BolshevismCapitalismCommunismDemocracyEnglandFifth ColumnFranceGPUGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismMarxNazismSocialismSocialist PartyStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

SOCIALIST, APPEAL JUNE 8, 1940 The LABOR WITH WHITE SKIN CANNOT EMANCIPATE ITSELF WHERE LABOR WITH BLACK SKIN 18 BRANDED KARL MARX War Deal Begins Putting Screws on Labor Youth Are Not Interested in Negro Question Walsh Healey Behind the Lines GPU Assassins Still Politics, Act Spiked At Large in Mexico By Congress the ta pitanost slams UAW Leaders to. Make Futile ta tallegedly seeking to halt Fut Column nett. Plea to FDR Japan into the moderne det Indies van de scha probably be 99 by Robert Birchman Daily News Heralds Coming Shift Fifth Column Bunk Is in Policy Toward Japan by HARRY FRANKEL Menace to Colored People by GEORGE STERN In a recent forum, one political apokesman for The GPU gunmen who tried to his own bedroom.
Much of the talk about Afth column activities murder Leon and Nathalia Just what, he asked, could youth do not seem to will be directed against the black workers. This (Continued from Page 1)
attracted to politics. symbol of our national unity, gain from Trotsky on May 24 in Coyoacan, Trotsky expect government cannot shift one might easily find ourselves me is evident from the statement of Lieutenant LawBy politics he meant the grime and fith of the Mexico, are still at large. staging an attempt on his own American two party system. The months and Fence Oxley, in a speech to the Metropolitan even though thereby, in Justice of its key policies as fast as naced with urgent trouble in To judge from press reports lite? What Stalin had to gain, on law coerces newspaper can. But when im the Atlantic and the Pacific at Chicago Conference on Employment Problems of Stone words.
years to come will prove that this speaker under the Negro, that because of their poverty and dishere, the Mexican police have the other hand, was plain enough. stands very little of either the youth or politics.
these children to express en portant newspapers make such the same time. We can avert been led off on a series of dodges this by making friends with His mistake is that he tries to limit the choice content, Negroes may easily become the nucleus tain and which violates their most certain indication of the which got them nowhere near the Hart Feared Dead Japan.
of the youth to his own dirty pig pen. But no such of ifth column maneuverings in Chicago. An Sheldon Hart, young American editorial in the Negro paper, the California Eagle, deepest religious convictions.
In effect, as the News went on real perpetrators of the crime.
limitation is possible. The deepening of the world It is noteworthy that, in mak way the wind is blowing May 16, answers the lieutenant and his kind. It For ten years the bluntest par to explain the next day, the few days after the attempted secretary to Trotsky who was crisis will attract the youth more and more to the says: polities of the working class.
ing this ruling the court overstisan of an aggressive anti Jap has to try to be as Machiavellian assassination, police descended kidnapped by the would be assasbil was introduced in the California legis ruled the two lower courts which anese policy by the has been as Germany and to avoid the upon the home of Diego Rivera, sins, was gone without a trace. For eleven years the youth of America has lature to outlaw all Fifth Column organizations had heard the case. These children the New York Daily News, stumblebum diplomacy display the Mexican printer, and arrested Trotsky told pressmen he had no served as the pitiful and patient whipping boy for Fascist and Communist which are treason members of the pacifist religious largest circulating paper in the ed by Britain in the period prec his chauffeur and seized a station reason not to have full confidence American capitalism. The worst sweat work, the sect known as Jehovah Witnes country. Especially since 1937 the eding the outbreak of war. Dip. wagon. The latter, it was darkly in young Hart whose life, he fearmost uncertain jobs, the odds and ends, the scraps ably working for the destruction of American ses, who asserted that the salute paper has been demanding an lomacy is preparation for war. hinted, played some role in the ed, was forfeit.
and leavings from the meager table of the rest of Fiere we have all the three major develop violated their reshouse holy bad embargo against Japan and the News said, and the idea is to attack on Trotsky home.
Trotsky was quoted as declare the working class went to the youngsters.
ments which presage all war crises. 1) hysteric been expelled from school by long range blockade backed up by proceed along that line without ing that the men who tried to The figures on this topic are always startling.
Pennsylvania school board; they the navy. Its famous slogan Two continuing a policy that can no Police Moves Absurd murder him were being sheltered six or seven million young people without steady al litary expansion. 2) minimizing of domessought an injunction against the ships for one closed every Mon longer be backed up with arms.
tie problems. 8) accusations of treason.
school board and secured it from day morning editorial warning This notion was so patently ab by protectors in high places. He employment of any sort. Millions of sons and As the News. sald, it is surd that the police had to drop do Toledano, head of the CTM daughters of painfully impoverished working They compose a vielous trio which react venomously upon the average citizen. He is the Federal District Court; the the government that Japan and question of being realistic. it after a few days. Rivera, once Mexican Trade Union Confedera class families. Every year more than 500, 000 school board appealed to the the Pacific, not Germany and gandized into a war he does not understand, Third Circuit Court of Appeals Europe were the main concerns It is plain that the most serious a political friend of Trotsky and tion. in playing the role of pubnew recruits for a growing army of hopelessness ably in a forelgn nation; domestic problems conobservers in Washington have pour from the schools and tenements. Hundreds of thousands who bum their way from town to fronting himself and his family are ignored; and which, however, upheld the child of Yankee imperialism.
ren side.
Last Monday morning the calculations on an Allied defeat self arrested. In a press inter llc spokesman for the GPU in town. It is as though this whole generation were his right to protest is denied under the charge of in Europe. In their column on view, Trotsky characterized the the possibility that the Gestapo, suddenly cut off by some huge blank wall from What It Means News came out suddenly for a treason.
June 4, Pearson and Allen suspicion against the painter as working with the GPU, had a every possibility of productive labor for itself Those powerial, iberal legislation the antiwhich are opposed to the In one suggestive sentence the policy of appeasement with wrote that a careful study of fantastic and stupid.
court indicated that it was step respect to Japan to checkmate confidential war bulletins rehand in the attack.
and for society.
lynch bill, the anti poll tax bil are anxious to ping aside and would walve any the creation of a Berlin Tokio ceived by the Army and Navy The new world war comes as a fitting climax to ed two of Trotsky secretaries Three Stalinist Allbis!
see the nation involved in foreign war. Manufac judgment on any and all acts axis directed against the gives no grounds for. optithis. The youth are to be torn to bits by some after a German vietory in Euand two other men who had come turers of munitions are anxious to realize the undertaken in the name of patrimism. In the bluntest language, Here in New York, the Stalinist high explosive shell that they never even got a rope.
to the Trotsky household after press has already produced three profits of such a war. And the present political otism by the states and the other it will take a military miracle the attack to offer friendly help. separate and mutually contradictica most precious natural resource will soon be chance to manufacture. In huge quantities, AmerThe News quotes the Chicago machine is anxious to remain in power and will do Federal branches of the govern Tribune, paper owned by the into prevent overwhelming Germent. It said: But this bit of shadow boxing ory versions of the attempt on man victory, including occupait through a foreign war.
shipped off and floated across the water like logs The wisdom of training Huential Republican leader ca.
so had to be stopped after a day. Trotsky life.
tion of London. And miracles in There is not a single American defender of to a sawmill. Capitalism can no longer make a children in patriotic Impulses Knox, as urging a policy designed The two secretaries, in whom democracy who doesn have his hands full right modern Warfare occur on the The day after it occurred, the profit out of our work, but it can make one out of here in the We can spare no volunteers to by those compulsions which ne to convert Japan from a potential side with the most tanks and Trotsky publicly declared his Daily Worker said Trotsky had our death.
cessarily pervade so much of enemy into a friend by letting it protect Mr. Roosevelt humain rights in Europe plans.
complete confidence, were re tried to stage his own assassina Even now there are still those fond parents or Asia the educational process is not have its way in China and, if need Once this fact is accepted as was not reported.
leased. The fate of the other two tion, for mysterious purposes who delude themselves with the hope that in a for our (the court s) independ beIn the Dutch East Indies.
It is an encouraging fact that many Negro known only to the Stalinist edi broken trigger finger or in cultivated flat feet the axis of American war policy. The United States may be ent judgment.
papers understand that propaganda about the lies the hope for their son safety. The lame and Just generalize on that little In letters to police authorities, tors.
a total shift in strategy is to be able to help China more effectively by being polite to Japan expected. Organization of hemi Trotsky openly charged the ate tried the idea that Mexican reac atth column is a drive against the labor moveWhen that didn go down, they that the the crippled are those accounted the most forment, for the suppression of all civil rights and sentence and anything goes!
tunate today. But what are the prospects for than by persistently hurlsphere defense means that the GPU was responsible for those who are able to avold the battlefield will be directed against the colored people as ing threats and moral roU. will embark on a lengthy tack on his life. He branded as tionaries and agents of American well.
proaches at Japan, the and vast rearmament program, patently ridiculous the attempt of imperialism had pulled of the for a while and raise themselves on the bodies of the war dead to a job in America factories?
News sald with character will descend with a heavy hand the Stalinists to make the charge attack to help provoke American Here again, the youth of this country can see Istie cynicism, If we keep on on all of Latin America, win that Trotsky himself had actually intervention in Mexico.
Danger to West Indians reproving Japan for what it is probably seize or take over all staged the machine gunning of the final and crowning theory, their fate clearly pictured in the European naadvanced by the Stalinist Freiforeign owned bases and base tions.
trying to do to China and keep sites Greenland, Bermuda, the heit, was that Diego Rivera had ored people from the West Indies. An item in the on threatening a breakoff of Asia to Japan. This is what the tried to kill Trotsky because the What Happened to Youth Pittsburgh Courier, June 1, from Miami, Florida, with Japan, we may drive. French, and British West states: camp. That would make Japan Brazil and other Central and can now expect a wide tack in But none of these faltering les grante of base rights from lomatic preparation for war, we between the painter and his wife in England vities in the city, the Miami city commissioners more dangerous to than it South American countries.
When the war broke out, weekly hours leaped American policy toward Japan. and adictions can blot out now is. If Hitler should win the asked the law department to draft an ordinance to 60 and over for boys and girls in English in(Continued from Page 1)
And Japan, we may be sure, the name of Stalin GPU writ ordering the registration and Anger printing of war, and especially if he should dustry. Since that time, hours have been stabil An unavoidable corollary of the UAW negotiating committee, grab the British Navy. we will not be long in taking full large across this almost successall alles in Miami. Similar ordinances have this policy is abandonment of ized at 57 per week for children under 16 and 18 advantage of it.
ful crime.
and their teachers and inspirers been passed or are under consideration In other years of age, according to the recent report of the British Home Office as related in the Mannelghboring cities. Several Negro domestics were stopped recent been demonstrated in the past ST. PAUL LABOR chester Guardian. Night work for girls, not so ly by American Legionnaires and questioned on month to be nothing but a policy long ago the most insidious enemy of British wotheir citizenship status. Other legionnaires have of futility, defeatism and retreat. WARNS AGAINST manhood according to budding young orators for been quietly urging the firing of all forelgn born Instead of attempting to conthe Liberal Party, has been restored. This is goworkers in local institutions, vince GM of the militancy and GOVERNMENT ACTS ing on in the land of the most advanced and the power of the union and its deeply rooted social legislation in the capitalist membership, they proceeded to (Continued from Page 1)
world. The Factories Act has not been repealed.
Black Man convince GM of its respectability.
Its vital provisions are simply set aside by perFor Cannon Fodder With what resulta? GM slapped already developed a move under mits from the Home Omce.
In the years when youthful British capitalism It appears to us that the American black man offer a contract it would not have ency, to nullify labor gains, By ANTOINETTE KONIKOWached. Now find time to rest exactly what we Socialists try was piling up the surplus of wealth which gave Mrs. Smith, my neighbor who and may even go to one of those to explain to the workers.
is worth his weight in gold when the war drums dared propose in 1937.
notably the Walsh Healey Act always it world domination, the most brutal exploitation Now to cap the climax the auto and the Wage and Hour Act.
lived in the country, meetings you always talk about. big machine in the factory begin to echo, writes Lucius Harper, in his moved to town when her husband column Dustin of the News in the Chicago leadership calls upon Roosevelt of child and youthful labor was the rule. Stories The central body resolution got work in a nearby factory. BUT MACHINERY SEEMS cannot belong to one worker as of children driven half naked with cuffs and Defender, June How true this is today in to intervene! The same Roosevelt pointed out that it has been the she likes to chat with me when CURSE, TOO your small sewing machine beblows to the factories only to fall asleep at the longs to you. But it can belong France.
who said plague on both your experience of Labor that Labor we meet on the stairs, and ex few days later, Mrs. Smith to all the workers, or to a workloom were often uncovered by investigating comTens of thousands of African troops have al houses when the steel workers hating Industrialists have always presses her delight with the mod stopped again for a neighborly ers state. Then every modern immissions. Now, in its last years, English Imperialist rule props itself up on the same supports.
racy. With a total of nearly 500, 000 black troops Aight with Tom Girdler, the same emergencyanta e or the destone sorn improvements in her new chat. Her face was not as radiant provement in machinery instema home.
The only difference is that the Liberal Party already mobilized and on the battle fields of Roosevelt who condoned the Me tion of the trade union movement What a relief to have a gas told me last night that they have of striking terror in the heart of be orators say nothing today, while France, another million are being recruited to be morial Day massacre in Chicago through restrictive, emergency stove, she told me. remember a new machine in his factory. It cause it would ease their labor Labor Party orators have entered the government and direct thrown into the path of the giant Nazi war matheir rebukes to unpatriotic children!
chine. The Chicago Defender bitterly captions a Stettinius and Knudsen, tions.
and ashes.
she work of five men, or home.
This is the future that America youth are picture, portraying a recruiting camp in Africa: Steel and GM, Morgan and DuIn second resolution the spoke about the sewing machine any man can now do in one hour Mrs. Smith was quite amazed.
offered by the bosses. When a world slaughter Robust Youth Today Tomorrow, Europe CanPont, to head the drive for na Trades Labor Assembly con bought on the installment plan what used to take five hours. The comparison of machines in at last makes jobs available, they will be jobs at non Fodder.
tional defense.
low wages and long hours for some of us. For The Negroes in America are Coday being discurred with a resolution recently and how simply and quickly dres looked at her troubled face. the factory and at home had In the name of national de passed by the New York Elec res for Mollie and Louise could be Why that ought to be fine for evidently never occurred to her.
the vast majority of us the draft machine is 41criminated against in the armed forces of the naready prepared to push us between the grinding tion, but once the war starts, the government striking at the Federal Shipbuild trical Workers Union, Local made. It only Charlie keeps his your husband. He will not have Then she sadly shook het hbea.
millstones of the Western Front.
Do the forum lecturers and the bosses apolwill forget the color line and the black man will been sold down the river by their anti trust persecutions of the cleaner and her eyes shone at the home much earlier or will earn belongs to the boxes and they would never permit workers to ogists really believe that the youth will go have the opportunity by forcible conscription top union officials and forced to trade uniona os calculated to desoyous prospect, as she told me so much more.
did appreciate use it that way.
through all this without going into polities. to sacrifice his life for democracy.
return to work on the company stroy the trade union movement Yes, this housekeeping ma my joke. Why are you kidding Well, was my answer, the We know better. We know that the day is not At home, and behind the lines, of course, the terms. Their president stated that here as it was destroyed in the chinery is certainly a help. me? You know what it means workers in Russia succeeded in far away when the young unemployed and this sell out was necessary to color line will still prevailand be knocked into remarked.
and m worried to death. Charlie getting all the factories and mines young workers will find their way to the pollEurope.
avold charges of obstructing the dictator nations of every returning black soldier after the war! The ties that will sweep from the earth the system national defense program. In Washington, it said, is rapidly it is a blessing. Caring for my expand the business, and that True it did not work out as it Help! Mrs. Smith said, why, explained it to me. Unless they and transportation in their hands.
which has caused them so much suffering.
black man equality will extend only to his the future anybody guilty of ask becoming a government by in five kids kept me constantly on appears unlikely, four out of five should have because workers of They will find the leadership for this task not right to die for the white Democracy.
ing a nickel increase while the dictments and decrees. my feet and my back always men will lose their jobs and Char other countries did not follow in the politics of the two boss parties, but corporations are squeezing out lie may be one of them. their example. Also in Russia the in the party of working class revolution the millions of dollars of war profits invited Mrs. Smith into my workers were unable to stop a Socialist Workers Party.
Scabbing No Answer to Jim Crow will be called a arth columnist apartment and we continued our bureaucracy from grabbing power The attitude of Joseph Jefferson, head of the and charged with obstructing the conversation. We spoke only a away from them. But the revolufew days ago of the blessings of tion in Russia proved it can be Negro Labor Relations League of Chicago, to program of national defense.
ward the recent strike of milk drivers must be Up to the Workers machines you have at home. You, done and the experience of the yourself, pointed out that they workers there will teach the condemned. Jefferson urged Negroes to apply to It is up to the GM workers, the save you time and labor. Why workers of the whole world how TWO GOOD WAR STORIES struck dairies for Jobs, stating: believe in unmost militant group of men of Buy Set of should the new machine in the to avoid the mistakes made in the most militant union in this ions, but the Negro is not bound to honor a picket factory not do likewise for your Russia. Walden, member of the United Auto Workhusband?
The machines have taught the ers Union, recalls two good war stories, which line or cooperate in a strike conducted by jim country to cut through all this red tape, phoney statesmanship, crow union which denies the Negro a chance to Mrs. Smith answered quickly, workers a great deal. Because of are now going the rounds of the labor press: and sugar coated union busting The machines in my home are large machines thousands of (In English)
work. If the dairies will assure Negroes of per program. It is up to them to take During the war the coal miners in Wales went my own. Just so, agreed, workers gather in one factory on strike for more pay. After several weeks manent jobs, can see that they get men enough the lead again in pushing the au the machines in your home are they learn to organize into trade Lloyd George was sent to settle the strike betomobile workers in this country Made for the New York mass meeting to deliver any amount of milk they want deyours and they are a blessing, but unions to protect their rights towards their goal of economic celebrating the Tenth Anniversary of the the machines in the shop belong against the greedy capitalist. But livered.
cause of his experience in fooling workers. He security. This can be done by the to the boss and instead of a while trade unionism is the brat While it is true that the union was late in founding of the Fourth International made a long speech about their patriotic duty to same tactics and the same policy blessing they may mean your step to help the worker, it cannot work long hours for short wages. When the changing its policy of discrimination the previ that won the great GM strike of 1937. No reliance on phony pollRecorded on two 12 inch discs 78R husband unemployment. But solve the unemployed problem and miners remained grimly silent, he shouted: How ous union officials were recently ousted in an elecwhile they seem a curse to the many other problems, such as ticlans, no reliance on false tion the actions of the colored drivers at the friends of labor, no reliance on worker, they bring more profit to crises and war. Only ownership of would you like to mine coal for the Kaiser?
the boss. To him they are a bles, the machines by the Workers little Welsh miner stood up and asked: How Specially Priced. 50 Lakeview Dalry in refusing to sign up in the chicken hearted, cowardly top unsing State will assure for the worker much does the Kaiser pay for mining coal?
union after being invited to do so, can only be ion officials. Reliance only on the security of work and leisure. To SOCIALISM WILL MAKE union itself, and its strength and most injurious to the interests of the colored Next day the strike was settled.
Full Proceeds to: achieve that task is the work of MACHINES BLESSING the militancy of its membership drivers.
the Socialist Workers Party.
It was a militantly fought TROTSKY DEFENSE FUND TO EVERYBODY As we have stated on previous occasions, colstrike in 1937 that finally conIn other words, the machine In Scotland a foreman was trying to scare ored workers cannot combat a policy of discrim vinced arons the.
a product of human ingenuity and worker into going to war by telling him a Gerination on the part of any union by permitting auto union was here to stay. It progress is a blessing to the one Advertisement man would come over and take his home and job: themselves to be recruited a strike breakers. By may be necessary to conduct anwho owns it. If the machinery in WANTED Man to share modern The worker said: If any German wants to pay other militant strike in 1940 to the shop belonged to the workers, bachelor apartment in Greenbringing organized pressure against the jim crow convince the same auto barons wich Village. All improvements they would get more leisure and rent on the shack live in and work like a mule policies of any union, colored workers can and that the auto union is determined 116 UNIVERSITY PLACE NEW YORK, rest whenever a new, Improved 20. 00 a month. Call: Columbus for you on this cheap job, he don have to fight are winning their rightful place in the unions. to survive and to go forward.
machine is introduced. That 185 9525.
me, all he has to do is tell me.
The Machine Means Different Things. Depends Who Owns It!
ste tramo Ranse vekto whose note that was and Presidential proclaima now Inused to slave carrying that the new tanelerde one that rather tut as your little machines do at YOU CAN HELP!
Trotsky Historic Speech Pioneer Publishers