AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarMarxismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismURSSWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

SOCIALIST APPEAL MARCH 2, 1940 We re Dogmatic SOCIALIST APPEAL Vol. IV, No. Saturday, March 2, 1940 Published Weekly by the SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASSN.
at 116 University Place, New York, Telephone: ALgonquin 8547 Fritz ThyssenSPARKS IN THE NEWS Why He Fled From Germany Editora. VELIX MORROW MAX SHACHTMAN General Manager: GEORGE CLARKE Assistant Manager: SHERMAN STANLEY of peace.
Subscriptions: 00 per year; 00 for alx months.
Foreign. 00 per year, 50 for six months. Bundle orders: cents per copy in the United States: cents per copy in all forelgn countries. Single coples: cents Reentered as second class matter December 4, 1989, at the post office at New York, under the Act of March 1879.
FIGHT WITH THE SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY FOR: Job and a decent llying for every worker. Open the idle factories operate them under workers control. Twenty Bullon dollar Federal publle works and housing program. Thirty thirty 80 weekly minimum wage 80hour weekly maximum for all workers on all jobe. Thirty dollar weekly old age and disability pension. Expropriate the Sixty Families All war funds to the unemployed. people referendum on any and all wars. No secret diplomacy.
10. An Independent Labor Party.
11. Workers Defense Guards against vigilante and Fascist attacks.
12. Full social, political and economie equality for the Negro people.
Gene Debs Words Our St. Paul comrades are conducting a mayoralty election campaign. Appropriately for these grim days of war, their campaign centers on the war issue. Campaigning in a city where thousands of workers still lovingly remember Eugene Debs, whose revolutionary anti war tradition our party continues, our comrades sent us, for inclusion in a special St. Paul edition of the Socialist Appeal, some excerpts from Debs famous Canton speech. We take this opportunity to reprint these unforgettable words of Debs, for which the United States government sentenced him to ten years in prison. What Debs said in 1918, the Socialist Workers Party affirms today. Excerpts from his famous speech of June 16, 1918, follow: hate, loathe, despise junkers and junkerdom. have no earthly use for the junkers of Germany, and not one particle more use for the junkers in the United States.
We revolutionary workers, it appears, are too utopian. We say that this war is a result of the economic conflicts between imperialist naby Dwight Macdonald tions; that so long as capitalism exists, so long American Class Consciousness This swing in public sentiment, which set in will war be inevitable. Hence to bring real peace The most interesting thing in the new a few weeks after the war began, has forced the Roosevelt Administration to soft pedal its it is necessary to overthrow all the imperialist issue of Fortune is the latest instalment of the jingoistic pro Ally propaganda, and to backwa.
governments and establish the rule of the work Fortune Survey. Just how accurate and scien ter on its war plans. But it would be folly to imagine either that the Administration has given By OSCAR FISCHER ers. That not only too utopian; it also dogmat know. It came remarkably close to the 1936 up its plans for getting the country into the war For several months now Fritz Thyssen has been ic. So say all the good people who are in favor presidential election results. But to the extent on the side of the democracies, or that the in self imposed exile the same Thyssen who, second that it is an accurate reflection of public opinion, present trend of public feeling cannot be reversed only to Krupp, was the most powerful representathis month instalment makes sober reading in the near future. No amount of popular hatred tive of German heavy industry and at the same time And since the members of Norman Thomas That the social and economic conditions for of war will by itself suffice to keep the country one of the most generous contributors to Hitler Socialist party are all good and well meaning the transference of power from the bourgeoisie out of the present war. This mass sentiment must party.
to the workers have, in this country, been ripe people, filled with the noblest sentiments and be organized and given expression by powerful for some time this, think, can easily be demhighest aspirations, they are not going to be onstrated. But Fortune Survey would seem to labor and radical organizations if it is to play shown in sharper and clearer lines than in the em Seldom has the crisis of Hitler dictatorship been an important role.
dogmatists and they utopians, igration of this unscrupulous profiteer, who with his are going to make indicate that this is far from being yet reflected in mass consciousness.
friends among the lords of the Rhineland heavy inBut Capitalism Demands War a serious effort to achieve peace.
The question was asked: What word would dustry financed Hitler initial rise to power.
Regardless of what the masses think and want, So the Socialist Call, in an editorial in the you use to name the class in America you belong The more the war brings the internal condition of to? To this, 47 answered middle class. 15 the economic necessities of American capitalism Germany into the open, the more national unity March issue, boldly comes forth with the idea said working class. and 28 said they didn press the nation inexorably towards participa that the imperialist war now raging in Europe know.
tion in the war. The links is shown to be a pure Goebbels fable, the more we of gold and steel which hear the voice of the German masses rising in an bind our economy to that of the rest of world ever strengthening crescendo of hate against the fasshould be stopped. by mediation.
Another question: Do you think the interests imperialism are far stouter than the simple cist bandits. The belief that fascism has before it Mediation Now is the title of the editorial. nature, opposed, or are they basically the same?
of employers and employees are, by their very minded, provincial isolationist believes. At the a rule of a thousand years is belled by every straw And it says: present time, for example, eleven billions of in the wind; Thyssen has posed. the rest didn know. Factory workers, American money are in long term investments in Switzerland, awaits its crted the ship and safe abroad. Last year exports were higher than in sinking Devere Allen cables reporting unani as one would expect, were the most class con1938, and the month of December, 1939, in par Thyssen is by no means against a war. German scious here: here and yet more of even this mous opinion among the Scandinavian counticular, was 37 above December, 1938. imperialism was always pointed toward war. Its imtries, Holland and Belgium, in favor of section of the masses thought class interests perialist program was the realization of the Drang were basically the same (41. than thought Furthermore, the character of this trade has Nach Osten, and to carry through this program was American leadership in mediation efforts are they were opposed (37. changed in recent years in such a way as to link American economy more tightly to European Nazis financial support before their seizure of power very impressive.
Asked: What do you really think would be wars. comparison of the chief items of export These people don love Hitler but they satisfactory income for you. exactly half of in 1926 1930 with 1939, shows that raw cotton were, in general from the ranks of finance capitalall answering named sums of 2500 a year and ists. After the experiences of the last world war, do know the facts about what war means.
under. It is true that even such an income is has had the biggest drop (11. iron and steel they wanted, with the help of England and France, mill products the biggest rise (9. In general, Some doubt and fear regarding Sumner far below what most people get today, but to be and whenever possible the United States, to avoid decreases are in farm products and consumers the risk of another war. German imperialism hoped content with so little shows a dangerous mood Welles own attitude and the president s)
of humility and resignation among the masses.
goods, while the increases are in such war maare in order and may confirm some of the terials as aircraft, oil, chemicals, iron and steel to arrive at a compromise, if not an actual alliance, The most ominous finding was that, while 49 scrap. In a word, the United States ten years ago to have been the commander in chief of this war at the expense of the Soviet Union, And Hitler was things we fear but the conclusion is inesthought anybody at any time should have the capable that the well being of the world was the provisioner of Europe, today is the arright of free speech, almost as many (44. said morer of Europe.
against the That was his historical role; it was for that that he had been underwritten; it was would be hastened by the right sort of medithey would prohibit some. And of these latter, much the biggest proportion (40. defined the There is space here to mention only one other for that that the state power had been surrendered ation in behalf of the right sort of peace some they would gag as Browder, commu tie: the enormous flow of gold from Europe to to him.
nists, reds, radicals, Thomas, socialists. The the safe haven of this country in the last few next biggest gag group the 18 in favor years. Since 1934, Fortune estimates that 10, But Hitler has not fulfilled the expectations of his The conclusion is inescapable that social of denying free speech to Kuhn, Bund Leaders, 500, 000, 000 of European gold has been received underwriters. Out of the expected destruction of Russia has come a partnership. Germany has once.
ists who write that kind of tripe are well along Nazis, Fascists. This would seem to indicate here; of which only 2, 800, 000, 000 was in settlement of foreign trade balances. The rest reprethe way to serving the master class as errand country at the moment as fascists. It would more become engaged in war, whose outcome is in the highest degree unpredictable, which entails a sented a vast, unwelcome entrance of foreign boys. There is certainly no evidence to demon have been interesting and valuable to have had capital in the form of short term bank balances great risk of defeat or internal collapse. Hitler has destroyed the prestige that fascism had among the strate that the American section of the Second this same question asked before the Hitler Stalin and foreign investments in American securities.
owning classes of all countries as the vanguard in International is not going to commit here the pact. venture to guess that the anti red senAccording to a recent report of the De the fight against bolshevism.
timent would have been appreciably weaker.
crimes of its European sections. And this stand partment of Commerce, this inflow of gold from on mediation is weighty evidence that Thomas is The People Reject War Europe has been greatly stimulated by the war. Partnership Offers Too Little In 1938 the total inflow was 1, 500, 000, 000; last blood brother to Leon Blum and the other Judas tionary character becomes increasingly clear to As the war drags on, its sterile, futile, reacyear it was just double that figure, namely The rule of the Stalinist bureaucracy is certainly goats in Europe.
the American masses. In the first week of the 3, 000, 000, 000. As soon as the war abroad be not more secure than that of the Hitler clique. Both face the danger of internal convulsions, and both war, the Gallup Poll asked the question: If it comes serious. this torrent of gold pouring If the master class is capable of the right sort appears that Germany is defeating England and Westward across the Atlantic will set in motion face the probability that they will not be able to of mediation and the right sort of peace nego France, should the United States declare war an Eastward counter current of American guns survive these convulsions.
and copper and oil and chemicals. No capitalist tiations, then why should the workers wipe on Germany and send our army and navy to For Thyssen, then, there is every reason to seek Europe to fight? To this, 44 said Yes. 56 government can withstand the gravitational pull their power off the face of the earth? The Soa new and better security. It would be false to assaid No. The same question was asked a few of this economic interaction between America cialist Call editorial concludes, addressing the weeks ago. This time 23 said Yes. 77 No. and Europe. It will become a question not of sume that Thyssen emigrated merely because of personal desire and as an individual. He is not so whether to enter the war, but purely as to how In the same way, the percentage of those who world. And if your negotiations are successto get the country in. And this second problem much an emigrant as an emasman bourgeoisie, to representative of whole stratum of the ful, we promise our cooperation in disarmament think the US will stay out of the European can be solved by the ruling class more easily work for the security of German capitalism.
war has risen from 54 last October to a curand in those economic arrangements upon which rent figure of 68.
than the isolationists realize.
the future peace and happiness and prosperity of There can be no doubt that Thyssen, and those whose agent he is, are seeking an understanding with the world depends.
England and France. And in this they are not soeking what is not to be found. It well known that England and France are not conducting the war in is the world of the master class. Cooperation with order to replace Hitler with a socialist Germany.
them for disarmament that was the road to More, if they were certain that after Hitler could come only a social revolution, they would make them in economic arrangements. that was the peace today. They hesitated long enough before risking the war and were much more concerned with enslavement of the peoples of Africa, Asia and (Continued from Page 1) azine Life once bluntly admitted, gets in shape to fight the war at alleviating Hitler problems as much as possible.
South America.
Some of these negotiations have already been made maneuvering in the Caribbean is designed mainly for internal home.
That why more urgently than public, and more still are to be found in the secret None of this Judas goat talk for us. We say since the beginning of January. use e. use against civil disto the rulers of this world: We re against your The relationship between these turbers against strikers and re ever we ve got to marshal our files of diplomacy, wars, and against your peace, against your dis Americans participacione tatlong distant time when the workers of workers of this land that these Hitler Aid for Britain All attempts of the German bourgeoisie to come root and branch. No cooperation with you, but carefully, by Hanson Baldwin against the warmakers. So while deadly business for which the to an understanding with England and France cover the irreconcileable class struggle against you.
military expert of the New York the fleet rehearses the business of Times, who wrote on Feb. 25: war against the great imperialist workers too, on their side, must the head of Hitler must depend on the kind of state that will follow Hitler. It is noteworthy that the That the differences between us and these Of chief Interest in the Carrivals of Wall Street, the army prepare only point of her war aims on which England has socialists. Very practical people they are, with ibbean exercises is the increasopenly insisted is that Hitler must go. Evidently the ing attention being paid to the matter is handied thus in order not to exclude an backbones as flexible as willows. But we just the Dutch West Indies, particularly understanding with the German bourgeoisie and milsame, will remain dogatic as hell on the key to Curacao and Aruba, and to itary clique.
questions of the salvation of humanity.
British Trinidad. It is common Hitler therefore is no longer a very stable partner talk in army and navy circles (Continued from Page 1)
Roosevelt knows the game of of Stalin; it is quite possible that he will not survive though none can be found to The obvious comparisons be power polities and intends to confirm it that a tacit and unthe war. In that event all that will remain of the play it wal ways to the middle. pact with Stalin is a petty bargaining point in the written but nevertheless defin tween the Welles mission and the activities of Col. House in Europe His intention is to assert the hands of the German bourgeoisie in reaching an ite agreement exists between in 1915 have already been widely supremacy of American imperthe United States and the Briagreement with England. They will peddle Stalin tish and Dutch governments drawn. House went to explore lalism and to use its power to friendship against improved business relations with dictate the course of the war which would permit the use of peace possibilities and all he sucEngland and France. And apparently Thyssen has ceeded in doing was helping the and its settlement. To this end these islands by American navfull power to speak for the group he represents conIf all the tomes that have been written on and al forces and planes in the Allies to bring this country into he is preparing to use the whole cerning these business relations and a turn in Gerthe war on their side. It took economic, military, and naval man politics: a new post Hitler capitalist Germany about and around what is called international event of war against some othnearly twenty years for the real strength of the country.
er foreign power.
will eventually also require its Lebensraum. This is law could be brought together, they would Then Baldwin goes won to show facts about House to come to This is the road to war. We already understood by England and France: the must demand clear accountlight. In the meanwhile this counprobably fill a building at least as large as the how these islands are already be: try went into the European holo ing from the man in the White Lebensraum must only be in the east. Germany must assist England and France in opening up the east New York Public Library. The amount of en ing used, citing the fact that caust.
House. We demand as our right and making it accessible to the civilized world.
ergy consumed in speechifying about it would during last year naval war But when the facts come to full knowledge of the diplomatprobably have provided enough electric power games some naval planes and wght about Welles mission and le maneuvers which he is tryThe interests of German capitalism are not alto surface craft actually based for a ways and at every point identical with the interests supply a good sized city for a good many years. time on one or more of these we hope it won take 20 years ing to keep behind a smokeof the fascist bureaucracy. There is a differentiation islanda.
screen of guesswork and newsday it will probably be seen that Yet whenever it has come down to hard cases when the acts of the dictatorship, being no longer In other words, the secret paper speculation. No secret able to guarantee it, endanger the existence of the the same simple fact has always come to light: agreement is already in effect Roosevelt was by no means recapitalist commercial set up. In the face of such a international law means the desires at a given and has been for some time. peating the naive essays into dip diplomacy! No confidence in danger capitalism immediately seeks another support Roosevelt as a peacemaker. Another proof of what a fase lomacy made by Wilson to prevent a social revolution. This point is now moment of the power in the best position to facade Roosevelt neutrality drawing near. Thyssen emigration is search for enforce its will.
that other support.
War preparations are by no TREASURE CHEST There can be no rule of international law un means to be confined, however, The emigrant Thyssen he is rather the ambasder a regime of international anarchy and this to the navy, OF REVOLUTIONARY MARXISM sador of a Germany that put itself under the protection of fascist bands and is now for their liquidais exactly the kind of regime that exists and will Most Active Year. for a song tion; he is the symbol of brutal exploitation and opcontinue to exist so long as the world consists The army and national guard pression (no less democratic than fascist. This are in for a year, Baldwin informs of groups of capitalist powers constantly at war Bound Volume Socialist Appeal personage speaks of a new Germany. Germany in us, that promises to be the most which the plunder of the masses will be permanently with one another by economic or military means. active in their peacetime history FIRST MONTHS 1939 00 established. Decisive for him is that he can no longer There will be the rule of international law which is not surprising since SECOND SIX MONTHS 1939 00 believe in the terror of the Hitler bands as a guarTOGETHER (including postage)
only in a world organized on an international on the possibility that this year 00 antee for the exploitation of the German people. And that is why he is endeavoring to secure English and basis, its material resources serving the interests may become part of our warFrench guarantees.
of all races and all peoples. Such a world will be time history!
In May in Texas and Louisiana Bound Volume. New International Hitler has expropriated the property of Thyssen.
organized only when the boss built barriers of 70, 000 men of the regular army 1938 00 Who would want to fight for the overthrow of Hitler profit seeking greed are torn down by peoples will engage in large scale only in order to Thyssen back his former power?
1939 50 On the contrary, this expropriation must be carried aroused at last by the deception which makes games and this will be suppleTOGETHER (including postage. 50 through and maintained in the coming Germany, them pay the toll of the greed of those who rule cises in national guard encampThe dependence of Thyssen and his class upon them. That means an end to capitalism and the ments all over the country.
PIONEER PUBISHERS French bayonets will be proved as false as their hope launching of a socialist world. And that is the in Hitler; they will see their Drang nach Osten not Against Olvil Disturbers 116 UNIVERSITY PLACE NEW YORK, completed but swept away without a trace. The fugoal our party has made its own.
The regular army, as the mag.
ture of Germany and of Europe demand it.
Cooperation to whom? The world? This worla Fleet Readies April Berlin from Veroilies to Munich Cooperations to War Games In the Pacific The master class has always declared the wars; the subject class has always fought the battles. The master class has had all to gain and nothing to lose, while the subject class has had nothing to gain and all to lose especially their lives.
Behind the Lines To turn your back on the corrupt Republican Party and the corrupt Democratic Party the gold dust lackeys of the ruling class, counts for something. It counts for still more after you have stepped out of those popular and corrupt capitalist parties to join a minority party that has an ideal, that stands for a principle and fights for a cause. This will be the most important change you have ever made. International Law The capitalists are continually talking about your patriotic duty. It is not THEIR but your patriotic duty that they are concerned about.
There is a decided difference. Their patriotic duty never takes them to the firing line or chucks them into the trenches.
Yes, in good time we are going to sweep into power in this nation and throughout the world.
We are going to destroy all enslaving and degrading capitalist institutions and recreate them as free and humanizing institutions. The world is daily changing before our eyes. The sun of capitalism is setting; the sun of Socialism is rising.
It is our duty to build the new nation and the free republic. We need industrial and social builders. We Socialists are the builders of the beautiful world that is to be. We are all pledged to do our part. We are inviting aye, challenging you in the name of your own manhood and womanhood to join us and do your part.
Years ago recognized my kinship with all living beings, and made up my mind that was not one bit better than the meanest on earth. said then, and say now, that while there is a lower class, am in it, while there is a criminal element, am of it, and while there is a soul in prison am not free.