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SOCIALIST APPEAL MARCH 16, 1940 Lovestone Weeps In the World of Labor With Pity for The Bankers pension.
ico Crucial Fight Cattle Boats SOCIALIST APPEAL Vol. IV, No. 11 Saturday, March 16, 1940 The trip of the new super liner, Queen ElizaPublished Weekly by the beth, across the Atlantic to New York through By Paul Stevens SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASSN.
the German mine, airplane, and submarine blockat 116 University Place, New York, ports from Mexico City: Telephone: Algonquin 8547 ade, has aroused a good deal of speculation as to Victor Alter Executed by Purgers were purged in the Mexican Comthe real reason for this move by the British war Stalinists in Eastern Poland munist party today when Hernan Laborde and Editors: According to the New York Jewish Daily For Valentin Campa, respectively president and secVELIX MORROW MAX SHACHTMAN government.
ward of March 6, Victor Alter, a leader of the retary of that party, were expelled by a comBy JOSEPH HANSEN Bund (Jewish Socialist Federation. has been mittee that they themselves had appointed some Not the least vociferous among Stalin attorneys General Manager Some speculate that it is to find safe harbor executed by the Stalinists at Kovel, Soviet Po weeks ago to purge their organization of all up until the time the Dewey Commission investiGEORGE CLARKE for this ship during the Second World War. land, after a flight from Nazi occupied territory. members whose allegiance to Moscow was con gated the Moscow Trials were the Lovestoneites.
Others speculate that a deal was made with repeated dispatches in the press for several sidered in any way doubtful.
They defended Stalin hidous frame ups. They deJust as Guerra, Ramirez and Lobato were prefended Stalin murder of the entire generation that Subscriptions: 00 per year: 00 for six months Hitler whereby the Bremen would not be at months giving eye witness accounts, by socialist Foreign: 00 per year. 50 for six months. Bundle viously liquidated for harboring Trotskyists and led the October revolution. The only thing about Stalinism they didn defend was the refusal of the free masons so now Laborde and Campa are orders: cents per copy in the United States. centa tacked while running the British blockade if the refugees who managed to escape abroad, of round ups of radicals in Soviet occupied Poland. being liquidated for harboring the harborers. rotten and corrupt Comintern to reinstate them as per copy in all foreign countries. Single coples: cents.
Germans in turn would not attack the Queen The Appeal recently carried such an account in Apparently not even the most flexible spine can members.
Elizabeth while she made the run to the United a letter from Polish Fourth Internationalists who save a Stalinist functionary from destruction After an embarrassed silence following the hear. Reentered as second class matter December 4, once Moscow is bent on wholesale purges. HerHoteft the cost once at New York, under the States. If such a deal were made, why was it escaped. In the New York Times of February 7, man Laborde was the completely hand picked the Moscow Trials as frame ups and sanctimoniously ings of the Dewey Commission, they finally spoke of necessary to take the ship away from England? we metoder in a wire from Paris. After a short initial period of tolerance, So satrap for Mexico for the past ten years. He oc raised their eyes heavenward at the crimes of Stalviet authorities ordered a clean up of Socialist cupied his position thanks to the same readiness One need not know the secret diplomatic com Labor Federation leaders in the occupied area inism. But Jay Lovestone and his cohorts never of to respond to a wink from the Kremlin which FIGHT WITH THE SOCIALIST fered anyone the slightest explanation for this sudmitments President Roosevelt has made to the and members of the Jewish Socialist Party Earl Browder has shown in this country. How WORKERS PARTY FOR: den repentance from supporting Stalinist morality.
Allies in order to give the real answer to this Bund were treated even worse, he (a leader long before Browder will meet a similar fate? This background sheds a grim light upon the arwho escaped from Eastern Galicia) said.
One thing is sure: that depends as little upon ticle entitled Trotskyites Put Forward Own Super1. Job and a decent llying for every worker. question. Hundreds of the rank and Ale were deported what Browder does or thinks as it did in the Ham and Eggs Plan, printed in the March issue Open the idle factories operate them under case of Laborde.
of their offcial organ, the Workers Age.
Lying side by side with the Queen Elizabeth to Russia, the leaders having been arrested imworkers control are the largest liners in the world, the British lish provinces, it was said. Bund members were Concentration of The policy of both the Stalinists and the Trotsky3. Twenty Billion dollar Federal public works ists of supporting the Ham and Eggs movement in Queen Mary and the Normandie, and the French compelled to repudiate the organization or be and housing program.
deported or imprisoned.
Agents Directs Operations California, declares this article, has nothing in comThirty thirty 80 weekly minimum wage 80 Ile de France. The Bund in Poland was known for its LeftAccording to reliable information that has ar mon with socialism. It only indicates that again and hour weekly maximum for all workers on all jobs.
ist tendencies. The Bolsheviks (read Stalinista)
rived here the purge of the Mexican Stalinists If these ships are intended to remain in a once again the Stalinists and Trotskyists have some5. Thirty dollar weekly old age and disability accuse its members of Trotskyist sympathies, reis being conducted by an international concen thing in common an unprincipled and demagogic peace time New York harbor for the duration Garded as the worst crime in Stalinist Russia.
tration of agents. Among them are the appeal to the backwardness and illusions of the following notorious characters: masses. Expropriate the Sixty Families.
of the war, why have they been painted a camouD. Manullski, Russian, prominent Comintern All war funds to the unemployed.
Aage gray? In order to blend against the back of the ferocity with which the persecution of laNaturally the Workers Ago fails to mention the figure, having held at one time or another in the actual circumstances which dictated our critical sup8. people referendum on any and all wars. ground of warehouses and skyscrapers where In spite of all the previous blood purges, in spite past the posts both of president and secretary port of Ham and Eggs. There was a mass move9. No secret diplomacy, they now lie at anchor?
of repeated liquidation, the hydra headed in that organization. Reported executed in the ment in Callfornia for social security, actually mobil10. An Independent Labor Party.
threat of Trotskyism 80 often declared excourse of the purges, Manuilski arrived in Mexthe steamer Mayakovski in January, izing hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of desAs in the last war, such super liners are built terminated. continues to plague the Stalinist 11. Workers Defense Guards against vigilante and Dombal, Russian, former head of the Kres didn mention that the demands of these masses perate, poverty stricken people. The Workers Age Fascist attacks.
for a special purpose: to transport American bureaucracy like a nightmare. Even such out12. Full social, political and economic equality for tintern (international Stalinist peasants organ were entirely justified and reasonable. It didn menspoken opponents of the Fourth International doughboys to the battlefields of Europe.
the Negro people.
as Victor Alter and Heinrich Ehrlich become vleization. who arrived there with Manuilski.
These two were accompanied by a third tion that the inability of capitalism to feed and clothe and shelter these people gave their demands a revThese four Allied lines alone can transport in time of the Kremlin for no other reason than agent, whose identity has not as yet been estabone trip and less than a week a huge army expression of Trotskyist views within the Bund lished, but is said to be either Haikis, former olutionary party has the duty to support such deolutionary significance. It didn mention that a reyto the Western Front. Like enormous cattle boats But all the heinous crimes of the Kremlin ollSoviet ambassador to Spain or Pestkovsky, for mands of the masses although sharply criticising mer Soviet minister to Mexico.
the unrealistic means proposed to attain them in they are waiting in New York harbor for the garchy will not protect it from its impending James Ford, prominent Negro leader of the flesh which they will haul to the bombs, torped perialist attack, which is now on the order of The fight of the Transport Workers Union order to direct these demands toward their only real American Communist Party, who arrived in Mexmeans of achievement socialism. It didn mention ico about six weeks ago.
of New York against Mayor La Guardia and oes, tanks, machine guns, barbed wire, and can the day, requires revolutionary initiative on the that above all a revolutionary party stays with the George Mink, American Stalinist, notorious the bankers whom he represents is of profound non of the Second World War.
part of the masses of workers for its success.
masses and goes through their experiences with in fighting preserve the conquests of October for his activity during the civil war in them, precisely in order to hasten their development importance for the entire labor movement of the Like the super liners of the last war they will against the imperialist foe, the workers and Spain, who now operates under another name. toward socialism.
Tina Modotti, Italian Stalinist, suspected of either be sent to the bottom when they are peasants of the USSR will learn not only the The main issue stake is very simply stated. implication in the murder of Ignace Reiss, She Attacks Our Transitional Program crammed with tens of thousands of human beereens the shackles of bureaucracy. When that the rights of unionism for all workers engaged Lovestone organ however does not stop at these ings on their way across the Atlantic or they will hour comes, the labor victims of Stalin bloody some time, but later released. She was secretary distortions. Something weightier is needed to prove in industries and plants which are owned by any return with the tens of thousands of coffins of terror will be adequately avenged.
of the Stalinist International Red Ald during the Spanish civil war and came to Mexico from that Trotskyism is but another manifestation of governmental body, national, state or city.
Stalinism. To this end the Workers Age points to those who made the supreme sacrifice for the Purgers Purged in Mexican Paris as a Spanish refugee.
At this moment the workers on the subways, sake of Wall Street profits. Communist Party.
Sormenti, internationally known agent, the first thing on the first page of the Socialist Appeal: the program which the Socialist Workers Party elevated lines and busses are working under Several weeks ago, this column comemnted on once in the fed the That what the Queen Elizabeth came here the coming extraordinary convention of the MexAmerican Communist Party, who now operates legislation for the relief of those in dire need. 10, proposes Congress should enact 88 EMERGENCY closed shop union contracts, which they wrested for.
ican Communist Party and its Theses. We said from the bosses after long and bitter struggle.
under the name Carlos Contreras. Sormenti arthen that it was evident that a number of scaperived in Mexico three months ago and is said to 000, 000, 000 for the unemployed, a 30 hour week at All that the union is asking is that the present goats in the leadership were to be sacrificed for have been involved in previous Mexican political manimum pay of 30, disability and old age pensions killings.
of 30 a week, and 3, 000, 000, 000 for the youth.
the People Front line which that party was contracts continue in force.
This program is attacked by arguments that Calin the process of abandoning. Our estimate, we This imposing line up of agents is in vin Coolidge would have heartily seconded. They add But Mayor La Guardia declares that when the now find, was much too modest. Not only have dicative not only of the serious trouble that the up to this: our program is economically impossible, city takes over these transportation lines he will the few scape goats mentioned then Vicenta Stalinists are faced with in connection with the and therefore unprincipled and demagogic.
Guerra, Arturo Ramirez, and Manuel Lobatooutlaw these contracts and any others proposed purge, but of plans for shady work that extend With the aid of an adding machine the Workers Last Thursday in New York City some mem been disposed of. The priests who were to make far beyond the confines of inner party politics in Age proceeds to prove this: the Roosevelt adminby the union. He declares that when these unbers of Local 807 of the International Brother the sacrifice have themselves been added to the Mexico. Their activities will bear watching on istration doesn get enough income from its system ionized workers become employees of the city, list of gonts.
hood of Teamsters started an unauthorized stopthe part of working class militants all over the of taxation; the national income is too low under they will no longer have the right to strike, Thus the New York Times of February 27 re Western Hemisphere.
page. The union quickly intervened all trucks capitalism in its death agony; hence, it concludes, closed shop or collective bargaining. Why? Bethere is not enough money available at present to were operating again in few hours. As is usual foot the costs of our program.
cause they are city employees, and the city, as a in such instances, the union accepted responsibilIn addition to reading us this adding machine tape, government, cannot permit its employees such ity for the situation, announcing it was ready to the Workers Age appeals to the truth expounded in rights.
provide the employers involved with all guaranthe labor movement ever since the Communist ManThis is as plain a case of union busting as has tees established under their contracts with the ifesto was written almost a hundred years ago, that ever been attempted. La Guardia takes his cue only through the establishment of a socialist sociunion. Those involved in the stoppage, the union ety is it possible to bring about any substantial and from Roosevelt You can strike against the lasting improvement in the conditions of the masses.
government edict of last summer, when the (Continued from Page 1) We agree with this truth one hundred per cent. It established procedure. The incident was over.
of the union, and perhaps smile is precisely the aim expressed in this truth which president outlawed the national WPA strike of that all.
motivates every word written in the Socialist Appeal.
the building trades unions. City Magistrate Ford But it wasn For no sooner had it begun, then Unless, of course, the workers picks up the cue this week and sends thirteen un a horde of men from the Federal Bureau of will speak a language that he What Is the Road to Socialism. Continued from Page 1)
will understand and listen to employed workers to jail for the crime of Investigation descended upon the scene, summonBut that doesn stone destroy the Soviet Union and their German imperialist Militant Workers Outlawed What is at issue and to be the question at issue.
picketing a governmental agency e. a relief ed fifty union members to appear before a Fedwhat must be answered by rival.
The Supreme Court went out whoever would lead the revolutionary movement in station.
eral grand jury for an investigation of molestNor is the possibility excluded of an agreement being arrived of its way to misinterpret the the United States is: How achieve this end?
The issue is clear. If the precedents set by ing trucks engaged in interstate commerce, and at by the imperialist nations for an attack on the Soviet Union by Wagner Act so as to refuse its Inasmuch as we could not find a single slogan in Roosevelt and La Guardia are permitted to pre proceeded to issue newspaper statements claiming the aim of the Pope, of Roosevelt, and of other influential groups One of the proposed amendments the Lovestone organ calling for armed insurrection vail, then we can say goodbye to unionism for credit for ending the strike.
in the United States or even so much as a polite bid among the imperialists specifically provides that the Board should have no right to olutionary terror against Ford, Rockefeller, the many millions of workers employed by the Union officers politely called the men liars The danger threatening the Soviet Union is not over by far. No reinstate any employee found Morgan, and the rest of the Sixty Families who domnational, state and city administrations and their inate American industry, we take it that the Lovesubdivisions, including construction workers, and raised the very pertinent question what busi matter where the attack comes from from the Allied imperialists guilty of violence or unlawful acsoneites do not believe the American working class governmental owned public utilities, etc. and ness the FBI had in interfering in a very com take the position our party adopted in the Finnish Soviet war: By such general phrases it is has yet been convinced that revolution is the only mon incident which it was solely the province of defend the Soviet Union against the capitalists and, at the same certain that a militant worker for the many millions of workers who are likely way out of the capitalist system of war, hunger, and fascism in the course of the next few years to be transthe union to settle. But the grand jury investiga time, continue the irreconcilable struggle for the overthrow of the will lose any rights that he might Stalinist bureaucracy.
have under the Wagner Act. Nor Can the workers be convinced of the necessity of ferred from private to governmental employment tion is to take place, nevertheless.
will back pay be granted for revolution by calling for armed insurrection tomorApparently that crew of men were sitting ground is otto Kuusinen, the head of the puppet. People Gov months than a period of six on the railroads, public utilities, munitions row? The Lovestonelte article seems to imply that anything less than that is an unprincipled and demplants, etc.
around twiddling their thumbs, waiting for a ernment of Finland. The creation and the program of the Kuusinen To make sure that the purpose agogic appeal to the backwardness and illusions of It means that there will be two categories of labor incident in which to step into. The speed government by Stalin showed that Stalin was obviously aiming to of the amendments should not be the masses. Then out of their own mouths the Loveworkers under American democracy one with which they appeared on the scene makes simplemer toel es voccupied by the Red Army as not yet known in thunderstood in die gehoopose dete stoneites are proved demagogic and unprincipled, for in that very article they include the main plank of formally holding the right to unionism and one that more than likely. Apparently, as multiplying It is certain, however, that the Finnish landlords and capitalists Wagner Act which states that it deprived of that right, and with those deprived incidents testify the FBI role as disguised will be tiempre priated olish he crecies, areas that was the case after ptbe is the policy of the United States ica Out of war. Is this program realizable under capitalism? Can America be of this elementary democratic right constituting strikers (agents provocateur is the ugly French occupation of the Polish Ukraine, and that the workers and poor to encourage collective bargain peasants will heartily support such expropriations and participate ing thereby giving the courts a as the capitalist system endures? We say no, and e kept out of war so long an ever larger section of the working class. word for it) in the Minneapolis WPA strike, in carrying them out.
further opportunity to interpret we do not have to appeal to an adding machine to The immediate task is to support the Trans their eighteen month preparation of a damaged Widespread civil war in Finland of the workers and poor peas the act strictly against the work prove our contention today headlines are demontruck case against the Sioux City and Omaha port Workers Union through thick and thin in ants against the landlords and capitalists was implicit in the situstrating it. Our slogans, on the contrary, such as Factors that aid the reactiondrivers unions, their gum shoe work in the hun ation. The puppet Kuusinen government was intended to stimulate aries in trying to put their this fight. But this fight also forcibly reminds us turning all war funds over to the unemployed, would destroy capitalism. But there is a world of difference of other tasks. The man who leads the bankers dreds anti trust prosecutions against the between being for these demands without labelling cluded before the army of Mannerheim, which held the exploited amendments over are the suwar against the transport workers is one who building trades unions, etc. etc. the FBI has population in an iron vise, was annihilated by the Red Army. The ers who would rather see the pine attitude of the AFL leadthem impossible of complete achievement under capitalism, and the Lovestone Norman Thomas propawas elected mayor with the endorsement of the become an anti labor force, a political police. Stalinist bureaucrats will, of course, follow the expropriation of Wagner Act destroyed than the ganda that it is possible to have peace under capiAmerican Labor Party. That what happens That hasn happened in this country since the the landlords and capitalists in the ceded territory by suppressing CIO succeed in organizing talism. Their Keep America Out of War commitwhen the labor movement doesn stand on its notorious post war Palmer raids.
the rights of the workers and peasants, as in the Polish territory unorganized, and the reliance tees thus directly propagate a harmful lie, while our of the CIO leaders on the libown feet in the political field but takes boss policampaigning for the popular referendum on war speLast time they did it after the war. This time annexed to the Soviet Union.
eral congressmen.
cifically refrains from promising that it will keep ticians as its standard bearers. La Guardia dirty the anti labor federal police force is operating We remain unalterably opposed to Stalin reactionary policies the limited usefulness of the Without any illusions about role is brought home particularly to the transAmerica out of war. The distinction between us and Lovestone Thomas on this question is the distincbefore the war just before. The role of the in peace as in war. At the same time, we remain on our basic post: Wagner Act in organizing the port workers, since Quill and the other leaders tion between reformism and revolutionary Marxism. men is clear enough: to domesticate the untion of unconditional defense of the Soviet Union in any conflict unorganized, militant workers The crime wihch the Lovestoneites commit in creof their union were among the wildest supportions, to turn them into lap dogs and break those with a capitalist country.
must do their best to organize ating Illusions about peace und ers of La Guardia. This latest double cross from capitalism is the a campaign against the proposthat won be house broken, in order to provide The peace treaty is undoubtedly a defeat for Allied American ed amendments sponsored by one they accuse us of in advocating our economie a friend of labor serves to underline the desthe bosses with docile employees during the com imperialism and a temporary set back to their design to destroy the National Manufacturers demands. But we are not at all guilty of their crime.
Nowhere do we promise that these demands are comperate need for genuine independence, an Indeing war.
the conquests of October. But a secure victory for the masses of Association, amendments which patible with capitalism. We create no such illusions.
pendent Labor Party with its own labor prothe Soviet Union and of the whole world can come only through will not only destroy whatever These demands are, indeed, a transition. a bridge, gram.
Keep your snouts out of our unions that is the revolutionary overthrow of the capitalist system. In the course value the Act has for organized labor, but which will in to a full socialist program.
Support the great fight of the Transport the only answer that the labor movement can give of the development of this revolutionary struggle the masses will reality transform it into a wea. second article on this question will appear Workers Union. to these men and their chief, Roosevelt.
also settle accounts with the perfidious Stalinist bureaucracy. pon for the bosses.
next week. Anti Labor Men Stalin Methods Have CONGRESS AFTER Alienated Sympathy WAGNER ACT seu pede elected to determini corende Of World Workers the