DemocracyFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismItalySocialismSpainStrikeSubversiveSyndicalismViolenceWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL APRIL 27, 1940 Page Colonial Workers Are Refusing to Bear the Burdens of War British Soldiers Together with Workers at Home They Workers of Shanghai Shoot Down Blacks Will Smash the Rule of Slaveholders In Militant Strikes Indian Masses Answer British Masters With Waves of Militant Strikes Negroes of Africa, in Plight as Tragic One after another the leading spokesmen of the British and ine, and successive seizures of the resources of vast areas of the Face Guns and Bayonets of Invaders and French Empiros repeat reassuring speeches about the unity five continents, is already displaying great rents in its fabric.
of their empires with the motherlands in the European death India, greatest of all colonies, a nation of 375, 000, 000, is once As that of Jews under Hitler, Fight Other Powers in Broad Revival of struggle for domination of the world wealth.
more pregnant with revolt. The workers of India have already Anthony Eden the other day contrasted the barbarism of shown in great mass strikes that they not intend to take on Union Struggles for Living Wage Back in Militant Strikes Hitler domain with the equality of development under British their knees the war lash of the British raj. Under the pressure rule. But behind these empty phrases lies the harsh hunger of of these great masses, the Indian nationalist movement is ad500, 000, 000 black, brown, and yellow peoples, held in the iron vise vancing into an era of fresh open struggle against Britain. In special cable in the New work on the plantations of the Shanghai, scene of a minor in rooms congratulating sharethe House of Commons last week, a government spokesman of a rule no less barbaric than that of Hitler.
York TIMES (April 4) reported whites or in the mines in order to dustrial boom because of the in holders on exceptionally sueIt is this rule that Hitler seeks in this war to grasp for him warned that this movement will be met with force. He said creased demand for domestically that in Northern Rhodesia troops pay the taxes.
cessful working years, hungry self. It is this rule that the British Empire is fighting to mainBritain would not and could not give India its independence. produced goods, has also been the crowds have been raiding rice killed ten natives and wounded The effect of these laws can be tain. That is the sum and substance of the war.
He was right. The Indian people will have to take it.
scene in recent weeks of a sharp shops in the often vain hope of twenty others when they fired on judged by the number of convictBut if the peoples of Asia and Africa had only the choice Not even wartime censorship has been able to conceal comrevival of working class activity. purchasing a little of the food copper nine strikers. The shootions under them. In Rhodesia between Hitler and the British there could be no hope left at pletely the growth of unrest among the colonial peoples. Strikes This period has been marked by whose price has soared way being started when 3, 000 strikers, they rose from 8, 940 in 1927 to all for a freer world to come.
in all parts of the empire from Africa to the West Indies are a series of important strikes, yond the reach of their slender who have been out since March 19, 773 in 1935 and have been on Fortunately they are not confined to these choices. They beginning to reveal what really lies chind the unity of the fought with the dogged militancy pocket books. Investigators 17 to enforce demands for a 25 the increase since the alternative choice of fighting and winning their own free.
great domain. In these unfolding struggles the determination of so characteristic of the Chinese have ascertained that workers per cent increase in wages with dom, of uniting in a socialist commonwealth with the workers workers.
the black, brown, and yellow peoples of the world to cease being in the Western Distriet, largest Slaves Are Profitable a further per cent to cover the of the Western world and setting out with them to build a new the packhorses of Western capitalist civilization grows and in Strikers in Shanghai not mere industrial area of the city, are rise in the cost of living, tried to The Masters and Servants Or kind world from which war and oppression shall be forever the end will prevail.
Ly have ordinary police to contend now reduced to living on rice prevent 150 strikebreakers from dinance classifies as punishable banished, They, and not Hitler, Chamberlain, Reynaud, Daladier Co.
with but come into almost imme alone and not very much of drawing their pay, offences the breaking of a labor Although the war is only a few months old and the struggle shall say the final word in this war. As the workers of Britain, diate direct conflict with soldiers that. Vegetables, meat and Back of this strike is a story of contract. absence from work is only in its first stages, there is already ample evidence that France, Germany, and the warring countries of the near future, have divided the city into deand marines of the powers who miserable conditions, exploitation without leave, refusal to carry fish not to speak of such lux this fight for freedom is on its way. It is not the fight for Britand oppression hardly equalled out instructions, neglect of duty, uries as fruit are utterly beain against Germany, or for Germany against Britain, but the the United States, Italy, and the rest of Europe, raise their fense zones. The Japanese, Italyond their reach. Malnutrition elsewhere. Politically these na etc. The punishment is one month fight of all the oppressed peoples against all the rulers who hold heads in struggle aaginst the war makers, they will find their ian, British, French, American is beginning to sap the strength tives are completely disfranch imprisonment or more, and fines. them in subjection.
most powerful support in the struggles of the subject peoples marines and troops are used reg. of those now living and threatised, and economically are reEnormous profits are extracted The British Empire, greatest imperial conglomeration of in the colonies. In the combination of these two currents lles ularly to eject sit down strikers ens the generations unborn.
duced to the status of slaves. from the mines of Northern Rhothem all, the product of five centuries of wars, massacres, rap the future hope of society.
and to patrol struck plants. Rice is now more than four Robbed by the British of their desia. The value of copper proDespite these odds, the strikes times the price at which it could lands, deprived of all means of duced by the mines in 1938 was have been growing in numbers be bought prior to the hostilities economic existence, taxed in or 8, 210, 000. Out of this aggregate.
and effectiveness. The most rec in 1937. There have been huge der to compel them to go to work 3, 100, 000 was paid in dividends, ent report to reach here is of a increases in nearly all commodi.
for the Europeans at starvation while 1, 750, 000 went in wages, strike on Feb. 29 of 2, 000 em tes, both locally produced and wages, herded into reserves and the bulk to 1, 800 European employes of a British owned omni imported.
compounds, the lot of the natives ployees, who received 1, 250, 000.
bus company which won a 30 Strikers Quadruple In Year of South Africa, and the Rhodes. The 15, 000 Africans employed in percent wage increase and a fixed In 1939, according to the anias is no less tragic than that of the most ardous labor. earned price on rice bought through the rual report of the Shanghai Muthe Jews under the swastika.
among them 500, 000. This latter company. The strikers in this nicipal Police published the last Racial Law Enforced figure includes the cost of food, case were tear gassed out of the week in February, there were 96 bus depot by Italian marines strikes involving 24, 628 workers The liberties of the natives in housing, etc. supplied by the min By ROBERT BIRCHMAN Victoria Mills No. in Bombay, ports. The Government Labor offi The latest report available called in by the British dominated in the International Settlement as employment are restricted. The ing companies.
Since the war began, India has staged a sit down strike, demand cer advised the workers to accept on the strike of over 150, 000 Municipal Police. The depot was compared with 21 involving 6, 149 main laws are the Pass Laws and Coolle Wages been swept by a wave of militant ing wage increases. Workers in a small wage increase but they textile workers in Bombay that in the Italian zone. few days workers in 1938. Forty six of the the Masters and Servants OrdinThe natives are thus paid strikes that constitute the real Mill No. struck a few days demanded more. All the workers started early in March indicate earlier the same Italian marines 96 strikes were directly connected ances. The Pass Laws are a series at the Job Press, biggest press in that a majority of the workers used their tear gas bombs to with the wages and cost of living of ordinances detailing a dozen coolie wage of from and a half pressure force behind the Indian previously. general strike was called on Cawnpore are on strike demand are still out.
drive sit downers out of the plant problem; the others were linked or more passes that the natives shillings to 23 and a half shillings nationalist movement.
When you read about Gandhi February 26 by the Joint Board ing wage increases.
The Times of London March of the American owned China to the same problem in one way must in various circumstances se. 30 to 00) a month. Although the native workers are in coming around to talking about of Representatives of the Ahmed. The textile workers in She apna 29) reports that when the mills General Edison Company. or another. They include the labor con an overwhelming majority in the civil disobedience campaign abad Textile Labor Association, are preparing for a strike and reopened after the Easter HoliOther Notable Strikes It is from such beginnings, tract, giving details of tribe and mines, there is a rigid Color Bar you know he is feeling the scorch after ballot of the membership latest reports are that the strike days, disturbances occured berooted in the starkest nécessity pay.
which has to be stamped by Act, which prevents them from ing heat of the Indian mass move had been taken in which not one of textile workers at Ujjain tino hits tween the strikers and the loyal Some 2, 500 laborers employed known by any workers in the the employer each month pro holding any skilled or unskilled ment.
Despite the wartime censor against the strike. The strike is. Receiving no favorable reply to forbids picketing except by two cit struck for and won additional world, that the re grouping of viding him with a useful weapon; job.
The natives are denied all bene ship, it is now possible to give a the largest in Ahmedabad since their notice demanding wage. persons at each mill. Only 24 out rice allowances. Other strikes portalist occupied centers will native moving from one district fits of labor legislation, such as considerable list of these Indian 1923 and involves over 100. 000 creases the municipal sweepers of 64 mills were able to start were occurring at the Chinese take place indeed, is already the special pass required by a to another: the night pass which Workmen Compensation, Un struggles of recent months. The workers. The workers are de and menial servants at Shalapur) work. The workers went out on Wing On textile mill, the Bri taking place. native needs if he is abroad employment and Old Age Insur Times of India of Bombay, In manding a 25 percent increase in formed a union and called strike demanding a 25 percent tish American tobacco company The situation in Shanghai is January and February, published wages. The view is held in mill strike on February 21. wage increase to meet the rising plants, and after the hour of p. and the ance, the Shop Hours Act, etc. resolution demanding the cost of living.
along the water duplicated in one degree or anfront where dock workers of receipt for the current poll tax.
General Strike in 1985 strikes. Here are a few of them: clared by the Textile Labor As payment of a 30 per cent wage other in all the principal industThe New York Times (April 1) Shanghai Tug and Lighter Co. rial centers seized by the JapOver 1, 000 workers at the Gen sociation will be a tough and pro increase as of December, 1939, reports that 15, 000 municipal struck for increases from their anese.
Forced Labor This is not the first time that tive cash and especially the poll gone out on strike. All the native lized in the General Motors Work strike leaders have been arrested. of the Bombay Port trust Em still out after a week time. They This, together with rice allow heavy heel of the would be conAll of these passes cost the na the native copper miners have eral Motors, Ltd. Bombay, organ longed struggle. Two of the Was passed at a general meeting street cleaners in Calcutta are 17 (Mex. per month wages. Three years of war and the tax, which must be paid underminers went out on a general days in February. The workers down strike at the Saharanpur The resolution states that there 25 ers Union, were on strike for 13 Latest reports are that the sit ployees Union on February 19. went out on strike demanding a ances, represents a wage in querors have not obliterated penalty of additional fines or im strike in May, 1935. The soldiers equivalent of less than a month the will to live and in this will prisonment at hard labor. In or opened fire and killed ten natives won 10 to 15 percent wage in Cigarette Factory at Cawnpore, has been a 40 per cent rise in the 25 percent rise in pay.
der to pay the poll tax and other and wounded others. The miners crcases. The workers picketed the United Province, which began on cost of living since August, 1989. BRITISH HAVING TROUBLE On March the China Weekly ing class the Japanese and all deep within the Chinese worktaxes and at the same time sup were supported by the native do roads leading to the plant in or February 15 still continues. Over The union is preparing for strike IN CEYLON, TOO clerks are action to secure its demand.
Review said editorially: All the Ministers in the State other exploiters, Chinese, Briport themselves and their fami mestic servants employed by the ing the factory.
participating. The main demand demand for a 40 percent Council of Ceylon resigned on Industrial plants and enter tish, American, French, conlies, the natives must produce Europeans. The strike at that The strike of over 3, 000 work of the workers is for wage in wage increase was made in a re February 27.
prises, in nearly all their main front the force destined to overcrops for the market or work in time, like the one now, had a ers at the brick kilns at Cawn creases.
solution passed at the annual branches, made record profits come them all. The Chinese definite political character. It pore ended following the grantthe mines The resignations are a protest The strike at the Lallamal Har meeting of the and Rail against the support given by the Last year, while on the clear cut worker has then again and But the natives have been rob. protested the policy of the goving of wage increases. deodas Cotton Textile Mills in waymen Union of Bombay. Both Governor to the Inspector Genershowing of the competent auth again, re formed his shattered bed of all their best lands and ſernment of Northern Rhodesia, At Dacca, the management of Cawnpore started on February 11 unions are preparing for strike al of Police, who declined to acorities the producers of this ranks and organizations, and herded into reserves where the which increased the poll tax from the textile mills declared a lock continues according to latest reaction.
profit have never been worse cede to the request of the Minisland is hardly sufficient to pro 10 to 15 shillings, while the min out after 6, 000 workers went out plunged forward into struggle.
ofr. While company chairmen He is doing it again today in duce enough to feed themselves. ing companies refused to increase on strike. Forty of the strikers ter of Home Affairs that he have sat in comfortable board Shanghai The natives are thus forced to wages.
were arrested for picketing.
should instruct police officials to consent to postponement of the general strike was called for trial of the leaders of a strike on March 1, by the Nagpur Textile the Mooloya Estate. The Minis taken after the mill owners reters wanted a postponement until The Struggle Between Japan and tused to grant the demands of the union for full restoration of Over Which Is to Plunder the Indies Governor at the request of the State Council, had made public wage cuts and for a 35 percent By GEORGE STERN its inquiry into the shooting by Three trade unionists in Port acts in any manner may be prej increase in wages to meet the inthe police of one of the strikers. The House of Representatives strike was hampering military of Spain, British Trinidad, were udicial to public safety and decreased cost of living. meeting of violating the war regulations: this emergency law in British Congress was called to consider made familiar to us the manner likewise whatever its source. Ceylon parliament.
Stories and the screen have themselves against any attack, a demand for dissolution of the February 24 protesting that the sible for the government to tolIt is expected that there will be of Burma passed a resolution on work and that it was imposthe Emergency Defense Act. The colonies are denied right of ha steps to help the general strike in which vultures begin British had included Burma in the erate acts of this kind. Many of swoop Both Foreign Minister Arita men were arrested for demon beas corpus but may make repre of the textile workers.
The plantation owners and big war between Great Britain and the strike leaders, all Chinese, strating in sympathy with strik sentations to an Advisory Com On February 14, the workers and circle over a man lost in a and Secretary of State Cordell business interests in Ceylon are Germany without the consent of were behind prison bars charged of the Trinidad mittee appointed by the Gover in the weaving department of the pounce down upon him for the in almost identical terms that ment to recast the constitution of further, in complete disregard of the war efforts.
wilderness waste, ing employes waiting to Hull issued statements declaring now urging the British Govern the people of Burma and have with the offense of prejudicing Electric Board at Belmont in defi nor. In Trinidad this committee feast as soon as life leaves him. neither country wanted to see the Ceylon and make it less liberal Burmese opinion, passed laws and ance of the ban against the as is comprised of one Negro judge We re witnessing now a sim status quo of the rich East Indies than the present one.
adopted measures curtailing the form us that in spite of the The last reports available semblying of more tifan ten per and two local whites.
ical Imperialism to fool them in the colonies.
ilar sort of scene, with the changed as a result of the develsons.
powers and activities of the Bur strong action taken by the auShouts of This is an example Unions Growing Great Powers hovering hun opments in Europe.
ma Government. The resolution thorities the strike was continuJamaica Okies Strike grily over the Dutch East In In the press of both coundemanded that Burma should be ing. One can gather, from the of British justice! greeted the Trade unionism, as a result of In Jamaica the workers on the dies, waiting their opportunity tries this immediately unloosed JUST OUT!
judge as he fined the workers 15 Butler efforts, has made rerecognized as an independent na speech of Sir Shenton Thomas, a flood of accusations and countion entitled to frame her own Governor of the Straits Settleeach or 21 days in prison, at the markable progress in Trinidad various farms of the United Fruit to sink their claws into it as soon as Holland is laid pros ter accusations that both gov.
constitution and further that ments and High Commissioner of same time imposing a 50 bond Today there are 18 trade unions. Company went out on strike on trate by war in Europe. ernments contemplated seizing suitable action should be taken the Federated Malay States, at upon cach to guarantee their collective bargaining is develop April and latest reports are that Chief of the waiting vultures the islands at the first favorin the immediate present to give the Legislative Council in Singa good conduct henceforth.
ing on a permanent basis in the the strike is rapidly spreading.
are, of course, the and able opportunity. Both, of effect to that principle in regard pore on February 12, that there Japan, both of which have now fendants, had waised a large red extenca no the reseptorganized higher wages and against the recourse, were right. The word to the government of Burma. protection has taken on a ia a growing trade union movepressive actions of the officials served notice upon each other flag during the demonstration ones.
In Singapore, main naval basement against the increased cost and upon the world that they of the company.
new meaning, especially since and Connor, another of the deof British Imperialism in the Far of living. The Governor stated: On field workers have just won intend to have the final say the Allies and Germany both Jamaica is faced with a confendants, denounced the judge a further wage increase of two stitutional crisis because the about the fate East there have been important the Indies. set out at about the same time strikes recently. From the mes. We have evidence that trash and British justice.
That the great archipelago to protect Norway, The Amsterdam News report of one half cent per hour for Enerne commissioner for another stretching 3, 000 miles across the Just how far imperialism The ger press reports it appears that which is circulated among the what was described as only a labor classes is often violently ed: strike among dock workers em seditious. Many recent strikes With attempts by the local of living. Workers now receive two years. The elected members South Seas is lost to Holland will go to prevent the wealth of ployed by the Harbor Board was, were planned not by the workgovernment, hiding behind its 90 cents to 12 per day accord of the Legislative Council are seems a foregone conclusion. The the Indies from falling into Japrotesting the governors use of Dutch have extracted its wealth pan hands will be determined, in fact, a movement of much ers but by subversive organizaso called war powers, to crush ing to the job and skill. Out of the paramount importance for nearly three centuries and of course, by how the war in genlarger proportions.
tions. Every power we possess the strikers and deny their de about 9, 000 oil workers in Trini clause of the Jamaica Constitu now, with the world being re di eral develops. That they do not mands for higher wages and dad, 8, 000 are organized.
shall be brought against the tion.
vided by the greater, more pow mean to do so out of any altruThe Jan. 18 London Times men enemies of the state. They ai humane working conditions, the erful plunderers, the time has istic motives was stated quite people of the and country Kingston Dockers Strike British Democracy come for them to be displaced. bluntly in a Washington dispatch hundred workers engaged in the the Empire is now fighting. as a whole are aroused to the In Kingston, Jamaica, British By invoking the paramount The Dutch capitalists realize this to the Journal of Commerce on hospitals also struck. Workers in warn them that sedition is one point of violence, a dispatch West Indies, workers on three importance clause, the governor well enough.
April 17 which stated: a cane factory beselged four Eng: of the most serious offenses it stated. But British oppression docks went on strike, demanding orders the members of the Legis BUNDLE RATES: After both Japan and the There is some doubt that lish officials of the factory and is possible to commit in war continues to keep the working 48 cents an hour and an eight lative Council to vote with the had issued statements the United States would at 10 to 25 coples cents each fought the police who had been time. Singapore is not a hot hour day, charging that since government on any question masses at a starvation level of about the status quo of the 26 copies or more 242 cents each sum tempt to protect there that to relea the officials, existence while it takes every 1938, they have been paid 20 which is considered essential to Islands. neither one of word protect again. the Dutch Send Remittance with Order using bottles as missiles. The bed of sedition a small minorthing it can get to fight a war cents an hour and forced to work the maintenance of British au course, means a Dutch status possessions unless Holland Times correspondent declared ity wants to lead the people to in distant lands, it concluded. eleven hours.
thority and prestige. The com quo. the Netherlands govern ceded them under a protectoemphatically that the strikes violence and unrest and, be Pioneer Publishers speaker at a meeting the bined vote of the government Uriah Butler, the crippled lament announced that it has rate. This would give the would not hamper naval work cause of what may happen it United States an excluslve 116 University Place and shipping will not be affectbor leader is still held in pre last week in February of the In members, sort of House of nelther demanded nor would this Insidious and malignant right which no government New York City ed.
ventive arrest at a concentra dustrial Trade Union led by Bus Lords group in the Legislature, is accept protection for the IsAnd yet before two days had disease is not cut off now, tion camp on Nelson Island. But tamente called upon the work used to vote down the elected lands whatever its source and could contest except at risk of Asserted their ability to defend war.
ler is held as a native whose ing classes not to allow hypocrit members.
passed, it was reported that the have spoken thus.
Behind the Lines West Indian Negro Dock and Workerswaone Transportepe Plantation Workers Striking Burma Protests Forced Role e como ele me pronted by the As Supporting Britain War WHY we Defend Union