WORKERS Steel Worker Reports Problems Of Uniting Black and White FORUM APPEAL ARMY 10 do a CIO TOPS MEET LAGUARDIA, BUT FIGHT IS ON Will Probe Abuse Of Labor Rights SOCIALIST APPEAL Page MARCH 23, 1940 made use of one of the leading Negroes to form a company union. Wages have not been raised, seniority rights are not respected and the employees are afraid to talk union for fear of discharge.
Behind the company ability to use this Negro as head of this di sin company union lies the fact that We publish below a remark This lip service to no discrimes and eat lunch with the girl he was member of the Railway able letter from a steel worker, ination enables the Negro bour who prepared the box. Firemen and was discriminated Chicago deserves top mention was frankly amazed the first describing the experiences of geoisie to step up about one step some of the white union mem against and let out of his job and in this column for the excellent week passed out no papers. The his section of the union in or higher and in doing so form a bers secretly started a move to a white man took his place. efforts it is making to liquidate questions asked were gratifying: Write to ns lell us what going on in your part of the ganizing Negro and white block headed by petty Negro pol have the box social changed to Another instance of how the its back debt. At this writing they Where my Appeal, Labor mortement what are the workers thinking about tell workers together. thought the papers came us what the bosses are up to and the men and the local cops many pointers which can be heads, etc. They have a decided such close social relations with race question can wreck a union have reduced it by more than out weekly was shown in the Century Bisand the Stalinists send us that story the capitalist press didn used to advantage by militants influence on the Negroes and lead the Negroes. of Evansville, Indiana Are your papers all gone, cuit Company here. This union print and that story they buried or distorted our pages are open in other sections of the coun them to believe that Negroes are They dared not bring up such was formed in 1937. got a fair came through with a big pay. Vwell treated and should be pret an issue before the local union contract and increases to you. Letters met carry name and address, but indicate if you try and other industries. Let payment. Comrades in other parts of Red Sunday sounds like a do not want your name printed.
have more letters ilke this. ty well satisfied, especially with but tried to get it fixed up at the There were a large number of the country should blush for great idea, but when mention it Editor.
their conditions in the factories. top. This they could not do es colored workers in that plant and shame and envy at mention of to the comrades here they desThe companies, taking advan: pecially because he the onleading a Negro was elected president. this Indiana comrade work. He pair. They are loyal enough to m, at the Cultural Center, 125 Editor: Auto Workers Didn distributes more Appeals than know they should try, But.
During and after the war, in the colored workers in social ar. have forced their hand and This man was as fine a man as branches ten times the number. However, m going to Give for Finland The principal speaker of the eve order to keep the wage scale fairs and what not, in an effort brought the chauvinists out in een served ones wypres dentkefe any And then he pays even if it something similar. Here it is.
Editor: ning will be down, Negro labor was induced to make it appear all the more the open on the Lodge or be union but the white workers, no means a big sacrifice Next week 1 send copies to one Recently the Chrysler Corp.
donated 2500 to the Finnish ReTIONAL DIRECTOR OF THE come North. In an effort, largely care of, well treated, etc. these would have on the Negro mem company started havi whisperins 15 payment on its bundle ac following week (same house. campaign against having a Negro count and said: Sorry for not be Then ll call on them personally lief Fund and at the same time INTERNATIONAL BROTH successful, to break the Iron sops being less expensive to the bers.
To prove him correct it was for president. As a result, many they placed contribution cans ERHOOD OF ELECTRICAL Moulders Union, Negro labor was employers than would be united throughout the factories that WORKERS, LOCAL NO. 3, used to take the positions of iron action of the Negro and white only one or two days later that white workers dropped out. The ing able to send the full amount and try to drum up a few subs Negroes, sensing the situation of 18. 45 but we will send an. How does it sound the workers could contribute whose union faces prosecution un moulders, striking for more pay. workers a union for the bene the Negro members sent an in other payment next week. Pubformal visitor to this militant played safe and dropped out too. lishing the amount due the Ap to get results.
Sounds good, It the way money.
der this new interpretation of Due to this the iron moulders fit of both.
In my department they collect the Sherman Anti Trust Act.
to friends in other departments Thurman Arnold anti unlon cru wage rates are considerably be unionism by giving inexpensive Social. When he informed the col One thing that has been at ter. This applies to Detroit too.
in the foundries of Indianapolis, One of the outstanding exam white worker in whom they had there the company found a peal was good idea. The only Assistant Attorney. General are practically all Negroes and ples of this method of fighting confidence, to ask him what was chance to discharge the Negro way to get branched to act is through pressure from the cen HOW TO GET SUBSCRIPTIONS and they all say the same thing. sade is a flagrant misuse of a low normal From Mark Knight, Los AngElther nothing at all, or else, federal law aimed at business The meat packing industry in plant of the National Malleable ored spokesman that the box so tempted here is to create unity Keep it up.
eles just a few coins. It is significant monopolies. This law specifically its search for cheap labor was Steel Castings Co. of this city cial was going ahead and for the between Negro and white work Payments in general were bet Enclosed you will find five sixthat the Corporation has not pub exempts labor from prosecution likewise affected, except that; Here white woman, Mrs. Negro girls and women to be ere has been the setting up of a ter last week. We received from month subscriptions to the Social construction industry from un for the induction of Negro labor: staff of the company has formedles, the same as any one else, the the CIO Council. The purpose of ron, Newark, New Haven, Quak. Each of these subscriptions The attitude of the men is lawful restraints simply this: they don want to man legal staff ha indicted many jobs in the packing indus men. She takes them on singing but if it had been called off we and bring forward within the un inson, Boston, Ann Arbor. Keep it in this locality. These men have ions issues which will tend to up, and we ll be out of the red just completed a successful elecget involved in any war. They leaders of this nation most pow. try to white labor during times trips all over this locality, and know why.
sympathize in a mild sort of way erful labor unions for the crime of good work caused a large per by appearing with them and assoThis was all that was ever draw together the Negro and before it gets warm.
tion campaign for local union of for Finlaid but you can get of exercising labor hard won centage of Negroes to be om ciating with them it really forms sald, but this lodge went ahead white workers ficers on the basis of a program them very excited about the rights.
ployed during the war. an appeal to the Negro that the with the box social, a splendid The efforts so far have re SELLING THE APPEAL suggested by the Appeal, which whole affair. Quite often you hear The seeks to awaken the The population Indianapolis unions have to equal at least, in time was had and money for volved around attempts at getthem say, Why Comrades who find it difficult proves that our or in the they send American public to the danger in at the present time is approxi order to meet.
four months rent raised at the ting support for the Anti Lynch getting up Sunday mornings for made a successful money to Finland. There plen nerent in this sinister attack up mately one sixth colored and WHAT UNIONS MUST DO affair. What was more important, ing Bill and to educate the white special Appeal sales one day a struggle for progressive trade unty of people that need relief here on organized labor.
this lodge is another of the 100 workers regarding the treatment week should take note of the acionism, and further, that our paat home.
of The anze Which defends la since these 45, 000 Negroes have SOME EXAMPLES the right to vote they are quite For some concrete examples of ting wage increases and giving real reasons underlying it, and lodges in this district and is get. of the Negroes in general, the tivity of Howard in Quaker per has a place in the home of sure propaganda to get the work born and aids anti fascist refu. so that local politicians, especialIt will take plenty of high pres bor, helps Negroes, Jews, foreign factor in local politics. So much the methods of work that unions job protection to both white and dealing especially with the right town. He writes: have to make all workers. We can sell the Ap.
era steamed up so that they ll go gees Is also pleased to presently the township trustees who are must carry out, will cite first colored members.
of the Negro to vote in the South. copies. His remark, it would Our worker salesmen at Gena trip of 45 miles to deliver six peal, if we try.
to war An entirely noted labor attorney. who recent responsible for relief distribution the case of the Armour Packing ly defended, in the name of the are giving lip service to no displant here. Shortly after the men is that at different situation Progress along this line has been seem to me, is directly addressed eral Motors promise us more subEwart plant of the slow, but encouraging Detroit, Mich.
to those comrades who won go scriptions next week, and promhad started organizing that plant Link Belt Co. where the company Indianapolis, Indiana crimination in order to appeal to around the corner to sell an Ap ise, for them, more subscriptions AL the 13 Jamaica relief ell the colored vote.
the company, hoping to scare first the Negroes and eventually peal to a worker neighbor. in the following weeks. Their ents who plcketed the Central the whites away from the union, From St. Louls comes another work indicates that it is possible Lynn Labor Backs Queens Relief Bureau in protest letter from chief Appeal to put into practise the slogan, against the inhuman treatment began their attack by calling an Anti Lynch Bill plugger in that area: More Appeals in the factories!
elderly Negro Into the office and accorded the unemployed by the Editor, administration after some conversation asked The Anti Lynch Bill now be We urge all liberal minded perhim how he would like to be laid a strong rank and Ale response.
fore the Senate is receiving the sons actively interested in preoff a faithful employee for 22 The jurisdictional agreement Just unanimous support of organized serving the democratic rights of years.
concluded between the ILGWU labor in this section. The exact the American people to attend.
This man knew what that and the Amalgamated Clothing resolution passed by the St. Paul Come with your friends and par: meant. But his reaction was not Workers has two fold signifLabor Assembly was unanimous. ticipate with us in our work. Rewhat the company had hoped for restrains trade. Yet such con Union Local 383. The Havelock (Continued from Page 1) them were members of Drivers cance. Inside both organizations, ly adopted here the North member the time and place: FriAlthough he had not at that the top leadership has responded Shore Industrial Council (CIO. day, March 29th, at p. 125 joined the union, he went to the tracts have never been declared merchant has not signed the to strong pressure in the union representing more than twenty West 33rd St. Room 201.
over the road drivers contract. Continued from Page 1) president of the Lodge and asked unlawful.
for such an agreement as a first five thousand workers in the ARTHUR BURCH him what to do about the layoff. The very life of the collect These three men went to the step in the fight for better job bankers for the transit lines. council greater Lynn area.
conditions slated to be big The Secretary of Local New York with the demolition of them. The president signed him up in ive bargaining agreement Is Sloux City office of Local 383.
American Labor Ald elevated lines, 800 union work the union, called a speciál molt at stake in this issue before they went freely and of their ions to contact their senators and The Steel Workers Organizing ILGWU convention issue.
the federal commission. No own accord. They went into the congressmen to support the act.
ers are thrown out into the ing to take the matter up and Better relations between the matter what position the bak office of Fouts, who is business Committee, CIO, will meet in streets. If we recall that the six the unanimous vote of the Lodge The rekolution was also adoptery companies, who also were agent of the union. The three convention at Chicago in May. ILGWU and ACW create another hundred men from the demolish was If the old Negro was laid ed by Local 20 of the Internation Promoting Better al pur and Leather Workers Un Social Order, Etc.
ed Sixth Avenue elevated line off to go fishing, the whole plant named in the complaint, may drivers talked with Fouts, talked The official policy is that it will barrier against John Lewis take, we will fight the issue to by phone from Fouts office with not be a constitutional conven CIO fight, and increase someion; and it is expected that the are still unemployed, we know would go along to bait his hook.
the end.
their employer at Havelock, then, tion. However, influential Inland what the pressure on Lewis to that the promises of the Mayor This action occurred almost resolution will be adopted at the Editor: when they got ready to go, acnext regular business meeting of The Twentieth Century Associ and his Heutenants are not worth three years ago and when the SIOUX CITY, Iowa, March 18 cepted Fouts offer to drive them Steel, Lodge 1010 and Rubican negotiate a settlement. This facthe Lynn Food Workers Union ation For the Promotion of a the paper they are written on. company was informed of the Joseph Padway, general back to their trucks.
Lodge 1014, representing the tor was more than small part Local 701. CIO. Finer Public Spirit and a Better The members of the whare union decision the Networked counsel of the AFL and the IBT: Nobody held hands on any: largest steel plant in the world, this is the desire of Dubinsky John Travis Social Order whose headquarters beginning to realize that those not sentishing but the world is scheduled to arrive here this body in the three driver mercome have passed resolutions proposing and Hillman to promote the inat Joy Street, Boston, are a leeches and rats run the city gove ever since and naturally every week to organize the defense of all times as free to go and come the contrary. Other lodges are terests of the Roosevelt thirdLynn, Mass.
gathering ground for well placed ernment of New York and are Negro worker signed up with the General Drivers Union Local 383 as is any person who entersamy following their lead. It may take term movement. Lewis has been bourgeois liberals anounces a American Labor Aid HOBBY GROUP the well being of the poor people union employee allowed to work last week on charges of kidnap of their own accord, and departed fashioned Rah Rah for the top china shop to the third term adTo Hear.
On March 19th at six o clock, of this city. They realize also that in the shop and a Negro would ping and conspiracy.
buffet supper (500) will be served this whole and in labor drive is toe nuesthink cos refusing to payohis Howard Fouts and Ralph John. Next thing was the arrest of mand for a constitutional convenOn Anti Labor Drive the members of the Hobby group due to some untortunate misun shortened and conditions made Cunningham, financial secretary on the charge of kidnapping for The desire of both the ILGWU and the ACW rank and flle in The American Labor Aid is byna antecture by Capt. Harry derstanding but is the deliberate better through the strength of and Jack Webster, a union mem ransom which carries a penalty fighting for harmony between ber, were those indicted. After of either life imprisonment or launching its campaign against Brown of the National Guard on conspiracy of Wall Street to the union their unions and for unity in the Thurman Arnold vicious anti Chemical Warfare.
The International Ladies, Garnational labor movement, is to smash one of the strongest un At the plant of the Indiana much fanfare by authorities who death.
union, anti labor drive with al ment Workers Union will meet in promote the interest of the workJohn Brooks Wheelwright ions in this city.
Steel and Wire Company in Mun refused previously to admit them Revealing Contrast convention at New York City in ers, not for the benefit of Roose.
meeting Friday, March 29th at Boston, Mass.
every member of the TWU must ored craneman. Acting especially penalty on the charge was death, hail set for union men on this mained independent since its Keeping these ideas in mind, cle the company laid off a col to ball because the maximum In stark contrast to the high May. This organization has revelt and his war plans.
necessary preparations to strike against other acts of bad faith the conspiracy count and 2, 500 flimsy charge was the 1500 bail withdrawal two years ago from and close down every single on the part of the company, a each on the kidnapping count.
for two city policemen, recently the CIO. There is pressure from suspended and now indicted on the top for reaffiliation with the transport unit of this city if that strike was called and the Negro What Really Happened charges of protecting a dope ring AFL. In the rank and file there The International Brotherhood is the only way of retaining the return to the job was won.
In describing this, the latest and houses of prostitution. is fast growing progressive of Teamsters, AFL, now almost present closed shop union con. In the SWOC lodge of the In of a long series of frameups Appropriately enough, these movement against giving such tracts. Now more than ever be diana Steel and Wire son fore, the TWU members must months before this a cate came has borne much of the brunt of responsible for securing convic ionists of the Green, Woll, Frey. reard from in no uncertain terms watch every new move of La up which shows how sensitive the the fight to maintain the 14 state tions last winter against the Hutchinson and Co. camp.
ame against this local union which two cops were in a large measure support to the die hard craft une half million strong will be on the question of labor unity in SYMPOSIUM: Guardia with the greatest sus Negro is toward the least act of over the road drivers contract, same union officers. Fouts and picion. They must depend, not on slight or discrimination on the the Sioux City Unionist states: Johnson, in a Sioux Falls case, its convention at Washington, the empty promises of capitalist part of the white workers. in September. The IBT laws This present case is the resulting in four year sentences politicians but on the independent The Steel Lodges had voted to most outrageous example of against each unionist on a charge ILGWU THE SOVIET FINNISH WAR strength of their union and the raise money to pay for a head. malicious persecution that has of damaging a truck. The case ing for a 30 hour are fight will come in for a revamping at week with no this convention to clear the decks support of organized labor of this quarters by means of a box so come to our attention during is now being appealed and the reduction in pay, campaigns to for a stream lined organization THE CLASS CHARACTER OF THE city, to win this fight and save cial. box social is where the 40 years of active participa latest exploits of the prosecuting unionize every sarment shop in the great Transport Workers Un girls and women bring along a tion in labor union affairs.
SOVIET STATE the country, and standardize ag drive. The American labor movecops will look good in the apreements with uniform expiration ment may soon see its first milion of this city.
box and the men bid on the box Let no honest friend of justice pellate record!
stop to cry over this case. This dates. These slogans are arousing lon membered union, Union Rejects Deal THE ROLE OF STALINISM IN WAR case is destined to become faOvertures have been made to mous. Let every man and woLocal 383 officers to support cerDIALECTICAL MATERIALISM man who believes in honor and justice hold up his head and let 29 city elections with a promise tain boss politicians in the March THE HISTORY OF MARXIST there be no faltering.
50 that, in return, all the charges Describing the circumstances would be dropped. But the union THEORY curred, the Unionist states: bosses and their agents that this One morning three truck driv, fight is not going to be settled LEON TROTSKY SPEECH IN ENGLISH ers for a merchant of Havelock, Behind closed doors, but right Iowa, were in Sioux City. Two of out in the open where it will hurt 00 for set Articles by made for New York meeting celebrating Tenth Bound Volume New International the bosses as they never got hurt before.
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116 UNIVERSITY PLACE NEW YORK, QUESTIONS AND DISCUSSION Subscription: 25 116 UNIVERSITY PLACE NEW YORK CITY LABOR UNION NOTES ter Editor March New International ON SPECIAL! Treasure Chest of Revolutionary Marxism. For a SONG!
Leon Trotsky 1938