BourgeoisieCivil WarEnglandFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismInvasionItalyKidnappingMussoliniNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeURSSViolenceWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

We propose that the regular 1940 session of the Congress of the United States shall enact emergency legislation to put into immediate effect the following: Appropriation of 10, 000, 000, 000 to provide, at once, jobs on housing and other public works projects for unemployed workers. Amendment of the Wages and Hours Act to provide throughout private industry and public works a maximum work week of 30 hours and a minimum weekly pay of 30 dollars. 30 dollar weekly old age and disability pensions. Appropriation of 3, 000, 000, 000 to guarantee either maintenance at school or jobs for all youts.
Socialist Appeal Official Weekly Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International Vol. IV, No. 12 NEW YORK, MARCH 23, 1940 FIVE (5) CENTS STOP FIRING OF 800, 000 WPA WORKERS!
STALIN IN FINLAND War Deal to Drop One Man Abuse of Labors In Three From Work Rolls Rights In Sioux City to be Probed CIO TOPS MEET LAGUARDIA, BUT FIGHT IS ON Finland. BOSE WARNS OF Against whom is he trying to defend himselt? Primarily COMING CIVIL WAR IN INDIA Organized Unemployed FIVE WPA STRIKE Force Gains In Flint ON PROBATION WHY HE INVADED IT AND WHY HE MADE PEACE By ALBERT GOLDMAN Our party, in the resolution dealing with the invasion of Finland by the Red Army. Socialist Appeal, Dec. 9) characterized SWP Polls 624 Votes More than eight hundred thousand WPA work They got then TWO AND QUARTER that invasion as an incident in the Second World War. That is In St. Paul Election what it turned out to be an incident which ended by the achieveers more than one man in every three of the TIMES AS MUCH AS THEY ARE GOING TO 2, 321, 000 now on WPA rolls are to be fired dur GET DURING THE COMING YEAR!
ment of peace before it became the beginning of a major conflict ST. PAUL, March 15 John ing the coming weeks, the WPA Administration between the Soviet Union and Allied imperialism.
McDonough, Democratie may has announced. Two hundred thousand are to be Roosevelt and his War Deal can be stopped!
Congress is and will remain in session long Padway Announces Intervention That the invasion did not develop into an open conftiet be orkilty candidate backed by the fired during April, the rest in batches so that, by enough for the trade unions and the unemployed Of Lafollette Committee; Labor Progressive Association, tween English and French imperialism and the Soviet Union is the end of the fiscal year, June 30, there shall be primarily due to the fact that Stalin chief aim is to keep from received 81, 499 votes in the no more than 1, 500, 000 on the rolls.
to organize sufficient pressure to throw Roosevelt WPA budget into the wastebasket and reFour Unionists Are Indicted being involved in a major war.
primaries Tuesday, 6, 000 more than the reactionary incum Why? Are there, perhaps, jobs waiting for place it with a budget which will begin to meet That is what explains the Hitler Stalin pact. The only enemy bent, Mayor Fallon.
these 821, 000 heads of families who are to be the emergency Stalin feared was Hitler who, of all the imperialists, had the best Henry Rutzick, mayoralty given pink slips? Not even the pollyanna governchance to attack the Soviet Union. pact with Hitler would, America Sixty Families can be made to dis OMAHA, Nebr. March 19. Investigators of the LaFollette Civil candidate of the Socialist ment economists pretend that anymore. For ev gorge enough so that no man, woman or child Stalin thought, do away with the possibility of an immediate Liberties Committee will be assigned to investigate violations of Workers Party, received 624 erybody now knows that unemployment is in shall lack food, shelter or clothing. It can be the rights of Sioux City trade union members.
war. He was undoubtedly of the opinion that England and France votes. In the primary two creasing, not decreasing.
would not go to war over the invasion of Poland and, if they did, This was revealed here this morning by Joseph Padway, years ago for the same office, he could avoid being involved in such a war At the end of January there were twelve milthe candidate, Jules It is on the way to being done in several cities general counsel of the AFL and of the International Brotherhood lion unemployed, according to the unchallenged where the trade unions and the unemployed have Geller, received 559 votes.
of Teamsters, in a statement to the press.
Hitler Repays Stalin figures of the CIO research division. And to Padway said he was sure that the committee investigators stayed together, organized close together, adopt. would particularly look into charges that the Businessmen AssoRutziek campaigned on a these there must still be added those who lost As his compensation for relieving Hitler of the danger of platform calling for revolued a militant program and elected a militant ciation of Sloux City had acted in violation of federal statutes in their jobs during February and March, when pro leadership, and mobilized the workers strength its attempt to break up the organizing drive of the teamsters and tionary struggle against war facing enemy armies on Germany eastern borders, Stalin refor action.
duction continued its precipitous decline.
ceived from Hitler guaranties, in the form of territorial conces and unemployment.
other AFL unions.
sions in Poland and the Baltic countries which make, the Soviet In a campaign for which The New Deal has transformed itself complete Flint, Michigan, in the heart of the auto indus He said the investigators also would look into the charges that frontiers more easily defended.
they brought here Clarence ly into the War Deal Federal funds have one try, is shining example. The WPA Administraa large part of the police departWhy does Stalin want to avoid a major war? Because war Hathaway, editor of the Daily main purpose in the hands of Roosevelt: war tion hasn got away with firing any member of ment is under the control of the threatens the rule of the Stalinist bureaucracy either through Worker and spent plenty of preparations. The index for war expenditures has the Unemployed and WPA Auxiliary of the Businessmen Association.
money, the Stalinists polled been going up like a skyrocket. The index for revolution or through a successful attack of one or more imUnited Auto Workers, CIO; those that got fired Conditions that exist in other perialist countries.
026 votes for their candidate, WPA expenditures has been going down nearly went back on the job after the union heard about Iowa cities also were discussed Rose Tillotson, a sharp decline as fast.
It. The Flint city authorities have had to think But if he wants to avoid a major war, why did he invade at an all day Monday conference in votes below 1988.
up new WPA projects to sponsor, and there are Last year the appropriation for WPA was Because his demands on Latvia, Esthonia and Lithuania of Des Moines, Sioux City and 225, 000, 000. For this year the fiscal year ending more workers on WPA in Fint today proportionhaving been granted, he could not afford to permit Finland to Omaha union officials and attor June 30 the appropriation was 1, 477, 000, 000, a ally than anywhere in the country. That what defy him. His prestige was at stake and, besides, he was anxious neys, Padway revealed, and he cut from the previous year of three quarters of a union militaney is getting for the Flint workers.
to take advantage of the general situation to increase his de.
said it was probable the LaFolfensive strength. He undoubtedly thought that he could settle billion dollars. For the coming fiscal year, begin But Flint and one or two other cities like it 2ette investigators would look inmatters with Finland very quickly.
ning July 1, Roosevelt budget proposes an ap stand alone in the whole country. If that example to the situation in those cities.
propriation of 1, 000, 000, 000 another half bis were followed in the major cities everywhere, Particular cities discussed at lion cut.
Roosevelt and Congress would find their budgets Transport Workers the conference were Fort Dodge, against Hitler, for it must not be presumed that Stalin is so stupid as not to see that if Hitler is successful against the Allies, Just think! In the fiscal yeur July 1, 1938 June blowing up in their faces. The budget for Jobs Mason City, Waterloo and DuMust Organize For would have to reflect the size of that fighting 80, 1989 there were fewer unemployed than there the Nazi war machine will turn to the East.
buque, he said.
are now, yot during that period he unemployed labor movement that was demanding a job apda Militant Strike Tobin Called Conferencer doethe thing for every worker If the country.
received, WPA Jobs, ONE AND ONE QUARStalin Drops His Puppettivamente The conference was called by TER BILLION DOLLARS MORE THAN THEY Flint has blazed the trail. Let follow it in Teamsters International PrealThe creation of the Kuusinen puppet government is evidence Left Wingers Meet, ARE DUE TO RECEIVE THIS COMING YEAR! every working class neighborhood in the country!
of the fact that Stalin at first thought of taking all of Finland.
Mayor LaGuardia finally on dent Daniel Tobin to discuss Monday save in to union pres various arrests, prosecutions and few days after the invasion, in the early days of December, the Map Struggle at sure for a conference to discuss convictions of union members Finnish government made a plea through Sweden to the Kremlin the working conditions and con that have occurred in Sioux City to renew negotiations. The Kremlin on Dec. haughtily informed Congress Session tracts of the 27, 000 employees and this territory during the last Sweden that there was no Finnish government other than the working on the IRT and BMT two years. Padway attended the Peoples Government of Kuusinen with which the Soviet governtransit lines. He conferred for an conference at Tobin direction.
ment had already made a treaty. struggle against imperialism hour with a CIO delegation head Nowhere outside of the toHowever, when Stalin found that his army, led by a general talitarian countries of Europe which would inevitably develop staff which he had decapitated and demoralized, could not repeat can conditions be found more into civil war in India was outman and Michael Quill, Internathe exploits of Hitler army in Poland and that, as a result, there lined Tuesday by Subhas Chantional President of the Transport oppressive than those have was a real chance of his being involved in war with the Allies, he dra Bose in a speech to an an.
Workers Union learned today exist in Sioux beat a retreat from his original purpose. After the Red Army UAW CIO Auxiliary Compels The union delegation distrib International Brotherhood of City, Padway declared. The ti compromise conference of cracked the Mannerheim line he was willing to call a halt, settle left wing delegates to the Indian Granting of Union Demands uted to the TWU membership a Teaunsters will throw its full with the same Finnish in December, and thus Sovernment which he refused to recognize National Congress on the openavoid an attack by the Allied armies.
ing day of the congress.
Last Five Cases Are negotiations, explaining that the support into the defense of the Bose denounced Gandhi and the following demands were made to rights have been so consistentDisposed of; Other FLINT, Mich. March 15 The fast growing and militant WPA right wing leadership of the conthe mayor: Was it merely the Finnish capitalist army that was defeated. In coming out for the defense of the Soviet Union and for the ly denied.
gress in terms which indicate a and Unemployed Auxiliary of the UAW CIO chalked up another Charges Dropped That the union contracts with the IRT and BMT lines, Padway declared that the revictory of the Red Army as a lesser evil to the victory of the split in the congress during the victory today, when after an all day demonstration at the Welfare present session. Bose declared: Finnish capitalist army, we took the position that essentially the headquarters, the labor hating relief administration was forced which do not expire untul June cent arrest and indictment of to recognize the union representatives and concede several of their The problem of the hour is: four truck drivers on kidnapping Soviet Union was at war with the imperialist forces standing be30, 1941 must be honored by MINNEAPOLIS, March 19demands.
charges outraged every sense of hind Finland. It was clear to us that Finland could not have de will India remain under the Last of the WPA strike defendthe city, upon taking over the (Continued on Page 4)
justice. It seems that union thumb of the right wing or cided to resist Stalin demands without the encouragement of lines.
ants were sentenced Saturday Chamberlain, Daladier and Roosevelt. It was clear to us that members here have been arrestswing to the left once and for That definite provisions ed with regularity that would do morning in Judge Joyce court must be made to provide jobs Finland could not have held out so long without receiving sub all! In the event of a comprostantial and from the outside. Only when Finland was ready to mise with imperialism being efroom when the judge disposed of with equal pay to the 4, 800 men justice to a Swiss watchmaker, capitulate did Chamberlain and Daladier reveal how much armaand with the same regularity fected in this country, the Inpleaded nolo contendere. Roy Orwho are now employed on the have been held under excessive ment material they had actually sent and how much more ma dian left wing will have to fight Second and Ninth Avenue and gan, Louis Lindsay, Victo bail, have faced excessive terial and how many men they were ready to send if Finland not only imperialism but its By GEORGE STERN do and Glen Smith were given Brooklyn elevated lines, which charges, and been given exceswould only keep fighting. Our assertion that Finland was fight new fangled Indian allies as are to be demolished.
The Allies are getting another on March 18 rumor has spun an twelve months probation, and ing the battle for imperialism was completely confirmed.
well. This must necessarily sive sentences.
pamean that the national strugdose of Hitlerite diplomatic blitz opaque web but it seems clear Owen Jacobson received fifteen pers hailed this conference as Federal Frameups Too enough that Mussolini is to play months probation Why Finns Made Peace If the LaFollette committee ingle against Imperialism will be krieg paving the way for peaceful converted into civil war beThe Soviet Finnish peace pre the role of Mediterranean men These five men were those who settlements of the whole contro vestigators dig deep enough, The cracking of the Mannerheim line would by itself be a suffitween Indians themselves. vented the Allies from establish ace on the one hand and advo: agreed to plead nolo contendere versy, the very opposite is closer they will find that colleagues of cient reason for the Finnish government to accept peace terms. Bose bitterly attacked Mr. ing a northern front in Scandi cate on the other of the latest to the government indictments to the truth. For months, Leathers in the federal government True, the Allies offered to send 100, 000 men and all the material Gandhi hurried visit to the vice navia. Hitler is now moving to Hitlerite peace plan.
when charges against the other Guardia, friend of labor refused have been joining hands with lonecessary to withstand the attack of the Red Army. But in view 130 strike defendants were even to confer with the union del: wa, Nebraska, and South Dakota of the time that it would require to get these men over to Finland help to Britain immediately aftequally closed preserve. If he the many reports roy and his offer of unconditional make southeastern Europe an Perhaps most resol dropped through arrangements egation. He finally granted the state and local authorities in the and especially in view of the refusal of Sweden and Norway to succeeds, he will have assured his made late in January between the conference only after the most auto er the outbreak of war.
to stem the organizing Hitler forthcoming offer to permit transit facilities, the Finnish government saw no possinorthern and southern flanks and the Allies, is the report that Central Labor Union WPA De widespread criticism of his obvi drive of the teamsters. The Fedbility of accepting that offer.
The anti compromise con his rear, and will narrow the the the Nazi dictator is once more fense Committee and o. John ous union busting tactics and an eral Bureau of Investigation was ference announced as its aim ater of actual military conflict offering the allies the chance of Rogge, of the criminal division ti labor stand.
responsible for one of the most And then it was certain, as Prime Minister Ryti informed the the focussing of all anti im to the west. From that strategie of the Department of Justice.
a four power bloc, based upon But what are the results of outrageous of the series of frameFinnish Diet, that to accept the offer of the Allies would mean to perialist forces in the country position he will try to dictate recognition of German supremLike most of the other WPA this conference! So far, nothups perpetrated. a costly 18invite Germany to send its armed forces into Finland. And they which are now determined to terms of a negotiated peace. acy in Central Europe and the strikers sentenced, the five men ing. What concessions did Hiz months investigation culmincould get there faster than the Allied forces. That meant that resist compromise with BritSuch a negotiated pence, as are members of Local 511 Fed zoner offer the union deleating in September in the arrest, Finland would become one of the major battlefields of the war. ain.
isolation of the If this the Allies fully understand, is not agreed to, he holds out eral Workers Section gates! So far, none. Not only conviction and sentence to two The Finnish bourgeoisie preferred at this juncture to get peace would be equivalent to Hitler the threat of total war and a Judge Joyce told Organ he evi is it premature to blather years each in a federal penitenby surrendering to Stalin the strategical frontiers that he had victory in the war. Because few weeks ago the mass disdemanded. They had refused to grant his demands when original content with Gandhi policy of German Italian. Soviet war denced the exuberance of about peace. As a matter of tiary of seven union officers of they realize this and because bloc.
youth during the strike and that Sioux City, Des Moines and Omafact, every single union memly made, only on the mistaken assumption undoubtedly based on for the moment they seem frusfutile negotiations with the Briha teamsters locals on a charge he seems to think the department ber must prepare for war.
promises made to them by the Allies that the Allies were going tish viceroy forced the Mahatma trated in all efforts to turn to declare war against Soviet Russia as soon as the invasion Through this maze has walked of welfare owes him special care. Every single action of the Mayot damaging a truck in a bakery to promise the launching of a civil some hapless neutral into a Sumner Welles, emissary of Pres He said that Organ had written or and his administration point strikeer began.
disobedience campaign. He is now battlefield on which they can Now the Federal Trade ComWhy did not France and England openly declare war on the closer to the developments of the authorities, and warned him not to go through with his conspiracy mission has sled complaint doing everything in his power to get at Germany, there is a disSoviet Union at the very beginning and immediately send a huge prevent the actual campaign past ten days than any other im to do it again while he is on pro to destroy union organization on against Sioux city and Des army to aid Finland. It must be recognized that there were seri Civil disobedience will be started terical confusion in the Allied portant neutral diplomat in Eu bation New York transportation sys Moines bakery drivers and other rope.
ous practical difficulties in the way, chief of which was the attiwhen am sure that so far as teamsters locals.
of Owen Jacobson, the judge tem.
tude of the Swedish and Norwegian governments, unwilling to is humanly possible non violence In the week since the signing On his second trip to Paris said, You and work don get As a matter of fact, it is more IBT Will Fight see their countries become a battle ground.
will be strictly observed. de of the Soviet Finnish peace, en route from London to Rome along well together. He criti than Mikely that this union bust Padway said that his office had clared Gandhi. Since every acNazi diplomacy has moved to. he delivered another message cized Jacobson for saying we ing scheme constituted a part of been instructed by the ExecuNor must it be forgotten that, while the contradiction between tion entails the possibility of vio knit Rumania and Italy into its to Premier Daladier which are the government to other the infamous unification deal tive Council of the International imperialism and the Soviet Union is real and fundamental, there lent reaction, this time can be desired pattern. Over Rumania can this time be passed off as WPA workers during the strike. with the Wall Street bankers. Brotherhood of Teamsters to use are also inter imperialist rivalries and, at this particular mo conveniently postponed forever. he holds the threat of Stalin mere greeting and was in Chiodo was criticized for mak On March 15, in spite of a stiff all its resources in contesting the ment, those rivalries are in the forefront. British and French im This is Gandhi clearcut object.
and although Carol is still try Rome when the Hitler Musso ing the same remark, and for his union protest, the Board of Esti Trade Commission move.
perialism are of the opinion that if they can take care of German ing to balance himself on the lini meeting was arranged. He demanding attitude towards mate steamrollered through ar We take the position, Padimperialism they will have no difficulty in settling scores with Left Wing Forces narrow path he has had to saw Mussolini upon his return the relief department.
rangements for demolition of the way declared, that federat the Soviet Union.
Leading the numerically strong tread since the war began, it from Brenner Pass and sails With these cases, the courts Second, Ninth and Brooklyn el ti trust legislation does not apleft wing forces at the Congress is evident that the Nazi pres back with the report of nego are through with the WPA trials evated lines. The removal of these ply to labor unions. As a matter Of course, if they conclude that, in order to get at German is Subhas Charda Bose, the for sure is producing results. Lib tiations which will undoubtedly but organized labor isn Min lines will enable the city to raise of fact it conceivably could be imperialism they must attack the Soviet Union, they will not mer Mayor of Calcutta and ex eration of the imprisoned Iron have the most fateful results neapolis labor is calling upon all some eleven million dollars in ex charged that any contract behesitate to do so and try to kill two birds with one stone. To dePresident of the All India Trade Guards is evidence of this. for the American people but of unions in the country to demand tra assessments on the adjoining tween an employer and a union fend his government against the charge of cowardice in not Union Congress. Gandhi and Bose Around the Brenner Pass meet which they have been kept in of Roosevelt unconditional par properties to the Wall Street of his employees to some extent (Continued on Page Continued on Page 3) ling between Hitler and Mussolini darkest ignorance.
dons for the 32 convicted. Continued on Page Continued on Page 2)
Behind the Lines attempt.