CommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarItalyNazismSocialismSocialist PartySpainStalinStalinismStrikeSubversiveSyndicalismWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorld War

SKIN IS BRANDED By DELEGATE DUBINSKY MACHINE COMMITS UNION TO BACK voted, and only two or three nonThe fortieth anniversary conStaliniste voted against the resolution.
vention of the International LaFDR, AID ALLIES, REJOIN AFL dies Garment Workers Union adThe burning questions of the by Robert Birchman Journed on June after twelve trade that confronts the union?
days of bureaucratic steamrolling Except for a few perfunctory reBritish Aid to Haile Selassie through of resolutions advocating the convention advocating an inception from the administration would make a real investigation solutions the union tasks were by SAM MARCY a third term, unlimited ald to the dependent status, only twelve del which made clear that the Stalin. of un American activities, includ shunted aside. The convention Britain is making overtures to Haile Selassie, Allies (short of war. reaf egates who refused to be intimi ists are merely at the moment ing Father Coughlin, the Ku Klux was dominated by the war mon The campaign against aliens has reached exiled King of Ethiopia. Reports in the Negro such proportions that a call for mass murder has Gliation with the AFL and many dated rose to vote against affill the most vulnerable victims, but Klan, the Silver Shirts, and all gering speakers with whom Duissued directly from the floor of the United States press are that consultations are taking place other reactionary measures not ation. On the basis of a fraction woe to anybody who talks against other subversive or reactionary binsky flooded the platform, day daily at Selassie residence consistent with a supposedly pro over two delegates to each thou war! American activities. And if after day.
Congress. Representative Robert Rich (Rep.
Pa. on May 29 made the following remarks As the tension grows in the Mediterranean and gressive trade union.
sand members, there should have Charles Zimmerman, man concluded Zimmerman with cheap Union Babies Learn Italy entry into the war on the side of Germany (Congressional Record, page 10811. President Dubinsky keynoted been at least 80 votes against. ager of Local 22 and leading malice addressing the Stalinists, becomes a fact, the British hope to use Haile think we ought to make every effort in this the convention at the opening The twelve who voted against Lovestoneite, was not to be heard as you claim, the work of the But there was more to the Selassie as a rallying force to appeal to the colcountry to find those people who came to this ored peoples of her colonial empire for support of session at Madison Square Gar affiliation were called Commu on the war, third term and AFL Communist party is an open book. convention than the Dubinsky country who trying to overthrow our governthe war. This is of importance since the colonial ment and nothing should stop this Congress from peoples are not rallying so readily to Britain ing speech that might easily have mance he repeated on other votes. aves toons So far as the naked then there is no reason why you gang. There were many demony during the convention eye could discern, he was voting should oppose the recommendaSime cloakmakers, the been written by corporation law The resolution advocating a with the administration, either deporting them or putting them in goncen while tion of the Committee. And this by war.
tration camps, and if we know they are going to yers from the house of Morgan, third term for Roosevelt was other Lovestoneites were voting scoundrel has been passing him newer element of dressmakers, Sir Sidney Barton, former British ambassador and perhaps most interesting of do anything to overthrow our government, we to Addis Ababa recently headed a delegation from Standard Oil, the Rockefeller in greeted with a planned demon against The only sign of the self off as a revolutionist!
ought to find a good brick wall, put them up all, the so called babies of the the Abyssinia Association (a white group) that on, during the days that followed, minuters. This time, the Com posal for nationalization of Stalinist Strategy the union from its newly organized against it, and get our bayonets out, and if necesOn a number of questions locals in the Midwest and the sary use them.
interviewed the ex king and assure him of Bussociation support to restore him to his throne each successive speaker seemed munists and fifth columnists munitions industry offered as an few consistent progressives had Eastern out of town department On May 30, Attorney General Ellis Arnall of under an Anglo French protectorate after the to be trying to start in where the that had the gall to oppose the amendment to the majority pro to vote with the Stalinists, but It was heartening to see these Dubinsky last speaker left off.
administration num Ally report!
Georgia proposed to Georgia Congressmen to reItalians are expelled from Ethiopia.
move the guarantee of the United States ConstiEach expressed in his own in bered only four.
the Stalinists made it well nigh young people, full of their fresh Zimmerman played a particu impossible to win the the votes solidarity with the trade union tution which formally gives rights to all residents support the Ethiopians in their struggle for inimitable way that labor and capAnti War Vote ital must cooperate, that labor, larly foul role when the resolu of the average progressive dele movement. They proved to the of the country, irrespective of place of birth or dependence. But they must be warned that to put above all, must not strike, that citizenship status. Along with this comes the tions committee brought in this gate. An example was the admini convention that they had what There were two minority re proposal on continuance of the stration resolution advocating re it takes to win strikes. They left World War is different than ports on the war situation one Dies Committee: We believe that placement of the Dios Committee no doubt in the minds of the deleSmith Bill providing for finger printing of immiany dependence upon France or England in this struggle will not mean independence but only a grants, for deportation of non citizens who bethe last war in that this is a just by the Stalinists, and one by a reorganization of that Commit hy a joint Congressional commit gates what their actions would be new form of slavery, merely exchanging an war on the part of the same Al Louis Nelson of the New York tee, making it a joint congression tee which would have the same if called upon to strike again and longed to a proscribed organization at any time Anglo French yoke for Italy lies, etc. One speaker rationalized knitgoods workers representing a al committee of persons interest purpose as the Dies Committee, again. The recognized the class in the past.
Such is the situation in the land which for cenThe Ethiopian masses can only win their independence by an unremitting struggle waged won the last war she would have nents of the pro war orientation ed, not in grinding their own por e. investigation of the Commu line between themselves and their turies was known as the traditional asylum for the persecuted of all lands. Such is the situation sor Italy, but waged with the perspective of pre many wins this war she will de The Stalinits report was far more good government, will prove of reactionary resolution, and one All these young people came to in the land which during the days of capitalist venting any other imperialist power from replac mand civilization.
reformist, isolationist in foragainst which it might have been the convention, as was natural progress invited more than 37, 000, 000 immiing Italy as master of Ethiopia. Such a struggle mulation, than the other minority Zimmerman was chairman for possible to rally advanced work for people who have recently disgrants, to dig its coal, make its steel, build its will inspire the other oppressed colonial peoples Delegates Intimidated report and silent, of course, on the day and had the last word. He ers.
railroads, pick Its crops, cultivate its fields and covered unionism, as ardent adin their struggle against French and British Im The reaffiliation of the ILGWU Stalin role in Poland and Fin was in an ideal position to rally produce riches for the wealthy. Many of these perialism. The hundreds of thousands of colonial with the AFL was achieved. land. It got seven votes. Nelson opposition to this reactionary pro lution and the role of such a Con of them went away with a new immigrants were brought by soliciting companies, troops, many of them now in the Near East, midst a reign of intimidation report got seventeen votes.
thousands of others were kidnapped and shipped would rally to the support of colonial revolts di comparable only to that which Although the Nelson report tions for the labor movement. the Stalinist delegates devoted as Dubinsky shut up delegates, here in loads. Give me your huddled masses rected against all the imperialists brought about the passing of the was backed by International vice. Instead he made the final speech themselves to whitewashing the denounced an opposition as com yearning to breathe free is still the inscription One indication that this is a real possibility is war resolution. Although sixteen president Rose Pesota and other for it!
Communist party. They made the munist, and railroaded the conon the base of the Statue of Liberty. Now that the tae report that appeared in the Negro press last resolutions representing over 40. otherwise close colloborators of The proposed Congressional issue one of for or against the vention. Dubinsky will pay for capitalist class is in a blind ally, madly racing fall to the effect that the black Eritrean troops of 000 members were presented to the administration, it got a re Icommittee, said Zimmerman, IC. In that light the delegates that hysterical performance. towards war, it seeks turn all its wrath against Italy turned on the white Italian soldiers, and those who created its wealth.
after killing them all, went off to join the Ethiopian General Hiwot, taking with them all their Arrested Aliens Get No Real Trial arms and ammunition, a When an allen worker is arrested by the ImmiLet Haile Selassie get arms from the British.
gration Service for deportation he is not even acBut any promises he makes in return for the corded a trial by court or jury. He is tried by an arms should not be binding on the Ethiopian people. British workers should cheerfully transmit immigration Inspector, who acts both as judge, SAN FRANCISCO George Clarke, member of the National prosecutor and jury, who alone finds the facts Committee of the Socialist Workers Party, spent the past week such arms to a colonial people, for these arms can and makes the record. He then presents them to be used by the Ethiopians to win their freedom.
here on his coast to coast tour.
the Secretary of Labor. There is no review diThe revolutionary struggle against imperialist war Next week Comrade Clarke will be in Los Angeles. On Thurs rectly from the Secretary order to any court. It At Earl Browder, in his closing peace and the peace of America.
his press is aided by successful military action of any colconference, day, June 20, he speaks at the Embassy Auditorium of Assembly is final so long as it has been shown that there onial people against the imperialist power which speech to the Communist party Concretely today, our country Browder was asked to give his Hall, 843 Grand Street, Los Angeles, on War and the American was merely some evidence to support the decision dominates that colored people if that colonial convention said: is uniting its people for a real opinion of the policy of increased Workers. The meeting is at p.
and the hearing not grossly unfair.
people conducts that war for its own Indepen Is there any other party in fight for peace and progress. We armaments for continental de On Thursday, June 27, he speaks at the Los Angeles Labor And yet Congress has just passed a law transdence and not as a tool of one of the imperialist America today that can bring reject the cowardly and hypocri ſense policy recently outlined by Temple, 7815 South San Pedro Street, on Trade Unions and the ferring the Immigration Service from the Depowers.
forth the documents the ad tical theories of isolation and neu President Roosevelt War. third meeting wil the Wilmington San Pedro partment of Labor to the Department of Justice, vice that it gave America two, trality which have aided the fas But say that armaments harbor area, on the ground that the Labor Department does Negro Aid to France Is three and four years ago, and ask cist war makers.
are not enough, he emphasized, not adequately enforce the immigration laws. Denounced by George Schuyler America if you America, had All America is rallying to the particularly in a world where This measure is calculated to put the supervision followed the advice we gave you call of President Roosevelt to great expenditures for arms are of the alien workers directly under the FBI. Of all the incredible nonsense of which 80I called American Negroes have been guilty, Roosevelt request for speedy enactment of this that America could have been the into the scales on the side of fascist powers. If along with armlaw prevented any public hearing on the bill by think the palm must go to the Five for France force to prevent this horrible security, justice, peace and inter aments came a positive program any committee of Congress. What a strange concampaign which has its headquarters at Atlanta slaughter that is engulfing the national order for all peoples. for combatting fascist aggression, trast to the LaFollette Bill which attempted to university, says George Schuyler in the Pittsworld? No! There is no other (Browder speech, Daily Worker, armaments would not be bad.
remove certain oppressive labor practises such burgh Courier (June in reference to the plan (Daily Worker, Nov. 28, 1938. as labor spying, etc. which took more than three to collect five cents each from Negro students to party that wants to resurrect its Aug. 27, 1938. documents of two or three years years for passage by the Senate. And when passgive something, no matter how little, to the brave ago. All it asks is that these docSYRACUSE, Chris Pop convicted and served time for ed it is saddled with an amendment forbidding Senegalese and West Indian soldiers who are uments be forgotten as quickly as The issue in the world situa Why do we need a navy in pof, a militant trade unionist, agrand larceny. ghting to save the noblest country in Europe.
possible. What other party can tion is fascist war making aggres Latin America. Because we de Macedonian immigrant who has Chris Poppof attorney offered the employment of more than 10 of non citizen workers in any interstate industry, and other reSo far only 103. 05 has been collected and we pass such a test of comparing its slon and its allies, against the serted Spain which would have devoted most of his life to the only three witnesses for his deare told that The response from adults, how. past proposals with the principle peace loving and democratie peo saved Latin America.
actionary features.
needs of the world. Daily Work ples. And that is the issue and labor movement, and who has fense. One, Thomas Gregor, broever, has been less encouraging. Schuyler con With regard to these anti alien bills now pend We Communists, traditionally been blacklisted on job after job ther of the deceased restaurant ing. It is very important to point out an extines: think it is a very encouraging sign that er, June 6, 1940. alignment in our own November oposed to armaments, withdraw because he insisted on fighting owner, testifying regarding the tremely significant feature of this legislation, Negro adults have not wasted their nickels in this elections. The democracy manner; but depressing to learn that Negro the our objections to armaments on the bosses, has been sentenced to alleged motive for the crime which at just a glance may appear to be entirely is faced with the necessary one condition that the arma FIFTEEN YEARS TO TWEN. breaking the lease said that it remote from the subject. It is the relation be youngsters are depriving themselves of chocolate All right, Mr. Browder. choice either to surrender or ments be used to call a halt to the TY FIVE in the state prison on a was absolutely unnecessary for tween the poll tax and these anti alien bils. The bars, milk and soda pop to dump money into the Browder, in addition, swore by fight. To surrender is simple: fascist aggressors. Browder trumped up charge of second de any such action as the landlord lap of French plutocracy.
overwhelming mass of the anti alien legislation.
Washington and Jefferson, that, peace of the Munich type can speech, Daily Worker, Nov. 29, gree attempted arson and con had told him that Gregor could comes precisely from those districts where alien Why the Senegalese and French West Indians he owed allegiance only to the always be purchased so long as 1938. spiracy to commit arson. move anytime, as the place would workers are almost unknown and the foreignshould fight to save France is a mystery. Both American Flag. Post, Oct. people are ready to pay the price, The charge grew out of an al bring much more rent than Gréhave been unmercifully exploited by the hardborn population negligible.
1, 1937. and then Hitler will solve all othleged attempted burning of a res gor was paying.
fisted Gauls, the former for over a century and the latter for about three centuries. Both have In the rising movement er problems for us. To fight, and All Aid to the Ileroic Polish taurant in watertown, on Paul Vasii, a cousin of the Gre. The Mechanism of Alien Baiting done the dirty work of French imperialism all throughout the world to halt Hit to win through to victory, is hard People. Support Poland and all Feb. 1940 gors, said that although he had One would think that if the foreign born workler and to save world peace the and difficult, and requires the those who are helping the Polish Three men were arrested in the been a frequent visitor at the ers represented a real danger to the bosses, the over the world, wallowing in mud and blood to is playing a more active close alliance and unity of all people save their independence case. One of them, Peter Gregor, restaurant, he had never seen Congressional representatives of the big indusenrich the bankers, industrialists and tradesmen. be. in owner of the restaurant, died Foppof or Burdabas, and that he trial areas, where the foreign born workers are who run the Republic and received little except 1938 editorial. America and throughout the Worker, Sept. 11, 1989. before the trial.
had not been present, as alleged worthless medals for it.
concentrated, would be the logical ones to proworld. As we march to the polls Etc. etc. etc.
Peter Panageotatos, also by Burdabas, when the keys and pose these anti alien measures. On the contrary. It is my personal opinion that Negroes dying to cast our ballots for progress knows it, Browder; known as Peter Burdabas, a con the money were returned!
for France are stooges and saps. The aggression And we (the Communist par and Democracy against reaction however, these Congressional lackeys of the boss.
fessed firebug who for years has es, are to a considerable degree still dependent called Hitlerism, which they are now stupidly battling, differs only in name from the aggression President Roosevelt as one of the supporting Roosevelt, Dally Workty) support the peace policy of and fascism. Browder speech knows it, Browder. Our line has changed again. been setting fires for money, Cops Hated Poppol on the votes of the foreign born workers. Hence which the French have visited upon numerous turned states evidence, implicat Further evidence that the case there is a nefarious division of labor between repmost hopeful factors for world er, Nov. 5, 1938. ing Poppof.
against Poppof is a frame up is a African nations and the people of Indo China, resentatives of the large industrial states and than which there is none more ground down.
Join the Socialist slip made by the Syracuse police those Southern states where the vote is very reNot Charged with Fire. If it is merely a matter of sending money to when they visited Poppof in his stricted by poll taxes and other Negro soldiers, why not take up a collection for Workers Party According to Burdabas, the cell in the Watertown jail.
which work particularly well in distraneh the troopers in England West African Frontier They told him that he beat three men are supposed to have native workers, especially Negroes.
force or the dark regiments in her Indian Army? NOW READY. Below are listed four of the most prominent met in the restaurant on two this case they would hook him on Or why neglect Belgium black slave catchers in alien baiters who are responsible for the bulk of separate occasions. On January something else as soon as he the Congo? Or the uniformed dark minions of 28, they met there and Gregor. came back to Syracuse. For they the most vicious anti allen legislation, and the Queen Wilhelmina. Or for that matter, the 50, Roosevelt Refuses Tollegedly went off to get the 150 know him and hate him as a mil total vote by which they were elected. They are 000 black Italian soldiers in East Africa? None Commute Sentences all representatives from states where the suffrage additional money for the job itant worker.
of these countries is more imperialist than which was to have brought 200.
Framed Once Before is very restricted, where Negroes are systematicFrance. Their black soldiers, like those of France, Of WPA Strikers The other two men are supped.
ally disfranchised and where poll tax systems are are used, not to defend democracy, but to keep to have busled themselves This is not the first time Pop venerable tradition.
Rep. Joe Stevens.
9, 853 down unrest in their colonial slave pens and to ing inflammable liquids, but when pof has been framed. The ImmiMINNEAPOLIS The WPA by help, when necessary, to defend the property and Rep. Sam Hobbs. 12, 603 Defense Committee of the Gregor failed to return, moppederation Department seized upon money of the respective gangs of plutocratic up the stuff, returned the 50 al a technicality to try to deport Rep. Martin Dies. 12, 824 Minneapolis Central Labor Un.
FARRELL DOBBS Rep. Howard Smith. 13, 852 ion was notified from Wash ready paid them, and left the him. He had had a previous conThese black French soldiers deserve no reward Congressman Lee Geyer, of California, who ington comprehensive study of problems facing the keys with Gregor brother, Tho boat, ready to sail when, at the supplied the above figures, contrasts them with week that Presifor risking their lives to perpetuate a pernicious dent Roosevelt has rejected mas.
system, just as American Negro soldiers deserved American Workers last moment organized labor petition to Then on February they are previous conviction arrived, sign pardon for the the number cast in an election for a representa no reward from Negroes for helping to slaughter 14 pps.
commute the sentences of the tive who opposed the anti alien bills, Magnussen supposed to have returned and ed by Governor Lehman.
Indians and Filipinos to further America Maniof Washington, who polled 177, 061 fifteen and fest Destiny Price: 10 Minneapolis WPA strikers, six again made the preparations. The fire failed to materialize, how that while Poppot received a senIt is more than signficant, also, twenty times the number of votes polled by the The nobility of France is to be judged by of whom are still serving time at Sandstone federal prison.
alien baiters!
Negroes from a Negro point of view and not The sole crime for which tence of from fifteen to twentyThe restaurant finally did burn five years, his alleged conspirator, It is also noteworthy, that the poll tax states from the point of view of the intellectual genA NEW ANTI WAR PAMPHLET these workers were convicted down on February 13, but Poppof Peter Burdabas, a confessed ar(Texas, Virginia, South Carolina, Tenn. Georgia, darmerie of capitalist imperialism. As an exwas that they had participated Alabama Mississippi and Arkansas, wield the was not Indicted for this.
sonist of long standing, got only ploiter of Negroes, France has no peer. True. it in last summer WPA strike.
greatest amount of power in Congress. They furflatters and slops over a picked handful of NegJoe Hansen two years.
Though nationwide, the strike nish 28 of the committee chairmen in the Framed by Provocateur roes and has boosted isolated blackamoors to was particularly effective in It is likewise significant that 16 pps.
House, and 33 of the committee chairmen in the high positions a reward for misdirecting and Minneapolis, where not only Another witness against Pop while Poppof was unable to raise Senate, in addition to the presiding officers in betraying their people. But so have a few Neg First of a series of 2c agitational pamphlets the skilled building trades pof, a man named Lampros, was the 5, 000 bail set for him, his both houses. They also supply 45 of the chairroes everywhere, even in the United States, won workers but also the unskilled men of the eleven leading standing committees of an agent provocateur, hired by a alleged conspirator, Burdabas, for their 30 pieces of silver. We cannot judge the WPA workers went out.
Greek detective Popos, who in whom a public defendant had al the Senate.
position of the bulk of blacks under the Third Published for the thanks to the solidarity of the turn works for the National so to be appointed, was able to Thus the systematic disfranchisement of the Republic by the treatment accorded a handful, by unions and the unemployed Board of Fire Underwriters. raise the bail money and enjoyed native population goes hand in hand with the no more than we can judge the position of the most brazen attack on the foreign born. In fact The only other witness offered his freedom pending the trial.
movement here. Precisely for American Negro sharecroppers and slum dwellers PIONEER PUBLISHERS that reason Roosevelt made by the state denied on the wit Poppof is a class war victim, it can be fairly said that, in order to more inby that of a small number of sleek, immaculate 116 UNIVERSITY PLACE NEW YORK, an examples of the Minneness stand that he had any court just as surely as if he were struck tensely exploit the native workers, it is necessary and well housed college professors, doctors, unapolis strikers.
record. Letters from Poppof at down by the cops on the picket for the bosses to begin with the foreign born dertakers and numbers barons.
torney state that this man was line.
then, is reserve er en streaming in the heart one Militant Worker Gets 25 Years by Frame up TRADE UNION PROBLEMS