CommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSViolenceWorkers PartyWorking Class

We propose that the regular 1940 session of the Congress of the United States shall enact emergency legislation to put into immediate effect the following: Appropriation of 10, 000, 000, 000 to provide, at once, jobs on housing and other public works projects for unemployed workers.
Amendment of the Wages and Hours Act to provide throughout private industry and public works a maximum work week of 30 hours and minimum weekly pay of 30 dollars. 30 dollar weekly old age and disability pensions. Appropriation of 3, 000, 000, 000 to guarantee either maintenance at school or jobs for all yout Socialist Appeal Official Weekly Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International 16T NEW YORK, MARCH 30, 1940 FIVE (5) CENTS Vol. IV, No. 13 ANTI WAR MOVEMENT GATHERS IN EUROPE AN OPEN LETTER TO JOHN LEWIS FROM FLINT AUTO WORKER: Progressives Gird For Convention of Needle Workers British Unions Vote We Want to Battle for 30 Hour Week, Against Imperialist Lewis! Have You the Guts for a Fight? War for Colonies زیست JAIL ANTI WAR LaGuardia Retreats TROTSKYISTS On TWU Contracts IN FRANCE OMAHA JOBLESS UNITE BLACKAND WHITE John Lewis Now it a downright tea party to fix up that part about Stalinists Badly Militant Cutters Dissatisfaction of French Workers Powerful Chairman, CIO insecurity of the boys in the plants. We re going to make Defeated in Local, Publish Union GM abide by seniority, and how. And we re going to make Factor in Cabinet Shake up; Socialist Building Program Dear Brother Lewis: Delegate Elections em kick in some of those hundreds of millions of profits m glad to hear you re coming to Flint to speak on Leaders Betray Workers Interests they ve been hauling away, and raise our year round inA militant program for adopApril 7th. It about time you got a squint at the fightingest comes.
Elections are now taking place bunch of CIO men in captivity, But the best way to do something about both our situaEvents of the last few days indicate that we have reached a in all locals of the International tion by the forthcoming national Ladies Garment Workers Union convention of the International have been doing some heavy thinking the last few tion in the plants, and help the unemployed at the same new stage in the struggle against the war. Among these events are: for local union officers and for Ladies Garment Workers Union weeks and think ve got some good suggestions to make. time, is to fight for the 30 hour week at 40 hours pay.
delegates to the coming national was issued recently by the Inde.
Replacement of the Daladier government by a bourgeoisconvention of the Union to be pendent Cutters League of Local You know, these elections in General Motors are going That slogan been one of the union demands for socialist coalition government.
held in May, 1940 in New York 10 of the International some time now. But nothing is being done about it. The secret trial for the 44 Stalinist deputies in Paris the City.
onlaineseven point program is How About It, Lewis? to be a cinch. Can even get a let at 10 to on the CIO union Officers are afraid of it.
first time in French history that a political case has been The current clections are wit contained in a Convention Bul heard in secret.
against the AFL! But win Let not put that demand on the shelf. Let make it Resolution of the British national convention of the Nationnessing a split for the first time Jetin printed by the League, dated March, and now being ning the NLRB elections is an IMMEDIATE demand!
al Union of Shop Assistants, Warehousemen and Clerks, a in four years, between the offi cial administration forces of Da widely circulated among ILGWU only the beginning. Then our union of 175, 000 members, that Britain war an imperGeneral Motors can afford the 30 hour week at 40 hour workers.
vid Dubinsky and the forces of real fight begins.
ialist war fought for the defense of British and French Wo propose the launching pay! Sure, it would cut into their profits some, but they ve the Communist Party. During the colonial possessions. The working class has no interest in entire People Front period, of a bold, energetic organizaThe boys are in a mood been robbing us of our rights long enough.
supporting it. Adopted by a vote of 82 to 57.
unionize since 1985, the Stalinists were in tion campaign for action. No question about GM cleared 183, 000, 000 in profits in 39. That means Resolution of the Essex District Council of the National a bloc with the Dubinsky admincountry. We propose the zoning garment shop in the it. They ve got the foremen that old man Dupont clipped 40, 000, 000 worth of coupons Union of Railwaymen demanding immediate end of the war istration, praising and supportwith Germany, because the war is imperialist and contrary and others like him got the rest; all that wealth represents the bureaucratic acts of the country, with proper and superintendents jumping ing all to the interests of all workers, an end to all assistance to With the signing of the Stalinwage differentials in each zone, through loops, but they re the labor and sweat of CIO men! Let get some of it back!
Finland, and that the union leaders get on with the struggle Hitler Pact, the Dubinsky adminwith a view of gradually bringout for bigger game now.
for socialism.
Istration forces launched a bitter ing up the wages and working In 1937 we did the impossible when we sat down and Delegates representing 1, 323, 000 members at the British We re sick and tired of the attack against the Stalinists, conditions of the out of town held the plants, and finally marched out a victorious army; national conference of the Cooperative movement supported dubbed them Communazis and shops to the union conditions insecurity we ve been up nobody could lick us then, and nobody can lick us now.
an amendment condemning the war as imperialist, demanding an immediate armistice and calling for an international demonstratively broke off all re prevailing in the New York shops.
against these last few years!
lations with them.
It time to get out that old spirit of 37, dust it off, and workers conference to insure a just peace.
Sometimes we work, someThe theory that the way to Stalinists Losing Out vote against Australian participation in any war oversolve the out of town competistart it going again!
times we don If we make The election returns thus far tive problem is to lower the Our slogan should be: after the NLRB victory, a 30 seas or extension of the present war into a conflict against indicate a stinging defeat for all wages and the working condisix or seven hundred dollars the Soviet Union, by 195 to 88, adopted by the New South the Rank and File slates of the tions of the New York workers hour week at 40 hours pay!
Wales Labor Conference in spite of all pleas by the federal a year we re lucky Stalinists in the different local down to the conditions prevail.
and state leadership.
And outside the plant How about it, John Have you got the guts? hope unions. The Stalinists lost coming in the out of town shope is Apparently authoritative reports that Chamberlain has you have, because if you haven t, we ll have to find some asked the British Labor Party to enter the government. The pletely in locals 9, 85, 38, 60, and not only false, but if put into gates there always a big army of unemployed pressing for in local 22, the second largest 10 practice, would destroy the very jobs, jobs jobs. Let me tell you Brother Lewis, these unone else who has.
actual step probably could not take place, however, untu the annual conference of the Labor Raduled for cal in the union.
foundations of the union organ Empioyed are a danger, they re a huge potential scab arny.
a Fraternally yours, May 13.
The treachery of the Stalinists, ization in New York and out ofhowever, does not excuse tho bu town. What is necessary is to and the CIO has got to do something about it!
Flint, Mich.
Fred, from Final Assembly These and facts of a similar import signify that whatever honeymoon there was in the first period of the war between the reaucratic and do nothing poli organize the outside shops and cies of Dubinsky and his support then gradually bring them up masses and their rulers, is over, and that the rulers must now embark on new ways and means of stemming the growing oppoers. Utilizing the three month pe to the rates and standards of the sition of the masses.
riod, which allows all union New York shops. Nothing less groups to freely function, prior will do the job to each election, the membership Significant Testimony of War Mongers We propose the stanhas expressed its dissatisfaction dardization of all agreements The rabidly pro Ally Arthur Krock of the New York Times is with the conduct of the union and to provide for a standard exsufficiently disturbed by the developments to quote as interest has been organizing progressive piration date.
ing and impressive the private observations of a French obgroups in many of the key locals, The purpose of this second server whose authority he vouches for, who says: notably the Independent Progres point is to do away with the Agrees To Recommend City Honor Union The French may require revolutionary slogans themselves sive Group of Local 22, the In present situation where, when a to energize war aims and dispel any idea they may be fighting dependent group of local 38, the strike is called in any locality, Contracts Pending Court Decisions retain certain privileged systems. To some degree Hitler proIndependent Cutters League of buyers have the opportunity of Dubinsity own local union, local having garments manufactured Worker Militants Wipe Out Distrust paĝanda, fear, has had an unsettling effect. Something like a more liberal government in London; some slogan like No more 10, etc. Continued on Page 4) Arrested by the Between Two Races Mayor LaGuardia backed away strike basis.
dukes, and some dispersal of the economic and financial dominaBanker Gov for the time being from showtions of the small controlling group in France these are among It was understood in union cirdown battle with the Transport cles that the city itself would OMAHA, Nebraska Concrete the changes in the Allied political atmosphere which are needed.
Workers Union when, at a meet take no steps to question in gains won for the unemployed by (Times, March 21. Reporting that atop the war advocates showed remarkablo Arrests of French Trotsky is and Officers, the mayor observance of the contracts, but backed by organized labor, are ing Wednesday with John Lew court the legality of the city the Federal Workers Section, strength during the week end at Laborite and other political By GEORGE STERN ists for anti war activity were agreed to recommend that the that some taxpayer acting for beginning to appear in the last conferences, the London correspondent of the Times, reported in the following item, city honor the union contracts the city bankers would undoubt few weeks since a six weeks March 26, says that to what extent Dr. Joseph Goebbels has Playing once more the classic like Echo de Paris and Petit Jour published in Le Temps of Paris, pending court decisions. edly take the issue into the picket line of the FWS secured influenced the peace now vote. cannot, of course, be role of social patriots, six French nal denounced it as a left gov. Feb. 20: The mayor new stand appar courts.
the ousting of the relief czar, estimated.
Socialists have entered the new ernment. One Rightist newspaper In an editorial of March 25, the London Daily Mail draws the government of Paul Reynaud to Ordre, even went so far in eye Following an inquiry into the ently means that all provisions since the State Court of Ap Magaret attention of the government to the extent to which German help make the war more palat. Washing as to state that the activity of former communists in the unlon present contracts peale has previously upheld the For the first time single men, broadcasts are influencing not only the civilian population of Britain but also our armed forces. The Mail says the broadcasts main purpose behind the change the fact that Francois de Fourth International, carried on continue in force when the city ruling against a conten granted rellet. Many tons of coal have been making that once inarticulate section particularly articulate those dissatisfied with the present mode of life To keep justifying the regime France. fears that the so propaganda, the Prejecture de soon. These contracts include the line makes such a contract in ing the recent cold spell (somevalid, the union has a slight edge thing that was NOT done before and the capitalist system in general.
of repression and extreme eco cialists may have too great an in Police has arrested and sent to closed shop provisions, nomic rigor which he intro fluence in the cabinet.
the military tribunals the followduced, Daladier would have Guardin represented a decided re But it can keep that edge only barked on its relentless night for Hitler Doesn Influence These Workers!
ing people: As though any government had to have victories in order treat from the position he had by the same means that forced direct relief standards. In some We can immediately dismiss with the contempt it deserves the of capitalist France at war to counter act popular mistrust Charles Margne, post office previously taken, that the city LAGuardia to retreat by prepar cases, the FWS has won rent for insinuation of the French observer, the Times and the and passive resistance to the could go against the wishes of employee, member of the Central could not bargain collectively in ing to fight militantly for its those on relief. Several evictions Daily Mail, that the phenomena they describe are caused by the Wendel and his Commite des Committee of the former PCI the same sense as a private em rights, keeping its strike machin have been stopped. The utilities Nazi broadcasts. This cheap insult to the French and British war. There must have been a real quickening of the pulse of Forges the powerful combine (Internationalist Communist ployer and that the subways ery geared for action and depend have been prevented from shut workers scarcely requires reputation. The most dissatisfied and protest that explains the act of of financiers which really rules Party. his wife, Rose Maurel: When under city ownership musting on its organized strength and ting off gas and lights in numermost outspoken workers in France and England are precisely the Socialists in abstaining on the country! No, all this Right the Italian Bruno Nardino, stu be operated on an open shop, no not on smart lawyers.
ous cases.
those who understand that Nazism is the mortal enemy of the ist opposition is designed to the confidence vote in Daladier.
dent: Marie Coste, post office The Federal Workers Section working class. Hitler propaganda has no effect on them whatAnd there must have been a create the illusion among the employee; Mireille Poirier, nee continues to grow and now has soever. To say it does is a slander concocted to discredit their workers that the workers have collorec, teacher of physical culabout 400 members, of whom 125 real sense of danger in the opposition to the war minds of the war makers, for some stake in this new govern ture (whose husband was the are Negro. Two of the seven Their opposition to the war arises not from what they hear they decided Daladier had to ment, that it is better than secretary of the Youth organizamembers of the executive board over the radio but from what they see and experience every the previous government be tion of the PSOP (Workers and are Negroes.
day. The slogans of war for democracy and against fascism canPaul Reynaud, Instrument of cause it has Socialists in it and Peasants Socialist party. PierUnites Black and White not but echo mockingly in the ears of British and French workis opposed by the Right, where re Roussel, post office employee: French high finance, took over The friendly and effective co ingmen. As Margaret Johns said in moving the resolution at the Suzanne Simkowitch, stenograthe government. He gave three as Daladier spurned the Social operation established here be National Clerks convention; portfolios to Socialists, one of ists and was supported by the pher: Fany Cysiz, clerk; Claire tween black and white is particu We are told this is a war to end aggression. This comes from them the classic post of socialRight.
Benaufrere, nee Feygenbaum, The Communist Party of Mexico, purged of its entire leader Jarly encouraging because of the the British capitalist class, which has held down India by force whose husband former militant patriotic hostages the Ministry Reynaud fundamental pollship by the was geared at the closing session of its background of race relations in and violence, shot down strike pickets in the West Indies, opof the POI (Internationalist of Justice. The Ministry of Infor cy cannot differ in any Impor convention last week to a renewed campaign against Leon Omaha.
pressed, starved and exploited Negro workers in Africa and is Workers Party) is at present mation was taken over by Ludo tant way from that of Daladier.
maintained in the prison of Fres Trotsky right of asylum.
During the great packing still carrying on aggression against Ireland.
vic Oscar Frossard, a former So This goes even for the matter Andreas Salgado, president of the Special Control Commis house strike in Omaha back in And the French worker had it all summed up for him in the clallat.
of strategy in the war. It Rey: obedience; Rachel Orbach, dressnes for inciting soldiers to dission which purged the party, attacked Mexico president 1921, about 4, 000 Negro workers March 19 report to the Chamber of Deputies of Minister of the Thus under the new dispensaCardenas for permitting the continued presence of Trotsky were brought in by leading busiInterior Sarraut: 620 Communist trade unions dissolved, 3, 400 tion, the repression of all anti on any course of action, Dala maker: Leon Gejygier, fitter: in Mexico, the Daily Worker, March 24, reports.
Minachem Rosenfeld, fitter: Danessmen to break the strike. Be agitators arrested up to March and more than 8, 000 penalties war activity and the dissemina dier will be there as French The purged leadership were labelled Trotskyists a fan cause the bosses had played the ordered, 2, 778 members of municipal councils suspended, and tion of all the lying propaganda vid Mlynarz, tailor; his son war minister to help carry it tastie invention, since the whole group, led by Hernan Laborde, George: Andre Corset, a student: despicable trick of artificially in 675 Communist organizations shut down.
needed by the bosses to bolster out. These changes are not due and Maurice Guignet, turner.
the now purged general secretary, went to every conceivable troducing the race question into Repression and censorship is more desperately applied in up their came for the world to matters of external war pollength to secure the expulsion of Trotsky from the country industry, race relations in Omaha France than in England and, as a consequence, at the moment slaughter will be handled by ley but are made with an eye The extreme persecution to and, it is known, were in direct contact with George Mink and were poisoned for years. The one can find more direct evidence of anti war activity in England.
men of the Left.
to the Internal situation, which which our French movement is other BAasains sent into the country to make an at steady growth of unionism in Om. But witness this very significant evidence, though negative The new government came in is characterized by wholesale tempt on Trotsky.
aha and the common fight made in form: the French government dares not permit a public trial amid a great show of opposition dissatisfaction, mistrust, cynsubjected and the rigid censor If the efforts of this previous group are now considered to by the unemployed are rapidly of the Stalinist deputies. After the first few exchanges between from the extreme Right. The telsm, and germinating protests ship makes it impossible for us have been pro Trotsky, one can imagine the desperate moves banishing race prejudice and race the deputies and the judges, the court refused to permit the trial rightlat group of Louis Marin and against the futility of the com to add any details to the Temps to which the new leadership will resort to in attempting to distrust from the minds of both to go on in public.
the extreme rightist newspapers ing slaughter.
put Trotsky out of the way!
black and white workers. Continued on Page 4)