BourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCommunardsCommunismDemocracyEngelsFranceHitlerLeninMarxMarxismMoscow TrialsParis CommuneRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

A Soberly Compiled History Lovestone Weeps Of Kuusinen Peoples Gov With Pity for The Bankers The Paris Commune The CIO on the FBI SOCIALIST APPEAL Page MARCH 23, 1940 the FBI is aiming its artillery primarily against SOCIALIST APPEAL the labor movement, what justification have the CIO leaders for not speaking up when the first VOL. IV, No. 12 MARCH 28, 1940 shells have already fallen in the camp of the Published Weekly by the AFL?
SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASS It is a good sign that the CIO has finally obat 116 University Place, New York, NY.
Telephone: Algonquin 8547 served the activities of FBI aircraft overhead.
Now what are the CIO leaders going to do By RUTH JEFFREY land is now engaged, with the Feb. 4: Very important things Editors: about it?
All during the Finnish War clearing populated centers of land, which has been liberated aid of the civilian population, in are taking place in Eastern FinBy JOSEPH HANSEN VELIX MORROW MAX SHACHTMAN there was, according to the Daily Schutzcorps officers, wreckers by the Red Army and the PeoGeneral Manager: Worker and the rest of Moscow and White Guards. The People ple Finnish Army. In the vilIn his article published in the March issue of the GEORGE CLARKE press, a People Government of Army men look splendid and are lages of Salmi and Suojaervi one Workers Age, official organ of the Loveatoneltes, Mr.
Finland. It pleases us to compile well armed.
Graham places the label Trotskyite Super Ham andcan see the new life brought to for posterity the Daily Worker Eggs Plan upon the emergency demands which the day by day History of the Peothe inhabitants. As yet both Subscriptions: 00 per year: 00 for six months.
Dec. 13. headline)
Socialist Workers Party suggests the labor movement villages are but sparsely populatmake upon Congress. These demands include the fol. What happened in Paris on Monday it was ple Government of Finland. FINNS VOW SUPPORT ed. but) each district has a lowing immediate legislation: 10, 000, 000, 000 for the orders: cents per copy in the United States: centa March 18, the sixty ninth anniversary of the Dec. 2: One week after the FOR PEOPLE GOV representative of the People unemployed, a 30 hour week at minimum pay of 30, per copy in all foreign countries. Single copies: cents.
creation of the Paris Commune We scanned provocative firing on Soviet Government of Finland. disability and old age pensions of 30 a week, and Dec.
troops by Finnish army units staThe Soviet Govern 3, 000, 000, 000 for the youth.
all the dispatches, but not a word had got past tioned on the Isthmus of Karelia ment quotes to the League of Na. Reentered as second class matter December 4, Feb. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 1939. at the post office at New York, under the Such demands, claims Mr. Graham, are not feasible Act of March 3, 1879.
Daladier censorship. But who, knowing the (Daily Worker, Nov. 27. Fin tions its pact with the People 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, French proletariat, can believe that the anniver nish People Government was es Government under capitalism and therefore should not be raised Finland, which 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29; March by the labor movement. He attempts to prove this by sary of the Commune was not commemorated. tablished in the town of Terijoki insures peace.
1, Nothing pointing to the national income and the federal income FIGHT WITH THE SOCIALIST in eastern Finland under the In the darkest days of national unity during leadership of Otto Kuusinen, vet Dec. 21: The denies that and then deducing that these sums are not large Mar. 8: In December 1939 the enough to carry out the demands of the suggested WORKERS PARTY FOR: the last World War, when democratic illusions eran Finnish working class lead there is any truth in the program. Such arguments, we note in passing, are were far more pervasive than today, there were er. The first act of the new gov. Times story of Dec. 20, which newspaper Kansan Valta (Peothe stock in trade of all the attorneys of the capitalist job and a decent living for every worker.
hundreds of thousands in 1914 and milions in ernment was to proclaim its pro tells of the People Army of ple Power) began publication in system from the Chamber of Commerce right down Open the Idle factories operate them under 1918 who observed the day. And on May Sun and independent Democratic Re which came from a museum. The Every number of this paper, of by workers control.
to the most miserable pettifogging labor lieutenant of Wall Street.
day throughout the day a procession of workers public of Finland Lett prepresena museum containing enough unt lished by the People Govern8. Twenty Bullon dollar Federal public works (Mr. Graham draws the moral that our suggesting and housing program.
wended their way to Pere Lachaise cemetery and Finnish troops who had rebelled forms all of them over 200 years ment. discusses practical ac such demands indicates again and once again the Thirty thirty 80 weekly minimum wage 30 there gazed on the Wall of the Federals, where against the anti Soviet war of the old to outfit an army? tivities of the People GovernStalinists and Trotskyists have something in comhour weekly maximum for all workers on all Jobs.
ment and the cultural and ecoFrench democracy perpetrated its greatest Finnish ruling class met in Terimon an unprincipled and demagogie appeal to the Thirty dollar weekly old age and disability backwardness and illusions of the masses. This from Dec. 21. Stalin had a birth nomic construction in the coun joki and agreed on formation of massacre of the Communards.
the Lovestoneites who white washed the Moscow pension.
the regime. In the critical day. KUUSINEN HAILS Expropriate the Sixty Families Remembering OUR heroic dead, the revoluTrials and who are now shouting that it is possible situation caused by the anti Soviet war, says the government proSTALIN IN NAME Mar. front page feature under capitalism. to Keep America Out of War. tionary martyrs who died for the World Social All war funds to the unemployed.
article. OF FINN PEOPLE Are these emergency demands feasible? Is there people referendum on any and all wars. ist Republic, who died in the only war worth clamation, the wide masses of As the Finnish White Guards not enough wealth available in the United States to the Finnish toiling people.
No secret diplomacy.
totter to their fall, let us taken fighting and dying for, the workers of Paris were consider it their elementary right Dec. 29: provide food, clothing, shelter, and jobs for everyone immediately? Let us see.
16. An independent Labor Party.
thereby remembering what is to be done. Finn People Army Hails look at the old and the new ruland their sacred duty to take the 11. Workers Defense Guards against vigilante and To commemorate the Commune is to confate of the fatherland into their stalin As First Defender of Free ing classes of Finland, as personFascist attacks.
own reliable hands.
dom denn as traitors to the working class the Leon Carl Gustave won Mannerheim It Can Be Done!
Full social, political and economic equality for Dec. front page streamer Jan. biography) and Olto Kuusinen.
the Negro people.
Blums and Jouhaux, the socialists and trade headline. Who is Otto Kuusinen, the The Finnish people know both If it is merely a question of raising the national inunion bureaucrats who clasp the hand of Dal USSR, Finn Peoples Gov Premier and Foreign Minister of of these men. They know come or of providing the necessary funds which Mr.
Graham believes the present federal income could not adier in national unity against the Prus Pledge Mutual Aid; Soviet Cedes the People Government. Kuusinen, the friend of Lenin and Karelia. Who is this Finnish leader who Stalin. Finnish workers of provide (under the present tax structure controlled by sians.
signed. a treaty. with Mol. New York tell many stories of Wall Street. here are some practical proposals which For in 1871 the Prussians held the gates of Dec. 4: Revision of the fron otov. their hero, Kuusinen.
it carried out would immediately make possible not tiers between the Soviet Union only the granting of the above emergency demands Paris after a victorious war. The bourgeoisie and Finland, provided for in the Jan 14: Paavo Prokkenen, Mar. 9: Very incidentally, in but far bigger and more important needs of the povAt long last the Congress of Industrial Organ called for national unity so that France might treaty signed with the People Minister for Karelian Affairs any editorial, he is termed Otto erty stricken levels of the populace: izations has taken cognizance of the union bustrecover for another war. In the name of Government of Finland, was offi praises Stalin for sending sup Kuusinen, head of the Provisional (1) Open the idle factories and run them at full ing activities of Roosevelt Gestapo, the Fed national unity they attempted to disarm the Par cially announced today. Soviet Plies to Finnish towns freed by People Government of democapacity, providing jobs for all the unemployed in the cratic Finland.
productive enterprises at trade union wages. This eral Bureau of Investigation. The March 18 is isian working class which had armed itself durJan. 19. Headline would immediately raise the national income, about Dec. 5: The Soviet government ing the war. For to the bourgeoisie, Paris in refuses an offer, transmitted sue of the CIO News carries a full page blast Mar. 18 Finnish People Create a New LAND! Across the front page. Agure. True, some of the coupon clippers might have PEACE IN FIN.
which Mr. Graham worries, to many times its present against Roosevelt secret police.
arms was the revolution it had been that in through Sweden, for new negoti Life Behind Red Army Lines the text of the peace treaty, be The work of the to take a factory Job, but what they lost in dividends 1792, 1830, 1848. This time the bourgeoisie did ations with the Ryti government Yet both the form and the content of this atPeople Gov.
from their stock would be made up hundreds of times difficult, but is earning sinning: The peace treaty beof Finland, on the ground that the ernment over by what the workers gained in wages. And who, tack as it appears in the CIO News is of more not have its way, the masses of Paris answerea Soviet government only recog. thanks. It is creating a new countween the USSR and the Republic than passing significance. The articles appear as them by establishing the Commune.
aside from the Lovestoneltes, would concern themnizes in Finland the existence of try in the midst of innumerable Finland. What happened to difficulties. The shoots of the new USSR and the People Govern the peace treaty between the selves about the whining objections of the stockholdsigned news stories by two CIO newspapermen, Those renegades from Marxism, the social the People Government.
life are being nurtured.
ers who now live by exploiting and plundering the ment of Finland is not mentioned, reporting in semi editorial fashion testimony ist worshippers of legality at any price they Dec. 9: Greetings to the Peopoor?
given at hearings on the FBI before a Congres call it democratic socialism have a hard time ple Government of Finland have Jan. 22: Despite harsh censor that day or any other. 2) Expropriate the parasitie Sixty Families who re moulding Marx in their image. The Commune meetings in the liberated parts of growing mass support which is been adopted at numerous mass ship. news is leaking out of sional appropriations committee and statements Mar. 20: The economic and now dominate and control the nation industries and on the FBI by Senator Norris and various lib stands between them and Marx. He called it the Finland.
eral newspapers. There is no official statement work of our party. In its justification he wrote py to the Democratic People ta tunder the supervision video pense of the rest of the population. This would som of the CIO itself or of any of its leading spokesThe Civil War in France. The Commune, he the Democratic Republic of Fin by Otto Kuusinen.
Dec. 11: The People Army of Government of Finland, headed representative of the Leningrad mediately provide far more than the amount of funds Regional Soviet, Borisov.
necessary to carry out the proposed emergency promen on the FBI or on the Washington hearings. declared, will be for ever celebrated as the glorigram thus answering the Lovestoneite objection that the federal income is inadequate to supply the funds In this manner, the CIO leadership continues to ous harbinger of a new society. Explain that joining in the singing of Soliwe call for. True, the Sixty Families would find avoid any definite public commitment.
away, Messrs. Norman Thomas and James darity with their follow CIO somewhat distasteful but again who, aside from the Oneal! Marx had a name for their kind: parmembers who were out in the Lovestoneites, feels any tenderness for these comSecondly, the articles are strangely abstract.
cold in more ways than one.
pletely useless and decayed aristocrats of high sociliamentary cretins.
They correctly state that the FBI. is really Van Geison, the relief adminisety?
directed at organized labor. but the FBI actrator, was hung in effigy, and a (3) Run the national Industries under the control black coffin was carried commem of factory committees elected by the workers. If the tivities to which they refer are: finger printing the meaning of the Paris Commune to a confused clash forced upon the workers, the revoluorating those who have starved workers themselves controlled the industries, even industrial workers, compiling an index of sub(Continued from Page 1)
while General Motors has piled though they were still owned by the capitalists versive individuals, inviting snooping reports on tionary structure and legislation of the Com This is the first time in the last couple of years that an un up its profits of hundreds of mil. they could be trusted to see to it that the productive activities and opinions of neighbors, and similar mune being explained away as desperate defen employed union has actually made the local relief officials talk lions of dollars every year. Pick system was run at maximum efficiency and that all the secret bookkeeping, the secret deals, the swindles exploits. The MAIN anti labor activities of the sive measures having no permanent significance turkey, and like it. Welfare Administrator Van Gelson has made et signs carried such slogans as Bread not Bullets. All War and frauds which now bleed the enterprises of the naFBI during the last year are not mentioned by for the international working class. But Marx Little Hitler and over and over ing. Across the street, from the Funds to the Unemployed. Es tion would be ended. Under this control, the workers so much as a word!
and Engels declared that the Commune had again had declared he would nev. Windows of the 12 block long Bu pecially popular was the slogan could even guarantee their former bosses 30 a week Not a word on the prosecution of the Minne(if they worked 30 hours a week) or a pension of 30 taught them the finally discovered political form er meet with union committees. ick plant, hundreds of auto work one sign bore, General Motors But today he not only met with ers looked under which the emancipation of labor could take and cheered their has locked us out. Demand the a week if they were old or disabled. Under such conapolis WPA strikers, which was prepared by Hundrien committee while two unemployed brothers on, many 30 hour week at 40 hours pay tron of industry by the workers there would be a treFBI agents acting as agents provocateur disWhat that political form was, Engels sharply Hees, but made a regular appointmembers jammed the outer of raise the national income and the federal income far guised as strikers. Not a word about the FBI above the present figures.
reminded the German socialists on the twentieth ment to see the union welfare frameup against the Sioux City, Omaha and Des Any one of the above three proposals, or all three anniversary of the Commune: committee in weekly meetings.
You need in your library Moines teamsters. Not a word about the recent taken together, if carried out, would provide the anFBI raid on the New York teamsters. Not a Of late the Social Democratic philistine has The latest ruling this Van Geison had pushed through the Wel a copy of swer to Mr. Graham objections that there aren enough funds available. And as a starter, just to reonce more been filled with wholesome terror at word on the hundreds of cases organized by order fare Board was one tried in many lieve the worst cases now awaiting the pleasure of the of the FBI parent, the Department of Justice, the words: Dictatorship of the Proletariat. Well localities, the confiscation of 11 HANDBOOK OF MARXISM by Emil Burns relief authorities, how about the approximately 18, 000, 000, 000 in pure gold now lying idle in the vaults agais the AFL building trades and good, gentlemen, do you want to know what cense plates of all car owners on its this dictatorship looks like? Look at the Paris to drive a car. That was particu HISTORY OF THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION by Trotsky at Fort Knox? Why not put this money to work recase against Joseph Ryan, the AFL longshoreCommune. That was the Dictatorship of the larly serious in this auto city lieving human distress? Why not distribute it immen leader. In short, not a word about the FBI. THE Proletariat.
mediately as a bonus to the unemployed, the underTHE CORRESPONDENCE OF MARX AND where other forms of transportaENGELS paid, the aged, the youth, and the disabled while Conattacks which are ripping into every section of the AFL.
In accordance with their pseudo left turn, the tion are practically non existent.
gress gets the machine greased to put into effect the demonstrators A SET OF THE LITTLE LENIN LIBRARY Stalinists have been celebrating the Commune forced him to back down on this SERIES proposals which would have a more permanent effect?
Why is the CIO silent on the actual, current To add up our proposed demands on a capitalist What a travesty! Stalin is as alien to the Com ruling and have assurance that One of the above or any selection of books adding machine as the Lovestoneites have done in attempts to undermine and destroy a vital secmune as is Leon Blum. Not only because, like license plates of union members up to the value of 00 is tion of the American labor movement? Can it Blum, he was yesterday embracing the Dal mality of presenting their cases Darattempt to prove solely on the basis of the present Yours For The Asking!
income under capitalism in its death agony be inferred from this deliberate omission that adiers.
grievances has been observed.
and the present tax structure as controlled by Wall CIO leaders, in flagrant disregard of the wishes Street that these demands are not feasible is sheer We quote Engels on the lessons of the Com Previous to this demonstration Come in and HELP YOURSELF!
of their own rank and file, are willing to stand blockheadedness, an unprincipled and demagogic apthe welfare department refused We will make you a gift of 00 worth of books.
mune: peal to the backwardness and illusions of the masses.
to give any medical aid to clients.
by and do nothing and say nothing while the The working class must, on the one hand, Now it a different story, and What Must You Do?
government savagely persecutes a rival union?
do away with all the old repressive machinery all due to the action of the un Join our Book Club by making any purThe Masses Are Not Doomed!
Are the methods of the FBI any less anti labor previousy used against it, and on the other, safeion members.
chase, however small.
because they are directed against rivals. Do This is only one in a series of We cannot agree with the implications of Mr. Gra2. Purchase 10 worth of books at their list guard itself against its own deputies and offithe CIO leaders nurture the secret hope that the successful actions recently carprice over a period of a year.
ham article that the unemployed, the youth, the cials, by declaring them all, without exception, ried out by the WPA CIO unaged, and the disabled are doomed to suffer without anti labor government will clear the field for subject to recall at any moment. And in the ion. Until today all the fire of To make this remarkable offer even more irresistible, hope of any gains whatsoever until socialism is sethem of their union rivals. second place, all officials, high or low, were paid the union has been turned on we are giving away soith every initial purchase of curely established. militant fight on the part of the WPA administration. In a 50 or more your choice of one of the following: the masses for emergency appropriations by the preThere is no information on their attitude only the wages received by other workers.
rapid fire campaign of five or sent Congress would bring greater returns than even THE CLEFT STICK Stalin celebrates the Commune! Stalin, who only these sinister indications and their tacit cosix weeks of fighting, the unthose outlined in the program carried on our front by WALTER GREENWOOD ion has succeeded in taming page masthead, if the militant fight mobilized the operation in the Arnold drive against building can recall anybody but cannot himself be reand training the WPA officials. author of Love on the Dole. woodcuts by Wragg entire working class for the demands.
union officials. The CIO rank and file must be called; whose elections are a replica of Hitler The city administration has This program, we are the first to point out, does warned. If Lewis and Co. are toying with sui plebiscites; who more than a decade ago abol been forced to dig into its cof FAMINE not offer a permanent solution. We have never claimed cidal notions of using the FBI against the AFL ished on behalf of the parasitic bureaucracy the fers and sponsor a half dozen by LIAM FLAHERTY that it would. Only socialism can do that. Our entire new WPA projects, never program is designed to reach that permanent solution, they are playing with fire. The day after and rigid rule which prevailed under Lenin and thought of before the pressure both originally published at 50 to provide the oppressed masses with a program probably before the Men finish their union Trotsky that no Communist could receive more of the unemployed was put on.
which will show them the road to that permanent busting work in the AFL, they will move in on than a stipulated wage equivalent, as in the Com Now the first gun in the JOIN NOW! Membership Accepted on the Above solution the Cio. The truth is that the government of Basis Only Until May First!
mune, to that of the skilled worker.
campaign to whip the local reBut there is absolutely no reason for anyone in a bankers and industrialists in Washington, head Revolutionary struggle and workers democlief administration into line has land as rich as this going hungry, ill clothed, or shelbeen fired, and it hit the mark.
terless while the toilers are organizing for socialism.
ed by Roosevelt, are much more concerned with racy these two aspects sum up the meaning of The demonstration began at Emergency appropriations by Congress are in order smashing or domesticating the unions in the ba the Commune. To these we remain faithful. For 10:00 a. and gradually gained to relieve the present nation wide distress immediatesic industries, auto, steel, rubber, coal, etc. all us the Commune is not the occasion for a per hundred men and women braved momentum. picket line of a ly. It is high time that the labor movement pitted its CIO affiliates than in crushing the AFL. If it 27 UNIVERSITY PLACE functory festival but the living sinew of our NEW YORK CITY colossal power in a struggle for this elementary right.
a snow storm to march up and (A third article on this question will appear is true and it is, a thousand times over that daily work and thought.
down outside the Welfare buildnext week. Organized Unemployed The Social Democrats have tried to reduce Force Gains In Flint place.
an Modern Bookshop and in the