BourgeoisieCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGermanyIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarInvasionMarxMolotov-Ribbentrop PactNazismPartido Vanguardia Popular (PVP)Popular FrontsSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyWorkers PartyWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL APRIL 20, 1940 SOCIALIST APPEAL Vol. IV, No. 16 Saturday, April 20, 1940 Published Weekly by the SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASSN.
at 116 University Place, New York, Telephone: Algonquin 8547 In the World of Labor Australian 4th Internationalists Fight Against War Editorial Board FELIX MORROW ALBERT GOLDMAN General Manager GEORGE CLARKE By PAUL SCHWALBE (Comrade Schwalbe, an active member of the Fourth Internationalist movement since 1929, has spent considerable time in Australia during the past three years and is now a member of our Australian section Editor. Subscriptions: 00 per year 00 for six months, Foreign: 00 per year. 50 for six months. Bundle orders: cents per copy in the United States: centa per copy in all foreign countries. Single coples: cents. Reentered as second CIA matter December 1939, at the post office at New York, under the Act of March 3, 1879.
FIGHT WITH THE SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY FOR: Job and a decent living for every worker. Open the Idle factories operate them under workers control. Twenty Billion dollar Federal public worka and housing program.
Thirty thirty 80 weekly minimum wage 80hour weekly maximum for all workers on all jobs. Thirty dollar weekly old age and disability pension.
Expropriate the Sixty Familles All war funds to the unemployed. people referendum on any and all wars. No secret diplomacy.
10. An Independent Labor Party 11. Workers Defense Guards against vigilante and Fascist Attacks.
12. Full social, political and economie equality for the Negro people.
government of the Norwegian Labor Party, which is supposed to be the most left of the parties of the Second International in the real places of power, in the most strategic military and industrial centers, were arch reactionaries who, without consulting the government or the people of Norway, had the power to decide to hand Norway over to the Nazis.
Let us understand clearly what this means.
This caste of traitors came to the conclusion that their best interests were served by facilitating Germany invasion, and their will dictated what happened. We happen to see this so glaringly in this case, because the decision that the caste made was contrary to that which the American presswhich functions openly now as part of the Allied camp would have liked it to make, and hence the American press indignantly exposes the conspiracy.
But suppose this caste of traitors had, instead, decided to throw its support to the Allies? Then the American press would not have called them traitors or their act a conspiracy but, on the contrary, would have written only about the people of Norway deciding to facilitate an Allied invasion instead of a German one. But in that case, just as in the present case when this caste favored Germany, IT WOULD BE THESE ARCH. REACTIONARIES WITHOUT CONSULTATION WITH THE PEOPLE WHO WOULD DECIDE WHAT NORWAY SHOULD DO.
In venting their rage against the Norwegian reactionaries for favoring Germany, the American press has involuntarily laid bare for every worker to see the real mechanism of all the democracies.
The same mechanism operates in this country.
The people of this country will have no real voice in deciding whether this country shall go to war, and against whom. semblance of popular support will be worked up for the war through the systematic poison pumped into our heads by the press, movies, radio, the speeches of Roosevelt and his Democratic and Republican collaborators but this poison is being pumped into us at the command of the American equivalent of those who decided which way Norway should go. They decide, not the people.
Who are those that decide? America Sixty Families the powerful plutocrats who really run this country and will continue to run it, no matter who sits in Washington, until the day when the American working class takes the power into its own hands and takes away from the plutocrats their economic power.
Tomorrow, if it should serve the interests of America Sixty Families, they would call a halt to the roar of pro Ally propaganda and turn on a in which of the imperialist camps this country should line up Anybody who talks about fighting for this country against Germany or Japan, or whoever the enemy is, simply is delivering himself as cannon fodder into the death machines of the Sixty Families.
We are not pacifists and we re not isolationists.
We know that this country can stay out of a warring world. We re not against all wars. Because we re for the one war in which it is worth fighting the war of the working class against the bosses. We ll defend this country when this country is ruled by the workers. We ll war against fascism and reaction anywhere but only when the armies which carry banners against fascism are the armies of a Workers Republic or the revolutionary workers forces within the fascist countries.
Any worker who doesn underst doesn understand what has just happened in Norway.
By Paul Stevens together with those expelled, constituted in JanThree Organizations Decide to uary, 1940, the Revolutionary Socialist Party Unite as 4th International Party (Partido Socialista Revolucionarlo) and immediFermin Olea, fraternal delegate of the Revolu ately established contact with the previously ortionary Socialist Party of Chile to the Third Na ganized Revolutionary Socialist Left and with extional Convention of the Socialist Workers Party, members of the Communist Party who had beprovided us with the following summary on the come disgusted with the Stalinist regime and its Chilean situation and the formation of the international politics. The Socialist Party entered the Popular At the Congress of the Revolutionary SocialFront combination in 1937 with a fifty point plat ist Left in February, there were fraternal delegaform; but the real point of the Popular Front was tions from the Revolutionary Socialist Party and to elect a presidential candidate opposed to Gus the Internationalist Workers Group (Grupo Intavo Ross. The Popular Front candidate was the ternacionalista Obrero. the latter has been afbourgeois radical, Pedro Aguirre Cerda, and the filiated to the Fourth International for some Socialist Party sacrificed its own candidate, its time. At this Congress it was agreed to form a leader Grove.
Committee for Unification of the three organiza2. After the victory in the October 25, 1939, tions.
election, the Socialist Party convoked a General In March the Revolutionary Socialist Party Congress in December to decide on its participapublished first pamphlet, which consists of a tion in the new government. At that congress were to be observed the first symptoms of open Manifesto, a Declaration of Principles, a program of action, and the statutes of the party. second opposition to the reformist politics of the This opposition grew in the course of the publication, a new translation of Marx Criticism first year of the Popular Front government. The of the Gotha Program, in the press.
first serious incidents came in September, 1989, In its Declaration of Principles, the Revoluwhen the Central Executive Committee of the tionary Socialist Party declares that the World Soci Party attempted to effect a rapprochearty of Socialist evolution (the Fourth Interment with the Vanguardia Popular Socialista (a national. represents with fidelity and purity the movement previously openly pro Nazi but which, interests of the working class, and in its stawith the support of the Stalinists, had entered tutes states that the party International is the the Popular Front. With a combination with this Fourth International.
organization, the leadership thought to counter balance the Stalinist Radical bourgeois The new party that will result from the fusion of these organizations has great perspectives: alliance which was outweighing the in gov. 1) Because its militants and its theories are ernment decisions.
imbued with the Trotskyist ideas of proletarian The Socialist Youth Federation (Federacion internationalism. 2) Because those discontented Juvenil Socialists) did not accept the policy with the Socialist Party do not find in any other and its general Secretary, Krug, together with group a firm ideological base. 3) Because those other leaders and active youth, were violently discontented with the Communist Party have not expelled from the These elements formed the succeeded in creating any other independent Revolutionary Socialist Left (Izquierda Revolu group. 4) Because the new party has a genuine cionaria Socialista) in November, 1939.
and effective proletarian base and many of its New incidents came just before the VI Gen militants are those who developed the active eral Congress of the which took place at trade union work of the and the end of December, 1939. Numerous militants March, 1940 Fermin Olea were expelled and various sections reorganized by the leadership.
After attending the convention, comTwo tendencies constituted the opposition: one rade Olea added the following appendix to his which was organized around Cesar Godoy, an report: deputy in parliament, and another, Trotsky Concerning the international question raised ist, which was organized under the name Ala by the war, the German Soviet pact and the war Izquierda Socialista (Left Socialist. The two in Finland, the had not taken, at the time tendencies agreed in their condemnation of the of my departure from Chile, any official position; dishonest practices of the government, of the but in the Central Committee there prevailed the leadership and of the leadership of the trade position supported by the national convention of unions, whose principal body, the Confederacion the American party. The same thing happened in de Trabajadores (Workers Confederation) is con the Revolutionary Socialist Left and the Internatrolled by the and the Communist Party, tionalist Workers Group.
with a slight majority in the hands of the believe that in no case will a minority in the The Left Socialists and the Godoy group made take a stand against the unity of the party, an agreement on the following platform. 1) and this position will also be maintained in the Democratic centralism and liberty of discussion; course of the process of unification between the (2) reinstatement into the party of those ex and the other groups.
pelled for political reasons. 3) the candidacy of It is clear that our movement in Chile is leavGodoy for General Secretary of the party.
ing the stage of propaganda groups. unified Grove was elected General Secretary over party of the forces at our disposal in Chile means, Godoy by an insignificant majority. The result from its inception, a party of action in the mass was that many militants left the party. These, movement.
Statement of the National Committee The readers of the APPEAL are already familiar with the resolutions adopted by the recently concluded National Convention of our party. These resolutions published last week)
made extremely liberal provisions for participation of the leaders of the minority in party work. The resolutions offered them the oppor tunity to continue the discussion in defense of their point of view in the Internal Bulletin and in the NEW INTERNATIONAL, on the condition that they refrain from issuing an independent publication in opposition to the press of the party.
These decisions of the convention have been rejected by the leaders of the minority. This conduct left the National Committee no alternative, under the instructions of the convention, but to suspend the minority leaders from the party until such time as they signify their readiness to abide by the convention decisions. This action was taken by the National Committee, at its meeting held on April 16, in order to protect the party against disruption. At the same time the terms of the suspension leave the way open for the suspended members to reconsider the question and return to their places in the party leadership and in its editorial boards on the basis of the convention decisions.
She decling Anti Trusť Campaign Aimed To Break Back of Unionism The Australian island continent, 28 times the size of Great Britain, has less population than New York City. When we think of the numerous troopships that have already left for the European battlegrounds, and the Mauretanias and Queen Marys that are on the way to Australia for human cargo we begin to realize the terrible drain upon the manpower of Australia, the suffering of those left behind the inevit.
able decline of living standards and the eventual collapse of the whole economy of Australia In the circles of Britain high society, where the real rulers of Australia meet, it is a matter of congratulatory comment that their agents down under are going the limit, without serious resistance from the so called Labour Government or the Trades Union leadership, in a program that will ship regularly at least 2, 000 young men in every month to their deaths.
The docility of the Stalinist upper crust is almost unbelievable. They were driven out without resistance from the Yarra Banks at Melbourne, traditional workers meeting place, three and four weeks in succession, by a couple of dozens of sixteen year old boys ganizing Workers Defense Guards and depending upor a handful of uniformed hooligans. Instead of or on the workers, appeal repeatedly to the local police, federal and state governments, and army heads, to restrain the kids or soldiers!
The contrast between the Stalinists and the Trotskyists is clear cut. When our comrades set up their platform and banners for a demonstration, they do so with heads erect and defiant hearts, singing the International In Sydney, in the Domain, where many thousands of politically advanced workers congregate every Sunday afternoon, the Trotskyists have always depended on the workers around them, together with their organized Defense Guards, for protection, in many cases very successfully.
Events during my stay in Sydney revealed the appalling cowardice of the Stalinists. They were loud only in their abuse and calumny against Alfred Bradley, delegate from the Boot Trades Union to the New South Wales Trades and Labor Council, who had repeatedly proposed to the Council the formation of a Workers Defense Guard to protect labor rights.
With the aid of the Stalinist votes, the proposal was defeated. The slogan for Workers Defense Guards 19, however, beginning to make headway. have just learned that the Melbourne branch of the Boot Trades Union has carried a resolution for it.
The Australian section of the Fourth International, the Communist League, has made its greatest mark in the fight against the imperialist war. An inspiring demonstration took place in the Sydeny Domain last sponded to the call of our speakers to boycott the fall, where several hundred workers of draft age reNational Register by burning the blanks in a great bonfire before the speakers stand. It was an impressive sight, to see the flames of protest and discontent from that fire reach skyward in the shadows the Government and Army buildings!
Our Communist League holds street meetings almost nightly in all parts of Sydney, attracting increasingly larger audiences, as our comrades fearlessly attack the war and the proposed conscription Our meetings always have large and colorful banners, with clear and effective slogans calling spiritedly for action against the war. The uniformed hooligans who attempted at first to break up our meetings have been effectively discouraged, with the aid of workers who volunteered to defend our meetings.
Our Movement Composed of Workers Our people are also active in the mass organizations of the workers. Undoubtedly the high degree of discipline and dogged devotion to the League is accounted for by the fact that over 75 of its members are composed of union members, and that the League is almost 100 proletarian. Many of them are employed in the ship armament and machinist trades, some in the boot trades and printshops, and not few are migratory workers, who do the technical work in the party headquarters during the slack season.
Work among the unemployed is a major task. Our comrades are instrumental in publishing The Unemployed Workers Voice, which is systematically circulated in the unemployed districts in every big city in Australia. The distribution problem has been solved by the unemployed themselves, who in great numbers take turns in distributing it at the main unemployed registration offices Much could be added to attest to the high degree of spirit that characterizes the Australian Section of the Fourth International. The comrades are determinedly setting about to transform their monthly organ, the Militant, into a weekly. They support several full time organizers and functionaries. Our comrades are notably selfless, giving all they have.
These worker comrades are accomplished speakers, writers, and are well developed in the various arts and techniques necessary for revolutionary agitation and propaganda Such spirit, devotion and activity could not fail to have its impact. Particularly important is the effect on the Stalinists. The bull of our membership has come from the Australian Communist party, which is comparatively large. Those that have come over lately from the are of exceptional quality, recruited in most cases from the leading cadres of the Stalinist organizations, and the drift toward us is still going on, As a case in point, while this is being written have received the March issue of the Militant, announcing the break of Betty Roland, noted radical playwright who, we are sure, will follow the example of Rawling, Baracchi, Jack Kavanagh and others who preceded her into our ranks.
that. Treachery In Norway (Continued from Page 1)
Union No. and its officials cer hold a weekly rate of 44 while a ing a profit. Opera on Tour, tainly do not come under these union afiliated to the CIO offers Inc. Weber, et al. points.
to work for 27. 50. It was in this Unreasonable restraints The indictments dispute that the Longshoremen to compel the hiring of use are based solely on the charge Union and its officials Joseph less and unnecessary labor. that the union and its officials Ryan and others were indicted.
Mr. Arnold gives an example of endeavored to obtain, spread and Mr. Arnold held that this was a an extra man on a delivery truck, maintain work for members.
jurisdictional disputea conBut the principle is what matters The general cry of racketeer spiracy in restraint of interstate. not Mr. Arnold example. And is used to conceal and confuse the trade.
just who is to say what is use attack on unions.
Here is how a jurisdictional less and unnecessary labor. When court judges have been dispute can be created to wreck Who is to decide the proper speed caught selling their decisions for unions: There are AFL union of a worker? Surely not lawyers cash, the anti trust law was not trades on a building. The builder and judges who never did a day used against them. Such law was signs an agreement with the CIO manual labor in their lives? And not used to convict dishonest law. The AFL union trades strike.
who will decide the borderline of yers, politicians, government of. Then they and their officials are exploitation ficials, stock manipulators, min criminally indicted for destroyTwo men working six hours isters and bank officers. Surelying an established system of coleach often means useless and we have not so soon forgotten the lective bargaining. Seems fanunnecessary labor if one man Falls, Dohenys, Sinclai Forbes, tastic doesn it? But it is all can be induced or forced to work Whitneys, Mantons and many too true.
twelve hours. And what about the others.
older workers being thrown on to However, labor has never before heard that jurisdictional the human scrap heap? Is it bet. NEW WEAPON IN THE strikes are unlawful under the ter for human beings to starve UNION BUSTING ARSENAL anti trust Jaw. And labor has certhan to have unnecessary 18 Unreasonable restraints.
to destroy an established tainly never had a monopoly of When the General Electric, system of collective bargain such disputes. Various states, maWestinghouse and others pay Ing.
ny departments of government, low wages and show huge, un Mr. Arnold says this covers courts and even churches are connecessary profit that is not an jurisdictional disputes and stantly involved in jurisdictional unreasonable restraint. And strikes. These occur between un disputes of one variety or anwhen lighting fixture manufac ions over which one shall do cerother.
The United States was born in turers in other states pay, poverty tain work or jobs. For instance: wages so as to make unnecessary When the New York Edison Com a fight over jurisdiction. Cities, profit, that is not an unreason pany built a power house it had a towns and villages often squabble able restraint.
contractor do the electrical con over territorial jurisdiction and But when union electrical struction work with regular union against encroachment. It seems workers say, Buy our labor; we electricians. Later the Edison em that a democracy is impossible get little work; don drag us ployees formed a union and the without jurisdictional disputes down to the lower paid workers company wanted to use these em various kinds that is an unreasonable re ployees to do this work at 50 Of course such disputes bestraint. It creates useless and less wages.
tween labor unions do harm. Bad unnecessary labor, Mr. Arnold in the New York tunnels the feeling is created all around. Alclaims. Sand Hogs despite a decision most all humans deplore and conS. Unreasonable restraints. rendered against them by proper demn them the same as they to enforce systems of graft union authority want to do cer do war. But humans still go to and extortion.
tain electrical work done for war. And such disputes and Unreasonable restraints. years by Electrical Workers Un strikes are a form of wara war to enforce Illegally fixed ion No.
mostly for jobs. Provide enough prices.
In New York the Longshore jobs for men and you will hear The indictments against Local men Union has been trying to little or nothing of such disputes.
CA An astounding picture has been drawn in the press this last week of how Germany overran Southern Norway without resistance. Traitors in and every branch of the government and the armed forces, situated in positions where they could de Now a CIO affiliate has fallen victim to the liver or render harmless fortresses and warships, trust busting campaign of the Department of airports and government buildings and industrial Justice. the Fur Workers Union. Let neither plants, worked hand in glove with the German John Lewis or anybody else deceive himself. invaders. So widespread was the net of these the fact of Stalinist influence in the fur union traitors that it is scarcely possible to think of might explain why it was the first CIO union to them as a group of agents of Germany; it is be touched the government moves first against more accurate to speak of a certain caste in the discredited Stalinists because they are so Norwegian society which decided to deliver Nor vulnerable but that doesn at all mean that way to Germany.
other CIO unions won be next.
Even if we discount nine tenths of these press In this case the CIO top officialdom made a reports, the residue is still enough for us to draw certain important conclusions concerning the gesture or two of solidarity pretty perfunctory realities of Norway and of every other demgestures. In AFL cases, the CIO officials conocracy. While at the head of Norway officially tinue tacit approval of the prosecution. Lewis stood a socialist government to boot, it was a Co. are cutting off their noses to spite their faces.
MAY DAY MASS MEETING! Wednesday, May 1st FARRELL DOBBS JAMES CANNON IRVING PLACE Irving place and 15th Street SPEAKERS: New York City daha