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Relief Officials Try to Force Jobless Into Army itary forces.
ROOSEVELT SHEDS ALL PRETENSE OF KEEPING COUNTRY OUT OF WAR AUTO PARLEYS There was no pretense about the fateful meaning of Roosevelt address Marks Spread was widely interpreted here as ending neutrality as far as the EWA SEAMEN Non belligerency is the warlike state which Italy occupied CONVICTED ON the ANTI UNION DRIVE REACHES winked and the interviewing newspapermen had appreciatives ne bote and multing in the in with Britain and France.
OMAHA DRIVERS said that the planes he was directly sending to Britain were Yorkesty, Tuesday wings See Your Friends for the Twice a Week Appeal In New Jersey on June the State Relief Director, Official Weekly Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International Arthur Mudd, ordered that relief be refused to single men eligible for service in the army.
Next day Howard Russell, Secretary of Assistance in Vol. IV, No. 24 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 1940 FIVE (5) CENTS Pennsylvania, advised local relief authorities that they could withhold relief from single men under 40 who have failed to take advantage of employment opportunities, including those offered by the expansion of the nation milIn Yonkers, New York, Mrs. Edith Welty, member of the City Common Council, announced the same day that she would ask opinions of corporation counsel on the legality of her plan to force eligible single men on relief to enlist.
These people are not local crackpots. They are responsible officials. They are not acting without having reason to believe that their vicious press gang plan has the tacit approval of authorities higher up.
The reason for this press gang move is not hard to find.
Mussolini crime of plunging Italy into the war was answered by Roose. Italian Entry the figure of 280, 000 set in Congressional legislation last Arrest Stalinist velt with a crime of equal proportions the end of American neutrality.
year. Last week the New York Times (June 9) announced In Connection With that with the recruiting drive at the halfway mark, New ARE NEARING York, New Jersey and Delaware had enrolled considerably Attack on Trotsky on Monday at Charlottesville: Sources close to the Administration said less than one quarter of their quota, while incomplete figures from Washington indicated that the rest of the corps it was obvious the United States had abandoned a position of neutrality Of World War BREAKDOWN MEXICO CITY, June to this for one of non belligerency, declared the Associated Press. The New York areas were faring little better in the present drive.
that a number of Stalinists had Times Washington bureau reported that the president speech Mussolini Grabs For The cannon fodder is not coming in voluntarily at a fast been arrested, and charged enough rate. That is why they are now forcing the jobless General Motors Uses tempted assassination of Leon executive department of the government is concerned.
with complicity in the atJackal Share Of to enlist Trotsky.
Hitler Spoils About half the young men who have applied to join the War Issue To Balk Radio and press reports here army in the last few months come from the unemployed, Union Demands last Sunday announced that up to Monday a stage of transition from neutrality to actual the army figures show. Forced idleness and hunger drove the Mexican federal secret serTo assure his jackal share them.
vice had arrested a Spaniard, military warfare. Mussolini demonstrated what a cynical and member of the Communist of spoils, Mussolini last To speed the rest of the jobless into the army by enforc DETROIT, Mich The contracing hunger on all of them is the openly admitted purpose tual negotiations between terrorists who attempted to but finding that the best aid to be rendered to that camp is by Second World War.
UAW and the General Motors Cor murder Trotsky on May 24.
of these moves to cut them off relief.
poration faced a breakdown today He was seized in a Vera Cruz not yet declaring war. Thus the very moral Mr. Roosevelt Sets Precedent Mussolini moved in only The capitalist system could find no place for these as the corporation flatly refused hotel and taken to Mexico apes the immoral Mussolini.
when the Nazi victory in millions in life giving production.
the auto union demands for a City.
For War Drive France seemed assured, when Unable even to use them as wage slaves, it proposes to wage increase and recognition (See Trotsky letter to Mex The entry of Italy into the war was Roosevelt pretext for On Seamen ican authorities, page of this catapulting America halfway beyond the brink of war so he Paris was already set ablaze turn them into galley slaves, the first recruits for the totali the shop stewards system.
The corporation, instead, Insist issue. by the all engulfing conflagratarian war machine that American capitalism has set out ed on a clause which bars said. Actually, however, Roosevelt Charlottesville speech to build The federal government drive tion.
down or slowdown strikes, or merely confirmed what Roosevelt had already done the week against the unions was extended before when, while still wooing Mussolini on behalf of the to the maritime crafts when the chose what it thought was the In the last war Italy also As for the rest of the youth and young manhood of the other stoppages or hindrances to country there is to be provision for them too. The cam quire a five day wait after grievAllies, he had already dispatched the first government war government, and prepared stronger side. It accepted secpaign has openly begun for instituting a system of com ance machinery had been exhaustplanes to Britain.
the conviction eleven West ret promises of territory from pulsory military training. The New York Times came out ed before a strike could be called and would further require the There was this difference: the week before Roosevelt had coast union seamen on a framed the Allies, threw over its allion June with an editorial favoring such conscription. authorization of the Internatonal up charge of endeavoring to. Next day President Roosevelt, asked about that editorial, Officers of the union before a snickeringly Pederal District Court New strike would become valid, said he liked it.
But at Versailles the Allies This is the sort of thing that capitalist democracy Anti Alien Clause old and surplus which were being turned back to the ity between the grave charge and weak little partner in southern There was a screaming absurd deliberately doublecrossed their turns into as it enters its death agony. This is the way of The corporation also demanded aviation companies for credit on new planes. That formula the sentences meted out: one re Europe.
life it wants us to die to preserve.
a disciplinary clause that would OHAMA, June The govern was dropped at Charlottesville for an open declaration that ceived 90 days, four got 77 days, This time still seeking to exNothing doing. We re not pacifists. We ll fight, if need permit the firing of aliens who Show no diligence in seeking ment drive against the unione we will extend to the opponents. of force the material se live and four other so pand beyond the relatively bar.
be, and die, if we have to but only in the fight to abolish tizenship papers and provides was extended here this week, sources of this nation.
one year probation. By these sula Italy has again gone to war this whole order of things and to bring about a new order, that any employee guilty of sa when the Federal Trade Commisbotage, or who advocates or en sion cited General Drivers Union an order of world socialism, world peace.
gages in subversive activities de Local 554 for acting to restrain of war by identifying the interests of this country with the that the statutes under which the power, it is a sure bet that HitRoosevelt at the same time paved the way for a declaration sentences federal judge Mandell with the stronger side.
signed to damage the interests of trade in the bakery industry.
the corporation, or to overthrow Similar citations have been is defeat of Germany and Italy. The same formulas that he used men were convicted were being her, it he completed his haittory: the government or clolate its sued against the Des Moines, to justify putting the material resources of this nation at the schede the cover ofacts with will give the Italian imperialists laws, impede or nullify its public Sioux city and Minneapolis bak the disposal of the Anglo French bloc will tomorrow serve to which they had no connection. another bitter taste of the old policies, shall be discharged im ery drivers in the last few weeks. justify outright entry of America into the war.
Union Smashing Precedent doublecross. It is a regularly.
Thus GM, whose agent Knud hearing on the Des Moines The terms which Roosevelt directed against the Italian sentences should not conceal the game of plunder and profit.
But the comparatively light scheduled part of the imperialist Move to Appease Japan Gains Ground as sen already heads the govern citation was held last week. The ment Committee for National government commission centered government have never before been used by the head of a union smashing precedent which Aim Brazenly Plain Prepares for War in Atlantic ito attack on a clause in the in government except as an accompaniment to a declaration of the judge managed to establish culates on contributing sutricientDefense, is moving ahead at But Mussolini undoubtedly calby GEORGE STERN breakneck speed to put the ion contract which limits the by their team work a precedent ly to the Hitlerite victory to get militant Auto Workers Union number of so called Independent into the army straitjacket, in route salesmen that may be em Roosevelt spurious indignation against Mussolini stab which of permitted to stand, what he wants a big slice of preparation for Day and the played by bakeries. The union is in the back, Hull statement that he was shocked at Italy form of union activity outside Mediterranean So far carefully confined to the Pacific as nothing else setting up of a dictatorship ov serted the clause in order to pre act, and similar highly moral pronouncements by govern ship home port and that it is for this bluntly and non Administration spokesmen in could. The United Press was er the labor movement.
Congress and in the press, the simply trying to extend a gin appease Japan movement gain gerly feeler in the direction The corporation demands, in el undermining union conditions by ment spokesmen had as genuine a ring as a lead nickel. These means the end of all seamen frankly put by Mussolini himself fect, the authority to write the selling their merchandise to cold blooded pirates must have many a good laugh in private The men, members of the Sull tor two decades under the Fascist ed steady ground during the past of Tokyo to give Washington week.
an opportunity to observe the union constitution and set the large numbers of wildcatters who, reaction there to possible Amer union rules with regard to pro by taking only a small prost at the expense of those who are taken in by their high flown ors Union of the Pacific and the neel, are going to suffer and die.
Its growing importance was Marine Firemen, were part of the Mussolini has long since passed signalized by no less an author ican overtures for smoothing cedure the calling of strikes, work in effect way under the phrases!
wage scale and thus destroy unity than Senator Arthur Van out the quarrel of past years. and further demands the right to lon conditions.
The fast dwindling band of pacifists and isolationists, with ship put in at Colachel, India, the vaguer pretexts for going to war.
The Japanese are not wasting fire any union militant who does la spirant trom Michigan. It their opportunity. On June o it not subscribe to the DuPont cover up this attack on the union, last weekend in Washington, flutteringly complaining that the men were entitled by mari. He has played along with HitThe government attempt to Norman Thomas and other preachers shepherding them, spent crew union delegates asked for He openly announces that his on wąs Vandenburg who last July was announced in Moscow that brand of patriotism.
in the Senate moved the resoby citing not only the union, but Roosevelt and Congress were succumbing to war hysteria. time law; the captain categorical her because he can only secure the long delayed Soviet Mongolabrogating the 1911 Jap lan Manchurian border demarcaHillman Policy also the baking companiese Was Their peace conference produced this brilliant slogan. Metteuse domandes barcoring the this piunder at the expense of the anese American trade treaty. tion had been put through. In Vandenburg has now reversed Tokyo this was jubilantly heraldThe GM corporation officials, Al Russell, recording secretary of Rational not hysterical defense.
articles of employment, and en what is most important, he goes himself and come out flatly for ed as the forerunner of settle bold, confident and now arrogant, Local 554. Certainly the bakers Roosevelt can appropriate that slogan. Neither he nor any titled the men to exercise the in on the German side bles is a cause the German side seems, to be winning this part of the war anese in the face of our new putes in Japan favor. Having negotiating committee into a cor clause in the contract, he said. They know just what they re doing preparing with icy cal. they insisted upon in Port Said, vicissitudes. In a statement on graciously accepted the proffer of Conseil Backed Men quite handily. If matters had June 9, the Michigan senator said appeasement from Moscow, Tokner. Again the union is on the de because that clause prevents the turned out otherwise, he would a deal with Japan now would be yo will wait for the next move fensive. Each are the results of cutting of wages and lengthening culation to challenge Germany for the price of world domination.
The full legality of the crew without compunction have gone worth half of hours of route salesmen.
fa navy. Continued on Page 4)
from Washington. The Japanese actions is attested to by the ac. in with the hated Allies, and for We could serve our prepara can now be secure in the knowThere was many a stab in the back this week. Congress tion of the consul in Port the same reason plunder.
no more realistically, ledge that the German sweep in completed action on naval construction legislation including Sald who, after communicating said the erstwhile anti Japan Europe is dropping Asia in their with Washington, arranged for Blow At France ese fire eater, than to write a hands. The fleet is still in Hour Acts. The House passed the national defense tax bill, then effected their repatriation, clsely at this stage greatly Italy entry into the war prenew commercial and political the Pacific but it dare not be treaty with Japan, it reason come engaged now in Pacific Crucible Steel; On War Order placing the burden for armaments on the workers, by making the one trending as free passen worsene France already perly ably possible, which would star war. The Atlantic uncertainties liable to income tax all unmarried workers earning above 800 No charges of any kind had long war but it does hope it can bilize our relations in the Far thoroughly prevent that.
East where we most emphatica year. 15. 40 a week. a 20 addition to the tax on the been placed against the men at least help Hitler deliver the ally face a condition, not a theThe Japanese, moreover, are HARRISON, June 11 ger system, but were sent back flaunting their new favored poRefusing to be browbeaten by to work by the CIO Steel Work workingman tobacco, a similar addition to beer, etc. etc. Weeks before their return, the death blow to France and on its On the United Press carsition right under Washington ressure talk about their inter ens organizing Committee of The FBI could boast of having convicted 16 union seamen for Esyptian verew, and the captain, strengere un tipo mediteranean rieon June ishra Waitapa temes com nose. All Japan envoys in the Pering with national defence, which they were members. Al mutiny as a new formula for taming the unions. New in upon being asked about a report and successfully secure control or Shanghai declaring that Japan is 155 workers in the electric fur though they were the best organ: dictments were handed down in anti trust assaults of the ed mutiny an erroneous story Malta, Cyprus, Gibraltar, and increasingly apprehensive over tng on June 18 in Washington nace department of the Crucible ized department in the union 10the effect that a totalitarian vic for the announced purpose of Steel plant here, working on shell cal, indeed the backbone of the Department of Justice against the labor movement. The House which arose out of the fact that Suez.
tory in Europe might have on the organizing a campaign to take Satsings for the Navy, went out on local, they made the mistake of turned the Wagner Labor Act into a weapon against the labor the crew as all aliens were being Balkans May Wait Far East and may attempt to over in Latin America the marstrike last week and are still out. breaking from the union shortly movement. These were the weck contributions to preparing interned said that was the first It hopes to limit its action to better her relations with the kets lost by the belligerents!
he had heard of any such event. these objectives which Mussolini United States with a view to a The way things are moving in against grievances which they top leaders of the swoc signed the war for democracy.
But between his arrival and the thinks can be achieved at a rate Japanese American agreement to Europe, the Washington govern have vainly sought to resolve for an agreement, securing none of Washington is filled these days with bosses and their rep arrival of his former crew, gov. faster than his war machine win maintain the present status in the meat cannot afford the lunary of the years the enter the loved the demander den er blevetips the resentatives gleefully sushing to the hog troughs which ertemente gente had some detaiona ribe downtrenhet to why he pro al evidence of this. the United the lovcemungking pothine se proverai are forced to work under a stag furnace men set up their. Press adduced the report that the ment is going to have to be drop ger system cach man works five organization.
Japanese are being more concili ped hard and fast and the best days but the days off are rotated The strikers are not picketing bosses in the nation capital big contracts, big cash advances And when the Ewa crew ar Turkey is bound to join the atory toward Americans in the deal possible secured from the so that the plant is in continuous regularly but are near the plant by the government for plant expansion, and hearty cooperation FBI agents were there to start Nazi victories may try to hold off rived in New York on the Rex, Anies but in view of the sweeping Japanese. The only thing that operation which is occupled areas of China.
actua gates every day. The SWOC to put the unions in their place. The New Deal has become trial machinery moving long eng to see how things Actually, Japan is not alarm makes Washington hesitate, how speed up system.
go. While Turkey waits, the Baled at all by the prospect of a ever, is the realization that Japan The men are demanding 10 in the plant are sympathetic with the War Deal. Roosevelt National Defense Council of the Making Unionism Mutiny kans will wait. And Turkey totalitarian vietory. On the con right now holds the best cards increase in wages and an end to the furnace men grievances, but nation most powerful capitalist representatives is the symbol! Everybody knows what a mu pause may be dependent upon the and will serve Jepan turn in out giving anything in return. too, they struck against the stag strike.
war against the labor movement at home. Continued on Page 2) critical juncture.
Behind the Lines war.
lutio tions Strike by Furnace Men Hits ory