Anti-naziBourgeoisieCommunismCommunist PartyFascismFifth ColumnFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismLeninMussoliniNazismOpportunismSocialismStalinStalinismStrikeWorkers MovementWorking Class

2 SOCIALIST APPEAL JUNE 22, 1940 TWORKERS Against Whom Is the Anti Alien FORUM Only Two Weeks To Go In Appeal Drive!
Drive Really Being Directed. SCOREBOARD 100 100 100 80 73 62 52 50 950. 00 44 21 workers SELLING THE APPEAL While more money came in last week on the two a week Appeal fund than the week previous, we are still far from satisForget for a minute what the capitalist press is saying, Here is another example. There are millions of fighters fied. 369. 00 was sent in on the fund, boosting the amount collected close your ears to the blare of the radio and ask yourself: against fascism and victims of fascism who want to come to the sum of 1, 890. 05, 48 of the total amount pledged.
Write to us tell us what going on in your part of the But less than two weeks are left before the end of the drive!
labor movement what are the workers thinking about? tell What is the real meaning of all this lue and cry against to this country the Spanish Loyalists, the anti Nazi GerChicago moves up to the top with 105 of its quota. St. Paul us what the bosses are up to and the men and the local copsthe aliens?
mans and Austrians, Czechs and the Jews. If the govern came in with the full quota. East Chicago raised its quota from and the Stalinists send us that story the capitalist press didn Why has Roosevelt demanded that control of non citi ment were sincerely desirous of creating a bulwark against 25 to 50. The maritime workers came through with a substantial print and that story they buried or distorted our pages are open zens be transferred to the Department of Justice? Why has fascism and against a fifth column here, it could do nothsum, raising their percentage from 19 to 56.
All very well but we MUST have 100 by July 1st!
Yo you. Letters must carry name and address, but indicate if you the Roosevelt administration asked Congress to pass legisla ing better than to admit all these refugees whose lives have do not want your name printed.
tion for fingerprinting and registration of all non citizens? been blasted by fascism. Yet as part of the government Why has the Senate adopted a provision to limit to 10 anti alien drive these anti fascist refugees are being barred Will We Remain Firm from entry into this country. Does that help fight fascism?
tives of the Second Internationthe number of non citizens employed in any industry? Why al could betray socialism? are other bills being pushed to cut down immigration even No, it helps fascism.
Against the War? Lenin asked in 1914. He anNor will the drive against the foreign born stop with the Branch lower than it now is?
Pledged Paid 90 swered: It is perfectly clear 100. 00 Chicago 105. 00 Editor: non citizens. Already we have seen an attempt made to bar 105 Will these anti alien bills help fight fascism? That is the that the fundamentals of the Upstate New York 50. 00 50. 00 100 have had the most disheart political ideology of social claim made for them. But what is the truth?
longshoremen, citizens of Italiani extraction, from loading Akron 10. 00 10. 00 100 ening news from friends in Eng chauvinism perfectly coincide Who suffers most froni fascism? The workers and na American ships in New York. Fortunately in this case the Rockville 00 00 land. The Independent Labor Par. with the foundations of opporTexas leadership of the AFL International Longshoremen Un5. 00 00 ty has abandoned its opposition tunism, It is THE SAME ORItional minorities. Fascism, wherever it comes, murders the St. Paul 200. 00 200. 00 to the war. Its leader, Maxton. ENTATION. Opportunism, in workers leaders, destroys the workers unions, slashes ion, despite their conservativism, understood the anti union Lynn.
50. 00 40. 00 says now he can see no alterna the war environment, engen their wages, lengthens their hours of work, condemns to meaning of this move and refu to permit other Boston.
177. 00 129. 50 tive to the prosecution of the war. ders social chauvinism. The moves like this will follow. They are anti labor moves and Minneapolis 300. 00 shame and slavery the Jews and other national minorities.
200. 00 The party has dropped its criti main thing in opportunism is Detroit 75. 00 46. 35 cism of the political truce among the idea of class collaboration.
The German workers didn want fascism. They voted have nothing to do with the fight against fascism.
Maritime Workers 780. 00 435. 00 56 the parliamentary parties and has One could, therefore, predict against it, thirteen million strong, at the last real election Many non citizens could easily pass as foreign born or Philadelphia 25. 00 13. 00 itself withdrawn its candidate for as we did in advance the colnative born citizens, and the only way to really tighten up Flint.
105. 00 held in Germany in 1932. But the German bosses put Hitler 55. 00 a Lancashire by election. In the lapse into chauvinism of the New York City 422. 00 44 seat of its chief strength, Glas ILP, as of their American brothe registration of aliens would be if everybody in the counin. The Italian workers hated fascism, but with the help of Toledo 40. 00 17. 50 gow, the nine city council thers, the Lovestoneltes and the King and the bosses Mussolini took over the govern try had to carry a registration card. Registration of aliens is Buffalo 00 00 40 men will no longer even collabo the Norman Thomas socialists.
only the first step to an internal passport system.
Baltimore 25. 00 10. 00 40 rate in peace meetings.
Following an opportunistic It is a lie that these steps against aliens are motivated by Los Angeles 100. 00 40. 50 40 Since, as you know, the LLP.
It is obvious, then, that workers don want fascism.
course in peacetime most noPortland 50 50 was the chief spokesman in the toriously in the trade unions And who are the aliens? They are mostly WORKERS! the desire to fight fascism. The motive is very different. In Newark 100. 00 30. 00 30 British Isles in opposition to the the ILP was certain to succumb Just take one look at the latest government figures avail seeking transfer of the non citizens into the tender mercies New Haven 55. 00 11. 50 war you Trotskyists have only In war time, as they had alof the FBI, Roosevelt message to Congress said the govEast Chicago 50. 00 able, from the last census. They show that although the 10. 00 20 small groups there whose voices ready done in peacetime, to the National Office 550. 00 50. 20 do not reach very far it is heart pressure of the trade union bu foreign born were only 10 of the population, they were ernment wanted it it could deal quickly with those San Francisco 100. 00 00 breaking to find that men like reaucrats, agents in the labor 23 of the industrial workers! They were 28 of the coal aliens who conduct themselves in a manner that conflicts Omaha 25. 00 00 Maxton and Brockway have now movement of Imperialism.
with the public interest.
Seattle 15. 00 00 collapsed.
miners, 30 of copper miners, 49 of coal miners, and As for the anti war stand Indianapolis 10. 00 00 What is the public interest. By government definition Please don be insulted but this of the ILP so long as it lasted, so forth. And about 25 of these foreign born workers Oakland 10. 00 00 news raises the question in my it did not include the funda have not become citizens.
it includes Roosevelt declaration against strikes; it in Lorain 00 00 mind whether anyone will hold mentals of a revolutionary po In short, the blows aimed at the aliens are really blows cludes the scuttling of the Walsh Healey and Wages and out against the martial spirit. So sition on war: continuation of TOTAL 8929. 80 Hour Acts as was done in the naval construction bill; the 1890. 05 incorruptibles figure as Bertrand the class struggle during war.
48 aimed against the labor movement. Russell suddenly came out for the time regardless of its conse In some cases the game the government is playing is scuttling of the Wagner Labor Act by the House of Reprewar. Among my own friends con quences to the military activifirmed pacifists of twenty years crudely obvious. Take, for example, the case of the famous sentatives amendments. the union busting anti trust ties of its own bourgeoisie, standing have changed. I read and opposition to pacifism in seamen unions on the West Coast the Sailors Union of campaign of the Department of Justice, etc. In a word, each week your brave declara favor of turning the imperialist the Pacific and the Marine Firemen. fascist sympathizer whoever won do what the heads of General Motors and tions in the Socialist Appeal and war into a war of wouldn last a day on one of their boats. Steel tell us to do and they are now running the honor you for them. But what against the imperialists for soikelihood is there that you will cialism. Both the pacifism and At least 30 of the members of these militant unions National Defense Council is against the public interest.
prove any firmer than men like the isolationism of the ILP be are non citizens. As is true with many non citizen workers The real meaning of the blows against the aliens is now Maxton and Brockway? When came utterly unreal in the face in other trades, these seamen in many cases cannot become clear. The National Defense Council wants tamed and this country is faced with such of Hitler advance. It became grim consequences as those now plain that Hitler had to be citizens because they can comply with the elaborate rules house broken labor movement if it wants any labor movefacing Britain, what will you do. stopped. The revolutionary conand regulations. But, as every citizen in the same unions will ment at all. But the government cannot as yet openly direct It is of course easy for me as a ception of Hitler being stopped tell you, these non citizens are splendid union men and its heaviest blows against the unions, for Labor is still MINNEAPOLIS locality. Your branch, too, can do GOES TO TOWN!
private person to ask you such by a victorious proletarian die strong; therefore the government masks as many blows it, at our special rates for quantienemies to the death against fascism.
questions, although have no tatorship of France and EngFifteen comrades of the Min ties. Forward to real mass circuright to. But wonder. land which would inspire revoYet the government is now sponsoring a law which against Labor as it can under the guise of anti alien neapolis branch are putting one lation of the Appeal! Now is the Marian Sanders Jution. Germany, hastening would bar all these non citizens one man in every three legislation.
New York, it. Pressary, by a rezolutionary. War against Hitler this now in these unions from being employed in the merchant Evey anti alien bill is a blow against the workets. An outhed homeals a very welkom time to achieve it!
workers. Every Monday evening Your disappointment at what injury to one is an injury to all that is Labor slogan!
was alien to the ILP. Finally marine. The government proposed law will help fascismi, the comrades come to the branch GET BEHIND happened to the ILP is only due THE SUB DRIVE. Defend yourself and your union, by defending the aliens! headquarters get their papers, conceding that Hitler must be not stop it to your previous Illusions. We Subs are beginning to come in stopped by force, the ILP conand cover the working class comnever expected anything else cedes that task to the British munities assigned to them. The from the far corners of the counfrom people like Maxton, who ruling class.
In addition to this demonstra. program of the bosses.
yoted and made a speech in assignments are permanent so try on the current Appeal sub But a party grounded in our tion of craven cowardice, several That is how the is fighting that the same comrade goes to drive. The mass centers, though, Parliament praising Chamberof the outstanding stalinist func war preparations in Flint the same community each week. are now just about getting under lain when the latter returned ceptions and which, furthertionaries in the unions, recruited from Munich This week one man called to way according to local reports, by the in the honeymoon more, has developed and tested the comrade and asked for the and will start to show up in the We predicted what the ILP its cadres and program over days of the Pro Roosevelt PopuBuy the APPEAL paper through the window then week tally in the very near fuwould do. We were able to do period of eleven years as we lar Front, attended and particigot another for the family upso on the basis of fundament have that party, you may be pated in the Michigan State Dem IN MINNEAPOLIS The total for the current week stairs. At another house the comal criterion: the program and sure, will remain firm to the ocratic convention held in Flint.
åt: rade was asked to stop the next remains very poor, with only 12 conduct of the ILP in peace end and at all costs, against They didn attend to attack Shinders News Co. time he came around and get subscriptions on the record as this time. How was it possible that the imperialists and their war.
Roosevelt war mongering camissue goes to press. They arrived their subscription 6th St. Hennepin Av.
the most eminent representa Editors.
paign, but to seek support among Enthusiasm for this type of from the following places. the respectable elements, and Morris kroman, mass coverage with the Appeal is Montana.
FLINT, Mich Who said the sembled the provisions of a to show everyone that they were 4th St. Nicollet Av. high in the branch, and prompt Rochester, NY Stalinists had a new line?
Houston Fascist union, and was aimed good Americans.
Pioneer News Co. payment of the cost of the bundle Who said the Communist Party at all those who for religious, No anti war resolutions have 238 Second Av. South is assured since the bundle is paid Flint been introduced in any local for out of the general fund. The to the Jingo cam political or personal reasons did was opposed Peterson News Stand, not believe in idolatory of the union in Flint by the No slogan is Rain or Shine, The Appaign of Roosevelt?
Lynn The Daily Worker says so in flag. The motion requiring the Indication can be seen that they Washington Av. way peal Goes Out Every Monday.
words but their members seem flag salute was lost. no are carrying on any kind of Labor Book store The great speed with which Chicago to have different instructions. thanks to the anti war Com campaign against the reaction919 Marquette Av. events of the day are moving has The workers of the Air King of the CIO and tried to induce In Flint the Communist Party munist Party.
ary congressional legislative caused the branch to adopt this From this point, however, we Radio Co. of Brooklyn, are Emil Katz, Business Agent of the members are still back in the policy of mass coverage of Min expect to see a steady rise in the entering the sixth week of their CIO Local 430, who was expelled days of support to Roosevelt and titch ciation stores as against inde Neapolis, with 000 copies every total each week. provided the week of the party organ.
strike in a militant mood. from the AFL by Beedie, to set the Democrats, and are either un comrades start now, and don let pendents.
Ask your branch literature grass grow under their feet. The Program of Progressives agent to read the letter from the Appeal needs money, and there B 1010 of the AFL) in cept their terms and turned the against the fake patriotic camThe progressives pledge them center about applying the Minne money in suba! Get yours in ear dispute with William Beedle, Local officials over to the Air paign now being waged in the unselves, when they get into office, apolis plan of mass work to your ly, and remember the prizes!
the International Representative, King Strike Committee. ions. In the Buick Local No. 599 to carry on vigorous fight and joined the CIO, Beedie orderagainst the Bosses Association, ed the dismissal of three of the the Local officials all aftern was made that every member be The Strike Committee sat with meeting the other day, a motion to improve conditions and to CIO workers in the shop. De but could not reach an agrec tering the union hall. Everyone workers in New York City are of Local 325, powerful Brooklyn the miscellaneous unskilled minding the reinstatement of ment. The Local officials want. waited with hushed breath for forced to salute the flag upon enThe eyes of all organized food. ago the Stalinist administration raise the wage scale, especially of NOW READY. walked out. Since then the work. AFL without securing their one ists to open up on this motion.
there would since then tire vore ed the strikers to return to the one of the several known Stalin: fixed on the special by election local, was completely repudiated workers and the workers in the ers in a subsidiary company of demand, that the status quo be the Air King plant have joined maintained in the shop until al OPENED HIS MOUTH! Not BUT NOT ONE OF THEM dent of Local 302, Cafeteria Local 302 is the most important rated in a lower wage scale and them in a sympathy strike, swell NLRB election be held and that one of these so called revoluWorkers Union.
local in the Hotel Restaurant in a separate branch by the old ing the total of workers involved those discharged be rehired pend tionaries had the guts to voice There are two candidates in the Workers International. In 1936 officials.
to 450, field, William Kincheloe, repre the Communist Party dissolved victory in this election, This week Beedie has made The Local officials then threat tatorial and undemocratie deing the outcome of the election. word of opposition to this die senting the United Orange Tick its dual Industrial Union and says an Orange Ticket statement, several attempts to bring scaba ened that if the strike committee et of the progressive anti ad made a deal with the racketeers will be a step toward the regular through the CIO picket line. would not re enter the AFL uncree.
ministration bloc, and Costas then in control of Local 302 and December electionswhen we by He secured unskilled workers der the protection of Local that That task was undertaken by Dritzas, representing the Stalip some other locals, whereby they will sweep out of office the reacist through the Italian Welfare they would be faced with a battle FARRELL DOBBS Rank and File a rank and file militant, well machine, were given paid jobs in the un tionary Communist party clique League and sent about 40 of them with the powerful Local mem.
known as an anti Stalinist which controls the administra ion. During the Dewey investiga which has misled, disorganized, comprehensive study of problems facing the by subway to enter the plant bership. They threatened that who attacked the motion as be tion. The progressives are condition and trials, the Stalinist om and betrayed the Union.
cials defended the racketeers, without even telling them there they would bring down 5, 000 dent of victory in the election.
American Workers ing part of a jingo campaign to was a strike in progress. Most of members to see that the tionary government war cam44 pps.
harness the union to the reacraising 20, 000 for this purpose.
Stalinists On Way Out these people refused to enter the shop was reopened by AFL men.
After the conviction of the gangVictory for the progressives sters, the Communist Party dom There is a Price: 10 plant. 18 joined up with the CIO on Monday about thirty of paign, pointed out that it reas soon as they learned what the Beedie scabs got into the shop will be a severe blow to the Com inated most of the New York 10munist party machine, already cals and the local Joint Board.
PICNIC conditions were, 12 entered the and Local sent 100 of their plant as scabs and the rest ran members to protect them on reeling from recent election de Stalinista Black Record WE RE SAILING FOR NEW ANTI WAR PAMPHLET St. Paul Annual feats in two foodworkers locals from the scene.
their way home.
and a partial defeat in Local 302 Under the four year domina SILVER LAKE by Local Interferes The CIO Local 430 passed out a Strawberry Festival last December. In the December tion of the Communist Party the (Staten Island)
Joe Hansen AT WELSH FARM elections the United Orange Tick conditions of the workers have on The same evening a large leaflet to the Local men explainWhite Bear, Minnesota group appeared at the shop, mem ing the situation in the shop to et elected ten officers of the Lo failed to improve. Wages have decal, including two business teriorated. Job security, which SUNDAY, JUNE 30 Shortcake Refreshments First of a series of 2c agitational pamphlets AFL. They told the for the situation where it be bers of Electrical Workers Local them and placing responsibilty Entertainment agents, who have since done an the workers had even under the MEET AT SOUTH FERRY Beedie.
excellent job, an indication of racketeers, has been whittled 10 picket captain that they had been longe, on the shoulders Sunday what the local can expect when away. Contracts which the union ordered by their union officials to Most of the Local men showed Published for the JUNE 30, 1940 the Stalinists are completely re does get are badly enforced, if at Boating Tennis Games go to the plant after their regu reluctance to protect the scabs pudiated.
all. During this period the bosses Home Cooked Food lar days work, to protect those and many were heard to say that Pollow High GL the White Grand drawing of World PIONEER In April, in Local 16, Waiters association has been built into a PUBLISHERS who were working in the plant.
they were going to demand an Bear, the follow Arrow Fair Souvenir Book and Waitresses, the Stalinists powerful weapon against the un116 UNIVERSITY PLACE NEW YORK, On Friday, June 14, several of explanation from their officials Auspices: St. Paul were swept out of office by wion, not without help from the Auspices: West Side Br.
ficials of Local 3, came on the role Local is playing in progressive victory. Three weeks clique, which favored A380down to the strike headquarters the strike.
presented in a Stalinists Mum on Jingo Resolutions In Auto Unions AIR KING STRIKERS APPEAL TO MEMBERSHIP OF LOCAL THREE New Jersey San Francisco Total.
og Locale pentru Periode ser und Degreerd in de regiones CAFETERIA LOCAL BY ELECTIONS DUE TO BE HELD TUESDAY TRADE UNION PROBLEMS Perk up!
16 pps.