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Joining Finland, Christian Guenther, Swedish Foreign Minister, By SHERMAN STANLEY Suddenly contingent of Bri MURDERERS WHITEWASHED showed that the Allied proposal to send troops to Finland was Last week, in London West tish soldiers, with a few profes BY BRITISH DEMOCRACY After the trial had dragged on designed more for the purpose of getting at Germany than to (This column is written by Robert minster district, a young Sikh clonal Indian troops, under the student and engineer named Ma command of Brigadier General for years, the inevitable white. assure Finland independence. To a certain extent Guenther is By PAUL STEVENS Birchman in comrade Johnson absence. homed Sing Azad interrupted Dyer appeared. They had been wash and verdict of not guilty correct. But another primary motive of the Allies in sending Among the centrists today united in the soIn blasting the myth that this war is a conflict meeting of high Indian officials sent by Sir Michael Dwyer to was given. Dyer retired on a nice troops to Finland would be to inflict a defeat on the Red Army, called International Front Against War (Britbetween the totalitarians and the democraand retired British civil servants restore order. These men were pension and died in 1928, doubtpossible, and if not, to keep Stalin busy so that he would not be ish Independent Labor Party. Lovestoneltes, to put two bullets in the heart posted at the only exit to the lessly untroubled by the screams cies, we have often pointed out that British of Sir Michael Dwyer, former walled in square. Without warn of his victims, for had not the in a position to help Hitler.
French Dutch Revolutionary Socialist Labor Party, etc. the Soviet Finnish conflict has democracy, such as it is, is limited to the small Governor General of India pro ing as General Dyer later boast Crown and Church of England brought to the fore the deep contradictions which white minority of the British Empire popula vince of the Punjab.
ed they began to fire into the given him their blessings. As for Why Hitler Wanted the Peace have been latent among them for years.
tion of five hundred million, English law and Azad, crying out that he was crowd. Before the slaughter was Sir Michael, he met his fate last It can be presumed that not only did Hitler agree to peace between the Soviet Union and Finland but he was actually pressThus we read in the German edition of the legal procedure is one thing; the laws dictated acting in name of India over 500 lay dead and 200 were week.
No event has made such an im ing for it. While his general aim is to involve Stalin in a military Front information bulletin (January 1940)
by Englishmen to the colored populations of the freedom, also wounded the Mar wounded. Then the brave general withdrew.
pression upon the Indian people conflict with the Allies, he obviously is of the opinion that, at this Among adherents of the who have had quis of Zetland, Secretary of Empire is something else again. England Privy state for India, and two others. admitted project of striking ter national memorial Park has been Soviet Union is at peace. He was also anxious to avoid war in The next day, as part of his as the massacre of Amritsar. an opportunity to discuss the question there are particular moment, Stalin can be of greater service to him if the divergent views with regard to the character Council has recently made this distinction with Readers of the Socialist Appeal ror into the whole of the Punjab. created on the site, to which Sweden, for hostilities there meant a chance of having his supply of the present regime in the Soviet Union. Some brazen clarity in connection with the laws gov know that our movement does General Dyer issued his famous hundreds of thousands of Indian consider it, we are told, as still retaining the of iron ore and other material cut off.
erning one of the colonies, Sierra Leone in British not support individual terrorist crawling order compelling all fighters for freedom come every character of a progressive workers state. Othaction which can never be a sub Indians to crawl on their hands year. Jallianwala Day. day Nor is he very anxious to see Stalin entrench himself too West Africa. The story is worth telling.
ers, that it is no longer a workers state, that stitute for action on the part of and knees down the principal upon which the memory of those strongly in the Baltic, for he realizes that any increase in the the bureaucracy is a new exploiting class and At the sessions of the British dominated Legis the people of India for their in street of Amritsar. Such was Bri who died in the cause is honored defensive strength of the Soviet Union makes his future task all that therefore the workers should be for its defeat.
lative Council in May, 1939 a series of bills were dependence. But if ever man tish imperialism in action in the and a renewed pledge to struggle the more dificult. However, his all important problem is to defeat passed, providing for the deportation of undesir out to him it was Sir Michael Never since India first War rated annually by India.
for freedom is taken is celeb the Allies. He is perfectly willing to grant Stalin defensive posl Some regard as motives for the war: the detions if thereby the Nazi war machine can only achieve its main sire to strengthen the defense of Leningrad and able subjects, for the punishment of seditious Dwyer. That is why we, op of Independence of 1857 had the The British will unquestionably purpose at this moment.
to find other military strategic guarantees for acts, and prohibiting the publication and dis ponents of terrorism of this sort, country been roused to such a try to place the hangman noose defense against Germany as well as the Allies tribution of undesirable literature. Under these must hasten to energetically con fury. Dyer and his boss, Sir Mi. around the neck of Mahomed What the Soviet Union Lost without excusing in the least Stalin procedure ordinances there will be no writ of habeas corpus demn Mahatma Gandhi and his chael Dwyer had to be with Singh Azad, martyr in India It would be folly to deny that the defensive position of the in realizing these motives. Others think that the associates in the leadership of drawn from India. Indian public struggle. They have already hung and no other process calling in question the the Indian Nationalist Congress opinion forced the creation of a three members of the Irish Reinvasion of Finland is part of a great plan of Soviet Union, in a military sense, has been strengthened. But It conquest agreed upon by Berlin Moscow imlegality of any order made under these ordinances who instantly disowned Azad and Royal committee to investigate publican Army.
would be greater folly not to realize that the defense of the Soviet perialism.
shall have any effect.
threw his fate into the hands of the horrible massacre. At the Action of the English working Union depends primarily, not upon military strategic factors, but the British authorities.
Some recall the counter revolutionary characupon the sympathy of the masses throughout the world. Through One of the main purposes of these ordinances hearing both of these bloody im class can save Azad. Our comthe invasion Who was Sir Michael Dwyer? perialists defended and boasted of rades in England, the British brought discredit upon the Soviet Union; he ter of the Finnish bourgeoisie under Manneris to guard against political activity in the armed heim. Others regard the resistance of the Fin destroyed the sympathy of the masses for the Soviet Union and It was he who, more than any. their actions. Dwyer assumed Fourth Internationalists, have al tied them more firmly to the capitalist world. The loss to the nish people against the Russian attack as a proforces. There was a mutiny among the native one else, bears responsibility for full responsibility and claimed ready begun a campaign in his Soviet Union because of that is far greater than the gains gressive national war. They believe that the soldiers of the colony last summer, and eleven of the worst massacre in India his that he had saved thereby British behall.
achieved in a military strategic way.
Finnish proletariat must participate actively in them were court martialled. They received sentory the Amritsar massacre, rule over the 400, 000, 000 Indian Defend Azad from the British the defense of Finnish indeepndence, maintaining which takes its place in world people.
No one except the misled people who blindly follow the Stalintences of from seven to ten years penal servitude.
their class independence in doing this, and dehistory alongside the Bloody Sunist parties believed the absurd statements made by the Kremlin sire the defent of the Red Army.
Unrest is widespread among the industrial work day of Czar Nicholas that Finland threatened to invade the Soviet Union and no one After setting forth the existence of the diverers, the civil services and the armed forces. This The Amritsar affair took place ward Bloc, wants complete in except those same people believe now that the Soviet Finnish gent views in its ranks, the presents a peace treaty is a tremendous victory for peace, as is claimed by accounts for the large number of white troops on April 13, 1919 almost 21 dependence from Great Britain.
stationed in Freetown.
resolution which contains the following main Moscow and, of course, by the Daily Worker.
years ago. The Caxton hall as (2) Gandhi, at best, would take Dominion Status within the Bri If and when the Allied imperialists should succeed in defeating point: Regardless of our opinions about the The introduction of this dictatorial legislation sassination of last week was a character of the present Russian state. and tish Empire; Gandhi wants to inHitler and proceed with settling accounts with Stalin, or if the the motives for its invasion of Finland, that the aroused tremendous opposition among the people that the memory of April 13, definitely postpone the campaign Allies should decide to invade the Soviet Union before defeating methods employed by Stalin against the Finnish and thousands of natives demonstrated on the 1919 can never be wiped out untii for independence. Bose wants the Hitler, it will be a thousand times more difficult to arouse the people must be condemned and attacked as counopening day of the legislature. The demonstrators it has been fully avenged.
campaign immediately launched. masses in opposition to such a war. Stalin has destroyed the (3) Finally, Bose even though in represented the Trade Union Congress, the Nafaith of millions in the Soviet Union and has once more shown ter revolutionary. the Russian workers can not therefore be for the victory of the Russian tional Congress, Christian League, Citizens ComTHE POST WAR WAVE OF an extremely bewildered manner that the Stalinist bureaucracy is weakening the Soviet Union.
mittee, West Africa Bar Association, etc. and. Army in Finland, but must desire the immeREVOLT IN INDIA. understants that only socialism and industrialization can solve Indiate cessation of the war. For a peace without was the largest ever seen in Freetown. But the After the last World War a (Continued from Page 1)
Stalin Is Not the Soviet Union annexations! For the immediate withdrawal of ordinances were pushed through the legislature revolutionary wave, stirred up have been engaged in a bitter dia economic problems. To this Millions of workers do not make the distinction that should be in spite of this overwhelming sentiment Russian troops from occupied territories! etc. Gandhi counterposes his Utopian by the actions of the Russian struggle for over year. Gandhi and reactionary hobbies of remade between the Stalinist bureaucracy and the Soviet Union.
workers and peasants and by the and his die hard right wing supligious worship. handicraft inetc.
Stalin acts in the same manner as Hitler and from that they Political Persecution of total failure of the British to keep porters have bent every effort to Austry prohibition, etc. The aim their hypocritical promises made isolate Bose and strip him of his of these schemes is to return draw the false conclusion that the Soviet Union is the same as How Do They Do It?
Germany. We condemned the invasion because we knew beforeWallace Johnson during the war in exchange for powers.
India to a stage which it had hand that no matter what victories the Red Army would gain, How anyone who still regards Soviet Russia as a workers state and considers Mannerheim The persecution under these ordinances of Wal support by India, held the country the Soviet Union would lose in the esteem of the working masses, lace Johnson, secretary of the West African movement was progressing ray cutta, has fought back. Bose gave Congress may well be of decisive But Bose, supported by the jute reached about 3, 000 years ago.
in its grip. The Indian Nationalist workers of his home city of Calbecause the masses, repelled by the invasion, would tend also to Finland as an outpost of world imperialism can The Ramgarh session of the Youth League and of the Sierra Leone Trade Unbecome indifferent or even hostile to the Soviet Union.
consistently be against the victory of the Red Army in a struggle between the two is not exion Congress, indicates the function of this legisBut we were staunch in our defense of the Soviet Union and of lation. At the outbreak of the war Johnson was Amritsar some 5, 000 Sikh a clear statement of the platform plained. Nor can it be explained. For the cenfavored the victory of the Red Army against the Finnish capital trists are here trying to reconcile two opposing subjected to preventive arrest. His home was peasants and workers had gath around which he is seeking to importance for India nationalist ered on April 13 to listen to overthrow the dead weight of movement wiu it result in raided, his books confiscated, and he was imist army representing the imperialist world. Recognizing that nasplit, with the radical and progclass points of view.
Nationalist digitators. They were Gandhi and his crowd.
Tessive elements going their own tionalized property still exists in the Soviet Union we must deprisoned for the duration of the war. For under How untenable this position is has been rea crowd of men, women and these ordinances the governor has the power to Bose explained that he differs way? In next week issue of the fend it in any war against a capitalist nation. All that one has to ask is: what would have been the result of a defeat of the Red vealed by subsequent events. While the January order the arrest of any native whom he considers children totally unarmed meet with Gandhi on three fundamen Socialist Appeal we will have a Army in Finland. Nationalized property would have been endarresolution strained itself to avoid characterizing ing in the city open square tal points. 1) The left wing of lengthy article on the results of undesirable. As a trade union organizer, he was the Soviet Union in the terminology of Marxism, most undesirable to the British colonial officials.
known as Jallianwala Bagh.
gered and that is what we defend both against imperialism and the Congress, known as the For this historic Congress session.
and in order to avoid commitments, speaks of against the Stalinist bureaucracy.
the Russian state and the Russian army a Preventive arrest without any crime charged Has not the Staliniat bureaucracy strengthened itself because resolution published by the same people in Febwas perhaps too much like Nazi procedure. The and cargo. The spray stops flying of the victory of the Red Army? Perhaps, yes, temporarily. But Pigs and Bosses authorities decided to justify their persecution of ruary throws all caution to the winds in this and the decks begin to dry. After would not the Soviet Union be in danger if the Red Army had Johnson by convicting him of a crime. He was respect.
three hours work (no overtime)
been defeated. We repeat what we have said a thousand times.
therefore convicted of sodition by the West AfThe task of In Independent News. the English language rican Court of Appeal for having written the the crew go below.
bulletin of the for February, we read and a duty which the Stalinist bureaucracy is a privilege the workers must reserve for themselves and Gold Coast Spectator an article, Has the African The break of a new day secs not assign to the imperialists.
something entirely different: By appealing to the argument of strategic advantage as a jus God.
the driving ahead. The coll, Stalinist Imperialism Theory Blasted tification for a wanton attack against a small Voicing the indignation of the natives of West neighbor, Stalinist Russia puts itself the catewet spray is flying. The pigs lie toAfrica against the imperialists, Johnson had The stench of pigs is over the plgs! Goddamned pigs! He hates gether shivering like bowls of jelHow will those profound theoreticians the Socialist party. gory of imperialistic powers.
written: ship. head wind blows the foul to slow down the ship. The waves ly. They are too tired to get up off the Lovestoneites and their similars justify their theory of smell aft into the crew quarters are getting higer. It either slow the wet deck. Too tired even to Stalinist imperialism? Undoubtedly they will make all kinds of Logical Result of Their Theory Personally believe the European has a Four hundred hogs are penned in down or have the pigs washed ov. get up and eat breakfast. They gyrations to show that they are correct, but anyone who is not God in whom he believes and whom he is Whoever says must say Having disbetween the bridge and the poop erboard. He slows down with blinded by hatred of Stalin can easily see that what he is after representing in his Churches all over Africa, lie in three days accumulation of covered that Soviet Russia is an imperialist state, on the port deck of the SS KAP curses.
primarily is to obtain defensive footholds. It is well nigh imposHe believes in the god whose name is spelt dung. The stench is terrific. The the now finds: Because we sincerely beULANI, a freighter bound for Deceit. He believes sible to explain what he has done thus far on the basis of the the God whose law is Honolulu.
The crew works all afternoon pig man refuses to disturb the lieve in the principles of national self determinatheory that he has entered into a partnership with Hitler to Ye strong. you must weaken the weak. Ye and finally put up a strong pen. pigs to clean the pen. Phew! What divide the British Empire or even (some have said it. the whole tion, because we recognize the disastrous effects civilized Europeans, you must elvilize the The pig man, a weather beaten The pigs are wet and miserable. a stink! With a tired crew and of Stalin invasion from the standpoint not only world. Of course people do not have to consider facta; they can hand from the wide open spaces, One has two broken legs. Another five thousand dollars damage the barbarous Africans with machine guns. Ye of the Finnish people but also of the Russian Christian Europeans you must Christianize feeds and waters the pigs, and has an eye gouged out. grue ship arrived thirty two hours late.
let their desires and imaginations run away with them. But then people and of the international working class the pagan Africans with bombs, poison gasshovels pis droppings over the some sight, these people are not Marxists.
The ship could have arrived a few generally we sympathize with the Finnish strugside.
And when the Supreme Council of the Soviet Union will meet es, ete, The captain speeds up the ship. hours later but without any damgle against the Russian invader. Of that there it will undoubtedly nationalize Industry in that section of Finland can be no doubt.
Friday night; the wind is blow. The propellor races madly. The gard good seamanship and com ceded to the Soviet Union by the peace terms. It is true that this In the colonies the Europeans believe in jing up and the barometer is go stern bounces up the god that commands: Yo administrators, The new line permits their American Section will be done in a bureaucratic manner and to that extent it is (the Lovestoneltes) and the Dutch (Sneevliet)
make Sedition BILI to keep the African ing down. The weather report is a shakes, quivers and vibrates. One mon sense to endanger the ship, chorus storm warning.
moment your guts are plastered cargo and crew? Pressure from not what we want. But as against permitting industry to remain the bourgeois press gagged. Make Forced Labor BMI to work the under capitalism, even bureaucratic nationalization is progressive. against Soviet imperialism and to identify the Africans as slaves. Make Deportation Ordin Saturday, before dawn, the first up against your ears, the next in the office to maintain schedule.
Let the middle class democrats howl about Stalinist imperialance to send the Africans to exile whenever Communist Party with the German American sea came aboard and knocked stant they shoot down to your What is this schedule that must ism, but Marxists will continue to make a distinction between Bund, and to call for funds to be sent to Finthey dare to question your authority.
down the after end of the pig pen. knees. There is an awful din as be kept at any cost? Is it a new imperialism and a degenerated workers state which, when it nish labor organizations. that is, to the social The pigs stampeded to the poop the stant turbines humand whine, religion? disease of the mind. annexes territory, takes property away from imperialism and Make an ordinance to grab his money so gear grinds back and Or just plain stupidity. democracy which is in one bloc with Mannerheim deck. The second mate called the the sucking steam valves hiss narrows the base of world imperialism.
that he cannot stand economically. Send However, it does not yet prevent the Scottish forth, captain, who called the mate, who Before the depression the upper No one can say with certainty when and under what condi Independent Labor Party from adopting a resoludetectives to stay around the house of indley called the bosun, carpenter, day and scream, lockers rattle crazlly tion which goes against the grain of this whole man and pig man, who, together while the water logged crew tries classes flocked to Europe by the tions the Soviet Union will find itself at war. All that our party pendence and if possible to round him up in a thousands. Abysmally ignorant of states is: whenever the Soviet Union will be at war with any line: the latter, adopted at a conference on Janwith the watch on deck began to rest in fitterbugging bunks.
the social sciences, they were eas capitalist country we shall call upon the workers of the world to uary 20 21 says: criminal frame up so that he could be kept herding plgs.
Thru the night and all day Sun: ly taken in by the lies and hypoc.
defend it because in doing so we are defending the first conquest behind the bars. This conference, reviewing the events which of the World Revolution. For workers everywhere the main enAt dawn the wind is blowing a day the storm rages. The captain led up to the present situation in Finland, conTwo kinds of Law emy is imperialism. The workers must do their utmost to degule. The captain is driving the drives the ship into the teeth of ricies that mask the rotten social.
the gale. Salt stinging wet spray demns the foreign policy of the Russian governship full speed into the storm and in gale driven showers makes a stroy the power of the Stalinist bureaucracy precisely in order to ment.
Johnson conviction was appealed to England, They came back raving about defend the Soviet Union most effectively.
making dirty weather of it. Con minute on deck miserable. And that wonderful man Mussolini. We warn the workers, however, to be on to the Privy Council. In the argument on the apguard against the intensive propaganda in which peal, the Gold Coast Government contended that ing force, pelt and soak every there stand the pigs cold and He makes the trains run on time! This they repeated like world capitalism seeks to canalize opinion against publication of the article was seditious in that it thing on deck. The pigs are wet, taking an awful beating Russia.
parrots, until the entire boss class brought the government into contempt and hatsquawking.
The sea is making up big. Huge believed trains on time to be a ANNIVERSARY MEETING We therefore resolve to oppose the formation red. Johnson formally denied this, claiming that his article was a fair expression of opinion on sea knocks down the forward the ship up into the sky and then modern miracle.
of a capitalist block against Russia and consider matters of vital concern to the natives. His coun wall of the pig pen. The wrecking plunge it down into the ocean. They proceeded to put this that we can best assist the workers and peasants of Russia by concentrating our energies against sel, arguing the legal issue, contended that the crew, with hammers, nails and some of the crew are sea sick, mental aberration into practice prosecution had to prove that the words com ropes, are on the job again for a some have headaches, and some with religious fanaticism. All the capitalist, imperialist enemy at home.
AND plained of were of such a nature as likely to ineite couple hours. They go below soak are constipated.
sorts of schedules were mapped The Finnish Soviet war is concluded. But the violence. His counsel based his argument on nuimperialist war goes on. In this war, the class merous citations from longlish and Scottish court knocks the hell out of the entire Just after dark a big wave hits out, with speed the essential faclines come boldly to the forefront. Within the decisions pen. The wet crew is on deck the starboard corner of the after tor. Men were driven nuts trying workers camp, in this war, is the Soviet Union.
house. What a smack! Everybody to make everything run on time.
The judges of the Privy Council dismissed the which, despite Stalin and his degenerated bureauShips were no exception. Capcomes out on the run. The star This time they stack up the board lifeboat is smashed. The tains ashore and afloat had to Speakers: cracy, still retains the main economic conquests appeal, leaving Johnson convicted and subject to Max Shachtman penalties. On what ground? On the ground that places and begin to build anew. dining saloon is wrecked. The maintain schedules or else.
That Nathan Gould of the October revolution. Any attempt to slur Editor, New International All morning they labor in a howl wave smashed thru the heavy oak is why ships are wrecked and National Secretary, YPSL the law of sedition for the colony is to be found in over this fact, any attempt to find compromise the criminal code of the Gold Coast and not in ing wet gale.
formulas that reconcile two opposing class attistorm ports and knocked off the sailors drowned when captains try FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH 22 tudes, are bound to shatter on the rocks of livEnglish law! The colonial code, they said, was During dinner the pen, origin inside wall panels. The place is to make port in a fog, cross 8:30 CLOCK ing reality. That is why centrism is doomed to no doubt designed to suit the circumstances of ally put together in Frisco with awash with broken glasses, china, treacherous bars in bad weather the natives in the colony. dunnage, rope yarns and nails, 18 ketchup disintegration. That is why one wing of the tles must jare plunge speed into storms. Beethoven Hall, 210 East 5th St. must of necessity go over to the camp of smashed to pieces. The crew, stin Luckily only five of the three The stench of pigs and bones the treacherous social democracy. That is why clear enough decision. One law for the white soaking wet, turns out cursing hundred and fifty carboys of acid get in our hair.
ADMISSION: TWENTY FIVE CENTS another wing must approach ever closer the posiEnglish; another law for the black natives. That captain for not slowing down. on the starboard deck are overS. No. 3248 is the foundation stone of the British Empire: tions of the Fourth International. The actions of Socialist Workers Party, Local New York open and brutal dictatorship over the overwhelm The captain, fatter than the turned. 348pices: the Lovestoneites, Sneevliet and company, on The captain heaves the ship to. Reprinted from the West Young Peoples Socialist League, District ing majority of the population of the British Em fattest hog and much louder, the one hand, and of the Scottish on the pire.
keeps grunting, Goddamned while all hands secure loose gearl Coast Sallor, March other, are merely portents of this trend Sailor Story PARIS COMMUNE LEON SEDOV MEMORIAL