DemocracyIV InternationalInvasionSocialismSocialist PartyStalinismStrikeWorkers PartyWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL MAY 18, 1940 TWORKERS 14 JAILED IN Sailors Victory Exposes FOLLOWING Phoney Bridges Peace Plan FORUM RELIEF DEMAND Radio Workers Local Joins CIO In Body IBEW FIGHTING ANTI TRUST PERSECUTION on streets.
out He Continues Seeking Local 1010, International Jim Crow Issue in Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, gave a final and unequivocal Boss Collaboration answer to the traitorous conduct Demonstrate Before Breitman is Write to us tell us what going on in your part of the Marine Cooks is of their International Representlabor movement what are the workers thinking about lell in Maritime Unions Standard Bearer in ative, William Beedie, by joining Evaded LaGuardia Relief the CIO in a body on May Supus what the bosses are up to and the men and the local copsand the Stalinists send us that story the capitalist press didn port of Beedle by the IBEW Inprint and that story they buried or distorted our pages are open Bureau SAN FRANCISCO, May 11New Jersey Elections ternational office left the local no to you. Letters must carry name and address, but indicate if you Victory of the Sailors Union of SAN FRANCISCO, May 11 alternative.
do not want gour name printed.
the Pacific in winning from the Faced with a major Jim Crow Beedie recent conduct in susSixteen locals of the Unemploy shipowners a flat 10 wage inNEWARK, The Dis issue in the Marine Cooks and pending the local leadership in trict Committee of the Socialed and Project Unions carried on crease to all ratings and a 10 Stewards Association of the Paci order to make a deal with the ist Workers Party of New fic, the union Stalinist leader bosses was the last straw. Union Conducts Broad The union is demanding 45 an all day city wide picket line cents an hour increase on overDairy, Auto Strikes Jersey announced this week ship at a meeting here Thursday The dispute between Beedle and of the intake. Our men were get at New York City Relief Bu time pay thoroughly exposed the Educational Drive the selection of George Breit backed away from the problem, the membership of the local startSucceed in St. Louis ting 424. At the present time, reaus on May Police countered Stalinists phony peace plan put the union is giving each picket by arresting 14 of the demon forward in waterfront unions here Senator in the November 5th Introduced by Negro members of defeated for the post of Business Against Arnold per day strators.
by the Bridges machine.
Editor: elections, and the collection ov the union.
Nevertheless, Bridges is continAgent by Emil Katz, and Frank The companies are spending This demonstration was called Eighty drivers, and thirty iner an 11 day period almost The colored worker resolution Sullivan was elected President. In the forefront of the unions side workers pulled a very neat more than 10, 000 a day each to protest the introduction of the uing to push the campaign for his 1200 signatures to petitions to demanded that the negotiating He retained his appointed post of which do not intend to take lying strike on the Quality Dairy Co. more than the usual cost of oper Stamp Plan; the new procedure program of collaboration with the place Breitman on the ballot committee force the Matson Nav International Representative how down Thurman Arnold antiThey loaded the trucks and wag. ting paid 429 of the intake, no which is a greater intensification of the Federation reported that (800 signatures are required. igation Co. to recognize the right ever, and has since used it in ev trust prosecutions is powerful, Breitman will run for office ons but instead of going out on more than we were getting be of red tape in the Bureaus; and to at a mass meeting held at the of the union to ship any qualified ery way to discredit and harrass militant Local 3, of the Internatheir routes, they parked their fore the strike. This makes it protest the vicious attacks of the Civic Auditorium here May 3, on a fighting anti war pro member to jobs in any of the the progressive leadership of tional Brotherhood of Electrical vehicles the Workers, AFL, New York.
gram surrounding not so tough to discourage them. Roosevelt and LaGuardia Admini 000 members of Bridges long which will contrast firm four big luxury liners, the Katz and Sullivan.
strangely with the program of Monterey, Mariposa, Lurline and in the Transformer Corporation Conducting at present a wideWe are getting much assist stration against the already low shoremen union roared apThe strike began at 5:30 today the war mongering millionaire Matsonia.
of America strike last fall the spread educational campaign to and the workers were all back ance from the unionized cab driv living standards of the Unem proval of the program.
Minister to Canada, James They found themselves without strike issue was a 10c per hour acquaint the labor public with at work by 12:30 when a have their way of fixing scabs.
ers who are not on strike. They ployed.
All the locals had worked dili Few Longshoremen Present Cromwell, the candidate of a chance to speak on the motion. Increase and the membership re the facts about the government temporary settlement was affect. Wherever there is a cab parking gently for weeks in preparation of the 8000 members reported Boss Hague and Roosevelt, and The union Stalinist leaders in sponded 100 Beedie sent the anti lábor drive, this local union ed, pending further negotiations Space, you will always see a Par for this city wide demonstration present at the mass meeting, the isolationist, relief cutting, any such situation are tied hand employers a copy of the reaction of more than 6, 000 men plana navy building program of the and foot by their weak kneed polary constitution of the IBEW ceaseless struggle against govG. incumbent, Warren icy toward the shipowners. And which showed them the way to ernment persecution.
merhe strike nad haltera deliveries squeezed in between two union neighborhood, local demonstra men, scalers, bargemen and other Barbour the Negro workers are faced with fight the strike. The constitution Eleven of its officers have been to 30, 000 customers served by the cabs. They get very little business tions in and outside the Reliet allied crafts. Such a mass meetBureaus, leaflet distributions pub ing was called by the Stalinists Plans laid for the campaign a Jim Crow battle in which, out provided that all strikes must indicted, as has the union itself.
workers in St. Louis and St. Louis that way, we are sure.
this year indicate that for the numbered, they cannot win with have the approval of the Interna Vast fines have been imposed, We women can play a very im licizing the action, also house to to avoid carrying the issues diCounty. The vehicles had been first time the Party is in a po out assistance.
tional office. This he conveniently long prison terms dealt out for packed with ice but the ice began portant part in fighting the scabs. house and trade union contacting, rectly to the longshore locals, sition to strike out into the refused to give to the member alleged criminal activity. alto melt and ran down the gutters Some women have a wonderful and 15 20, 000 leaflets, prepared where the gains made by other maritime workers carry real fertile central and south JerMilitant Program Needed ship and he labeled it an outlaw though no traces of corruption in rivulets. The union allowed de system worked out. Mrs. hails for the May 9th action.
sey working class cities to preSuch a policy the union can strike.
This demonstration marks a weight.
exist, and no such charge was evliveries to hospitals, schools and a Parmelee cab and asks the resolution was introduced sent our program, instead of be overcome by the Negro mem This scab trick forced the en levelled!
driver to take her to such and new stage in the building of a orphanages.
Pamphlet Now Available The strike was called to stop cuch a block. He drives her a militant unemployed union in from Local 6 Warehousemen being alirated to just the northernes strong phong the wins the name ver workers tha kretchwork, but in the Voice reported.
An excellent pamphlet, by the Company violations of the round very carefully. When they New York.
The demonstration slogans the necessity or in our statement of the District the unionists. By working con the local leadership of Katz and Broach, union educational dicontract, which it had been in arrive at the planned destination, Committee pointed out that sistently for a progressive pro Sullivan were able to gain a rector, has been issued in a first dulging in for years. They did Mrs. gets out, and in come two and leaflets exposed the Roosevelt organizational efforts to include press run of 10, 000 copies, pregram in the union which would cent an hour increase.
the speedy, last minute re.
not employ enough inside work or three strikers, and we ll leave regime for its slashing of relief those workers in the rural areas sponse to the call of the Party include equal rights for all memsenting labor case against these ents to handle the checking in of the rest to your imagination. Mrs. while appropriating billions for where as yet organization has not for signatures to the petitions bers, they can rally support of the Beedle Helped Bosses vicious prosecutions, the drivers after they had com had a nice ride for nothing the war machine. Some of the been effected in order to strengthanti war slogans at the demon en and maintain the conditions indicated on the one hand the most advanced and militant The most recent trouble has Throughout the city the union pleted their routes. The drivers anyhow.
which we have been able to estab growing interest of the workstration were: workers.
been over the signing of new con is holding meetings, and sending The situation at the present would have to wait in line for All War Funds to the Unem lish here and in the metropolitan ers in the Party programa efand Such a program in the Marine tracts between the union and the speakers to meetings, to educate hours before they could check in time seems to be very hopeful. ployed!
areas. This is just a dodge to on the other, the Cooks and Stewards would in radio set manufacturers of New workers on the facts of the strugThe company had consistently re The morale of the strikers is very We Demand Jobs Not Battle avoid the real fight on the waterficiency of Party activity.
clude these main points: York City. On March the local gle.
fused to pay overtime for this. high. The government is losing front. Aggressive policy against the asked Beedle to submit any of At a recent union meeting of Also, today, a stoppage was too much money for its satisfac ships!
Relier Starts at Home Not Calling for approval of a 15shipowners for a hour day in his proposals to the union before Local at Manhattan Center, the staged at the St. Louis Spring tion, the company is losing plenAbroad!
cent increase in per capita tax, fall required them to give a 60a spread of 12 hours, and a he took them to the bosses, but 6, 000 members present voted to Co. For months the bosses were ty, the union is gaining support We cannot wear battleships and this resolution evidently was one day notice before the question of flat increase in wages for all he refused and worked hand in take upon themselves a tax of 10 giving the negotiations committee all around, and the abs are ratings commensurate with in glove with the bosses.
cents for every hour worked, to the go around. Today the boys in getting hungry on their low our children cannot eat guns! of the main reasons for the meet a wage increase could even be Democracy begins in the Relief ing.
discussed with shipowners.
creases won by the Sailors and The March conference show raise a fund large enough to carthe plant got Spring fever and wages, besides, they don like Harry Bridges, reported at Failing to win endorsement of Firemen. This precludes anyed the bosses in mood to smash ry the fight forward on every went out into the yard to play this idea of the union men picket Bureaus. Down with Red Tape!
length on the problems confronted such key unions in the Maritime talk about year peace the union. In an already bad con possible front. The members evball. The boss called the union of. ing their homes, and they don Frankie Duty Speaks plans.
tract they proposed to put a new en volunteered to pay more it by the Maritime workers and the industry as firemen and sailors, fice. So the union negotiations know what to do about it.
The Harlem demonstration was possibilities of encountering dim as well as important sections of Uniform expiration dates for clause allowing a 60 day appren necessary.
Mrs. led jointly by John Brien, or culties with the shipowners for a the longshoremen, the Stalinists committee went in again, and this New York City national conference in time the boss was all business. May 18 ganizer of the Harlem Unemploy long term agreement. the Veloe have been forced to use the names crafts, especially the seagoing under the union scale. Since there New York, the latter part of He granted more pay, and a ed League, and the Afro Amer said.
of less strategic organizations to crafts.
are plenty of experienced work May, was decided upon to draw week vacation with pay. The ican League, an independent mili The Voice failed to go Bridges an program has the support of Marlboys are going back to work Where was War Mon tant Negro Unemployed Union tails of the difficulties So Into de give the impression that their Joint negotiating committee ers in the union and the work IBEW local unions throughout unlicensed season only lasts two to three the country into the fight tomorrow. These workers are in led by the well known Negro ticipates in getting the shipown time unions.
represenpel. This ing committee months in small shops, this pro against Thurman Arnold unthe Auto Workers Local 282 CIO.
leader, Frankie Duty.
ers to sign up on terms which Among these latter have been would handle negotiations for posal amounted to a 25 pay lon busting crusade.
The organizing committee of ger while Workers The highlight of the day came Frank Foisie, president of the such outfits as the Northwest Cooks, Sailors and fremen. cut for most of the membership the Auto Workers, has been at Starved. March on Washington when Frankie Duty spoke. During Waterfront Employers Associa Alaska Cannery Workers, Ply What is the right of one mem Beedie favored this clause and fighting resolution was passtempting to organize Lincoln Enher speech she exposed the miser tion, recently declared the em wood and Veneer workers Union ber is the right of all members was willing to sign a contract on ed unanimously, and with rising gineering Co. for six months, calable conditions existing in Har ployers themselves have been ad 102, and even the Ladies Auxillalike. This is a vital issue in this basis to run for a period of acclamation by the 6, 000 men, to ling on the workers at their Editor: lem and stressed the need for a vocating for the past nine months! ary of Textile Workers, 128.
the internal conduct of any un three years. The contract called march upon Washington in a mohomes, etc. Many obstructive The new play in New York city militant unemployed organization The main argument put for ion. Such pressure from em for a shop chairman and stricttorized Protest Army, the mothings were in their way. They about the invasion of the so called to fight for the needy of Harlem. Suspicion Grows ward on the waterfront for the ployers as has been applied in seniority but another clause said ment their officers give the word.
were able to get a small group democracies is written by Robert on the lower East Side there Maritime workers are becoming peace plan, that the organiza the past few years by the Mat that if this interfered with pro The entire union is geared for into the union. Last night the Sherwood, and has the name of was a joint picket line of Local 22 increasingly suspicious of Bridges tional struggle must be carried son Line cannot be tolerated duction then the boss need pay action, setting an example which by any union worthy of the no attention to it.
all unions whether under indictstrike. The members paid more The playwright is very indig. Reliet Bureau. Local is the cooks and Stewards, among those where their real interests lie, has name.
The union membership rejected ment or not must follow if labor dues in one night than they had nant at the horrible plight of the Italian Speaking local that was who first endorsed the plan, today produced to date no really agres. Reconstitution of the Maritime this contract and demanded as to ward of this potential death in all the time they had been in world at the present time and is led out of the Workers Alliance are left with only a temporary sive organizational measures but Federation of the Pacific along 20c per hour increase in wages, blow.
the union. They also signed up all wrought up. Did it ever occur by Coroni, leader of the local. The agreement and are working from only a stumping tour by Bridges its original lines. This would Beedle gave his answer to the Way Is Pointed include the seven basic unions membership by suspending Katz The national union conference only proves that workers want been just as wrought up about Bureau and refused to leave un the old contract. The extension gation to the Democratic national and would exclude front or and Sullivan from membership and the march on Washington are action.
their working conditions and less cases were satisfactorily contract whch they signed last convention.
ganizations having no connec and office in the local. He called the way Local of the IBEW has The strikers at Ford are still wages as he is now about the settled. Police arrested ten untion with Maritime work. them to a conference in the Hotel pointed and they are the right beating the picket line. They have war?
Pennsylvania and while they were way to carry on the militant unbeen on strike since Nov. 1937.
This is very late in the day to employed workers here.
Must Oust Stalinists On Feb. 4, 1933, the whole Far In the Bronx, Local and deout of the office he raided it and ion fight. It is now the work of These workers are in local 325 come crashing in the picture full East was electrified by news of a Only by working for such a took the funds and records. all unions willing and anxious to of the UAWA Behind of indignation. Where has Mr. monstrated jointly at 48 at mutiny by native sailors aboard program can the Negro members In the meantime Beedie got to fight, to join in action with Local St. Louis, Mo. Romer Sherwood been during the last 178th St. and Webster Ave.
the Dutch battleship, De Zeven of the Marine Cooks and Stew gether with the bosses and on 3, particularly for the March on May ten years of deprivation and mis To dramatize and expose the Provincien. The mutineers sailed ards hope to gain support for April 29, signed a contract in the Washington.
ery in America? Since we heard miserable condition of the Bronx (Continued from Page 1) the warship toward Sourabaya their struggle against Jim Crow name of the union which contains, Let the enemies of labor see nothing from him then, it is of unemployed, a horse and Wacon tin that now goes from the and fought off attackers by sea in the union.
beside the reactionary clauses that the union strength displayed New York Cab Strike little concern now that he should was toured through the neighbor: Indies to a pancamlikely and air for six days before they Not only will such a program before mentioned, another clause in May Day parades throughout Going Strong 19th Day acair.
a LIVE BETTER THAN PEOPLE enough prospect the Japan. The Dutch rulers seized the op vanced and militant members of ual arbitration.
ad which binds the union to perpet the country is fighting strength that labor can and will mobilize Chicago, Ill. Ed. Berliner ON RELIEF.
as infringed and would take arive against nationalist organ gain the support of the Sailors Editor to settle this vital issue.
Vote Almost Unanimous Late in the afternoon, when the Today is the 19th day of the their familiar measures of pregnant Mrs. Miller of Local izations and during the whole and Firemen and broad sections The membership gave their same officers, Katz and Sullivan.
Taxi drivers strike against the self defense.
Advertisement! demanded to know when she subsequent year carried out of the Longshoremen who already answer to these tactics. They met They plan to obtain new contracts Parmelee and Terminal Cab ComThe job of manufacturing pre wholesale raids and arrests.
panies. As a member of the La FOR SALE SET OF from would get her relief, one of the have raised the cry for reconsti on May with almost a 100 and then in a joint drive with Lodies Auxiliary of the union, apVol. I, No. to entry into husky bureau guards shoved and texts for eventual action is alAs in all the other subject tution of the Maritime Federa attendance and listened to Katz, cal 1206, the radio parts workpeal to you very strongly to help Szostak, o socialist Ap attempted to intimidate her. Sev. sunda ya wawellunderwapanese lands, this movement smolders tion. If successfully carried out, Sullivan, and representatives of ers, to get the last remaining peal.
not far from the surface.
us out. You can cooperate with this program would result in the the CIO United Electrical, Rad scab shop in the city. Emerson vened in an attempt to defend her. consul in Batavia protested When it bursts into blaze, the ousting of the Stalinist leadership io Machine Workers Union. Radio Co us in many ways. will give you The police arrested the pregnant strongly to the Dutch governorold masters shall go and all the of the Cooks and the creation of The vote on CIO affiliation found After an idea of how in relating to you organization of EmSubscribe to the woman and those who defended general against increasing anti calculations of those who as an aggressive union capable of over 800 for the proposal with 2erson the both locals then plan some of the actions that have her, not the guard who attacked Japanese agitation among the pire to their place will be up representing the real interests of against and walking out of the to unite into one industrial local.
occurred and the possible outcome set. Fourth International her.
its members.
meeting Then all radio and radio parts of some of them.
The three arrested besides Mrs. more significant, Domel (JapanThe new CIO local will be call workers in the city will be orMiller were Harry Franklin, or ese) News Agency began cireued Local 430 and will have the ganized into one union.
ganizer of Local 7: Sam Winters lating reports on May 14 that and Harold Meyers.
movement of the natives against the Dutch rulers had been launchMeeting Protests Arrests led in the Indies Get Your Party Together American Labor Aid laid We know that the Japanese Given by the and Buy Your Tickets for out the necessary bail, which was are primarily interested in creatSocialist Workers Party, Local New York 15 for each, and the four were ing a situation which would facilreleased in the custody of the itate their intervention and the lawyer. Locals and 7, jointly utmost vigilance must be mainResults in the Fourth Interna Chicago Tha WORLD FAIR OF 1940 with the American Labor Aid, tained with respect to rumors of tional subscription drive again hit Newark NIKMANEWYORKER held a mass protest meeting this kind.
a record breaking high, as the For Peace and Freedom against brutality in the Relief But it is nevertheless pre in an additional 82 subscriptions second week of the drive brought BOOK OF AT NINE CLOCK Bureaus and the arrest of the San Francisco cisely with such a nationalist The two week total now stands SOUVENIR TICKETS unemployed. The meeting was movenient that the colonial at 181 paid subscriptions for the St. Louis held Wednesday night at the Lo slaves of the East Indies sought Minneapolis cal Headquarters at 1581 WashHUM ington Ave. Bronx. The Local last war. Strikes and partial to win their freedom after the new 82 page monthly magazine of the Socialist Workers Party. St. Paul 108 WEST 43rd STREET Headquarters is situated at 1780 Insurrections of the plantation With two weeks to go to ob12 Washington Ave.
workers throughout the 8, 000 tain the number necessary to Lynn SWING BAND. GOOD FOOD mile archipelago developed begain second class mailing rights, Massachusetts The complete numbers of the tween 1919 and 1925 into a war the outlook is bright for a sucPittsburgh at the REFRESHMENTS old Militant, first organ of the of considerable magnitude. The cessful wind up to the national Patterson Trotskyists in this country: from peaceful and democratie campaign. Here is the record, by Nov. 15, 1928 to July, 1930: Dutch laid aside their knouts, cities, of the past week subs: Cleveland Rochester bound, in perfect condition. For and with rifle, machine gun and Subscription: Fifty cents 27 UNIVERSITY PLACE sale. 20. o Socialist Ap bombing plane, crushed the roNew York City. 18 New York City volt amid great slaughter. Los Angeles. 12 SPRING JAMBOREE FOURTH INTERNATIONAL SUBS REACH RECORD HIGH on Boston.
Saturday Eve. May 25th HOTEL DIPLOMAT FACE VALUE OS PRICE 50 Fresno.
Modern Book Shop peal.