BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismNazismSocialismSocialist PartyStalinismTerrorismWorkers PartyWorld War

SAMPLE COPY SAMPLE COPY Socialist Appeal See Your Friends for the Twice a Week Appeal See Your Friends for the Twice a Week Appeal Official Weekly Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International NEW YORK, SATURDAY, MAY 18, 1940 Vol. IV, No. 20 FIVE (5) CENTS ROOSEVELT IS STRAINING EVERY EFFORT TO STAMPEDE AMERICA INTO THE WAR Dragging In Whole Hemisphere; Orders Fleet Kept Even More Urgent? Off Hawaii To Openly Threaten Japan FDR War Drive Makes Twice Weekly Branch 67 30. 00 100. 00 105. 00 Flint The first week of the war in the Low namely that the primary sources of the Taylor, chief European delegate of the manipulated to get them to support a war of by ALBERT GOLDMAN Countries has also been a week of Blitskrieg wealth of the Dutch and Belgian bourgeoisie American Red Cross, is constrained to report the United States whose real purpose has (Assistant National Secretary)
in the United States. Roosevelt has thrust all was not in Belgium or Holland but in the from Berlin, Sunday, after viewing the nothing whatsoever to do with freeing the When one contemplates the tremendous tasks facing our party at the present moment, not even the publication of the Appeal caution aside in a series of lightning moves Congo and the West and East Indies, out of bombed open town of Freiburg. Stopping at peoples of Europe from fascism.
The forces which are driving this country Chew nikelier decided to invade Holland and Belgium, and thus only five days to line up the governments of grasp of the Anglo French bloc with the aid peace time, they stop at nothing in war time. to war are not the ideals of democracy at all.
furnished the American ruling class with a better pretext for the Western Hemisphere for an official pro of American imperialism.
The driving forces are the vast billions of entering the conflict, he also made the twice a week Appeal an test against Germany. a crucial step in capital which can find no place for profitable imperative necessity.
investment within the confines of the United The masses from now on will be under tremendous pressure making the record for commiting the two They Join the Democracies bourgeois press the retired chief of staff of continents to war. Even before the Germans To Keep Their Colonial Slaves introduces a refreshingly frank note: The States, the balance sheets of finance and change their attitude to the war.
had marched Roosevelt had ordered the navy The Belgian Congo, the world largest Allies must be utterly ruthless. Mass air trustified industry which dictate, if capitalin.
But their hatred and fear of fascism is great indeed and under not to return to its California bases but to producer of radium, cobalt and industrial attacks upon Germany proper must be made ism is to survive here, that new fields of exstandable. The task of Roosevelt and of all varieties of liberals stand by off Hawaii a decision universally diamonds and one of the principal sources of if Herr Hitler is to be defeated. What he pansion, new spheres of influence for investthey can play upon this rear of the masses of Hitler and every interpreted as preparation for a dash into the copper and tin; the Dutch East Indies, the urges, the Anglo French are attempting.
ment, new markets, new sources of cheap Perhaps even more heartrending than a raw materials, be made available for the ininsho at the explain to the masses the only correct method of Navy already functions, as Hugh Johnson and tin these substantial considerations, picture of mute victims is one of tomorrow satiable jaws of America Sixty Families.
fighting fascism? The duty devolves on us.
bluntly put it, as if it were an integral unit which they got hold of by methods no less victims frantically and vainly seeking to pro Look at the tottering business index, if you And to do that we must strengthen our forces. To do that we directed by the Allied Supreme War Council.
must surely increase the power of our press.
brutal than Hitler and whose population, tect themselves. Mothers in London and Ber want to understand Roosevelt speeches.
The first step is to double the propaganda power of our main The airplane factories are working on 24 more numerous than the mother coun lin are taking out of the cupboards the alpropaganda instrument, the Socialist Appeal.
Our members and our sympathizers have this primary task hour shifts for the Anglo French bloc, the tries. are ruled with no less brutality than most forgotten gas masks they got last Sep Expand or Die Is The Law to assure the publication of the Appeal twice a week by their munitions plants are beginning to follow suit.
Hitler employs dictated the participation of tember and are surrendering their children of All Capitalist States!
financial support.
And day after day, in speech after speech, the rulers of the Low Countries on the side be sent away from the cities.
one move after another, Roosevelt leads the Expand or die, Hitler has said. It apof the democracies.
Wherever the armies motor in, on the other plies with especial Sharpness to Germany war mongers toward their goal.
Similar substantial considerations in the side of the road trudge in the opposite direc which, unified only in 1870, came to the SCOREBOARD last war dictated ho the Greek bourgeoisie tien millions of men, women and children world arena after the richest booty had alSpring dried the mud of Flanders and alignment with France and England, al going where? To safety? Where can that ready been divided, and when it sought in cleared the skies and the roads filled with though they had violated Greek neutrality; be, in this time of all enveloping war? Nei 1914 to force a re division was defeated and Minneapolis, with a payment of 200. 00 on its pledge, shoved motorized armies and the air with bombers. nor did that violation cause Belgium then to ther in the battlefield or behind the lines. For driven back into still narrower confines. But the percentage of fulfillment of the whole drive up to 21. a gain The art of warfare dictated the season for change sides! Who began, who first the war is at everybody doorstep.
of since last week. Minneapolis also, thereby moved up into the campaign six months of good weather Hitler is merely expressing what is true of all violated all this plays no part in imperial. The war is almost at our doorstep, too, and capitalist states: expand or die. Even the New Haven sent in 00 on its pledge. So did the maritime ahead assured. On the one hand the Westwall ist war except as poisonous propaganda to for the same reasons that brought the war to richest and most powerful of the capitalist workers. Flint also sent in another 00.
and Maginot lines, on the other Europe mislead the masses.
Europe. Not because the United States is powers must now expand or die within its All in all, it was a good week only by virtue of the fact that geography, dictated the place the scene of After seven months of feeling each other menaced by Hitler, or because our feelings present confines the capitalist class of the Minneapolis came across. It is imperative that the other branches Napoleon defeat at Waterloo in 1918, the out, then, the great powers have come to are outraged by Nazi terrorism or because United States cannot keep its slaves emsummon all their energies to begin making real payments. The corridor of the Prussian advance on Paris in time for the two a week Appeal is not far of July We must 1870 and 1914 the classic battleground of begins to unfold. Less than twenty two years grips. The long and pitiless war now really civilization is endangered.
ployed or feed them, as twelve million unIt is true that the American people are get the money!
employed at least a fifth of the families of Pledged Paid Europe, it is called in military manuals. The after they settled the first world war, the anti fascist to the core, that they feel mortal Upstate New York. 50. 00 America attest. That law of capitalism. 50. 00 simultaneous extension of the battleground world rulers perpetrate the second and even enmity to Hitler and all he stands for, and suitably disguised for the gullible, is what is 100 Minneapolis 800. 00 200. 00 to adjoining Holland was made possible, greater holocaust. The eight and a half mil that is to the credit of the people. Left to Lynn.
50. 00 29. 00 expressed by the actions of official Washing58 among other things, by the gigantic intensifi lion men killed in action and the 21 million themselves, the great masses of America ton during the last week.
Chicago 55. 00 cation of military power since 1918 motor wounded in the last war, the infinite desola would find ways and means of combatting America rulers seek to expand primarily Boston 170. 00 70. 00 ization, mechanization, air force.
tion wrought among the peoples and the infascism here and abroad, of aiding the Ger in the Far East and in South America. That St. Paul 200. 00 89. 00 It is an incidental detail that the ruling finite riches expended in destruction all that man workers to free themselves from the 25. 00 East Chicago 10. 00 means collision with all the other imperialist New York City 827. 00 class of Holland and Belgium have declared is to be repeated, but on a still more grand yoke of Hitler ways and means very differpowers, both friend and foe. While allied 11. 85 for the Anglo French. The only choice that iose scale.
ent from the present ones proposed of back to Britain during the last war, American imNew Haven. 00 these lesser imperialist powers had was be To the great masses who for seven months ing the French and English empires. Instead, National Office.
41. 00 perialism dealt blows to British interests both tween the contending great powers. the Maritime Workers escaped the direct impact of the war, the however, the genuinely anti fascist senti in China and South America which the Brithird possibility, neutrality, was denied them first week of the latest stage has brought an San Francisco.
ments of the people are being systematically (Continued on Page 4, editorial columns)
100. 00 by both. The Dutch and Belgian rulers chose inkling of what is now to come. And on both Los Angeles 100. 00 00 the Allies, all beca Germany had sides. thers and children have died from Toledo 40. 00 Philadelphia 25. 00 Omaha.
25. 00 00 tries into the battleground or because of the Let us dismiss with the contempt it deserves Indianapolis affinity of these rulers for democracy. The the spurious indignation of the spokesmen of Seattle 15. 00 possibility of Holland and Belgium choosing both sides about wanton bombing of open Portland 10. 00 Oakland 10. 00.
10. 00 Buffalo 00 00 FLINT, Mich. May 12 Local unions of the UAW CIO Total. 8860. 00 representing approximately 30, 000 Flint auto workers have Osthimer, Stalinist, rallied behind the militant campaign, inaugurated by Fisher Is Expelled After Body Local 581, demanding that the negotiating committee meeting with GM fight for the 30 hour week at 40 hours pay Bitter Fight as an immediate demand.
The Slave Masters Scramble for Control The Silver Jubilee convention of the Amalgamated Clothing the progressive forces of the naFisher Body Local 581 on May passed a fighting resoluof Dutch East Indies Workers of America opened its sessions in New York, Monday, tion to bring them about.
by DOYLE CLARK tion calling upon officers of the UAW CIO to take up in May 13, scheduled to last until May 25.
But what has happened to by GEORGE STERN TOLEDO, Ohio, May 10 Ken earnest the 30 hour week, 40 The convention opened under the shadow of Roosevelts war WPA, the wiping out of pwa, neth Osthimer was expelled last hour pay demand as the most foremost demand of the rank and drive and the accompanying drive against the unions. sister union the virtual extinction of the hous night from the Toledo cho coun: serious and pressing necessity tle, passed the resolution by unNothing is more ominous than the act of French and British had just had its leadership convicted under the anti trust formula force the Wages and Hours law, which also included all other of the auto workers. The reso animous vote.
Jetc. all this Hillman said no delegates who say they are com lution points out that the No reports as to the reception exchanged among and between Aruba in the Dutch West Indies ills of unemployment more deeply to a better understanding of the thing about.
the Japan, France, and Bri has brought the Japanese to the than most trades the industry is common interest of labor and tain about maintaining the status alert. And what more, the sick unto death the clothing capital.
The Real Amalgamated meeting of the council, April 28 greatest problem of the indus given the Fisher Body resolution quo of the Netherlands East Ind Dutch government has already workers have been particularly Hillman was able to be comHillman and others reminisced tile opposition, the motion pass curity and that this problem with the solid strength of the Last night, after a bitter and fu try is unemployment and inse in other locals than those reporties, richest prize of the southern fled to London and is likely to be hard hit by the government placent about the situation only a great deal about the 25 years led. Thus is launched the official must be answered with a ngu hind the 30 hour week, 40 hour Pacific.
Flint auto workers already bean addition shortly to the list of slashing of WPA.
by ignoring everything that is of the Amalgamated. But the real red purge which has been brew for a shorter work week with no None of these grim facts, how happening.
ist politics, this means that this will leave the issue of the ever, broke through the complac Remember the days when our they perverteda and distorted only needed the pressure of war Losing no time in joining ranks in all areas LAW locals will give pay demand, it is expected that of those nations has Indies wide open.
served notice that it intends to The Japanese have already Hilman and the other leaders of Remember the days when there has been seven years since time patriotism to touch it off. with the militant Pisher Body their support to the fight for this in on the feast. Cordell begun the process of inching the union. Hillman made the big industry was selling apples? labor awoke to the realization fevered wrangle lasted until Local, the Buick Local 599 Execu basic demand.
Hull latest warning to the toward action to secure posses opening session of the convention Compare those do nothing days of that it must participate actively midnight. Opponents of the motive Board at a meeting SaturGM Negotiations Stalled Japanese was virtually an open sion. They have demanded not at Madison Square Garden the oc Hoover with the progress we can in the political affairs of the nation denounced the action as red day, May 11, passed the resoluthreat of war.
only the maintenance of the po casion for calling for a third term report today. WPA, PWA, the tion. Again, oldtimers, this was waitingand an attack on funda: tion sent to a11 locals by Local workers of Flint were once more satisfaction with the Dutch the economic. e. Holland cated with a telegram to Hillman: Housing program, the Wages and five years ago when we met in tants and progressives of all on the same day general boldly taking the lead in the auto pledge that it should divert to itself or to the With you take pride in the con Hours LAW, Social Security all Webster Hall.
government shades pointed out how time and membership meeting of Chevrolet workers long battle against the would not seek or accept foreign Allies any of the rubber and structive achievements of the these things have been accom Hillman omits one little thing again similar campaigns and Local 669, after a discussion auto barons, reports from the GM protection for the Indies, but (Continued on Page 2) Amalgamated. in contributing plished because labor united with (Continued on Page Continued on Page 3) which proved that the 30 hour (Continued on Page 8)
50 50 41 41 40 Detroit.
15 950. 00 75. 00 55. 00 550. 00 280. 00 100. 00 00 00 00 0 0 0 00 00 10. 00 initiated the transformation of their coun airplane bombs in France and in Germany. CIO LAUNCHES Flint Auto Unions RED PURGE IN Back 30 Hour Drive cluded by very material considerations racies no less than the fascists, as Chatfield TOLEDO COUNCIL Amalgamated Clothing Workers Union Behind the Lines Opens 13th Biennial Convention 00 00 00 00 00 o Akron 0 916. 85 24. in each