CapitalismCommunismFranceIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarLeninMarxMarxismSocialismSocialist PartySpainStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismViolenceWorkers MovementWorking Class

Page SOCIALIST APPEAL APRIL 6, 1940 TWORKERS Transport Union Retains Union Shop FORUM The Flint WPA Union History Expect Big of Growth Through Struggle Vote For CIO at GM La Guardia Finally Forced To Agree To City Observance of Union Contracts posals Write to sell us what going on in your part of the (Continued on Page 2)
labor movement what are the workers thinking about? tell FLINT, Mich. The story of away, visiting WPA jobs, giving men would lay down their tools, can understand. The union con will be held in abeyance pendus achat the bosses are up to and the men and the local copsLocal 12, WPA and Unemployed union talks, signing up members. turn off the machines, grab tinued full preparations for the ing a final judicial decision and and the Stalinists send us that story the capitalist press didn Auxiliary of the United Auto Union Wreckers Beaten their wrenches and pour out to calling of a city wide strike. It the provisions of the contract print and that story they buried or distorted our pages are open Workers (CIO. is well worth And finally they succeeded in protect their unemployed broheld an emergency meeting on affected will be performed in to you. Letters must carry name and address, but indicate if you careful reading by militants ev putting new life into the danger thers. Continued on Page 2) Monday night of the 500 members the meantime.
do not want your name printed.
ously wounded organization. A world of significance lies in look twice at this garbage to of the union executive board. Anti Labor Conspiracy It is the story of the struggle new election was held and the or that incident.
know that it was borrowed di They announced the setting up of The present controversy has against terrike odds to organize Iginal builders and militants were. By this time union officials, rectly from the propoganda tiles special strike headquarters in the demonstrated beyond doubt that New Recruiting Trick nessmen discussers and the liter. the unemployed, to interest the elected by overwhelming majori both locally and nationally, in the of the National Manufacturers different sections of Brooklyn and the mayor is in a combination Tried Out In Detroit ary tea societies. haven the employed workers in the plight ty. campaign of action was put UAW CIO had been forced by Association or the Chamber of the Bronx and the organization of with the Wall Street bankers in slightest doubt but what their of the jobless. It is the story of into effect rank and file pressure to take Commerce.
a special press headquarters at a vile conspiracy to achieve uniEditor: California counterparts are shed a successful fight against the un On the CIO Council of Flint, some action in support of the That the auto workers union the uptown Empire Hotel fication of the city transport While driving down the main ding the same sort of crocodile ion wrecking sabotage of the under the influence of Communist WPA local which had won the and its great strikes was a sea Mayor Strikebreaking Plans thoroughfare here in Detroit, my tears for the terrible conditions. Stalinists and their workers Al. Party members, the Workers Al hearts of the auto workers.
system at the expense of and on As late as Monday, Mayor La the backs of the poor people and nance.
Itance was seated as a fraternal Union Backs Lawrence shots is true to the last word. Guardia, phoney friend of labor, the labor movement of this city.
eyes came upon a cannon, large, in Ohio.
same interesting and intriguing, to say Nor does it seem to me that Today Local 12 is a great suc organization, given the When Roy Lawrence, sit down When the auto workers threw sent a letter by special messenger The last two weeks have also the least. So clean, so many nice their sympathy way. These concesse Everyone in uwlint pays de pilares as the WPA and Ứnem seterangan warna unione prest Green Mr. Dillon into the ash to union headquarters, advising demonstrated that the Fransport waten the shell feed, etc. Young they do about must look for help out hoithe isse UAW conven the council put up a battle to ly threatening to use violence days by feeding the newly organ and the union were purely imas: relying on its own strength, courThe WPA union delegates to tionary Flint Journal for alleged workers disorganized in pre CIO ences between the city officials curity and achievements only by shaving, dressed in full regalia. They must be maden tota realide tion made provision for organiza: enst the Workers Alliance against relief heads OFFICERS ized workers to the craft union inary and suggesting that the age and solidarity.
Battle Not Over ating mechanism. Upon asking the existence of such conditions unemployed into auxiliaries, Flint ter debates, after every trick and AND OF ALL LOCAL UNIONS auto workers to Roosevelt in the York transportation system what the purpose of the demon are. This is a job which the Ap militants immediately set about subterfuge had been tried by the IN FLINT went to his support infamous NRA settlement; when was not really serious and just It is unquestionable that the stration was got a blunt re peal and the SWP must and can to do the job. hale dozen self stalinists, the Workers Alliance immediately, issued a joint state. Dillon turned over the Toledo a little April Fool day fun. He TWU has won the first battle of cruiting campaign speech. But do.
sacrificing workers began the ar was shown the door. The WPA ment to the press, and backed up Chevrolet Strikers in 1995 to the threateneat to break the strike if the present war. But the battle is that was already clear from the Toledo, Ohio Ed Davis duous task.
union took its place as the only the WPA union official unani tender mercies of General Mo one were called by no means over.
billboard signs all over the city.
The UAW top officials were not legitimate CIO union of the WPA mously.
tors; when Green, acting in uni To back up this vicious policy. There are still 4, 800 workers. Join the Army, which broke the Editor: interested. Local union leaders workers in Flint.
Today full page in every issue son with every anti labor boas La Guardia issued the unprece employed at the present time on WPA Boss Eats Crow of the Flint Auto Worker, weekly and banker and vigilante in the dented order placing ten city de the city elevated lines who will ground for this method of reI would like to know if you gave little or no 48sistance.
cruiting. And this is only prepare could give me the names of or Strongly CP dominated UAW 10 series of demonstrations organ of the local law. cois country, stabbed the Flint sit partments under the direct com be dumped out into the street to ation for more determined meth ganizations that work against re cal officers sabotaged efforts by were then held at the WPA ad devoted to the problems of the downers in the back by urging mand of Police Commissioner Join the huge army of unemployBut watch, it may not pass offers and tell the truth. would like kers Alliance and aiding that the lay off of 200 men.
The dem. Speakers from all lor unions to deal with the CIO: when Mar partment heads to keep their de elevated lines begin so slick. They may have their to have the names of such organ bankrupt outfit in every possible onstrations were so militant, so the VAW Cho now feel hon tin committed a hundred other partments open 24 hours a day There are still the closed shop cards thrown in their faces and izations and their addresses. way.
well planned, that the WPA adored to attend and speak at the crimes against the auto workers and keep all personnel and equip and other provisions of the prethey themselves cast into the still believe your party is the The Death Watch ministrator was forced to re auxiliary meetings, which are when all these things were hap ment at the complete disposal of sent union contracts which must ashcan, these war dealers. It right party. You ought to have high time we played another kind more force. will send you some militant actions such as the This victory became news. Men After carrying through a few scind all 403 and put the men building up to such point that pening the CIO auto workers the police. An emergency meeting, be passed on by the court. La back to work!
they overflow the hall.
were a sea of troubles for Mr. of police commanders, held Mon Guardia, the rest of the city adof game anyway!
Workers Alliance Finished Detroit, Mich. Bertono money soon to help you carry on famed Death Watch, the WPA in the shops began to hear more The Workers Alliance members any auto workers mind that both Walentine office, outlined police courts, and the whole gang of caGreen, and there isn a doubt in day night at Police Commissioner ministration, the judges of the Franklin Wolfinger At that time the Stalinist and about the militancy of its leaders, the UAW CIO local, leaving be his lieutenants will be the color union strike when and if it was ested or sympathetic to labor but Heartening Note union wrecking elements figured about its victories.
hind only the hard bitten and of sea green when they see the called serve the Wall Street bankers, There is an American Associ it was ripe for them to step in. When the WPA officials locally worthless elements.
About Spain results of the NLRB elections. To further intimidate the trans the deadly enemies of labor.
attheism. Tocated at 38 Park to whisper, malign and work agers realized national pressure was tremble every time the WPA Motors workers, however, don an injunction obtained in 1932. Victory. But this initial victory ation for the Advancement of They sent in a couple of agents were tamed, and the union lead The WPA and Welfare officials The real problems for General port workers, notices were posted The Transport Workers have Editor: In a letter have just received Row, New York City. It does not, ainst the leaders of the union, now needed in this field for fur Auxiliary speaks.
from a Spanish comrade now in however, publish any material who were such well known mili ther progress, they began to turn Negroes in Flint, 90 of whom Green and his crowd are cleaned prohibiting the workers from in must not make them over cocky.
Mexico there is the following pas showing the pro capitalist role of tants as Genora Johnson Roy their eyes on the notoriously cruel are unemployed, are gradually out of the industry. The Reuther terfering with the receiver pos. The unions must now begin a sage which gives us a good in the churches. It carries on a very Lawrence.
local Welfare Board.
joining up, one of the members of Thomas leadership of the Uaw session or management of the great campaign to use all possisight into the situation of the abstract and therefore ineffectual meeting called for the elecBuick Workers Solidarity the colored race having been has accumulated a host of prob. or any of its properties. ble influence and pressure upon Spanish revolutionists, etc.
campaign tion of permanent officers was demonstration, reported in elected recently to the Executive lems for General Motors workers Mayor Backs Down The morale of the Spanish the courts to honor the full con.
It is worth noting that this flooded with Workers Alliance last week Socialist Appeal, was Board of the local.
comrades is astonishingly high kind of old fashioned atheism, stooges, Union by laws were vio held at the Welfare Offices and not by acting like the wild eyed But in spite of the threats and tract including the closed ahop, Throughout the city of Flint, as radicals the AFL accuses them the intimidations, the union ranks and to see that jobs at equal pay considering what they have gone which once played a big role in lated by the distribution of slates great strides were made in train a result of militant action and of being but, on the contrary, by held firm and late Tuesday the are guaranteed to the 4, 800 union through. We get favorable re the pre war American Socialist in the hall by members of the ing these welfare officials in deal consistent work, union men are their timidity toward the corporis previous union busting, pro vated lines. Only the same solidmayor was forced to withdraw members employed on the eleports from: 3pain via France. movement, has today completely stooge election committee. hur ing with the union.
proud of Local 12. Its uphill There see. to be an unusual disappeared from the labor move ry up count was held and the mil The Welfare building, across struggle should be a lesson to milationGM is taking full advantage of this. arity, the same militancy, the amount of Klidarity among the ment.
itant elements who had built the the street from the Buick itants in every area.
The precise formulation which same reliance upon the strength workers and peasants. We have On the one hand the reformist union were defeated for the main plants, was picketed by mili Its program is: a job for every Company Bears Down the mayor was finally compelled and powers of the union itsell been told of one instance where socialists the Socialist party offices.
tant colorful squad. In the worker, at least a 10, 000, 000, 000 In many of the plants here the to give in writing was: that won the initial victory, will one of our comrades had walked of Norman Thomas and the so They did not quit, however. plants, a Buick worker report emergency WPA appropriation: els being constantly speeded When a ruling is made by carry the transport workers the board affecting any of the through to final victory, in this der while under suspicion by the clude pious religionists in their few weeks the stooge Workers tion lines kept looking out the an adequate youth program to cept the speed up they are either provisions of the contract it great fight.
authorities and the peasants, leadership and have made their Alliance hangers on drifted off window, talked the situation employ all unemployed youth at penalized with a layoff or their the most backward section of the peace with the churches. The They did nothing to build the un over thoroughly, and unan union wages, etc.
wages are cut to the percent of country, shielded him and direct. Stalinists also go in for a good ion. The union membership fell. mously resolved that should the It will not give up the struggle the standard the management ed his course 90 that he would deal of opportunistic catering to But the militants kept plugging! police attack the pickets the until these demands are met. claims they are meeting.
avoid the authorities. In Madrid, the churches.
In Chevrolet Gear and Axle, too, reports have it that there is On the other hand we revoluseven men were recently penal high degree of solidarity among tionary socialists, as Marxists, ized for refusal to meet company vicious and thorough, but Franco opium of the people. We recog.
the workers. The oppression is recognize that religion is the standards. They were allowed to return to the job a week later on hasn yet broken their spirit.
the condition that they accepted Los Angeles nize the reactionary role of the churches, which are tied by incompany standards. The company numerable threads into the sermade a concession in agreeing to vice of the capitalist class. But Ohio Has Okies KANSAS CITY Grim realism drivers now get 60 cents an hour a lower quality of work. But it is This being special convention and in Flint. Branches in St. Lou.
we also were taught by Marx and toward the prospects of war and for a 48 hour week, time and certain the men will be forced to week for the party there isn is, Los Angeles and Cleveland will Like the Joads Lenin that religion will not die a determination that organized half for overtime.
raise the quality of their work much to report because most of also receive copies for distribuaway so long as man is not mas labor shall not be penalized by the second provision, guaranbefore long this way the com the comrades have their eyes tion at GM plants in their locali Editor: ter of his environment and there war time conditions are written teeing their jobs to men who re(Continued from Page 1) pany is driving more production turned towards New York. But it ties. The special edition hits the The showing of the movie, by do away with religion. But the into the provisions of the contract turn from war, has broad impli What is more, all decisions favor out of the men. Grapes of Wrath caused some socialist revolution will be made which General Drivers Union Locations. It constitutes an obsta ing the iongshoremen were on In Ternstedt s, women workers see from the enthusiasm from the the vital issues facing the auto circles. One pastor devoted a who will still be religious. To cured from the employers here. the unions by changing the em questions as the right to dispense they met company standards, circulation is going to take a big tion will be reported later in these Sunday sermon to the question, arouse these great musses to What shall be done with the struggle is the task of our party. March for one year includes the means return to the industry of sling loads, the right to safety due to the union in view of its tion. The delegates see big possibilities ahead and they are 100 Detroit put part of the money Joads? Businessmen discussion Given these considerations, the following provisions: union men with long traditions codes already part of a state failure to help them.
right on the line: Enclosed find groups and literary tea societies struggle against religion in gen 22 if this nation is called of unionism. If such a provision law. and the right to a full day In Fleetwood, where the situa correct.
money order for the special auto tion is better than in most GM also talked over the problem. eral is necessarily subordinated to war the contract shall be re became part of all union con work when work is available.
there was considerable shaking to the economie and politicae opened for wage and hour neko returning body of soldiers could tions the arbitration award has several years seniority are walle edition, they write, the money plants, the factory operates five But on all fundamental ques days a week, but workers with SUBSCRIPTIONS was raided at the last party of heads, and many sighs that struggle against capitalism. In tiations only.
The first thing meeting, almost everyone (inliterature cluding the new members) consuch things should exist in demo. the course of that struggle, we cratic America.
know, the most advanced work 123. It is agreed that in the new after the last war, through the served in sundermineo nhan dunias ing the streets. New methods of agents and branches will have to tributing.
would have a truer sound if the lined up with the capitalists, tend or service will not lose their se American Legion, as an anti la land union solidarity. These ques of the shop almost daily, but convention is subs. Following is a Unfortunately, their sighsers, as they find the churches ent of war, men who are called bor force.
niority with the company upon Over and above the specific tons included the right to re wherever possible the manage list of subs received since the last objects of their good intentions to leave the churches Editor.
spect picket lines, union controlment is favoring new men as report we hope you remember Early this week we received a were not two thousand miles return from service if physically function of these provisions, they of hiring and the right of the un against the old union employees. When that was because it was a big check from St. Paul which reveal a grim understanding of ion to discipline its own memaway. These people seem perfectlong time ago.
pays up their special edition in ly blind to the fact that right The first provision makes it how near we are to being dragged bers. These are questions affectThe Basic Cause full. The convention Yonkers, delegates here in Toledo, people are living possible for the union, when war into the imperialist war and a ing the life of the union and The lack of militancy on the Los Angeles will give us more detailed inforin conditions that would make begins which means a rise in the class conscious will to expand la should never have been submitted part of the union leadership in its Rochester mation on distribution and we those of the Joads seem relatively cost of living to demand higher bor power and gains with no to arbitration daily relations with the corpora St. Louis will report it in next weeks Apluxurious by comparison.
wages and shorter hours. Local concessions to jingo patriotism.
tions arises almost directly out Omaha peal.
Union Wreckers At Work of its failure to wage a militant On Toledo dumps you will San Francisco find shacks constructed of driftBecause of the general opposi fight for the most basic demand New York City wood and cardboard cartons in (Continued from Page 1)
Ition of the rank and file to the of the auto workers: THE 80 Richmond, Calif.
THE HONOR ROLL which whole families are living been elaborated, as readers of the method of arbitration, the Stalin HOUR WEEK AT 40 HOUR Kansas.
Not all the blows of reaction They eke out a miserable pittance last two issues of the New Interist machine had to undertake ex PAY.
Provo, Utah.
can drive our devoted sympathizby going through the rubbish that national have already been able traordinary measures to sell the Without this solution which Washington, ers away from the Fourth Interis thrown onto the dump. Paper to judge, the party convention peace plan. Under cover of one would in itself solve the ticklish and scrap fron has a certain cash will have the task of overhauling The figures speak for them national. We deeply appreciate of the most intensive agitation questions of seniority, working selves. The first convention reso their contributions.
value, you know but not much. drastically the work of forging campaigns they have ever con conditions, etc. there can be no lution by each and every delegate For a SONG!
ducted, the Stalinists maneuvered real solution to the problems of must be: Subscriptions come writes: Enclosed is 10 to covFrom Oakland, Calif.
Children of and 10, old men and deeper into the ranks of the inwomen, all fight like a pack of dustrial working class.
the separate maritime unions into the auto workers. The tremen first!
wolves over every piece of metal, er my press security pledge.
All Invited to Dinner Bound Volume New International a position of relative isolation and dous unemployment of workers in every strip of wire that is found.
mutual distrust.
the auto industry is the most The steady swing to reaction and utter confusion in most Their whole days are spent rum. Our sympathizers and friends 1988 Whereas formerly all unions pressing problem for the auto SPECIAL SUB OFFER maging through the filth of the will have an opportunity for di1939. 50 had agreements expiring at the Our special sub offer has people minds make the city rubbish. Fires are kept rect contact with the delegates same time, their contracts now Flint workers are seeking a more but results are still to come. Nick them nowadays more than Everywhere in Detroit and in brought many good comments and more important than ever. certainly appreciate burning constantly that the coming from all fields of the Together (incl. postage) 50 have different expiration dates. fundamental treatment of their Lyons writes from New Haven: ever did.
rubber surrounding copper wire American class struggle at the The main purpose behind this problems than mere change in The special offer is a very good Dinner being given to greet the.
may be burned away.
Stalinist maneuver was to de bargaining relations with the corone and m going to do my best From But these are only a few of the delegates on Sunday, April 7, stroy the solidarity of the unlons poration. And everywhere the Washlogton, a, Bound Volume Socialist Appeal most oppressed of Toledo suffer 1940 at the Beethoven Hall, 210 ing thousands. What of the hun East 5th Street, New York City.
to get some of these trial offers sent us a five spot and 00 so that each would be forced to feeling is arising, and it will not in the hands of our contacts. apologized that he couldn accept the principle of arbitra be downed by soft speeches, that dreds of families who have not Dinner will be served at pm ralse more on his watch.
yet been returned to the relief Reservations can be made at 116 there must be action for the 30 George Stern, Appeal colrolls? You hear no exclamations University Place, or by telephonTogether (incl. postage. 00 But as against arbitration, mil hour week at 40 hour pay if the SPECIAL AUTO EDITION umnist, came through with from the for them. Only ing Algonquin 8547. An unforitants, inside the ILWU are de auto workers union is to go for This we are printing a twenty five ars! We hope amazement wonder how they gettable experience is in store manding a program to reconsti ward.
several thousand copy special edi that the comrades who like his for all on that historic occasion.
PIONEER PUBLISHERS tute the original maritime federa The spirit of 1937 is present in tion of the Socialist Appeal on excellent column would follow Still, suppose it would be we urge every reader to take adtion of the real marine unions for these big auto centers. The auto the coming NLRB elections in his example in coming through 116 UNIVERSITY PLACE NEW YORK, wrong to expect anything else vantage of this unique opportuna show down fight against the workers will fight they need on General Motors for distribution for the paper when it is really bosses.
from the liberal pastors, the busi ity.
1y leadership and a program. at the big CIO rallies in Detroit needed.