AnarchismAndrés NinBolshevismCommunismFranceGPUHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarInvasionItalyLeninNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSWorkers MovementWorkers Party

Socialist Appeal See Your Friends for the See Your Friends for the Twice a Week Appeal Twice a Week Appeal Official Weekly Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International Vol. IV, No. 22 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JUNE 1, 1940 FIVE (5) CENTS STALIN GPU TRIES TO MURDER TROTSKY War Drive Against Labor Rights on Full Blast Mink, GPU (ST APPEAL Assassin, Is Sought War Deal Attack on Aliens Cloaks Anti Labor Campaign Mink, Well known Assassin, Is En Route To Mexico worked with time and a hai MICHIGAN CIO WHY DOES STALIN WANT Bergen en het woorwerk FOR ANTI WAR TO KILL TROTSKY?
same salary as a shorter week. STRUGGLE American Is Hanted in Flor Police Link Him to Soviet Activities in Mexico y The United Prest MEXICO CITY, May 26 Police firing and that it Insted abou Mexican Police Look For Notorious AN OF THE SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY Kremlin Gunman Saturday, April 16, 1938 Roosevelt, Congress and the Big Business lobby in Washington were responsible for five MEXICO CITY, May 27 major blows against the labor movement in the last few days first fruits of the defense. Mexican police are seeking program: George Mink, agent of Stal1. The House adopted by 400 on May 28 the naval construction bill, which scuttles the in G. secret police) as Walsh Healey Act so far as government shipbuilding goes and undoubtedly is the first step the chief of the murin wiping out the Act altogether.
der squad which attempted to The Walsh Healey Act had forbidden the issuance of government contracts to employassassinate Leon Trotsky and ers unless they pay the prevailing wage. The unions have been able to make use of it in prohis wife last Friday, it was retecting union wage rates in some industries and in establishing the 40 hour week. The Act ported today by all press serwas administered by the Department of Labor, and government agencies have ruled out all vices.
competitive bids for contracts from companies not complying with provisions of the Walsh mer Chief of Police General Healey Act.
GEORGE MINK Jose Manuel Nun, who perUnder the law passed by the House Tuesday, however, there will be no competitive bids Notorious Stalinist Agent Proceeds South Via sonally took charge of the infor naval construction. Instead the Navy, when authorized by the president, will negotiate conGalveston: Served As Terror Chief vestigation, had previously tracts without advertising for bids. This provision wipes out application of the Walsh HealOn April 16, 1988, the Socialist Appeal reported the departure For In Spain stated that the attack was uney Act, the Naval Affairs Committee made clear to the House. It had been discovered, the of George Mink for Mexico for the purpose of murdering Leon doubtedly organized by the committee said, that the President had power to suspend the Walsh Healey Act in an Trotsky. Superimposed is the United Press dispatch published by Russian secret police.
the New York Times on May 27, stating that Mexican authorities TROTSKY LIFE IS MENACED!
emergency connected with the national defense and this was the emergency!
are looking for the gunman. Above, left, is a pleture of The attempted assassination The shipbuilding bill also specified an end to the 40 hour week on ship construction or Mink. See article, Who is George Mink on Page came on the heels of the recent By MAX SHACHTMAN other naval defense activities. je purge of the Mexican ComAn international assassin is en route to Mexico.
a 48 hour week would be munist Party and a conference He sailed early this week from the port of Galveston, Texas, er the port of Vera Cruz, Mexico, to carry out the mission simultaneously held in Mexico for the last eight hours. An assigned to him by his gangster overlords: TO ORGANIZE THE City oi GPU agents. Planned MURDER OF LEON TROTSKY.
experience tifies, however, down to the last detail on a In this country he is known to certain circles by the name of scale possible only to people George Mink known to the Philadelphia police as a petty larceny eventually is worked for the crook subsequently known to the workers on New York recommanding enormous front as the financially well heelerle Woskoro padaliniai Nor Against Trotsky sources, it was clearly the reAnother provision suspends sulf of long preparation uuder the civil service safeguards to Joseph Stalin has no weapons left in his ponents. In August, 1936, Stalin began the farcical trials of the old Bolshevik leaders direct orders of Stalin himenable naval authorities to fire But Haywood Blocks political arsenal but guns in the hands of hired assassins.
who, under Lenin and Trotsky, had conself.
workers suspected of fifth More than twenty Stalinist column activities which Convention ducted the revolutionary struggle crowned His executioners have slaughtered tens of police assassins disguised with success in 1917. In the next two years means a sword over the head thousands of revolutionary workers in Rusthree Sentiment sia. The sole crime of these workers was Stalin destroyed Lenin entire general staff.
have started search for an Americane wat reported that the polle uniforms and armed with maof every trade unionist in the Only Trotsky was left.
lican named George Mink in conneo had found a coat belonginustom chine guns, rifles, and incendinavy yards.
their opposition to Stalin counter revoluAbroad he did not hesitate to use the same Lion Friday ary bombs, succeeded in breakThis ham stringing of the BAY CITY, Mich. March 27 tionary regime.
methods, although, to his undoubted regret, Communist leader, was reported Forbes were known to have we ing inside the walls SurroundWalsh Healey Act came just of the powerful Briggs local of Last week his gunmen tried to snuff out he could not murder on quite the same scale.
ing the residence of Leon two days after Roosevelt the United Auto Workers, to put the life of Leon Trotsky, the head, the heart, In Spain Stalin GPU gunmen fastened Trotsky last Friday and spraybeing sought for Ques armed group, wat masing speech promising that social teeth into the anti war campaign the soul of that opposition.
ed fusillade after fusillade gains would be preserved!
of the Michigan Cio, were sidethemselves like leeches to the struggling body Trotsky embodies in his person everything tracked by the resolutions com of the Spanish revolution and drew the blood 7014 through the doors and win2. The Senate turned the mitee the Michigan CIO State that Stalin has debased, degraded, and beof its best militants.
dows of the bedroom where (Continued on Page Continued on Page 8)
trayed the living traditions of the workers revolution in Russia and of the revolutionary The names of Berneri and Barbieri, anarComrade Trotsky and his wife were sleeping movement of the workers of the entire world.
Robert Sheldon Harte, secreThis is what Stalins gunmen were aiming Rein, son of the Second International leader tary guard on duty at the outer door, was kidnapped. His fate is at when they broke in, machine guns blazing, unknor to Trotsky home in Coyoacan.
tant, adorn this roster. Moulin, leader of the.
Major Neutrals Must Revise Strategy Throughout these years Stalin, the usurp Spanish Foarth Internationalists, was done Ce mrade Trotsky and his wife, In Face of Hitler Victories er, the gravedigger of the revolution, has away with in 1937. Erwin Wolf, former Coraraile Natalia, managed to by GEORGE STERN FLANT, Mich Public hear ficers, who were under fire for the Save themselves from the assasvengefully pursued Trotsky, co leader with secretary to Leon Trotsky, was kidnapped in ang on welfare and WPA condt past week from Stallist forces in sns by rolling out of bed and The pace of German conquest, tain collapses under German Lenin of the revolution, its ablest defender, Barcelona in September, that same year, and tions, called by the CIO Counch the taw, who attempted to throw auddling on the floor between the in Western Europe has complete pressure.
has never been heard from since.
omrade Trotits most eloquent spokesman. Stalin has conly upset the war timetable for In 1937 Ignace Reiss, a GPU foreign agent, condemned local, state and a militant WPA union leaders out flying glass. Comi ade Natalia was gantzed auto workers, vigorously retary Gedora Johnson and others sky escaped with slight cuts from all the powers still neutral. It Washington and Wall Street ducted this pursuit with all the vindictiveness broke with Stalin, reaffirmed his devotion to tional relief unharmed.
probably has even upset Hitler has not yet definitely adapted and deliberate brutality of the apostate. He Hall, Friday, own timetable. It is doubtful Joseph Pagano, national assist its strategy to the prospects of has carried it beyond the person of Trotsky the workers revolution, and solidarized with the CIO Cone. in a meeting of office.
May 24.
the Fourth International. On Sept. 4, 1937, The Hearing served not only as in the UAW, and Art Case, Pangian director of WPA organization whether even he calculated on so an Allied defeat in Europe. It to the members of Trotsky family whom he Trotsky Grandson Har.
the Allies should by some redisastrous a revelation of AngloThe young grandson of Co.
has hounded to death, one after another. his bullet riddled body was thrown from a a means of putting the heat on omal Director and Board member rade Trotsky, whose adjoining French weakness. Right now Bri mote chance succeed in stemcar near Lausanne, Switzerland. Swiss and leials, but also to cap the victory into a turmoil early last week gunned by the assassins succeedthe local witare and WPA of from Flint, threw the WPA union room was likewise tain faces the alternative of ca ming the Nazi tide and stabiliz Trotsky daughter Nina, denied medical machinepitulation or invasion. The newing a line capable of holding for care, died of tuberculosis in Moscow in June, French police later established the guilt of the UAW WPA Local 12 of. miinued on Page 8)
ed in escaping with a wound on French line along the Somme and a period of months, American 1928. Her sister Zinaida, was driven by the known GPU assassins, one of whom, Rossi, his foot from flying splintera.
the Aisne awaits Hitler decision intervention is likely to come later went to Mexico.
The attack occurred at A.
to strike for Paris.
within that period. If the Al persecution of her father and herself to take Italy entry into the war has lies should go down quickly, as The police on duty outside reporther own life in Berlin in January, 1933. August Klement, secretary of the Fourth Flint CIO Anti War Revolution ed that they were surprised by been forecast from day to day now appears quite probable, heir brother Sergie, who shunned politics International, was kidnapped in Paris on The text of the Flint CIO Council rescritton, demanding War the men in blue uniforms of the for weeks. It is pretty clear Washington Wall Street will and contented himself with the life of a sci July 1938. Two weeks later his headless Funds be turned over to the benefit of the unemployed, follows in that Hitler intends to use the Mexican police who drove up in have to revise their total strafull: Italian threat in the Mediterand legless body was fished from the Seine.
automobiles, held them at gun tegy. Japan may well be left a entific worker, was arrested by Stalin in WHEREAS the United States Gongress is approving over bilpoint and then tied them hand ranean plus his own threat of free hand in Asia and the 1937 and, accused of poisoning workers in All the blood that has been shed by this lion dollars inappropriations to the war machine, and and foot. The assassins were blitzkrieg invasion to force Brisuper Mafia has not succeeded and will not WHEREAS the building of this largest peace time military force headed by a man wearing the tish capitulation. If the British arms program It will need to his factory, disappeared wholly from the in the history of this country constitutes a preparation for the refuse, the invasion and Italian succeed in exorcising the specter that haunts uniform of an army lieutenant.
carry out to be ready for the ken of man. Trotsky last son, his co worker Involvement of the US. in the present imperialist war now They carried extension ladders, entry will probably be simul resumption of military actions Leon Sedov, died in a Paris hospital on Feb. the cowering dictator of the Kremlin, the raging in Europe, and rope ladders with grappling taneous. It will open a south following a longer or shorter 15, 1938, under suspicious circumstances specter of Trotsky and Trotskyism.
WHEREAS this war is not a humanitarian war being fought in hooks, electrie saws, and other front in France and may ma interval. state of war may the interests of the people of this country or of Europe, but terially hasten the coup de For Trotstky represents the living forces tools which they later abandoned be declared in either case to which French authorities under GPU pressolely in the duterests of a small ruthless cique of greedyploded bombs when they fled.
along with some grace for that country. But it their unexfacilitate rearmament of the October Revolution and the promise sure, refused to investigate, even though it industrialists and bankers, and will also open a whole new the In this changed situation the of their resurgence.
WHEREAS this war machine is being milt up in the United It is not yet clear how the band ater of war in the Mediterran Moscow government must He was proved that Sedov had been marked out Trotsky is the authentic voice of the mil States at the expense of the employed workers, as is proven of assassins managed to peneean, North Africa, and the wise decide its course. Hitler for assassination.
by the cuts in the appropriations for all publie works projects they succeeded in persuading the Near East.
trate inside the walls. Whether quick victories do not quite aclions of the downtrodden toilers throughout Trotsky himself was hounded out of his including WPA, NYA, etc. Japan is also pondering an end cord with Stalin timetable eith refuge in France and again out of Norway, the world.
secretary guard Harte to open to its policy of so called non ín. er. Stalin has to figure now whes under open and direct pressure from the Trotsky is the banner of the world work resenting 88, 000 organized workers in the city of Flint, gaththe door through ers revolution that must and shall be un ered together at a Public Hearing at the CIO Council Hall, deis not known. It is a rule of the termination somehow of the down the Nazis without jeopard Kremlin on these two countries. In Mexico mand of the Congress that all war funds be turned over household not to open the door stalemate it has created in China. izing himself or whether he must Stalin political hirelings tried to force his furled across continents drenched in the The trial balloons about Sino take his place at Hitler boot and expulsion, but failed. The gunmen took up at night. It is possible that they blood of imperialist war.
to the benefit of the Unemployed people of this country, that a ten billion dollar public works program be inaugurated to the first subduing the police on guard managed to scale the wall after Against these, Stalin and his gunmen caneffeet that all unemployed worloers can be provided with Jobs outside and from there killed week or so ago originated obvi German exploitation. The mission where they left off and last Friday long ously in Tokyo. For Japan wants of Sir Stafford Cripps to Moscow and carefully planed attack was the result. not and will not prevail.
at trade union wagen, so that the Congress shall be instrumental in providing a polley that will feed the American people Harte with an air gun which The assassination of Leon Trotsky, had To this the fourth International, with Bread, bot Ballets, Jobs not Battleships, a Better Life in Amerwould not have awakened the East Indies and upon any section of a British ambassador indicates Trotsky and after Trotsky, stands firmly ica, not death on some foreign battlefield.
ether guards.
of the British Empire in the East that this alternative is already it succeeded, would have been but the climax Once inside the walls, the gang that it can reach as soon as Bri being probed.
to Stalin murder campaign against his op(Continued on Page 3)
tion with the attempted reading ulation Dexican police uniform ay of Leon Trotaky. exlled one of the care in which the tonight.
politike uniforms.
It was that Mink and Herbert Sheldon Karto, year old No Germes born viattor to Forker, who was Sie by th tioning on body et police in Nede. Str. Burado.
Behind the Lines Andersen on the POUM Me Flint CIO Hearing Hits Abramovich, Kurt Landan Anstrien omili Roosevelt War Plans is dee, but it is feared that he clever ruse pledged.