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SOCIALIST APPEAL MAY 25, 1940 The Appeal Drive TWORKERS Workers Asking: Who Are We FORUM Going to Fight and. What For? Must Not Lag Now!
It Up!
SCOREBOARD Chicago Detroit.
New Haven 6 Newark. Toledo.
Philadelphia Baltimore 0 0 Seattle 10. 00 0 0 28. CIO BUILDING UNION STRIKES QUEENS JOBS have struggled to open in de conter towers registratione per keting ang periodicals and literature of by GEORGE CLARKE nothing did the Lynn workers etablish a tradition of militancy.
Write to us tell us what going on in your part of the Teamsters, shoe workers, leathscream at you in every railroad Clarke Speaks in Chicago, May 26 28 labor movement avat are the workers thinking aboute tell 140. 50 was received in the last week from various branches er workers, textile workers are station, every crowded square.
well. organized. Outstanding peal, a considerable sum, but and individual comrades on the pledges for the two a week Apus what the bosses are up to and the men and the local cops George Clarke, member of the National Committee of the every street corner. They all tell enough.
and the Stalinists send us that story the capitalist press didn the same tale: the horror of Socialist Workers Party, now on a coast to coast speaking tour, among these is the powerful CIO union in General Electric with a print and that story they buried or distorted our pages are open At this rate we shall surely not fulfill our quota by July 1st, speaks Sunday, May 26, p. at University Room, Midland the invasion; the atrocities of the the date set for the beginning of the publication of the two a week to you. Letters was carry name and address, but indicate if you Nazis; the outraged feelings of Hotel, 172 West Adams Street, Chicago. Which War for the membership of 7, 000 strong, next Appeal.
Workers is the title of his talk.
are the teamsters, a husky and do not want your name printed.
decent civilization.
On Tuesday he again speaks in Chicago, at the Viking Hall, vigorous organization.
The total collected thus far is 1076. 85. The amount pledged is But the big scoop of the week An Industrial Union Council 3885. 00. To fulfill the quota we need close to three thousand dolis the news about the shrinking 2741 West North Avenue. The subject of this meeting will be with 14 affiliated unions in Lynn, therefore, average much better than 140. 50.
lars between now and July 1st, a period of six weeks. We must. The Government Persecution of the Trade Union Movement.
of the Atlantic Ocean which The first of Comrade Clarke comments on the way in which Salem, Peabody and Beverly Workers Alliance Judge Forbids Strike brings the Heinkel bombers Comrades, put your shoulders to the wheel. Go out and get counts 25. 000 members. sucwithin hearing distance. PreTo Enforce Contract. American workers are reacting to the war drive appears in an In Job Agency Move adjoining column. His reports of conditions in other cities will cessful News Guild strike against the two a week Appeal. It is up to you.
the money. The war situation brooks no delay. We must get out paredness! Preparedness they all shout in chorus. Track down appear each week during his tour.
Editor: Editor: His tour so far has covered New Haven, Boston, Lynn, Syra strengthen its forces.
The Workers Alliance in Los The fight of Local 770 Retail the Fifth column, keep the cuse, Rochester, Buffalo, Pittsburgh, Youngstown, Akron, CleveA resolution calling for the esAngeles has started an employ Food Clerks Union (AFL) to en beacons trained overhead for land, Toledo, Flint, Detroit and South Bend.
tablishment of the 30 hour week ment service to place its mem force contracts with members of Nazis popping out of the skies in Comrade Clarke will be in Minneapolis and St. Paul, Wednes at 40 hour pay was adopted unbers on jobs in private industry. the Retail Market Operators As parachutes. Wipe the Germans day Friday, May 29 31, in Omaha, Sunday, June 2, and in Den animously at the Leather Workers convention held in Boston, The main reason for this move sociation has been temporarily in out, shouts the Boston Herald: seems to be to convince a few terfered with by a decree issued If Allied planes should lay waste ver, Tuesday and Wednesday, June 5. He arrives on Friday, April 26 28.
Branch Pledged Paid in San Francisco. On Monday, June 17 he will be in Fresno, and relief bureaucrats and white col by Judge Willis of the Superior scores of German cities and use June in Salt Lake City, and will spend the week of June 10 16 Upstate New York.
Stalinists Lasing Ground 50. 00 50. 00 in Los Angeles the next day.
lared critics that the unemployed Court enjoining picketing by un the technique of the Germans, our 100 St. Paul.
Comrades canvassing house to200. 00 160. 00 are not lazy and unwilling to lon members of a number of food people would rejoice.
Minneapolis 80 markets on the ground that such But the American worker is 300. 00 200. 00 work!
Boston 67 170. 00 But regardless of what these picketing was in violation of the not rejoicing at the slaughter are more thoughtful, they know summer resort in Holland. Then house in workers neighborhoods Lynn.
112. 50 50. 00 29. 00 58 enemies of the unemployed think, arbitration clause of the contract. house that is Europe. He passion at least part of the score and Allied capitalists made it so report enthusiastic response for 100. 00 50. 00 50 it would be much better for the As a result of this decree, 900 ately hates the Nazis. Yet he they listen quietly, ask pertinent tough on the German people that the Peoples Referendum Against resolution along these Flint.
105. 00 55, 00 WAA to stick to its knitting and food workers are deprived, for the wants no part of the war. Few questions and remain after the they began to prepare a revolu War.
East Chicago 50 25. 00 try to establish decent standards time being at least, of the bene and far between are the expres meeting to argue and discuss. tion. This scared the wits out of lines was cut to pieces at the 10. 00 New York City 40 950. 00 347. 00 of living for all unemployed. The fits of contracts already signed sions favoring a new The Where will they fight? Why? and the Chamberlains, especially since Leather Workers convention, Buffalo 00 00 objective of the WAA avowedly by the super market owners pro nightmare of Morgan last war for whom? These questions are the Revolution would make it dominated by the Stalinists. Thus, 20 75. 00 11. 35 is to put organized pressure on viding for a 48 hour week at is still too vivid in the popular becoming more wide spread even pretty hot for them at home. So the struggles against war.
55. 00 00 government bodies for adequate minimum wage of 22. 50. At pres. consciousness and it serves tem among the unemployed young they financed and backed Hitler stalinist influence in Lynn is National Office 550. 00 public works jobs and direct relief ent the men are being forced to porarily to block the road of the workers and farmers in uniform. to put down the revolution. Now steadily losing ground. In recent Maritime Workers 41. 00 780. 00 00 for all unemployed. Let us not work 54 hours and longer in soms war made jingoes in the White The anti war message of the that Hitler has grown strong months they have abandoned House slowly but San Francisco 100. 00 00 get away from this important cases for 20. 00 weekly is penetras of the ind poach on their precious their hall and removed the party The anti war feeling is strong deeply into the The contracts which were to they want us in again. organizer who had been employed 100. 00 00 objective. Los Angeles 100. 00 00 The proposal of the local WAN become effective January 1, 1940, enough to find expression even on dustrial proletariat. small but Not to end dictatorship, no, but by them for years. No one re40. 00 00 leaders to start an employment have never been respected by the the tongues of some 25. 00 service sounds very good until super market owners, allegedly mouthpieces of big war boom cor came to the party meeting where else in who wouldn poach so on the other hand, rank and file workers have become 00 Omaha 25. 00 00 An older worker put the more friendly with our worker 15. 00 00 trade are in this community. similar contracts with the safeoAmerican Tel. Tel. Du Pont when it was proved the momenly hard on their profits.
Many of them have supported way Stores, a nationwide chain, affiliate, said to 5, 000 people gath can workers have been the vice question better when he said: comrades. The lies of the Stalin15. 00 00 Indianapolis the WAA in many different ways and other large chain units. The ered on the Boston Common for tims of a devastating blitzkrieg Last time they sent was cover ist misleaders are making less of 10. 00 00 Oakland and it is easy to see that as soon union has insisted that these con a Mother Day celebration for over a decade by their real to throw Kaiser Bill out. This an impression on the rank and file than heretofore. 00 Portland 10. 00 as the WAA starts an employ tracts were binding whether or The day on which America mo enemies, the Sixty Ruling Fami time they re sending us over to 00 Akron ment service, we will be bucking not it succeeded in securing simi bilizes for war, that is the day lles, the billion dollared corporate put him back in again.
FBI In Lynn 10. 00 00 Lorain 00 those unions who have their own lar contrac with Safeway or which means the end of repre interests that the only war for There wasn much explaining 00 sentative government. Other American workers is against the necessary for the workers pre The FBI is allowing little to get unemployed members. This em the other chains.
Total Upon the refusal of the super speakers all of the hypocritical enemy within our gates and not sent concerning the fiasco of the by its hawkshaw eyes these days. 8880. 00 ployment service would mean 1076. 85 that we would be competing with market operators to live up to tribe of Isolationists who will overseas for World Empire for New Deal. They knew it in the The American Gestapo is evkind of statistics that you feel: erywhere.
these other unions who have long the terms of the contracts signed soon become virulent interven Morgan DuPont Co.
idle factories, jobless months and The SWP discovered this in Island, tying them up complete unemployed lists. These unions by them, the union called a strike tionists. drew cheers from the ly last week.
had years of fighting and sacrifice at a number of the super markets audience when they urged Ameryears, stinking private charity Lynn when it found out why it The projects, on Main Street in to establish and maintain union and set up militant picket lines. ica be kept out of the war for LYNN Living in what was and public welfare, canned bully. had been banned from holding The court held that this was in imperialism.
once the world biggest ladies beef for supper and clothes from meetings on a city square, tradiFlushing, comprise several scores wage scales in their industry.
The crowd on the Common did shoe center but is now rapidly the Salvation Army.
We can afford to antagonize violation of the arbitration clause tional public open air forum for of small homes, the building of which financed by HA. loans.
the organized trade union move in the contracts, stating: Such not at all signify some special oc becoming a ghost town. Lynn Between 1929 and 1940 Lynn 15 years Local 68 of the United Construcment for the simple reason that a provision for arbitration of con casion. Large numbers of people workers have too keen an appre sank to 37th place in shoe manu An ex marine, now retired, had tion Workers, the Queens local, they have supported us in the troversies in a collective bargain are congregating on this public ciation of so called American facturing. Profit hungry bosses constantly been heckling SWP whose territory the strike is in past and we need their backing ing contract contains an implied square since the war broke out democracy to be eager to sell staged an exodus out of this city speakers and attempting to propoints out that this New York in the future. We would have to promise not to strike and use in the Low Countries. They are that shoddy commodity ovetseas for the paradise of open shop, voke a riot. He then went to the city borough has already had apwork for less than the union scale economic pressure to force agree heatedly discussing the war, at the point of bayonets. low wage towns in the South and Mayor and demanded speakers be proved 100, 000, 000 get Polos mall worth be scabbing on union men who Hence a repudiation of a volun tening to radical speakers, read was sustained and the question ped to 3, 000 from 8, 000 in 1929. Mayor said he had no authority reached a new stage in its chal building, with further millions of worker was troubled by the ques thermometer under a desert sun marine wrote to Washington unions, when the CIO union threw a sum which makes Queens a key working condi lowed by a strike and picketing all types on the war is an unjustifiable breach of contion, What if Hitler comes One out of every six persons in which went into action at once. mass plcket lines around two place in building activity during tions, etc.
Soldiers Listen Too here? There were many nods of Lynn pounds the streets, unem The Marshall was contacted large projects in Flushing, Long the coming year.
If we want to fight for a united tract even though such arbitrastrong labor movement in the tion proceedings cannot be com Abnormally large numbers of approval when exposed this old, ployed.
in Boston with orders to instruct United States, we can start any, pelled or enforced by court pro uniformed sailors, soldiers and old shell game: the police chief in Lynn to stop Workers Stick To Union thing that will cause conflict be cess under state law.
marines are in evidence these In World War I, we were meetings in the Square. The tween the organized unemployed Just one week ago the days, especially around the Com threatened with Kaiser Bill com The bosses and their political police chief didn have to be and organized employed workers, Supreme Court held anti picket mon. Some e of them, cocky withing over here. Instead, we went stooges shouted: It is the un blitzkrieged into action. Now between the trade unions and uning ordinances in California and the new thrill of wearing a uni over there after him. The Ger ions fault. But the workers meetings must be held in back COMING OFF THE PRESS. employed organizations. If the Alabama unconstitutional as vio form attempt to heckle and dis man workers bounced Kaiser BI knew better, and they have hela alleys, or not at all.
bosses and their political stooges lating the right of free speech. rupt Socialist Workers Party anti off his throne. But American and tight to their unions and organ Another grand victory in the can get the unemployed to break The present decision easily avoids war meetings. But, many others British politicians found him a ized the unorganized. Not forl war for democracy.
down the wages and working con this ruling by holding that picketditions of the union men, it willing to accomplish an unlawful be bad for all of us.
purpose, e. in breach of a conWorkers Alliance Member tract, is not protected by the constitution Los Angeles by The union is completing plans for continuing the fight by taking FARRELL DOBBS Wants Name of Appeal all proper legal and economic comprehensive study of problems facing the Changed to Sell More measures to enforce the rights (Continued from Page 1) army of the unemployed garment dependence upon and support of American Workers Los Angeles ation which leaves room for all workers.
the government. It is perfectly Editor: kinds of arrangements whereby true that the union was able to Price: 100 am glad to see that a cam Local 22 Resolution utilize the in rebuilding paign has been launched to reThe pressing problem of the struck manufacturers can secretEditor: store the The giant dressmakers local of the International after its virtual out of town department of the ly cover their customers: needs twice a week Appeal.
Please accept my belated ILGWU is unemployment. Re and keep their customers. New York, Local 22, which claims collapse in 1929 32, and similarly It is my belief that only in this NEW ANTI WAR PAMPHLET There is only one fundament a membership of 30, 000, is pre to utilize the Wagner Labor Relaway can the paper bring its read thanks for the article, published ports from the Eastern section al way to do away with this senting a resolution for the 30 tions Act. It is one thing to take by ers the authentic labor news hot dealing with the problems of the which comprises the middle Atloophole favoring the bosses, hour week to the convention. But advantage of concessions made off the griddle.
and that is for the convention the Zimmerman leadership in a by the government. However, it Joe Hansen In view of this and with an eye women folk of the workers.
lantic states, and from Los Anto increasing the sale of the paA complete new phase of our geles, verify this fact. There is to instruct all local unions and dopting the resolution rendered is a very different thing and a joint boards to sign their next little more than lip service to the crime against the workers in exFirst of a series of 2c agitational pamphlets per, have two suggestions to great struggle opened before my very little work most of the year union agreements WITH popularity among the workers of change for concessions to surmake.
STANDARD EXPIRATION this demand. For this resolution render the workers to the tender In line with the convention then first realized that my hus scales below the New York prices DATE. Then the union can merely proposes a campaign for mercies of the government. And Published for the decisions to build a working class band was, in reality, selling to his Because of these two factors fotce, if it so desires, a COM legislation for the 30 hour week, this is what the Dubinsky leadmass party bound up with the boss, not only his time and labor, little work and at wages below by trade unions and, also, to carry but mine also, for only thru my those of New York workers, who PLETE STOPPAGE until the and leaves out entirely the meership is doing just demands are met.
efforts, was it possible for us to themselves don make too much thod of direct economic action by Particularly is this criminal to PIONEER PUBLISHERS our paper to the greatest number But organization of the out of the unions to secure this demand. day, when the New Deal, what of readers before a war censor live on the wages paid my hus there is tremendous unrest.
116 UNIVERSITY PLACE What is urgently needed is a ever petty concessions it once band.
NEW YORK, ship cracks down, d like to These out of town workers are town shops can only be the first gest the name Socialist Appeal. So, in reality, we, the wives of for the most part, relatively step. The agreements signed with convention instruction to the made, has been transformed into be changed to one that will be the workers, are as much a part speaking, recently organized. Mi the newly organized shops must GEB to take the initiative in con the War Deal. The anti trust accepted to all workers and not of this mad struggle against boss litant and not yet beaten, they be based on the object of bringing vening a labor conference of CIO, union busting campaign of the sympathizers. Since the form of husbands are poorly paid, then go on the union officials to do sometions up to the rates of the New which shall launch a campaign ing out of PWA, the slashes of York shops. Intermediate steps to to achieve by both legislative ac WPA funds these are the acts the articles will be in popular are we, and in exploiting one, thing about their conditions. Be achieve that object must be in tion and union pressure the es which characterize the governstyle, let give it a suitable name. bosses exploit the other My choice would be Worker Let us have more of this type cause of this fact the ILGWU cluded in the very first agree tablishment of the universal thir ment today, and not concessions out of town department maintains ments.
ty hour week with no reduction in to labor.
Given by the World or some other good punchy of article.
Earnestly, name. ll be looking forward to a firm grip on these locals in pay. In steel, in auto, in the elec The garment workers can Socialist Workers Party, Local New York Grace Elliott order to keep them from fighting Must Establish Zones trical industry, powerful locals march forward now only by the the pros and cons on this sug Los Angeles the bosses too militantly.
These intermediate steps would are already struggling for this same class struggle methods by gestion, especially from those be to divide the country into demand, The ILGWU, once in the which the International was origcomrades who are selling the pa Locals Without Autonomy zones, based upon geographical vanguard on labor issues, should inally built. It must never be for DELLA DUNNE per regularly house to house and factors, etc. and to provide pro certainly join with them in forgotten that the International was at union meetings.
Mrs, Della Dunne died This is done by not granting per differential rates for each warding this next great step for founded and developed by men AT NINE CLOCK recently had the pleasure on May 17, at the age of them any real powers in their zone. Each succeeding agreement organized labor.
and women who were not afraid of enjoying Comrade Antoinette 83, at the home of her son, Konikow educational and interlocals. The right to strike is al could cut down still further the to call themselves Marxists. The Militant Policy Needed Vincent, in Minneapolis.
International then did not hesiesting letter. hope we can look ways subject to a veto from the gap between rates in the zones Wife of a section hand on These basic tasks of the Inter tate to support the militant Soforward to more of these as we the railroads, she lived to center. The local has no control and those in New York.
Organizing the industry nation national organizing the industry cialist Party of those days. That 108 WEST 43rd STREET women are pretty much out in see her three sons, Vincent, of its funds. This fact alone is ally, zoning wage rates and stan nationally, standardizing wages what the workers called political cold as far as the columns of Grant, and Miles, play a enough in most cases to paralyze dardizing agreements will do and working conditions, establish action not support of boss politour paper are concerned. m sure SWING BAND leading role in the great more women would be numbered local activity. Business agents away with the competition being a standard expiration dates ical parties GOOD FOOD drivers strikes of 1934 and Militant, class action on the among our readers if a short the transformation of Minand managers are appointed from tween the New York and out of tor agreements, and integrating REFRESHMENTS column were above, not elected by the workers town shops. But these steps the unemployed back into the in economie field, genuinely indewere devoted regularly neapolis into a union town.
alone will not do away with an dustry require a itant, fight pendent labor action on the to To the Women Brigade and We send our heartfelt This fact is also a contributing other dangerous form of competi ing outlook.
political field that is their problems and interests. How condolences to her boys. factor to the bitterness of the tron the competition between the But militant policy requires ONLY road for progress for Subscription: Fifty cents about it, Brigadierettes. Los Angeles Jo Keller workers toward their officialdom. employed workers and the vast an end to the Dubinsky policy of the ILGWU TRADE UNION PROBLEMS ISSUES FACING ILGWU Hold Convention Under king OUT OF TOWN Shadow of Roosevelt War Drive DEP OF ILGWU SPRING JAMBOREE on Saturday Eve. May 25th HOTEL DIPLOMAT the