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SOCIALIST APPEAL MARCH 9, 1940 talinists In The History Of Transport Workers Inion. Wrecking And Corruption Denounce LaGuardia APPEAL ARMY. 40. 70 00 for WORKERS FORUM 30 (Continued from Page 1) We began to suspect what By FRANK the signing of wretched contracts, the CIO movement. The unsus and the Wall Street bankers, is is now made clear by your letPrior to the signing of the Stalin Hitler pact, the Stalin employers, belly crawling before tants of 1931 and 1935 had under program designed to eventually belong to weduce the ratisit use a mild word of the Socialist Mayer is your first revolutionary constituted a major force in the American trade union any two by four politician or pub gone a profound transformation. destroy the Transport Workers workers of this city to individ Appeal are due directly to the City Debt ovement, Posing as the best union fighters, the true cham se pecial, and a disposalze ruthless Themes oricine of the new. cons Union. The prophecy has been wal helplessness by destroying failure of branches to meet buna Los Angeles. 03 ons of honesty, militancy and democracy in the labor move suppression of all opposition. The ions had become more citious fulfilled even sooner than anyone the Transport Workers Union die order payments. The figures San Pedro. 70 the labor organization that they published below are only a pale San Diego. 87 ent, supported by a well organized national apparatus, a trail of wrecked unions, honest der the pressure of capitalist pubhad finally built after thirty reflection of the Appeal troubles.
Long Planned Scheme Berkeley. 35 rong press, with huge funds at their disposal, the Stalinists union militants corrupted into llc opinion and because of their years of pltiless persecution and In simple terms, these figures Pasadena. 75 The whole history of the unl unceasing effort.
show the following: Fresno. 50 sught the rising ClO movement of young unsuspecting work Cynical octals and thousands of lack of class consciousness and fication deal reveals, clear as Oakland. On March 1st, the branches 17. 65 is completely unawares and easily wormed their way into dislusioned, disoriented rank and working class philosophy file workers.
The union movement represent day, that Hizzoner, the great How differently you treated ontrol of numerous unions.
WAVE OF REVOLT San Francisco. 29. 00 Denver. 75 Once in the saddle, they showed the American labor bu AGAINST THE STALINISTS their life career. They became deliberate conspiracy of the bank You did not seem to be able to for bundles of 588. 44. You will Hartford.
The Stalinists were driven to therefore extremely suspicious of ers and tycoons of Wall Street to give them enough of your time receive bills in your next mail.
New Haven. 85 saucrats how to really orga bor movement and helped destroy be more cautious and diplomatic and antagonistic to the Stalinists completely destroy the union of and the people money; Quin Most of the branches are Washington, D, 99 ize an autocratic, reaction its fighting power.
in the last period just preceding who viewed the unions merely as the transport workers of New continued.
two, three and more months be ry and corrupt machine.
Chicago. 31. 04 The Roosevelt government, in the signing of the Stalin Hitler a pawn and tool to realize the York.
The union letter implies that hind in payments. Some of them are so far behind that even the Streator, Ill. 85 Chicago, Ind.
hey signed agreements that this period, was on passively Pact, as great rank and file move Line of the Stalinist Party. The year ago, the City of New strike will be called in all of Evansville, Ind. 10. 26 isgraced the labor movement. Union. And since the American Union, challenging their autocrat sure: that their importance and York took title to the Sixth Ave subway lines, unless the Mayor word disgraceful fails to apply South Bend. 00 Chey blandly united with rac Stalinists were laboring with ic rule and exposing the union prestige, as well as their salaries, nue elevated line of the Manhat confers immediately with the un reputable business house would Hutchinson, Kan. 15 ieteers, gangsters and any re might and main to line up the wrecking activities of the Stalin depended upon a strong, virile tan Railway Company. The road ton officials and recognizes the have cut them off long ago.
Whitewater, Kan. 32 union and they were interested in was closed on December 5, 1938 contracts which the union holds We are behind in printing Baltimore (e). 85 letionary forces in the unions, trade unions behind his war ma ist gang In 1939, this rank and file re preserving that.
and the next day six hundred em at the present time with the bills more than 800. This may not seem like a large amount to Boston. 16. 25 order to gain control. They titude of toleration towards the volt gained strength and swept Even more hostile to Stalinism ployees were thrown out into the transport companies.
you but to us here it means a Fitchburg, Mass. 60 Austin Hogan, recently re threat of cessation of publication ystematically hounded, slan Communist Party and its activi through both cio and AFL un were the rank and file leaders streets without a job. La Guardia Gardner, Mass. 64 ties, many of the lesser New Deal fons in the Pocket Book mak. who were arising in different 10 promised them all jobs, but these elected President of Local 100 of each week. It seems breaking our Lynn. 05 dered and persecuted all gen oficials actually became outrighters, the Maritime unions on both calities, veterans of the strike six hundred workers were never the Transport Workers Union, back attempting to pay loans we Worcester. 17 aine militants and progres supporters fellow travellers the coasts and the Gulf, the struggles of the CIO, hardened returned to work.
stated that the union did not in cannot possibly find the money Worcester 90 sives who dared to revolt of the Stalinist movement. Teachers Union, the West Coast and toughened by their experiSeveral months ago, the La tend to remain passive while to pay with. It means that our Cambridge. 3. 75 Flint. 32. 13 against these high handed al support of John Lewis an important unions from the Los way the meaning of Stalinism Guardia administration concluded their union rights were taken reduced staff is placed on meager, Crystal, Mich. 12. 45 practices.
were in an official bloc with the Angeles CiO Council. the New and the fact that it was the most its infamous unificatiordeal with away by some bankers puppet. reduced rations. It means above How different this sounds all, constant danger of suspension Detroit. 18. 45 It was the Peoples Front pe latter throughout this People York Painters and Food Work reactionary force in the American the bankers, Immediately, in orAnn Arbor, Mich. 13. 40 from the speeches of TWU offiof the Appeal. If the branches tiod of Stalinism. In this scheme, Front period. Why did Lewis ers. This imposing rank and file labor movement. They were de der to raise all available cash to paid up in full we might com St. Paul. 67. 50 the unions constituted the most make a bloc with the very people revolt against the stalinist ma termined to destroy the stalinist speed pushed unification along cials two years and even one pletely liquidate our printing bill (incl. 3000 sp. ed. for Mar, 12)
important battle grounds. The la against whom he had waged achine was climaxed by the titan cancer, in order that the labor they pushed proposals for the deyear ago. So ends the honeymoon with the Little White through the difficult month of and have enough to carry us Minneapolis. 28. 00 bor movement, suspecting noth bitter struggle in the miners un le struggle in the Auto Workers movement might advance and molition of the Second and Ninth Avenue elevated lines, in order to St. Louis. 51 Flower, New York edition of grow.
ing, was to find itself, according ion? It was not Lewis who had Union.
raise eleven million dollars in this pre convention period, Univ rs y City, Mo. 75 (A second article on the to the Stalinist plan, one fine day, changed his basic philosophy! The By 1939 the American trade the great friend of labor.
cash from the increased assess Once again it is proven right Stalinists in the CIO will ap4. If. There can be no Kansas City, Mo. 75 Jined up to a man behind the Communist Party during the unions presented a far different Laconia, 20 Roosevelt war machine and hell People Front period. cynical picture than at the beginning of ments on the adjoining properties. down to the bottom that labor question of it. The branches must pear next week. This deinolition program will put Newark.
will always be double crossed make immediate payments. There bent on shoving through a col ly dumped overboard ali talk out into the streets an additional and betrayed by all of its is no other way out. The paper Paterson. 95 lective security war alliance of and pretense of working for sothree thousand unionists friends. Labor can only rely cannot be printed on sentiment.
New Brinsw k, NJ. 02 America, England, France and cialism or militant union policies.
whom the city is not making any Ithaca, NY. 25 on its own strength, its own Russia, against the bad, war. It began to drape the Stars and provision.
How! If the bill is small, Rochester. 55 making fascista.
Stripes around itself and bellowed organizations, its own political your branch must take up an Jamaica, LL. 95 WERE ROOSEVELT MOST more patriotically than even the On March 1, union president party, immediate collection to liquiGloversville, c)0. 43 SERVILS AGENTS IN UNIONS Daughters of the American RevoQuill answered the letter of La date it in its entirety. If the The TWU is holding mass from our rather incomplete char Guardia and called attention to Fargo, 60 bill is large, we have the folWHY DID LEWIS SPLIT To push through this infamous lution acterization of the bureau the shameless run around which meetings throughout the city of towing suggestion to make Toledo 20. 65 WITH ROOSEVELTO scheme, the Stalinists converted Akron.
32. 20 its membership to present the LEWIS WAS SURE themselves into the most servile, LE COULD BREAK THEM Editor: cracy. We have always spent a good deal of time re Lewis as a bureaucrat pictured the union had received from a situation to the membership con this week: take out a loan for which Newark has carried out Columbus.
17. 70 who goes Guardia.
belly crawling supporters of cerning the serious crisis of the the entire amount and then pay Hudson, 35 Foosevelt New Deal, picturing Lewis and his lieutenants, viewing the Appeal discussion to the politicians and auctions off union. The scandalous conduct Cleveland. 25. 65 31 as an almost suitable substitute drunk with victory as a result of of the Lowis Rooscvelt split, and the labor vote. By that mean The Run Around it off from month to month Youngstown for socialism itself. They hounded the first brilliant successes in rub after careful consideration. that he offered the support of laof Mayor La Guardia and other 66. 63 Ever since the summer of 1938 administration officials in conneceither through a pledge fund Portland, Ore. 15 and slandered any worker who ber, auto steelmaritimhan cotha have come to the conclusion that goes to the umbew be paveris in the we have repeatedly besought you tion with unification will be exmonthly collection in the Quakertown, Pa. 70 posed, Austin Hogan announced. branch and among sympathiPhila. YPSL. 14. 85 dishonest, reactionary policy. work with everybody, use every. Appeal analysis of this event. turn. At other times, we have with a view to the formulation zers. We know there are ex Phila. 15. 40 Thus, this crew of union wreck body and outsmart everybody Mary Unions To Meet tenuating circumstances. But Allentown, Pa. 85 ers, posing as the left wing of the The Stalinists had a machine, a February issue refers to the the labor vote as political black of a plan which would, after uni. the printer won take these Reading, Pa. 66 anions, sidetracked the whole la In addition, a meeting of repre instead of cash. Besides the nalists, speakers and organizers. tion of mass feeling. Other ar pose some politician who refuses and bargain collectively in resentatives of all New York un paymenth to make this plan New Castle, Pa. 33 are small enough Houston, Tex.
cach March Issue of In return for the services of this ticles in the Appeal are written to come across. In any case, we spect to their wages, hours and ions, AFL, CIO and independent, Madison, Wisc.
machine, Lewis made the alliance, in the same tone, and from all have always presented Lewis as working conditions through has been called for Thursday eve entirely feasible. 50 handing over to the Stalinists the indications, this appears to be the the active and aggressive element bona fide union of their own siger aletion of the whole labor rectly up to your action on this New International Total. 588, 44 The March issue of the New maritime unions, the whole west offcial party view on the split. the pre choosing (c) Credit International will be off the press coast CIO movement, the radio movement to answer the brazen However, neither Frank nor But there is something else insoon.
workers, the agricultural work anyone else has presented any volved. These cio bureaucrats union busting challenge of the It will feature a symposium ers, the white collar unions, etc. concrete evidence in support of are also interested in the ques. support him, he is undoubtedly mayor.
Vital articles by Leon Trotsky ways get rid of the Stalinists, if not something which we discover election? They do not believe in Roosevelt would presumably get a preparatory steps to organizAnd by the Minority of the Poli be so desired.
by instinct: it is a thing which betting on losing horses, for their from such groups of organized ing the fight ahead. It is however, tical Committe of the Socialist The period from 1936 to 1939 soon expresses itself in outward greatest fear is the possible de workers as steel, auto, coal, important section of the pre con and marks a fever chart in the Roosevelt from below local un cases they have supported their have to get the votes of the ten that realizes that the Mayor and Workers Party, forming the most was the hey day of Stalinist, ruhe signs. If there were opposition to feat of their candidate In many But to win, Roosevelt would bold, courageous fighting policy (Continued from Page 1) that if the union officials were will be published in the March Stalinists controlled. Determined would have passed resolutions to to take a chance on a sure loser building trades (now being pros like any capitalist politicians, are the South Dakota penitentiary. ficers were waiting to take them to line up the unions behind their that effect. Rank and file leaders and a third party movement to ecuted by the Department of lined up, to a man, with the bank The conviction was appealed to to the issue.
Every revolutionary worker, collective security program re would have spoken out this op them is always surisenloser Justice, the workerswhiteclingers and the Industrialists of this the state Supreme Court.
every sympathizer of the revolu gyrdless Pressure to prevent bondsmen Men Help Bosses tionary movement, every radical insibility for the salons, cynie, take such a bold step. But the supported Kelly in Chicago, and workers. who didn get organ one of the most strategie unions from dealing with these union Then the came to the aid cases and sudden cancellations of ments in the Soviet Union and and desires of the union member Ppeal refers to no such inci Earle in Pennsylvania. Similarly, ized and who therefore have nolot New York, the Transport of the bosses. Spending fifteen bonds have been only one among interested the latest develop ally indifferent to the real needs dents; it merely takes them for it is Lewis fear that Roosevelt illusions about Roosevelt labor Workers Union the war crisis will be enger to ship, the Stalinists pursued a granted.
might lose in another election Legislation, the millions in their months, plenty of money and a many incidental ways and means purchase and read a copy of the liberate policy of rule or ruin. My own observations among which brought about the break. carly twenties who came of age This challenge of the bosses score of federal agents on the by which the union has been hamNew International.
and their agents can be met job, they rigged up a case in the pered in its fight against these Order your extra copies in ad bend to their will, as in the Sailfellow workers seem to confirm Of course, this is not the only in a jobless world. eten in one way and one way only: federal courts against eight union frameups.
What is the sentiment toward ors Union of the Pacific, the Auto workers in this area are still for In this sense, Lewis political a firm demand that the union officials of the teamsters locals vance.
Many Bosses Involved in Sioux City. Des Moines and Send in your order together Union, etc, they engaged in bit Roosevelt. To them he is still the approach is very much like Stal Roosevelt among these workers? contract be recognized at a cerTrucking companies are not If they are hostile to Roosevelt, tain date OR THE CALLING Omaha, with payment to: ter, irresponsible factional wars one president who has done in foreign policy.
including Fouts and the only group behind this unionTHE NEW INTERNATIONAL that threatened the very life of more for labor than any other May suggest that the various he cannot win. What, then, is the OF STRIKE ON ALL LINES Johnson and another Sioux City busting campaign The Union 116 University Place the unions. Where they seized man. They want to see Roose proletarian sections of our party difference between saying that OF THE CITY. OWNED teamsters union leader, Jack Pacific and Northwestern railcontrol, their rule was marked by velt run for a third term, and be consulted on the question of velt, responds to mass feelingLewis, in breaking with Roose TRANSPORTATION SYS.
New York, roads are vitally interested in they are confident that if he runs the Lewis Roosevelt split. Whe: of this major section of the work rw must peteross this des September, 1939 charged with ization in the area.
The Sioux The unionists were arrested in preventing read of union.
itant workers, this feeling is al is correct we must determine Roosevelt for fear that Roosevelt mand in the meetings of the dancing hte truck in balcowy City Businessmen Association.
independent Unique most unanimous.
The truck was supposed to have union drive. The big packing.
Speaks of Steel Workers Lot start digging for the truth will not get re elected? We invite Comrade Mills to write fur It is then up to the TWU lead been just over the towa Minne house companies are also interof course. It may be that we now.
ther to clarify the importance of ership to call upon the whole la sota state line, providing the pre ested. For unionization of the are situated in an area which Fraternally the distinction that he makes bor movement of this city, com text for intervention of the teamsters has meant here, as in economically has fared better Manny Mills posed it is of more than a mil. and taking the case into a federal Minneapolis after 1934, the inthan other sections of the coun. East Chicago, Ind.
Comrade Mills is right in em ilon union men and women, to court, where a jury could be spiration of unionism in every try. However, for the past five phasizing the importance of our back the TWU in its great fight hand picked from outside the in field.
years, have found the sentiment Comrade Mills is referring to knowing just what is the atti: against New York City New dustrial towns. The eight union Fortunately, the teamsters lo(for the month of March only) among workers in this area to be the sentiment of the organized tude of the various sections of strike Breaker No. 1, Mayor La officers were sentenced to two cals throughout the 13 state area no different from that of the ma steel workers of the mid West the working class toward Roose: Guardia.
years each in a federal peniten understand the great role of the To introduce the Socialist Appeal to jority of the American workers. steel area. When he speaks of velt. We urge our comrades and tiary Sioux City drivers in bearing the It seems to me that the faulty Lewis fear that Roosevelt might readers to write letters to the The Latest Frameup brunt of this attack. They under4 friends for weeks each analysis of the Appeal flows lose even though the workers Workers Forum on this question. Editor.
Join the Socialist Now comes this latest arrest stand that what is involved is of Fouts, Johnson and Cunning. the safeguarding of the union Workers Party ham, the talk of death by hang conditions of the Area AgreePIN ONE DOLLAR BILL TO THE COUPON BELOW ing, refusal of bond, etc. Imme ment. That is why the North and four copies of the APPEAL plus four wrappers SAVE SATURDAY Night, March diately upon their arrest, the Central Area Committee has 16th. party with a new twist already stamped will be mailed to your home for bonds for Johnson and Fouts in peedily met with President Tobin the next six weeks. entertainment, hamburgers, beer, dancing, folk dancing, the South Dakota case was can this week to organize the defense All you have to do is 1: write a friend name celled, giving the newspapers of Johnson, Fouts and Cunninggames. all for 25. 916 9th TWO EXCELLENT and address on the stamped end of each wrapLABOR AND THE SECOND WORLD WAR, Avenue, Harlem Branch another angle they announced ham.
by Johnson. 50 per; 2: roll a copy of the APPEAL in each BOOKS wrapper, seal and drop Into the nearest mallbox.
TEACHERS AND THE WAR to add to your library for less than the You can in this way introduce the APPEAL to In bundles, up to 50 COMRADE wanted to share an DOWNTOWN LABOR CENTER apartment: all improvements, PRICE OF ONE!
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