiliza phasize the truce between the on which Negroes hold many positions as brakewho still had any vestiges of Marxism left, ex dangerous position than is the trades and other skilled groups the so called labor government of tion order was issued short and classes, conservative deputies men, firemen, porters, etc.
plained that fascism is an economic phenomenon: Soviet Union today. thanks to and unskilled workers will not be Norway had in recent years sur simple which was broadcast by were taken into the government directly affected.
rendered to the armament hulla the Oslo radio station, but which independent propaganda by the the form taken by capitalist domination in this Another case of discrimination is brought to Stalin strategy baloo and squandered several had already become senseless by labor party disappeared.
epoch of the decline of capitalism. The Workers our attention by a suit fled by Ed Teagle, Negro The European labor movement, In this connection, it might be hundred millions of kronen in that time as far as the large ci Yet, in spite of all this, the la Age explained that the totalitarian trend within fireman on the Gulf, Mobile and Northern Rail which Lenin considered to be the noted that the additional defense arms expenditures. Squandered is ties of Oslo, Bergen and Trond bor party is by y no means unamroad, in Memphis last week against the Brotherthe democracies would grow whether the most important bulwark defend program recommended by the the right word; for these millions heim were concerned. For when biguously on the side of the Alhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen for ing the Soviet Union, les crushed (President s) special defense mes were not used to arm the Northe Norwegian soldiers arrived lies. Like all Norway, the labor the only way to prevent this is proletarian reyon democracies won or lost the next war, and that an injunction 50, 000 mage.
under Hitler war machine, assage of May 16, 1940, will bout wegian workers, but were sunk during the day at their places of party has split into two sections. lution. All this elementary Marxism is now being tends that the Locomotive Firemen and Enginein a Lilliputian army, half of assembly they were received by While the government and a part thrown overboard by the Lovestoneites, under the men signed a secret contract with the railroad whose officers were infected with Norwegian Nazis and German of of the party directing council, pressure of American imperialism, and particucompany whereby senior Negro firemen were reNazism and the other half abso ficers and very politely sent home. Tranmael among them, sit in larly under the pressure of the agents of Amer: placed junior white fremen on stoker fired lutely worthless.
Thus a few thousand German northern Norway and make com ican imperialism in the labor movement.
engines In spite of the fact that since troops were able to occupy the mon cause with the Allies, the This final mutation of the Lovestoneites is no The Brotherhood has claimed the right to make the Russo Finnish war, at least, Norwegian coast almost without leaders of the labor party and of surprise, we have already said. In April James contracts for all firemen because the majority of the possibility of a German inva a battle.
the trade unions who remained Cannon, summing up the history of such groups the firemen are white and members of the BrothOUR INTRODUCTORY OFFER sion of Norway had been openly erhood, but it excludes Negroes from memberThe Norwegian government ar behind in Oslo, Bergen and Trond as a warning to the petty bourgeois opposition in discussed all over the world, the rived at Hamar still full of ir heim, have submitted to the Ger our party, gave their history in a few words: ship, while it claims the right to represent them Norwegian general staff had not resolution. It lost another day in man authorities and, like Staun In the terminology of the Marxist movement, under the Railroad Labor Act.
prepared so much as a single plan negotiations with the German ing in Denmark, carry out their unprincipled cliques or groups which begin a Teague claims that the action by the Brotherfor such an eventuality. ambassador, who had come on the instructions. The labor party struggle without a definite program have been hood was not representative of the Negro fireThe German fleet had already trail of the government and the newspapers in the occupied areas characterized as political bandits. classic exmen. He claims that the law requires the Brotherpassed the Great Belt when the king. However, these negotiations appear with the approval of the ample of such a group, from its beginning to its hood to give the Negro firemen notice and a commander in chief of the Nor fell through on only one point: German authorities and print miserable end in the backwaters of Americani chance to be heard and vote before any con Send us One Dollar, wegian army, General Laake Hitler emissary stood firm on their official proclamations. Il radicalism, is the group known as Lovestoneites.
tracts can be made by the Brotherhood.
and we will send you for six (pronounced Loki, but not to be the naming of Quisling, the lead legal revolutionary propaganda is They were wild eyed radicals and ultra leftists We need scarcely comment on this shameful weeks a bundle of four Appeals.
confused with Loki, the war goder of the Norwegian Nazis, as carried on only by isolated lower when Zinoviev was at the head of the Comintern.
situation a Negro worker, obviously loyal to the We will enclose stamped wrapof the Norse sagas. received rep prime minister. According to the units of the party.
principles of labor solidarity, forced by Mly white With the downfall of Zinoviev they became ardent policies to take a union into court.
pers for you to mail them in. resentatives of the Oslo press in White Book issued by the Nor. In any case, the Norwegian Bukharinites as quickly and calmly as one a pleasant birthday interview: the wegian government itself one Stalinists have behaved the most changes his shirt. Due to an error in calcuWhat Shall We Call This Column?
general was busy at this time week after the beginning of the shamefully of all. Their Oslo lation, or a delay in information, they were Circularize your worker contacts with the Appeal!
preparing to celebrate his sixty invasion, Foreign Minister Koht newspaper. Arbeideren, appeals behindhand in making the switch from Bukharin The question as to the correctness of the term Enclose a local leaflet or meeting announcement.
Birth birthday, which was to take asked Ambassador Brauer in very with complete legality under the Negro in the heading of this column has to Stalin and the frenzied leftism of the Third Mark the special articles you want your contacts to place on April explicit terms whether the Ger protection of the authorities of Period. To be sure, they tried to make up for brought forth considerable discussion and a numread. Get the Appeal into four working class homes As for the labor government, man authorities would not accept occupation and of the Gestapo their oversight by proposing the expulsion of ber of suggestions for a new title. We agree that regularly for six weeks!
it could bring itself to no deci some other government which governor, Terboven. It exhausts Bukharin at the party convention they controlled the use of Question should be eliminated; but sion in the course of April 8th. would be ready to co operate itself in fulminations against in 1929. But last demonstration of political as yet we do not believe that a sufficient number Attach to this coupon It spent its time discussing with amicably with the army of oc Anglo French imperialism and in flexibility in the service of rigid organizational of opinions have been expressed to warrant not various parliamentary commit cupation. Only when Brauer re accusations against the Labor aims came too late. Their tardiness cost them using the word Negro. The papers and other SOCIALIST APPEAL tees the attitude Norway shoula Sected this proposal were negoti party members who fled, accusing their heads.
publications of the colored people use the terms 116 University Place take on the mine fields sown by ations broken off.
them of the misappropriation of Their politics were always determined for Negro, colored, black interchangeably, but New York, the English the night before. No Three weeks of petty warfare workers funds and of other them by external pressure. At the time of their do not use one to the exclusion of the others and one seemed to think at all about followed among the Norwegian crimes in the same vein. Morethe use of Negro appears to be more extensive Send me a bundle of four papers every week, and membership in the Communist Party it was the any danger from Germany. valleys and mountains, which over, information has reached us pressure of Moscow. With their formal expulsion the others.
enclose stamped wrappers. enclose 00 for a six Since the Norwegian govern after the German troops had oc first hand that two members from the Comintern a still weightier pressure be, Among the suggestions for a new title for the weeks supply.
ment had no instructions to an cupied all the important points the Russian trade delegation in gan to bear down upon them and they gradually column we have received the following: The NAME nounce to the populace, the Oslo of exit, had to end the way it did, Oslo and the well known Norweg adapted themselves to it. Today this miserable Negro Struggle, Black and White Solidarity.
broadcasting station went off the with the complete conquest of lan Stalinist lawyer, Regnar Sol and isolated clique, petty bourgeois to the core, is Revolt of the Black Man, Colored People ADDRESS air at 11:30 on the night of the southern and central Norway. heim, were surprised in active es tossed about by bourgeois democratic public opin.
Struggle, Voice of the Negro, Life and Strugsth. During the night the first Far too late, the English and pionage for the Germans. An ex ion like a feather in the breeze.
gles of the Negro.
STATE German warships penetrated the French expeditionary forces coula tensive report on these matters The storm of war is blowing and the LovestoneWe would like to receive further opinions of our Norwegian fjords; when the news do nothing to change the situa. has been circulated among all the ites are swept along with it like the cynical readers before we change the title of the column.
reached Oslo, the government diation. In the end the few Nor llabor organizations in Osio. cowards that they are.
the war powest to assure a short Story of Norway Last Days Repeating to the SOCIALIST APPEAL