HitlerIV InternationalImperialismInvasionKidnappingSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeURSSWorkers Party

We propose that the regular 1940 session of the Congress of the United States shall enact emergency legislation to put into immediate effect the following: Appropriation of 10, 000, 000, 000 to provide, at once, jobs on housing and other public works projects for unemployed workers. Amendment of the Wages and Hours Act to provide throughout private industry and public works a maximum work week of 30 hours and a minimum weekly pay of 30 dollars. 30 dollar weekly old age and disability pensions. Appropriation of 3, 000, 000, 000 to guarantee either maintenance at school or jobs for all youth.
Socialist Appeal Official Weekly Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International Vol. IV, No. 11 NEW YORK, MARCH 16, 1940 167 FIVE (5) CENTS SOVIET FINN PEACE BALKS ALLIED ATTACK Soviet Union Military Defenses Strengthened by Treaty Transport Workers DRIVERS UNION Congress Swings Axe But Stalin Methods Prepare General At the Wagner Act Alienate Sympathy Strike in New York CITY FRAMEUP Of World Workers CURRAN PAL FIGHTS SIOUX CURRAN UNITY. American hit per elibeen the help promised by. Allied and SPELLS SPLIT FOR SEAMEN Tobin Pledges Full Bosses Association Stooges Aided by Union Declares It Will Strike All CityAid; Padway Is Re AFL Skates Prepare to Emasculate (AN EDITORIAL)
Owned Lines If La Guardia Pushes tained as Counsel Labor Limited Legal Rights Pursuing his fundamental aim of avoiding a major war, Through Union Busting Plans (Special to Socialist Appeal)
Stalin has concluded peace with Finland in time to ward CHICAGO, March 12 The bit By ALBERT GOLDMAN aries want is to create all kinds off a direct attack on the Soviet Union by the French and ter endors among the bosses in with the introduction in the of checks and balances to The Transport Workers Union replied this week to the the North Central Area are in House of Representatives of a make it more difficult for the British imperialists.
union busting proposals of Mayor La Guardia by preparing for show down fight with the ball (H. 8813) to amend the workers to get a favorable deciDisregarding the sentiments of the working masses for a general strike on the subways, the elevated lines and an welaciled. Powerhouse of the In National Labor Relations Act sion.
Brotherhood throughout the world, Stalin invaded Finland. After sufcity owned bus and car lines sters. Wagner Act. the campaign to To achieve that objective one destroy whatever merit the bill of the amendments proposes to fering initial military reverses due to the stupidity and Huge overflow membership meetings of the transport That was the meaning of the has for organized labor has be give the courts the right to go demoralization of the purge weakened command, the Red workers of the IRT and BMT lines adopted a resolution de decision made in Indianapolis on gun in earnest. The bill is the into the findings of fact made by Army finally succeeded in breaking through the Mannernouncing the vicious, yellow dog, company union plan an tional Presidente Daniel Jutrobin work of a majority of the House the Board and reverse its deciCommittee to investigate the sion on the facts. At present heim line. Faced with defeat, the Finnish capitalists were nounced by Mayor La Guardia. The resolution further in with the teamsters North Cen Wagner Act.
these findings of fact by the convinced of the advisability of accepting the terms of structed the Executive Board of the Transport Workers Un tral Area Committee.
Certain bosses, including not for the buncombe passed out by Intelligent workers never fell Board are conclusive.
ion to call a strike at such time Should the amendments beonly trucking but other indus the labor bureaucrats that the come law the Board would have The Allies made frantic eleventh hour attempts to preas they may see fit of all BMT FINK No. tries, had just tried their latest Wagner Act (the Magna Car to follow judicial rules of evivent peace. They openly declared their readiness to send and TRT workers in order of a long series of police frame ta of Labor as William Green. dence and base its findings on a ups against what they hoped was calls it) would constitute a sub preponderance of the evidence.
as many men and as much material as was necessary to Harry Bridges, West Coast to preserve our fundamental weak link in the chain of new stitute for struggle in organiz Under the present act the rules Stalinist longshore boss. He bolster up their Finnish satellite. They divulged how much rights.
teamsters unions Sioux City, ing the unorganized.
of evidence are much more liberal, supplements Stalinist Curran help they had already furnished in the way of armaments, The union also appealed to Iowa, Drivers Local 383. Howard Unity move with offer to Fouts, Ralph Johnson and Charles These workers understood that The general aim of the amendand thus partly explained the ability of the Mannerheim all workers on the city owned Cunningham, union officers, had the act was won by the workers ments dealing with the methods bosses of five year peace forces to withstand the attack of the Red Army. After Independent Subways to back been arrested on a trumped up as a major concession from the of procedure is to give the courts plan. meaning compulsory these revelations it is clear to all that a major factor in the the transport workers in their charge of kidnapping and hold Roosevelt regime in order to oba greater opportunity, on the ba arbitration.
decision of Finland not to yield to Stalin terms in Noing for ransom.
fight, as well as all TWU Unions Accept Challenge tain the support of Labor, and sis of some technicality, to overthey were more than wling to rule any members working on the eleThe North Central Area Com take advantage of its provisions the wordecision favorable. tal imperialists.
vated, bus, and street car lines.
mittee of the teamsters the 14 and especially of the sentiment Boss Dictated Elections state body which controls the for organization that it created The present act was at first In the course of the war the Finnish capitalist governThe union leaders announcoperation of the uniform agree among the workers. But that re correctly interpreted by the ment obviously became skeptical of the ability of Chamed that they were now making ment covering all over road driv quired militant union activity Board to give the workers exberlain and Daladier to live up to their promises, all the all the necessary physical prespond to the challenge. The in serve as a substitute for militant tion. Later on, under pressure of more so since Sweden and Norway, threatened by Hitler, parations to call the strike and dianapolis meeting brought from activity. The labor leaders who the reactionaries, the Labor refused to permit the Allies to send soldiers across their tie up every public transportation wheel in the city, if the May.
territory Mayor La Guardia, whose Padway, general counsel of the get very far in increasing the the bosses that they be given the or did not recognize the union name is mud teamsters and of the AFL, to membership of their unions.
to transport Sioux city, where Fouts and right to petition for elections to Move Aimed at Discontracts. The union has ordered workers.
But since it did. contain provi determine the bargaining agency rupting Fighting West Hitler Calculations extra telephone facilities and Johnson are being held for the sions which aided the workers in for the workers.
For his own reasons, Hitler accepts the peace treaty placed cots in its headquarters, grand jury without being admit their efforts to organize, it was tedt Coast Sailors converting one of the rooms into a to bond.
It is still, however, in the disto that valuable and it recretion of the Board whether or despite the fact that strengthens the military defenses a hospital.
of the Soviet Union against a future German attack. While United Labor Backing national will give substantial fin extend and improve the act and amendment proposes to give that By JOHN PATRICK Joe Curran, president of the his basic policy is to involve Stalin in the war against the Last Thursday, the Transport ancial aid in smashing the crude to fight strenuously against any right to the employer us a matWorkers Union received assur frameup.
emasculation of it. And that is ter of course, thus giving the Stalinist controlled National Allies, Hitler wants to do so only under conditions most what the Smith committee boss chance to call for an elecMaritime Union, announced Crude Frameup favorable to him. At the present moment he deems his ances of labor support in one of the most remarkable labor meet.
How crude it is, is shown by amendments propose to do.
this week that he would attion before the union is prepared.
interests to be favored by a cessation of hostilities between ings held in New York in recent the actual facts on which the tempt to move in on the West Gums Up the Works charge of kidnapping is based.
No longer will the poor down Coast unions. He called it a the Soviet Union and Finland. Undoubtedly he is of the times. Over 400 leading unionists One of the few. companies in the One of the amendments pro trodden bosses be deprived of move toward unity of both representing both AFL and CIO opinion that he can get more aid from Stalin at the prescoasts.
unions, with a reputed memberarea attempting to operate under vides for the creation of a new their civil liberties. Their freeent moment if the Soviet Union is at peace; in preparaship of 800, 000, gathered at the It a crime to protest that non union conditions is the Gib board of three members who will dom of speech will be protected Curran policy in the NMU during the last few years, the tion for a possible future attack by him son Trucking Company. It had sit as a judicial tribunal to hear by one of the proposed amendCapitol Hotel to pledge support you re starving.
the Soviet to the TWU. Present were such Union he is anxious to avoid Stalin taking possession That was the decision of New agreed to sign union contract evidence on complaints filed by ments. In other words, it grants Roosevelt and Roosevelt MarStalinist policy of supporting but kept stallingfew of too much Baltic territory, and he is unwilling to take leading New York union officials York City magistrate Michael Ange korganizers from flowca oss enactment of the Wagner Act timidate the workers. Further time Commission hiring halls and training ships, has installchance on having his supply of iron ore and other mateHollander, Miller and Weinstein Ford, sitting Tuesday in Bronx notified the union members driv the reactionaries have been howl more, the employer will not be ed these fink halls and fink rials coming from Sweden cut off by Allied intervention.
Clothing Workers, Elmer Brown found guilty of disordely conduct pany signed up they were not to of fair play in that the Labor proposal. All he will be compelled ships firmly on the East Coast.
representing the Amalgamatea Magistrate Court, when he ing for Gibson that until the coming about its violating all rules obligated to make any counterOn the West Coast the militant Sweden and Norway were most anxious for a peace of the Big Six Typographical thirteen members of an unem haul on the runs not covered by Board acts as both prosecutor to do is to listen to the proposals (Continued on Page 4)
policy of the Sailors Union of that would grant them a respite. Hemmed in between the other of the ployed local of the Workers union contract. The drivers read and judge. What the reaction leading New York union officials. liance.
ily agreed, as they were of course the Pacifle and the Marine two imperialist rivals, these small capitalist couritries must anxious to help obtain union conFiremen, of picketing mariThey adopted resolution, time commission hiring halls walk the tight rope of neutrality. They are trying as best which was immediately disThe sole ground on which the ditions.
has insured the existnce of un they can to avoid being sucked into the maelstrom.
The drivers therefore went up patched to Mayor La Guardia magistrate found them guiltyion hiring halls, the heart of Of all the factors favoring peace, the most important who was attending the Con taking a cue from Roosevelt to the union hall to wait until ference of Mayors at Birming prohibition of strikes and de company called the police and the seamen unions.
Curran policy and Curran and decisive was Stalin anxiety to avoid a major war.
ham, Alabama. The resolution monstrations of WPA workers charged the drivers had been tactics so weakened the NMU He wants at all costs to escape the risk of being swept out stated in part: that it was recently forced to and Mayor LaGuardia an kidnapped, a charge apparently We are astounded by the sign one of the worst contracts of power either by revolution or by a successful impernouncement that transportation cooked up in advance with the stubborn refusal of the Mayor workers on elty owned lines will Business Men Association and WASHINGTON, C, March ments by the defendant Columbia imewaterfront history, an agree ialist attack. His demands on Finland having been refused.
with bona fide representatives lective bargaining was that It fused Fouts and Johnson because tice is pursuing its policy of seek less than a viclous racket de mental union right hiring hall, to Frant single conference not be granted the right of col the county attorney. Ball was re 11 While the Department of Jus interests is acceptance of little mentathatel sight Merinfunda: he thought he had no alternative but to go to war in order to guard his prestige and to secure the military defense of of transit labor to discuss the is illegal to picket a government the charge carries maximum ing criminal indictments against clared Nye.
elementary questions of labor members, closed shop and other Leningrad. But his basic policy still remains to avoid paragency.
penalty of death.
trade union leaders under the an When Mr. Thurman Arnrelations under unification. His ti trust laws, it is dropping cases old partiality toward corporsuch fundamental rights. This ticipation in a major war.
utter disregard for the sanctity Sell out was presented to the against big corporations, ate defendants of great wealth of labor contracts is outrage Senator Gerald Nye of North is known, when the significance membership as an NMU Vicous.
Invasion Brought Discredit tory. Dakota pointed out yesterday in a of his consent decree mensures The city administration was letter to Attorney General Jack in settling civil complaints is In these circumstances it is on meanwhile pushing plans for the son.
realized, we may expecta y natural that Curran and his tegie objectives in the peace treaty. But those gains are far outrapid demolition of the Second Nye cited, as a specific exam national revulsion against his gang of piecards should look and Ninth Avenue elevated lines, weighed by the loss of popular mass sympathy and the discredit ple, the dropping of civil suits of determination to obtain crimcrime with envious eyes toward the which Stalin brought upon the Soviet Union because of the in order to raise millions of dolthe Department of Justice against inal indictments against other Sailors Union of the Pacific and invasion.
lars of additional cash through WASHINGTON, March 10 Unemployment for Janthe Columbia Gas and Electric alleged but lesser violators of the Marine Firemen, Oilers, WaThose superficial observers who described the invasion, not increased real estate assessments uary increased by 14 percent from December reach a total of Corporation and the Columbia on Federal anti trust laws, partic tertenders and Wipers Ass of simply as a bureaucratic method of achieving defensive millto pay the bankers the fantastic 11, 986, 000, according to the CIO monthly survey of the eco and Gasoline Corporation, des ularly the leaders in the build the Pacific. These two unions, having resisted Stalinist domina tary strategic objectives, but as an expression of Stalinist insum of 326 million dollars for nomic situation, The Economic Outlook, out today.
cribed by the senator As that in ing trades unions.
the transit lines, agreed to in the The CIO unemployment estimate was based on CIO union veterate offender and chronic de In conclusion, Nye demanded thon, are now in a powerful paperialism, and as proof that Stalin consummated a partnership infamous Unification deal with reports and government figures. The CIO declared its with Hitler for the purpose of destroying and dividing the gure Cases been dropped to know of Jackson whether you sition on the waterfront.
the bankers. as dependable as any available. The figure for the same period British Empire, and even the whole world the exponents of in favor of consent decrees mu approve of the prevailing policy The SUP MFOW control all The demolition scheme will recently estimated by the employers National Industrial Con tually agreed upon settlements of seeking criminal indictments hiring through their own union this ridiculous theory have been confounded by the courts of throw out of work three thousand ference Board was ten million unemployed.
between the corporations and the of officials of building trades un hiring halls. This right was remembers of the TWU, employed Since employment fell as precipitously throughout February Department, under which the ions who are charged with anti cently signed away by the NMU. Stalin, however, is not freed from the problem of the war.
at the present time on the clev as during January, the present size of the unemployed army company is in no way penalized trust violations, during a period The SUP MFOW control He may do his utmost to avoid it, but the war will catch up ted lines, for whom the city is must be close to twelve and a half million.
for its violations of the trust when the anti trust division is enough jobs to keep their mem with him. The French and British imperialists cannot sit back The drop of 19 points in the Federal Reserve Board Index of laws.
dropping its civil complaints ofbers working. The NMU memmaking absolutely no provision.
quietly while he aids Hitler in evading the consequences of the Speaking last week at the production (from 128) during January was oven higher than the It is my opinion that the Jus anti trust violations by corporate bership Curran claim of 65. Allied blockade. They will seek a pretext for waging war on Brooklyn Transport Workers Hall CIO had predicted in January, when it warned of a new dip in tice Department customary ac defendants, in favor of a consent 000 members is about three times the Soviet Union and thus attempt to kill two birds with one (Continued on Page 8) the economic crisis.
ceptance of consent decree agree decree. Continued on Page Continued on Page 4)