FranceImperialismKidnappingSocialismSocialist PartyStalinismStrikeUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorld War

We propose that the regular 1940 session of the Congress of the United States shall enact emergency legislation to put into immediate effect the following: Appropriation of 10, 000, 000, 000 to provide, at once, jobs on housing and other public works projects for unemployed workers. Amendment of the Wages and Hours Act to provide throughout private industry and public works a maximum work week of 30 hours and a minimum weekly pay of 30 dollars. 30 dollar weekly old age and disability pensions. Appropriation of 3, 000, 000, 000 to guarantee either maintenance at school or jobs for all youth.
Socialist Appea Official Weekly Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth Internatior NEW YORK, MARCH 9, 1940 167 FIVE (5) CEN Vol. IV, No. 10 14 STATE TEAMSTERS FIGHT BOSS FRAMEU Transit Men Denounce La Guardia Union Busting INTERSTATE Bombay Workers Strike; Fight OMAHA JOBLESS Unemployed Increase 10 MAP DEFENSE FICHE BANION Against War Gains In India WIN OUSTER OF WARN THEY LL ADMINISTRATOR California Legislators Slash Relief Funds som.
on the ANTI LYNCH BILL BACKED IN ST. PAUL National unemployement rose 10. per cent in January.
That terrible fact comes, not from radical or labor sources, Union Leaders Are but from the bosses own statistics those released last week by the National Industrial Conference Board.
Arrested in The Board estimates the unemployed in January it over Sioux City hold in check the social forces of ten million.
Textile Operatives Again Take Lead In mass unemployment, hunger and But this accounts only for the plummet like drop in prounbelievable poverty. His latest Friend of Labor duction during January. The business Index kept falling all Struggle; Masses Pressing Congress Picket Six Weeks move is undoubtedly aimed at the way through February also. Eight weeks of uninterrupted The 14 state North Central Are stealing the thunder of his leftAnnounces His Committee of the Internations Leaders to Take Early Action decline. Eight weeks of more workers tired and none hired.
Against Vicious wing opponents, but such tactics That means that, even by boss figures, the unemployed Brotherhood of Teamsters we Fink Plan Policies have the dangerous habit of army stands at about ELEVEN MILLION.
convened in a special meeting backfiring that is, getting out of And the business index is still going down.
with International President By SHERMAN STANLEY hand.
That what has happened to those jobs that Roosevelt niel Tobin in Indianapolis, thi After weeks of stalling the unton telenopromiset mayor a poople, 195, 000 textile workers of Bombay have declared a general sees that a struggle is unavoid six solid weeks a day and night his slushing WPA and wiping out the PWA: Again displaying thely position as the vanguard of the Indian Friday, to fight back against the Gandhi well knows this. If he OMAHA, Neb. Feb. 28 After promised us, in his Jan. budget speech, as justification for latest employers attempt u Guardia has nally exposed his Strike, demanding a 25 per cent wage increase to make up for able at present, he will do all in picketing of the courthouse, break a vital link in the team hand and openly announced his rising living costs since the beginning of the war.
ters movement.
Intention of destroying the TransIn hele workers represent about 90 per cent of Bombay textile and take advantage of the dis: Section, the county board on The meeting was called after port Workers Union of New York. mills and come from 45 different mills.
the arrest, last week, of Howard Committee of the has resulted from six months of county relief administrator noIn a letter addressed Jointly to Meeting at Patna on March 1, the Executive Fouts, Ralph Johnson and Charles Michael Quill, International All India Nationalist Congress has decided to prepare for the futile talks with the Viceroy.
Cunningham, officers of TearaPresident of the Transport Work launching of a civil disobedience campaign against British Imper Above all, Gandhi will enden torlous for his vicious starvation policies.
sters Local 383 of Sioux City ens Union and John Donnelly, Talism. In a strongly worded resolution, nationalist India has openly vor to prevent a mass, revoluIowa, on the fantastie charge of General Chairman of the Brother disassociated itself from British rule and its war alms: tionary struggle in which the The county board voted 2 to kidnapping and holding for ranhood of Locomotive Engineers, Indian freedom cannot exist the Mayor stated that he would within the orbit of British Im 17. Gandhi has thus deliberately peasants will begin to take rev pust the hated Magarot; even the Screaming extras, not honor the union contracte perialism, and dominion status Cut Weekly Allowance to 60 For Next minute acceptance of any offer and dividing up the land and the World Herald records, protested streets a few hours after the arheld by the union with the BMT or any other status within the workers will begin to set up their only mildly against the dismisrests, tried to scare Sioux City and IRT transit systems, that the Imperial structure is wholly that the British might make.
workers control sal.
This was revealed by Maulana democratic Twelve Weeks; 350, 000 Affected unionists with a statement by the closed shop is to be done away Inapplicable to India.
Seeking a face saving formula authorities that the union leaders with, that he will not recognize Abdul Kalan Azad, newly elected councils in the cities.
The preamble of the resolution president of the Congress and a al But one thing is certain. The to cover up the fact that the would not be released on bond LOS ANGELES After appropriating 13, 800, 000 10 because the maximum penalty for the union is spokesman and bar states that Great Britain is car conservative follower of Gandhi Arst open, mass revolt against pressure of the organized unemgalning agent for its 27, 000 mem rying on the war for imperialist who stated that, even one min the World War and for peace is played forced Macaret dismis, feed the unemployed till June 1, the California Legislature the offense was death by hanging bes working on the two systems purposes and that India cannot ute before the launching of any about to begin!
and, finally, that the right to be a party to the war. It opposes movement Gandhi would be prerellet administrator was removed recessed for ten weeks. 13, 800, 000 divided among the present Aimed At 850, 000 Drivers strike against the government is the gending of Indian troops to pared to explore all avenues of be achieved on the battlefield because it was feared his continu average of 350, 000 relief clients, gives each person an average! There arrests, were only not and cannot recognized parts of the British Empire for peaceable settlement with the common action and struggles ance in odlice would prevent the of 60 a week for the next twide weeks!
latest of a long series of atter In the December 30 issue of the war purposes. The teaolution Britisk Viceroy.
commodity 60 a week for those lucky enough to remain on the ed frameups, designed to smash Socialist the demolireal, we warned that concludes, Nothing short of But the door seems to have people is, Forward to Nation from being introduced in Omaha relief rolls! And absolutely nothing for those many thousands and thereby break link in the the Sioux City teamsters union scheme of the La complete independence will be ac been shut by the firm refusal of al Freedom. and Long live The truth, of course, is that the Guardia administration to raze cepted by the Indians.
the British rulers to make the the democratically elected Con Federal Workers Section, backed who are denied all assistance. THIS IS SACRAMENTO powerful chain of recently organthe Second and Ninth Avenue elstituent Assembly!
slightest concession that would by the General Drivers Union and ANSWER TO CALIFORNIA HUNGRY!
Final Action Postponed ized teamsters in the 13 state evated lines, which would throw the Central Labor Union, put so area.
some 3, 000 members of the union Overriding the opposition of satisfy the mengre demands of the Gandhi group.
much heat on the board that it The real meaning of this legislation has been quickly out into the streets, was nothing left wing members of the Execuhad to act as it did.
In the successful teamsters!
shown. Executive orders cut all relief checks 40. Further struggle which culminated, in but a step in a carefully planned tive body, who demanded an im Masses Push Gandhi That labor pressure was in orders curtain county. sponNovember, 1989, in the signing campaign to destroy the unlon. mediate launching of the strug. For six long months the Indian deed the reason for Magaret reWe stated at that time: It Is gle for freedom, Gandhi succeed workers and peasants have been Both Parties Guilty moyal is indicated by the fact sored works projects, elimi. But even keeping the unem creating uniform conditions, a of 13 state area agreement that the commissioners immedi nate free lunches for under ployed quiet costs more than the closed shop and substantial wago plalt as a plkestaff that the greated in postponing Anal action un clamoring for leadership and acately asked Jim Powell of the nourished children, abolish job bosses are willing to pay. In increases for 350, 000 over thecollusion with the state officials Congress which is scheduled to volvement in the war and for na(Continued on Page 2) Iconvene at Ramgarh on March tional independence. For six KWS: Now will you get that placement services. These and Washington, Democrat Roosevelt road drivers, the Sioux City drivmonths they have been told to other measures merely trans himself takes the lead in slashing ers, were an important factor.
be patient, to bide their time Is Only First Battle WPA to pay for the war machine.
while Gandhi was fruitlessly nelate the lawmakers aims into In Sacramento, Democrats join ST. PAUL, Minn The St. Paul The buster of Magaret is just 22 Week Strike gotiating with the British ViceResisting the over the road roy. Has the time for struggie Trades and Labor Assembly, cen the first step in the fight for et concrete terms of human mis Republicans in an economy bloch to slash relief. Whether a relief area agreement, trucking concome now? So far as the 400, 000. last meeting the following resolu Getting Magaret thrown out of tral labor body, approved at its cent reliet standards in this city. ery cut is made by a Democrat or a panies in Sioux City and Omaha 000 masses are concerned the an tion in support of the anti lynch office is a great victory for the State Senators claim that a sults is identical.
The Assemblymen and Republican, the hunger that re locked out their men on Sept.
swer is yes!
By GEORGE STERN ing bill now before the Senate: driving force behind their One of the factors making FRENCH EMPIRES IS WHEREAS organized laboris revolutionary spirit is the risinasmuch as it was achieved by recess is needed to investi when workers are asked to de weeks, became famous in the an pend on a leader of the relief nals of the teamsters as the for American intervention in SOURCE OF CONSIDERABLE ing prices of all foods: that is, continualy faced with the picketing in the face of Nebras gate the needs of the unem slashing Democrats to gain their Omaha strike. The unions won the war which has received WORRY IN CERTAIN QUARthreat to move industries inhunger and increased starvakas infamous anti picketing law. ployed. As though the last demands for them, they are sur. a general settlement on Feb.
least publie notice is the effect TERS IN OFFICIAL WASHto the South where coolle tion. That is what the war has on American foreign trade of INGTON.
meant for them so far.
Wages prevail, and attack by the General Drivers ten years of starvation have not rendering their fight to an enemy. 1989. But a minority of the emthe Anglo French economic unWHEREAS systematie terror. Union and by labor generally.
provided amplo evidence of the Even demonstrations are worse ployers in both Omaha and Sioux It is primarlly to counteract Left Wingers Boo Gandhi this threat, the paper goes on to needs of the unemployed! As than futile when used only to City refused to sign, and the ism has kept the workers of The prestige of the FWS has though the report of the fact support Olson and his Party. strike. was continued against This union has been made in Intimate, that Secretary of State As their anger against the the South largely unorgan risen even higher since it has finding Richards Commission, ap Why Stalinists Praised Olson them.
creasingly complete in the first Hull is carrying on his wide of the British has increased, so WHEREAS lynching, an im belt. One third of the FWs mem available to every Legislator! stration held in Sacramento by signed up. But a few companies Magaret scalp dangling in its pointed by the Governor, is not Such was the recent demon Since then most of them have six months of war through suc spread parleys with neutral coun has their impatience with the portant part of this terrorcesalve meetings and decisions of tries for the purpose of asserting dilatory and treacherous tactics the Allied Supreme Council and American Interests in world trade of Gandhi and Nehru. In a reism, has served to drive bership is Negro.
report that condemns even the the Workers Alliance. Praising did not, and the strike is stin wedge between the colored trade and industrial representa under wartime conditions as well cent tour of Bengal Province The Better Citizens previous relief standards as giv Governor Olson for his great on against them and effectively, tives of both countries. Through as under those of the distantly and stronghold of Subhas Chanand white workers and to ing the family a mere subsist fight, it served only to protect the struck companies are being prevent either from betterMagaret reaction to his oust ence dlet and wretched shelter. the State Relief Administration variously subsidized not only by series of agreements on cur envisaged peace.
dra Bose, the leading left wing The way in which wartime rency, tariffs, trade quotas, the ing their conditions, now er was typical: It the board The lawmakers are not trying jobs of certain Stalinist leaders of the local chambers of commerce French and British Empires have trade conditions are affecting Gandhi was booed at various nationalist of Congress THEREFORE BEIT REprivilege. The better citizens of to discover how much relief the the Alliance.
and boss associations, but also Omaha know what have been unemployed need but how little SOLVED that we, the St.
Mass demonstrations, picket by other groups in the North been joined into what is almost al trying to do.
Paul Trades and Labor Asthey will accept. They do not wish lines, and hunger marches are Central Area single economic unit, with Bri ready become evident in one meetings, perhaps for the first sembly, go on record as urgAll during his puhlic life Mag to ind out how many are in need correct answers to starvation tain, of course, the dominant par publicized example. British time in his long career. At one The important point is that aret has drawn this distinction of relief. but how many more relief budgets. But they must abardonment of Its tobacco railroad station he was met by ing the passage of the Antity.
the Omaha and Sioux City loLynching Bill in the between the better citizens and can be cut off, without arousing be directed against the Califor cals have had to fight many By the latest accord, signalized purchases in this country and demonstrators carrying black Senate, not only on the basis the rest of the city. He has pub overwhelming protest.
They have nia capitalists and ALL their struggles, both directly against by decrees in London and Paris its juggling of its take of flags a symbolic rebuke of the on Feb. 28, all wartime restricthe bosses and against the 20American cotton in order to sharpest character in India. It is of protecting Constitutional licly admitted that he administer not recessed to measure the num servants in the Legislature tions on trade between France better its position against Amto this anger that Gandhi has as to be burnemoployed in the trend Gowers are consom trocluded. thorities who are hand in glove Mass demonstrations of the the hope that it will give please the better people.
with the bosses, to maintain and Britain and the French and erican rivals in South America. finally yielded In part.
What Wu Gandhi Do?
British colonies were removed. Decrees signed on Feb. 28 In some confidence and encour In the 1938 strike of the Gen and ability of the unemployed to unemployed, together with the the area agreement and thus organized Labor Goods will move between the two Paris establishing new controls agement to the Negro work eral Drivers Union Local 554. fight against starvation.
How far is he prepared to go?
movement protect. conditions throughout empires without formalities, 11 over French imports mean that That is difficult to judge at pres. ers and help break down the Magaret played up to the betthe North Central Area.
For only the fighting strength must demand that the Legislabarriers that now stand in ter people like Al Gordon, des of the unemployed themselves ture restore the 40 cuts: that Some of the hardest blows of censes, delays, or any of the red in the future American exports ent. Although he is still the domit be called back into session the employers attack has been tape that now attends so much of automobiles, radio equip inant leader of the nationalist the way of a widespread un plaed owner of the fink Gordon will determine how much will be and kept there till it has reof strangled international trade. ment, movie Alms, business movement, he cannot endlessly ion movement in the South.
borne by the Sioux City local.
Van Storage Company, by tell appropriated for relief.
According to the Paris corres equipment, typewriters, etc. to ing relief applicants that if they! It is true that Governor Olson scinded the 58 per month Him. Here, in this comparatively small pondent of the Wall Street Jour France are going to be virtualwanted any relief they lind bel and his supporters have asked for it on family budgets, removed city, located in a particularly nal on Feb. 29, this system ulti ly stopped.
ter go scabbing on Local 554 by a larger appropriation 18, 000. the three year residence to reactionary farmers area, the mately may embrace certain Bri While this is going on, of working at the Gordon Company. 000 instead of 13, 800, 000: about quirements, and appropriated bosses hoped to find a weak link Cordon is Magaret brother in 60 a week instead of 60. But enough money to supply ace in the armor of the teamsters Several weeks ago the Socialist Appeal published a letter described by this source, will be other lines from the will inw.
he is merely more sensitive to the quate relief to every person in movement. that the two empires will be mount aircraft, copper, steel, detailing desperate plight of our Polish comrades persecuted by both Nazis and Stalinists. Their escape to has been welded still further into one eco etc but the shift is certain to The fight for decent relief stan pressure of the workers since he need.
dards will be intensified in Oma leaned so heavily on Labor vote against this united front of Series of Police Frameups at the last election.
little short of a miracle Democrats and Republicans ha, FWS leaders stated today.
nomie unit and that trade because a serious convulsion in The bosses attacks have in the The response to the printed letter was most heartening. How.
To avert the danger of inde against the unemployed, the last year taken principally the tween the two will grow at the American industry unless the pendent action by the unem workers must present their own form of police frameups against expense of business outside. executive committee of Big Busi ever, several weeks have passed and it is now necessary to make nub of the ness the Washington governployed, the governor calls on party Labor Party.
a further appeal. Enough money for only immediate needs was the officers of the union.
leave cabled to these herole survivors. In order that life may be susmatter, this business outside ment soon puts a brake on Angfight All trade unions, old age organ Last winter Howard Foute and for this means mainly Amertained, it is necessary to send another substantial sum. Coples quate relief in his hands, to dem izations, unemployed groups, Ralph Johnson, Local 383 officers, lo French presumptions. Have You Seen. ican business.
And this is going to lead onstrate only in his support, and workers, and farmers must unite were arrested on a charge of of the original letter have been printed with stamps of various In against those whom he points in forming such a party, elect la damaging a truck during the another dispatch from denominations attached to them. We feel sure that our friends straight to intervention in the Special Washington on the same day, the war. together with Bri will have no difficulty in the distribution and sale of these out as the real enemy. Then, bor men to office, and oppose both over the road strike, extradited with the unemployed safely cor the Democrats and Republicans and tried in a Sioux Falls, South Introductory stamps.
the Wall Street Journal blunt tain and France against Gerly declared that INCREAS.
SHOW YOUR SOLIDARITY with the cause of labor by Imralled under his leadership. he and the capitalists behind them. Dakota court.
many and Russia, but ALSO hand picked Subscription Offer against Britain and France ING EVIDENCES OF THE mediately sending in your request for the letters.
dickers with the bankers for an They must unite on the basis of anti labor fury, composed of appropriation that will keep the their own program; a labor pro small businessmen and wealthy DEVELOPMENT OF THERE MUST BE NO DELAY! Life hangs upon your the economie warfronts where on Page CLOSED EOONOMY EM the real fight for domination of prompt aetion. Send your requests to American Labor Ald, 125 unemployed quiet, and yet avoid gram for labor own interests farmers, convicted them and they BRACING THE BRITISH AND the world goes on.
West 83rd Street, New York, any further taxes on the wealthy, against the bosses. Continued on Page 2)
Behind the Lines fon.
und deren onderste persone che le piene motore Help Our Polish Comrades the them