CommunismCommunist PartyGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismMussoliniSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeURSSWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

We propose that the regular 1940 session of the Congress of the United States shall enact emergency legislation to put into immediate effect the following: Appropriation of 10, 000, 000, 000 to provide, at once, jobs on housing and other public works projects for unemployed workers. Amendment of the Wages and Hours Act to provide throughout private industry and public works a maximum work week of 30 hours and a minimum weekly pay of 30 dollars. 30 dollar weekly old age and disability pensions. Appropriation of 3, 000, 000, 000 to guarantee either maintenance at school or jobs for all youth.
Socialist Appeal Official Weekly Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International NEW YORK, MARCH 2, 1940 VOL. IV, No. FIVE (5) CENTS SAILORS FIGHT ATTEMPTS TO BAR STRIKES New Deal Becomes War Deal SWP Anti War Fight GREEN ORDER In St. Paul Election OUSTING TYPOS IS REJECTED Seamen Resist Drive Aimed at Unions WAR IN YEAR, BIG BUSINESS HEAD STATES Fleet Readies Pacific War Games ARMS VS MEN ANNUAL FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FOR WPA and PWA Henry Rutzick Poses Real Issues Of ARMAMENTS SAN FRANCISCO, Cal. The Sailors Union of the Pacific, which War and Unemployment To Voters has borne the brunt of every struggle of the maritime crafts with the shipowners since 1984, is up in arms against the latest fink In Mayoralty Contest Central Bodies Are 2600 scheme the five year pence plan.
The desperate attempts of the Maritime Commission, as the ST. PAUL, Minn Henry Rutzick, anti war candidate for mayor Denouncing AFL Fiat 2400 ESTIMATED ESTIMATED 2200 war approaches, to find ways and means of crushing militant unlonof St. Paul, will address an election rally Friday, March 8th, p. ism the commission has called the merchant marine an auxiliary In the St. Paul headquarters of the Socialist Workers Party, 147 For Expulsion 2000 to the United States Navy and wants to run it like the naval perWest 5th Street.
1800 sonnel is run, without volce or Ratrick, an unemployed young man, will make clear his political power to protest has found an differences with all boss party candidates and with the candidate of EVANSVILLE, Indiana, Feb. 1600 23. The Central Labor Union 1400 ally inside labor ranks: Harry the Communist Party, Rose Tillotson.
Bridges, West Coast longshoreIn entering the race for mayor, Rutziek filed the following state here has refused to concur with 1200 William Green order expelling 1000 men boss.
ment at the city hall. am entering this campaign to place before the working people an AFL central bodies for falltypographical union locals from 800 In his paper, Voice of the Fed600 eration, Feb. 1, Bridges came of St. Paul the real problems they are facing, War and Un HENRY RUTZICK ure of the Typographical Interout with his peace plan. If adoptnational to pay the special as 400 employment.
ed, it would mean that the marisessment for war against the 200 stand for decent jobs for time crafts would be forbidden to CIO. all at trade union wages, for 1937 1936 1938 Green circular letter was strike and all questions arising 1939 1940 CUTEX 1941 freedom of trade unions from would be submitted to arbitraread at the Feb. 15 meeting. Aftgovernment persecution, for deThis graphic chart was made by the Unemployment Division of the CIO. Note the Head of National tion. That, with the right to fense of civil liberties and comer a speech by second vice president Charles Tuitz, typo delegate, sharp rise in armament expenditures, as shown by the rising dotted line. Note the strike removed for five years, Industrial Board plete opposition to imperialist the body, by a huge majority, reequally sharp decline in WPA and PWA expenditures, as shown by the downward means compulsory arbitration.
fused to concur with the order moving black line. Money for arms means that much less for WPA and PWA.
Predicts It The membership meeting of the Chief opponents of Rutzick are from Green.
headquarters (Frisco) branch of Fallon, the reactionary incumThe chair refused to accept the PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 25 the Sailors Union reacted strongbent, and McDonough, Young action, declaring it illegal, out of 250, 000 Dropped One of the most authoritative ly. It adopted a bluntly worded Democrat who wangled the enspokesmen for Big Business star resolution, as follows: dorsement of the Labor Progresof the AFL The body didn From New York WPA tled his audience by coolly desive Association. The Stalinist want to take any action, but just Rolls During 1939 scribing as an absolute certainty WHEREAS, the e shipowners, marcandidate, Rose Tillotson, says tothat within a year from now the itime commission, and various to ignore the communication, but day she stands for peace. Up to the chair forced it on the floor army, navy and air forces of this other employers organizations the time the Stalin Hitler pact Repeated motions to adjourn More than 250, 000 people were country will be actively engaged have attacked militant unionwas signed, Tillotson was an ardent admirer of Roosevelt, whoopwere declared out of order. dropped from relief and WPA in hostilities on three continents. ism in the maritime field, in or Therefore the only choice was, as rolls during the last year in New the hiring hall and The speaker was Dr. Virgil Will Range Fateful Triangle During ed it up for a third term, and a Jordan, president of the National union standards, and gued in favor of the government they did, to refuse to abide by the York City, although there were ruling of the Executive Council no jobs for the heads of the fam Critical Spring Months; Big Army, Industrial Conference Board, huge armament expenditures and WHEREAS, all history of unlonexpelling the typos.
Illes dropped, it was revealed this brain trust of great financial pro war policies ism has shown that the only and industrial interests. He spoke Aerial Maneuvers Also Due At the next meeting, a week week when Works Projects AdRutzick is urging all St. Paul semblance here yesterday at a Foreign Polof later, without any discussion, ministrator Somervell made pubpeace for working men has been the existence and unionists and the unemployed to nominations for the offices to be lic his annual report to the naicy Association luncheon.
vote for his son candidacy for He predicted that Sumner Welactivity of democratie unions mayor, and for an erscored canvacated by the typo members tional office.
In April, as the war in Europe enters what may prove to les would return to confirm that ready at all time to fight for SV03 were called for, and made. The WPA employed 110, 057 the rights of its members, and didates of the Labor Progressive Association except McDonough this extent, the central body has persons on Dec. 31 and the com be its first decisive phase, the United States Fleet will steam the totalitarian phase of the complied with Green order. But bined work and home relief rolls far out into the Pacific for the largest scale maneuvers in war is to begin next month, with WHEREAS, al unions which willand Axel Peterson, Born in St. Paul, January 1, the previous decision refusing to were 256, 590 at the end of than its history.
war spreading to the Near East Ingly or unwillingly substituted NATION IS WATCHING 1915. Attended local schools. concur with the order remains year. This contrasts with 337, 821 and the Balkans, involving the arbitration, peace plans, or It will move into the fateful triangle bounded by Alaska, Soviet Union, ånd Germany atST. PAUL ELECTION Graduate of University of Min part of the record. a stap at at its beginning. Each case 18 no strike action for militant On February 23rd Drew Pear. nesota school of architecture. Green and the splitting policy of considered to represent to Hawaii, and the California coast. Its advance patrols of sub tempting either to senk or break action find themselves shackled, son and Robert Allen, authors of unemployed. Banner bearer of the AFL national leadership persons. Therefore, approximate marines, destroyers, and aircrafts will range the seas westward and helpless before the employ the nationally syndicated Wash the program of the Socialist ly one million persons were on By indirection, he accorded ers, and ington Merry Go Round, tipped Workers Party in the March 12 en a fourth term to Roosevelt, Pellet rolls, which is a reduction, to the outer fringe of the Japanese maritime empire.
off readers that Political insiders St. Paul election. The only canIn these waters Yankee imperialism expects eventually to stating that the war would con WHEREAS, in typical dictator are keeping a close eye on the didate opposed to all boss wars. Frisco Body Finally 250, 000 from the beginning of the come to grips with its Japanese rival. This year the dress re the present administration.
fashion the men who drew up the FIVE YEAR PEACE municipal election in St. Paul, year.
Minnesota, the first to be held ruling class concentrating its Yields; Jamestown hearsal may well be the last to War Against PLAN never consulted the this year. It takes place on April imposing power to hamstring Flatly Refuses Someboere bounced that the be called a war game. Next ranging irom the huge super, many and Japan as the countries men who work on shipe and 30 and will be a significant test the working class and starve docks as to their attitude tonumber of persons receiving any time, it may well be the war it dreadnoughts down to the against which the United States of how the political winds are the unemployed into the army, SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 24 form of relief and the cost to all self.
wards It, and blowing in a state captured by It would be impossible to be Tumultuous scenes took place agencies was lower in 1939 than smallest torpedo boats will would be pitted shortly.
the GOP in 1988. Opposing the lieve that McDonough or any for expulsion of delegates from here when William Green order in any other year since 1985.
WHEREAS, the FIVE YEAR enA fleet of 130 warships move into action, accompanied Until we are actively PLAN now being proposed to Republican mayor is Democratic by 350 fighting planes and will be supplied through Governgaged, said Jordan, the Allies maritime workers would take John McDonough, who has the the workers right to live and a typographical locals was read at from us the fundamental and manned by 42, 500 officers and ment selling agencies and sbacking of Farmer Laborites.
decent living.
the meeting of the San Francisco To the workers of the nation AFL Labor Council.
democratic rights union men. The trials, we are told, nanced by government loans. In members to militant action and who also have their eyes on St. LABOR ORGAN Attempts were made to adwill be more ambitious and the course of the war, after acPaul, the Socialist Workers Par CONDEMNED DEMOCRATS Leave us in a position to resort journ or to table the action for tive participation begins, all manThe SWP reminded the trade ninety days, until Secretary more impressive than ever be power will be conscripted for doty brings the message that in this only to compulsory arbitration, therefore city the working class will have union movement that the Union Connell warned: We must fore.
mestic labor as well as military the opportunity to express its de Advocate, organ of the St. Paul comply with Green order or By GEORGE STERN This latest attempt to solve purposes.
BE IT RESOLVED, that the sire for independent political ac unions, has recently characterized cease to be an AFL council. The Welles mission is turning ican people must demand now Predicted Lengthy Crisis what is known as Fleet ProbSUP condemn this 80 called tion by voting for a revolutionary the policies of the head of Mc When the order was finally out to be secret diplomacy with more than ever: What is lem 21 or more openly speakJordan is an arch reactionary FIVE YEAR PEACE PLAN, socialist candidate for mayor Donough party in terms which obeyed, and the ten typo dele a vengeance Roosevelt up to? What are the ing, the strategy and tactics of who still finds Roosevelt distaste and special edition of the Social make it an unprincipled step now gates and two from the mailers President Roosevelt announced contents of the secret letter a war between the and ful. He is known for blunt speakist Appeal containing the pro to turn around and support Meunion, a typo affiliate, walked out he was sending his Under Secre handed to Mussolini and what Japan will be the major item ing, however. Shortly after BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, kram of the Socialist Workers Donough, On Sept. 28, 1989, the of the hall, two hundred or more tary of State to Europe solely to other communications Is Welles in a Spring and Summer Alled crash of 1929, he cut through all the SUP print this resolution in Party for the March 12 St. Paul Union Advocate warned unions delegates from other unions ac secure information. As we scheduled to deliver in Berlin. with a long program of land, the optimistic ballyhoo of the the WEST COAST SAILOR election, is being widely distribut which had endorsed Roosevelt companied them in protest, leav. sounded fishy enough on the face why all the lies in the first American forces on a hitherto sea, and aerial maneuvers by bankers and predicted that the and give it wide publicity warned in the trade unions here. that depression would last over decing all members of maritime The labor movement here re Its they would regret their acing the hall more than half of it. With diplomats at every place about the purpose of the unprecedented scale.
tion. It said: ades.
unions of the danger to their The first exhibition of a rad empty.
sponded enthusiastically to the key point in Europe and various Welles mission?
Later in the summer the land Jordan linked his predictions call of the Labor Progressive As ical turn about by the Presiunions inherent in the FIVE JAMESTOWN, Feb.
sociation to back a labor political dent was his approval of the reThe Jamestown Central Labor Bence, Roosevelt had no need of suggest, Welles is making peace the Philippines and Panama, win with a theory that the cause of That the Sailors Union, in its sending a special emissary campaign. But at its January 20 cent enactment of Congress to meeting the Association chose destroy the prevailing wage Council voted unanimously on to secure information. dolely soundings. then why all the engage in maneuvers that also world chaos was the abandon struggle to prevent the governpussyfooting about it? Surely a form part of Fleet Problem 21. ment of free enterprise. He ment and shipowners from breakDemocrat, as scale on WPA. His second dem Feb. 14 to refuse to unseat dele This fiction was exploded move for peace could have no its mayoralty John McDonoundidate.
en stration came in his failure sates from the typographical 20 skulle hawitvan artekohours storage upports the the the opnamin Pacific area. Which is in reality of the persistent process of social bor movement, should now have It is the duty of all classto interfere with the czariatic cals, and called upon the AFL exconscious workers, says the election statement of the so scores of humble WPA strikersecutive council to reconsider the letter from Roosevelt and thus, does it have to be kept secret chine on continental United er stage and in modern dress Coast workers. For, thanks to the handed to Mussolini a secret this country and in others? Why wartime operations the war ma other thirty years war, on a larg to direct its fire so sharply against cialist Workers Party, to re in Minneapolis. His third of order.
in the words of the Times cor from them?
sist this tendency with might fense against Labor was the The Jamestown council rerespondent, put an end to the Welles, himself, however, aft ing put through no less rigorous ization, he said, from liberal hu. Continued on Page 2)
and main. We must understand naming of a war resources used er he saw Mussolini in Rome tests.
manism to a mechanized feudalwhat will happen to the work board on which there is not a comply with the order accepted (sic) version that his trip is purely Informative. Hatly denied that he was in ism.
single representative of organbecause it tended to split the laers political movement in a coThe Welles mission is part of Europe to discuss a cessation of European War Expected By beral Jordan meant the Labor Leaders Demand alition with an enemy party. If ized labor, but whose entire bor movement. declared Ernest a game played with millions of hostilities.
The Atlantic Fleet has been Manchester economics of triumlabor political strength can be personnel reads like a directory Carlson, president of the council. lives as the stakes. The Amer. Continued on Page Continued on Page 4) phant British imperialism of the Roosevelt Pardon diverted back into the old chan of the most bitter anti labor nels of employer dominated po. employers in the nation. The al world has certainly disap Minneapolis Strikers litical machines, it will be fourth revelation of Mr. Roosepeared. but Jordan doesn unwasted.
velt scorning of Labor sumderstand it disappeared by the inThe Labor Progressive AssociPardons for the 82 Minneapolis med up in his insistence that evitable development of capital. WPA strikers who have been ation adopted several important the present neutrality law be ism into monopolistic Imperial sentenced by the federal courts labor planks for its platform, in repealed and that a cash and In last week SOCIALIST The Newark comrades ped ed. We didn do it, but we con dition to the articles you see ism cluding a ten billion dollar public carry policy in regard to supAPPEAL we published the dled the paper on the streets, tributed our share. The party in your copy of the paper, the Internal Disorder Here have been demanded in letters news in the Appeal Army sold them from house to house will profit from this work in St. Paul edition will carry the works program, a 30 dollar mini plying war munitions be inaugJordan predicted, during the by many prominent labor leaders, addressed to President Roosevelt mum and 30 hour maximum urated. When Labor en column of the special edition and in front of factory gates. more than one way in the fudorses Mr. Roosevelt for a third week, transfer of all war funds to we Issued for the Newark or The day after the election, the ture.
ternal disorder in America, Workers Defense.
the unemployed, etc. But this pro term it places the stamp of ap ganization. The occasion for literature agent appeared in the office with money for the This week a special edition What Newark has done, what which would be suppressed by the issue was the special City gram will receive no support proval on the very things Labor armed force, espionage, cenaorAPPEAL is travelling half way from McDonough, the Democrat. has fought lo, these many Among those writing to RooseManager Plan election in entire edition.
St. Paul is doing, is a challenge ship and suspension of civil velt were Georgo Counts, pres Even in relatively normal across the country to St. Paul.
Newark weary years.
As you will observe on this to the branches in the rest of rights and civil processes.
The special publicity of this Ident of the American Federation times, the SWP points out, On Feb. 8, 1940, the Union Ad We printed 1000 extra copies page, the St. Paul SWP is runedition was an excellent boost the country. Don let import There were gasps from the au of Teachers; Joseph Schlossberg. the chances would be Incred vocate warned that Roosevelt of the APPEAL with the headning its own candidate for ant opportunities for propagan dience as Jordan went on, since secretary treasurer of the Amalibly small that McDonough was preparing war and hounding line VOTE NO ON THE both for the Newark da slip through your fingers by many who don share Jordan gamated Clothing Workers; mayor, Comrade Henry Rutzwould go against his party and Labor: NEWARK CITY MANAGER and the SOCIALIST APPEAL issuing a pitiful mimeographed economic theories have learned Philip Randolph, president of the ick.
side with labor In Its needs and Just now Congress is talk PLAN. In all other respects as indicated by all reports. Inchhandbill. Keep on your toes! to respect his shrewdness as an Brotherhood of Pullman Porters, demanda. But In a period of ing peace and legislating war. the Newark edition was the dentally, as we had hoped, the St. Paul is ordering 8000 cop Order special edition when observer of political develop and Butler, president of the preparations for war, with the (Continued on Page) same as the regular edition, City Manager Plan was defeat les of the special edition. In ad the laue gets good and hot!
Southern Tenant Farmers Union.
Behind the Lines Special Appeals Aid Your Local Drives!
coroplete text of the party course of the order increase waterkrenounced last week by