BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismInvasionMarxMarxismSocialismSocialist PartyStalinismStrikeTrotskyWorkers MovementWorkers Party

TWORKERS FORUM Fink in Law Suit Proves Only That Minneapois Truck Drivers Union Is Loyal to Labor west Norway Officers Preferred Hitler To Labor Government APRIL 27, 1940 SOCIALIST APPEAL Page of being technicians, are impartial third campers.
provide a left face for this crew Max Lerner (he just reconsidered Marxism in the Nation, he was one of the most useful stooges the Stalinists had) and George Soule, editor of the New Republic who, believe it or not, wrote a book entitled The Coming Amer By CARL SHEA en, that he was expelled from the Anderson has also proved that Labor Supports 544 When John Goldie, union at ican Revolution in the dog days (Special to the Socialist Appeals Communist Party in 1928, and Local 544 does whatever it pos. No doubt the prolific anti union torney, asked Graves if he had of 1932 Here just one example MINNEAPOLIS During the that he is a member of the So sibly can to come to the assist publicity given the union by the ever attended a meeting of the Write to us tell tis what going on in your part of the labor movement what are the workers thinking about tell of what these people are going present four day recess in the cialist Workers Party.
ance of its members in case of daily press has served to influence fascist Silver Shirts, Graves reto do. It point of their pro trial of the finks suit against Anderson has also revealed illness or death.
us what the bosses are up to and the men and the local copsa section of middle class opinion plied: No, but ve often thought and the Stalinists send is that story the capitalist press didn gram: Working toward the in General Drivers Local 544, it is d like to crease of production through the possible to make an estimate of the fact known to readers of the The finks lawyer has also re against Local 544.
print and that story they buried or distorted our pages are open joint formulation of methods for the three weeks of testimony labor and socialist press of the per member monthly to the Min closed, the firmer the labor But the more Anderson dis Another employer testified that 544 had made him pay double the to you. Letters mest carry name and address, but indicate if you unleashing creative attitudes and which attorney Arthur Anderson nation that Dunne, while neapolis Teamsters Join Council movement supports 514. At its amount of back pay due his drivdo not want your name printed.
performance at all levels, both in has presented for the finks in in Mexico on a vacation several building fund, and a similar a last meeting the Minneapolis er when this boss had chiseled on management and among the the case is to be continued years ago, paid a visit to Loon mount to the Northwest Organ Central Labor Union unanim the union wage scale. Local 544 izer.
ously reaffirmed its confidence union agreement provides for this How to Win Workers rights. Flagrant repressions con d appreciate if, as soon as April 22 when Miles Dunne and Trotsky tinue unabated and will grow these impartial finks move into Kelly Postal, officials of Local Anderson has further shown He has further proved that in 544 and its officers, members penalty against chiseling employ.
Away from Stalinism worse unless labour and liberal a concrete situation, workers af 544, go on the stand. Anderson that Farrell Dobbs is now a mem when Local 544 officials travel on and policies.
The last 544 stewards meetopinion is ORGANIZED to check lected write in about it to the informed the newspapers yester ber of the Socialist Workers Par. union business, the union pays ing gave the officers a vote of Union Pamphlet On Sale their traveling expenses.
Editor: this totalitarian trend. An organ APPEAL, so we can all be fore day that he expects to finish his ty.
case April 26, after which the What all this has to do with The pamphlet Behind the 544 All of this, you may say, is confidence. So did the last 544 When the Communist Party ization based primarily on the warned.
Suit. published by the Northmembership meeting. union will present its rebuttal. the finks suit against Local 544 ABC, known to any literate perchanged its line from Popular labor movement, in particular San Francisco, Cal.
Aside from Kelly Postal and neither Anderson nor the daily son who has examined the laws have testified against the union is Typical of the characters that west Organizer, is now availFrontism, many of us expected to trade unions and trades councils, Carl Skoglund of Local 544, the papers, which work hand in glove of the International Brotherhood Eli Joseph Graves, owner of a loable to those who wish to read see a substantial break in its in addition to liberal friends of the true history of the fink suit only witnesses to date have been with the finks in trying to smear of Teamsters, the by laws of local coal yard who hired a fink ranks. But in the New York trade civil liberties, is needed in Cana. Hunger Goads Man, against the General Drivers Anks and employers to testify the union movement, have ex cal 544, or the labor and socialist drivers that press. But from Anderson preUnion, copies of the pamphlet True, in many unions, especially bers are unanimously of the opi Then Comes Social may be purchased at the Northoperate the way they want to Carries Shotgun sentation, ballyhooed in the emOrganizer office, 253 Some Disclosures in the culinary unions, it has be nion that such a movement must Vision come more isolated from the grow up WITHOUT DELAY.
Fail to Discredit Union Graves admitted he carries a ployer controlled press, one would Having failed to find what he gather that the General Drivers shotgun in his car and another Plymouth Avenue Minneabroad masses of workers because To this end, the committee has polis, Minnesota, for Se each, Editor: It is quite evident in court that sought in 544 books, Anderson Union was guilty of every crime gun in his office, for use against of its break with the elements been negotiating with the Toronto The efforts by liberal thinkers Anderson, despite the six week has used the device of condemn in the book.
with special rates on bundle union organizers.
who formerly cooperated with it. branch of the Civil Liberties Un sales.
But among the advanced and raion for affiation. But the comto proclaim that the economic period during which he had an ing the union, with a great show dicalized workers, especially the plete silence and inactivity of the young and inexperienced ones, the Union, and in particular its re is disproved by the fact that the and records of Local 544, has not that are common to every decent re organization, feeling of desperation is the goad found a single fact which casts labor organization, and that, in new line has made the Commu ent rightweeds for confidence which leads to revolution on the discredit upon Local 544, its Local 544 case, have been pub.
nist Party more attractive.
give no grounds licized by the union itself.
For one thing, it is now being Moreover, its social composition part of millions. Perhaps those members or its officers.
persecuted by a government is such that it has no contact living in America do not yet en. Undoubtedly now aware that For instance, Anderson will which is dragging us into the with the labor movement.
war. For another, its pseudo For this reason, the com the effect of unfulfilled need for retained him had told him a mess bring out that the union purradical and pacifist slogans have mittee has decided to carry on the elementary things of life, as of fantastic lies about the General chased 50 worth of tickets to the a plausible sound. Peace, jobs, independently and to contribute the masses of Europe have had Drivers Union, Anderson has annual Central Labor Union picand Security seems to be good its resources and energies to experience. The conditions of eco tried to make the best of a bad nie, and carry on as though this try felt stunned and expressed Bided Their Time things to fight for.
Treason in Norway became the bitterness mixed with a sense of this the officers corps could Nevertheless the Communist national defense organization kind of economic determinism in as a sounding board to echo every he will prove that 544 spent Party cannot experience any sub However, this work cannot be the uncultured and there is the old and discredited charge against 250 on the union annual Christ current topic of newspaper co shame. How could it be? Treason never forgive. It remained the mas Party for kids or that 544 lumns and conversation following in military circles in a land of enemy of the labor government, stantial growth in the unions. This successful unless you and others universal saying, Look out for Local 544.
is because its radical words are co operate to the fullest possible No. But from that to revo. His charges have fallen into donated 100 to food workers the Hitler invasion of that little peaceful pursuits such as Noronly biding its time. What better unaccompanied by any change in extent. For example, the convok lutionary outlook is not so far three categories. 1) Outright strike, 2, 248 to the widow of the country. It seems strange the way, which was not otherwise time could be afforded than the redbaiting and alien baiting: 2) late president of the unlon, Bal German fleet had penetrated up given to ordinary corruption so protection of Hitler bayonets to their trade union line. In the cu ing of a conference is out of the as some might think To say that ideais come first, as Condemnation of Local 544 for Brown, Solo to a non infelbert through the Oslo Fjord, through often witnessed in other and more settle accounts with the hated most reactionary class collabora ganizations get behind it. What the liberals say, is to deprive the very activities that organized Lea whose hall had been wrecked its narrows, past fortifications powerful nations. The explana labor government and drive it linary unions they still follow the question unless a number of orsuch as Horten and Droebak tion, however, is not so difficult into exile? Some of these army tionist policy, working with the is your opinion. Will you kindly humans of the opportunity of ever labor honors the union for (3) by deputized thugs, etc.
Charges that Local 544 has loan All these expenditures have which, while not impregnable, to find.
bosses association, failing to en raise this in your organization reaching that stage.
officers immediately translated Selma Stelned or donated money to sister been regularly listed in the books stiu were sufficiently strong, due First of all it should be remem their sentiments into action and force union conditions, giving in and or write us in any event, ex. Chicago, unions without the consent of the of Local 544, and in the monthly to their strategic location on the bered that the militarist officers made common cause with the to the bosses on such vitally im pressing your views? We should membership financial reports which are pre mountain sides, to challenge ef caste is pretty much the same Fascist dictator.
After all, had portant questions as union hiring be grateful to hear from you.
and job security.
In the meantime, our commit Workers Know What sented to the membership. yet fectively any battleship. But everywhere, whether of Prussian Hitler not reinforced his guaranRed Baiting Falls Flat Anderson and the boss press pre these fortresses remained silent. or of Napoleonic tradition, whe tee to German capitalism of no For this reason the ranks of tee is without funds and some Typical of Anderson redbait sent them as though 544 were the progressives fighting the mis small donations will help us to To Be Done, Need Faith ing activities has been his lengthy caught red handed in some dreadNo doubt the workers of Norther in a Fascist nation or in a strikes, by destroying the trade leader of the Stalinists and carry on. We cannot afford to disexamination of Carl Skoglund, ful crime. And of course to the way were stunned what not officers caste of necessity iden into exile?
democratic capitalist nation. The unions and driving their leaders their friends are constantly grow. solve. The work we have done on Editor: ing. But the rank and file of the the Watson case has justified it meet a lot of people, when 544 president, during which the employers it IS a crime for any peared to be a double blow invaluifies, its interests as bound up Thus we have here once again Swed lother labor organization.
Communist Party and its sup self, but it is only one case of take around APPEALS, who say. finks lawyer has brought out union to show solidarity with any sion and treason. Even workers with those of the capitalist sys a stern lesson in the realities of lof Norwegian origin in this countem.
porters who are by and large, many. WH YOU render further No, they will not go to war. But that Skoglund was born the class struggle. These army among the most militant and help?
the next minute they shrug their Officers Pro Capitalist officers threw their hypocritical class conscious workers, remain Nearly everyone agrees that shoulders and say: But what can It is true that Norway had only now useless to them, only their patriotism to the winds; it was supporters of the party and of its the war time Regulations need you do? You have to go any way. Letter from Milwaukee a small army with a small off allegiance to the exploiters of reactionary line.
revising yet nothing is done. And they laugh, maybe, and say: cers caste, not harboring so many labor remained decisive.
This, of course, cannot last for. Nor will it be done until public you socialists can stop it. No of the remnants of feudal nobili. means or foul, anything would do ever. The contradiction between opinion is organized for that pur body can stop it.
words and deeds will undoubtedly pose. national civil liberties Then ask: what do you supty. But Norway has also had a to strike a blow at labor even bring breaks and splits. But in defense movement is the answer. pose starts it? wrathful god labor government for a number at the price of subservience to a order to hasten the process, and wherever it is possible we shall perhaps? or fate?
of years, supported by the major greater imperialist power.
win the Stalinists militant sup be glad to send a representative Not many people say yes to Editor: mayor at 12, 500 a year and he some, 32 year old former choir ity of the population. It is in this On Tuesday noon, April 16, never did spend much on him boy, Carl Zeidler, sang his way contradiction presented by a labor porters to the Fourth Interna to discuss the whole question with that. few do who have been into the mayor office, upset: government existing alongside of The Only Alternatives tional, our party and its press you or your organization made so hopeless by poverty that Daniel Webster Hoan, the 80 self. And another adds: Yes, labor government cannot for should be directed toward the Fraternally yours, a conscript army officered by mi long maintain itselt on the exthey blame all their troubles on cialist Mayor of Milwaukee for and he a lawyer too, 80 he don ting the veteran Socialist offcial by a vote of 119, 960 to Ritarists who were ardent sup tremely narrow margin between Stalinists along the following FRANK WATSON DEFENSE a god instead of on the society in 24 years, turned over the office need to be afraid.
lines: COMITTEE which they are exploited. to the 38 year old Republican boy. asked some workers: How 99, 845. The Socialist Appeal must carWm. Brown, Sec y But most workingmen who talk Carl Zeidler. In the afternoon, the do you think Zeidler will turn Despite Zeidler good looks that the explanation for what is eventually decide entirely for the ry more articles exposing the 186 Inglewood Dr. Toronto, Can. at all are something like this greatest inaugural splurge ever out? The answer reminded me and the singing solrees he put called treason must be found.
one or the other class. To put it spurious nature of the Comman: He says, Sure, know its held took place in the city Audi of Marx dictum that workers on for the edification of the munist Party new radicalism.
learn best from their own exthose big shots, all right. They torium.
voters, political dopsters were more accurately: This is but one Impossible Straddle more lesson showing the workers It should show the contradiemore inclined to attribute the keep on making money. tooThis labor government was of the alternatives: defeat and deDaniel Webster Hoan turnea perience the learn the several workers tion between word and deed. Look Out for This the Social Democratic type and instruction by their own or forwhile people get killed. So over the office with any bitter was talking to carefully ex mayor defeat to his long oc2. It must carry articles reveal Impartial Body what? When they make a law ness of the campaign forgotten, plained to me inat Heil was elect cupancy of the post, rather some respects, at times, a little eign capitalists, or a government ing the pacifist and anti revohave to obey it, don I? They as the daily papers put it.
ed as governor over a year ago than to Zeidler campaign to the left. It had during its which is genuinely labor, which lutionary nature of such antidon ask me when they start a because we wanted a change. ing.
And do the workers of Mil Now, however, they say: HeilEditor: tenure reconciled itself to the is based on the destruction of war slogans as The Yanks. But have to go.
As a union officer have reare not coming, and Forceived an announcement from a This election, Hoan said, continued existence of capitalist capitalism. revolutionary govwaukee feel any bitterness? No why he the biggest liar that Why do you have to go? ask. they don feel bitter. They elect ever stood in shoes. What has he was won on the promise of give exploitation of labor. It governed ernment.
Because d damn well get shot ed Zeidler by an overwhelming done, after all his promises. Noing youth and the unemployed within the framework of this sys: Chicago, Ill. Wm. Simmons It must show the complete in new body, Collective Bargaining jobs.
adequacy of the Stalinist Associates, formed, it says, didn or failed and starved vote. Why did they? Well, a thing and made it worse. Tosloit had to be concerned also about The real tragedy of these labor reforms. Thus the Norweg gans: For Jobs, for Security with the avowed purpose of re anyway. And no one to take care several workers expressed it today about Zeidler they are sayIt must counterpose our Transi proving relations between labor But how is it that they can single young man comes forth to what Zeidler is good for.
ducing industrial warfare, im of my family.
me: Funny in 24 years not a ing: By next year we will know rainbow promises will come when youth and the victims of ilegea, among which were old age lan workers enjoyed certain priv XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX We must expose the commu improved techniques of collective because they and the employer and developing shoot you or put you in jail? It be leader of Milwaukee. Is this power and the work indepen Teason From this it should be plain world wide Industrial actrenet pensions, insurance for unemploy. MAZING you are alone, Isn it? If you and ing as to what a mayor should that the workers, though con down awake to the fact that ment and sickness, vacations with methods; how we are to win our bargaining.
they have followed a false hope. Pay, extensive cooperative enter OPPORTUNITY demands. In this the Communist The program attached to the are together, for instance, we be? Again no. It the so called stantly being deceived and cheatprises and a relatively good stan.
searching, always searching for template what their state of Party has changed least of all announcement is made up of the have more power together, have clever campaign propaganda ofed by capitalism, are nevertheless We had better seriously cont we?
dard of wages. To make up for the bosses.
We invite you to come in and It still depends upon combina The periods of warfare in inmind will be at that time.
a way out. Once they lay their these reforms taxes were relativeThat all right, he says, but find out how you can get tions with one or another petty.
Though not particularly clever, hands on a real revolutionary Known as the ly heavy in the higher income bourgeois or labor faker. We dustry must come to an end. In what about all the rest of the his campaign propaganda did the program, the one and only means American mayors, Hoan was must counterpose to them the dustrial warfare is as silly as people around here? They don job. Because the socialist cam brackets and supported by 00 worth of books Free measures cutting a bit into pro through our new book mass action of the workers in wars between nations. etc. etc. Want to organize. They don paign of Hoan could not be dis toe ann answer for their ever in the confidant and adviser of fits. In other words the labor gov. club arrangement.
municipalities much larger than ernment tried to tread the nar.
talist class and its government. grams this one turns out to them are foolish. They wouldn backed campaign of Zeidler, Zeid. what to do with it.
Milwaukee. Hoan indicated that row path of the golden middleThe workers of Milwaukee are ler received the workers vote.
he would take a vacation and way balancing itself between Modern Book Shop lished in pamphlet form and con contending groups the work. But if they did stick, could we They didn have any other issues clear on what the Socialist party then consider several flatter labor reforms and certain restric27 University Place, to choose between, so they chose of Mayor Hoan stands for. Because they do understand this, ing offers from Milwaukee law tions upon capitalism.
distributions to Stalinist workers. you please, a third camp. The Maybe. Oh NO: there be the younger man.
the name of socialism has been firme. The Call, April 13)
wait task, we can win the best pro cians such as engineers, econo maybe national guardsmen Hoan now that he is defeated? Wist rule under socialist label. diets that the capitalist mayor.
Mr. Hoan in other words, preletarian sections of the Commu mists and teachers. On the Board make us go They still have more power contents que entrependent atteinking. That makes more difficult the job will get no further with capitalist nist Party to our revolutionary of Directors of the new body.
banner therefore, there are to be five than us?
One worker tells me: Oh Hoan! ers with the REAL socialist pro same capitalist methods!
representing labor, five represenThat right.
Fraternally, He is all right pretty smart guy gram, the revolutionary program Isn there anyway we could he made 350, 000 wages as of the Socialist Workers Paty.
New York ing the employers, and five reOne more gem should be added, presenting the third camp. have more power than they?
But the job can and must be sue of The Call, entitled Dan from an editorial in the same isNow let see who these third Maybe, if you got ALL the poor Frank Watson Freed done!
LEON TROTSKY SPEECH IN ENGLISH whole lot better right here. But ADAMS Hoan Record. cempers are whaihtne programe people thene country together.
In Canada you don know what you re up 00 for set It is to be chalked up as a stake in the matters at issue. Yes, but you couldn against, if you think you can get Milwaukee, Wisconsin gain for the Socialist and FarOne of the sponsors is John Editor: But if you could. made for New York meeting celebrating Tenth all the working people together.
mer Labor movement that Hoan We are very pleased to an Carmody, Federal Works Agency Why, then, maybe you could Sure, ll read your paper. Here as an individual leader will be Anniversary of founding of Fourth International in nounce that Frank Watson has Administrator. He isn bosses beat those big shots. But even a couple cents for the can. It all (Needless to say, The Call, orfree to contribute in larger the Recorded on two discs.
finally been released from prison man, oh no, he is only a technl then, they stn have the ma. can spare.
gan of Hoan and Norman Thom state and national fields to the after serving six months of his clan. Yeah! Ask every union chine guns and the tear gas and And the man next door, like as as, made no attempt to analyze building of socialist influ. LIVING THOUGHTS OF MARX 90 a copy sentence for an alleged violation officer who has to deal with him! all that stuff.
of Section 39 of the Defence of Another is Francis Biddle, Just a minute, who makes the not, says the same thing. Lot of the reasons for Hoan defeat. enced farmer labor political movement.
with introduction by Leon Trotsky, dealing in a large Canada Regulations which took deral Solicitor General: le. part machine guns and the tear gas, people say the same thing. Lots Its news report on the election of people feel the same way. was unbelievably grotesque. Mo We ask every reader to commeasure with the American scene.
place early in September of 1939. of the machinery of the Depart and the airplanes, even? It as you that makes them, not the big There a bond between us and destly hidden on an inside page, pare the grave seriousness of the The committee contributed all itsment of Justice which it and with a one column head en worker letter from Milwaukee Both for 50 funds toward the payment of his may have heard, is now on shots. They only own them. How them. By convincing them fine of 200. 00. The kind help and union busting campaign. Then will they make new ones without cionistes det er hem make cely by titled Exchoir boy sings way with the grotesque flipness of The Call on the significance of the argument, though, but also by movement and Tiberal minded economics Schlichter, of Business cool yeahorstore like everybody showing them we re a party of Hoan, in all his 59 years, 24 of election. It is the difference between one who takes the class people sincerely appreciated. Economics, Harvard University, could get together make twen. action. But the bond is there for which were spent as Milwau struggle serlousky and a crew of The experiences of the first half Feldman, of Industrial Relations, erything would turn out swell PIONEER PUBLISHERS us to cement.
of the war indicate the pressing Dartmouth who teach daily that we wouldn have to go chasing kee mayor, made one mis petty bourgeois shysters preachMember at largel take: he never learned to sing. ing sewer socialism.
116 UNIVERSITY PLACE NEW YORK CITY need for a NATIONAL organiza capitalism is the ordained system half way across the world to die.
tion to guard our democratic of society but who, by definition And maybe things could be a Buffalo, So last week a blonde, hand EDITORS.
Fair About the Defeat of Dan Hoan dean 01 SPECIAL. 50 SPECIAL!