CapitalismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismInvasionItalyNazismPrivate PropertySocialismSocialist PartyStrikeWorkers Party

Socialist Appeal See Your Friends for the Twice a Week Appeal See Your Friends for the Twice a Week Appeal Official Weekly Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International 167 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, MAY 25, 1940 Vol. IV, No. 21 FIVE (5) CENTS INDUSTRIAL MOBILIZATION. FOR WHAT?
GM Bolder Under War Drive Impetus ILGWU MEETING Capitalism Can Offer UNDER SHADOW Only Destruction OF WAR DRIVE Black Troops Bearing CIO Leaders. Take Pro War Stand CHI. MILKMEN ON PICKET LINE ONCE AGAIN ene point de virtual es el old and lost their skill, The young workers had no oppor CON EDISON with an amade by the militant en el be kept at work steadily because the market for POWER PLANT Brunt of First Rush of Nazi War Machine France black colonial slaves are bearing the brunt of the first battles.
Across the battlefields of Western Europe Walter Merguson, war cor Lewis Wants Share Begins Cracking Down With Direct we are once more being given ghastly proof Courier, Negro newspaper, cabled Murray Gives Jingo In Roosevelt Tone to SWOC Aid of FBI to Weaken Union Dubinsky War Stand that this capitalist system we live under is from Paris, May 13. Black soldiers from the Afcapable only of destruction, blinding, horrifyWar Drive Hand in Negotiations Threatens Fate of Convention rican colonies of France were Union Itself ing, all inclusive, total destruction.
sped by motor through northwestern Luxembourg and eastRoosevelt speeded up drive to mobilize the John Lewis answered RooseDETROIT General Motors Corporation is cracking down on ern France to meet the onCHICAGO, May 18 The convelt pro war moves last week vention of the Steel Workers or the workers in numerous plants throughout the country, continuing coming German war maindustry of this country to build war planes, The Fortieth Anniversary Conchines.
by lining up with the war from May 14 to May 17 its policy of intimidation and provocation in order to weaken the Committee which met in guns, and battleships is a drive heading us straight and vention of the International Ladmongers.
hand of the union in the current negotiations. The main body of French Scheduled to deliver an anti revealed startling devlopments The place that the Roosevelt administration is indicating for the les Garment Workers Union opens fast into the same agony now being suffered by the peoples troops were held in reserve for auto industry in its war plans next to steel, the key place ap Monday afternoon, May 27, at of Europe.
mass maneuvers against the war, anti Roosevelt speech during within the steel union. The leaderone of the early sessions of the ship indicated quite clearly that parently has given GM added boldness to slug away at the union. Madison Square Garden in New The capitalist system built a great industrial plant, nurNazis should they get by the delaying tactics of the French Steel Workers Organizing Com its purpose and aim was to show And the federal government is cooperating. vivid proof of the York.
mittee convention, meeting in the American steel capitalists Senegalese.
way in which the New Deal has Opening under the shadow of tured great scientific advances, and provided the mechanical the opening tundstampede America means of giving life and plenty to the people of the entire pushed him or take the heaviest teler raminanceduntatge peche stand which they took on such Chicago, May 14 17, he sent a that the Swoc was a respectable been transformed into the War Deal is that, where labor coninto the war, the decisions of the world.
International, representing 250, ciliators appeared a year ago, blows of the Nazi war machine latest events in Europe, Roosevelt vital issues as the war, the six.
FBI agents turn up now, openly 000 men and women workers in Unable to continue giving life and work because it has at the peak of its strength.
In February there were already Lewis was coming to heel.
had begun the women wear trades, will grown too big to continue functioning on the basis of his war drive, and hour day, and the Constitutional cooperating with the corporation.
320, 000 Senegalese troops at the Convention exposed this dangerIn Detroit Fleetwood Body, the have an important bearing on the general trend of the labor move national barriers, private property and private profit. the front, with a total of a million address to the Lewis then made a scheduled ous and suicidal trend.
management attempted this week system has been converted by the rival groups of masters to come out of a population of clothing Workers convention on tions committee, the leadership Amalgamated Through its appointed resolument.
to create chaos delivering an If the Dubinsky leadership, as German, French, British into one vast machine of detech tecu potrliona in French West May 17. That convention was a forced through patriotic war ultimatum to the union commitis anticipated, commits the union struction and Equatorial Africa. Other mil. more appropriate place for Lewis resolution which, although it gave tee that standards must be increased by 25 by the end of to the Roosevelt pro war policy, the convention likely to be conNow it is America turn to join in the welter of death the week.
African possessions, populated the Roosevelt war camp. In Chi timents of the workers, then proIn the Ternstedt plant in Det: milk drivers are out on the picket third term rally for Roosevelt, CHICAGO, May 21 Chicago verted into little more than a and destruction.
roit, the belligerent management line for the second time in a pushing aside the pressing probFor over ten years the huge and wonderful industrial the entire warfar fewer sene convention under the control of all support to American imperial In the last war, France had for cago he would have been at a ceeded to guarantee unconditionied rights for women workers, month. Engineers, oilers and fire tems of the workers, as happened machine of this country has been operating by fits and galese troopsr200. 000 speech would have been a com wrong was the slogan put forth rights which the women workers men in the milk plants are out in starts.
sympathy with the drivers, para ed Clothing Workers convention in the just concluded Amalgamatplete somersault. Speaking at the by the resolution; and in defendhave received for years.
During all these years millions of men were going around lyzing the bosses.
But that happens, it means Hillman controlled convention, in ing that slogan, Philip Murray, FBI Helps Corporation slidthe rabidly pro Roosevelt atmos Chairman, declared that Carrying through their intimi signed the new contract proposed ing down the hill, down toward not get together. The machines rusted. The workers grew mated leadership, he was able to strate its readiness to support phere cooked up by the Amalga the steel union had to demondation campaign, GM has been by the union.
In a novel and effective move which it stood at in 1982. Fortunity to acquire a trade.
make the transition more grace the government.
fingerprinting all employees in which both strengthens the fight despite all its numerical growth, fully.
In bold terms, the resolution roit Cadillac Company. In this di against the bosses and provides the International is now faced The employed also suffered. Their wages were cut; they His speech was in stark con stated that the would trast with the speeches he has support the American governvision, which manufactures air milk for the consumers, the driv.
made in recent months ment in ANY emergency. While plane motors for the GM Allisoners are to purchase mlk direct with a dangerous situation.
No Word About Roosevelt officials gave patriotic speeches have been hanging around the deliver it to regular customers. This lines, hore being systematically Under the Roosevelt regime, at certain times, the produc elementoworkers throcado, sest nint of the stand, breaking adopted by the 1937 convention, Company of Indian FBI agents de mesa romers to be like to unlocked by York workers, who asked the products they created was regluced by unemployment in favor of such a resolution, the He made not a single reference demands for supporting a popular out all union organizers.
three cents under the trust price paper the New York market is tive machine revived but only for short intervals.
for home delivery.
SEE EDITORIAL The farmers are all for this contracts. but what meaning still committed to relatively good It was under the Rooseelt regime that the plan was in solidated Edison Company at the so dramatically on January 31 at the convention was hurriedly (Page 4)
39th Street power plant, which the United Mine Workers conven pushed on to the next order of step and have forced Arthur have these contracts when se troduced on a really large scale of paying farmers for not involves several years work on a tion and repeated at intervals business.
In Flint South Fisher, a speed the Pure Milk Association, to from New York, leaving a great Lauterbach, General Manager of much of the work is disappearing producing.
up campaign has been initiated support it, despite his hostility to part of the workers in the indusThe working masses, subjected to tremendous suffering of Local 3, which has for many As the current year opens Constitutional Convention 1942 under the Hoover regime, were grateful for the slight im years had this kind of work, were the Democratic Party is in de In order to retard the growing toes every minute of the day. This represent the farmers but the York vadies garment workers provement in their lot under the Roosevelt regime. But denied the job. Instead the work fault to the American people. sentiment for a Constitutional campaign of provocation grew so dealers.
suffer not only the burden of un under Roosevelt as well as under Hoover factories reis being done by Consolidated Ed After seven years of power, it Convention, Chairman Murray (Continued on Page 8)
ison employes. Continued on Page 8)
employment which workers in mained idle.
finds itself without solution for proposed that such a convention Local works a six hour day, a the major questions of unembe called in 1942. Nevertheless, every industry are faced with, but also this additional burden Roosevelt has had almost eight years. The industrial thirty hour week, and a wage ployment, low national income, number of lodges insisted that it scale on a two dollar an hour mounting internal debt, infrom the decentralization of the machine could not be made to function efficiently.
be called by 1941.
creasing direct and consumer industry.
Finally, Murray took the floor But soon we shall see that same machine function and Nor do the workers in other The Independent Brotherhood, taxation and restricted foreign himself, made a personal issue the union that the company has markets. There still exists the of the matter, and with the aid of Roosevelt Seeks to Make Intervention Now parts of the country benefit from produce.
this decentralization. The magnet And will the masses, as a result of the increased pro formed, works under an eight same national unhappiness that the reactionary hand raisers, subit faced seven years ago.
which draws away the manufac duction have their living standards improved? By no from sevents cents to 10.
dued the opposition.
Seem More Palatable to Workers turers from New York is inferor In the Congress the unrestrainby GEORGE STERN Six Hour Day Evaded ed balting and defaming of lawages and conditions. Where the means.
Compare the difference!
For the industrial machine will be functioning produce There is the answer to the As a solution for unemployment, bor by the Democratie majority The blinding total war un in this single swoop, as Winston manufacturers move, they repeat question of discrimination!
has become a pastime, never the leadership proposed a conleashed in Western Europe has Churchill said in his radio speech, the horrors which in former years airplanes for destructive purposes, bombs, shells, battleThis is what the workers of Loto rebuke by the titular ference of business, labor, farm, not only crushed the lives of hun destroy armies of millions of men made their New York sweatshops ships, anti aircraft cannons everything for war, death, cal are fighting for: Decent or actual leaders of the party. and government leaders. No prodreds of thousands of men and equipped with weapons almost as so infamous.
Needs Fundamental Solution working hours, a decent living That what Lewis had said on hour day was even mentioned.
whole countries. has also modern although not quite as nuwage.
Did Roosevelt, ever since he has been elected, set the brought crumbling down a good merous as Germany Neither All makeshifts previously atJanuary 31. Last week he had within the Policy Committee, the In commenting on the strike, rubbed that out.
many notions about the war in can it destroy the British fleet. tempted by the International wheels into to prod more food, mo clothing, Van Arsdale, business agent of On Feb. the United Mine impractical at the present time.
six hour day was declared to be general and the perspectives it to strike at the rest of the Ang: have failed to solve this problem.
more housing? He made gestures and the results were woe Local 3, said: We are hopeful Workers convention had adopted offers for the near future. One 10 French empires he will have to It has become clear that the For However, a rank and file delethat this strike will awaken the a resolution sharply warning the gate raised the issue from the fully inadequate.
thing is certain: to the rulers of have the help of Italy and Japan tieth Anniversary Convention can If the industrial machine were geared for the production to the realization that they are labor wants no war. and win lowed. Delegate after delegate 30, 000 employees of the company Roosevelt administration that floor, and a hearty response folthis country the rumble of Hit and will have to fight American solve this problem only by a funler motorized divisions across imperialism damental and drastic decision.
of goods for the people to eat more and better food, to paid far below the wage level hold to strict accountability any rose to support the six hour day the Netherlands, Belgium, and These things all still add up One solution being considwhich the company can well af statesman who departs from this demand. Once more, Murray himNorthern France have for the to a long, long conflict, a con ered by some people is certainly clothe and house themselves decently, there would not be a ford.
policy. The resolution went on self took the floor, side tracked first time actually opened up the dict on a vast world scale even drastic enough It would eventu single person who would lack anything.
Here is some information that to demand that the government the issue, and attempted to damppossibility of an Allied defeat. larger than the present initial ally destroy the union. This is to But this is certain: our industrial machine under the might be of interest to the Inde withhold the lending of any en the spirit of the rank and ile The New York Herald Tribune great battles. Blitzkrieg or no lower the wages and working last week declared bluntly that blitzkrieg, the perspectives of conditions of the New York work capitalist system cannot be made to function to improve pendent Brotherhood members only or indirectly in the wars the matter was finally left up to or the participation either delegates. As is the usual case, American war plans must be this war must still be counted ers down to the conditions in the the standard of living it can be made to function only to now working on the low wage scale: The assets of the Consoli now going on in Europe and the staff for final action.
made with that contingency prl in years, not in months or out of town shops. That would produce instruments of death.
dated Edison Co. in property and Asia.
marily in mind.
For there is no profit in producing for the use of the (Continued on Page 8)
That is why the sudden pan York but it would also put an (Continued on Page 3)
Thus, instead of envisaging union.
Opposition Growing people. There is no necessity to produce for the use of the American intervention at the icky propaganda over here end to must be regarded primarily as The solution lies the other way people. Capitalism unable to produce for the purposes of growing opposition to the side of the Allies in Europe, the an to make American around to bring the out of town tas attempo in the war in Eur Shops up to the rates and standpress and politicians are beginpeace.
New York Taxi Strikers Take quite discernible, especially ning to rearrange their war proope seem like lesser and ne ards of the New York shops. What a united effort, what tremendous energy the ownpaganda to fit the more terrifycessary evil to the American That, however, requires first of ing prospect of a Nazi conquest ers and managers of industry are capable of exerting when Poll as Strike Enters 5th Week plants. Throughout the duration masses.
all, the organizing of the out ofof Europe followed eventually they are called upon to do so to produce armaments, we were nervous, jittery, and irriby an invasion of the Western worried whether they can carry dangerously large part of the in shall soon see. They who were ready to tear Roosevelt limb Roosevelt Co. may really be town shops. The fact is that a hemisphere, probably via South out this intervention speedily and dustry nationally still remains from limb are ready to support him wholeheartedly and table. At the very opening of the Six thousand New York taxi America, with Japan cooper effectively enough to save the unorganized. This demands that atively attacking in the Paci. situation once more for the Althe International launch a millanswer his clarion call for 50, 000 planes, for more battle drivers now on strike against the eting at central points, the union first session, Murray warned fie. This was the main burden tant organization campaign to or ships, for more cannon.
Parmelee and Terminal taxi com has carried on mass picketing gainst caucuses, but the militants panies, the two major fleets in Its greatest demonstration was paid no heed. Stern measures of the case as it was presented But such intervention is the ganize all competitive out ofThe destitution of millions for over ten years do not act the city, in a fight for the closed held before the World Fair, were taken against the militants, by President Roosevelt in his town shops and sign agreements first open war speech to the real purpose of the defense aimed at bringing the wages and as an incentive to set the wheels of industry into motion. In the hope and contre sed. com where 1, 500 striking hackies car but they showed no signs of being Congress last Thursday. the new preparedness drive, working conditions of those work Only the fear of a strong capitalist rival and preparation May 21 and 22 in a state Labor minal and Parmelee are on strike the least bit shaken. As events Can Hitler actually inflict a and the beginning of the camers up to the rates of the New for war furnished the incentive.
Relations Board election to de paraded up and down the bridge continue to haunt the leaders, York shops.
military defeat upon the Allies paign to ram industrial mobilNeed Standard Agreements Is any further proof necessary that capitalism has aicenetheir collective bargaining in front of the main entrance this opposition will continue to despite their superior economicization down the throats of the while five hundred other pickets grow in influence and effectiveresources? The answer is prob American workers. First move One major obstacle in organ reached the ultimate in decay, that it must be destroyed root The strike, which started April demonstrated before other en ness.
ably in the affirmative. It is quite is the talk of suspending opera izing those now unorganized is and branch? It is a system which, in the words of Winston 24th now going into its possible to envisage a German tion of the Welsh Healey Act that if a strike were called today Churchill, leader of British imperialism, offers to the massfifth week is 90 effective. It trances.
victory in this phase of the war. and removing existing meager was called by the Taxi Branches The men are bitter against the detailed story and an But it remains only the opening safeguards from wages and of the strike can be nullified bees nothing but toil, sweat, tears and blood.
phase of the war. Hitler may win hours of workers in the princicause buyers can purchase their It cannot produce for life but only for death. The work CIO, and has behind it the force boss press which is carrying on analysis of the Swoc conven garments or have them manufaction will appear in next week his way to the channel and even pal industrial lines needed to tured in another locality, a situers of the world must destroy this system which is capable masters, conductors, and shop taxi drivers and completely ig issue. Don miss it!
occupy Paris but it is doubtful transform the country into an whether his knockout blow can armed camp. Continued on Page 2) of bringing them only death.
Inoring their activities.
Behind the Lines subject It lies, men