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SOCIALIST APPEAL MARCH 16, 1940 were forced by starvation back to their folks homes in the rocky WORKERS FORUM Stalinists in the After the Hitler Stalin Pact APPEAL: ARMY to.
bare existence from the rocky soil. But these workers will be ready when the call comes The Ozarks are full of class Another View of the the miners, auto, steel, which are the very backbone of Amer conscious workers who were drivRoosevelt Lewis Split ican industry. It is this pres en out of cities and towns for By FRANK They continued lining up the sued a call to labor to back sure which Lewis is responding their militant struggle. All you need to do is to pull into some The signing of the Stalin Hitler Roosevelt machine, even when man who had just slashed relief labor movement behind the Roosevelt for a third term, the PAY UP ON YOUR SPECIAL BUNDLE ACCOUNTS Editor: believe that it is beyond ques. hamlet in the Ozarks and tell SUBSCRIPTIONS Since publication in this colComrade Mills, in his letter in tion that Lewis will not be able two or three people you want to pact and the subsequent march the conservative building trades and WPA appropriations. The We hope you ve read the anthe March Appeal, reviewing to control the movement he is give them a socialist speech. into Poland caught the American unions were forced to answer the Stalinist controlled Maritime umn last week of the outstand nouncement on the special sub it Roosevelt Lewis split, in my opin year may very well see a new them will start out over one hill, unprepared a national strike on the WPA. y landlubbers, sailors had there has been slight improve being repeated this week as well ion makes an important error. 36, even at the outbreak of war. the others will go over another Rigbt up to the moment of the They continued shouting for left) ran a Draft Roosevelt in ment in payments. Los Angeles. for those who missed it last time.
To attempt to determine the sen New York City breekry waar hili, and in about two hours there people the apa cincessant aina Roosevelt even when he openly 1940 campaign throughout last oakland, Califo New Haven, Give it a try. You ll find it as timent of the American working will ists kept an incessant and Chicago class towards Roosevelt on the basis of the feelings of an inor. Exposes Pro Ally These people are quite up on tons with thousands of resolu ing the WPA strike, and issued was responsible for saddling the Boston, Lynn, St.
Louis, Newark, in some time. Even if we have de their socialism, too. One old man, tions and an equal number of the arrogant dictum that you East Coast maritime unions with Akron and the Philadelphia Ye Bay 30 Ourselvese bunaged 78, had 25 to his name. He speeches for Collective Secur, ment. followed by the arrest Maritime Commission, etc. etc dle payments. This is a decided SUBS FOR matter of a whole important Socialist Group strata is not to examine the quespoor farm. So he thought, should states and the other democra lis WPA strikers on charges of der Stalinist control, kept union wek but unfortunately it did not planned on going to the county ity an alliance of the United and indictment of 162 Minneapo. The West Coast seamen not un improvement over the previous TWO WEEKS Subs continue to hover around tion correctly. To counterbalance he first spend his money, or cies with the Soviet Union, to conspiracy those sentiments that Comrade Editor: hiring halls. come in sufficient sums to strike the same low level. We are cerThe Socialist party (of Norman what? So this old class war fight quarantine the aggressors. body other sections de monitely swinging Thomas) is now holding elections et decided that he would spend for many entusiasmo uncond run the Communist party were ership was responsible only to mies. What we said in our last advantage of the ofter printed away from Roosevelt.
to the full, enthusiastic and unconconvention My own experience among production workers and even skilled While am no longer a member Well, suppose you are wonder and his peace program. the through the FBI began handing structions were to line up the week: the Appeal needs every wards immediately. Here is the machinists in New York (UER of that party, because among ing what he did with his 26. cynical name for the construc out dozens of Indictments against American labor movement be dime it can get. Don forget the list: New York State M) would seem to indicate this other things do not agree with He bought that amount of sub tion of the largest peace time union officials as part of the hind Roosevelt who, it was be suggestion: float loans for large Thurman Arnold anti. trust lieved, was friendly to the idea sums and ions for Chicago Minnesota However, as stated above this their attitude toward the Soviet scriptions to a labor paper, and military machine in American drive, the worst union busting of concluding an alliance with small.
would indicate a trend, but would Union, still receive communlea. gave the people around there six history We unintentionally. omitted They kept up this propaganda campaign undertaken by any the Soviet Union. What about Cleveland Hon for the Roosevelt Lewis split. you one of these communications over the hill to the poor farm for through the better part of 1989, President in the last two the real needs and requirements reference to New York in our in the period when Roosevelt decades.
of the American trade unionists? last column. Because New York Youngstown able him.
California That was not the concern of the pays from week to week. New Lewis, although unquestionably because believe you may as bureaucratic as Green, stiin to use it in some way. am not a writer, if were signed the Woodrum Bill, which THEY LOVED ROOSEVELT cynical bureaucrats who run the York is paid up through the last New Haven. believe that these people who perhaps could draw a picture dumped three quarters of a mil THOUGH HE SMOTE THEM Communist Party must be considered as one of issue. We only wish we could be New York City call themselves socialists, and of this old man and his devotion lion WPA workers out into the No! The Stalinists unconcernYou can understand how crim as close to every party local so St. Paul America shrewdest labor dead claim to lead the working class to a just cause, giving his last streets, destroyed the prevail edly continued using their influ Los Angeles ers. No doubt, Comrade Mills, the in the name of Marx, and yet ad penny in the world, never to have ling wage scale principle hitherence and strength to hog tle the final was this policy of the Com that this ized American workers, it aske vocate a program such as en another cent, then plodding along to observed on the WPA, slashed labor movement and to confuse that it is precisely this policy of York took a large number of greatest percentage of the organmunist Party, when you realize come univerrangement could be Total.
today as to their sentiment to susedo bem ou dir ser exposed on the most hierond to living the rest workers and introduced the in union militants. The Stalinist putting faith in Roosevelt and all appeals last week in addition to MISCELLANEOUS ward Roosevelt, would answer in young comrade meets him at the famous eighteen month clause. controlled Workers Alliance is bor. rather than relying on the tion among the transport work territory in the State of Washthe other phony friends of la their regular bundle for distribuevery opportunity.
the affirmative.
Last week we broke into new Yet, as the Appeal correctly Springfield, Mass.
Gilbert Carpenter cross road, he slaps the old man independent strength and power on the back, and saya: It was South African Worker points out, you would get a negaYour identification of Congress of the labor movement, that has ers. We are told they met with ington. Tacoma opened a bunnot in vain.
tive answer from the AFL buildThe communication to which Romer Raises Question with Congress committees is brought the CIO, as well as the a nexcellent response among the ale account Our St. Louis therefore, false, especially in this rest of organized labor, to its pre workers fighting ing trades workers, whose unions Carpenter refers is a Plat St. Louis, Mo.
particular instance (In the case sent impasse. The futility and strikebreaking moves Roosevelt is attempting to smash; LAGuardia again with money for a new orBaker form which Alfred on from the millions of the unem Lewis, state secretary of the the der of Appeals. Don forget Editor: committees, etc. workers dele where better illustrated than in city subways.
to all out the Branch Sales Reployed, from the New York transI have just read your article on gates would eagerly seek repre the ill fated Little Steel strike, port workers, from the many One more correction: Crystal, ports you will receive regularly setts, Albert Sprague Coolidge What Will Socialism workers who are discovering that when the steel workers of Ohio, Mich. is incorrectly listed in the Bound volumes of the 1939 Apfore the Dies Committee. Dec. As this is an important issue under the influence of these false last Appeal as owing 12. 45. It peal and are one sale. Order and six other prominent party Do For Housewives?
to maintain, let alone extend, unJonism, they can no longer depend forthcoming national conventhat Trotsky was willing to testi of your paper and as a Fourth and cheered the very troops of should be 45 cents.
your copies now.
on Roosevelt. believe, Comrade Mills, that tion of the Editor: It is brazenly pro Ally. It if you would see the reaction of The other day handed an is regarded throughout the world as torial is endorsed by the party. days later, broke their picket say about the recent change in trolled San Francisco district of skilled machinists to the fact that saysome favor ranting full sue of the Socialist Appeal to my your homey The create part of would appreciate your further lines and smashed their strike the party line than any outsider. the Maritime Federation of the they are too old or had the mis to the Allies in their fight ten through a day when her child. Trotsky action in accepting the Johannesburg, THE FLIP FLOP The new line was handed down Pacific and has since been circufortune not to choose stable firms against Hitlerism as long as ren had been a lot of trouble. She invitation, met with my sympa South Africa from the top, by decree. The basic lated in systematic fashion by the CAME OVERNIGHT to work for, etc. you would easaim and policy of the Stalinist Stalinists throughout the CIO and lly recognize what Lewis has al adoption by the United States was going to do for housewives. ment advanced by you which ap.
that is their purpose. We favor wanted to know what socialism thy. There is, however, one arguWith the signing of the pact, party consists of this: that atin numerous unions of the AFL.
ready recognized the direction of a general policy of giving think share the experience of pears specious and unnecessary the Stalinist policy changed over every stage of the game, the inA Fourth Internationalist, if night. Never before in recent his fluence and strength of the labor ing wedge, the stalinista have Using the pamphlet as an openn which the American working class is moving. have no doubt as well as private measures to economic aid by government more than one socialist when it to the point he sat in that if you do a little probing nations which are victims of ing members of our immediate comes to the matter of convinc wishful thinking. You add: his yote Ac Sress, would cast ſtory, has political party execu movement should be so maneuv pushed through in many local unestablishing ted such a fantastic, rapid fire, ered, directed and channelized to ions endorsements as the prelim. Would we refuse to send among your own steel workers, a Dies Committee, and AGAIN Mip flop. Everything that was bolsterling and support people oinary step to the actual setting especially that section which aggression, and placing eco family of the necessity of social representatives to Congress beST any appropriations for it. black became white. Everything eign policy. not of the people of up of peace committees or cause we recognize Congress is works less than six months aand boycotts, government as She noticed in our platform the a reactionary body?
But then, if the Congressional that was white became black. the Soviet Union but of the cor The Yanks are not coming Commajority establishes the com England and France, the peace rupt, reactionary Stalin bureauc mittees. All of these committees ment to you will discover the senti. well as private, on governments slogan on the Appeal back page All revolutionaries accept with mittee, and provides it with loving democracies became racy, that runs the government which have been springing up in thin indeed.
stance, we favor government Roosevelt is today heading That all right for the men utilizing capitalist Institutions against it assumes a new form. aggressors. Peace loving demo for the period before the signing country, have this in common: out question the necessity for funds, the problem of fighting transformed into war mongering of the Soviet Union. This was true many local unions all over the towards war and at breakneck embargoes on war materials who work, she said. Six hours Congress, reactionary though it at that point abstentionism cratic England was suddenly re of the Stalin Hitler pact. It re they are all inspired and organspeed; a docile labor movement for Russia, Japan and Ger and their day is through. but be performs many functions; it serves no revolutionary pur vealed by the Daily Worker to be mains true today.
ized by the Stalinists and all prois a prerequisite. Roosevelt, how about us? she wanted to legislates on matters affecting pose. the age old British imperialism. WHY STALINISTS NOW War mongers and enemies of pagate the present line of the you know, is also an astute polknow. We have to get up with the daily lives of the workers; it Once the committee is to ex whose hands drip with blood.
the Soviet Union, these gentry our husbands, make the meals, also makes decisions on war and ist in spite of all that we can stalinist party Itician; he recognizes that no Germany, the bad, war monger OPPOSE ROOSEVELT Jabor bureaucracy can hold the. Instead of Stalin making an al The Stalinists plan to eventualgest money bags in the a couple of kids that almost resentatives may prove ineffect prevent the committee from roles and became a peace lover. liance with the democracies, as y call a Congress back the American workers from claiming their just deare among the most prominent sometimes drive one crazy. m ual through insufficient represent serving the reactionary ends Roosevelt, who supposedly had was envisaged in the period of ference of all of these phony mands in the event of expandspokesmen of their party always washing diapers, washing ation and the class nature of an for which it was conceived. been pursuing a peace program the People Front, Stalin con peace groups in order to form ing profits. He has learned that the kids. hardly ever get bourgeois parliamentary institu That can be done primarily, of for the past four years, was dis founded his parties all over the new national peace organizafrom the experience of 86 87.
minute of peace. work 12 hours tions, yet nevertheless they are course, by mobilizing the work covered to be America worst world, by making an France new line of the Stalinist party in He has also had the more recent experience of the first few Class War Fighters day and can even afford to there to protest and demonstratel ers against it, warning them war monger intent upon hurl Hitler, against England chce with tion to agitate and work for the weeks of the war in maritime. In the Ozarks buy myself a new dress. want the character of capitalist class what its purpose is and innocu ing the US into the imperialist and the United States. If the big post Stalin Hitler pact perauto, etc. So Roosevelt has de do for us?
uable service to the working baiting. That work can be sup the democracies against fas war, as it is preparing to do, it NEW LINE NO BETTER cided a smashed labor moveWhat my sister was expressing class.
plemented by appearance of cism, quarantine the aggres will unquestionably put its power THAN THE OLD ment is a primary task for Editor: to me is not only her own feel But you continue by saying: day. Every action of his and his The Ford strikers here are stin ings, but those of a lot of house And is there any difference ing it as a forum from which all disappeared with the snowa ists against the Hitler Stalin alli In a sense, the new Stalinist colleagues. Arnold, Murphy, proving that they are as militant wives. It would be appropriate between a Congressional inves to defend proletarian policies or yesteryear.
ance. On behalf of Stalin alll line is the complete opposite of against La Guardia, etc. points in this as ever. They are still struggling for the Appeal to devote a little tigating committee and Conpolicies of the Dies Since the signing of the pact, ance with Hitter, therefore, the the previous People Front direction.
in this heroic battle. They have bit of space to this section of the gress Itself? If we had a rep committee. revolutionary the Stalinists have been scream must remain neutral at all program. But it has this similarLewis knows that If reaction been on strike since November, workers.
resentative of our party in Congressman on the committee Ing that labor must join ranks to costs. This is the explanation and ity, or more correctly, identity: will strike anywhere it will hit 1937 against the Ford plant in Congress he would make a ser could serve the same function. Keep America out of the Im the only explanation for the Stal the new anti war line, like the first and hardest at the CIO, St. Louis.
University City, Mo.
ious attempt to become a mempreceeding one, ls steered, planNaturally, the next time the perialist war and have begun in inist change of policy.
particularly his own balliwick, Many of these Ford strikers ber of such a Committee in or question of continuing the comtroducing resolutions by the yard The present foreign policy of ned and directed by the same For every comrade that goes der to bring his own point of gang of unscrupulous union mittee would arise in Congress, denouncing Roosevelt war bud Stalin demands of the American to the trouble of writing in a view into the investigations. our Congressman would vote get, denouncing his war program, party that it line up the labor wreckers that manipulated and Your comments are extremely Unique Women under Socialism. surprising to me for it seems to There is no contradiction be campaigns and calling for the his war program. Shortly after concerne velta pro waterliner hundreds a the concerned and uninterested in are confronted by the same representative in Congress should mittee and utilizing it when it Peace and Civil Liberties.
inists went to work on a new the labor movement, they remain the actual needs and desires of problem.
be to oppose the appointment of exists. Editor.
campaign to put the Instead of referring comrade such a committee and secondly, UNION MILITANTS MUST across. Mike Quin, an editor of today as before intent only on to such literature as ex to refuse nomination to it. acSTUDY POLITICS the West Coast Stalinist paper, exploiting the trade unions for ists on the subject, we take cept your remarks that although Trade Unionists ary trade unionist to make head called The Yanks are not com ist party, which is the American It is impossible for the ordin. People World wrote a pamphlet the selfish interests of the Stalinthis opportunity to appeal to Congress is to be regarded as rethose comrades who have giv(for the month of March only)
actionary, yet we should attempt Meet Friday en long thought to this ques to make use of it in order to or tail of the dizzy turns, twists ing which rolled off the print agency for the corrupt and savand changes in the Communisting press just in time to greet age bureaucrats who rule the To introduce the Socialist Appeal to Soviet Union. Their anti war tion, to utilize the pages of the demonstrate its futility and to An important meeting of a party line on the basis of trade the delegates of the San Fran line is no better for the workers Appeal to answer him and the utilize it as a public forum for trade unionists of the SwP, Locul union experience alone. And yet, socowhich convention the pampoe than their pro war line of yes4 friends for weeks each many for whom he speaks. We the advocacy of workers policy. New York, will be held Friday, a knowledge of the methods and Let. which gives the new line of shall gladly publish all letters But Congress, by its very nature, March 15, 8:00 at Irving the moving forces of the Stalinist the Stalinists in (The third article of this serPIN ONE DOLLAR BILL TO THE COUPON BELOW ies will appear next week. particular, we call upon com character and one of these was Farrel Dobbs will make the na the education of the genuine un the auspices of the Stalinist conrade Antoinette Konikow to be the appointment of the Dles comtional trade union report.
and four copies of the APPEAL plus four wrappers ion militant. lack of this elealready stamped will be mailed to your home for gin providing for publication mittee. Therefore the workers mentary knowledge has led many the next six weeks.
her numerous notes on this delegate must abstain from asunion militants astray, driving question Editor.
sociating with it.
them back into the arms of reacAll you have to do is 1: write a friend name TWO EXCELLENT tionary leaders or making them and address on the stamped end of each wrapeasy victims of Stalinist demaper; 2: roll a copy of the APPEAL in ench ANNIVERSARY MEETING BOOKS gogy wrapper, seal and drop into the nearest mailbox.
to add to your library It must be understood that the for less than the Stalinist party is run bureaucratLEON TROTSKY SPEECH IN ENGLISH You can in this way introduce the APPEAL to PRICE OF ONE. ically by a top officialdom, rethe same four persons each week or to four different 00 for set Anti Duehring sponsible only to its masters in persons each week.
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LABOR CENTER New York, with introduction by Leon Trotsky, dealing in a large 51 East 7th Street Max Shachtman Nathan Gould BOTH FOR 98 measure with the American scene. want o take advantage of this unique offer (plus Editor, New International National Secretary, YPSL to introduce the Socialist Appeal to at least four LAST. MARIONETTE Both for 50 new readers for the next six weeks. attach a FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH 22 One Dollar Bill. Rush my special subscription!
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