BourgeoisieDemocracyEnglandFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismMarxismNazismPopular FrontsSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL MAY 4, 1940 Supreme Court Dons New Face But Its GEORGE CLARKE OPENS CROSSWORKERS FORUM Purpose is Still to Serve Capitalist Rule COUNTRY TOUR OF CENTERS PARLEYS OPEN; HOURS ISSUE PRESSING SUBS ROLL IN TO FINANCE el FOURTH INTERNATIONAL Sailors Win Increases After Strike Vote By ALBERT GOLDMAN by the use of the most vicious workers, you play into the hands the Constitution was passed for Speaks First in New Haven on May 10; By its declaration that anti form of the third degree. of the revolutionists? We believe the purpose of protecting the Nepicketing laws in Alabama and That the Supreme Court, as at that it is far wiser and far more groes. Instead it was interpreted Then in Boston and Lynn, May 11 13 Write to us tell us what going on in your part of the California are unconstitutional, present constituted, is more liber effective to let the workers have by the Supreme Court in a manlabor movement what are the workers thinking abou? tell the United States Supreme Court al that it was can be admitted a minor right and deprive them ner which alded mainly the prous what the bosses are up to and the men and the local cops will lead some gullible people to without argument. It is neces of a really valuable one. perty rights of the bosses. It was George Clarke, member of the ity The succeeding issues of the and the Stalinists. send us that story the capitalist press didn believe that it has become the sary, however, to understand What did the court decision then worthwhile for the court to National Committee of the So Appeal will carry the hour and print and that story they buried or distorted our pages are open guardian of the rights of the clearly what that signifies. Essen really amount to? The Supreme throw a crumb now and then to cialist Workers Party, begins a place of each meeting.
tially it means nothing more than Court decided that unions have the workers in the form of a cross country tour on May 10 The schedule of the tour folto you. Letters must carry name and address, but indicate if you workers. short while ago the Supreme that the Supreme Court now fol the right to have a picket carry favorable decision on a minor the first of a series of national lows: do not want your name printed.
Court assumed to play the role of lows the fundamental policy of ing a banner in front of an es matter, based on the same tours by party leaders.
New Haven. Fri, May 10 protector of the Negro people by President Roosevelt, which con tablishment where a strike was amendment.
Comrade Clarke tour will Boston Lynn. Sat. to Mon.
open in New Haven on May 10 reversing a conviction of Negrossists of making minor concessions called. Of course, having that priMay 11 13 Ally forces at home, and chau who were compelled to confess to the masses in order the better vilege is better than not having COURT WILL NEVER Growing Danger of and close in Los Angeles the week Syracuse. Tues. May 14 vinist pro imperialist SP of the te guard the essential rights of it, but all the same it has come DESTROY BOSSES POWERS of June 13.
Rochester. Wed. May 15 Acceptance of War 2nd International abroad, the par.
owning class.
to a pretty pass when we are it is exceedingly important for ties whose officials have entered With the war and the danger of Buffalo. Thurs. May 16 Just as Roosevelt has gained asked to rejoice and be grateful workers to recognize that a 1b Pittsburgh. Fri. Sat. May the cabinets and popular fronts Editor: favor in the eyes of many work for a decision granting the work eral Supreme Court will render American entry uppermost in the minds of the workers, Comrade of the war governments, specidecisions favorable to the exploit. Clarke will speak everywhere on Akron.
17 18 ers by making concessions that ers this elementary right.
Youngstown group of the comrades were fically in France, Great Britain, Sun. May 19 do not threaten the existence of One must never forget that it ed masses only when there is the major issue facing the Amer Cleveland.
discussing the reaction of the Holland, New Zealand, Scandina. Mon. May 20 workers at their places of em via, etc. the profit system, so the Supreme was practically the same Sup: danger that the masses will re: ican workers.
Tues. May 21 Toledo.
ployment to the latest incidents He will speak on: Which War Detroit. Thurs. May 23 Wed. May 22 The SP, dominated by cenof the German Allied war. They trist and social democratic eleapplause of many by rendering down strike illegal. În comparison cision. And nine times out of ten decisions that can be regarded as to the right of having a picket a favorable decision will come on your the camerican Workers? The Flint. There. May 21 all remarked that the almost uniliberal but which do not endan walk in front of a struck shop ly in connection with a case in war on the battlefields of Europe South Bend. Sat. May 24 versal reaction was: After Germents, will not or cannot purity its ranks of opportunist members many mops up on England, like Frank Zeidler, Andrew Bie(Continued from Page 1) ger the right of the bosses to with a banner, the sit down is involving a matter of secondary or Asia for the profits of Wall Street? Or the war at lons Chicago. Sun Tues. May 26 28 continue exploiting the workers. finitely more important for the importance they ll be over here next. This miller, Alfred Baker Lewis, Jack Executive Board to include the There have always been serious workers. But just because it is so And this is certain. Never will home in the against the Six Twin Cities.
Wed. Fri. May support of an expeditionary force, Clement, Devere Allen, Clark as an immediate demand in ne differences of opinion in the camp much more important, it was de the Supreme Court render a detyr Ruling Families, against their Omaha. Sunday, June of the employing class and its clared illegal by the court. cision which will take away the tyranny of unenews. Salt Lake City. Thurs, June Denver. Tuesday, June has to be combatted. write to Waldron, Harry Laidler, Henry gotiations with GM.
you concerning it, since feel Haskell, Frank Trager, Lillian in the face of this pressure, representatives as to the best It is all very well to have a right of the bosses to exploit la hunger, the war for that the appeal must give some Symes, Walter Reuther Police Indications are that Walter Reu method to be used in keeping la conviction of Negro reversed bor. Why For the simple rea prosperity and peace for Amer San Francisco saturs Je 11 answer to this idea. It is strange Chief Joseph Kluchesky James ther in charge of General Motors bor under control. One group ad when the conviction was obvious son that the Supreme Court, lib ica laboring millions?
Workers in each city should Fresno Wednesday, June 12 how deeply embedded the idea is. Maurer, Norman Thomas George work for the UAW CIO, together vocates firm hand yielding ly achieved by the use of the most eral or conservative, was crenote the dates on which Comrade Los Angeles. Thurs. June 18 however, was that although the thur McDowell, Paul Porter, AnOne thing that we all noticed, Hampel, Maynard Krueger, Ar with Thomas, Union Presi nothing: another proposes to brutal torture. But this is nothing ated to protect that very right.
dent, are trying to hurry nego make concessions in order not to in comparison to the fact that the The Supreme Court has always Clarke is speaking in their vicinand after Workers fully believe this idea, ton Garden, Judah Drob, yes, tiations and put through an lose everything. The Supreme Supreme Court permits the white been looked upon as a bulwark of Court for the time being now be masters of the South to disfran the employing class. Justifiably they are not at least not yet. even Herbert Zam, became too agreement as quick as possible, However, negotiations might longs to the latter group. chise the Negro population.
for the war in any sense of the revolutionary. whose re apso, for it has frequently, by its The Sherman anti trust law decisions, rushed to protect that word. Their attitude is that pointment the Editorship of very well be spread over a con: DO SMARTER JOB, was enacted as a weapon against class against any legislation that America may have to go to war the Socialist Review has been siderable period. Meeting each THE COURT IS SAYING Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursthe trusts. When the Supreme might be harmful to the employto put a stop to a bad situation. de. When the Supreme Court de Court perverts that law to be ers. As a result there has always They are convinced that the last e SP has only an incident day, the negotiators expect to we are being drawn into this one orientation, but rather ne pretty mulated under the existing con constitutional, it in effect says to strikes a really effective blow workers in favor o abolishing the by the actions of Hitler bourgeois libertarian clectoral tract. Actual negotiations do not the lower courts and to the legis against the workers. In return, it Court.
Let not the workers be deIn reply to the question of how direction: begin until Thursday, May 2, the lature: You fools, can you see can afford to be liberal on a min ceived by an occasional favorable and readers are rallying around some more subs.
The Trotskyists, sympathizersnext week ll probably send you it would be possible for Hitler to The SP has failed to recog first meetings being entirely de that by taking away such small or point.
and insignificant rights of the The Fourteenth Amendment to decision. As against such decl the new magazine, Fourth Inter Doyle Clark of Toledo writes: transport an army 3, 000 miles, nize in its program and State voted to arrangements.
one fellow replied that he would mentor Principles the class sions on matters of secondary national, the Monthly Magazine To start the ball rolling please Workers Want Results importance, it is important to re of the Socialist Workers Party, accept the enclosed five dollars to penetrate South America and struggle and the class character Everywhere you go in this auto member the anti democratic role with admirable speed and enthu start subscriptions to the Fourth work his way up. Another said of the state, the necessity for the district wherever auto workers the court has played throughout siasm. The first reply to the de Inernational for the followthat he would wait five or ten revolutionary defeat of the capi gather, in the beer halls, bowling American history.
serters who stole the name of the ing.
years and mould the youth of the talist class, and the establishment alleys, union halls, etc. one subConsidering all possible factors New International, in their mad conquered Allied countries into of the dictatorship of the prole ject is discussed: will we actuit is more advantageous, in the light from Marxism, is coming subs accompanied by caustic polS. of Hutchinson sent in two good Nazis and then come over tariat; ally get a contract this year that long run, to do away with an in through in substantial form.
itical comment: was just about The SP is, in short, a hodge will answer the problem of unstitution that was created for the hope the next Appeal will car podge of ideological confusion; employment. In the few days since we mailed bowled over today when got the express purpose of nullifying leg letters to all our friends in just Appeal and your communication ry something on this problem, 10. The SP local in Milwaukee All eyes are on the union islation passed at the demand of enough time for mail to get to about the Fourth International.
since assure you that it is being has entered into a coalition with negotiators. The working class (Continued from Page 1) the necessary two thirds majority the masses.
them and come back receipts for Burnham and his morals. What discussed wherever groups of the reactionary non partisans to fighters who rose with a mighty tion of the agreement if they in favor of a strike if an increase The workers will be better of new subs to Fourth Interna a stinking example of political workers iscuss the war. maneuver in the City Council and wave in 1987 are waiting for were unable to come to terms was not granted. The SUP mem if the Supreme Court is abolished. tional are piling in. The revolu treachery leading to moral degenToledo, Ohio Ed Davis effect appointments; an answer.
The Stalinist leadership of the bers failure to vote strike action tionary workers know the Trots eracy! think you are entirely 11. Joseph Kluchesky, local The UAW CIO was never in a Marine Cooks likewise signed an was accounted for by the picture kyist magazine when they see it. right in contesting it legally. They SP Police Chief has repeatedly stronger position Members are indefinite extension of their staring them in the face of a They are not deceived by counter will be jolly well hung by their tisunited waterfront. That failure feits. The following subs to own act in the end.
Wants Paper Forwarded abrogated civil and constitutional flocking in by the thousands. Ev. agreement.
was characterized by the mem Fourth International came in To the Trenches We do hereby announce the AFL men are solidarizing them Extent of Bridges Treachery bership itself, in the April 15 rethe mail this morning: From David Sallume, Yellow termination of our afliation to selves with thelr co brothers. On top of this disruption of the solution for a referendum strike Boston. 11 Springs, Ohio: Enclosed is two the Labor and Socialist Interna The CIO is in a position to talk in ranks of the waterfront crafts, vote, as the membership misdollars, for which please enter my Editor: tional (the Yellow 2nd. the SP strong terms to the corporation. Bridges began ballyhooing a Five tale.
Minneapolis subscription for Fourth InternaI have sent you a renewal of USA, the Socialist Party of Mil That is what the workers want to Year Peace Plan. offering a The SUP got the shipowners to Toledo. my subscription for the next six waukee County and the Young hear.
New York City.
tional. As wrote you before long term agreement to the ship agree to negotiate on wages imthe convention, am in complete months. hope won have to be Peoples Socialist League of Amer firm stand, a militant pro owners on the basis of the pres mediately after the Neutrality Hutchinson. Kan. solidarity with the Trotsky GoldNew York State.
reading it in the trenches. But it ica, So, will send you my Division putrescent corpse.
man position on the Russian and youth appendage to a gram on the part of the cio ent agreement and agreeing to Act would pass. But when the Ohio.
would insure solidarity of all the arbitrate everything in the agree Sailors committee then met with organizational questions, and will and Regiment as soon as possible.
Quakertown (Continued from Page 1)
Signed: workers in the industry by wiping ment. This plan was proposed by the shipowners, the question was try to do what can here to mainLynn Forwarding will be appreciated.
out altogether the rump Martin Bridges not merely for the long stalled off, and that happened increased picket line with the tain it.
ETHEL PETERSON Edward Slonne AFL outfit. All that is necessary shoremen but for all the water time and again, women contingent as the most Philadelphia From a sympathizer in Lynn: ALBERT STERGOR to do this is for the UAW CIÓ front unions. Bridges also notispirited one. They wore yellow Livingston Hall. Enclosed is my sub to Fourth But the Sailors Act and red bandanas on their heads Total. 35 Columbia University International. wish could We affix our names to the to fight for a program that will fied the cooks that the longshore Statement of Resignation; since serve as a rallying point. That men would not support any union Finally on April 1, the SUP and among the many placards Bundle orders for Fourth In my way clear, at this time to we are in accord with the atti program is the 30 hour week at striking for increased wages or passed a resolution on a coast they carried one reading. Learn ternational accompanied by sub make a contribution; but have 40 hours pay.
tudes and statements set forth.
improved conditions.
wise scale demanding an imme from the banana. When it leaves stantial payments came from New already allotted money for Appeal Youth Resign from Signed: There are indications that the Bridges treachery against wa diate meeting with the shipown. the bunch it gets skinned! Stick Haven, St. Paul, Quakertown, pledge. Will do same for Fourth company will try to stand firm terfront unity saved the day for ers to that effect in a strongly with the union.
Youngstown and Minneapolis. International as soon as posNorman Thomas Group JAMES BOULTON on their anti steward system pol the shipowners for the time be worded letter, initiated a week The police were present just as Other subs received previously sible.
ing. Even the Marine Firemen, later a referendum vote for a before, but the major part of for Fourth International will be Comment from us is superEditor: Stewards Already Acting traditional allies of the Sailors, defense assessment for the strike them, instead of appearing in recorded in the next issue of the fluous. Our members and symPlease rush twenty copies of But already in plant after buckled and signed an extension fund, and climaxed preparations front of the plant, hid inside be Appeal.
pathizers know best how to smash the May Day issue of the SocialHere what some of the sub the quitters and splitters. Build (The Socialist Party makes plant, men in the various depart of their agreement more accu for action with the April 15 refer hind the gates of the plant buildist Appeal. The comrades who ments, by their own organized rately the officials no distinction between the Soyf the Firemen endum strike resolution. ings, ready for action. The cars getters said in their letters: the Fourth International. Then the Sailors got action of the scabs, some of them with will sell these issues have just iet Union and Nazi Germany, strength and will have forced the buckled. The Sailors were left from Boston, which tops Send in your one dollar!
from the shipowners.
smashed window shields sped the list: All the old subscribers broken from the YPSL of the characterizing both equally as corporation to recognize and deal standing alone, The Sailors in this victorious through the streets and with are being seen for renewals, and International!
Build the press of the Fourth LSI. I, James Boulton, ex city totalitarian imperialisms. with stewards. These same men Sailors Stood Alone secretary of the YPSL, have just Hence comrade Boulton dis may very well force the 30 hour fight were scarcely helped by brakes Shreaking skidded around been expelled from the Youth tinction between the two, in his week if their leaders fail them. The Sailors refused to sign an Bridges continuous ballyhoo for the bend through the plant gates.
Committee against War and the leaflet, was answered by his extension of their previous ag peace on the waterfront, nor by YPSL for including in a Student expulsion. On the other hand Canadian Workers For strike reement. They negotiated and the proposal of the Stalinist lead rich Rubber worker, stated to a Indications of the sentiment of signed a working agreement, pro ership of the National Maritime group of strikers, this is not the Strike leaflet that produced, a the pro Ally group in the SP. GM workers was also given in viding new concessions from the Union (East Coast sailors) ask way we did it in the Goodrich statement that the Soviet Union exceedingly vocal at its recent Canada when last week the work employers. But they were unable ing the government Maritime strike ve never seen a strike in is on the side of Germany in this convention, not only not ex ers of three GM plants there, to write into the agreement an Commission to step in and at which scabs are allowed to go war as a self defense move.
pelled but is treated as a com. Enclosed please find a copy radely difference of opinion.
upon refusal of the corporation increase in wages for, with the tempt to establish wages and through the picket line without to meet with union representa Sailors isolated, the shipowners working conditions in the indus opposition. We ought to call out The Monthly Theoretical Magasine of the of a Statement of Resignation Here is another indication of tives, proceeded at once to take stood pat.
from the Young Peoples Socialist how speedily the SP is moving a strike vote. International board The employers were enabled to lished that at this time the Stalin to this. The sentiment on all try. Once more it has been estab all the other shops and put a stop Socialist Workers Party League affiliated to Norman into the war camp: Editors. members stepped in quickly, do this all the better since the ists are the worst internal enemy sides was for increased militancy Thomas Labor and Socialist InNeeds One Dollar from Friends and called off the strike vote, and SUP membership would not vote of the waterfront unions. and a show down with the scabs ternational, began negotiations with the The workers went on strike Supporters of the Trotskyist Movement Revolutionary Greetings, frightened company, two weeks ago because General JAMES BOULTON Russian Bulletin Poppa Knudsen, the Horatio AlTire and Rubber was chiseling on ALBERT STERGAR ger President of GM, yesterday TO PUBLISHpay rates, attempting to introAppeals for Aid gave some indication of his atduce the 40 hour week in place the great works of Leon Trotsky Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
titude in the negotiations, when of the prevailing hour day the theoretical organ of the Socialist Workers WHEREAS: Editor: he made a speech attacking union week, and refusing to settle nuParty We are the Youth Section of THE RUSSIAN BULLETIN Seniority as a system which demerous grievances.
the Socialist Party and are under NEEDS YOUR HELP, friends He perhaps meant the oportunity ST. PAUL. resolution cal.
prived workers of opportunity. the classic documents of Marxism its discipline; and in consequence and readers in the to be thrown out on the streets ling for amalgamation of locomo Divisions are prohibited from hood have often pointed out that All divisions or members of the monthly message of the American Section of have no right, as pointed out by We can expect no help from at the whim of the company, or tive engineers, firemen and hostProgressives in the Brotherthe Fourth International the Young Peoples Socialistlour readers in war torn, bleeding the opportunity to allow the com lers into one organization was form of petition relative to good union members and good unUnerpired subscriptions The New International mittee member, Charles Rubin, to fascist border states of Estonia, other in a plant where dog eat erhood of Locomotive Engineers members of the Brotherhood or don need the protec will be filled. One dollar will extend your subscripadvocate changes nits program Latvia, Bulgaria can send an dog prevailed.
tion six more months and help us in this emergency or discipline of its members; union meeting here, April 11. The others calculated to injure the individuals in the labor movement The SP has a reformist per: letin manages to reach them by better management. He did not ston 369 of the Brotherhood, which the Grand Chief Engineer or a money through, though the Bul. He also said that labor needs meeting was sponsored by Divi Brotherhood as interpreted by who insist on having special priviFILL OUT THE SCRCRITION BLANK PRINTED leges at the expense of the rank. BELOW AND MAIL WITIE ONS DOLLAR meaning under new guise social Africa. some aid will come say whether the intended to run invited all other Divisions in the majority of the Advisory and fle dues payers that feel the FOURTH INTERNATIONAL democracy, and has failed to from there eventually but, if for President of the UAW CIO Twin Cities and adjoining termin Board.
need for such gag rules. The adopt a revolutionary program the Bulletin is to survive, and it however.
116 University Place als to attend.
members don need section 85 and set of tactics as a method of must survive, you, our more for use better management, but It is true that labor could Stripped of all smokescreens, to protect themselves against New York, number of other progressive this simply means that the Grand scabs, stool pigeons or any other procedure: Please send me FOURTH INTERNATIONAL for six And the YPSL cannot and muste helpen. Gived whatever you labor does not need advice from resolutions were also adopted, but Lodge potricials have been vestea agents of the employers there months. Enclosed please find 00.
program which is not in accord con sieu rit away, the Bulletin hating corpora tions, which chairmen System Business suppress every proposal by Divi Brotherhood laws designed to dear with the Party program and tacthoard billions in profits, while Name.
Send contributions to the un tens of thousands of men are fes; present and managed to defeat by officials are personally opposed. never protect members from their The SP does not defend the dersigned.
locked out of jobs! Labor needs a few votes a resolution calling presented by the committee on of the unions, but on the other Address WEBER historic gains of October in the a leadership that will militantfor repeal of Section 85 of the arrangements for the meeting. hand serve as a protection for USSR: o Socialist Appeal ly fight these big shots, and City Brotherhood statute the notori consisting of Heglund, such enemies against the memState. The SP finds itself unable 116 University Place make it obligatory for them to sever its relationship with proNew York City to provide jobs, not advice. ous gag law. Callan and Hilger. bership.