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Socialist Appeal See Your Friends for the See Your Friends for the Twice a Week Appeal Twice a Week Appeal Official Weekly Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International Vol. IV, No. 25 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JUNE 22, 1940 FIVE (5) CENTS FRANCE FATE WARNS WORKERS: TAKE POWER IF YOU WANT TO DEFEAT FASCISM!
Hope For Jobs From Arms Drive Is Illusion, CIO Shows Trotsky Indicts the Kremlin Role In Europe Catastrophe Behind the Lines The French working class has been placed in the chains Only a successful revolution by the workers would have of German Fascism.
enabled France to dispute that mastery. Only a workers Only three years ago the workers of France stood at the revolution will enable it to dispute that mastery tomorrow.
threshold of revolution. The great wave of strikes culmin In 1936 the great risings of the workers in Spain, France, ating in the occupation of factories throughout the land in and Belgium offered the only way of avoiding the victory Unemployment during April stood at 11, 259, 000 despite heavy the general strike of June, 1936, placed the country in their of Fascism in Europe. Messrs. Stalin, Thorez, Blum, and armament orders, the CIO declared last week in its monthly survey, The Economie Outlook.
all the other Stalinist and Socialist lackeys of Western Non farm employment Increased only 23, 000, or one tenth of But the French People Front of Blum Stalin checked Europe brought those risings to nought. The result is the By LEON TROTSKY one per cent from March to April.
and dispersed the revolutionary wave with the dire warn present catastrophe.
These figures demonstrate that billions for armaments will not MEXICO CITY, June 17 The capitulation of France is not ing: Revolution will open the road to Hitler.
provide jobs or prosperity for the American people, the CIO surBut this catastrophe is not final.
simple military episode. It is part of the catastrophe of Europe.
vey pointed out. Roosevelt armament program does not proSo the French workers gave the factories back to the It has not yet even run its course. British democracy Mankind can no longer live under the regime of imperialism. Hitler vide the basis for much increase in our industrial production or capitalists. And the capitalists, as events have now shown, awaits the same fate as its French counterpart. The British bestial expression of imperialism, which threatens to crush our for any substantial reduction in the number of unemployed.
Only a few optimistic economists argue that armaments exleit the road open to Hitler.
workers have been lashed by the Labor Party to the lagging whole civilization.
penditures will raise the level of Industrial production to that of The French capitalists proved totally incapable of defense chariot of British capitalism. If they could in time throw But in line with the general causes of the catastrophe inherent December, 1989, within the next six months. But even if that were against the Nazi invasion. They could not equip themselves off the dead hands of their rulers they could still throw in imperialism, it is impermissible to forget the criminal, sinister role played by the Kremlin and the Comintern. Nobody else ren60, it was pointed out by the CIO, it would only mean jobs for adequately for the struggle against their German rivals. back the German hordes that now threaten to engulf Britain dered such support to Hitler as Stalin. Nobody else created such a about two million workers and still leave 9, 250, 000 unemployed.
Above all, they could not arouse and inspire the masses to For, the CIO pointed out, expenditures under a program of itself. But the frightened British bourgeoisie will sooner dangerous situation for the armaments are of a less productive character both in terms of the ferocious struggle needed to defeat the Fascist invasion come to terms with the German conqueror in hopes of as Stalin.
territorial seizures, the Internajobs and of socially useful output than would be provided by During period of five years tional position of the USSR 18 on the fighting front and behind it.
saving at least a remnant of its imperial wealth!
similar sums expended on the usual public works program.
the Kremlin and its Comintern worsened in the extreme. The These plain and simple facts were known to the Senate when, Instead the French capitalists helped Hitler place be No, the catastrophe is not final.
propagandized for an alliance of Polish buffer disappeared. The last week, it adopted Roosevelt proposed relief bill, slashing tween the French and German workers a Maginot line of The lesson is there plain for the workers of the whole democracies and people Rumanian buffer will disappear the WPA rolls. The Senate knew these facts, because in secret national division and hatred. While that Maginot line held world to see. The capitalist order is in its decline. Out of its fronts with the aim of prevent tomorrow. Mighty Germany, massession before a Senate subcommittee considering the WPA apive war against Fascist aggres ter of Europe, acquires a comfast, Hitler found it casy to crack the other Maginot line of cancerous sickness it gives forth growths like Hitlerism. sors. This propaganda, as wit mon frontier with the USSR.
propriation, WPA chief Col. Harrington had warned that regardless of events abroad unemployment in the fiscal year 1941 is steel and stone and to cut his way to a swift and terrible These growth produce convulsions in the whole system.
nessed most strikingly in the ex Scandinavia, a place of weak likely to number eight million to nine million. Yet the Senate victory In Germany this diseased growth appeared earlier and in its ample of France, had a tremen and almost disarmed countries is joined Roosevelt and the House in slushing WPA. See story on Thus bourgeois France has gone down to ignominious most virulent form. In France, Belgium, England, and in dous influence upon the popular occupied by this same Germany.
Harrington, page masses. But when war really ap Her victories in the west are on: defeat at the hands of the rival it humbled 22 years ago. the United States in the years leading up to the war all the proached the Kremlin and its y preparation for a gigantic The advanced workers will not weep at the passing of symptoms of the same fatal sickness appeared. It is fatal to agency the Comintern, jumped move toward the east. In the atthe lives of men. It is fatal to society itself. The only cure is fascist aggressors. Stalin with decapitated and demoralized, rmy, the French Empire. Its millions of black and yellow slaves will fight the new masters they had to fight the old. a radical one the surgical operation of revolution. his horse trader mentality sought again by Stalin, demonstrated its Nor will they weep at the passing of French civiliza The Fascists boast falsely when they present themselves in this way to cheat Chamber weakness before the whole world.
tion. The time has long passed since bourgeois France as the new and virile forces in the world. Actually they are Hitler Victory Heads World Toward Greater gain strategic positions in Poland USSR, Hitler will find support in the violent sores that are consuming an over aged, broken, and the Baltic countries. But the Japan.
Wars Between Totalitarian Blocs heting carried into the future. Frenth capitation korterei ini ing tacy They represent at kind superar la capital de les persona de consequence hot gin to speak onbe more about the by GEORGE STERN permanent crisis. Its German rival succeeded earlier in ist order is shooting inte its arm for a new lease on life.
only did it cheat the governments alliance of the democracies again The swift victory of Hitler onlish no less a totalitarian concrushing the workers and giving itself the hypodermic of Their effect canot last long. They must and shall dic. but it disoriented and demoralized at the fascist aggressors. It is the continent of Europe is but trol over this hemisphere. totalitarianism. Had bourgeois France succeeded in defeat Out of the depths of the catastrophe of modern total, the popular masses in the first possible that as the cheated the beginning of fresh agonies for Roosevelt project for an ecoing Nazi Germany it would in its turn have gone swiftly capitalist war, the real virile forces of the future must arise place in the so called democra cheater, Stalin will be forced a tortured world. More than nomic union of the Americas cles. With its propaganda of make a new turn in his foreign borders and nations are being shows how acutely this is realized down the sanie dark road of totalitarianism it was already and end the slaughter.
obliterated. It is the era of dem now in Washington. The June 18 beginning to do so during the war. Instead it was Germany That opportunity still stands before the workers of this wondered the romaksethe Kremlin politics. But woe to the peoples ocratic capitalism and a multi New York Times bluntly says which conquered and the ghastly tragedy of Versailes is country and of all the Americas.
ducting the fight against the im agents of the Kremlin chief!
state system that is finally being that the plan envisages almost perialist war. With his shift to Stalin helped convert Europe into stamped into the dust forever. totalitarian control over exto be re enacted, only with the roles of the principals ex Roosevelt or his successors can only lead us into the Hitler side Stalin abruptly bloody chaos and took the USSR Had its destruction been accomports of surplus commodities of changed.
totalitarian maelstrom, make us in our turn, the helpless mixed up all the cards and par to the very brink of the abyss, plished by workers revolution North and South American coun Only a workers France could have turned the tide of victims of the inter capitalist struggle, dying for a system in alyzed the military power of the The peoples of the USSR now the world to come would look diftries. democracies. In spite of all the cannot help but feel the greatest This plan or something probEuropean history in a totally different direction! Only a ferent indeed.
which we have no stake at all.
machines of destruction the mor anxiety. Only the overthrow now out of the mad ably even more sweeping will workers France could have assured the defeat of Fascism But the way oft workers revolution leads to a brighter ance the the war. By demoralizing only the regeneration of Soviet scramble of the victor and his be imposed upon all American in Spain. Only a workers France could bring welling to the be won!
satellites for the spoils there nations, by force It necessary, surface all the mighty latent forces of the people in struggle will emerge before long the if capitalism has its way.
It will call for sacrifice, to be sure, but it will be sacrifice and not solely in Europe. Stalin of the Soviet peoples for the fight principal featores of the war And an inevitable concomitant against slavery, home grown or imported. Only a workers world of an early tomorrow worth making The American workers especially have the is the establishment of al France could have reached into the heart and core of the vocateur in the service of Hitler. approaching blow from imperiala world divided into three vast most totalitarian control of German working class to revive and nourish their struggle power today to revive the workers of the nations brought The capitulation of France is one ist Germany. Hence Soviet patricontinental blocs more or less American economy itself. The under the Fascist heel. To our call will come a response that of the results of such politics otism is inseparable from irreconcontinuously at conflict within sheer adaption of the Ameriagainst Hitlerism: will bring Hitler conquered empire crumbling around his But it is by no means the only cilable struggle against the Stalthemselves and with each oth can industrial and trade struc That is the incomparable advantage of a revolutionary result. In spite of the Kremlin Inist clique.
ture to the new situation will head.
workers regime in war! As the Russia of Lenin and To a conquered Europe, Hitler in itself mean a gigantic conOnly a workers America can defend the country from will seek to bring full blown the Trotsky showed in 1918. it not only can and does command vulsion and will in itself lead the total sacrifice of the workers at home, but can and does Fascism, nurture at home or brought in by invading enetotalitarian machinery of organ swiftly to advanced stages of ization already so developed in the totalitarian method. successfully appeal to the workers of all other nations, in mies. Only a workers America can take the lead now in Germany. The working classes of method that means ruthless decluding the workers under the bourgeois enemy. freeing the world of the heavy menace that hangs over it.
Western Europe would be reduced pression of living standards to the helotry of the Fascist sys! and equally ruthless repression Bourgeois France could do neither. It kept its own mass The job still can be done.
tem. Capital control would pass of all working class resistance es enchained and could not dispute Hitler mastery within If we do it, the tread of Hitler across Europe, so deafeninto the hands of the ever nar thereto.
This major crisis immeasurthe Reich. And as events have proved, it could not dispute rowing group of super finance caing today will be remembered only as a half heard footfall pitalists knit closely with the tops ably hastened by the unexpected Hitler mastery throughout continental Europe.
down the receding corridors of time.
By FELIX MORROW of the totalitarian regime. The ly swift debacle of the Allies The complete occupation and transformation into military camps Germans will doubtless dominate imposes upon imperialism a of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia by Soviet troops last weekend was this group but will not be alone strictly hemisphere strategy for almost universally recognized as a move inspired by fear of Hitler.
it. Capitalists in Belgium, the time being. This leaves JapWith France out of the war, the Nazi armies completely dominated France, and before long in Brianese imperialism with hands free continental Europe, able to turn and rend the partner whose peace tain (for Britain cannot long to complete, if it can, creation of and friendship treaty, freeing Hitler from any worry about a fight withstand a German attack now. the third great continental bloc.
on two fronts, had so enormously facilitated the Nazis speedy viewill readily come forward to ac Japan has already begun the FLINT, Mich. June 17 The Poor Contract slight wage increase From what Body, where the campaign for tory. Occupation of the tiny Balcept whatever degree of partici process of moving in on the threatened break in negotiations In the last week the union was information is available, wages the 30 hour week at 40 hours pay tic states provided certain strapation Hitler allows them in the Far Eastern spoils of Hitler between General Motors and the maneuvered into concentrating will be increased about This opened, a well known Communist tegic advantages in case of hostotalitarianized exploitation of victory, giving every sign of tilities with Germany, but these wealth and labor, with this con assuming to itself the first pre by agreement on a new contract tion of wages. UAW officials, led based upon of yearly wages. identical resolution to rescind emed pitifully paltry as conscripted economy assuming it rogative of deciding the fate of between the union negotiating by CIO representative Phil Mur This is all the workers will support of the slogan. But in trasted with the enhanced power will have time to be consolidated French Indo China and the committee and the company, un ray, decided that there was only gain. The union committee has Fisher, where militants are in the of Nazi Germany now as comand extended throughout the con Dutch East Indies and per der heavy government pressure. one way to get the union mem kept everything else in the agree leadership, the lone Stalinist was pared with last August when tinent the new masters can and haps before long, of British Terms of the agreement are not bership to swallow a contract ment under a bushel.
the only member to vote for his Stalin entered the peace pact will turn to the problem of the Malaya, and even of India. yet public, and will not be an that undoubtedly will be one of Many local unions will probably resolution: The Soviet Union would lie be nounced untu the local unions the poorest in all the CIO his oppose the rotten agreement; but with Hitler.
rect of the world markets, reFrom Stockholm was reportsources, and labor.
tween a Germanized Europe and vote on the new provisions. tory. That way was to throw out enough government pressure will Militants Active In Plants ed by Otto Tolischus of the New While Hitler thus brings into a Japanized Asia and without a From start to finish the negoti a bone. a few cents an hour be put on to force it down the Rank and file militants, bitterly York Times that Germany being this grotesquely distort revolutionary revival on a world ations were conducted under the increase in wages.
throats of a majority of the lo disappointed at the turn of the Mexican Police Say makes little secret of her displeaThere is little likelihood that cals, in all probability.
ed image of a United States of scale would face the danger of be pressure of a government camnegotiations, and seeing all their sure at the Soviet move.
Europe, the United States of ing broken in two between them. paign to force the union to accept the new agreement contains any hopes for a great victory going Case Is Solved as While these negotiations up in smoke, are determined to Almost the only source that did America will be engaged to its What we all face in the com whatever the corporation offered, improvements whatever in barnot characterize the step as a deneck in trying to become the ing years are titanic collisions because of the pressing national gaining procedure. The shop were reaching a culmination, force better conditions in their One Confesses ſepsive move against Germany United States of the Americas.
was the Stalin regime and its The American capitalist class imperialist blocs or their break president, repeatedly stated his ten demand: seniority provisions tive UAW tops were putting on wn plants at least. The comStalinist press abroad. For Stalin realizes today that under the up within through risings of undying patriotism and loyalty to will undoubtedly be weak; the a campaign to rescind the ac pany however, is arrogant and tions of several local unions in government pressure and the hands Twenty one Stalinists are in the could not admit now, any more present form of organization it the workers and the colonial the government, his support to contract will contain reactionary can police and Gen than when he sought strategia would be totally incapable of peoples. The first will lead the the rearmament campaign, anti allen provisions, anti strike demanding the so bour week cowardice of the UAw leader. eral Jose Manuel Nunez, head of bases in Finland, that he was withstanding the economic as peoples of the world deeper in but meekly tried to explain to the clauses, etc.
at 40 hours pay.
the police, announced that com seeking protection against the saults upon its markets in Lat to the abyss. The second will company, and the arbitrator, In the Buick plant in line Ship, company officials are wplete light has now been shed on consequences of his peace pact in America of a Germanized lead them out to the dawning Steelman that he couldn go Puny Ralse Stalinists led the fight for a reso ing a bitter battle against all the May 24 attack on Leon of last year. Then he had justified Europe and a Japanized Asia. of a new, a socialist civiliza back to the membership without But as a counterweight to all lution rescinding their former militant committeemen and stew Trotsky house, a cable from the pact on the ground that it It must and speedily estab tion. something to offer them. this the workers will be offered a support of the slogan. In Fisherlards. Continued on Pago Continued on Page 8)
Stalin Moves Into Baltic Countries Settlement Favors General Motors STALINIST BAND ARRESTED FOR TROTSKY ATTACK