Civil WarDemocracyEngelsGermanyInvasionMussoliniNazismPrivate PropertySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

SOCIALIST APPEAL MARCH 2, 1940 Fight For Action In 30 Hour Week Drive Is Main Issue For WORKERS FORUM SWP FIGHTS AGAINST WAR IN ELECTIONS Sailors Fight Fink Plan Which Would Bar Strikes militant this issue began to plague the last convention Tight.
Editor: But what m particularly in strike is in progress in Tol sulted about as a citizen of a soedo. It is a very small strike called democracy is the secrecy of waged by a handful of workers. the whole trip. d like to know (Continued from Page 1)
Perhaps sixty or seventy all told. what President Roosevelt is whisThis Must Be Keynote of Forthcoming It is denying WPA appropria There is nothing spectacular pering into Mussolini ear via his Auto Workers Convention tions and increasing war appro about the picketing. no valiant stooge Welles. Haven the people priations; it already has given crowds, no violent clashes with the right to know the contents of Mr. Roosevelt more powers brutal police, no fervent denunci the official messages sent to those DETROIT Emil Mazey was re elected President of the than Mr. Wilson ever enjoyed; ation in the vested press. But this countries? And don forget, this it is preparing to curtail the isolated and tiny skirmish of the isn just an ordinary message.
large militant Briggs local of the United Automobile Workers operation of the Wagner Labor great class war is of tremendous This is a visit by a high official in this week by a narrow margin. The final count showed 3, 565 Relations Act, while the De significance and import.
Pian which Bridges is sponsoring the cotton pickers. The partment of Justice wages war the State Department accompan(Continued Page. votes for Mazey, 546 for Henry McMillan and 396 for Fred Dally worker and the rest of the ing. The peace plan lits six peace plan will eliminate all Here the sheer stamina, tenac ied by all the fanfare and bellyDinkelman. The re election of Mazey by the smallest margin Stalinist bally hoo machinery, points for the bosses to accept beefs on the waterfront where the Sherman Anti Trust Law and courage of those who must ity of purpose and class loyalty hoo of a World Series he ever received is a matter for serious study by every union Harry Bridges has managed to good enough points, we ll say for the enemy isn anyway white while professing neutrality it toil for their very bread is mutely Roosevelt must feel us to be a had the feeling that President retain a reputation as a radical argument sake. Then comes the Bridges hounds the shipowners is considering giving approval but most eloquently expressed. lot of full blown dummies when nionist on the East Coast. joker: from pillars to post all over the Mazey was originally swept into office on a huge wave of For a period of many wintry saw the headlines in the papers Crashed Picket Lines o a huge loan to Finland. He (Bridges) wants the empersonal popularity which he earned by a successful struggle But not in his own built wick on tems shalt remain untouched agricultural areas of the West while protesting English seiz weeks the picket line has been on the other day. Welles gives ployers to agree that all these Coast.
against the reactionaries. He But the Sailors Union is doing ery to Germany. Congress fore sunup till after nightfall, the and couldn find in the article an maintained this popularity by the corporation. In that struggle here for years Bridges name has more than just joking about it. It makes no effort to block ship resolute little band of men and inkling of what the message is referred to arbitration, WITH organizing his local on a mili tbereit only one winner: the been mud to all the real militants.
STRIKES FORBIDDEN BY When, last year, he tried to send membership, but every militant als consigned to Japán, know ground carrying their battered one of your plankes says no tant basis and fighting tooth But, it is objected, Briggs can his goon squads crashing through AGREEMENT.
That the on the coast, against the dangers ing that such materials are to key to Bridges which the Bridges plan would be used to continue an undeThey are paper mill employees secret diplomacy? That ok with over every grievance of the Without General Motors. Yes, but on the docks, his last bit of why he rates two page interviews When Bridges goon squads clared war on China.
and they receive perhaps twenty me. If Roosevelt working for why don Chrysler and General standing went. Conditions today are parat: dollars a week. The women even the money interests it time we workers.
Motors act? The convention of The growing opposition to in employers magazines were thrown back by the Sailors lel with conditions existing in less. They have been out on strike poor people said something about The Stalinist Allbi Mazey frst serious set back the went on record last Bridges finally spurred John In their attempts to justify this Bridges never recovered the dis Wilson was threatening Ger Union picket lines last year, the in 1916 when President for a long time and they have it.
little money for food.
We may be poor but even poor a brilliant victory in the strike Thirty hour week at forty hours Coast Director of the CIO to Cal stalinists have invented a fantas present fight he may break his many with one hand and emOn several days the thermome people would rather live than die phasizing his appeals for peace ter fell far below zero. And on over there.
and neutralfty with the other.
spring. Most of the union de. Reuther leadership buried this growing gap between the Stalin eration has published an editor be made clear to every decent unthese bleak, grim mornings when Bridgeport s.
mands were won in that strike. program and exhumed it only ists and Lewis, Bridges may be al entitled: We must fight the longen. An old timer in the Then as now, domestic prob the last vestige of cheer had been lems of unemployment were igremoved from the jagged black Editor: mained unsettled the union had occasions? Why did they ignore gether. But, meanwhile, thanks enemy Where the enemy is. And Marine Firemen summed it up in nored by Congress, which was factory fronts and a mantle Ot The enclosed item comes from not even referred to it in its this program in the Chrysler to the Stalinist machine, men and where is that? Not on the water a few words?
too absorbed with matters re icy, hopeless gloom held back the the Sept. 30 issue of the Saturday demands to the corporation. That strike? Why are they relegating money. Bridges continues to keep front! The shipowners, says ve been working since was lating to re election in 1916.
very dawn on these mornings as Evening Post, page 22.
problem was unemployment. The it to the point of basic demands up an imposing front. And right front at the point of production eight years old that a matThen as now, folks wandered on all the others the same little think you can just print it. which mean no demands at all now he is doing yeomen work in the agricultural areas, in the ter of over 15 years now. In like Alice in Wonderland under band, swathed in homely sweaters without any comment!
could give was: thirty hours in negotiating with General for the shipowners.
and shapeless, wretchedly poor New York the strange delusion that Mr.
that time don think ve had press. They don fight on the waMotors?
work for forty hours pay. Lerner Ballyhooed By Times coats and jackets, without 80 Wilson would Iceep America out more than five minutes peace.
terfront any more. ENCLOSURE)
Why, In other words, is the of the war his secretaries had much as a fire, shouldered their UNEMPLOYMENT ISSUE In his present role, Bridges Therefore Bridges proposes to They always wanted me to do Thomas Reuther leadership viola rated a full dress, two page inter spend his time and the other in a little more work for my been planning for more than a WASHINGTON: On next Armbanners and fought their masters IN SENIORITY FORM year in the only way they knew how, istice Day, American veterans of Soon after the strike had ended in the solemn decision of the view, pictures and all, in the New ions should do likewise up and wages, and always wanted York Times Magazine, Sunday, down the agricultural valleys in bigger wages. That why we After thsee authoritative and This is courage! This is unsung the World War will not be so strong numerically as were the union heads and reappeared at Why? Because they are fright. Feb. 25. Militant labor leaders a campaign to convince inland can have any peace. It ain fundamental condemnations of heroism!
that the boss was always a the policy of Roosevelt and the God help those who stand be veterans of the Civil War in 1906, meeting after meeting. It took ened by the real struggle with dont get that kind of elaborate farmers that unions offer sta bilDemocrats, it heel; it wasn that was an is indefensible that core such as these on the oppo forty one years after Appomattox. World War veterans are dy.
the form of a struggle over the the corporation. In their secret interview in the magazines of ity instead of turmoil (N.
Dig Business spokesmen, It Times interview. agitator or something. It just the Labor Progressive Associa site side of the barricades!
question of seniority. The young moments they think how wonder Doyle Clark ing 12 per cent faster than other Sailors Are Sarcastic er, more militant men, the back ful the union could be if only its wasn a bit unfriendly to him.
the way things are we want ton should endorse a Democrat Toledo, Ohio for mayor citizens of the same age. More Editor: bone of the Briggs local, wanted one third of unemployed could be The Riddle of Bridges, it was West Coast Sailors, organ of more dough; they want to give than 500, 000 veterans died from us as little as possible. As long FOR DEFENSE OF dangerous revolu the Sailors Union, has been havI didn like the idea of Sumner the close of the war to last Armplant wide seniority. The strong. driven out of the industry. Then called. Is as things are that way. peace THE SOVIET UNION Welles travelling to Europe in the istice Day, and another 33, 000 est demand for plant wide senior they could settle down. they tionary or white hope of la ing a lot of fun with this phoney The Socialist Workers Party Arst place. When they start stick will have died by November elevity came from the men at the think, to calm enjoyment of their bor. It asked. Here is what he theory of Bridges: Isn it the is impossible.
election statement singles out for ing our nose into every war torn enth next. Membership in the Mack Avenue plant, the largest steady salaries in stabilized says about himself, was its sub utmost stupidity for seamente That old timer words put the special attention the question of country in Europe in OFFICIAL American Legion has fallen, to and most productive unit of the union situation. They don dare title.
five Briggs divisions in the city. say that openly and directly. But The reader who might be puz isn and tie up a ship on the wa peace plan by them and you get itse irse con el emble hostility to the capacity st sure looks like there 971, 687, from its peak of 1, 053, The Mack Ave, plant supplies they do say it indirectly. They zled why Bridges was getting terfront in a beef with the ship the answer: peace at the expense Stalinist bureaucracy. item over there very soon after Welles living ex service men of 1917 18 be many more Yanks travelling 909 in 1931. There were 4, 088, 784 bodies for Chrysler Plymouth said it at their last Board meet such a hand had only to read the owners? The proper thing to do or the workers, at the cost of phasizes the fundamental distinc gets baek on last November eleventh.
plant. Mazey backed the Mack ing whe Ave. unionists. In that position was one loud shriek against un why. In the heart of the article it shipowners by dashing into the render of their hard won union the Soviet Union.
he was right but only partially authorised strikes. They said it tells of the waterfront Peace Sacramento Valley and organiz victories. We bitterly condemn Stalagain in the Chrysler strike. They in invasion of Finland, not beViolent opposition to this form are saying it again in the of seniority and demand for negotiations.
cause it encroaches upon private property relations in Fincorporation wide tenure was The militants inust demand land and not because it opposes yoiced in most of the other plants an accounting from this crowd non existent Finnish democand principally in the Highland at the coming convention. They racy. but because it besmirchPark unit. The men in the oppo: can alibi about Martin any es the name and ideal of socialsition are the old timers of more he a dead horse in ism, because the invasion was Briggs, with long years of wenior the auto industry now. The Unicarried out against the will and ity behind them, the least milted Automobile Workers needs Judge Solomon Doesn Dare Assume Risk without the consent of the WHAT ABOUT THE belief in the working class. In adtant and the most conservative firm leadership which will fight world workers.
dition it gives them an opportuMost of those who had worked for the union program the day Of Convictions In Case of Sitdowners Soviet Russia 18, after all, a at the Highland Park are un after the convention. In the cenFrom all reports, everybody nity to make worker contacts for employed because this plant has ter of this program must be the gigantic trade union, fallen in seems interested in Red Sundays. the party. suggest that other (Special to the Socialist Apponi)
to the hands of corrupt leaders. But as far as actual results are branches follow suit. Turn the By HAROLD SWANSON been practically shut down since demand for the THIRTY HOUR Not Guilty, was the verdict legal methods and to have symMINNEAPOLIS, Feb. 16 Ford began making some of his WEEK AT FORTY HOURS PAY We oppose the corrupt Stalin concerned, in most places this Red Sundays over to the comcar bodies himself took the Foster, head of the Chicago of the court in the trial of the pathy for the hard work of the ist leadership and seek to over interest is much more Platonic rades who are not able to funcothers elsewhere or senioroty ressive. Good. Let the Brigga mass meeting at the hochew who were arrested for a sit down ployees. The way the Bureau that trade union when it is at the scoreboard which shows only it can have only the most beneMazey claims to be a pros: Urban League, speaking before a thirteen workingmen and women well paid, well fed bureau, em throw it. But we will defend than active. That is revealed on tion in the mass organizations, wide basis, most of the younger workeus haut wim therode for this urged his listeners to seek strike in the Jamaica Relief Bur teaches its employees to handle tacked by the bosses. Is this so a few branches hitting the ban hard for any trade unionist to on Sunday mornings. others Jules Geller, Organizer, militants would be pushed out program at the next convention the extension of democratic rights canon Van Wyck Avenue thrco the poor was revealed by one of to America 13, 000, 000 Negroes weether had testified in court to rell, who was sent to court by the One defendant after the Bureau personnel, Miss Far understand and agree with. are either having a late Sunday Flint Branch.
of their jobs mainly at the Mack Briggs Local 212 has a delegation as a defense against the growth the brutality and contempt with Bureau to testify against the the statement warns, work million and one perfectly good several weeks, the Lynn comrades The time is growing short, morning snooze or are finding the LYNN, Mass. For the past Ave. plant by the old timers. No almost 100 to the con. of Nazism here. The meeting, union leader could afford to allow vention. It can be a powerful sponsored by the Minneapolis which the Bureau authorities workers.
ers of St. Paul. This may be the reasons for stalling from week to have been making serious atthis to happen except rate per force for a progressive program. Urban League, closed the eight treated the poor and hungry peo This person testified that the Last municipal campaign in week of making it a house broken in The Briges militants will judge tempts for Red Sunday disstitution for the management.
which you will have the opporthe run around given to all the her work. Upon cross examinatunity to express yourself.
Nobody can possible argue a tribution. Each Sunday has shown After a long period of drawn out Mazey by his actions not his leenth annual observance of Inple who come seeking relief, and defendants had interfered with workers, no matter how great tion by the American Labor Aid Show that you are opposed and revenue. With more concerted discussion, the plant wide seniori speeches. Meanwhile, the auto terracial Week.
Judge Lars Rue, who presided their need.
lawyer, it was discovered that she to capitalist war by voting for ty system carried in Local ref workers can best serve themwhat If you drop all your selves by organizing the forces at the meeting, adhered to what In the ashean and mobilize offorts, can foresee further inIt was clear that Judge Charles worked in another office, away Henry Rutzick for mayor.
of the rank and file independently. is fast becoming a familiar pate Solomon, who heard the case in from the reception room where even one handful of comrades on creases not only in revenue but tern for professional democrats the Flushing Second Magistrates the thirteen unemployed had been Sunday mornings you would ml in the influence of the Trotsky.
VOTES DON SETTLE ANNOUNCEMENT raculously find yourself engaged ites in this area. UNEMPLOYMENT PROBLEM Akron is still promising to go singing of the Finnish national bring himself to take the respon or made any noise, that she only GRAND LEAP YEAR SOCIAL. papers shooting up beyond all out Red Sundays. Promises are Yet the problem persisted as did the opposition. But Mazey on the Soviet Union for invading sibility of sending to all thirteen saw them when she had to pasy The YPSL unit does it again expectations.
workingmen and women among through the reception room, that and his leading group did httle with another novel social, this print the Appeal. Philadelphia poor little democratic Finland. whom was Massimo Di Bernardo, no one had spoken to her nor ev, One more thing: if we printed Saturday night, March at or nothing to attempt a solution and promised that should Ameri father of a family of sixteen. Na en noticed her in any way, and The more they failed to outline 1334 Wilkins Avenue, Bronx. one extra paper for every alibi says they like the idea, but many of the comrades won go out for ca bé threatened by some foreign tale of Mrs. Bruno, parents of that it was only the sight of these beautiful female stag. orgiven for not selling the Appeal, this or that reason. suggestion: a positive program of action, the more complicated and difficult sex amata. should we say doeline is as we be printing 100, 000 copies don waste your time with those we would certainly fight six children, Guiseppe Pace, a workers, sitting quietly together, as per issue at a minimum.
who won work. Get two, three, their problem became. At the defend this wonderful democra Richard Hicks, a worker of 64 same time the workers became This person, Miss Farrell, was FLINT: The Flint Branch has four comrades and make a becy of ours.
more restive and began to view years, and the others, most of evidently instructed by the Burtaken up your challenge, and has ginning. The others will soon Upper West Side He showed that racial preju them middle aged people whose eau heads to testify in this shame launched with great success the come come around and hop on this failure to act as a sign of bureaucracy. Special to the Socialist Appeal) dice stems from economic roots only crime was that they were ful and stupid manner. The Bur RENT RIOT PARTY plan of Sunday mobilizations for the bandwagon. And those who Most of the 900 votes cast the New Jersey state motto of equality develop when Man liveNEWARK, Living up to Unsound theories of racial in unemployed and hungry. eau heads imitate the rich whose you ll always have fun at door to door sale of Appeals. Our don t, won come around out of Defended By servants they are they think the 916 9th Ave. 59th St. first attempt was a gratifying sheer embarrassment.
other way to express their dis nothing for labor. a state legis competitive social order. He ana court by a lawyer furnished them they re hungry, they ought to were cast by men who saw no Everything for Business. and lihood is at stake in a highly The workers were defended in poor should not exist and it Saturday, March success. FOR THE FIRST TIME SUBSCRIPTIONS THE Candid Camera Specialists will content with continued unem lative committee report, recom lyzed the treatment of the Negro free of charge by the American take their hunger somewhere out Subs have taken a real tailBEEN PAID FOR COMPLETEcatch yo Free photos for best poses.
LY BY SALE TO WORKERS: spin in the past period as you will potes cast at the Highland Park who have been on relief for three where he has first hand knowl. New York City. Before the trial their government agents. beThe Works 250 ee from the following scoreboard.
years or more be deprived of the edge of the facts. Quoting from members of the Unemployed and cause the poor upset them emocial plan of our own in this con in the last two weeks below the We What next? That is the ques. right to vote and be formally des authentic sources, he revealed a Relief Workers League distribut tionally.
nection which we would like to low figure of the previous two representative of the Unem tipe unionists in the Briggs Local made public. This despicable para of democratic rights to his people. nouncing the arrests and the ployed and Relief Workers Leag: paas on to other branches as a weeks. This number is one half TWO EXCELLENT suggestion. As you know, Flint the amount of subs we received ane answer to the union problem aluded in the report by Col, showed the average wage of Neg liet Bureau. mass meeting was that the League wil night to force BOOKS has a great preponderance of not many months earlier. If you workers active in mass organiza want to know why we have finanto add to your library in a new wrinkle of the seniority Barret Glover, a retired Army of ro workers to be about half that held at the Jamaica Labor Cen the Bureau to change its brutat for less than the tions, as members in the party. clal difficulties just read these question, is like trying to put a sicer, who has been conducting for white workers, Jim Crow nogter151 06 Beaver Road under attitude toward the Jamaica jobPRICE OF ONE!
But we do have a few comrades, figures. But don read em and Jig saw puzzle together with the state relief inquiry for a joint regation, were found housing cand discrim the American of the League and less, and stated the League has able and devoted who are not weep. Go out and get subs. Next Senate Assembly committee.
main pleces missing.
Anti Duehring Some of the other proposals in nation have made life for the night, day before the trial fortunate enough to be in the week we will announce the beby ENGELS THERE IS ONLY ate demands: cluded in the report are that cash southern Negro all but unbear unions. These comrades have been ginning of a large scale sub camAction Gets Results ONE SOLUTION WPA Jobs at Trade Un(regularly 00) drafted to take all responsibility paign with very attractive prizes relief payments be abolished and able.
Since the sit down the Bureau lon Wages for All Unemployed. American City for the Sunday sales. It is ob for real sub getters. Watch for it.
The answer is outside the se that licensed stores be set up to In concluding his talk, Fos has given an allowance for food Certification of relief for 11gatory for them to do this in And when it comes, put your niority issue and inside the issue handle clients needs at which by WALKER to the Bruno family and found a all unemployed within 72 hours of the work week. Cut down the they would be forbidden to re ter hurled defiance at the pro(originally 50)
our branch, since they have little shoulder to the wheel.
WPA job for Bruno. However, the and, for emergency cases, withelse they can do.
number of hours to thirty, keep ceive tobacco, candy, and food for fessional defenders of AmerBOTH FOR 98 Subs for the last two weeks: in 24 hours.
the wages at the present forty pets. Col.
Glover also complained ica capitalist democracy: Bureau still dentes relief to the This plan has many fine re New York City. Until we have granted more others. plus postage) Increase in Relief Budgets sults. First of all it gets the paper hours pay, and the seniority that too much money is being alAkron. Pace, who is sick and absolutedemocracy to the Negro In for those already on relief to WHILE THEY LAST. out, and puts Appeal sales on a at least pas lowed to the relief clients for Milwaukee tially solved by putting most of milk, gas electricity, special diets, America, we are in no position ly destitute, has now been forced correspond to the rising cost of Order Your Coples NOW! sound basis. Second, and possibly Foreign to denounce the governments of to fill out three different applica food, rent, clothing and other even more important, every time the unemployed back on the job. and other similar luxuries.
Germany, Russia, Japan, or Committee Members For It tions, and has been sent on tire living costs.
Labor and political books are these white collar comrades enter Otherwise the present opposiDetroit any other nation!
State Senator Homer Zink some journeys to former employ Setting up of one central now available in our tion will continue to grow na a workers home, talk about conRental Library.
reactionary force until they suc chairman of the Joint Legislature The judge was visibly perturb ers and landlords for letters, doc bureau of certification for disditions, it is a vaccination against Boston missed WPA workers.
ceed in ouating the young men committee, said that members of ed as he closed the meeting. We uments, and so on.
the malady of petty bourgeoispes Phila from their jobs. The struggle be the committee concurred with could hear his volce trail off into Pace and the others had to lis Increase in personnel of Modern Bookshop simism and vacillation. The warm Newark tween employed and unemployed Glover suggestions and are an almost inaudible murmer as ten, however, with silent anger to Bureau of Welfare to speed up 27 UNIVERSITY PL, and friendly reception accorded Chicago union men will supersede the ready to submit bills to make we left the hall before the singing Judge Solomon lecture to them certification of all unemployed these comrades by the workers struggle ot all union men against them into laws.
of America.
not to use sit downs or such il workers.
has built up understanding and Not very grand total 20 NEGRO LEADER Jamaica Reliefers Acquitted IN CHALLENGE But are Urged to be Good ON DEMOCRACY APPEAL ARMY Hustle SEEK TO TAKE VOTE FROM JERSEY JOBLESS Rochester California