Bolshevik PartyBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCommunismDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGPUGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarItalyLeninLeninismMarxismMussoliniNazismSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietSpanish Civil WarStalinStalinismSyndicalismTrotskyURSSVoroshílovWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL MAY 18, 1940 In the World of Labor Stalin Finally Has His Innings With Voroshilov FELIX MORROW GEORGE CLARKE ments.
Roosevelt Is Trying To Drag Us Into War Hitler and Mussolini to disappear but it would SOCIALIST APPE AL only be the individuals. What they representthe starkly reactionary regimes of desperate capVol. IV, No. 20 Saturday, May 18, 1940 italist states when they can longer afford the Published Weekly by the overhead costs of democracy would be spawned By Paul Stevens SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASS throughout the war exhausted world in the wake at 116 University Place, New York, NY Foreign Legion are the only alternatives for the Telephone: Algonquin 8547 of a democratic victory.
heroic fighters against Franco. They must not be Hitler has no better weapon in his arsenal Belgian Section for left at the mercy of French imperialism. The Editorial Board: today than the spectacle of the trade union offi Unconditional Defense of USSR Mexican government must be urged to give every ALBERT GOLDMAN consideration to them and to distinguish between cialdom, the French Socialist and the British In a previous column we quoted at length genuine anti fascist militants and GPU agents in Almost simultaneously with the unleashing of the from a resolution adopted by the RevolutionGeneral Manager: Labor parties, and the German Social Democrats considering visas.
Nazi offensive against Low Countries, Stalin ary Socialist Party (P. Belgian section of in emigration, supporting the war against Ger the Fourth International, on the question of struck his long postponed and long contemplated blow many. The Nazi propagandists are thereby enat Voroshilov. Moscow was stunned by the removal of the Soviet Union and the war. Herewith we Labor Ranks in Motion as the latter from the important post he held since 1925, Subscriptions: 00 per year: 00 for six months. abled to constantly din into the ears of the Ger wish to supplement this information with ex War Enters New Phase and his replacement by an obscure underling, TimoForeign: 00 per year. 50 for six months. Bundle cerpts from an official letter dated April 2nd, orders: cents per copy in the single coples: cents.
man workers: Don you see that the internashenko.
e United States: cents which has been received here.
Confirming the report given in these columns Voroshilov fate was sealed some time ago. Leon per copy in all foreign countries tional solidarity of the working class is a sham. Needless to tell you, we are disturbed by Times of May carries a cable from London forecasted the removal, in February 1938 in an article, recently by our British comrade, the New York Sedov, shortly before he was murdered by the GPU, Your leaders deserted you and have become the split which has occurred among you. Nevwhich gives the following precise information: ertheless, if the differences are so deep as to agents in the pay of Britain. The British and Reentered as second class matter December Voroshilov Is Next, written for the Bulletin of the The city council of Cardiff in Wales took the 1939, at the post office at New York, NY. under the French workers organizations are backing the paralyze your action, this split will no doubt Act of March 3, 1879.
Russian Opposition. After a penetrating analysis of reinforce your party as a whole. We have lead in denying the use of parks and other open the Red Army purge, Sedov summed up his concluwar to dismember Germany. Remember what known similar situations in Belgium in our spaces to Communists. Laborite members voted sions as follows: they did to us at Versailles. Internationalism is a dealings with Vereeken and Co.
against this ban as a denial of the right of free speech Voroshilov liquidation is being carefully and Fight with the Socialist Workers lie. That is a powerful argument, which cannot We have received the Lebrun bulletin on methodically prepared by Stalin. It is naturally imthe defense of the USSR. believe that At the annual congress of the National Un possible to fix the date definitively. Stalin doesn himParty for: but have its effect even on the thirteen million Lebrun is departing from Marxism because he ion of Distributive and Allied Workers at Black sell know the date just now. Unforeseen circumGerman workers who voted socialist and com tends to base our policies on military conpool, that union while officially expressing con stances may hasten or postpone the liquidation. But, JOB AND DECENT LIVING FOR EVERY munist in the last election in 1932.
junctures and subjective elements. The cern against Stalinist propaganda voted by a added Sedov, for Voroshilov there is no escape. Events WORKER party as a whole will be against his views.
majority of 4, 000 votes, to declare the present have borne out this prediction. OPEN THE IDLE FACTORIES OPERATE There are few more disgusting spectacles in At the beginning of the Finnish war deviwar an imperialist war, waged in the interest of Just what is the significance of Stalins latest purge THEM UNDER WORKERS CONTROL.
the world than those groups of former trade un ated in the same sense, but we have rapidly the capitalist class, and called on the whole trade of the Red Army? For it is precisely that a purge.
corrected ourselves and finally adopted your union and labor movements to cease helping the ion bureaucrats and stipendiaries of the German TWENTY. BILLION DOLLAR FEDERAL Overshadowing the liquidation of Voroshilov is the government and use all their energy to end the liquidation of thousands upon thousands of political PUBLIC WORKS AND HOUSING PROGRAM Social Democracy who, until Hitler came, were position, as you have seen from the resolution hostilities.
recently sent you. We remain partisans of un4. THIRTY THIRTY 30. WEEKLY MINIMUM commissars and their underlings who functioned in lackeys of German imperialism and who now conditional defense. The same union, according to the Times disWAGE 30 HOUR WEEKLY MAXIMUM FOR the military soviets in recent years and throughout propose to return to their sinecures behind dempatch, mustered its fullest strength on a resoluALL WORKERS ON ALL JOBS.
the Polish and Finnish invasions. All of them have tion ending the electoral truce with the Chamberocratic bayonets. They have become paid hire 30 WEEKLY OLD. AGE AND DISABILITY been swept out at a single stroke. few have been lain government, which was carried against the promoted like Voroshilov, that is kicked upstairs PENSION lings of Anglo French imperialism. Among them, Will Stalinist Intrigues Lead will of the union leadership.
temporarily, while the overwhelming majority have EXPROPRIATE THE SIXTY FAMILIES incidentally, are not a few ex Stalinists, such as Mexico to Bar Spanish Refugees. It looks as if the British working class has alunquestionably been demoted, arrested, exiled or shot.
ALL WAR FUNDS TO THE UNEMPLOYED Willi Muenzenberg, who makes no bones about New York Times dispatch from Mexico City, ready surpassed the first stage that of mere Stalin originally introduced the military soviets PEOPLE REFERENDUM ON ANY AND apathy and entered on its second lap of anti war solely for political considerations. As Sedov pointed where he gets the money to run his German dated May 6, carries the following news: ALL WARS.
struggle, that of militant protest. From publica out, through these soviets Stalin strengthened his Freedom radio station in Paris. They are worth further contingents of Spanish refugees has Political agitation against the admission of tions of the Fourth International in England control over the army tops and to a certain extent de9. NO SECRET DIPLOMACY.
the money that Paris and London spend on them caused the Ministry of Government, in view of the which have recently arrived here it appears that centralized the powerful military apparatus, thus 10. AN INDEPENDENT LABOR PARTY.
approaching Presidential election, to issue an orthe third stage that of organized action against weakening the position of Voroshilov as the head of insofar as they manage to convince sections of 11. WORKERS DEFENSE GUARDS AGAINST der that no more shall be admitted for the the treacherous social patriotic labor leadership this apparatus. These military soviets were indispenVIGILANTE AND FASCIST ATTACKS the French and British workers that they are present.
is not too far off. Next week we intend to go into sable for the original Red Army purge. The fact that 12. FULL SOCIAL, POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC authentic representatives of the German work It is understood that 2, 000 Spaniards, ready to greater length in dealing with British develop by the introduction of the military soviets and the EQUALITY FOR THE NEGRO PEOPLE.
ers and thus justify the war against Germany. sail from France for Mexico, have been obliged to purge he was decapitating the army, and undermining its power as the military arm of the workers But they are not worth a penny of their hire, return to concentration camps.
far as concerns their effectiveness in causing their shady maneuvers in Mexican national pollIt has been recognized for some time that in state, did not even enter into Stalin calculations Cuban Section Declares Against The maintenance of his regime comes ahead of all German workers to revolt against Hitler. The tics, the stalinists are planning to concentrate other considerations.
Petty Bourgeois Opposition Alarmed as Stalin is at the increasing war threat very idea is laughable, that these venal hirelings Spanish Civil War veterans under their influence, current We have received the following brief resoluto the USSR, it can be stated with certainty that can foment revolution in Germany. Consider: the cor possible action in connection with election campaign. Apparently the above dispatch tions from the Bolshevik Leninist Party (Cublatest move does not at all flow from a desire to Russian workers were strongly opposed to con recounts the reaction in Mexico to such a move. an Section of the Fourth International. dated restore the striking power of the Soviet military (Continued from Page 1)
tinuation of the war in July, 1917, and were By their pernicious and underhanded interven May 1, 1940.
forces. The official explanations which try to represent Resolved: that we maintain the programthe latest purge in precisely this light serve only as tish never overcame. Today again Uncle Sam is giving ear to the Bolsheviks who were calling tion in Mexican politics, the Stalinists are thus of thousands of dis matie slogan of unconditional defense of convenient cover. Today, as in the past, Stalin is giving Britannia a bear hug and picking her them to revolt against the war. Yet the Bol traught working class militants who had at last the Soviet Union, considering that the demotivated solely by the maintenance of his rule.
pockets. Precisely this fact, that capitalism sheviks were nearly destroyed by the slander, hoped to find refuge. Every friend of these mili velopment of events does not require any His apparatus of repression, of which the army is finds it so easy to gain ground on the British, made out of whole cloth, that they were hirelings tants must be aroused to expose and combat this re evaluation of that slogan.
one of the vital cogs, has been undergoing a process of In the opinion of the Cuban section, the disintegration. This was revealed, incidentally, by the of Germany, preaching against the war as an aid dastardly Kremlin clique.
that American displacement of Britain as the conduct of the opposition in appropriating Finnish experience. Stalin is trying to bolster it up by chief world power can take place within the form to Germauy. Before the Bolsheviks could win a Nevertheless, working class organizations and press organs of the SWP is to be con preventive measures. Now his blows are directed against the members of his innermost circle. Is Moloof an alliance, determines Roosevelt policy to hearing again among the workers, they had to friends of the Spanish class war veterans cannot demned as disloyal. But we leave for proconfine themselves merely to a condemnation of tov next? The actual order of elimination does not day as it did Wilson in 1917.
painstakingly prove their absolute innocence of per time, in the course of the next discusStalinism in this affair. Letters, telegrams, resoreally matter. Not a single one of Stalin henchmen sion, other points relating to the opposition victorious Germany, on the other hand, any connections with Germany. Apply this ex lutions, must be sent at once to the Mexican gov in the swP upon which the section will can escape Voroshilov fate, as the convulsions of the would be a very dangerous rival to the United ample to the pro Ally German socialists. What ernment urging that while the need for protec likewise express its opinion.
doomed regime become more and more violent.
tion against shady Kremlin intrigues is underTo tighten his weakening grip on the beheaded States. Just because it had no empire from which was a flimsy slander in the case of Lenin and standable the crimes of Stalinism must not be Havana, Cuba army, Stalin has been forced to do something he did to draw riches, German capitalism has been Trotsky is an obvious and demonstrable truth visited upon the heads of the worthy Spanish (signed) Provisional Executive Committee not dare before. Among other things, he restored the driven since 1870 to develop a technological in the case of these gentlemen. No decent Ger refugees, innocent of any connection with this General Secretary rank of general. It may appear to be a slight thing gang. In France, forced labor or enrollment in the that this rank of general the most hated title plant far superior to that of England and France.
man worker will listen to them.
among the masses, a term most closely connected Europe reorganized under German hegemony We are not isolationists. We have nothing but with the memory of the Czars regime has finally would confront American finance capital in the contempt for that poorest of ideologies which Herewith is an interesting excerpt from a letter which we have received from a member been revived. But it is in reality a very significant world markets as Britain never was able to declares that what is going on in Europe is of the German Section of the Fourth International: symptom. Stalin is staking everything on the new above all in South America. Hence Roosevelt officer caste which now acquires an enormous specific none of our business. What is happening in Recently received a rather lengthy report from my home in the Rhineland. According to this report feeling in all layers of the population is extremely depressing. The war weight, and a degree of power and independence drive for the defeat of Germany.
Europe is very much our business.
of nerves seems to get on the nerves of the Germans themselves more and more. Here an never before attained by the Soviet officer corps, and Moreover Japan, America most serious rival It is from this point of view that we say: if this under war time conditions. But Stalin newlyextraordinarily interesting symptom: the churches, Protestant as well as Catholic, have such in the Far East, desires a German victory in created marshalls and generals will not save him.
you want to help the German workers overthrow overflow crowds every Sunday that many are turned away, whereas the official Nazi meetings preference to that of the Anglo French Ameri Hitler, then show them that the workers in the and affairs are attended rather sparsely. Through a woman comrade in who has just got through serving three years impriscan bloc, for expansion in the Far East would democracies are not ganging up with the bossAttorney General Robert Jackson declares that es to dismember Germany. The German working onment, we have once again established connections with a number of our comrades in the be, in the first stage after victory, a secondary Department of Justice officers must be the first to prisons, above all in and Our friends remain as before firmly with us and have even obey the law. Which would sure cut down their terconsideration for Germany. Whereas a German class has a long and heroic tradition of struggle won new friends in the prisons.
ritory considerably.
defeat would leave Britain and America free to against German capitalism. Its trade unions, put an end to Japan new order in Asia. workers schools and proletarian parties were a An INS dispatch from Cali, Columbia, states that Democracy and fascism have no more to do model for the workers of other countries. In ployment. And they want some two unidentified Americans were killed when a party security. That is why they are with these calculations of Roosevelt government of geologists were attacked by natives. The geologists raising their voices, calling upon were travelling through the Barco region searching than they had to do with the calculations of false leaders derailed. It was not their fault that the negotiators to fight for the for likely oil land. Maybe the natives had heard what Queen Wilhelmina or King Albert. In the last 30 hour week at 40 hours pay happens when oil is found on their land.
as an immediate demand for in war for democracy the Allies included the most working class stood ready to die in the struggle clusion in the next agreement reactionary regime in the world, Russian Czar against fascism.
with General Motors. In the interest of dignity, Walter Alessandroni, ism. The European hegemony of French demo Hitler triumphed only thanks to the corrupt Militant clothing workers (Continued from Page 1) Result of Hillman Poliey secretary of the citizens committee on arrangements cracy from 1918 to 1933 was based on the mili bureaucracy of the Stalinists and the Socialshould watch how the auto at the coming Republican national convention, an that in those days the Amal The result? Last fall after the workers handle Hillman. These nounces that the sale of hot dogs will barred in the tary bourgeois dictatorships of Poland, Jugo Democracy. Under Stalin orders the Stalinist gamated supported the militant war broke out, and prices rose, Flint and Detroit workers, even convenion hall. They will abide no rival to their own slavia and Rumania. The democracies would leaders fled Germany without striking a blow. Socialist Party of those days the Amalgamated served notice though new to unionism, are brand of baloney.
welcome Mussolini with open arms if he would The corrupt Social Democratic leaders tried to and condemned as company on the industry that it was neces showing Hillman a thing or unionism in polities the support sary to adjust wages. But no two.
only join them. Look at the bloody dictators of make their peace with Hitler; they voted en of the Democratie party!
Otis Hulet, founder and president of the Burthing happened. Amid his empty the South American republics with whom dorsement of Hitler foreign policy! Then he The real tradition of the Amal boasting Human made a hurlington, Wisconsin, Liars Club, Inc. reporting on this Roosevelt jointly signs a protest against Geryear crop of whoppers, stated that we had to make contemptuously dispersed them.
gamated is a tradition of class ied remark in his opening speech, Russian Bulletin Out sure that no dilomat speeches had been substituted many!
The leaders who so betrayed them will never struggle both in the industry and that conditions did not make it for a contestant lle.
Nevertheless, it is a fact that the opposition to again get hold of the leadership of the reviving program built the union, when the upon employers in the indu letin of the Russian Opposition March April issue of the Bulthe war of a considerable section of the American German working class. The German workers will New York clothing workers, so stryWhat conditions? Why just off the press! After the Fin Says Higdon in the Christian Century: Three working class is sapped by the hope that, as a trust only themselves, only their own class cialist in their outlook, split from not? Hillman did not say and nish Experience Leon Trotsky hundred and twenty five million illiterates in India not the failure by product of the victory of the Allies, the adstrength and the revolutionary leadership which Garment Workers in 1914. In the of the Amalgamated leadership reviews the Soviet Finnish Way constitute one of the most difficult problems in social reconsruction known to the present day. Indebtedness, vance of fascism will be stopped and it will dis will express that class strength. And then they eneuing seven years they built to fight for better conditions for concluded by Stalin. The Worla poverty, ill health, low physical vitality, superstition appear in Germany and Italy. This hope is sedu will write such a chapter in working class history powerful union on the picket Situation answers to questions Before the British came to India, bringing civilizalously cultivated by the democratic war mon as will wipe out every item of their degradation line.
Auto Workers Example submitted to Trotsky by an tion, India had as high a literacy rate as Britain.
gers and their lackeys in the labor movement. under Hitler!
But then, in 1921, the bureau Among Hillman functions American newspaper man. Also To hope that an Allied victory will stop fas That is the future of the German working cratization of the union began. these days is negotiating with discussion articles on the Rusclass! We can speed its coming by extending our Hillman pushed the picket line General Motors, he and Vice Pres sian question.
cism is to forget all the lessons of the first World into the background and brought ident Murray of the CIO having Shotwell, Omaha attorney, keynoted the SarGet your copy now. Subscribe!
py county, Nebraska, Republican convention on the War. That war for democracy was won, was hand to them in class solidarity against Hitler forward the round table confer taken over the job of settling for Subscription price 50 for ten theme: the real issue in this campaign is Americanit not? But its results were Mussolini and Hitler and against Roosevelt! Workers of all lands, ence with the bosses. Built in a the Auto Workers Union. But the issues. Send your order to ism. Democrat heard him and invited Shotwell to and all the other reactionary regimes of Europe. unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains!
split againt the business union auto workers aren taking any Weber, 116 University Place, New ism of the United, the Amalgam old settlement. Like the clothing York, address the Democratic convention. Shotwell obliged. democratic victory would probably cause The difference between the two old parties could be You have a world to gain!
ated too became a business union workers, they suffer from unemput in the eye of a needle and it would rattle.
1918 it made a great socialist revolution that Clothing Workers Open Hitler triumphed. On the contrary, the German 13th Biennial Convention.
The War and the American Workers Why Roosevelt War Machine Is Dragging Us Into the War Speakers: JAMES CANNON FRI. MAY 17, P.
IRVING PLAZA Irving Place 15th St.
New York City Admission: 25 The Mass Slaughter in Holland and Belgium. New Stage in the War. What will be the Role of Stalin and the Soviet Union.