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Indiana Harbor Lodge Sets Militant Pace Threat to Wage Write to us tell us what going on in your part of the Structure of Union labor movement what are the workers thinking about? tell Until it is Organized by Farrell Dobbs us tchat the bosses are up to and the men and the local copsTHE BOSSES ARE riman, a past president of the and the Stalinists send us that story the capitalist press didn GETTING BOLDER Chamber of Commerce of the print and that story they buried or distorted our pages are open Bethlehem Steel Corporation to you. Letters must carry name and address, but indicate if you Each issue of the daily press United States, in a recent address must be the main target in the brings new evidence of the into the annual meeting of the do not want your name printed.
MINNEAPOLIS Cutting through all the Hes and warS. campaign to complete creasing boldness of the drive American Council on Education, the unionization of the steel inof against the organized workers. urged the importance of herding ing of the Minneapolis Central Labor Union again re affirmed dustry. Employing over 111, 000 West Coast Marine The Chamber of Commerce of the young workers into the inNo May Day This Year bers of the workers are women, wargest stoel producer in the workers, ranking second its hatred of all imperialist war by adopting a resolution volcthe United States at its recent dustrial plants at a tender age.
ing militant opposition to any attempt to involve the Firemen Get It. Too; annual convention in Washington, Said Mr. Harriman: If youth For Clothing Workers exploited and subjugated to a in war, and declaring in favor of international militant workdegree not found in any other in world, and considered one of the of CP Led Unions Don be spoke quite plainly on the are left to feel that they have ar ing class solidarity to stop the war.
right to support without work, Editor dustry. Not only are women in world leading producers maments and munitions, this Text of the resolution, adopted unanimously at the April The Chamber demanded govern there is a strong probability that My experience yesterday while this kind of work paid far less in enormously important firm has so 10th meeting, follows: ment action prevent trans they will become permanent selling Appeals at the Workmen proportion to what they produce. far resisted all efforts to really WHEREAS, the war now raging in Europe is of a definite Im SAN FRANCISCO, May portation stoppages resulting charges upon society.
Circle Lyceum may be of interest. but all the State laws overning organize it.
perialist character and against the Interests of the over Seamen won wage increases on a from violations of maritime labor This declaration is the preThe tremendous Importance of whelming majority of the population of all nations, and en national scale this week when the agreements. Not a word about amble to the universal employers Amalgamated Clothing Workers work for women, etc. are degineered by the war mongering exploiters of the people of Seafarers International Union of preventing the ship owners from policy of depriving the workers the participating nations, and North America forced Waterman violating the agreements, just a children of anything more than 1s not holding a May Day celebra clared vold because of the season Bethlehem, which In normal times tlon this year. The official explan al nature of the work, and perish al steel production, is enhanced WHEREAS, sald Imperialist war If not stopped may Involve Steamship Co. largest operator demand that the workers be pre a sketchy education. Whether or ation is that now that Stalin and ability of goods.
by the European War. Situated nearly all nations, and in the Gulf, to comply with the vented from doing anything ef not there are sobe available for Hitler celebrate May Day, it has Especially is this true of the WHEREAS, the entrance of the United States into this war standard set by the Seafarers fective about it.
them it is un American for cenned being our holiday. This fish cannerles, where there is the mostly in the East near Atlantic would be a crime against more than eighty five per cent of West Coast affilate, the Sailors Branding the National Labor them to become charges upon the population of this nation and in the possible interest only Union of the Pacific.
breaks a tradition of twenty four added problem of the uncertainty shipping facilities, Bethlehem is Relations Act as a serious de society. The children of the Har.
consecutive years of celebration of work due to the changes of has already reaped huge profits of the war mongering greedy exploiters representing a small As reported in last week terrent to recovery, this august timans the Morgans and the and no work on the first of May the moon, storms, percentage of the population, and Appeal, the blazed the body demanded fundamental and Fords receive a full education, This year you can work if you vagaries of man and nature from the European blood bath.
trail for all seamen by a new much needed amendments to the but that is different, they say.
WHEREAS, the invasion of Norway and Denmark is another Evidence for this is seen in These conditions make it imposwant to.
consequence of sald Imperialist war and its participant govwage agreement securing a ten Act. Passing on to the question the statement to its stockhold The members of the Amalga sible for women who have to ernments, and dollar per month raise on pil 26. of the Wage Hour Act, the ChamA preview of what to expect mated who understand what May work for a living in this industry ers made by Eugene Grace, Since then the Marine Firemen ber declares that its humaniWHEREAS, this bloody and contagious war can most sucDay is had this to comment on to have any sort of a normal when Roosevelt, acting for Wall President of Bethlehem, on Ap cessfully be stopped by the international solidarity and millof the Pacific have also signed tarian aspects in dealing with opthe decree abolishing May Day: life, such as their bourgeois sis new wage agreement in line pressively low wages belongs to ing the American workers into ril 25 and published in all news tant opposition by the workers and farmers and liberal people of all nations.
with the raise Hitler also eats, does that ters lead.
established by the the states, each of which can give Some women in the fish canner papers. The statement reported BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, that this Central Labor consideration to the actual conthe Second World War is now mean we shouldn taking place in Australia. Strik Samuel Levin. Chicago Man les are part of the vast army of that Bethlehem had made alUnion go on record condemning the Invasion of Norway and ditions that are to be met.
Stalinists Sabotaged Fight most 11 million dollars net proager of the Amalgamated) wants migratory workers who travel ing coal miners in New South Denmark caused by the imperialist participants in this war, In other words, the bosses want Wales have carried out an efto prove to his fellow members of from one end of the state to the The wage raise might well have the National Labor Relations Act fit for the FIRST THREE and been more had there been a un emasculated so that it will confective tle up. The government the Chicago Board of Education other, working first in fish, then BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that we go on record rethat he is a 100 and 19 Ameri in fruit and vegetable canneries. MONTHS of this year alone.
is preparing to compel coal affirming our position of militant opposition to any attempt ited front of all maritime unions, tain none of the features which mine owners to open their mines can, and this is how he does it. and then back again to fish. Oth This was the highest earnings to involve the in war, and that we declare in favor of rallied around a militant and are in any way helpful to labor immediately. In other words. Levin is an appointee of the Kel ers, who have managed to estab for any first quarter since World aggressive program. But last Sep and, in addition, they want the International militant working class solidarity to stop the lish some sort of stable family War (who said there is no tember 30, when all union agree. regulation of minimum wages and ly Nash machine. the government is preparing to war, and utilize the military to smash ments expired, the Stalinist con maximum hours reverted back to Was this a national policy, dla fe, remain at home after the BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Central Labor Union the strike.
trolled West Coast longshoremen, the sole jurisdiction of the inthey work in New York City. cannery season closes and either profit in this war. Grace admitted that export send a letter to all Central Labor Unions in the nation, and led by Harry Bridges, put all dividual states where even the CIO BORROWS BOSS METHChicago, Ill.
Karl Hillyer that their husbands are able to business (war orders from the call upon all Minneapolis unions to take like action.
other unions out on a limb by present minimum wage provi ODS TO USE AGAINST AFL Copies of the anti war resolution were also sent to Roose The same policy prevailed provide or must seek work in European slaughterhouse. was a velt, congressional representatives from Minnesota, William consenting to an indefinite extensions, although they are now at laundries, s, as domestic servants, more important factor in the sion of the contract.
In New York EDITORS. starvation levels, can be further with the AFL the May issue Under the heading Keeping up Green, the public press, and the ambassadors of England, or in some other kind of industry. company business than for Pacific Coast sailors and fire reduced.
France, Germany, Denmark and Norway, These women and their families years. He further added that men, meeting in joint committee, of the CIO News seeks to utilize California Canneries are forced by economic necessity Bethlehem production rate had agreed to grant the operators a in a most reactionary manner the seven day extension only, and this HE SAT IN CONGRESS court actions against George Manned by Woman to sell their labor power at the been considerably above the nalowest scale possible to exist. For tional average.
policy was ratified by the mem AS FRIEND OF LABOR Scalise of the Building Service is practically impossible for the Because of its export facilities bers of both unions. Shipowners profits were nearing their peak at of Missouri, testifying before the and Willie Bioff of the Hollywood rmer Senator James Reed Employees, Joe Ozanic of the majority of them to earn enough and European connections, BethEditor: AFL Progressive Miners Union, that time, and the Sailors and committee investigating the NL Stage Hands Union. was very much interested in money to support even them lehem is not only able to profit alone their families, more so far from the War, but Firemen rightly decided to make RB, inadvertently gave the workthe articles printed in recent is selves, hay while the sun was shining. ers a clear picture of the sham There is nothing misrepresentsues of the Appeal on Women and and it is only by using every what is perhaps even more imBut then Malone, secretary of and hypocrisy which surrounds the item lies in that which is not ed; the reactionary character Socialism. Women have so much available member, even down to portant, it is the leading manuthe Firemen, under pressure from the myth of democratic represent said. Scalise is reported to be inmore to look forward to under the smallest child, that they are facturer of heavy armaments in this country. Being the largest the shipowners and the Stalinist ation of the workers in the pres. dicted for graft, extortion and the new system than they can able to live.
Spontaneous Strike Last March ever hope to attain under the All the hypocritical glamour ship builder in America, it is in a fraction in the headquarters ent apparatus of state. Reed for corruption. Not a word about present system of inequality and and romance that surrounds wo position to capitalize on the juicy Put Company on Defensive branch of his union, signed for a many years past presumed to the methods followed by Prose60 day extension of wages after speak as a friend of labor in the cutor Dewey in this case and the exploitation men in bourgeois custom and lit orders coming from the Navy gaining some minor concessions United States Congress. His real real implications of this drive to For a striking example of wo erature is definitely not for the which President Roosevelt is in working rules.
men condition under capitalism, woman who works in the cannery, frantically expanding. During the When it comes to militancy and all great steel producers, Youngsmotivations in voting on various the labor movement. Ozanic is last war, Bethlehem became nolegislative acts are quite sharply reported facing government acR.
one has only to look at the fact San Diego, torious as one of the leading pro union spirit, the boys from the town is going in for mechaniza Sailors Came Through ory system, and at the cannerles California.
iteers, making the astonishing Indiana Harbor plant of the tion throughout the plant. new Left alone, the Sailors Union the Smith Committee.
clarified in his testimony before tion for collection of 550 in fines amount of 61 million dollars net Youngstown Sheet Tube Co. Electro weld Seamless Tube mill negotiated working rules and a His wife owns the Nelly Doneral years ago. Biofl is reported levied for crimes in Illinois sevprofit in 1917 alone.
are way up in front. From the was recently installed which cut greed to hold in abeyance the nelly Garment Company of Kan serving months term in the very beginning of the CIO organ down the working force by three question of wages Careful prepar sas City Missouri. There has been cook County jail in Illinois, for Viciously Anti Labor izing drive in steel, they have fourths and increased production rations in the interim, however, a long controversy between this an old sentence of pandering.
This gigantic corporation has shown everyone that a well or by one halt.
climaxed by a decision of the Company and the International Not a word appears about the consistently had Wicious anti ganized lodge, having the con The union men in this depart membership to instruct its offi Ladies Garment Workers Union meaning of the actions of the labor policy, One of the reasons dence of all the workers, can realment demanded that all employ cials to conduct a secret referen Reed called forth all the venom bourgeois state in going way back for its huge profits is that it has ly go to town.
ees replaced by the new process dum strike vote for higher wages, at his command when he began into the record to dig up these Faking part in three strikes be retained and not be made vic enabled the Sailors Union of the to describe his feelings towards issues for criminal prosecution for many years paid below the average wage rate for the in since 1937, this lodge is now bettims of the corporation insati Pacific to come off first best.
We re back again. We haven Now we don see any reason de tren erhinopores the che tor hits battling to safeguard and Impany refused; but, displaying the ards of the Pacific, captive of the body sitting to decide the great be the leaders to the rate and The Marine Cooks and Stew. He referred to the NLRB as a be called sharply to the attention against labor officials. This should been on vacation but we were why this amount of subs shouldn Old CIO spirit, the men promptly stalinists, followed Bridges, est questions that come before a file of the CIO unions. The atcrowded out of our usual corner be coming in every week. The raw materials from cheap, non prove the workers conditions material that had to be published. came from auto workers. Any lower production cost than other strike of 1937 the Harbor plant promised to keep all workers. The ly on May 2, after Firemen and liberty. In other words, so far thing more or less than a fore.
by the mountain of convention two subs that came from Flint union foreign sources, gives it al All during the Little Steel walked out until the company peace and extension policy. On court, except questions of life and tacks on the AFL today is noLet begin where we left off last party comrade with a contact in steel producers. It vigorously of the Co was kept shut company was forced to bow to Sailors had already won their Reed is concerned, the most im runner to similar attacks on the time subs. The scoreboard below a plant or in a union can get him fought the passage of the Walsh tighter than drum. Not a single the union demand. Here the wage increase, did the Cooks final portant consideration in his mind, IO tomorrow.
looks pretty imposing, but don or her to subscribe to the Social Healy Act, which provides for a solitary scab even dared to come lodge showed the bosses that it ly serve the bosses with notice of short of questions of life and for employees of near the place. company union was not going to sit idly by and their intention to terminate the liberty, is that the Nolly Donget too cocky because its over a ist Appeal provided the proper ap minimum wag longer period than usual.
The CIO Council at Quakermovement, was promptly squelch wreck havoc with the workers This agreement contains a clause he has a personal interest be per to establish a committee to look Most branches are just begin will kiss our financial troubles contracts town, Pennsylvania, has voted Today it is the only large steel ed. For seven weeks a me after its unemployed members ter the long convention rest. Put an end to all crises in press corporation which refuses to pay the series was maing detailey live proma. ke alles wo members feel which means that the Cooks are basis and he sweat shoponungen the a day minimum wage for the strike was finally settled, the proud Maintaining itself through prevented from sharing the gains The case of James Reed is The Committee is to provide. and 50. ways and means for the CIO neapolis, are really making things panies to adopt the company un colors flying their militancy un Sirding itself for the toughest for another two months at least, mil so called friends of labor unions to continue to represent hum again. The gold medal. SPECIAL EDITIONS SUP Asks United Front of government.
we had one would go to Los The Detroit comrades write ion plan, it still maintains one, dampened by the long strain.
who are elected to the apparatus the interests of thelr members even when they are unemployed.
Angeles that the workers who attended despite the provisions of the Wag. Back at work again, the job of danger of unemployment organization was completed. The The boys in the plant, as alIn order to extend and develop It will attempt to find a basis More specifioally, we should say the big Lewis rally ate up our ner Labor Act.
its aggressive policy against the the Los Angeles auto comrader. special on auto. When the meetfor general cooperation by the company knew that it had a reall ways, have their answer shipowners the Sailors Union of BOSSES DON LIKE union to deal with, one that strong campaign for the thirty the Pacific has called for a united EDUCATED WORKERS Must Be Organized CIO with all of the unemployed To date they have gathered up at ing got dull, the workers whipped fought every grievance.
hour week!
least twenty five subs from auto out copies of the paper and read Because of its threat to the workers in Quakertown. This In March of this year a long front of all seafaring unions on workers. And that just the kind them. One worker drew up a re wage structure of unionized smouldering grievance came up the basis of its program of might be kept in young people progressive action should and of subs we want, the kind of subs solution on the basis of the Appeal plants and because its 111, 000 for action. The company consist. Trabajadores de Habla Espanola victory.
for their own good, Henry Har all trade unions.
must eventually be emulated by that count. One sub in a workers slogan and got it adopted unCONFERENCIA Six months from now, the May home is worth ten among the animously in the local union. The workers cannot longer remain ently refused to accede to the unmiddle class (don pass them up. Toledo comrades did themselves outside the fold of organized la son demands. Tiring of fruitless Patrocinada por el Ateneo His issue of West Coast Sailors of course. Los Angeles Is blazing proud in distributing the issue. bor without affecting union con ously struck, tying up all producconferences, the men spontane pano: Causas del Fracaso de warns, the shipowners will be in la Revolucion Espanola. a fair way to sweep aside all our Get Your Party Together a trail. Now go you and do likeThis week, the Appeal, is de ditions throughout the industry, tion and showing the now panOrador: MUNIS gains and the gains of the other and Buy Your Tickets for wise. Subs receved follow: voted to the steel workers con the must start a vigor. icky bosses that the men were (Secretario de la Cuarta Inter seafaring unions, unless we can Washington, vention. Reports of sales and dis ous campaign to organize this not going to stand for any more nacional en Espana)
reach a working agreement with Foreign. tribution will appear in this cothe marine firemen and marine stalling. The company at first Minneapolis citadel of anti unionism.
El jueves de Mayo de 1940 lumn next week.
tried to make this a test of a las p.
cooks and stewards on the folKe WORLD FAIR OF 1940 Fargo Already its significance has in strength, but seeing that the unen el lowing basis: NIIN NEW YORK WHERE TO BUY APPEAL creased as a result of the Euro ion was really determined, it caChicago 1) Uniform demands for the ATENEO HISPANO For Peace and Freedom Minnesota IN PITTSBURGH unlicensed seagoing personnel.
pean War and it grows in im pitulated and granted all de Hirsch Book Store, 1623 CenNew York City Henry Street VALUE 405 BOOK OF 2) Simultaneous expiration of SOUVENIR TICKETS Los Angeles ter Avenue Brooklyn, New York portance as the war clouds, hover mands.
St. Paul Rose Book Shop, 1332. 5th However, this is not all. Like darker over this country. 3) Joint action against regiCalifornia Avenue mentation of the American seaCHILL Kansas City You can read the Appeal at: men.
Barber Shop Mark (x) in box and send in this blank Philadelphia It is easy to list these three NYWE Massachusetts 426 Ohio St. North Side GALA fundamental points for a united San Francisco International Labor Lyceum SOCIALIST APPEAL stand of all seamen against en805 James St. North Side SPRING DANCE South Carolina 116 University Place croachments on union conditions New York, at the Tow.
and wages, and there is hardly Montana WANTED: 1937 Bound Volume of Sat. May 11, 1940 am interested in the Socialist Workers Party. Please a single member of the Firemen, New Jersey the Socialist Appeal. Immedi8 PM send me more Information.
ately. We will pay list price.
Sailors or Cooks unions who Texas.
would not agree on this but we Chicago Socialist Appeal Business or Downtown Labor Center am interested in the Socialist Appeal. Please send cannot forget that between this me sample coples of your paper. 27 UNIVERSITY PLACE Missouri fice.
51 Enst 7th Street general rank and file sentiment The complete numbers of the Michigan New York City for closer cooperation and real Name New York City Cleveland old Militant, first organ of the fighting unity of the unlicensed Boston Trotskylsts in this country: from Admission: 25 cents crafts, stands all sorts of barAddress Conn.
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