AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarInvasionLeninLeninismMarxMarxismNazismPrivate PropertyRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

SOCIALIST APPEAL APRIL 20, 1940 Resolution Adopted by Socialist Workers Party Convention Convention Held April Reaffirms Policy Of Unconditional Defense of the Soviet Union perialist war for the re division of the earth. This estimate of the The Second World War, now in its opening stages, is an imits successes monstrously compromise the Soviet Union and character of the war has been elaborated in the greatest detail by wreak havoc in the international working class, does not concern our international movement over a period of ten years, and has it at all.
been verified by all the events since the actual outbreak of the 20. The Stalinist bureaucracy cannot provide the international war. Among the territories the imperialist powers covet is the working class with a satisfactory explanation of its invasion of territory of the the one sixth of the world from which of a revolutionary attitude against the bourgeoisie of one own fundamental antagonism to capitalism. Despite all the inroads of the Polish Ukraine and Finland, because a full explanation would capitalist enterprise has been excluded since November, 1917. country.
the Stalinist bureaucracy, the chief conquest of the overturn constitute a damning Indictment of Stalinism. Stalinism is directThey would like to smash the Soviet state monopoly of foreign The Nature of the Soviet State achieved by the October Revolution in the realm of economy re ly responsible for the fact that Finland has remained up to now trade, which for twenty two years has prevented imperialist finmains: state property. So long as the nationalized property is not an outpost of imperialism on the Soviet border. By its internal ance, industry and trade from competing against Soviet enter The Soviet state was founded in November, 1917 upon the overturned or seized by the imperialist powers, the Soviet Union and external policies. the plight of the Finnish population of prise within the Soviet Union; to make available to the capitalist theory of Marxism and by means of the strategy and tactics of remains a workers state, degenerated though it is.
Soviet Karelle and the fate the German proletariat under world this field for capital investment and its rich granaries and proletarian revolution flowing from that theory. Marxist theory 13. The Stalinist bureaucracy represents merely a temporary Stalinist leadership were the two facets of Stalinist policy which raw materials on terms dictated by the capitalists; in short, to was conclusively vindicated by the October Revolution. The revo malignant growth. The conditions for its triumph the back struck home most directly to the Finnish masses the Stalinist reduce the Soviet Union to a colonial or semi colonial status.
lution transformed private property into state property, the wardness of the country and the imperialist environment. bear a bureaucracy drove into passivity proletariat and peasantry necessary form of economy for the transition from capitalism to temporary and transitional character, and will disappear with Every big war, irrespective of its initial motives, must pose socialism. Control of this property was exercised by the working the victory of the world revolution, squarely the question of military intervention against the which had always been foremost in the vanguard di crevolutionary class through the Soviets (workers councils elected on the basis Only postponement of the world revolution nourishes the civil war (1918) and which had illegally maintained in order to transfuse fresh blood into the sclerotic veins of capipowerful of occupational representation. the factory committees, the army talism. In these words, our international theses, War and the bureaucracy. It feeds on the defeats of the world working class. Communist party up until the rise of Hitler. The Soviet Union Committees, the trade unions and the revolutionary party. This It maintains its arbitrary rule only because the Soviet masses could not aid the Finnish revolution of 1918: it could certainly Fourth International (1934. sounded a warning to the revoluSoviet democracy constituted the dictatorship of the proletariat have not been awakened by revolution without. It plays no inde have aided a revolution any time in the last decade. That no tionary workers to foresee this inescapable result of the contradiction between the and the imperialist states and to be sketched by Marx, exercised uncompromisingly against the bour. pendent role in production. It serves no need of production. On the revolution eventuated is the responsibility of Stalinism. Instead geoisie, both national and international, and against all irrecon contrary, bureaucratism has become the worst brake on the of Leningrad being protected by a successful Finnish proletarian on guard. These words are more than ever true today.
cilable enemies of the workers state. It was the broadest and technical and cultural development of the Soviet Union. This was revolution, it is safeguarded by an invasion of Finland. Es2. The imperialists response to the Finnish events strikingly most genuine democracy which has ever existed.
veiled for a certain time by the fact that Soviet economy was sentially the same story can be told of the Polish Ukraine. Stalin confirms the prediction and warning of our thesis. The Second Nevertheless, it was denounced from the first by currents in occupied for two decades with transplanting and assimilating cannot explain this without exposing himself.
World War included among its fronts from the first a rabid ideothe labor movement (Second International, International Federa the technology and organization of production in advanced capilogical campaign against the Soviet Union. Under the pretext tion of Trade Unions, anarchists, pure and simple trade union talist cour But the higher the economy rose, the more comWhy We Condemn the Invasions provided by the Finnish events, this ideological war against the ists, etc. who were partisans of other methods at bottom, bourplex its requirements became, all the more unbearable became 21. Our condemnation of the military Intervention of the immediately reached a scope and intensity surpassing geois democratic methods of solving humanity problems. In the obstacle the bureaucracy. The constantly sharpening con Stalinist bureaucracy is motivated by our defense of the Soviet anything since the actual imperialist intervention in the first their material and ideological war against the Soviet Union, they tradiction between them leads to uninterrupted political convul Union. The military strategie advantages gained in the Polish years of the revolution. In actual fact the war against the Soviet pointed to contradictions between the model of the workers state sions. The explanation for this is to be found precisely in the Ukraine and Finland are far outweighed by the negative results Union at that point already passed the ideological stage (Roose as sketched by Marx and Lenin, and the reality. No one, however, fact that the bureaucracy is not the bearer of a new system of that the Kremlin purchases its alliance with Hitler by putting velt credits to Finland, Hoover fund raising committee, revival was more critical than Lenin, and more observant than he, in economy peculiar to itself and impossible without itself, but is a the Comintern to work whitewashing him; that the Ukrainian of the League of Nations as center of the anti Soviet drive, Amer pointing out the gaps between ideal and reality. Since Lenin parasitic growth on a workers state. The monstrous purges in provinces were purchased at the price of alding Hitler to enslave ican, British and Italian arms and planes to Mannerheim, etc. death, those who carried on the Leninist tradition, the Bolshevik the testify to the fact that Soviet society tends organic 23 million Poles; that the invasions are carried out without conPowerful sections of the ruling class in all imperialist countries Leninists now the Fourth International continued to subject ally toward ejection of the bureaucracy. The Stalin regime is a sideraion of the will of the workers of the Soviet Union, or the endeavor to compromise the differences between Britain and Gerthe Soviet Union to the most thoroughgoing critical analysis. All regime of permanent crisis. By the sweep and monstrous frauduoccupied territories, or the international proletariat and, indeed, many in order to unite them against the Soviet Union. Even with valid criticism of the Soviet Union the scientific explanation of lence of his purge, Stalin testifies to nothing else but the in in direct violation of the Ideas and feelings of the masses, and out this, however, as indicated by their reaction to the Finnish the developing gap between the Leninist ideal and the harsh capacity of the bureaucracy to transform itself into a stable consequently compromise the Soviet Union and disorient the events, the democratic imperialists may shortly go over to a reality is the achievement of the Bolshevik Leninists.
ruling class.
world working class.
direct and full fledged war against the Soviet Union.
Among the immediate factors which intervened between ideal 14. The primary danger of the end of the Soviet Union as a 22. Our condemnation of the military Intervention of the and reality were the vast destruction and expending of the re3. That the Second World War took the form it did in its workers state and its transformation into a capitalist state Stalinist bureaucracy has nothing in common with the attacks sources of the country brought by the Imperialist war from 1914Initial stages the imperialists turning upon each other before comes from imperialist intervention. The imperialist invaders will upon the Soviet Union by the social democrats, petty bourgeois going on to seek the destruction of the Soviet Union was en 1917, the destruction accompanying the civil war and the imper find allies within there is growing within the bureaucracy a democrats, anarchists, etc. These non Bolshevik critics of the allst intervention of the whole capitalist world in the ensuing visaged by our theses, War and the Fourth International. As a wing which realizes that the bureaucratic caste can insure its Kremlin hypocritically denounce the Soviet Union as imperialist years, and the necessary emergency measures to combat these positions of privilege only through rejection of nationalization, result of Stalin reactionary foreign policy and the defeats imfor using military force and for violating existing borders. For conditions which the Soviet state had to take. These were not, us, however, the borders of the capitalist world are at all posed upon the workers by the Comintern, imperialist fears of however, the decisive factors which intervened between ideal and them with Western civilizatiopoly of foreign trade, replacing e. capitalism. This section of revolution temporarily abated; under Stalin the Soviet Union inviolate, and military force may very well serve revolution, as reality and which transformed Soviet democracy of 1917 into the bureaucracy seeks, as its way out of the conflict which rages in the aid given by the Red Army to the revolution Georgia appeared in the world arena as an auxiliary to one imperialist Stalin totalitarian regime of 1939.
camp or the other. Nevertheless the fundamental antagonism bebetween the needs of the nationalized economy and the bureauin 1920. We argue as defenders of the Soviet Union, the nontween the imperialist world and the Soviet Union remained, basic The ideal of the Soviet state sketched by Marx and elabo cracy organic incapacity to manage it, a place as a compradore Bolshevik critics as its enemies. It is impossible, therefore, for rated by Lenin was an ideal for an international workers regime.
ally far deeper than the antagonisms among the imperialist powbourgeoisie in the service of the imperialist powers.
revolutionists to find any common ground with non revolutionists Only on a world scale, on the basis of the material and technologin condemning the foreign policy of the Soviet bureaucracy.
ers. Stalin attempt to take advantage of the war to strengthen ical resources of at least the advanced countries could the Soviet his military strategical position in the Ukraine and the Baltic The Foreign Policy of the Stalinist 23. The Kremlin crimes in foreign policy are simply a con.
state be built and endure along the lines of the model outlined by tinuation of its crimes against the national economy of the Soviet galvanized the imperialists into a new high stage of war preparaMarx and Lenin.
Bureaucracy in the War Union. Its foreign policy flows from its internal policy: they contions and belligerent acts against the Soviet Union. Stalin conThe Soviet Union will perish unless the revolution is successtinued neutrality was desired by the democratic imperialists 15. Like the foreign policy of all regimes, the foreign policy of stitute the mode of existence of the Bonapartist bureaucracy of fully extended to one or more advanced countries, said Lenin.
a degenerated workers state in capitalist encirclement nothing only on condition that he make no attempts to strengthen himself the Stalinist bureaucracy is a continuation of its Internal policy.
True enough, he expected the wrecking of the Soviet state, rather more or less than that. The disease necessitates surgical treatagainst the eventual imperialist assault on the Soviet Union.
The bureaucracy has lost all faith in the creative capacity of the than its degeneration; to put it more correctly, he did not sharply ment; but that can be done only on the basis of the scientific masses whom it plunders. It has established a system of ruling differentiate between these two possibilities. The two are not, diagnosis elaborated above. Those who, overcome by the spectacle without any control from below. Thus it has crystallized beyond They serve the Soviet Enemies however, contradictory. Degeneration must inescapably end at a reform a political regime which would be fatally disrupted by an of Stalinist degeneration, seek to exorcise it by all sorts of direct falsehood, and a direct service to the democratic certain stage in downfall.
epithets. Imperialism, red fascism, the bureaucracy is a new awakening of the masses. These interna chara of the class. no longer a workers state but a bureaucratic state.
imperialists, is the attempt to characterize the Soviet Union and bureaucracy enter into its foreign policy. The interests of the Fascist Germany as identical kinds of states. red and brown The Degeneration of the Soviet State ete. do not help the cure of the disease. On the contrary, by demand, above all, successful proletarian revolution, abandoning the precise, Marxian definitions painstakingly elafascism, red and brown imperialism, etc. These amalgams The degeneration of the Soviet state is part of the price especially in the advanced countries, and a common plan of borated and developed with the years by our international moveare employed by the imperialists and their lackeys in attempting paid by the Soviet and world proletariat the failure to spread economy with such workers states. The bureaucracy, however, to render more plausible their chauvinist justification of the war ment, and replacing our Marxian definitions by epithets from the revolution into Western Europe. The responsibility for this began its reign without any faith in the possibility of successful the arsenal of the democratic imperialists, they only sow conas a war of democracy against fascism. To characterize the process of degeneration rests first of all upon the revolutions elsewhere, formulating this lack of faith in its theory Soviet Union in such terms represents a yielding to the pressure the social democfusion and play into the hands of the enemies of the Soviet racy which collaborated with the capitalist world in crushing the of socialism in one country that is, from the outset the Union.
of the democratic imperialists. This is demonstrated by the fact post war revolutions in Western Europe. The claim elaborated bureaucracy adopted a perspective which ruled out revolutions that the centrists in the labor movement (Socialist Party of by the social democracy and its bourgeois allies, that the degen elsewhere. Its further development (degeneration) soon brought Regeneration of the Soviet State Norman Thomas, Lovesoneltes, etc. found it but a step from erate bureaucracy of the Soviet Union is the logical outgrowth 24. The armed overthrow of the Soviet bureaucracy by the the employment of these characterizations to outright democratic patriotism in support of the Finnish bourgeoisle and its im of the Bolshevik doctrines of Lenin and Trotsky, is a contemptvanced countries would destroy the basis of its political regime, ible attempt to justify the counter revolutionary role of social which rests on the passivity of the masses. Hence, the foreign working class is the necessary condition for the regeneration of the Soviet state. This political revolution is the chief task of the perialist backers.
democracy, The Bolshevik Leninists, the Left Opposition, fought policy of the bureaucracy is directed, first of all, toward the revolutionists in the Each day added to the domination The war of the imperialists against the Soviet Union is the degeneration at every step. If Staliniam triumphed over the bourgeois governments and not toward the international working of the bureaucracy helps rot the foundations of the socialist enormously facilitated by the Soviet bureaucracy and its outer proletarian core of the party it was only because Stalinism class. The good will of bourgeois governments is the primary economy and increases the chances for capitalist restoration, apparatus, the Comintern. In direct contrast to the revolutionary adapted itself to, and literally became the tool of, the imperialist objective of the Soviet bureaucracy.
The bureaucracy has, by its destruction of Soviet democracy, left public diplomacy of Lenin and Trotsky, the Kremlin clique wages world.
16. The Communist International serves the Kremlin in its open to the Soviet workers only the road of armed overthrow of its secret diplomacy without explanation to either the Soviet or 10. The pressure of capitalist encirclement upon an isolated foreign policy solely as a means of winning the good will of the the bureaucracy as the means for reviving Soviet democracy.
the world proletariat; thus each new move of the Kremlin in the workers state was particularly malignant in backward Russia. friendly bourgeois governments and of hindering the foreign Within the Soviet Union today only preparatory propagandisworld arena arouses the darkest suspicions and weakens the The backward economy which the Soviet Union inherited from policy of the enemy governments. Thus that section of the pro tic work is possible. The impetus to the Soviet workers revoloyalty to the Soviet Union of even the most advanced workers.
the Czarist Empire has been deprived of free access to the adletariat influenced by the Comintern is transformed into an lutionary upsurge will probably be given by revolutionary events vanced technology of the Western world by the hostility of the auxiliary force of one imperialist camp or another. The Kremlin, The repulsive character of Stalinist propaganda for the defense of outside the country. The Soviet workers fear of the hostile surthe Soviet Union identifying the defense of the with capitalist world. That, in spite of this, Soviet economy was able through its foreign agency and also in its own name, proceeds to rounding capitalist world is Stalin guarantee for continued acceptance of Stalinist policy in all spheres engenders in many to multiply its output by ratios of acceleration unprecedented in embellish and idealize the friendly imperialism, calling upon workers the rejection of both. Stalinist propaganda on behalf of domination. Were the horizons of the ringed with red history, testifies to the superiority of state property over the the proletariat to subordinate itself to the friend. After five instead of brown, the Soviet masses could be depended upon to the Nazi Soviet alliance undoubtedly drives sections of the proleanarchy of private property. But it could not, out of nothing as years of duping the workers with slogans for the defense of the settle all scores immediately aganist the bureaucracy. The chief democracies, Moscow is now engaged in whitewashing Hitler tarian vanguard, outraged by Stalin cynical betrayal, into a it were, outstrip the rate of productivity of advanced technology strength of the bureaucracy lies not in itself but in the disillusubjective attitude of antagonism to the Soviet Union in order to elsewhere. It remains behind the capitalist world by the decisive marauding policy as one of peace. The Kremlin has become the slonment and passivity of the masses, in their lack of a new safeguard their defeatist attitude toward Nazi Germany. This criterion of productivity per man hour. And in this fact lie the most valuable agency of imperialism, for the power and prestige perspective. wave of revolutionary struggle of the masses subjective attitude is today one of the most powerful levers in the roots of the Soviet bureaucracy.
of the Kremlin enable it to serve a friendly Imperialism to a far in the imperialist countries, certain to come in the course of the hands of the social patriots. In these various ways the Kremlin 11. Where goods are scarce and their control and consumption greater degree than the Second International was ever able to war, will open a new perspective of struggle for the Soviet masadds its weight to that of the democratic imperialists in creating constitutes a privilege, it is inevitable that a distinction will arise serve. These services of the Comintern have become an extremely ses. The struggle against social inequality and political oppresenormous pressure upon the revolutionary vanguard to abandon between privileged and unprivileged. In the Soviet Union this took attractive bargaining point in the Kremlin overtures to the sion, for the freedom of the trade unions and the factory comthe concept of the defense of the Soviet Union against the capi place when the scarcity of consumers goods and the universal imperialist powers.
mittees, for the right of assembly and freedom of the press, letalist world.
struggle to obtain them generated within the state a policeman galization of soviet parties, revival of the Soviets as representa(the bureaucracy) who arrogated to himself the function of dis Stalinist Alibi Is a Fraud tive bodies democratically elected on the basis of occupational It is under the foregoing conditions that the Socialist Worktribution. Hostile pressure from without imposed on the policeman representation, revision of planned economy from top ers Party is confronted with the task of re stating its attitude 17. The leaders of the Comintern justify this policy by the bottom the role of defender of the country, endowing him with national toward the Soviet Union today. The conditions under which we in the interests of producers and consumers, the fight against general proposition that an isolated workers state must utilize undertake our task may be summed up succinctly: OVER authority under cover of which he was doubly able to plunder the the international policy of the bureaucracy and its secret diplothe contradictions in the camp of imperialism. The general propecountry. This policeman, the Stalinist bureaucracy, differs from WHELMING PRESSURE TO ABANDON THE SOVIET UNION.
sition is indisputable. An isolated workers state cannot fall to macy these will be the slogans that will mobilize the masses.
and the aims of their uprising against the bureaucracy.
All tendencies to regard the Soviet Union as a lost cause, to cross other labor bureaucracies such as the Second International, maneuver between the hostile imperialist camps; and maneuverwhich are generated by a similar process of economic scarcity it off and say there is nothing left of the conquests of the great ing means temporarily supporting one of them against the other.
revolution worthy of defense, signify a capitulation to this presbut one artificially imposed by capitalist property relations upon However, this constrained support for one bourgeois state against sure. The revolutionary quality of our party, and its capacity to the advanced countries in the greater power it wields; for while another is justified only when it is demonstrated in the full view the labor bureaucracies in capitalist countries rule the workers stand up in the war crisis, is tested at this point, above all, by its of the world proletariat that the isolated workers state is thus ability to withstand this pressure of the capitalist world and re with brutal disdain, they are themselves servitors of the ruling The mobilization of the masses of the Soviet Union for these saved from destruction and that the support is not purchased by aims is the task of the Fourth International. The social hatred class and its state, whereas the Stalinist bureaucracy itselt posmain faithful to the defense of the Soviet Union.
suspension of the working class struggle to overthrow that bour stored up by the workers against the bureaucracy this is presesses the state apparatus in the Soviet Union. The Stalinist geois state. By these criteria, the alliance with Hitler must be bureaucracy, in short, differs from the ordinary labor bureaucracy cisely what, from the viewpoint of the Kremlin clique, constitutes condemned Trotskyism. The Kremlin fears with a thoroughly well grounded in that it is the bureaucracy which rules over a labor movement 18. The Brest Litovsk peace reinforced German imperialism fear the bond between the deep but inarticulate indignation of which destroyed its capitalist class in 1917. But the destruction against France and England and sacrificed the national inde the workers and the organization of the Fourth International.
of the Russian capitalist class did not free the Soviet Union from pendence of the Ukraine. The class conscious workers, however, For there is but one party capable of leading the Soviet masses the pressure of world imperialism. As the conservative urge to could understand without difficulty that signing of the treaty was to insurrection the party of the Fourth International.
maintain privileges gained under an economy of scarcity in a necessary salvaging the workers state. Having saved itself by capitalist country motivates a labor bureaucracy to serve its that peace, the Soviet Union could later destroy the peace. Here as a result of the nationalization of the means of production in 25. The growth of the productive forces in the Soviet Union An analysis of the Soviet Union constitutes inevitably more own ruling class, so the anxiety to conserve privileges under is the classical example, under the internationalist regime of 1917 and in spite of the depredations of the bureaucracy signifies than an academic task; a Marxist analysis is at the same time a the economy of Scarcity imposed upon the Soviet Union by Lenin and Trotsky, of maneuvering between the imperialist that the regeneration of the Soviet state will take place on a far programmatic declaration on the basic questions of the proletarcapitalist encirclement has led the Stalinist bureaucracy into the camps.
higher economic and cultural basis than in 1918. Nevertheless, ian revolution. The interpretation of the history of the classical service of the dominant ruling class internationally world imthe solution of the economic contradictions of the will bourgeois revolution, the French Revolution, has been for 150 perialism. Where the labor bureaucracy in capitalist country remain, as in 1917, solvable only in the international arena, by years the battleground of contending bourgeois and petty bourserves its own rulers as long as the latter allow it to retain its the world revolution. Only by linking Soviet economy to the adgeois (and later also the proletarian) camps. It is likewise with status quo (and the enemy imperialist rulers when its own vanced economy of the great states, once these come under the the unfolding of the first successful proletarian revolution.
ruling class dispenses with its services in favor of the Fascist In the alliance with Hitler, however, the Kremlin does not rule of the proletariat, will the danger of another degeneration Who made the Russian Revolution? Why was it successful? bureaucracy as the German social democracy, for instance, now claim that it is constrained to accept the alliance in order to con be averted. But in that way it will be averted. The international Why did the working class surrender its power to a privileged serves Germany enemies. the Kremlin serves now one, now tinue to exist; nor does it represent the sacrifice of Poland as a bureaucracy, and under what conditions will it retrieve its powrevolution will put an end to all bureaucracies by putting an end another group of imperialist powers, depending upon which bloc bitter necessity imposed upon the Soviet Union by the imperialist to all special privilege. Control and consumption of goods will no er? Should the Soviet Union be defended? What is the relation can better assure it of retaining its status quo in the Soviet powers. On the contrary, the Kremlin boasts of its alliance and longer constitute a privilege. Science and technology on a world between Bolshevism Stalinism? Is the workers Union.
does not trouble to explain how it can possibly justify having scale have provided the foundations for an economy of plenty, state even though degenerated. Is it an asset or a liability to aided Hitler in enslaving some twenty three million Poles. The and only the old, obsolete property forms stand in the way.
the international working class? The answer to these and reeconomie transformations in the provinces occupled by the Red 26. For an independent Soviet Ukraine, is one of the funlated questions is also the answerer program for the working Army, covering eleven million people, can scarcely be said to damental slogans of the coming revolution in the The class in his own country. It is especially important to point out compensate for delivering more than twice that number to Hitler. right of self determination, brutally violated by Stalin, must be this fact today in the democratic countries, where under pressure 12. Despite the depredations of the Stalinist bureaucracy, the these conditions, the oppressed classes and peoples reinstated. The indubitably widespread movement for Ukrainian of the imperialist war mongers, erstwhile friends of the Soviet Soviet Union remains a workers state. More accurately, it is a throughout the world have been affronted by the alliance with independence will become the property of the capitalist restoraUnion have revised their views in conformity with those held by degenerated workers state, having been stripped of many of the Hitler, thus weakening extremely the international position of tionist movement unless it is channelized in the revolutionary bourgeois democracy, yet attempt to palm off their views as characteristics it possessed under Lenin government: above all the Soviet Union.
movement; a channel it will find any event. regenerated revolutionary (Lovestoneltes, Socialist Party, Independent Li stripped of Soviet and party democracy and of Leninist inter 19. As in the occupation of the Polish Ukraine, so in the in Soviet state would easily find the way to mutually satisfactory bor Party of England, etc. Abandonment of the revolutionary nationalist policy, The Soviet Union retains, however, its class vasion of Finland, the Kremlin poses and resolves the question, collaboration with an independent Soviet Ukraine in a genuine Marxist estimate of the Soviet Union and its course is merely a character like the trade unions plundered by the labor bureau Like all other questions of its policy, absolutely independently of Union of Soviet Republics. The same considerations hold for a preliminary to where it is not simultaneous with abandonment crats, reduced to servitors of the bosses but still remaining in the ideas and sentiments of the international working class. That (Continued on next page)