BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismDemocracyEnglandFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismInvasionItalyMarxismNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismSubversiveURSSViolenceVoroshílovWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

Page S. Delegate Supports MOLOTOV SPEECH SHOWS KREMLIN Russian Mensheviks In Pro War Silence at SEEKS TO REGAIN MIDDLE GROUND Split Over Attitude Session of 2nd Intl SOFTER TONE ADOPTED TOWARD ALLIES AND COOLER ONE TOWARD HITLER Toward Soviet Union this.
Dan and Abramovich In Involved Dispute By FELIX MORROW worth a brass farthing. One has only to compare the USSR with, Allen Attends First Session of Executive Over the Degree to Which They Want comparison of Molotov March 29 speech on foreign policy say. Rumania. It is known that Rumania trade with Germany to the Supreme Soviet with his speech on the same subject to makes up half of her total foreign trade and that moreover Since Outbreak of War; Socialist Call To See the Soviet Union Defeated the same body five months ago provides some significant con the share of her national production in Rumania exports to trasts.
Germany, for example, of such basic commodities as oil pro Maintains Eloquent Silence Too duction and grain, far exceeds the share of its national production The most significant changes are those in the tone employed By JOSEPH HANSEN situation in the occupied territorin the Soviet Union exports to Germany.
toward Germany on the one hand and toward the Allies and On the front page of the March ies of Poland.
the United States on the other.
It is a far cry, this belittling of Soviet German trade, from By JOHN WRIGHT Union as such, e. as countries, 30 issue of the Call, official organ This report, continues the the bonstful declarations in the speech five months ago The Foreign Delegation of but that this difference has no In his Oct. 31, 1939 speech Molotov devoted a good third of of the Socialist party (the Nor. bulletin, was followed by a very his time to indicting the Allies as responsible for the war and the Russian Mensheviks, that is, bearing on the question of defeatman Thomas group. there is a profound discussion on the interwhitewashing Germany: he cited the persecutions of the French Unmentioned in the earlier speech, Italy comes in for some their leading center, has split on ism. report of the first meeting of national situation which took up Communists, the curtailing of political liberties in England, the sharp blows now. In addition to a denunciation of Italy sup the question of the attitude to Abramovich argument in the Executive Committee of the most of the meeting. In the Call unremitting national oppression in India, the Allies profoundly port of Finland, the speech goes to considerable length, apropos ward Stalin regime. Theodore summary form is as follows: Labor and Socialist Internation this profound discussion is not material interests as mighty colonial powers. which make posof a contrast between Anglo French policy in Finland and Al Dan has resigned as chairman (1) It war is the continuation al since the outbreak of the war. even mentioned. sible the exploitation of hundreds of millions of people, their bania, in denouncing Italy predatory action in forcibly sub and left his post as one of the of politics by other means, then Inasmuch as Devere Allen, a THEY ALL ROOTED jugating Albania without the least regard for its population of two editors of Sotsialisticheski totalitarian war is the continuamember of the Norman Thomas FOR BOURGEOIS FINLAND fear of losing world supremacy that dictates to the ruling circles of Great Britain and France the policy of fomenting war over a million people. This, coming at the moment when the Vestnik (Socialist Courier. the tion of totalitarian politics. Nazi rulers of Germany are attempting to secure an agreement Menshevik organ published in (2) preliminary condition group, attended this meeting as Both the Call and the bulletin with Germany. etc. Roosevelt intercession with Kalinin on an official representative, the Paris. Yugoy has resigned as for the violent overthrow of a between Italy and the USSR, on policy in the Balkans to shut behalf of Finland was answered with a sharp reference to the Keto Call is well acquainted with what do mention, however, are not having secretary. Abramovich is now totalitarian regime is military deUnited States oppression of the Philippines and Cuba. Turkey out the Allies, is a plain indication that happened there. The article re report was a success, every success in getting Stalin harnessed in a tandem team with Musso provisional chairman and sole ed feat; therefore, treaties with the Allies were termed entering the orbit of the ports, however, nothing beyond speech expressing complete un lini.
itor, Dvinov the new secretary. 3) We must strive for the the following sketch: that the animity on aid and support for threat in Molotov query whether Turkey will not come to redeveloping European war. and there was more than a hint of Abramovich and his friends are most complete and ruthless millmeeting was exceptionally well Finland. We are unable to check ret it.
Result of Finnish Events principled defeatista in relation tary defeat of the Stalinist reto Stalin and the Soviet Union. gime.
attended, that it was held from on this point, as there was no Very different is the tone in the latest speech. It is true It appears obvious that the change in tone is the result Feb. 23 to Feb. 25 at Brus roll call vote on the Finnish questhat it says the Allies declared war on Germany under the preThey refuse to draw any distincof the five months test in Finland. The earlier speech had said. From this it does not, of sels, that there were repre tion since there was no resolution tion whatever between their de course, follow at all, continues text of fulalling their obligations toward Poland and calls it We do not think that Finland will seek a pretext to frustrate sentatives from various coun on it, but no one would think of featist policy toward Hitler and Abramovich, that we want the a war to dismember Germany: but this is done in a sentence the proposed agreement. Instead came war, with serious reverses tries in addition to Devere Allen, accusing the Call or any other ortheir policy toward Stalin. Dan, a tomization, dismemberment, or two and there are no more references to the dictatorial for the Red Army, powerful support for Finland from the Anglo on the other hand, seeks to es bankruptcy or enslavement of our among them being Leon Blum, gan of the Second International methods of the democratic imperialists at home or in the colonies.
French bloc; instead of occupying Finland as the Kremlin dethat there was a discussion on of inaccuracy on such a matter.
Despite the rich proof at his disposal, Molotov indictment of cided when the war began the Kuusinen Peoples Government tween his attitude toward Hitler tions. On the contrary, we will tablish subtle distinctions be country or any of its various sec Poland and on Finland, and that support of one bourgeois governthe anti Soviet role of the Allies in Finland is couched in ex could have no other meaning the Kremlin was more than glad as against Stalin and the Soviet Aght might and main against the meeting made some changes ment or another has long been tremely calm, even defensive terms. There are no further tart to call a halt beyond Lake Ladoga and forget Kuusinen. Molo in the personnel of the Execu a condition of membership in the Union.
remarks about American imperialism; instead, an offer to inSecond International, tov had smiled skeptically when the morning the Second World Dan and Abramovich, who retive Committee.
Lest some crease imports from the If American authorities do not While no resolutions whatsoWar began, the Polish ambassador had said he expected the Aninnocent reader The Call does not offer even the mained defensists under the Czar faint with surprise at Abramovput obstacles in the way. The tone toward Turkey does not ever were passed by the conferglo French declaration of war shortly; not until it felt the slightest comment on: Anglo French blows in the Finnish events did it finally become and under Kerensky, have finally ich conversion to violence and (1. The failure of the Execu ence, the comments of the Rus repeat any note of reproof but instead points to the existing nonaggression pact. Rumania, unmentioned five months ago, is as clear to the bureaucrats in the Kremlin that the pact with Hitler wants to go the whole hog. Dan the crux of the differences bebecome defeatists. Abramovich lest he conclude that therein lies tive Committee to meet for five sian Mensheviks who had a delsured there are so grounds for any deterioration in Sovietwas not going to save them from Allied blows!
months after the war broke out. egate at the conference, like the apparently has reservations. As tween Abramovich and Dan, we Rumanian relations. The failure of the Execu silence of the Call, can be said Even the gathering Anglo French colonial armies under Wey Molotov speech does not represent a definite shift in basic we shall presently see, Dan res hasten to add that Dan, too, suptive Committee to condemn as to make up for this lack.
gand in the Near East, plainly a move unfriendly to the Soviet policy. Throughout, the Kremlin ervations do not at all flow from ports the thesis of violent overtraitors and renegades those of In a leading editorial of its Union, and which if the Kremlin so desired could be the peg on fixed desire to keep out of this policy has been based on the any deep desire on his part to de throw (totalitarian regimes canmajor war; not because the its members who accept posts in March issue, under the title fend the remaining conquests of not be overthrown in peace time Socialist International Stands which to hang an all embracing indictment of the Allies, is Kremlin inhabitants are pacifists these fellows are no more bourgeois governments.
merely the subject of a single paragraph in which, naturally en pacifistic than Ivan the Terrible! but because they fear the conthe October revolution, but rath or peacefully, they both agree. The Executive Commit United, Sotsialisticheski Vestnik, ough, the Soviet Union is stated to be exercising vigilance and sequences at home in the course of war: the rising tide of reer from his hopes that a possi THEY BOTH WANT tee support of the Allied camp edited by Abramovich, eulogizes volt. And unlike the imperialist powers, the Kremlin, however bility still remains of bringing PALACE REVOLUTION of imperialists in the second the conference and then proceeds prepared for counter measures. This is further softened by a declaration that the fantastic plans attributed to the Soviet corrupt and bureaucratic, is not driven toward war by the contraFurthermore, this revolution World War now raging in Eu to analyze it. The conference met, orbit of the democratie imperial so ardently supported now by dictions of an imperialist economy.
Union of a Red Army March on India, March on the East and ists. Abramovich thinks the only Mensheviks (4. The fallure of the Execu changed views on those grandi the like. are such obvious absurdities that one must completely way to attain this is by uncon tion. Or, as Abramovich so apta palace revoluA New Attempt to Veer and Tack tive Committee to pass a single ose events which have taken place lose his senses to believe such absurd lles.
ditional defeatism. Dan belleves ly puts it: Of all the forms in Europe for almost a half year resolution. Not one!
Molotov speech indicates, however, this much of a change. the more realistic policy to be of violent overthrow of totalitarand which may in the near future No More Boasts of German Alliance Up to the Finnish events the Kremlin was extremely confident that of conditional defeatism. ian dictatorship the most probaSOME THINGS THE encompass the whole world and What makes even clearer the contrast in the tone of the that its pact with Hitler had assured the USSR a position in Formally speaking, in recent ble appears to be that which bears CALL DIDNT MENTION determine its destiny.
two speeches is to add to the differences enumerated above those between the warring camps; in grateful return for the pact, the years, the Mensheviks have rec in our literature the highly qualIn order to understand better THEY ASK VERY, concerning Germany. In the speech five months ago the Hitler Kremlin was emphasizing its political support of Hitler policy. ognized in Russia elements of ified label of palace revolution why the Owl chose the eloquence VERY GOOD QUESTION!
Stalin pact was declared bound to have its effect on the entire extension of economic collaboration, etc. and was doing so with socialism. Insofar as Stalin And Abramovich gwears that of silence rather than speech, let But shouldn the Second In international situation. Here development has proceeded along cocksure conviction that the Allies were impotent to interfere marched shoulder to shoulder Dan himself acknowledges that us outline briefly the main events ternational be indicted, queries the line of strengthening our friendly relations, extending our with the Kremlin plans for strengthening its defenses against with democracy, they were de history, sad to say, has appar.
at the conference. We use as our the Abramovich editorial, inasany future moves of Hitler. The events in Finland rudely de fensists. In other words, they ently left no other way out save first source of information the much as this session could be held in her efforts for peace. Collaboration between the German practical ortoperation can countering on between the German and stroyed this Illusion.
were detensiats yesterday for for a palace revolution. Men International Information bul only five months after the out Red armies in Poland was boastfully described: one swift blow the self same reason that they shevik sheds tears even when conletin of the Second International, break of the war and then ad to Poland, first by the German Army and then by the Red Army.
For the coming period, therefore, the Kremlin, having burnt are defeatists today.
noting that under date of end of journed without adopting or its fingers in Finland, will attempt to move more cautiously befronted by history with such and nothing was left of this ugly offspring of the Versailles tween the two camps. It will seek to edge away a little from THEY OHANGED THEIR December 1939 the LSI in its passing a single resolution. The a revolution treaty.
STAND AFTER HITLER Dan, however, is a pessimist.
previous bulletin made the fol Mensheviks are at least capable, Hitler in order not to sustain further blows from the Allies.
STALIN PACT He warns against any illusions, lowing announcemeat to its rad in distinction from the Call of Molotov even went so far then as to declare that a strong But, having placed its fate entirely on maneuvers between the When Stalin signed his pact It would only mean that anothers: Germany is an indispensable condition for a durable peace in imperialist camps, which is simply another way of saying that with Hitler on August 30, 1939, er Bolshevik clique will come to We were forced a. Ilie begin to be asked by the class conscious seeing that this question is bound Europe. Those who wish otherwise fall to see that their attempt it pursues a course of supporting one imperialist camp against Dan and Abramovich concluded power. That is why a different ning of the war to interrupt the worker. Isn such a lapse, he may end in disaster for them.
another, the Kremlin attempt to steer clear of the war will it was necessary to reevaluate defeatist approach is necessary, publication of our Inrnational asks, absolute proof of the imNothing comparable to these statements is contained in Molobring upon it more and more pressure from both camps, and their attitude toward Stalin whom He does not want to wait for a Information and its supplementa. potence and internal decompositov latest speech. There is a perfunctory reference to the new, first and most pressing will be Hitler pressure.
they have always identified with military defeat but seeks rather As we do not yet know when we tion and the complete loss of any good relations with Germany, which have been tested in practhe Soviet Union. There were no to liquidate Stalin regime by will be able to resume our pub international solidarity, a demtice in connection with events in former Poland, and their (A second article on Molotov speech will appear next week. disputes among them as to what means of inner forces and lications, we cannot accept any onstration of its inability to play strength has been sufficiently proved. But this is skillfully bewas involved in this reevaluation. make the revolution a lever for subscriptions for the year 1940. an active role in the actual events littled by this significant passage: As Abramovich writes: There the defeat of Stalin criminal The next bulletin is dated Feb or the future development of Attempts have been made to justify these hostile acts (of was complete harmony in ap war policies.
ruary 26, 1910, and reports the mankind. the Allies) toward our foreign trade on the grounds that by praising Stalin rule as the rule Despite his tears, Abramovich conference. Apparently the on We answer this question with a trading with Germany we are helping her in the war against cials of the Second International simple affirmative.
of a nationalist imperialist clique, is very optimistic. He lists variconsider that the sole action they which has completely broken ous palace candidates to reBut the Mensheviks and we England and France. It does not take much to see that these arguments are not with the proletariat and with 80 place Stalin, and concludes that have taken since the beginning presume the silence of the Call By GEORGE STERN cialism and has degraded itself all of them (including Voroshilov)
of the second Woril War was signifies solidarity with these Signs of a new British deal partly at the expense of China, to the level of Hitlerite Nazism. would be compelled to be very, such an outstanding service to bootlickers of the imperialist the Brussels meeting, the unanimously side by side with political with Japan are beginning to and partly at that of Americanovich, have unanimously recog a palace revolution, even with Vo All of us, complains Abram very progressive. Why? Because the Allied imperialists that it de warmongers maintain the con mous vote for the new president, prostitutes Leon Blum, Paul appear. If it is actually signed, imperialism. Olt is one of the nized that his (Stalin s) regime roshilov at the head, he argues, served their breaking silence with trary. Leon Blum in Populaire unanimity of support for the Al Faure, Abramovich, the Social sealed, and delivered the re most important elements in the has completely broken with revo must unavoldably catapult Russia they no longer have any subscrib as a major achievement on the Abramovich sighs with a slightly ski, Grimm, etc. etc. would have portance in the further developAmerican threat of an embargo lution and socialism; that his re from the present coalition with against Japan, and Britain is al gime is the greatest enemy of the Hitler into an alliance with the ers.
road of consolidation of interna sour note. Don let fool our drained the Norman Thomas ment of the war.
ready displaying an indecent working class and has become Allies. And what could be more Camille Huysmans was unan tional socialism!
selves, he says in effect, this un group of its last vestige of parlor It is a notable fact that al readiness to fill in the threatened transformed into the rule of a na progressive than this to a Menimously elected President in place. The fact that the outbreak of ity does not flow from the fact pink with an eloquent silence of Albarda who had entered the second World War stunned that the sections of the are they maintain their pretense to though Washington came out gap in Japan sources of supply. tional. imperialist napar evik. the Dutch government on August the Second International into permeated to a greater degree radicalism, a pretense that is only with a declaration of non re What the British want is clique, on the same plane as Hit Dan does not contest the pro9. The unanimous vote indicates complete paralysis for five with international proletarian sol a measure of their distance from conltion within a few hours clear enough. They are ready lerism, with its fate tied irrevo gressive character of such a after the launching of the new Devere Allen approval of Huys months is argued away by Leon idarity and class loyalty than the Europe. They can afford to be to forego, TEMPORARILY cably to Hitlerism. Sots. Vest change. He simply refuses to chepuppet government of Wang mans and hence in view of the Blum with an analogy. In 1914 18 parties of the Second Internation radical in their silent negative their resistance to Japan con nik, March rish any illusions that Voroshieloquent silence of the call the the life of the International was al in 1914 18. Why does the or way this far from the battlefields London nor Paris have as yet Ching wei in Nanking, neither tinental policy in return for Unanimity was preserved when lov will behave better than a stalapproval of the Norman Thomas completely disrupted for a whole ganization enjoy such unity, and with American capitalism followed suit. In Tokyo there is aligning Japan with Britain the second world war actually in. After all, they are both Bolgroup. Huysmans was the secre: number of years. Today it is dis then? Abramovich confesses that still only on the edge of the con already quiet rejoleing on what more immediate war concerns. broke out. Dan and Abramovich sheviks in Dan eyes.
tary of Second International rupted only five months! One this is due to the fact that there flict.
This would involve, mainly, lined up solidly on the side of the SAMPLE OF up to 1914 and during the war. can even say. declares Blum, are no socialist parties today is taken as a virtual split Japanese compliance in the ex democracies, where they still THEIR POLEMIC He was one of those who helped that the outbreak of the war standing on the other side of the As for socialist parties of the among Japan three principal tension of the blockade to the remain despite their differences. Garvey, a principled defeatlead the workers into the last and then the Bolshevik revolution military barricades which divide colonial and semi colonial coun imperialist rivals for the ex Pacife, almed primarily againAnd the invasion of Finland ist argues as follows against World War as cannon fodder and in Russia so disintegrated all the Europe into two hostile camps. tries, such as China, India, the clusive rights to plunder China.
st Soviet ports which have be found both of them unconditional Dan position: hence is eminently qualified to living elements of world socialism African and South Other signs of a British diplo come the trans shipment point supporters of Mannerheim de. What we need is clarity! The American act as a leading official of the that the re establishment of the No wonder the Call was comSecond International in the pres International became possible on pletely silent about the profound Countries, etc. they were not matic shift are not lacking. On for goods bought in the United mocracy and independence. instrument of the Matxist methmentioned by the speakers since March 28 in Tokyo the British States and destined, the British Abramovich reminds Dan that od must serve us but so as not ent imperialist slaughter. ly in 1923. The smashing of the discussion on the international no one represents such countries ambassador, Sir Robert Craigie, believe, for Germany. Dan himself wants with all his vainly to obscure controversial isJ. Albarda, the former pres capitalist class in Russia by the situation. Reporting the views of in the Second International. Only declared in a speech to delighted The Japanese, for their part, beart a debacle and defeat for sues, so as not to cover up semiStalin in his brutal assault on assertions, immediately accompaident, was not present at the oppressed peasants and workers this meeting, at which represent. Labor aristocracies breed Second Sugarbeiten in sametacielimikety stupan have much to gain and little to Finland.
nied by qualifications; so as not of the Dutch government, he was adverse influence on the power, ing for the same objective ue unseating Britain from stra DIFFER ON FORMULA to linger and temporize, which busy atding the imperial cabinet prestige, and finances of the bunamely, lasting peace and the tegic positions in China and at FOR DEFEATISM only paralyzes action. Our preservation of our institutions the same time play off the Briin repressing the workers and co reaucracy of the Second Internatimes demand forthright answers loniai slaves of Holland. Henri tional.
from extraneous and subversive tiah against the Americans, and Why, then, have these good to the accursed questions. It is de Man, who also resigned from Abramovich agrees with Blum.
influences. He saw no insuper: the Russians against both the friends split? And after all these impermissible under the cloak able obstacle to the establishment others. For the Ja years! They have a principled dif of dialectics to cover up lepas a TO THE of full harmony in the national break in the almost total diplo ference. At least Dan claims it and irreconcilable contradictions policies of the two countries.
government, was also absent. The of barren efforts, internal dissenmatic isolation in which they is. Abramovich, on the contrary, in one own position. It is imOn March 31, the financial silence of the Call on the actions sion and split a lapse of five NATIONAL CONVENTION pages of the New York Times Stalin Hitler pact was signed.
have been languishing since the brands as artificial Dan at permissible to see in Soviet Rustempt to construct some sort of sia a totalitarian state. and of these two renegades is one of months was not a real interrupthe hoary customs of the Second tion at all.
of the carried a report unpublished difference between principled de at the same time to seek in this International: never attack any Both Abramovich and Blum elsewhere of a remarkable deal For the American war plan featism which he (Dan) advo social order of state slavery elbetween the British and Japanners, it is another dose of the cates towards Hitler, and some ements of Socialism which must member who betrays the working then join in chorus that after all, Socialist Workers Party class and takes a post in a bour looked at in a certain light, there ese governments involving the British double cross which they other kind of defeatism, appar be sustained until the world nohad to swallow In 1982, when ently tactical defeatism. in cial revolution. It is impermissible sale of about 1, 000, 000 barrels geois government who knows, wasn any interruption whatsoat the DINNER you may be the next to get an ever. Contact between all the of crude oil produced by British the British supported the Jap relation not only to the Soviet to want the defeat of the Soviet companies in Iran to Japan.
anese Invasion of China for the Union as a country but even to Union in the war against Finoffer.
sections of the was never The agenda drawn up by the for a moment broken and the Sunday, April 7, 1940 same reason that they helped wards the Stalinist regime. land and at the same time, with All reservations must One cargo of 100, 000 barrels is secretary, Freidrich Adler, was sessions of the Executive Comnourish Hitler as a weapon which oppresses the country. glaring inconsistency, to insist on DINNER SERVED P.
already enroute, the Times sald.
be in not later than abandoned without any discus mittee at Brussels really constiSince up until now Japan has against the Soviet Union. The ironic exclamation is Abra a subtle distinction between the sion whatsoever in view of the tuted a genuine session of the InBeethoven Hall Saturday, April In these circumstances, the movich Abramovich, it ap two aggressors. advocating done most of its oil buying in complete modification of the cir ternational if not in a formal 210 East 5th St.
California, news of the trans spring maneuvers of the Pa pears, holds that there is only towards one of them, the Third Call Algonquin 8547 cumstances brought about by the sense then in substance. And if action has produced angry mut cific fleet may constitute a warn one kind of defeatism. Dan ar Reich, principled defeatism, and PRICE 00 war and the conference listened there was a little delay, such deor mail reservations to terings in Washington.
ing to Britain no less than to guies there are various kinds. Ab towards the other, the Soviet Unto a report by Keto on the lay is accounted for by war time 116 University Place.
It seems very definitely to sug Japan, a warning that American ramovich is ready to concede to ion, a restricted, temporary and gest that the British and the Jap imperialism this time intends to Dan that there is a difference conditional defeatism.
situation in Finland and a report difficulties.
of the delegate of the Bund on the As for the unity displayed at anese are striking a new bargain, play its own hand in its own way between Germany and the Soviet What style! What thought!
Behind the Lines the Executive Committee to take in comparison to five years of Greet the Delegates