BourgeoisieFranceGPUGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismInvasionLeninLeninismNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSViolenceWorkers PartyWorking Class

We propose that the regular 1940 session of the Congress of the United States shall enact emergency legislation to put into immediate effect the following: Appropriation of 10, 000, 000, 000 to provide, at once, jobs on housing and other public works projects for unemployed workers. Amendment of the Wages and Hours Act to provide throughout private industry and public works maximum work week of 30 hours and a minimum weekly pay of 30 dollars. 30 dollar weekly old age and disability pensions. Appropriation of 3, 000, 000, 000 to guarantee either maintenance at school or jobs for all youth Socialist Appeal Official Weekly Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International NEW YORK, APRIL 13, 1940 Vol. IV, No. 15 FIVE (5) CENTS NORWAY CRUSHED BETWEEN WARRING POWERS West Coast Crew is LEWIS SKIRTS Return to Two Week Appeal FINK CASE Attacked by Both MAIN ISSUES IN Allies and Germany Voted by Convention AGAINST MPLS. By. Hull Orders DRIVERS OPENS MICHIGAN TALKS SWP Reaffirms Policy Of Defense of USSR POLICY BLOCKS RALLY AGAINST WAR of the courts, The West Coast crew of the American freighter Ewa is in prison in Port Said, Egypt, Trade Union Reports by orde Secretary of State Becomes First Testing Ground of Powers Hull, it was officially reported Open Way to Growth Workers Cheer Every Military Strength as War Enters Of Mass Work Lawyer Confines Self Monday to the Sailors Union Strictly To Slander The crew members of the Mention of 30 Hour New Phase of Extension the Marine Firemen and Red Baiting and the Marine Cooks StewThe decision taken by the Week Slogan ards requested an advance on By GEORGE STERN Third National Convention of going ashore, and were refused the Socialist Workers PartyThe Allies and Germany have chosen in Norway the MINNEAPOLIS, April The by the captain. When a controversy resulted and the sea DETROIT, April Twenty scene of their first great test of military strength.
April 9 in New York Cityfink suit against the General five thousand militant auto workDrivers Union, Local 544, again men persisted in their demand, to re establish the Socialist Between dawn of Monday, April 8, and Tuesday, April the American consul was ers poured out in Detroit and got under way before Judge Paul Appeal as a twice weekly sumcalled in.
Flint on April and 7th to hear Norway was attacked, by the Allies and then by Germany.
Carroll, after a seven weeks perHe communicated with an answer to their pressing By nightfall of April 9, Norway itself was laid prostrate.
med up the determination of iod during which attorneys and Washington, and Secretary of needs from John Lewis and German forces were already in possession of its capital and the delegates to expand the accountants for the finks have State Hull thereupon gave full other national leaders of the CIO been examining the books and base of the Fourth Internapermission to the British its chief ports. Allied forces were on the way in an effort to But they got no answer records of the union.
tional in the American mass authorities at Port Said to The workers demonstrated by expel them.
their attendance at the CIO ralAmong the broadside charges clap the crew in jail, which niovement lies their. enthusiastic loyalty The German forces came in to protect Norway against from the attorney for the finks was done.
And the delegates did not to the CIO. The leaders responded the Allies. The Allies moved to protect Norway from the The British provided the 70346 were the following: that the unstop with a formal decision, to this loyalty with lip service Reich. Norway, which wanted ion spent enormous amounts American ship with an English crew which is now sailing the to the fight against unemploy protection from neither, was and warships from its waters.
but proceeded to carry it out. The closing salute of the Third National Convention of the on airplane rides and swanky hotels; that the union had paid to ship to Pensacola, Florida, At the banquet to the delegates Socialist Workers Party, which met in New York City, April where it is scheduled to ara program of action for a so not consulted by either. It has. But Germany was not waiting upon the Allies to honor the fruitunion members sick and death rive about May lution become the victim of both. less protests of the Norwegians.
Sunday night, 4, 130 was benefits without authority: that Every time the 30 hour week This is the fate that awaits the News of Norway protest had raised in cash and pledges paythe union expended thousands of at 40 hours pay slogan was menIdollars for strike benefits; that able in sixty days, the time set tioned the tens of thousands of rest of the small states of Eur barely had time to reach the public prints, before Germany inthe unemployed Federal Workers workers cheered and stamped ope.
for the reappearance of the Section was organized illegally. tervened to protect Norway their feet. At every demonstraSocialist Appeal as a twicethat the union had encouraged neutrality against the Allied atIn accordance with the detack.
tion of the workers enthusiasm threats, force and violence again weekly.
for the slogan, which is the only cision of the Allied Supreme This enthusiastic response st employers to attain its enda; answer for jobs and security in Council on March 28 to speed Blitzkrieg that the union had made donathe automotive industry. Lewis At dawn Tuesday morning, followed inevitably from the tions to other striking unions.
Reuther and the other CIO ora up the tempo of the war, to stirring trade union reports by Insists Upon Basic Distinction Between The finks attorney made much tors were quid to throw on the extend the blockade and to April 9, Hitler armed hordes Farrell Dobbs, the new Naof a charge that the weekly padampers, saying that this was squeeze the neutrals mercilessly gave a startled world another Soviet Union and Imperialists; Upholds only an aim tional Labor Secretary of the per of the Teamsters Joint Counthe future.
in that process, British and sample of the Naxi blitzkrieg Lenin Ideas of Building the Party cil, the Northwest Organizer, had The workers showed their un French warships on the morning technique.
party, and union leaders in the derstanding by turning from territorial of April invaded Norwegian The German army Toledo Unionists shown a general attitude of conmarched held. It reflected the inspiratempt for the courts and the juwaters and mined across the Danish border and cheers to stony silence when the three sections of the passage used within a few hours occupled the Fear Stalinist tion which worker delegates. gain ed from descriptions of the un The decisions of the convention to re issue the two dictary, and that the defendants Anti War Fakery only to explain in frightened by German ore boats bound from entire courttry. The Danish gove conquerable courage and militan weekly SOCIALIST APPEAL and to embark on an ambitious pro have by all means in their power voices that it was just something Narvik for the Baltic.
ernment, aware of the futility of to think about.
The day before, Sunday, the protection.
resistance, accepted Germany cy of the American working class gram for expanding the party work in the mass movement resought to foster among their in struggles in many sections and ported in detail in another story in this issue. could be made only cor, and is them with the idea was no April anti war rally of some planned program of action, go to war with either side irunits sailed up through the Katmembers an attitude of contempt The workers listened in vain Norwegian foreign minister various industries.
because a decisive majority of the convention had rallied to uphold and to imbue TOLEDO, Ohio, April There for something with a true ring, threatened that his country would Simultaneously German naval the fundamental program of the party and of the Fourth InterTo the Workers!
that justice can not be obtained labor here yesterday, and the some serious directives aimed at the country sovereignty was in tegat, the passage that separates national. The vote was 55 to 34.
in the courts.
Forward into the mass moveThe attack of the minority upon the program, attack which reason why should be important achieving the demands which ev. fringed.
Denmark and Sweden, into the ment, more than ever into the reflected the tremendous pressure of living under a government and Anderson repeatedly referred to to all trade unionists who want eryone recognizes are the only Skagerrak, and began landing Protested Against Allies trade unions as the most import. a bourgeoisie which is actually articles in the Northwest Organ to rally labor ranks against solutions to the workers needs.
troops at Norwegian ports. By ant single field for revolutionary part of the democratie imperAfter Roosevelt, What? Monday morning Norway filed mid morning of the 9th it became activity, was the determination falist warring camp. revolved shevik party before it was cor izer and in the Socialist Appeal. Roosevelt war plans.
rupted and destroyed by the Several weeks ago the Toledo of the delegates. Comrade Dobbs around two issues: Lewis correctly condemned, in a violent protest with the French apparent that the Germans had stirred them with many exper The basic distinction between Stalinist bureaucraey. The con larly venomous exgainst Pa Local Industrial Union Council, cho violent language, the failure of and British governments, chars: slipped right through the British iences in great labor struggles, vention minority abandoned 544 Union Defense Guard, com central body, went on record for the Roosevelt administration to ing them with an open breach fleet and successfully landed the Soviet Union and the imclosing with an arousing call to the Leninist concept of demo plaining that the union maintains the holding of an anti war rally stop starvation in the midst of of international law and de all the main ports on the West (Continued on Page 2)
perialist powers. The minority manding withdrawal of mines coast of Norway. Stavanger, action, an appeal to plunge inhad abandoned this distinction, of the convention the right for which holds military drill three made the motion, as part of their Bergen, Trondheim, Kristiansund, and even Narvik, nearly 1, 000 creasingly into proletarian strugwhich is a keystone of the progles against the bosses and to the minority to publish its own times a week, and that stands latest line, but in spite of knowgram of the Fourth Internamiles to the north. Some reports advance the in its role of tional and unsuccessfully atsaid that the landing party at ly mean dual editorial boards. union leaders and members, and aives in the central body voted vanguard of the workers conNarvik came from Murmansk.
tempted to put the convention quest of power.
dual administrations, dual dis union picket lines against attacks for the rally because they do on record against defense of tribution methods, etc. and from fascists and vigilantes.
Worker delegates from coast want labor expression of opposiOther Neutrals Wait the Soviet Union. The majority hence in reality two dual or tion to war.
to coast fired the convention with upheld our fundamental proganizations.
When Anderson read from By GEORGE STERN Norway proclaimed resistance reports of struggles and accomgram for unconditional defense the NORTHWEST ORG ORGANIZ Plans for the meeting went to the invader long enough to plishments in unions in steel, ER headline that Defense forward. Speakers were arranged nas set up war front in NorDifferences Are Basic of the Soviet Union as in no The same Allied polley that approved the speech.
be seized upon as Meanwhile, the British block Britain and France. In London auto, maritime, cannery, building ally by way incompatible with irrecon The controversy in reality em Guard Is Answer to Fascist for. hall was secured.
way is going to lead in the near ade has already begun to operate and Paris it was promptly antrades, and other industries. They cilable struggle for the over braced irreconcilable concep Thugs. John Goldie, union deamplified Comrade Dobbs general throw of the Stalin bureauctions of the party program, struc fense attorney, jumped to his brewing, which burst at the last the Pacific which will necessari et freighters were seized and would fight the German invasion But meanwhile a storm was future to serious complications in in Far Eastern waters. Two Sovi: nounced that France and Britain report, with additional vivid testracy.
ture and activities. Every reader feet and asked what was wrong meeting of the central body. So ly involve the United States. have never been released, despite of Scandinavia. The war machines ready imony that the is Building the party on the doc is able to conclude this for him with that. WHILE 514 ENE deep had become the distrust of refer to the policy the Allies repeated Soviet protests. One of both powers were immediately a workers party Decision to add second issue trine of democratic central self by studying all the resolu MIES ARE ARMED, THESE the progressives toward the mo. have adopted of tightening up American freighter carrying a put into gear for the struggle.
a week to the Appeal was only ism the organizational prin tions which were before the con UNION MEMBERS ARE NOT tives of the Stalinists, that the their blockade of Germany al cargo of copper turned back in At this writing the first engagethe main point in the broad plan ciples elaborated by Lenin and vention.
SUPPOSED TO DO ANY progressives joined the conserva most regardless of cost. mid ocean (its captain denied he ments, in the air and at sea, were embodied in the Russian Bol. Continued on Page 4) THING, Goldie said.
adopted to expand the party tives in referring the whole matOne of the leaks they pro was stopped by any British war. apparently already underway work. With every worker report ter to a meeting of all the officials What was obvious about An of CIO unions in the city.
pose to plug is the leak of ship) and goods are beginning to while German troops seized all this determination grew derson barrage of charges was war supplies which they believe pile up on West coast docks be important centers of Norway and that he had actually discovered One delegate put it bluntly: are reaching Germany through cause shippers are afraid to ship. Sweden, Holland, Belglum, waitAn Inspiring Example would be more likely to the Soviet port of Vladivostok. Actually, of course, this ed fearfully for their turn to be One of the most inspiring re.
ion books and records, which support this meeting, if didn This is a sizeable job and inblockade is a blockade of the sucked in.
ports to single out one was the finks have howled about for think the initiators of It would volved ticklish Allied relations Soviet Union. There is no evithat by a young woman worker over two years.
feel differently If public opindence to show that the goods with Japan on the one hand (Statement by James Cannon, National Secretary of the From their own point of view from the cannery union in CallIon In this country favored Socialist Workers Party of the United States. and the United States on the the Allies have good reason to being brought in through Vladifornia. Describing the miserable To cover up his failure to find Germany.
vostok because the war has ad Norway. They were 80 La Prensa of Mexico City, April 5th, carried an interview conditions of the migrant workother, as well as the USSR. Jaany financial discrepancies in ers who divide their pitiful lives with Diego Rivera in which he is quoted as saying that Trotsky the union meticulous book CIO held the meeting to which will not tolerate British naval On April the officials of the man has already declared it closed other lanes is destined ready to aid Norway that they especially for Germany. On the probably would have taken posbetween agricultural and canning will support Stalin in his attitude against Finland today at the keeping system, Anderson could the issue had been referred, and operations in what it regards other hand, Moscow has cersession of its coast themselves if factory work, this girl paid glow Congress of the Fourth International which is now being held in only criticize the union for the tainly no disposition to be coHitler had not beaten them to it.
ing tribute to the young New York, to which Trotsky has already sent his representative, workers who have helped to build the Spanish Mexican Grandizo.
very things for which workers to there is some evidence that to make the blockade more pa operative with the Alles and That was indubitably the mean all some of the largest and most There is not one word of truth in Rivera statement. No ConAmerica is being led into war. latable to the Japanese, the Brit will resist the attempts to mire General Drivers Union militant union locals in this in gress of the Fourth International was held in New York or any Local 844 for its militant de Many progressives voted for ish have been holding out the pos choke of this trade. Herein lles Norwegian waters. Hitler gendustry other place. The Convention of the Socialist Workers Party of fense of its members and of un this formulation of the conserva sibility of a deal in China. This the possibility of renewed seri eral stat showed that it under echal Throughout the convention, be the United States was in session from Friday, April 5th to Monion contracts; for its uncomtives although they themselves was the meaning of the speech of ous friction between the stood the seriousness of the and the Allies.
lenge by hurling its tremendous tween sessions, there were nu day, April 8th. No representative of Trotsky appeared at the conknow there is evidence of the British Ambassador Craigie in promising attitude to the bossThe American press, and the machine into action with such moves toward war. If they are Tokyo on March 28.
merous trade union meetings for vention because Trotsky did not send anyone to represent him.
es and their courts and their various industries. At each of New York Times in particular, astounding speed.
The Convention afirmed the position of the Fourth InternaWashington appears to be have begun to prepare American press; for a willingness to help not themselves working in the other unions involved in strug.
manufacture of munitions in Tol ready enough to cooperate with public opinion for events in the these the workers discussed and tional in defending the Soviet Union against imperialist attack No Neutrals Allowed outlined detailed plans for naedo, they know those who do. the British in facilitating a Paci Par East by publishing highly and in condemning the counter revolutionary policies of Stalin, gles with the bosses; for the The Allies decided at their Sutionally integrated campaigns in amongst them the invasion of Finland.
way it cares for its sick memBut they are utterly unwilling to fic blockade. But it will consider circumstantial and detailed re preme Council session last week each industry. These plans asThe assertion that Trotsky, supports Stalin in his attack entrust the leadership of an anti itself thoroughly double crossed ports about German submarine tu tighten the squeeze on Gerbers, and the families of its sured that more than ever the against Finland is utterly false, as can be seen by a cursory read dead; above all, for its grim dewar struggle to the Stalinists, if Britain secures similar coopera bases in Soviet Far Eastern ports, many economically by tightening workers in the Socialist Workers ing of Trotsky articles and statements within the last four termination to defend the unwho are tarred with Hitler tion from Japan on the basis of a the presence of important Ger the blockade whatever the cost to Party will be the best trade un months. Equally false and fantastic is the idea presented in the ion against the fascists and the brush. deal at the expense of Ameri man naval and engineering con neighboring neutrals. This was ionists, the best fighters for and La Prensa interview that the Third and Fourth Internationals vigilantes.
This and related incidents here can interests in China tingents in that region, etc. made publicly plain by Chamberwith the workers in all their are coming closer together.
show that there is a danger that During the first days of the the militant anti Stalinist proThe London declaration that The vast maneuvers of the lain and Churchill.
We have no doubt whatever of the presence of GPU agents in it still recognized the Chang United States fleet, taking Britain and France were finishMexico. Frequently have we warned the Mexican and American trial, Carl Skoglund, president of gressives may come to feel that king government offered no General Drivers Local 544, was the unions have no business in the place in the midst of these deNo Exceptions To Rule ed with the hypocritical game of people of that fact. But these agents are there to assassinate comfort to the Washington velopment, assume an espe respecting neutral rights The trade union program dealt Trotsky. If the fulsehoods attributed to Rivera were actually under examination by Anderson. fight against war, that the unions strategists. Nor did it silence cially ominous significance. Their policy now more frankly concretely with every phase of uttered by him, then we can say that he has permitted his per. Skoglund long record in the la should stick to purely trade un the angry mutterings over the They tend to stress the fact became to force all neutrals still union work provided for the ful sonal animosity to Trotsky to lead him far astray. Such false bor movement from the time he ion matters. These progressives Craigie speech which identified that the intensification of the supplying goods to Germany to lest possible use of all party hoods can only make it easier for the agents of Stalin GPU to must be made to realize that the the ultimate objectives of came to this country from Swed fight against the war is inextric Britain and Japan. Lord Haliwar means speeding the tempo cease making those supplies members able to serve, whether achieve their purpose of getting rid of the greatest living revoluthey are trade union members or tionist devoted to the cause of emancipating mankind from the en in 1911 and joined the ably part of the fight for the exof American participation and available, and to become instead fax, the British foreign secre that this participation will be part of the Allied blockade sys(Continued on Page 4) slavery of capitalist imperialism.
was brought out by Anderson. tension of the gains of the unions tary, said, Indeed, that he fully mainly on a Far Eastern front. Continued on Page 4)