AnarchismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFifth ColumnGPUIV InternationalImperialismLeninMarxMarxismNazismSocialismSocialist PartySpainStalinStalinismTrotskyWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

separated, part of them placing themselves between Trotsky and by Robert Birchman the rest of the guards who were sleeping in their rooms, spraying the guards doors with frequent Democracy in British blasts of machine gun slugs. Continued from Page 1)
Guards Answer Machine Guns LaFollette Civil Liberties Bill into its opposite West Indies The guards reported that one and adopted the monster on May 27. Even the British imperialism is moving swiftly to comof the assassins called out to New York Times had to refer to amendments pletely suppress freedom of speech, the right of them in English to stay in their undreamed of a month ago, prior to European assembly, the expression of grievances and crirooms and they would not be war developments, characterizing one of them as hurt. They returned the fire, howa provision which is ticism, in the West Indies. In Jamaica the Govdeadly blow at the civil ever. Whether any of the assas ernment is trying to enforce the Undesirable Lit(Continued from Page 1) berties of several million law abinding realerature Law.
sins were struck by the return when they jerked the charter of dents.
the Flint locals, suspended all One provision forbids employment of non citi The Governor is given absolute discretion to fire is not known. The invaders officers, and appointed an admi zens beyond ten per cent of the personnel any ban the importation of any literature that vio had cut all the wires except that lates the law and any person who imports, pub jof the telephone upon overpowernistrator over the local industry. Another forbids the employment of lishes, offers for sale, distributes, or reproduces ing Harte, and in the darkness The reasons given were pure any Nazi or Communist without exception.
red baiting, and the method used Foaming at the mouth, the august Senators any publication the importation of which has been only the flame from their machine guns could be seen.
an exact repetition of Homer adopted these provisions by a vote of 47 20. Lprohibited shall be liable to imprisonment at hard Martin tactics. Without the local Follette, father of the original bill, sat silently by labor for a term not exceeding twelve months or Feared Mechanized Device to a fine not exceeding 100 (about 500) or to union officers knowing a thing while it was turned into an anti labor weapon.
The main body of assassins about it, the WPA administration both imprisonment and fine. Roosevelt proposal to transfer the ImmiThe People National Party of Jamaica has proceeded to the combined library was given a list of men as a new gration Service from the Labor to the Departprotested the law. Their statement reads in part: and study of Comrade Trotsky, bargaining committee, and inment of Justice was speedily adopted May 27 by The Law does not specify the sort of litera firing machine gun slugs wildly formed of the suspension of all the House, putting over four million non citizens as they broke inside. From that local officers who had been elected ture or matter that may be prohibited but vests at the tender mercies of the BI. Roosevelt in the Governor alone an arbitrary and absolute vantage point they held their maby the rank and file in demo message to Congress on the proposal explained it cratic meetings of the union. all in one of its sentences: power. The Law affords no safeguards nor means chine guns on the bedroom door of redress whatever for persons affected by the of Comrade Trotsky, riddling it This reorganization will enable the governwith bullets. At the same time Charter Returned use of its powers ment to deal quickly with those allens who We do most strenuously protest against the others of the gang shot through The dictatorial and uncalled for conduct themselves in a manner that conflicts undemocratic and bureaucratic and oppressive the French door of the bedroom recent photograph of Natalia and Leon Trotsky.
action aroused such a wave of with the public interest. form of the Bill. We protest against the arro which opens upon the patio, thus anger and resentment among Since the public interest had already been Flint unionists, in both the WPA defined by Roosevelt to include a ban on strikes gant assumption of arbitrary powers by any man directing a cross fire upon the to control and limit the constitution rights of beds where Comrades Trotsky Local and in the Fisher, Buick. Labor will not attempt to take advantage of freedom of thought and opinion.
and Natalia had been sleeping but and Chevrolet locals, that Pagano its collective power to foment strikes said Roosevelt, May 21 FBI control of aliens can play un The law is undemocratic, unnecessary and few minutes before. Their pillows harsh and makes it possible to deny to the people were riddled. More than seventy their action, and restore all for imaginable havoc with the trade unions, for the of the country the ordinary rights of free thought bullet holes were counted in the mer rights to the officers of Local four million non citizens are predominantly inand opinion.
wall near the beds. Others of the 12, and give back its charter, dustrial workers, strong pillars of many unions.
assassins fired into Sergei room The old business of terking The FBI is given at the same time.
Just over two years ago on April 16, 1938 murder of Moulin, Fourth Internationalist mili charters, kicking out elected of men into scabies and weapon to turn these union Letter from Jamaica Undoubtedly convinced that the Socialist Appeal reported that George Mink, We have received a letter from Jamaica which they had succeeded in their bloody assassin, was on his way to Mexico with they have never been seen since of Marc Reln, tors, is no longer popular among Anti Labor Jokers in Alien Bill states: assignment and fearing to break the assigned task of murdering Leon Trotsky. son of the Russian Social Democrat Rafael Ab the UAW membership, who learn4. Attorney General Jackson proposed on May was good open the bedroom doors which ramovitch, member of the bureau of the Second ed their lesson during the Martin 22 registration and fingerprinting of all non ciand grand. Keep up the flight. The Jamaica Labor are connected with a special mesed on that date from the port op Galveston, International, and of Erwin Wolf, former secre fight. Pagano, Art Case, and other tizens, making it compulsory for them to carry Weekly started republication but had to suspend chanical protective device of Texas, for the port of Vera Cruz, Mexico, to carry tary to Leon Trotsky.
International officers spent an un identification cards. In line with this the Senate which they apparently were a out the mission assigned to him by gangster Having acquitted himself so well in his master comfortable 24 hours immediately on account of war time repression. Yours for a Judiciary Committee on May 27 reported favorSocialist World.
ware, the assassins hurled Ineen overlords: to organize the murder of Leon behalf in Spain, Mink returned to this country after the WPA union charter ably a House approved bill providing for fingerdiary bombs in the library and Trotsky!
The Jamaica Labor Weekly was a militant and left almost immediately for Mexico for his was jerked. Dozens of phone calls printing and registration of aliens.
left with flames rapidly spreading We gave in detail at that time many of the new job the assassination of Leon Trotsky. from leading Flint unionists, con labor paper which was published during 1938 and grim joker is concealed in this move. For among the books and magazines known facts about Mink, notorious for many the first half of 1939 and appeared again for four to Mexico stant visits from committees proReported at the same time as going Georges testing the action, soon convinced press reports as merely providing for registration At the door through the wall, years internationally as a spy, terrorist, and though the bill thus approved is referred to in were a known French Stalinist issues during April and May of this year. It carried on a campaign against the war. We can be which also opens upon the garage, executioner in the service of Stalin G. Fournial, and Roland Abbiatte, sought by French them they had made a mistake. of aliens, it turns out that the bill is actually the sure that the sentiments expressed in an article They took Harte perhaps alrea patch from Copenhagen, Denmark, dated July In 1935, the New York Times published a dis and Swiss police as one of the murderers in Sep The Public Hearing on Friday, notorious Smith Omnibus bill, a compendium of tember, 1937, of Ignace Reiss, Reiss had broken in spite of the disruptive effects in May, 1939, are still the opinions of thousands all the anti labor and anti alien legislation prody dead with them.
with Stalin G. U, and joined the Fourth Inter of the attempted ouster of the of workers in the West Indies.
posed in Congress during the last twenty years.
The article points out that Jamaicans will be Comrade Natalia rushed out of Mink and Nicholas Sherman, arrested two months national. When Swiss police raided Abiatte WPA Local officers, was an imIt had passed the House early in this session but the bedroom and smothered the ago, called upon to fight for democracy and asks: were condemned today to 18 months in room (he was also known as Rossi. they found pressive demonstration of solidhad scarcely been conceded a chance to pass the fire with blankets.
prison under the accusation of espionage.
a map of Mexico City and its suburbs, and a dup arity between the UAW plant Senate until Roosevelt and Jackson calls for HOW COULD JAMAIOANS FIGHT TO The alarm was flashed over the Subsequently Mink, under the name of Alfred licate of an application for a Mexican visa.
legislation against aliens provided the avenue.
DEFEND DEMOCRACY WHEN WE HAVE NOT GOT ANY! Although we Jamaicans are telephone by the remaining Herz headed the murder squads of Stalin Other known agents who subsequently Representatives from Chevrolet, In addition to anti alien provisions, this bill guards, and the Mexican author in Spain. In Barcelona he was personally joined Mink, Fournial, and Abbiatte in Mexico Fisher Body, and the Regional contains a broadly worded provision making it a bitterly opposed to fascism and are ready to ities immediately responded with responsible for organizing and carrying out the included Tina Modotti, Italian Stalinist who was CIO Office spoke on the unemcrime punishable by ten year sentences to publish defend democracy when we get it here, WE squads of police arrd secret ser assassinations of hundreds of militant anarchists. held for a time by Swiss polies in the Reiss murployed question and supported or distribute books, pamphlets or other literature ARE NOT GOING TO FIGHT FOR IMPERvice men.
members of the OU. and of the Fourth In der, and Sormenti, also an Italian, who goes by Local 12. advising the nations armed forces to disobey LALISM AND THE PERPETUAL ENRICHernational.
the name of Carlos Contrera.
Militant resolutions were passed their superiors or advocating the violent overMENT OF THE POCKETS OF THE BRITISH Trotsky Names Mink The Spanish anarchists directly charged Herz These are the creatures assembled in Mexico demanding the doubling of the throw of government, or by word of mouth or CAPITALISTS.
Comrade Trotsky named George with organizing the murder of the anarchist by Stalin to get Trotsky, his most feared and Welfare Budget, the abolition of in writing or by transmission by radio, to knowAn item from the Daily Gleamer, Kingston, Mink as one of the GPU agents leader in Barcelona, Camillo Berneri, and his most hated enemy. Their names are written down red tape in the city hospital and ingly or willfully advocate, abet, advise or teach Jamaica paper gives us something of a picture of in the books of the international working class the admission for free hospitallassigned to assassinate him and comrade Barbieri. This charge was published in the conditions in Jamaica. Coombs, Presthe duty, necessity, desirability or propriety of declared that the entire attempt this country by Carlo Tresca, editor of the anar and will remain there until the working class of zation of all WPA workers and overthrowing or destroying the government. Anident of the Jamaica Workers and Tradesmens was carried out on direct orders chist weekly, Il Martello.
the whole world has its reckoning with Stalin relief clients in case of illness.
other section would make it a crime for any perUnion states that in the Montego Bay area twoand under the personal superviThe sinister figure of Mink appeared in the and Stalinism.
thirds of the workers are unemployed and that Anti War Resolution son to organize or help to organize any group sion of Stalin, the Cain who has teaching or advocating governmental overthrow.
those who are working only receive the miserable slaughtered the entire of the Bolwage of to 10 shillings a week and that this of war, to destroy one of the Congressional action appropriat. fighting blow at the present The WPA appropriation bill was passed by sheviks who led the October re only provides for food of the cheapest and most the House on May 22 with a provision prohibiting volution.
baste gains of American labor, ing billions for armaments was miserable order not to mention clothing and the 40 hour week.
employment of Communists and members of One of the automobiles was housing.
This anti unton drive, pushed ing, in the form of a resolution passed unanimously by the Hear. Nazi bunds on WPA projects, and requiring The cost of living for workers in Kingston, ae abandoned by the GPU assassins loyalty oath affidavits from applicants that on the pretext of a shortage of demanding that all war funds they are neither. The WPA national office imin Coyoacan, the other was found skilled labor, is all the more be turned over to the benefit of cording to official figures, has risen 17 percent on a road ten miles west of Mexmediately indicated the breadth of the provision, since last August. Clothing costs rose by 25 per ico City. In it was a coat from hypocritical since the represent the unemployed people of this saying it would seek determination from the Dethe manufacturers country, and that a ten billion partment of Justice whether a Communist must cent and food by 22 percent in this period.
atives one of the police uniforms used themselves admit that no such Idollar public works program be by the gang (Continued from Pago 1) vided the conscripted army shortage exists. Ward Automo inaugurated.
belong to the Communist party or whether the In Trinidad, British West Indies, the police The Mexican authorities have convention, in its annual meeting term can be applied to Trotskyists, Lovestoneites tive Reports, the most authoritaDefend Labor Rights launched a thoroughgoing investi here this week end.
commissioner has ordered the suppression of and other dissident followers of the Communist Live on the auto industry, point ties either for aviation or to meet philosophy. In a word, every militant on the all labor union meetings. Groups or parades gation. The five policemen de The resolutions committee, un. The convention delegates were out in their latest study that the other demande tailed to guard the house under der the domination of Allan Hay fully aware of the fact that the industries ability to produce moof more than ten persons have been banned WPA was to have a knife at his throat.
The state convention, while deand trade union meetings broken up and their In the rabid atmosphere created by these and officers arrested by the police, according to reother acts of Roosevelt and Congress and the ports appearing in the Negro press.
questioning. The Mexican secret for the Lewis machine in the immediate attempt to destroy all ney for the Tool and Die Mania great extent in its attempts to war hysteria they created with the aid of press, service is combing the country Minors Union, deliberately vio of the labor legislation and union facturers Association admitted launch a bold labor offensive, has radio and movies, all manner of dark things for suspects.
Negroes Fear Effects of War Drive lated the sentiments of the rank gains achieved in the last few that Most of the tool and die served nevertheless to dramatize flourished. Governor Rivers of the enlightened All Mexico Aroused and file delegates for a live wire years. The convention launched work on the 1941 cars now in the to the unionists of Michigan the state of Georgia couldn wait for Congress to do it, but on Monday, May 20 issued a proclamation Negroes may suffer in drive for defense, program of action against Roose a drive to opet this move and shops will be finished by August begun the great educational work ordering all aliens to submit immediately to is the telling headline of a story in the New York The attempted assassination velt war preparations.
City Negro newspaper, the Amsterdam News, created a sensation in Mexico. It During Saturday session the was adopted pledging unalterable resent 80 or 85 per cent of the which will inevitably culminate in May 25. It reports that speedy Congressional was the most important story of convention delegates had revolt opposition to eliminating labor 1941 automobile requirements. the auto centers in a furious class the state and followed this on May 25 with an action to approve the executive request for a the week. Every newspaper cared against a milk and water re Legislation for the national de After August our industry will struggle between the workers and order to revoke the business, occupational and professional licenses of all aliens by June The billion dollars for armaments this week were solution, submitted by the Reso fense program.
be in a position to offer its facili the manufacturers.
ried detailed accounts.
seen to signal doom to the welfare of thousands effect of this may be indicated by the fact that in lutions Committee, had defeated The convencion resolution statGeorgla most business and professional men and of unemployed Negroes all over the country. In expectation that another at the resolution and demanded from ed its opposition to any statut various skilled workers are required to have 11The point is that the cutting down of the WPA, tempt will shortly be made Sta the floor that a great national ory lengthening of the work censes. Various cities in Florida and elsewhere rolls will oust tens of thousands of Negroes who lin seems to believe that the head campaign be launched with mass week, to any suspension of the also moved immediately to the fingerprinting of will get no benefits from the jobs created by the lines on the world war now rag workers of Michigan not to part move to abolish payment of overdemonstrations to arouse the Walsh Healey Act, and to any aliens.
armament appropriations. For, the Amsterdam ing will cover up the crime the icipate in any war launched by time in the industries producing mob in Del Rio, Texas, drove three Nazi News points out: agents to the city limits and warned them not police guard has been reinforced the imperialists of this country.
war and defense materials. Negroes are not employed by the major airto return; the United Press reported this on plane and munitions making concerns, a Jimat Coyoacan by the Mexican The final resolution that came The resolution denounced the May 22, referring to the victims as professed Crow policy of long standing, and of those em authorities. The internal guard out of the committee hopper, attempts of the Army and Navy Nazi agents and never troubled to check up ployed in navy yards and the steel industry, very system is likewise being greatly however, merely stated that the officials to attempt to force labor or to correct the story. Actually the victims were members of the Jehovah Witnesses sect; the few are above the ordinary unskilled labor classi amplified and the entire interior convention was opposed to to make sacrifices while the eminvolvement in the war.
ployers continue to pile up their within the walls completely reThe June issue of Fourth In James Cannon, Na Nazi literature they were distributing was the There only one place they aren going to This despicable action of the profits.
ternational is now off the press! tional Secretary, takes time out May 15 issue of their organ, Consolation, which, discriminate against Negroes in the front line arranged and reinforced in pre resolutions committee was part of a deliberate drive by high CIO What the Score Is Even finer than the outstanding to analyze the mental processes paration for the next attack.
ironically enough, contained a bitter attack on trenches. They ll use black skins for cannon fodMagazine, this second number of of renegades from Marxism in the Hitlerite regime and an account of the vast der as long as blacks will go to the slaughter.
officials to tame the militant anti While the convention was in the Socialist Workers Party The Pathology of Renegacy.
war spirit displayed by the con session the Detroit News, organ monthly magazine again presents Jarvis Garland gives another of camps. But the mob was sound enough in its revention delegates.
of the Michigan moneybags, ex a lively, well balanced table of his articles on the dialectic, cen actionary instincts, for this sect is opposed to Millions in Gold for Britain War plained to the delegates what the contents for the Marxist reader. tered about the anti dialectic at both sides in the war. In Philadelphia on May 23 Union Label Bullets national defense program really Leon Trotsky draws a Baltitude of such ex Marxists as a mob of University of Pennsylvania students atChest from Labor of African Miners Allan Haywood outlined the means. Criticizing union militants ance sheet of the Finnish Ev. Burnham.
tacked two Young Communists. In Pekin, IlIt going to be a swell party! official CIO policy. The CIO is of the Bay City convention for ents. Trotsky is also represented Special mention must be given Natives in the Rand gold mines of South Africa linois on May 25 ten men and women were at (For the Twice a Week supporting the preparedness being cynically suspicious. it in the department From the Ar to the editorial Mass Slaughter tacked a mob while distributing Communist are working overtime to pour gold into Britain Appeal)
drive, he stated, and would help argued, that as to certain trades senal of Marxism, where one of. New Stage in the War, set literature. The attackers were, appropriately war chest. In the first seven months of the war, defend the country against any the demand must be made, for his first documents on the Trots ting forth the official position of enough, American Legionnaires.
JUNE 1st, 1940 these mines produced 272, 000, 000 of new gold, aggression, but it demands a quite legitimate reasons, that kyist movement appears. the Fourth International. Com These hooligan acts are merely the harbingers 8:00 voice on proposed emergency war men be allowed to work longer The production output reached an all time high Farrell Dobbs, National Labor plete and thorough, it should be of a wave to come, as Legionnaires and other Labor Temple bureaus and will insist that ex: than 10 hours. The two che Secretary of the Socialist Work read carefully by all workers, in March in the Rand. It totaled 1, 147, 382 ounces. patriots organize sixth columns to combat istin labor ers Party, gives a second of his Once Again. Lenin and Lux the fifth column. Texas, which contributed the At the American price of 35 an ounce, the 84th St. and 2nd Ave. ed.
industry, where shortage of skil timely analyses of trade union emburg by Walter Held adds first incident of hooliganism, also contributed the March output was worth 40, 145, 000. This is Socialist Workers Party Thus Haywood announced to led men and facilities, it is premost brazen of the sixth column proposals, enough to buy a fleet of 535 American pursuit Yorkville Branch the convention that the top CIO dicted, will provide the chier problems in FBI and the Un to our understanding of the simiions, based on direct observation larities and differences in the when the Houston Chamber of Commerce proofficials have already sold out to bottleneck of the whole pro of the Men at work against the program and practice of these posed formation of a National Industrial Defense planes. It is not difficult to see who pays for the Music Food Refreshments the Roosevelt war machine and gram.
war. Not the masters who spend their gold, but Dancing only ask that the union label be Thus the manufacturers are unions. George Novack appraises once again how superior was Le Corps, to be armed by the government, for detecting and reporting acts of sabotage and sedithe colonial people and the workers of the imADMISSION 200 placed on the bullets, the guns again taking the offensive, seek the political scene in The Presi nin conception of the role of tion and in suppressing armed insurrection perialist nations.
and uniforms that will be pro ing, before the actual declaration dential Campaign.
the party.
meaning strikes.